As long as humanity has existed, people have been trying to learn from signs, beliefs and superstitions to determine events that will happen after some time. Of course, it is impossible to do this with accuracy, but you can partially predict some incidents, especially if you try to do this using the meaning of the names given at baptism. What features will Varvara delight her family with, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls?

The meaning of the name Varvara for girls is brief

The first thing most parents do when fate has given them a wonderful baby is try to learn as much information as possible about the names they like. Only after this do they determine which one is most suitable for their daughter both in terms of meaning and character traits that the girl will certainly manifest. What traits will Varvara be able to please her relatives with, the meaning of the name, character and destiny - this is necessary information intended to become the main reason why relatives call their girl that.

The meaning of the name Varvara for girls is brief, as evidenced by Latin literature - “foreigner”, “barbarian”, “savage”. This is where the designation of foreigners who invaded foreign countries came from; they were often called barbarians.

Will this mysterious meaning of the name play any role in the girl’s life? Parents do not need to worry or give up this wonderful name - it will not be able to influence the baby’s life in any way.

What does the name Varvara mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

One of mandatory conditions What parents who are looking for a name for their baby should do is study Orthodox literature. There will certainly be a lot of useful and interesting things in the church calendar and calendar, which will definitely help you cope with the formation of character and upbringing of a girl. Here you can also find information about how many times a year the baby will be able to celebrate her name day, and which saints will watch over her fate.

What does the name Varvara mean for a girl? church calendar, are there any saints with that name and how many times will they have to celebrate name days? The baby will have only one patroness; she will be venerated in December (17th). The Holy Great Martyr is distinguished by her generosity and good deeds, so the girl will not feel a lack of care and protection.

Varvara, the meaning of the name, character and fate - the calendar contains a lot of interesting and useful things for relatives who are concerned about these features. You should not miss the opportunity to find out something new that can help in education. Together with the holy great martyr, parents will certainly raise a good and worthy person.

The secret of the name Varvara, beliefs, signs

What secrets and mysteries are shrouded in the mystery of the name Varvara? There are many signs or interesting beliefs associated with the day of the Holy Great Martyr; people have learned to predict the weather for the entire winter, showing a little observation.

On this day, many years ago, people began to closely monitor the weather, because in some regions they still believe that winter begins with this holiday. This day is special and is one of the harshest of the year; it is most often famous for its bitter frosts and heavy snowfalls. If Varvara's day is warm and snowless, it is believed that the winter will be hungry, although not too cold.

What other beliefs made the day on which Christians honor the saint famous? Young girls revere it when they gather for cheerful gatherings. It is customary to work hard all evening - embroidering, knitting, spinning. The saint will certainly notice the efforts made and will adequately thank her - she will soon send her betrothed.

Origin of the name Varvara and its meaning for children

How important can the origin of the name Varvara be and its meaning for children? This harmonious and sonorous name comes from ancient times; references to its first owners can be found in ancient Latin books. Most often, powerful warriors, noble ladies, and skilled healers bore this name with pride. One can hope that, one way or another, this will affect Varya’s life, and she will certainly choose the right path and not disgrace the memory of these women.

Does any role matter in a child's life? Native babies are unlikely to notice any peculiarities after the baby’s baptism. She will not stand out with any special differences, and her health will not please her either - the child will have colds quite often. You shouldn’t be upset in advance - your health will certainly improve with age, especially if adults make sure that Varya plays sports intensively. Often, training helps to choose a specialty - a girl can become a coach, a physical education teacher, even a famous athlete.

As a child, the baby will be quite inquisitive, will enjoy listening to fairy tales and stories, drawing, and will be interested in needlework. Relatives should only encourage these hobbies. Varya is quite lazy when it comes to household chores, but if she starts cleaning, she won’t be able to find even a speck of dust afterward.

Character of a girl named Varvara

Will the character of a girl named Varvara please her parents or plunge her into despair? She has many pleasant and positive traits, and they will develop throughout her life - she gets rid of her shortcomings quite easily. The advantages of a girl can be considered the following traits:

  1. goodwill;
  2. responsiveness;
  3. sense of justice;
  4. wit;
  5. compassion;
  6. desire for leadership;
  7. equilibrium;
  8. indestructible willpower;
  9. friendliness.

Although positive features The baby will certainly please her family, and they will also have a reason to be upset. One of Varvara’s shortcomings is isolation, which can manifest itself not only towards strangers, but also towards relatives. She is reluctant to share her innermost dreams, everyday problems, aspirations and achievements even with her mother. Coping with this trait is quite difficult, but quite possible. This must be done from childhood, otherwise it will be too late.

Another drawback that is characteristic of Varvara is excessive seriousness. Despite her good sense of humor, she is almost always invisible in companies and can remain silent even in the most fun moments. This trait can also affect companionship - the girl has difficulty making acquaintances and usually has few friends.

The fate of a girl named Varvara

What does the fate of a girl named Varvara usually present? She will choose a fairly simple profession that does not require her to take on much responsibility. That is why the girl will not aspire to become a diplomat or a banker, preferring to choose such a specialty.

Varvara is a very rare and in many ways mysterious name. It gives a woman a special charm and unique energy that can impress any male.

Meaning and origin of the name

This name is imbued with antiquity, wisdom and inspires confidence that the woman or girl who owns it is simply a storehouse of knowledge and charm. There are several versions of its origin.

According to one version, the name Varvara is a gift from the ancient Romans and Greeks, who called foreigners with the word “barvarus”. It turns out that the name came to Rus' from the Greeks: at first they also called foreigners this way, but then Varvara became a full-fledged female name.

Another version of the origin of this name takes us even further into the depths of centuries. "Var" in ancient Indo-European culture meant "protection". People believed that the name Varvara is the simultaneous protection of soul and body.

The name quickly spread throughout the world. In Russia and Slavic territories it was Varvara, but in the west the name was transformed into Barbara. It's Catholic and Orthodox name, so Varvara has her own angel day and her name day.

The fate and character of Varvara

When you see Varya for the first time, you might think that she is incredibly calm and closed off from outside world and other people. In fact, it simply doesn’t open up to everyone. She is free from the idea of ​​dividing the world into good and bad: this is a unique character trait that largely helps Varya build her destiny. Yes, Varvara sometimes cannot boast of courage, but she is incredibly feminine and patient. She does not wring her hands in lamentations when faced with trouble - she simply waits for an opportunity and acts. This allows her not to live in poverty and not depend on men.

At work, a girl or woman with this name will be very responsible, which usually has a positive effect on career advancement. If it were possible to make a hit parade of the most “hardworking” names, then Varvara would be the first on this list among women. Even many men envy her stamina and ability to control herself. These ladies love important and difficult intellectual work, but do not tolerate being in leadership positions very well.

Varvara is characterized by a healthy view of the world and people. This trait helps her build a career in almost any field. Girls with this name love trade, teaching, they good doctors, A logical thinking helps them, for example, with programming. Varvara is diplomatic and knows how to communicate with people, so she will make an excellent teacher.

Varvara is almost always friends only with men. She gets married early and gives birth to her first child early, but she is often happy when she creates a second family after the first unsuccessful experience. The husband can see Varvara from an unexpected side, because behind the outer shield she can be both a fragile princess and a passionate conqueror of hearts. But all this will be seen only by the one with whom Varvara decides to throw in her lot.

The meaning of the name Varvara for a child: choosing a name for children

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Names are amazing world riddles and secrets, deciphering which requires time and attention. The secret of the name Varvara can be revealed thanks to its detailed analysis.

The more deeply you study the meaning of any name, including Varvara, the better you will understand this person.

Varvara is a persistent, bright, lively and cheerful person. She knows her worth, she is a born fighter who will always defend the ideas of goodness and justice. She is determined and rebellious, which makes her attractive to members of the opposite sex.

This name is incredibly sonorous, but where did it come from? The origin of the name Varvara goes back to antiquity, but historians do not have a common view on its origin. On this moment, as Wikipedia says, there are several versions about its origin:

  • Some believe that the origin and meaning of the name is associated with Ancient Greece, where it was derived from the word “barbarian,” which is translated as “foreigner.” Consequently, Varvara in translation means “foreigner”.
  • According to another version, the history of the name is of Indo-European origin and is associated with the word “protection”. Thus, according to this theory, this name is translated as “protector.”

It is important to understand the meaning of the name Varvara for a child, especially if you are planning to baptize a girl, since not every name is represented in the Orthodox calendar. Given name is in Orthodox calendar, and Angel Day will fall on January 11, March 7, April 5 and July 18.

Subtleties of female character

If you are thinking about what to name your daughter, then it is important to research the meaning of the name Varvara for a girl. And if you decide to name your child Varya, then it is important for you to know that this girl is a real gift for her parents. She is humble, polite, hardworking and friendly, as well as incredibly obedient.

It is important that parents show warmth and care towards Varvara and more often call her affectionately or use a short version of her name - Varya. For this girl, such a manifestation of attention is incredibly pleasant and important; she needs tenderness and affection.

This girl has been neat since childhood; she enjoys keeping things in order, cleaning up and helping her mother with housework. She may be somewhat shy when interacting with other children or adults, but there is no need to sound the alarm about this; over time, she will become more sociable.

IN adolescence Varya turns into a different person. She becomes lively, active, restless. The spirit of a real rebel lives in her; she can often be a leader in various youth organizations.

She is able to energetically charge the people around her, which is why her peers are constantly drawn to her. Moreover, Varvara is a mysterious girl, which captivates many young people who try to spend as much time with her as possible in order to get to know her better.

A persistent and purposeful girl is capable of achieving success both academically and creatively. Luck accompanies her, the meaning of the name speaks to this, and fate favors her.

Growing up, Varya becomes even stronger, more persistent and wiser. She does not give up in the face of difficulties, but boldly moves forward at all costs. It must be said that the interpretation of this name shows new facets of women called Varvara.

She perfectly knows how to plan both her affairs and her life. She has also retained the ability to conduct business carefully since childhood. She is pedantic and meticulous; she clearly formulates all her tasks and gives them a name, which helps her navigate the large flow of information.

Varvara does not tend to give in to fears; she is ready to fearlessly fight for her ideas, achieve truth or justice. In order not to make mistakes, she always tries to investigate any issue in detail and carefully.

A description of the name Varvara will be incomplete without understanding how this woman lives, what motivates her and what she strives for:

  • Since Varya is a fighter by nature, this means that she is often nervously exhausted and overexerted. Therefore, it is important for her to monitor her mental health and try not to take any events that happen to heart.
  • This woman has systematic thinking, the ability to see the interconnection of details and the patterns of their functioning. She is also able to connect sometimes completely disparate facts with each other; from her you can always get detailed description any situation.

  • The personality traits of this girl will help her in her work related to the search for justice. She can become a high-class journalist or lawyer. What is important to her is the designation, the exposure of the truth, for this she is able to overcome any difficulties and prove herself as a true expert.
  • In addition, this woman will be able to successfully organize her own business, which will bring quite a significant profit. After all, the character and fate of this woman will help her achieve what she wants.
  • Varya’s sixth sense is not very active, so she relies on logical reasoning and analytics. This means that her instincts can sometimes let her down, and she should make decisions only after a detailed analysis.

Feelings and name

What does the name Varvara mean? This can be found out not only by examining its history and the character traits of its owner, but also by studying the characteristics of her relationship with the opposite sex.

As mentioned above, Varya captivates men; they consider her a mysterious, unusual, alluring woman. Therefore, many strive to solve her mystery and get closer to her.But this woman is not so simple, she is not looking random connections, therefore, as soon as she feels interest in herself “for one night,” she becomes cold and unapproachable.

She is looking for a solid, responsible man who can share her views on life. It is important for her that a man be gentle with her, call her diminutively, use a pet name or shortened name: Varyusha, Varya, Varechka - Varvara will appreciate all this.

What does her family, her children mean to Varvara? It is no exaggeration to say that this is her life. Her character changes and transforms greatly after the appearance of babies in her life.

The female name Varvara is beautiful, strong and multifaceted. This name will adorn any woman; Varvara must remember this and know the meaning of her name in order to carry it with pride.

For a child, you can find out if you dig deep into the very origins of its occurrence. So, translated from Latin it means “cruel.” This name is associated with barbarians, therefore the girl’s character takes on masculine qualities, but without detracting from femininity.

The second version of the origin of this name is related to the ancient Greek word “foreign”, “stranger”. This article will tell you what the meaning of the name Varvara is for a child. The character of a girl named by this name will be examined in various aspects of life.

The meaning of the name Varvara for a child: childhood

The little girl Varya is not known for her talkativeness and friendliness. She's more " father's daughter", since he adopts from his father not only external features, but also behavioral characteristics. The girl is smart, purposeful and not childishly serious. Varvara's interests are directed deep into herself. This is a modest, hardworking and obedient child. However, when she feels that her interests are being violated, the girl can “turn on” her “barbaric” traits and fight back against the offenders. For her, the main thing in life is justice.

The meaning of the name Varvara for a child: the period of growing up

Adult Varya is not much different from herself as a child. The same determination, firmness, strength and taciturnity remain, but purely feminine traits are added to these qualities. Barbara is truly a beauty, as the famous proverb says. She knows how to behave with dignity in society and behaves like a real queen. Varya knows how to attract the attention of the opposite sex, but remains lonely for a long time.

It is difficult for her to find friends, but if there are people next to her, then this is forever. Varvara does not let everyone close to her: the candidate for comrade must earn the trust of this unusual girl.

The meaning of the name Varvara for a girl: relationships

As already mentioned above, the girl knows her worth, so she is selective in her choice young man. Although outwardly Varvara is cold and inaccessible, a hurricane of feelings is raging inside her. When the intensity of emotions is too strong, she may not be able to stand it and start doing stupid things. Selfless, sincere and passionate, Varya is looking for She is a very homely girl, so she will make an excellent wife.

Female name Varvara: meaning and calling

Varya always devotes herself completely to her business and work. She only does what she is really interested in; she becomes a real professional in her field. As a rule, she connects her life with creativity. Here, the talented and versatile Varvara has room for imagination and freedom from generally accepted frameworks. The main thing for Varya is to be able to overcome her laziness, slowness, isolation and detachment. She should be softer and more open with loved ones, otherwise she will not be able to find her happiness in life, will not be able to find her love, will not make friends.

Varvara is a memorable, bright, firm, strong name, the same as its owner.

The beautiful female name Varvara came to us from ancient times. For a long time it was forgotten and only in last years came into use again. Meanwhile, the name is associated with many historical facts, traditions and customs. It was worn by Christian saints, persons of royal blood, princesses and other great and famous women. Several hundred geographical objects and even one of the asteroids, discovered in 1883, are named by this name.

Origin of the name

IN Ancient Greece It was customary to call all foreigners who spoke an incomprehensible language “barbarians,” imitating the sounds of their speech “var-var-var.” This nickname was also used by the inhabitants of Rome, although in a slightly modified form: “Barbara”. This is probably how the female name Varvara appeared, or, in the Latin manner, Barbara, which means “foreigner” or “foreigner.”

As if confirming this characteristic name, in Rus' all newcomers from the Scandinavian countries were called Varangians. Although it is quite possible that this nickname arose from the name of the Celtic goddess of truth Var, who was also the patroness of love vows and marriages.

There is a version about the origin of the name Varvara from the Old Russian verb “to cook”, which meant to protect. It’s not for nothing that clothing for hands that protects them from frost is called “mittens,” and in Ukraine the protection of any object is called “varta.” If this interpretation is considered correct, then the meaning female name Varvara can be deciphered as “protector.”

Various forms of name

From the full name Varvara the short name Varya is formed. Affectionately, a girl or girl can be called Varenka, Varechka, Varunya, Varyushka, Varvarochka. There are even options such as Vava, Vara, Arya or Ara.

The name Varvara is common not only among Slavic peoples. That's how interesting it will sound in different languages.

English Barbara, Barbra, Babby, Babs
German Barbchen, Barbe, Berber, Babzi
French Barb, Barberina
Spanish Barbarita
Portuguese Babinya, Babi, Ba
Italian Barbarinha, Barbarella, Barberina
Greek Varvarula, Varvaritsa
Hungarian, Romanian Borbala, Borishka, Borka
Ukrainian Varvara, Varka, Varochka
Belorussian Varvara, Vartsya, Bartsya
Polish Barbara, Basya, Bascha, Baschenka
Czech Barbora, Barcha, Barchinka, Barushka
Dutch Barbartier, Barber, Bab
Danish Barba
Norwegian, Swedish Barbro, Barbo

The male equivalent of the name exists only in Italian- Barbaro, and diminutively - Barbarino or Barbarito.

Famous namesakes

Two queens bore the name Varvara. This is Barbara (Varvara) Radziwill (1520-1551) - Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess Lithuanian and Barbara Cilli (1395-1451) - daughter of Count Celje and wife of the German-Roman Emperor Sigismund.

In addition to the highest persons, the name of Varvara was glorified by many other famous women.

  1. Varvara Alekseevna Repnina-Volkonskaya (1778-1864) – nee Countess Razumovskaya, heiress to a colossal fortune. She did a lot for women's education, supporting the Elizabethan and Pavlovsk Institutes.
  2. Varvara Nikolaevna Asenkova (1817-1841) – Russian actress Imperial Alexandrinsky Theater.
  3. Varvara Alekseevna Morozova (1848-1917) – Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist.
  4. Varvara Aleksandrovna Bakhmeteva (Lopukhina) (1815-1851) - beloved of M. Yu. Lermontov.
  5. Varvara Ivanovna Ikskul von Hildenband (1850-1928) - baroness, writer, public figure, philanthropist, sister of mercy.
  6. Varvara Ivanovna Shurkhovetskaya (1913-2017) – Soviet theater actress.
  7. Barbara Bush (born 1925) – wife and mother of American presidents, public figure.
  8. Barbra Streisand (born 1942) – American singer and actress, winner of two Oscars.
  9. Barbara Anderson (1926-2013) – New Zealand writer.
  10. Barbara Brylska (born 1941) is a Polish theater and film actress.

In addition, it is simply impossible not to mention another famous namesake - the world famous Barbie doll, full name which is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Created in 1959 by Americans Ruth and Elliot Handler, it achieved unprecedented popularity, becoming a brand and a pop idol.

Character and destiny

The owner of the name Varvara is a closed person. Very often she lives in her own imaginary world and, when faced with reality, feels out of place. Indecisive and unsure of herself, Varvara finds it difficult to get along with people who cannot always see and appreciate the full depth of her soul.

In childhood

As a child, Varyusha is a little embarrassed by her “common” name and often asks her parents to call her differently. True, already at school the girl faces no less rare names classmates and calms down a little. In the future, having learned the history of her name, she will even be proud of it.

Varenka grows up calm and obedient. She looks more like her father than her mother, so she involuntarily gravitates towards male society. Varunya does not like the noisy and active fun that her peers prefer. She loves quiet games and often sits alone, reading a book, drawing, or making crafts. Thanks to developed imagination And skillful hands the girl herself designs and sews outfits for the dolls, makes beautiful appliqués or sculpts funny little animals.

Varyusha is a little slow, she often thinks for a long time, but she will not share her thoughts and experiences even with her mother. The girl is not characterized by noisy expression of emotions: if she cries, it is very quietly, and instead of laughing, she just smiles. Nevertheless, Varenka experiences anger, fear, and joy, but does not want to show her condition to others.

Parents, especially the mother, need to use love and affection to try to “rescue” the girl from her little world. Otherwise, there is a high probability that in adult life Varunya will be closed and indecisive.

At school the girl is a very mediocre student. Even knowing the lesson, she is not always sure that she will answer correctly, and is embarrassed by the ridicule of her classmates. In addition, Varya is a little lazy and often sits down to watch TV or read a book instead of doing her homework.

As a teenager, Varya differs from her peers in her refined manners and a certain aristocracy. She develops good taste, thanks to which the girl looks attractive even in the most modest outfits. But still, Varyusha always remains a little in the shadows, because he does not dare to attract attention to himself with extraordinary actions or overly bold images in clothing.

Nevertheless, Varya will try to stand out by choosing an unusual creative profession. She can become an artist, fashion designer, writer and even an actress. Or he will try himself in more mundane areas, such as pedagogy, law and medicine.

In adulthood

The owner of the name Varvara chooses her profession not spontaneously, but carefully weighing the pros and cons. Therefore, she will always be passionate about work and will be able to achieve considerable heights in it. The woman is hardworking, efficient and taciturn. She will not chat with colleagues over a cup of tea during office hours or spend several hours in the smoking room. In addition, Varvara strives to bring a creative component to any business, which, of course, is appreciated by her superiors.

When faced with any problem, still a little withdrawn and uncommunicative, Varya is embarrassed to ask for help from colleagues or management. She prefers to get out of difficult situations herself, which she does not always succeed in doing. But having learned from her own, and not other people’s, mistakes, a woman will never step on the same rake again, so her work is still progressing.

All adult life a woman named Varvara is trying to overcome childhood complexes - indecision and self-doubt. And if our heroine succeeds, then even greater success awaits her. Varya can start her own business, in which, thanks to hard work and perseverance, she will achieve considerable success. It could be modeling agency, an art salon or a cafe, where our lady can use not only her business, but also her creative abilities.

But even after becoming a businesswoman, Varya will not learn to quickly find contact with strangers. Most likely, her firm will have a dedicated public relations person. The circle of friends and girlfriends of our heroine is also very small and is limited to one or two, who have been preserved since childhood. But Varvara does not suffer at all from a lack of communication, since she still lives in her own closed world.

Love and family

Varenka is a beautiful and sophisticated girl and, of course, arouses interest among the stronger sex. But, having decided to win her favor, the guys come across an ice wall and, after beating against it for a while, retreat, calling the girl “The Snow Queen.”

In fact, Varyusha contains a whole ocean of sensuality, but few guys can see it in a reserved and shy girl. Varya herself often falls in love, but her natural timidity does not allow her to start a full-fledged romance with the man she likes.

So it turns out that when all her friends and acquaintances have been married for a long time and are nursing their first or even second child, Varvara only dreams of a handsome prince on a white horse and spends her evenings alone. The girl does not complain about her fate, and many are sure that she is happy in her own way. Some are even jealous, believing that Varya lives easily and freely without diapers, dirty socks and endless washing of dishes.

In fact, the owner of the name Varvara wants to get married, but once and for life, so she selects a candidate especially carefully.

For her, his origin, education, and inner world. And besides, a man must appreciate the subtle mental organization of a girl and “wake up” her like a sleeping princess.

Most suitable for Varya as a spouse would be a much older person with wisdom and life experience. He will be able to take our heroine under his wing and protect her from all sorts of troubles. Varvara will wait for such a man for many years, and he will definitely appear in her life.

Our heroine will make a good housewife. She takes great pleasure in preparing various dishes, cleaning up the house and raising children. Varvara willingly gives her husband the role of head of the family, believing that he will be able to make a decision on any issue himself.

Name compatibility

Astrologers believe that each name carries energy and endows its owner with certain character traits. Therefore, many people try to check the compatibility of their name with the name of their significant other before getting married. For a woman named Varvara, the result will be as follows:

Once married, Varvara will be faithful to her husband and will never give him a reason to be jealous. And if she finds out about his betrayal, she will be very worried and cry, but will forgive.

Health and hobbies

Our heroine's weak point is her nerves. She was used to keeping all her experiences inside herself and not letting her emotions break out. Therefore, sooner or later this can lead to a malfunction in the endocrine system and to depressive states.

Varvara, who is naturally slender, is not prone to gaining extra pounds and mature age. Therefore, she does not diet or exercise, believing that she already looks attractive.

A woman named Varvara does not like noisy companies or social gatherings and tries in every possible way to avoid them. Free time she prefers to spend time at home with her husband and children, doing handicrafts or reading books.

The main character traits of Varvara

The owner of this name often gives the impression of a selfish and overly arrogant person. But few realize that in this way she is trying to disguise her timidity and indecisiveness. What other qualities are inherent in Varvara can be seen in the table:

Despite her dreaminess and sophistication, a woman named Varvara has great inner strength, which like a magnet attracts equally energetic and self-sufficient people. Therefore, the fate of our heroine will be successful, and she will definitely find her happiness.

Name in Christianity

Varvara's name day or the day of her patron angel is celebrated several times a year: January 11, March 6, April 5, July 18 and December 17. The date that is closest to the actual birthday on the calendar will be considered the main name day, and the rest - secondary.

Saint Barbara is one of the most revered great martyrs in Christianity, as the main protector against sudden and violent death without repentance and communion. Rituals in her memory are performed in catholic church December 4, and in the Orthodox - December 17.

Saint Barbara of Iliopolis

Barbara was born and lived in the 3rd century in the Phoenician city of Iliopolis (the territory of modern Lebanon). She lost her mother early and was raised by a strict and tough father named Diokur. Trying to protect his beautiful daughter from temptation, he hid the girl in a high tower, where she was hidden from prying eyes. True, after some time Diokur realized that, being in captivity, Varvara would not be able to find a groom, and allowed him to occasionally go out into the city.

During one of her walks, the girl met Christian women who invited her to their meetings. The stories about the life of Jesus and his commandments became a revelation for Varvara, since at home she was raised in strict veneration of the Roman gods. The girl accepted her new faith with all her heart; she decided to remain a virgin and devote her life to serving Christ.

When Diokur learned that his daughter had become a Christian, he became angry and himself dragged her to the ruler of the city for trial. At first they tried to force the girl to renounce Christ with the help of promises, and then they resorted to torture and torture. Naked Varvara was lashed with raw ox sinews, and then rubbed open wounds pieces of coarse burlap, it was hung on hooks and burned with fire. But the courageous girl only laughed in the face of her executioners and loudly repeated the words of the prayer.

Seeing that Varvara could not be broken, her father himself took an ax and cut off her head. According to church chronicles, he was punished for this cruel act - he was soon killed by lightning.

Relics of Saint Barbara for a long time were kept in Constantinople. During the period of the baptism of Rus', they were transferred to Kyiv and placed first in St. Michael's Cathedral and then in Vladimir Cathedral. Several pieces of relics were transferred to other countries. So, for example, the left foot of the Great Martyr Barbara is located in the St. Barbara Cathedral in the city of Edmonton in Canada.

It is interesting that it was Saint Barbara who was captured by Raphael in his famous canvas “The Sistine Madonna”. In addition, the image of this great martyr is on the coats of arms of some cities in Poland, Germany and Russia.

Customs and traditions associated with the name

Saint Barbara is considered the patroness of miners and miners. In Poland, December 4 is celebrated professional holiday, which is called Barburka.

Russian rocket troops strategic purpose were founded on December 17, 1959. Therefore, when in the mid-90s of the twentieth century the question arose about choosing heavenly patron, then he definitely fell on the Great Martyr Barbara. Since then, every artillery, rocket or mortar unit has an icon of this saint, protecting glorious warriors.

IN folk calendar Slavs December 17 (4) - Varvarin Day. This is where celebrations and festivities begin in honor of the arrival of winter. In Poland, Croatia and Bulgaria, on this day sowing is carried out, special dishes are prepared and ritual “varvarin” bread is baked.

In southern Bohemia and Slovakia, on Varvara, girls and young women dress up in white veils and call themselves “barborki.” They go from house to house and give gifts to obedient children, and whip the careless ones with a rod.

In Belarus and Ukraine, Saint Barbara is considered the patroness of livestock. Housewives bake pies with poppy seeds and treat them to their cattle so that they do not get sick, but become fruitful and multiply.

Severe frosts usually come from Varvara Day. No wonder there is a saying “Varyukha is cracking - take care of your nose and ear.”