As a continuation of the last post, this time I will post “light”, fresh information about fate and stories of incredible deaths and miraculous rescues , which came in the newsletter of the scientific site Why "easy"? There is no cause-and-effect analysis or explanation of the possible underlying mechanism of this phenomenon. However, the topic of fate, it seems to me, goes beyond the capabilities of current science. So we'll talk more about this a little later. In the meantime, I will be grateful to knowledgeable and advanced readers who can suggest “heavy”, serious literature on the topic of fate and the mechanisms that explain it. I clearly have a shortage of it in my archive. Thank you in advance.

Georgy Kozulko
Belovezhskaya Pushcha

(Write your reviews, thoughts, ideas, questions, comments or disagreements in the comments below (anonymous users sometimes need to write in a separate window when sending a comment enter the code English text from the picture) or send to my email address: [email protected])

Is it true that you can’t escape fate?

At the site of the recent crash of an Air France A 330 flying from Brazil, 49 bodies were found. A total of 228 people died. This is a tragedy, everything is clear here. But then, a week later, something inexplicable happened: Italian Johanna Ganthaler, who was late for that same fateful flight by just a few minutes, got to Munich on another plane and... died in a car accident. How can it be that death following an accidental miraculous rescue is already hard to wrap my head around. First reaction: you can’t escape fate. Is it really true? Stories of incredible deaths and miraculous rescues were studied by “The Week” correspondent Daria Varlamova.

"Destination" cannot be avoided

The heroes of the famous film "Final Destination" are trying to change what is destined for them. Well, to whom did they prove what? Fatalists are still confident that you can’t beat fate. So Louis XVI was predicted that he would die on the 21st, and the monarch locked himself in his bedroom on the 21st of every month, abandoning all state affairs. But the king was executed in 1793 on January 21. On the guillotine, which he himself improved.

But even when you have escaped certain death, it is too early to breathe a sigh of relief. Some unique people managed to get out of unimaginable troubles only to die from a stupid accident. Or "non-randomness"? In 1983, Neapolitan Victorio Luis, leaving the city by car, was caught in a severe hurricane. The car was blown into the river, but Victorio managed to get out of the car and swim to the shore... There he was killed by a tree that fell from the wind.

Another one mystical story happened to our compatriot Olga Budyukova. She married a Turkish man, Ali Yrmak, and lived in Istanbul for several years until their house was destroyed by an earthquake. At that moment, the family, according to Muslim custom, went out to pray on the balcony - and it was this wall with a balcony, the only one in the entire building, that miraculously survived. Shocked Olga persuaded her husband to move to Moscow... And on the night of September 9, 1999, they died during the infamous explosion of a house in Pechatniki.

Luck or sixth sense

Sometimes little everyday things unexpectedly save lives. This happened to a church choir from the American town of Beatrice. All the choir members were very late for the rehearsal. Those who couldn’t start the car on time, those who listened to their favorite song on the radio... Lack of punctuality saved them: at 19.25, five minutes after the supposed start of the rehearsal, the church exploded.

Some of the Worldwide workers shopping center September 11 was also saved by a lucky chance: Greer Epstein, who worked in an office on the 67th floor, ran out in time for cigarettes; Bill Trinkle played at home with his little daughter, missed the morning train and was late; 23-year-old Monica O'Leary "luckily" lost her job the day before the disaster.

French flight attendant Isabelle Saryan still thanks the unknown person who left a tangerine peel at the door of her house. In 2000, a woman was supposed to fly on an Air France plane that crashed a few minutes after takeoff. But the day did not go well: first she cut her finger, then her son developed a fever, and when Isabel called her mother to sit with the child, she slipped on a crust at the threshold and broke her leg. And only when the flight attendant asked her superiors to replace her, the failures stopped haunting her.

Our compatriots were also lucky: in 2008, 5 people, for various reasons, were late for a Boeing 737 flight on the Moscow-Perm route and went by train. It turned out for the better: the plane crashed during landing; none of the 87 people on board survived.

Eternal Barbara

Finally, there are people whose “survival” even skeptics are unlikely to explain by random coincidences. The record holder included in the Guinness Book of Records is the “unkillable” Barbara Rolya from the Polish town of Kalesha. At the age of three, Barbara fell from a fifth-floor window and landed safely on a pile of cardboard boxes. Since then, she has had her own relationship with death: during her adventure-rich life, Mrs. Rolya could have died a total of 127 times, but escaped with minor bruises and the loss of one tooth.

On the one hand, undeniable luck. On the other hand, imagine a person who cannot leave the house without risking his life: Barbara was in four plane crashes and seven car accidents, the floor and balcony broke under her, boats sank, bandits attacked her, gas exploded in her presence... However, such a biography does not bother the cheerful lady: she proudly keeps newspaper clippings and documented eyewitness accounts.

It is easier for some to believe in fate and predestination - after all, you feel somewhat more significant if some higher powers are concerned about your salvation (or vice versa). But... when you are already lucky and survive - is there a big difference, why? It is at this very moment that it is important that the car does not skid or a tree does not fall on your head.

Yuri Nagolov, Chairman of the Russian Club of Palmists: “Watch for the red dots on your palm”

“In the fate of each of us there are clearly fixed moments, and between them you can move freely. There are no coincidences here - a person is born to fulfill his destiny, and if he does not cope, he is “removed from the distance.” And it is useless to fight fate.

For example, one woman was predicted that she would separate from her husband (he had a mistress) - so she did everything to return him to the family, moved him to another city, but there he lost his job, started drinking and eventually crashed in a car accident. And if she backed down, the matter would only end in divorce.

By the way, the life line shows only the biological potential of a person, the natural possibilities of longevity, and not life expectancy in general - we studied the palms of dead young people in morgues, they had perfectly straight, long life lines. But for those who are afraid of flying, I can give some practical advice: before a potential danger, red dots appear on the life line. This is how the body anticipates a shock situation. If you see them, it means you need to be on alert."

Valery Fedorov, general director of VTsIOM: “You will inevitably become a fatalist”

“I don’t know what percentage of Russian citizens now believes in fate. But personally, after the story of the woman who missed her Airbus A-330 flight and then crashed in her car, I’m starting to believe in predestination. It seems to me that you can’t escape fate.”

Is it possible to predict how long we will live?

In 1991, the British Medical Society tested whether there was a connection between the timing of a person's death and his or her lifeline. Having examined the hands of 63 deceased men and 37 women, a direct relationship was revealed. But the number of years lived corresponded to the line on the right hand, and not the left, which is studied by fortune tellers.

Dr. Morton E. Lieberman studied the mental signs of approaching death. Half of the group of 80 pensioners died the following year, while 34 of the 40 who died felt their final hour approaching.

American mathematician William Cox analyzed the number of passengers on trains that crashed. It turned out that each time fewer passengers boarded the “dangerous” train than normal. It’s the same with airplanes: “deadly” flights carry 15-18% fewer passengers than usual.

Source of information "http:/" (
June 19, 2009

(This web post is located at )

Are there any coincidences in this world?

Is life fair?

They say that “nothing is accidental” and “you can’t escape fate,” but what about such incomprehensible phenomena as unexpected, accidental death? What does it mean?

I suggest looking at it from this point of view:

There are now almost 7 billion people living on Earth. Each of them has their own parents, certain living and social conditions, in other words, their own destiny. That is, almost seven billion destinies.

But if you dig deeper, the picture will be completely different. Every day, on average, about 370 thousand people are born. And so every day, for a whole year. We get 135 billion destinies, instead of seven, in just one year. And in a hundred years? And over a millennium? And every born person has his own personal genetic nuances, original facial features, unique conditions of birth and upbringing, his own abilities and, of course, his own destiny. Neither option can be completely identical to the other. Each option is individual. But is there a different version of death for every case of human life? Your date of death?

There are a lot of cases when a passenger returns to the ticket office a ticket for an airplane or a ship that has crashed. There are even statistics that for every flight that crashes, for some reason there are always fewer passengers than on regular flights of the same kind. People are late, change their minds about going, urgent matters arise, for various other reasons, but this flight becomes fatal not for them. Who are these people? Lucky ones? Those who failed to complete their mission? Or who? And who then are the people who died en masse in the same place, at the same time during the crash? Were they all destined to die like this? When natural disasters occur, killing millions of people, wiping entire cities off the face of the earth, someone still survives. Different ways. But why them?

If we assume that this is a just punishment from above, then it is impossible to explain the death of children. If this is an astrological misfortune, then why do babies born in the same maternity hospital at the same time, having absolutely the same cosmogram, live different destinies, sometimes radically different from each other. But all the sages, all the enlightened people claim that life is harmonious. All that remains is to get answers to all the above questions. The answers are stored in secret knowledge.

On my own behalf I can add that, of course, nothing in this world is accidental. What seems random to us seems so because we do not see the whole picture of life as a whole. For the same reason, we do not see patterns and do not understand that in fact life is fair, and fate is the creation of our hands. Of course it is complex issue, but it is difficult for the same reason. You can discover these topics in more detail by studying ancient wisdom.

The famous French mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace, an attentive and systematic man, once noticed: if his night shoes were out of place, then street thieves always tried to get into his pockets that day. Such a coincidence could not be considered accidental. Almost each of us at least once in our lives has encountered the phenomenon of premonition - a strange but trivial incident that suddenly led to a series of events that changed our fate. How to decipher the signs of fortune?

He told a fellow academician about this, and they decided to conduct a series of control walks. What happened? If the shoes were in place, nothing happened. When the premonition happened, the scientists had to fight off a pack of pickpockets who acted quite brazenly. The truth of the sign was obvious.

Or other examples from history. The famous pirate Flint never went to sea unless his pipe was lit twice. And the naval commander, the Duke of Cumberland, ordered the carriage to be turned home if, on the way to the port, he saw more than two chimney sweeps on the street. This heralded a fierce storm. Another famous British sailor, Admiral Benbow, while still a simple ship captain, noticed that a red or spotted cat crossing his path promised a naval disaster.

In appearance, omens seem to resemble signs, but they are not,” explains psychologist and Gestalt therapist Oleg Nikitin. - After all, they are individual for each person. For example, you walk and stumble: once, twice, three times. Thus, something - call it fate, a guardian angel, a higher power or the tricks of the subconscious - warns us to be careful, otherwise we will break a leg or get hit by a car. Small signs differ from signs or ordinary accidents in that they are often characterized by repetition of the same situations, as if a person is tactfully reminded: “You don’t have to do that, otherwise it will be bad.” If he does not listen, the situation is repeated so that he understands that all this is not accidental. If he again does not listen to the advice of fate, then the irreparable happens. And we sigh sadly: “Eh, why didn’t I notice before?”

Materialists believe that small signs are simply a consequence of life experience. Other scientists, however, are not so categorical in their conclusions - they believe that in critical situations people are helped by intuition or the ability to foresee events in the near future. But nevertheless, many researchers agree: in order to live successfully and happily, we must learn to perceive these good signs, distinguishing them from the mass of events in everyday life.

These forces cannot always speak directly and convey clear information,” explains Nikitin. - They need intermediaries - events, objects. Sometimes the omens are specific. For example, some necessary thing, a small item, is lost. Then the loss is found, and we calm down. And this can be a harbinger of some other, more important, irreparable loss.

For many centuries, specialists have been confronted with the phenomenon of signs. Numerous attempts have been made to somehow classify them. For example, the French researcher Robert D'Aubuisson even wrote treatise"Theories of small signs". But it turned out that this is a thankless task, since no one has yet been able to “drive” the signs from above into some kind of framework. Therefore, it is best to try to understand them through specific examples and then draw possible conclusions.


Annoying obstacles

According to the head of the International Institute of Positive Psychology, Denise Lynn, who is trying to understand this phenomenon, any familiar object that suddenly turns up in the wrong place can be interpreted as a sign. And he gives a very striking example as proof.

One entrepreneur from the city of Adelaide (Australia) was planning to sail on a packet boat to Bombay - and was late three times. For the first time, the alarm didn't ring. The second time, my beloved dog got sick and had to wait for the veterinarian. The third time, my passport suddenly disappeared. And it soon became clear that the first packet boat was captured by Malay pirates, the second disappeared without a trace, and on the third a fire broke out, killing half of the passengers.

Advice. It is necessary to draw conclusions from this kind of stubborn and annoying obstacles: to identify in time the repetition of omens. Then it is much easier to protect yourself.

Conversations of strangers

All the people who cross your path - sometimes in the most mysterious ways - carry messages for you. Oddly enough, they have the answer to your nagging question. Even a casual conversation with a stranger at a bus stop can provide you with incredible information.

For example, one day Nikolai P. went from Moscow to Pskov to sell the house of his late parents. A very noisy man sat down in the compartment. He kept trying to engage Nikolai in a conversation about politics, but he stubbornly pretended to be asleep. And suddenly the young man heard from the stranger a phrase that his father often repeated: “If you help the earth, the earth will help you.” The neighbor was already telling another fellow traveler how he worked on the collective farm. Warm childhood memories of the village washed over Nikolai so much that he immediately decided not to sell the house, but to move from the capital to the province. That's what he did, and he doesn't regret it.

Advice. Pay attention to the stranger's random words and try to decipher the meaning of the message sent to you.

Feeling of joy

An important signal is a feeling of joy, pleasure from what is happening to you. If you do something with delight, then it is a sign of fate that you are doing the right thing to do and go in the right direction. If there is a feeling of discomfort, then your solution to the problem is incorrect.

For example, Anna D. was preparing to go to sea ​​cruise. She had been collecting money for the trip for more than two years, but when it came time to buy a tour package, she felt a persistent reluctance to do it. She couldn’t explain why. But I postponed the date of the trip, after which I breathed a sigh of relief. Imagine her surprise when, having finally gone on a cruise, on the very first day she met a young man on the ship with whom she fell in love and whom she happily married.

Advice. Listen to your emotions before you decide to do anything. If your desire causes inconvenience and fear and there is an opportunity to refuse it, it is better to refuse it.

The printed word

Watch the printed words, look for signs in them. Pay special attention to those words that catch your eye over and over again. Printed words that carry a personal message for you can appear in newspapers, magazines, they can be written on posters and float across the TV screen. Those words that are your personal sign should either be constantly repeated in your life, or unexpectedly etched into your memory.

For example, Katerina R. wanted her salary to be increased at work. But she was afraid to even mention it, since she had not worked at the company long enough. But one day, on her way to the office, she passed along a row of shops. They were always closed in the morning, but on this day for some reason all the closed doors had signs saying “Open.” This word prompted her to think that the road was open to her. On the same day she went to the boss, and her request for a salary increase was granted. She was told that if she had asked for a raise even a day earlier, she would certainly have been refused.


*If you are dating a person who unusually reminds you of someone you know with whom you had problems in the past, then it’s time to talk things out with him. And, as a rule, this means that the wounds you inflicted on each other have begun to heal.

*When you think about someone, it means it's time to get in touch with him. Typically, this person expects you to call or lead. Even if you don't know why you need to contact a certain person, do so without hesitation.

*Every disease is important sign the work of your subconscious. Illness can be your body's way of letting you know that there is an imbalance in your life, with a simple message such as: “Take your time, don't overexert yourself. Stop and look around."

* Lost glasses, keys or documents are not always signs of sclerosis or carelessness, but important omens. If you see that some household item is not where it usually is, then it’s worth thinking about why this happened and what it could mean. Most often, it is possible to calculate a possible problem.

Quote from the book by Mikhail Stolbov

There are some universal tips from life that mean approximately the same thing for everyone.
I'll just list some of them:
· Problems with plumbing drains or garbage disposal - mean problems with eliminating unnecessary and obsolete; something is creating a blockage in your life, some situation needs to be released or changed.
· Short circuits or other wiring problems may mean that major changes are taking place in some area of ​​your life, and you will soon be required to direct additional energy in that direction; be prepared for this in advance.
· Household fires of various sizes (from small local to serious) indicate a global transformation of your lifestyle, consciousness or relationships that is currently taking place. This is exactly the case when everything old is eliminated instantly, and willy-nilly you just have to fill the vacated space with something new.
· Forgot your keys at home - look for new solutions to situations (“keys” to problems that you used before no longer work) - be more careful!
· A jammed door is a similar option, only here you need to think about new approaches in your life and call a specialist to REPAIR the door; most likely, life wants to pay attention to new “doors of opportunity”, so it blocks the old ones.
· Problems with the computer - it’s worth considering whether you are working too much in Lately? It's time to give yourself and your technology a break. As a symbolic option: an incorrectly chosen thinking tactic in some situation (the computer is the personification of logic).
· Problems with your phone or Internet - your way of connecting with the world needs to be reconsidered. "Visit your parents!"
· For some, leaking taps symbolize imbalance in the sphere of feelings (which metaphorically means water), the same situation is symbolized by neighbors from above pouring water on you - the emotions in your house are overflowing (neighbors are only an intermediary through whom the Universe gives a sign).
· If the speakers of the music center fail, see that you do not voice your thoughts and are afraid to express them. It may also mean that something is preventing you from “rocking up” in life right now (if you use a music center to listen to loud music to lift your spirits). In this case, raise your vital energy!
Also pay attention to “random” encounters. There are so many roads in this Universe that truly compelling reasons are needed for two seekers to cross...

Signs of Fate. Why do we deny them?

Why don't we see the signs of fate and don't listen to them? How often do we hurry somewhere, but something gets in the way, hinders us, and we try to catch up, to be on time...

So I’m late for a meeting, my keys and gloves fall off, I trip over the threshold, the taxi is delayed, but I still run to catch a ride. And then the meeting goes in such a way that it would be better not to have happened at all...

So I see a guy in the yard angrily kicking the wheel of his suddenly stalled car and not understanding that this is for his own good, that he is being held on purpose, not giving him the opportunity to end up in an unnecessary place...

Or I’m freaking out, caught in a huge traffic jam, and then it turns out that at that time a drunk and angry ex-husband was circling near my house...

There are many such moments in life. Almost at every step. It’s as if someone is sitting in heaven and whispering, warning you at a dangerous turn, preventing trouble. We receive signs every day, but rarely pay attention to them. We don’t see them, we don’t know how to recognize them. And if we see them, we often reject them ourselves and don’t want to listen to them.

I’m not superstitious, no, I don’t believe in omens, but signs are something else... Sometimes such moments happen, insignificant, unnoticeable to others, but for you it’s like a conditioned, warning signal.

For example, you meet a person for the first time, and everything is fine, everything is wonderful, you are delighted with each other! You communicate well on the phone, on the Internet, far from each other, but when you are about to go somewhere together, something happens: the car breaks down, you suddenly have urgent matters, he suddenly gets a migraine attack, you postpone it over and over again. meeting. And when, despite everything, you meet and are about to go to a pre-agreed place, you get lost along the road and wander for a long time, not finding the right turn. In the end, you both get tired and head home, embarrassedly agreeing to postpone the trip until later.

He leaves, you climb into a hot bath and are sad, thinking about the “law of meanness”, about the strange difficulties and obstacles on your path with him... And he calls 20 minutes later and says that the place where you were going to go is very close. It was found as soon as you broke up... You are offended, annoyed, but... Why is this not a sign? But you stubbornly continue to meet, not paying attention to all these delays and problems, of which there are many. Sometimes you wonder: why is this? But you write everything off as accidents, bad luck, coincidences... And after some time this person brings you so much heartache, so many troubles and negativity that you couldn’t even dream of in your wildest dreams... And then you begin to remember what you laughed at and were surprised at at the very beginning.

Or I’m going to the doctor and I understand that I don’t want to go there today, I just can’t, my legs can’t move, there’s a terrible, inexplicable, incomprehensible fear inside. I leave the house and am immediately doused with dirty splashes from a passing car. I rush to change clothes, am late and decide to postpone the visit, but one of the good relatives insists: “This is for your own good, no wonder it’s scary, but it’s necessary, understand.” I give in to persuasion, and that day the doctor makes a mistake that costs me dearly.

But mental discomfort is a very clear sign. If you need to make a decision, no one knows better than your inner self what needs to be done. Why don’t we listen to this voice, why don’t we want to listen to ourselves and what’s happening around us?

“If they do not believe you and do not listen to the voice of the first sign, then they will believe the voice of the sign of another.” Such words are in the Bible. The sign has a voice. Every sign speaks of something, warns, points to something so that a person pays attention. God gives these warnings if you are on the line of change in your life.

A sign is a kind of agreement with God, with what is inside you, well, you know, right? This is protection that is given from above, because God wants to prevent a person from going down the wrong path.

Prophet William M. Branham says that unless you receive the Holy Spirit, tribulation is certain. The Holy Spirit is your soul, it speaks to you, it gives you signs, do not reject them! That is why the prophet, preaching the sermon “The Sign,” emphasized this so much.

Everything that happens to you is, one might say, a hint of the quality of the future. If it is associated with unpleasant sensations, inspires fear, anxiety, discomfort, then this is a signal of a negative turn of events. If you have already paid attention to it, then you should not neglect it. Maybe he warns that you need to be more careful or radically change your behavior, or stop completely, or choose a different course of action.

If what you’ve planned doesn’t work out, strange obstacles appear, and things move with a squeaky pace - maybe you’ve chosen a dead-end path and you don’t need to go there at all? If you try, but in vain, then this is a sign from above. God tells you: don’t, do something else or leave this person - you will not be happy with him. And for women, instinct, it must be said, very often unmistakably tells: not your man. Why don't many people listen?

You want one thing, but you do something else, you want to quit your unloved accounting department and go study to become a designer, but your age is not the same. At the same time, you constantly see signs around you and become convinced that your true calling is really not in what you do. But you are told what to do, and you do it because you have to... Why do you have to?

We have forgotten that freedom of choice involves not asking and not doing, because it’s supposed to be so, but listening to your “I” and going and taking it.

If thoughts come to you that you are not living your life, that you are not happy with something, that there is no joy that was before, do not drive them away, thinking that this is an attack of depression. No, this is not depression, this is also a sign that something needs to be changed, this is your inner “I” trying to reach you.

Do you need to make an important decision? Stop and listen to yourself. If the decision has already been made, remember how you felt when you made it. Did you feel “good” or “bad”? If the decision was difficult, if there was a depressing state, then this is definitely “bad”. In this case, you can safely change your decision.

Common sense often drowns out the whispers of the soul. The mind always tries to justify and prove that it is right. Now you are faced with a choice: the soul tries to timidly object, the mind hears what the soul is saying, but pretends not to hear and insists on its own, relying on “sound reasoning.”

After reading these lines, put them in the depths of your subconscious, and the next time you make a decision, remember them. You will see that everything happens exactly like this. Yes, you know it yourself, you just don’t think about it.

Of course, it is worth noting that the more exciting an event is for us, the higher value we attach to everything that happens around him. Of course, sometimes we don’t see signs at all, but simply a manifestation of what we this moment concentrated. The Law of Attraction states that you are a magnet and attract into your life what is in harmony with your desires. Have you noticed more than once that when you think about a person, how does he call or do you meet him by chance?

Once you decide to do something, signs appear and everything that occupies your thoughts is attracted into your life. But if these signs negative character and you have to convince and persuade yourself, it means something is wrong... It means your soul is against it. If your soul doesn’t mind, you won’t have to persuade yourself. The soul does not think, it feels and knows. Listen to yourself and your heart.

Particular attention must be paid to desires and actions that can change life and destiny. If a desire causes inconvenience and fear and there is an opportunity to refuse it, it is better to refuse it. This will save you from many problems. This desire does not come from the heart. If you ignore the discomfort, you very often end up regretting it later.

Only you can decipher and notice your signs. You will understand everything if you observe yourself and the world around you. The main advantage of signs is that they are able to awaken in time and make it clear that you may be acting to your detriment. As you begin to consciously listen to them, you will gain strength and develop intuition that has no limits, just like the human brain as a whole. And the power of positive emotions and harmony with oneself can in themselves change life for the better.

Tatyana Gribanova

In the beginning was the Word... Man is the creator of his own destiny... The fate of humanity...

There are two opposing understandings of the laws of the Universe - the so-called Western and Eastern. If the Western is based on a purely materialistic understanding of the construction and existence of the Worlds, the Universe, and man, then the Eastern, from time immemorial, has asserted: all that exists develops from a Single Source, which is both the Creator and the Creation, and the forces that create it. Man is an immortal being, consisting of the Spirit (this is the eternal and immortal man) and its temporary mortal shells, the grossest of which is the physical body. The laws of the Universe are set out in the most ancient eastern manuscripts.

Ancient Sacred Science in different forms made a person understand that the world in which he lives is not the whole world. Our visible world is permeated with invisible worlds and their energies. These worlds are our everyday environment in which a person lives, which he changes and which changes him.

As the Great Cosmic Teachers tell us, revealing to us some of the secrets of life and death that shock us: “You can believe or not believe, but you must know.” Of course, first of all, people should know what lives in them spiritual a being that thinks, they must know about the meaning of that cosmic energy that man himself produces, creating his own happiness and misfortune. This energy permeates all Worlds. She creates them, destroys them and creates them again. Energy is Thought.

Thought is invisible and inaudible to physical organs, but the scope of its action is limitless, as the Sacred Science teaches. Human consciousness is always in the sphere of two worlds - the visible, dense (or earthly) and in the invisible eye, the subtle (Evermundane). As long as we are sure that our life is exhausted only by our present existence, as long as we deny our own past life and future, as long as the laws of the Cosmos will be hidden from us, and our whole life will consist entirely of painful “whys” that have no answers.

Fate- this is a concept that has always worried everyone who thought about it. A person can accept life without complaint, and then he will resemble a traveler sitting on the road and waiting for fate to bring him happiness. But, if he becomes an active player in the struggle for his happiness, health, luck, then fate will be more favorable to him.

The first and main force that shapes a person’s destiny is thought, for everything in the world is created by thought. The Great Plato said: “Ideas rule the world.” Ideas mean thoughts.

And the Bible says: “In the beginning was the Word,” i.e. idea or thought.

In ancient times, in the sacred Hindu scriptures, it was given to reveal the most difficult mysteries of human life, i.e. whether there is anything like luck, fate or fate, or whether countless human lives are governed by a Law that distributes happiness and suffering, and birth and death. We often ask ourselves why some are born poor and others rich; some are endowed with beauty, health of mind and body, while others lack neither one nor the other; some are born with a magnanimous and noble character, while others receive an innate tendency towards crime; some pass through life path, strewn with roses, while others see nothing on their way except failures and poverty, feelings of frustration and despair; some live to an old age, while others only manage to die. These and other questions that life poses to us can only be answered with the help of law. Karmas, i.e. the Law of Causes and Effects.

According to the Teachings of the Ancient Sages, man is gifted with an immortal Spirit, emanating from God and containing all the divine properties in embryo. In order for these divine properties to awaken and for man himself to fully reveal them, he is given a field of activity - the earthly world. Having exhausted all the experience that is drawn from earthly experiences, both sorrowful and joyful, a person achieves self-knowledge, and at the same time the consciousness of his divine origin, which will lead him to perfection with the same inner necessity with which a grass seed produces grass, and an oak seed produces grass. - oak. According to the Teachings of the ancient Sages, he lives many times, incarnating in different eras, under a wide variety of conditions. And so on until earthly experience makes him wise and “perfect, even as our Heavenly Father is perfect,” in the words of Jesus Christ.

The religious teachings of the Ancient East are almost unknown in their pure, sublime sense, and yet, acquaintance with them can shed light on the most mysterious phenomena our difficult earthly life. Along with the law of reincarnation, which explains the external and internal inequality of people, Ancient Eastern teachings gave the world a reasonable justification for the law of unshakable justice, ruling the world. This law establishes that in the world of the Spirit, each cause entails a corresponding consequence with the same correctness and inevitability with which in physical nature the same phenomenon causes the same effect every time.

Every action in the Universe is the result of a previous cause and at the same time it is the cause of a subsequent action. It turns out to be a continuous chain of causes and effects, which, when implemented, reveal the life of the Universe. When applied to a person, the law of causes and consequences, in other words, Karma, represents the entire totality of his activities. Everything that a person is in the present and what he will be in the future is all a consequence of his activities in the past. Thus, a single human life is not something isolated and complete, it represents the fruit of past and at the same time the seed of future lives in this chain of successive incarnations that make up the uninterrupted life of every human soul.

There are no leaps and no accidents in life, everything has a reason: every thought, every feeling and every action comes from the past and affects the future. While this future is hidden from us, while we look at life as a riddle, not suspecting that we have created it ourselves, so long the phenomena of our life appear, as if by chance, before us from the abyss of the unknown. The reason for this is our ignorance of the laws of the spiritual world, exactly the same ignorance that we observe in the savage regarding phenomena material world. A fired rocket, a shot from a gun, sounds produced in an incomprehensible way seem like a miracle to him, because he does not know the laws that caused the phenomenon that amazed him. To stop considering such phenomena as a miracle, the savage must learn the laws of nature. It is possible to know these laws only because these laws are unchangeable.

Exactly the same unchangeable laws operate in the spiritual world invisible to us. Until we recognize them, we will stand before the phenomena of our life, like a savage, before the unknown forces of nature, perplexed, blaming our fate, powerlessly indignant before the “unsolved sphinx.” Not understanding where the phenomena of our life come from, we give them names: “fate”, “accident”, “miracle”. But these words explain absolutely nothing.

Only when a person learns that exactly the same unchangeable laws that operate in physical nature govern the events of his life, when he is convinced that these laws are accessible to research, and their actions can be consciously directed according to the will of a person, only then will his life end. powerlessness and he will truly become the master of his fate.

But is it possible to transfer the same confidence that we have in the immutability of natural laws, in their unconditional reliability, to the area of ​​our mental and moral life? The Most Ancient Wisdom claims that this is possible. It reveals to us the inner laboratory of human existence and shows that each person constantly creates his own destiny in three spheres of life: mental, mental and physical; and that all his abilities and powers are nothing more than the results of his previous actions and at the same time the causes of his future fate.

Further, Ancient Wisdom asserts that the forces of man act not on him alone, but also on environment, constantly modifying both himself and the environment. Starting from your center, i.e. man, these forces diverge in all directions, and man is responsible for everything that arises within the limits of their influence.

The position in which we find ourselves at any given moment is determined by the strict law of justice and never depends on chance. “Chance” is a concept created by ignorance; this word is not in the dictionary of the sage. The sage will say: “If I suffer today, it is because I broke the law in the past. I myself am to blame for my suffering and must bear it calmly.” This is the mood of a person who understands the law of Karma. Independent spirit, self-confidence, courage, patience and meekness are the inevitable consequences of such an understanding that penetrates the will of man into the heart.

Whoever hears about Karma for the first time and begins to understand that all his actions are subject to the same unchanging law according to which in nature day gives way to night, at first this consciousness is depressing; it seems to him like an iron law of necessity. But this dejected state passes as a person learns more clearly the laws that govern not the form, but the essence of phenomena. He learns that although the laws are unchangeable, the forces of the invisible world (due to their subtlety and activity outside of time and space, by which physical matter is bound) are subject to such unimaginably rapid movement and an infinite variety of combinations that, consciously directing the forces of his inner life, a person can work successfully (even during one short incarnation) to change his Karma. Further, he will understand that this work is performed within the limits of the properties and abilities he himself created and the limitations he himself set. Consequently, the source of everything he experiences is himself, his immortal soul, and it is in his power to direct his forces to the desired goal.

A man himself builds his house, he can bring into it the “abomination of desolation,” and he has the power to rebuild it to the ground, to make it beautiful. When he thinks, feels and strives, it is as if he is working on soft plastic clay, which he crushes and shapes at his discretion, but this clay is soft only in his hands; once formed, it quickly hardens. That is why it is said: “Look! Clay hardens in fire and becomes iron, but the potter gave it its shape. Man, yesterday you were the master of your destiny, now it has become your master.” To verify the truth of this saying, one should compare two images: a man anxiously living in submission to his whims and passions and a calm sage who clearly knows where and why he is going. By comparing these two images, we will understand in what chains of slavery the first is located and how a person who has realized his strength can have complete freedom.

The colorful patterns that are created by the fabric of human Karma, the intertwining threads of so many diverse existences day and night, are so complex that the study of Karma is the most difficult of all sciences.

A person not only creates his mind, his character, his relationships with other people, but also his personal Karma is part of the karma of various groups: race, people, family, but also with its threads is woven into the general fabric of the collective Karma of each of these groups.

In order to understand at least the most general concepts about human Karma, it is necessary to distinguish from the complex composition three categories of forces that build human destiny:

1. Thought person. This strength builds a person's character. As his thoughts are, so will the man himself.

2. Desire or will person. Desire and will, which are two poles of the same force, connect a person with the object of his desire and direct him to where this desire can be satisfied.

3. Actions person. If a person’s actions bring contentment and happiness to other living beings, they will respond with the same contentment and happiness to himself. If they cause suffering to others, they will bring the same suffering to him, no more, no less.

When a person fully understands the meaning of these three components, from which the law of Karma is formed, and learns to apply his knowledge, then he will become the creator of his future, the master of his destiny, capable of building it according to his knowledge and his will.

So thought builds character. Nowhere is a person so clearly and immutably the creator of his destiny as in the mental realm. Due to the great mobility and subtlety of mental vibrations, a thinker who consciously creates his inner life can work with the same precision and confidence as an architect erecting a building according to a drawn plan. Each new thought adds a new feature to the building being erected, not one of them will be in vain. Groups of homogeneous thoughts, repeated over several lives, determine the structure of each character and the so-called innate thoughts and abilities, nothing more than the results of mental work of the past.

Anyone who wants to test the power of thought over character can try this power on themselves at any time. Having chosen the most weak side of his character, for example, impatience (if a person has this property), he should take the opposite property as the subject of daily reflection, i.e. patience, and begin to study this property from all sides, imagining yourself alternately in a wide variety of positions that can cause explosions of impatience, and then mentally forcing yourself to maintain complete composure and patience. This work of thought must be continued daily, without interruption (inconstant intermittent efforts do not help), for some time. Soon a person will notice that the thought of patience begins to appear in the mind in addition to the minutes for the mentioned work of thought. This will indicate that the foundation of the habit of patience has already been laid. If you continue the same work day after day, month after month, the time will come when a person will be convinced that patience, as an integral part, has become part of his character.

The same applies to all human properties. By constantly thinking about the opposite quality of his character, a person can replace negative ones with positive ones. If the work of thought is serious and persistent enough, success is inevitable. But character, don’t forget this, is there. the most important condition human happiness on Earth. A responsive, noble and strong character is the key to a great future for its owner.

So, knowing the property of thought, a person, through conscious internal work, can gradually build his character the way he wants to have it. Death does not interrupt this work; on the contrary, freed from the shackles of the physical body, a person more easily and more fully realizes the entire stock of experience brought from earthly life. But this work must begin on Earth, while in the physical body. Upon his return to Earth, he will bring with him all previously acquired thoughts, which in posthumous existence were processed into inclinations and abilities. Accordingly, the latter in the new incarnation will also build new conductors of inner life: the brain and nervous system. That is why it is said: “Man is a creature of reflection.” What he reflects on in this life is what he becomes in the next. In this way, the immortal content of the human soul is preserved, and in vain we mourn extinct civilizations and untimely dead geniuses. Nothing perishes, and the work of the soul, without losing anything from the acquired experience, resumes precisely from the very edge that it reached in the previous incarnation.

The aspirations that arose in the previous incarnation are transformed into abilities in the new one, and repeated thoughts into inclinations, volitional impulses into activity, all kinds of trials into wisdom, and mental suffering into conscience. Various good opportunities provided to a person, but missed by him due to negligence and laziness, will appear again, but in a different form, as vague desires, as a vague longing, which will receive satisfaction for two reasons: forces that in the past were called in vain to manifestation (karmic requirement), due to inaction, the case was underdeveloped, the conditions, once selected by Karma, may not be repeated.

The common belief that the environment creates our mental structure stems from ignorance of the true course of our inner life. They say that being determines consciousness. But it is not the environment that creates a person’s mind, but a person, under the influence of karmic law, rushes into the environment that corresponds to his inclinations. The proof is provided by people who, from early childhood, differ sharply from their environment. They have nothing in common with those around them and, if their will is strong, they change the direction of their Karma, moving to another environment that is more related to them. They find themselves in an unsuitable environment due to the fact that through their actions and sins they have closely connected themselves with the people of this environment. A striking illustration of this idea is the fate of our Lomonosov, who was born into a family of illiterate fishermen and nevertheless, through the efforts strong will transferred his life to the environment of the advanced scientists of his time. If there are few such people, then this proves that it is not the environment that creates our mind, but that each person rushes to an environment suitable for the stage of development that he has already achieved.

Moreover, the consequences of a thought affect more than just its creator. There is nothing more responsible than human thought, for no power is so easily transferred to others as our thoughts. Originating in one mind, they, due to the speed and ease of their vibrations, incomparably faster than light and electricity, are easily transmitted to others. Scientists say: the speed of thought is billions of times faster than the speed of light. The thought of one person is transmitted to another, the thought of the last to the first, threads are tied that will tie together people inclined to good or evil, and will determine relatives, friends or enemies for our future incarnation. That's why others love us without any reason apparent reason, and others hate us, as if undeservedly. Consequently, our thoughts, acting on ourselves, create our mental and moral character, and through their effect on others, they tie karmic threads with which people will be connected in a subsequent incarnation.

Another important factor determining fate is wish, because it connects a person with the object of desire. Desire and its highest quality - will, are the most powerful forces of the Universe. Desires attract us to certain objects of the external world. They form our passions and determine the fate of a person and his posthumous state.

Desires, i.e. a person’s internal attractions to external objects always attract him to the environment where these desires can be satisfied. The desire for earthly things chains our soul to the Earth, high desires attract it to heaven. That is why it is said: “Man is born according to his desires.” Awareness of this truth should serve as a warning to us so that we are selective in our desires and do not allow such desires into our souls that can retard our development. Among the latter is the desire for material wealth.

A person’s desires determine the place of his embodiment. If the desires were unclean, intemperate, they will create a suitable body of passions for his new incarnation, and this body will direct him into such a family, into the womb of such a mother, whose blood can provide material for his physical shell.

Our desires affect others in the same way as thoughts: they are transmitted to others. But since in this cycle of human evolution our desires are much stronger than our thoughts, the karmic connection woven by desires binds people even stronger than their thoughts.

By connecting us with the chains of love or hatred, desires create future enemies or friends for us, and they can also connect us with people with whom we did not even suspect that we had formed a connection. For example, the reason for such a connection may be an unintentionally given impetus to crime or even murder. It may happen that a very strong evil impulse of one person will influence another at such a moment and in such a situation that is conducive to murder. There are such internal states when the scales, oscillating between good and evil, are in such an unstable balance that one extra impulse, one extra vibration from the psychic world invisible to us is enough, which will influence the tilt of the oscillating scales in one direction or another. Such a decisive impetus for a hesitant person can be a gust of anger or a desire to cause harm coming from the heart of another person. The first will succumb to temptation and kill, and the creator of the evil thought in the next incarnation will be associated with the killer, even if he did not know him at all before, and the harm caused by the evil impulse to the one who committed the murder will inevitably respond to the creator of the angry thought.

Sometimes, completely unexpectedly, a seemingly undeserved misfortune suddenly befalls a person. His lower consciousness, unaware that the source of his misfortune was the harm caused by his evil passions to another being, is indignant and indignant at the seeming injustice. But this indignation comes from his ignorance, and his immortal soul will learn a lesson that he will never forget.

Nothing undeserved will make a person suffer. The absence of memory of previous incarnations, necessary for our own good, at the lower and middle stages of our spiritual development, will not prevent the law of justice from being fulfilled.

From what has been said, it follows that our desires, acting on ourselves, create our body of passions and through it influence the formation of our physical body in the next incarnation. They also determine the place of our birth and influence the selection of people with whom we will be associated in the future.

The third factor influencing a person’s fate is actions. It is actions that determine the external conditions of its subsequent incarnation. If a person's actions cause suffering for others, he will suffer to the same extent himself. If they brought joy or prosperity to others, this will be reflected in his subsequent incarnation in the form of favorable earthly conditions. The evil deeds of people disrupt world order and balance. In order for it to be restored, it is necessary that the person who has acted badly experiences the consequences of the disturbed balance on himself.

By causing well-being or suffering in other people, our actions connect us to them in the same way as our thoughts and desires. If in the past we have caused suffering to others, we will experience no less suffering in the future; and vice versa, if we contributed to their well-being, then Karma will provide happy conditions for our earthly life.

So, we looked at three types of forces thanks to which a person can consciously build his future:

Our thoughts create our character;

Our desires determine what we will be surrounded by in the next life;

Our actions determine the exact size of our happiness - internal and external.

Each of these forces operates in its own sphere. If a person sows seeds in the ground, then he can reap the harvest only on the ground. He can sow grain with bad intentions, for example, with the thought of obtaining funds for an evil deed. But from the seeds he planted, exactly the same rye and wheat will grow as if he sowed in order to feed hungry orphans.

Motive is the expression of mental, psychic and spiritual forces and its consequences can only be expressed in the mental, psychic and spiritual spheres. But when a thought or feeling turns into an action, the latter will be reflected only in the earthly sphere and, moreover, completely independently of the motive. For example, if a person builds good school or a hospital for the poor, whether his motive is ambition, the desire for praise or reward, those for whom they are built benefit equally, as if his motive in building were the most sublime. But for the true essence of man himself, for his immortal soul, this difference turns out to be extremely important. In the first case, when the motivation was egoistic, the fruits of his activity will manifest themselves only in the physical environment, while his soul will remain unaffected. In the second case, when his motive was a disinterested desire for good, this motive will ennoble, refine the soul and leave in it a new grain of immortality, for the good movements of the soul constitute the sowing, the harvest from which is preserved by man forever.

Good, evil or mixed motives for a person's actions are reflected in the mind, heart and will of a person, but the consequences of the action - if the latter caused the well-being or joy of those around him - will be equally favorable for the actor himself, no matter what motive he was guided by.

The laws of Karma keep strict records and reward everything a person has done, down to the smallest fraction. The driest egoist is born in good conditions if he has contributed to the well-being of those around him in the past. But whether under these conditions he is content and happy or gloomy and dissatisfied, it will depend on another karmic account, which sums up his motives; in other words, to those good or bad properties that he developed in the recesses of his soul. It may happen that a person with a beautiful soul is born in the most unfavorable external conditions if in the past he caused need among those around him with his rash actions; but if at the same time he was possessed by a pure, disinterested impulse, this gives him properties that will help him endure need easily and patiently.

A person can be compared to a worker who goes out into his field and works it in the sunshine and in bad weather, in cold and heat. When the field is plowed and sown, the worker returns home, takes off his clothes and lies down to rest. When he goes out into his field again to reap the harvest, his clothes will be different, but this does not in the least determine what the harvest will be: the man sowed himself, and if the seed is meager, then he will reap a meager harvest.

The psychology of the Ancient East clearly distinguishes between the immortal individuality of man and his mortal personality. Everything personal dies with the person, but the entire result of personal experiences is preserved in the immortal individuality and constitutes its enduring content. In this case, “man himself sowed” means his immortal individuality, and not his temporary personality.

An indifferent motive will remain without consequences for the soul; bad - will delay its development; a good one will enrich her forever; a high motive will lead a person to freedom and perfection. The higher the source from which a person’s internal activity emanates, the longer and more powerful its consequences will be.

When an alternative appears before the conscience of a person who knows the Law of Causes and Effects and it is unclear to him what he should do, he must calmly sort out all his motives, cleanse his heart of everything selfish and choose the most selfless motive; Having once decided, he must act without hesitation or fear, knowing that if he did wrong, then only the motivation is important; he will bear the consequences of a possible mistake willingly and patiently, as a lesson that will never be erased from his soul.

So, we already know that human karma is created by three forces: thoughts, desires and actions. But inside a person’s desires, feelings, and actions is thought. Therefore, it would be correct to say that the KARMA OF AN INDIVIDUAL PERSON AND HUMANITY IS COMPOSED, namely, BY THOUGHT. Inside the thought itself is spirit, will. Thought moves by the will of man, and it is controlled by the will. THERE IS NO MAN WITHOUT THE WILL! When controlling thoughts, it is the will that can direct them in the right direction, and destroy unworthy ones. Weak will - weak person. And such a person’s thinking is weak and undeveloped.

Yes, now we are imperfect, and in past life We made a lot of mistakes, and this became the cause of our discontent in this life, the source of our suffering. But just realizing this will make us more careful, and, most importantly, more responsible towards ourselves, towards our thoughts, desires, and actions.

All the spiritual Teachers of humanity taught the same thing: a person must and can become the Master of his destiny. The spiritual transformation of a person is only in his own hands. But, of course, water will not flow under a lying stone: in addition to enlightening the mind with secret knowledge, something else must be done to turn this knowledge into action. Efforts must be made to introduce wisdom into daily affairs. And these efforts must be constant, rhythmic, and increasingly increasing in load. The more consciously and actively we overcome our ignorance, the easier we will endure our suffering. It will be easier for us to live, first of all, because the paralyzing fear of death will gradually disappear from our consciousness.

The idea will gradually begin to take root in us that we should not be afraid of death, because it does not exist, that the spirit is immortal, only our body dies and at the next incarnation we will receive a new body. “We will not die, but we will be changed” - these are the words of Jesus Christ. We will become more confident in life. The law of causality will show us ourselves as the creators of our own happiness and unhappiness.

The ancients said: “Either man controls his stars, or the stars control man.” In other words: either Karma controls a person, or a person controls his Karma, i.e. By fate. Everyone can give preference to one of the two - this is his free will. And as a result of free choice, a person will become either a slave of his Fate or its master.


1. “Agni Yoga” in 4 books, M., “Sphere”, 1999.
2. “Introduction to Agni Yoga.” Novosibirsk, 1997.
3. “Facets of Agni Yoga” in 15 volumes, N.-Sibirsk, “Algim”, 1994-2005.
4. “Cryptograms of the East.” Riga, Uguns, 1992.
5. “Letters of Helena Roerich”, in 2 volumes, Minsk, “Lotats”, 1999.
6. “Modern space legends of the East.” Novosibirsk, “Consent”, 1999.
7. “Spiral of knowledge”, in 2 volumes, M. “Progress”, 1996.
8. “The Secret Doctrine”, in 2 volumes, Adyar, Theosophical Publishing House, 1991.
9. “Teaching of the Temple”, in 2 volumes, M. MCR “Master Bank”, 2001.
10. “Bowl of the East.” St. Petersburg "Peace Watch", 1992.
11. Blavatskaya E.P. "Karma of Fate" M. "MK Polygraph", 1996.
12. Blavatskaya E.P. "Letters to Friends and Colleagues." M. "Sphere", 2002.
13. Blavatskaya E.P. "Tablets of Karma." M. "MK Polygraph", 1995.
14. Dmitrieva L.P. “The Secret Doctrine of Helena Blavatsky in some concepts and symbols”, in 3 volumes, Magnitogorsk, Amrita, 1994.
15. Dmitrieva L.P. “Messenger Christ...”, in 7 volumes, M., Ed. "House named after Helena Roerich", 2000.
16. Klizovsky A.I. “Fundamentals of worldview of the New Epoch.” Minsk, “Moga N - Vida N”, 1995.
17. Klyuchnikov S.Yu. “The path to yourself. Finding spiritual strength." M. "Belovodye", 2002.
18. Cranston S., Williams K. “Reincarnation, new horizons.” M. "Sphere", 2001.
19. Paul Brunton. "Hermit in the Himalayas." M., "Sphere", 2003.
20. R. Moody. "Going Back" "Veche-AST", 1998.
21. Roerich N.K. “Diary sheets”, in 3 volumes, M. MCR, 1996.
22. Rokotova N. “Fundamentals of Buddhism.” N.-Sibirsk, “Consent”, 2001.
23. Uranov N. “Bring Joy.” Riga, “Fiery World”, 1998.
24. Uranov N. “Thinking on Infinity.” 1t. M., “Sphere”, 1997; 2t. M., MCR “Struna”, 2000; 3t. M., MCR "Struna", 2001.

Under the impression of the events that took place (the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro), it is difficult not to think about fate, especially if you yourself find yourself close to danger. What do you think - does fate exist? And how do you think easier?

In my youth, I, like most, was convinced that predestination is for weaklings, everyone is the architect of their own happiness. As I grew older, I began to think about fate. But with age, such a useful thing appears - like searching for answers. And by chance (was it by chance?) he was found neither in psychology, nor in esotericism, but in physics. Don't rush to leave - it won't be difficult.

Without a doubt, there is predestination in our lives - we cannot choose which family to be born into, in which country and conditions. Finally, choose the gender. Therefore, no matter how hard you try, you cannot change the original data. But there is a strange thing - for example, when in a family of alcoholics a purposeful child grows up, who becomes one of the people, and in an intelligent family strong family future criminal/drug addict/parasite. ABOUT
It’s not always true to say about upbringing - what kind of upbringing is there in dysfunctional families?

Physicists - including Albert Einstein, and psychologists - such as Jung, were keenly interested in answering the question - fate, chance or choice? There is a sufficient amount of research devoted to this issue. In general terms the answer is:

There are initial conditions that a person cannot change. And there is something that a person who is not very versed in science may well call fate. “Fate” actually exists, but a person is quite capable of choosing it himself. Like this. There is a starting point of departure - unchanging and everyone has their own - from which many paths depart. Modern science calls this “bifurcation,” from the word “dual.” That is, over and over again choosing this or that path, this or that
another opportunity, proposal, situation, decision, a person ultimately comes to a certain result. This result is his fate. Could he have chosen a different path? Could. Would there have been a different fate? Without a doubt. There are many paths, although ultimately their number is limited. And each person has their own. And when we talk about a difficult fate, this means that a person acts at random or incorrectly calculates future moves. If we are talking about an easy fate, it means either the person knows how to weigh correctly, or - what is most likely - has good intuition. This is what determines the lucky ones and the unlucky ones. For example, while flying on tour, Igor Talkov told passengers: “Don’t be afraid to fly with me, I won’t die in a plane crash.”

It is interesting that scientists have tried to understand the phenomenon of intuition. Oxford mathematics professor Marcus du Sautoy conducted an experiment that, on the one hand, denies free will, on the other hand, says something about the so-called. "flair". The experiment was quite simple - the subject, during simple tasks, had to press a button with either his right or left hand. It turned out that six seconds before the decision was realized, certain areas in the brain were activated, and in the case of choosing the right hand, the activity zones differed from those that were involved in the case of choosing the left. It turns out that the decision about which hand to press the button was made not by consciousness, not by one’s own “I,” but by the “gray matter” of the brain. This, by the way, may explain the similarity of the fates of twins and even separated twins - they have similar genetics. That is, a person can choose both a path and a destiny, but it doesn’t happen that way
consciously, as we used to think. Although it may seem to the person himself that it is he who makes the choice. So, in this case, is it still a choice, an accident of choice (chance), or is everything so complicated that it’s easier to say “fate” and not worry? The philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued that even the result of throwing dice is natural. And we cannot predict it only because we do not have all the information.

Albert Einstein believed that everything was predetermined - but he did not put a mystical context into this, but relied on quantum physics, saying that all physical phenomena are deterministic. A modern scientist and host of popular programs about physics, Michio Kaku, talks about Einstein’s mistake - there is no strict certainty in the position of electrons. And if there is no certainty at such a microscopic level, then it cannot be “higher”.

There is also such a thing as a coincidence. One of the founders of quantum physics, Nobel laureate Wolfgang Pauli, who for this purpose joined forces with the outstanding psychologist Carl Gustav Jung, also tried to understand it. The Pauli-Jung theory interpreted coincidences as manifestations of an as yet unidentified universal principle that ties together all physical laws. But a certain explanation for this lies, among other things, in the power of thought - when a person, under the impression of some incident in his life, thinks about it all the time and thus unconsciously chooses the path that will lead him again in this situation. And also the “collective unconscious” - when, roughly speaking, a person falls under the influence of the crowd, and the crowd comes under powerful self-hypnosis. And the power of the crowd’s thoughts is much stronger. This can explain the action of the so-called. "curses" and others tragic coincidences. A patient died in the hospital - and the panic of the others is so transmitted to each other that it leads to the programming of the next death.

In general, at the moment, “There are many things in the world, my friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of,” but finding the answer is a matter of time. In the meantime - despite all possible predestination - a person can still do something. And he does - he thinks about his actions, he observes caution, draws conclusions from wrong actions. The only problem is that it is impossible to think about everything in the world and predict everything.