Sergei Igorevich Nechiporenko was never particularly distinguished by his daring. His career can be attributed to the case when “if there is no fish, there is no cancer.” Fat, flabby, not distinguished by the depth of thinking “down”... He graduated from the Naval Political School. He immediately received incomplete service compliance and hatred for all the more or less successful officers around him and harbored a grudge against them. As a result, under the blackmail of discovering “snitches” on his comrades in the service, he was recruited and sent to courses in the special department of the KGB VKR in Novosibirsk.

And then there was the collapse of the Union...

Now it is difficult to say who exactly initiated his transfer from the SBU to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The SBU officers didn’t just hand over theirs. Apparently, something connected him with San Sanych Skipalsky and apparently, the SBU did not really need him.

At first, Sergei was appointed as an operative in his own security service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region. But there was nothing particularly positive about it. Quite the contrary. The head of the internal security service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Yu.A. Ershov, repeatedly complained about the reluctance of this officer to serve. And Nechiporenko’s service in the army began as a result of a penalty for incomplete service compliance. There is information that it was precisely on the basis of that official discrepancy, under blackmail of complete dismissal with discredit, that the special officers recruited the young officer. How he ended up in intelligence after that remains a mystery.

It has been known from time immemorial that it was impossible to get into the GRU from special officers who belonged to the KGB department. But after the collapse of the USSR, complete disgrace was happening in Ukraine. Perhaps that is why, soon after Nechiporenko’s transfer to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region, he, as someone staggering around with nothing to do and not understanding where and why he ended up, was entrusted with looking after eldest daughter Alexander Skipalsky - Julia. This was the entire combat mission of this officer.

Julia loved to abuse alcohol. It is not clear which of them drank more vodka, but soon in Ershov’s office there was a call from Skipalsky and a stern question followed: “Who did you put in charge of my daughter? This idiot, Nechiporenko, not only does nothing, he also becomes an alcoholic with my daughter.”

It must be confirmed that Seryoga never knew how to drink, but he drank. And he's drinking now. Skipalsky thought that it was better to hide him away from his daughter and sent Sergei to the USA, to Smeshko’s office. During preliminary conversations with specialists from the foreign intelligence department, the conclusion was unequivocal - unfit for a trip abroad! But the authorities knew better.

When Smeshko was removed from the post of head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region, Nechiporenko collected dirt on Smeshko and really wanted to curry favor with the new Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region, V.N. Paliy. But soon Palia was also removed. A. Galaka, Nechiporenko’s godfather and colleague in the US service, became the head of the Main Directorate. He appointed Nechiporenko to the post of head of the Internal Security Service of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Moscow Region. But, soon, Igor Smeshko is appointed to the post of Chairman of the SBU. Nechiporenko felt that his time had come and asked to go to the SBU.

At the SBU, Nechyporenko’s main task was to survive people unwanted by Smeshko. And in vain many of the SBU shouted that military intelligence was drowning them and surviving. They were survived former employees SBU, such as Nechyporenko.

He was also entrusted with covering the activities of the Smeshko Family in commercial terms. To begin with, the head of the internal security department, Vasily Rogovoy, was transferred to another position, and did not actively help the “Family” in this regard. Vladimir Satsyuk, who remained to serve as Chairman of the SBU, appointed Sergei Nechyporenko as head of the department. The Orange Revolution of 2004 was approaching. Nobody thought that Yushchenko would win. After drinking alcohol, Sergei Igorevich Nechiporenko repeatedly liked to boast that he recruited Ekaterina Chumachenko (Yushchenko’s American wife) during a business trip to the United States.

By order from above, Sergei Igorevich created a list of SBU officers from whom it was desirable to get rid of immediately after the re-election of the President. The SBU DOTZ monitored the entire opposition, regardless of rank and parliamentary status. The telephone numbers of people such as Yulia Tymoshenko or Alexander Turchynov, Viktor Yanukovych or Klyuev, by order of the leadership of the SBU, were simply included in the lists of telephone numbers of criminals who were involved in criminal cases and were completely tapped. For this purpose, Nechiporenko was allocated certain people from the SBU Department of Labor and Defense. These are officers Chernyak and Frolov from the DOTZ.

Well, tell me, who, if not Down-Nechipor, would have managed to start a rumor that while working in the USA, Sergei Nechiporenko and Ekaterina Chumachenko, allegedly a former CIA employee, have some kind of relationship? It's not about intimate relationships. If this is true, then it is necessary to figure out who was in charge of whom? As you know, Ekaterina Chumachenko is a good psychologist herself. The car brought from the USA from Sergei Igorevich is not cheap. But he didn’t earn that much money there; it would at least be enough to live on. Well, in general, if you believe Sergei Igorevich, he was a daring and dashing recruiting officer there.

Some were convinced of this once again when they sent Sergei Nechiporenko on a business trip to Moscow at the beginning of 2004. He was accompanied by a man, a member of a powerful organized crime group who knows how to drink vodka and take care of himself. And who went through fire and water... The matter was quite sensitive and secret. We worked according to “D” and Semyon Mogilevich. Therefore, the upcoming meeting with employees of the Russian FSB had to be held at the required serious level. Therefore, the “whole” Nechiporenko was sent there. But, in the morning, when the train arrived in Moscow, and on the platform the captain, then still of second rank, was met by representatives of the FSB, he looked “neither alive nor dead.” Hence the zero results of the business trip. In the compartment, after drinking too much alcohol, he invited the accompanying person he met for the first time (a representative of a powerful organized crime group) to become an officer in department “B” - internal security of the SBU..? He then spat at him and asked that next time Nechipora be accompanied by “Alpha”.

The result of that business trip was that they “led the goat by the beard” and let him go with nothing. But he was able to “leak” even from those materials onto the Internet. And at the same time, he also framed the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (at that time), V. Lytvyn, by forging his signature. Litvin at the time of the 2004 Presidential elections. were afraid. He needed to be compromised.

It was Sergei Igorevich personally who was provided with documents about the crimes of the highest officials SBU (A. Sarnatsky and Y. Chernyshov) in relation to seized and stolen cargo in Odessa in criminal case No. 150. He carefully studied those materials and said that they should not fool him and not interfere with his service. After all, the main criminals of that crime are Sarnatsky and the “Family”...

It was Sergei Nechiporenko who was provided with documents on the crime of Anatoly Burmich, who, fearing a possible high-profile criminal case against SBU officers, ordered not to register the statement of citizen Perederiy about the disappearance of her son, Alexander from Lugansk. As it turned out later, the son was killed. And Nechiporenko with clear conscience, at the direction of Satsyuk and at the request of Burmich, began vile actions against an SBU officer who knew about all these crimes. It was Nechiporenko who then gave the documents for the stolen Mercedes-CL-500. Later, almost a year later, investigators from the General Prosecutor’s Office, with the help of the very officer against whom Nechiporenko and Satsyuk carried out their vile work, found this stolen Mercedes and not only that...

We recall the case of Major General V.M. Kravchenko, who was kept under arrest for some time. The man began to fight the “criminal orders” of his bosses more than a year ago. They wanted to kill him. Nechiporenko knew this and who was supposed to do it. What saved me was that Germany had a tough counterintelligence climate and our “cloak and dagger specialists” were afraid to do it there. But they tried to send them there. And Nechiporenko knew this and supported it. The issue of liquidating Kravchenko was discussed by Smeshko, Sinyansky, Nechiporenko, Drizhchanny and Obikhod.

It is well known that the website “Criminal Ukraine” published material from the investigation into the murder of criminal authority Pryshchik Valery Ivanovich. It was about the alleged organizers and a killer from Zaporozhye. And also about the “mediocre” operation carried out by the SBU to capture the alleged killer A.S. Everyone knows that the website “Criminal Ukraine” belongs to Major “General” Vladimir Satsyuk and who exactly led the operational investigative group to investigate the murder of Pyshch and who had considerable interest in the Zaporozhye metallurgical dumps. And who so very much wanted to quickly “implant” the Zaporozhye authorities S. and N. And the initiates understand who specifically then gave the command to publicize this material in “”. S. and N. really interfered with Mr. Satsyuk’s ability to work freely in the Zaporozhye dumps.

But someone had to make a lightning rod. And Nechiporenko found someone. He personally came to the journalist Stanislav Rechinsky and began to scare him. At the same time, he named the name of an officer from the SBU, who has some relation to this operational-investigative group, and advised him to “drown” him, since a criminal case will soon be opened for the disclosure of state secrets based on this article in the newspaper. It is known that it was at Nechyporenko’s insistence that the SBU concluded that that article contained state secrets and was a disclosure of them. And a criminal case was opened. It still “rests in God.” And they tried to “draw the man by the ears into that case with terrible SBU force.” When this failed, they decided to “fabricate the case” in General Prosecutor's Office, on corruption. Signed by the deputy chairman of the SBU Igor Drizhchanny, Nechiporenko’s “fabricated” case is sent to the GPU. From there he is sent back. With a question - what do you want? They are told how it is, what is needed? We need to initiate a case. Signature, see there? Colonel Kryzhanovsky needs to be “imprisoned”; he doesn’t allow him to steal freely!..

During the interrogation at the Prosecutor General's Office in the presence of Kryzhanovsky, Viktor Shokin, a friend of Drizhchanny, called four times and was interested in the progress of the interrogation and its results. A paper with the forged signature of Colonel Kryzhanovsky was discovered. Only Nechiporenko or Drizhchanny could have faked it. Do not be surprised. They did not entrust this matter to anyone else; they went so far as to fabricate it together. Kryzhanovsky wrote a report on this matter. The SBU conducted an internal check. And wow, the paper supposedly with the signature “evaporated” and no one is guilty of anything.

The relationship between Colonel Kryzhanovsky and Captain First Rank Nechiporenko almost resembles a detective story. Using his official position, Nechiporenko was able, through other people, to initiate several criminal cases against his opponent. Under various pretexts, many official investigations and fact checks were carried out, to which they tried to drag Kryzhanovsky “by the ears.” He stopped them from making money. At one of the trials, in the presence of other officers of the internal security department, Kryzhanovsky openly stated the following to Nechiporenko: “An idiot like Nechiporenko will never be able to do anything worthwhile. Fighting him is only a waste of time.” In response, Nechiporenko only mumbled something incomprehensible to the hidden laughter of his subordinates.

Volunteer Zhelezny, especially for the GPU


Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin is a scoundrel who covered up the odious son-in-law Sergei Kivalov.

The facts indicate that the investigation into the “Maidan cases” was deliberately sabotaged by a number of senior management officials of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. Where the main role was assigned to the Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, and the executor was the forger’s son-in-law presidential elections 2004, corrupt official Sergei Kivalov.

Yesterday, while receiving a bribe on a particularly large scale (USD 150,000 in cash), he was detained Sergey Nechiporenko- ex-head of the prosecutor's office of the Podolsk district of Kyiv, and now - head of the Department for investigating “non-investigation of Maidan crimes” as part of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. Another detainee was the deputy prosecutor of the Podolsk prosecutor's office of the capital - a former subordinate of S. Nechiporenko.

About the identity of the detainee. Sergey Nechiporenko- son-in-law of the “faggot” Sergei Kivalov, graduate of the Odessa Law Academy. The youngest head of the district prosecutor's office in Kyiv: at the age of 29 he headed the Shevchenko district prosecutor's office of Kiev, then the more prestigious Podolsk district prosecutor's office. Where he “distinguished himself” by falsifying the state prosecution in the case of musician Alexander Zavadsky (“the imprisonment of a rival accordionist was ordered by the “regional” Yan Tabachnik, the state prosecution was supported by Kivalov’s son-in-law. Kivalov, in turn, is a personal friend of Y. Tabachnik; details in the publication of Musician Igor Zavadsky commissioned by Yan Tabachnik was imprisoned by Kivalov’s son-in-law).

It is interesting that S. Nechiporenko was transferred to the position of prosecutor of the Podolsk district of the capital at that moment, as soon as the fabricated criminal case against the musician Zavadsky was transferred to the Podolsk district court. And at the trial, the newly appointed prosecutor personally came to support the prosecution.

It is not surprising that under the traitor of the oath, now ex-Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarem, the investigation of the “Maidan cases” was essentially headed by the same S. Nechiporenko, who after the Maidan was transferred to the Kiev prosecutor’s office. And who, as it turned out a year later, “technically” “blended” and “threw down” investigations into crimes against Maidan activists. In particular, in the Kiev prosecutor’s office S. Nechiporenko was the deputy, and later the head of the procedural management department for the events of December 1, to December 11, 2013, for Automaidan, for all those wounded and detained at Grushevsky, etc. d.

In fact, the investigation stood still, witnesses were not interviewed, examinations were not carried out, suspects were not “identified.” Probably, the organizers of the murders, kidnappings, torture and beatings of Maidan activists from among V. Yanukovych’s inner circle, using S. Kivalov’s connections in the law enforcement system, thus managed to block the investigation of high-profile criminal cases.

Let us note that S. Nechiporenko alone was unable to “fail” the investigation of the “Maidan affairs”. The victims' lawyers name the accomplices of Kivalov's son-in-law: the then deputy prosecutor of Kiev A. Lyubovich (later appointed prosecutor of the Donetsk region; now a general). A.V. Andreev, who throughout Maidan held the position of head of the procedural management department of the Kiev prosecutor’s office, that is, he oversaw compliance with the law by employees law enforcement, but in fact he covered up the lawlessness committed by employees of the prosecutor’s office, police, SBU and courts - he became deputy head of the Department of Procedural Management in the GPU. Instead of the dock.

When public indignation reached the boiling point, and V. Yarema’s chair began to shake, the “Maidan cases” were urgently transferred to the GPU to qualified investigators. But Viktor Shokin, who replaced V. Yarema, clearly fulfilling someone’s criminal plan (Yanukovych’s gang? Russian special services? The wishes of President Petro Poroshenko, formulated by the Kremlin?), created in the GPU a kind of “department for investigating the failure to investigate Maidan crimes.” The “investigation of non-investigations” was headed by S. Nichiporenko, the main falsifier of the investigation of the “Maidan cases” at the level of the Kiev prosecutor’s office. And now S. Nechiporenko and his team began to regularly interrogate... leading investigators of the Directorate of Special Investigations of the GPU, interfering in the course of the investigation, gaining access to its secret materials, a “nightmare” for investigative workers.

What is this if not an operation of Russian special services? What is this if not complicity in crimes against Maidan activists? What is this if not betrayal of the oath?

Subversive activities did not prevent the same Sergei Nechiporenko from participating in corrupt deals. “Agreements”, “reshalovo”, “divorces” under the guise of shoulder straps - all this was and is the essence of the existence of the Kivalov family, of which S. Nechiporenko became a member.

A short excursion into history. There was a city council member in Odessa, regional governor Igor Gavrilovich Nechiporenko, who was popularly nicknamed “Harry Potter”. In the early 2000s, I. Nechiporenko illegally took possession of the recreation center of the Nikolaev seaport “Rechnik” in the resort village of Zatoka. On the territory of which he built three palaces in the “ala Harry Potter” style - hence the nickname.

The father, a “regional”, was a prominent party worker during the USSR, also invested in the career of his son, Sergei Igorevich Nechiporenko, young man with very modest mental abilities. S. Nechiporenko graduated from the agricultural technical school with great difficulty. Which did not become an obstacle to entering the Odessa National Law Academy - the main forge of corrupt judicial, prosecutorial and police personnel in Ukraine. S. Nechiporenko graduated from the Academy as an external student - perhaps because he became the son-in-law of the Academy rector Sergei Kivalov, having married his daughter Irina.

The young prosecutor rarely appeared at work, but in prestigious cars: there were several premium SUVs and even expensive “bikes” - a prosecutor from among the “golden youth” could afford “biking” and work time. The young prosecutor could afford anything - he was under the reliable “roof” of S. Kivalov himself.

There were also family troubles. In 2006, Vladimir Nechiporenko, a young investigator of the Odessa district prosecutor’s office, was burned for a bribe. brother Prosecutor of the Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv Sergei Nechiporenko. The plot of the incident is typical for employees of the prosecutor's office of Ukraine. A murder case. The police operatives worked smartly and detained a suspect named Gnyr, the court arrested him and placed him in a pre-trial detention center. The investigator of the prosecutor's office V. Nechiporenko, by his resolution, seizes the suspect's car, an old Nissan Bluebird. The suspect’s wife comes to the investigator, and V. Nechiporenko offers her to resolve the issue of lifting the arrest for a bribe of $2,000. They shook hands, and the money went into Nechiporenko’s pocket, and the car from the impound lot went to the owner. But this was not enough for the investigator. Then investigator V. Nechiporenko suggested that Gnyri’s wife “resolve the issue” and release her husband, reclassifying the case as “grievous bodily”, and then the court will give “conditionally” and the bribes will be fine. At the same time, the investigator was so persistent that the woman got scared and contacted the SBU.

The following conversations of V. Nechiporenko were already recorded on a voice recorder, where, in a thieves’ manner, the investigator promised to “settle everything”, “to screw up the murder case” for 20 thousand US dollars. It was while he was handing over the money that he was detained by the SBU. The young investigator used his right to call competently - his older brother in Kyiv immediately came to the rescue. Literally a couple of hours later, the case of receiving a bribe was reclassified as attempting to receive a bribe, the inspection report was destroyed, and the investigator was released home on his own recognizance. Next - an order of dismissal for a shameful article.

But with the support of S. Kivalov, V. Nechiporenko appeals the decision to initiate a criminal case against him, and the Primorsky District Court of Odessa, and then the regional appellate court, cancel it.

And then - everything is usual for the Kivalovs - Nechiporenko: extraordinary ranks, promotions, and now the ex-corrupt official Vladimir Nechiporenko, already with the rank of colonel, set off to conquer the heights of the Belgorod-Dniester prosecutor's office, where the precious recreational lands of Zatoka, Sergeevka, Kurortny are located...

There is only one stroke left to add to this portrait of the current prosecutor’s office: until now, no one in the General Prosecutor’s Office was even bothered by the fact that S. Nechyporenko, during the Revolution of Dignity, oversaw the prosecution of convicted Maidan activists. That in fact a scoundrel, a corrupt official, a fabricator of criminal cases, a criminal controlled the progress of the investigation of the “Maidan cases” with hundreds of intentional murders, dozens of bandit attacks and thousands of wounded.

And no one in the leadership of the GPU was outraged that the “Law on the Cleansing of Power” in any way affected either Sergei Nechiporenko or his brother Vladimir Nechiporenko.

And Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who knew perfectly well who Sergei Nechiporenko was and who Sergei Kivalov was, deliberately put the young rogue in charge of the collapse of criminal cases related to the bloodshed on the Maidan.

It was necessary for Sergei Nechiporenko to be caught taking a bribe in the center of Kyiv, a couple of hundred meters from the building of the Main Investigation Department of the GPU, so that Viktor Shokin could finally part with such a “valuable employee.”

All of the above allows us to draw a single conclusion: Viktor Shokin is the same criminal as Sergei Nechiporenko. His personal role in the collapse of the “Maidan case” and cases against people from Yanukovych’s gang is also a criminal case.

Viktor Shokin must sit down.

via Pravdoskaz Vasily

The GPU covered up the odious son-in-law Sergei Kivalov until the SBU caught the extortionist hot.

Yesterday, while receiving a bribe on an especially large scale ($150,000 in cash), Sergei Nechiporenko, the former head of the prosecutor's office of the Podolsk district of Kiev, and now the head of the Department for the Investigation of “Non-Investigation of Maidan Crimes” within the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, was detained. Another detainee was the deputy prosecutor of the Podolsk prosecutor's office of the capital - a former subordinate of S. Nechyporenko.

It is interesting that S. Nechiporenko was transferred to the position of prosecutor of the Podolsk district of the capital at that moment, as soon as the fabricated criminal case against the musician Zavadsky was transferred to the Podolsk district court. And at the trial, the newly appointed prosecutor personally came to support the prosecution.

Sergey Nechiporenko. Photo: still frame from UNN video

The prosecutor's oath did not prevent Sergei Nechyporenko from participating in corrupt transactions. “Agreements”, “reshalovo”, “divorces” under the cover of shoulder straps - all this was and is the essence of the existence of the Kivalov family, of which S. Nechiporenko became a member.

A short excursion into history. There was a city council member in Odessa, regional governor Igor Gavrilovich Nechiporenko, who was popularly nicknamed “Harry Potter”. In the early 2000s, I. Nechiporenko illegally took possession of the recreation center of the Nikolaev seaport “Rechnik” in the resort village of Zatoka. On the territory of which he built three palaces in the style “ala Harry Potter” - hence the nickname.

The “regional” father, a prominent party worker during the USSR, also invested in the career of his son, Sergei Igorevich Nechiporenko, a young man with very modest mental abilities. S. Nechiporenko graduated from the agricultural technical school with great difficulty. Which did not become an obstacle to entering the Odessa National Law Academy - the main forge of corrupt judicial, prosecutorial and police personnel in Ukraine. S. Nechiporenko graduated from the Academy as an external student - perhaps because he became the son-in-law of the Academy rector Sergei Kivalov, having married his daughter Irina.

The young prosecutor rarely appeared at work, but in prestigious cars: there were several premium SUVs and even expensive “bikes” - the prosecutor from among the “golden youth” could afford “biking” even during working hours. The young prosecutor could afford anything - he was under the reliable “roof” of S. Kivalov himself.

Entourage of the prosecutor's craft

There were also family troubles. In 2006, a young investigator of the Odessa district prosecutor’s office, Vladimir Nechiporenko, the brother of the prosecutor of the Shevchenkovsky district of Kyiv, Sergei Nechiporenko, was burned for a bribe. The plot of the incident is typical for employees of the prosecutor's office of Ukraine. A murder case. The police operatives worked smartly and detained a suspect named Gnyr, the court arrested him and placed him in a pre-trial detention center. The investigator of the prosecutor's office V. Nechiporenko, by his resolution, seizes the suspect's car, an old Nissan Bluebird. The suspect’s wife comes to the investigator, and V. Nechiporenko offers her to resolve the issue of lifting the arrest for a bribe of $2,000. They shook hands, and the money went into Nechiporenko’s pocket, and the car from the impound lot went to the owner. But this was not enough for the investigator. Then investigator V. Nechiporenko suggested that Gnyri’s wife “resolve the issue” and release her husband, reclassifying the case as “grievous bodily”, and then the court will give “conditionally” and the bribes will be fine. At the same time, the investigator was so persistent that the woman got scared and contacted the SBU.

The following conversations of V. Nechiporenko were already recorded on a voice recorder, where, in a thieves’ manner, the investigator promised to “settle everything”, “to screw up the murder case” for 20 thousand US dollars. It was while he was handing over the money that he was detained by the SBU. The young investigator used his right to call competently - his older brother in Kyiv immediately came to the rescue. Literally a couple of hours later, the case of receiving a bribe was reclassified as attempting to receive a bribe, the inspection report was destroyed, and the investigator was released home on his own recognizance. Next is an order for dismissal under a dishonorable article.

But with the support of S. Kivalov, V. Nechiporenko appeals the decision to initiate a criminal case against him, and the Primorsky District Court of Odessa, and then the regional appellate court, cancel it.

And then - everything is usual for the Kivalovs - Nechiporenko: extraordinary ranks, promotion, and now the ex-corrupt official Vladimir Nechiporenko, already with the rank of colonel, set off to conquer the heights of the Belgorod-Dniester prosecutor's office, where the precious recreational lands of Zatoka, Sergeevka, Kurortny are located...

There is only one stroke left to add to this portrait of the current prosecutor’s office: until now, no one in the General Prosecutor’s Office was even bothered by the fact that S. Nechyporenko, during the Revolution of Dignity, oversaw the prosecution of convicted Maidan activists. That in fact a scoundrel, a corrupt official, a fabricator of criminal cases, a criminal controlled the progress of the investigation of the “Maidan cases.”

And no one in the leadership of the GPU was outraged that the “Law on the Cleansing of Power” in any way affected either Sergei Nechiporenko or his brother Vladimir Nechiporenko.

It was necessary for Sergei Nechiporenko to be caught taking a bribe in the center of Kyiv, a couple of hundred meters from the building of the Main Investigation Department of the GPU, so that Viktor Shokin could finally part with such a “valuable employee.”

P.S. Sergei Nechiporenko has a colleague from the GPU with a similar surname - Alexey Nichiporenko, with whom they are often confused.

Today, Aleksey Nichiporenko heads the GPU department, which is engaged in “investigating investigations” into the Maidan cases, in fact, he controls the investigators investigating the “Maidan cases” and the investigation itself. At the same time, constantly putting a spoke in the wheels of this investigation, as regularly reported by the media.

Under ex-Prosecutor General Vitaly Yarem, the investigation of the “Maidan cases” was, in fact, headed by the same A. Nichiporenko, who after the Maidan was promoted to the Kiev prosecutor’s office - where these cases (proceedings) were first investigated. In particular, in the Kiev prosecutor’s office S. Nechiporenko was the deputy, and later the head of the procedural management department for the events of December 1, to December 11, 2013, for Automaidan, for all those wounded and detained at Grushevsky, etc. d.

As it turned out a year later, A. Nichiporenko “technically” “piped” and “threw down” the investigation of crimes against Maidan activists. In fact, the investigation stood still, witnesses were not interviewed, examinations were not carried out, suspects were not “identified.”

Let us note that Alexei Nechiporenko alone was unable to “fail” the investigation of the “Maidan affairs”. The victims' lawyers name the accomplices of Kivalov's son-in-law: the then deputy prosecutor of Kiev A. Lyubovich (later appointed prosecutor of the Donetsk region; now a general). A.V. Andreev, who throughout Maidan held the position of head of the procedural management department of the Kiev prosecutor’s office, that is, he supervised the observance of the rule of law by law enforcement officers, but in fact covered up the lawlessness committed by employees of the prosecutor’s office, police, SBU and courts - became deputy head of the Department procedural guidance in the GPU. Instead of the dock.

When public indignation reached the boiling point, and V. Yarema’s chair began to shake, the “Maidan cases” were urgently transferred to the GPU to qualified investigators. But Viktor Shokin, who replaced V. Yarema, clearly fulfilling someone’s criminal plan (Yanukovych’s gang? Russian special services? The wishes of President Petro Poroshenko, formulated by the Kremlin?), created in the GPU a kind of “department for investigating the failure to investigate Maidan crimes.” The “investigation of non-investigations” was headed by Alexey Nichiporenko, the main falsifier of the investigation of the “Maidan cases” at the level of the Kiev prosecutor’s office. And now A. Nechiporenko and his team began to regularly interrogate... leading investigators of the Directorate of Special Investigations of the GPU, interfering in the course of the investigation, gaining access to its secret materials, a “nightmare” for investigative workers.

What is this if not an operation of Russian special services? What is this if not complicity in crimes against Maidan activists? What is this if not betrayal of the oath?

To the point: Shokin: The GPU does not have materials proving a Russian trace in the executions on the Maidan

To complete the picture: Alexey Nichiporenko is the son of the odious regional deputy from the Yanukovych era, Valentin Nichiporenko. The Donetsk leader voted for all dictatorial initiatives, including the “January 16 laws.” Today V. Nichiporenko is a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the group of the notorious Khomutynnik. And his son, instead of going to interrogations about his sabotage of the investigation into the “Maidan affairs”, also controls this investigation!

Interview: Olga Lukinskaya
Illustrations: Dasha Chertanova

IN THE RUBRIC "LIFE STYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyle with human face: We talk about the importance of self-care and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. The hero of the new issue is entrepreneur and medical translator Sergei Nechiporenko.

Sergey Nechiporenko

Entrepreneur and medical translator, 38 years old

There is no better rest for the brain than a dozen runs up the stairs.

Feeling good- this is clarity in the head, drive, when the body and brain “ring and sing” in the morning, you want to move and load yourself with something.

I usually get up at seven in the morning I work out for about twenty minutes on the elliptical trainer, then I take a shower, drink tea and go to the forest park to work. An ideal day is to greet the sunrise in summer by jogging along the sea.

My mother taught me to run and ski as a child; Unfortunately, I cannot run calmly when I see an off-leash dog in front, because the dogs have attacked several times. Therefore, in Moscow, where I live from September to June, cardio exercise comes down to the elliptical trainer twice a day. In Bulgaria, from July to August I run along the sea and swim in the sea and pool every day.

Due to the characteristics of the psyche I find it difficult to concentrate when standing still. I once noticed that at the end of a phone conversation I often found myself three kilometers away from my workplace, in the middle of the street - in the end I decided to dictate everything while walking and have been doing this for eight years now. This has only improved my productivity and well-being. It turns out that every day at work I walk from 12 to 32 thousand steps, usually more than ten kilometers. In bad weather, when the tablet is flooded with snow or rain, I go to the office - I specially chose a large one.

Even in a situation where you move, It would seem completely impossible - for example, I'm at a conference all day and work with a stationary microphone - in the end I will still take ten thousand steps. No better than rest for my brain than a dozen runs up the stairs during a break. How people can relax while sitting is a mystery to me.

Our whole family goes skiing every year. alpine skiing: I prefer the calm blue slides, but my wife and children choose the most difficult red ones and take me with them. The middle daughter (she is six years old) sternly says: “You will go like me - with the red one.”

Business trips are my way of life practically does not change. When I arrive, I try to walk a lot, usually going to bed at midnight local time. I have a difficult relationship with catering, because I absolutely cannot stand salt - it is often easier to buy something in a store.

I'm very ashamed of it that my comfortable working day in the form of continuous walking is achieved at the expense of other people who then sit at the computer and type. Unfortunately, serious scientific things, and even document formatting, cannot be entrusted to automatic recognition systems. Previously, it seemed to me that this was like the oppression of man by man. But now I’m calmer about this: I’m ready to admit that many people are more comfortable sitting at a computer than walking through the forest. It is possible that they, sitting warm at home with a cup of coffee, feel sorry for me, shivering in the cold in the forest.

When I started studying biology and chemistry as a child, then I stopped eating completely sausages due to nitrite. Then, when my father was diagnosed coronary disease heart, gave up cholesterol. And when I decided to become a cardiologist, I completely eliminated salt from my food.

A couple of years ago I reconsidered my diet, Having read a lot about glucose toxicity and the issue of insulin resistance. At the same time, I was impressed by two weeks in the Loire Valley: they eat very fatty foods there, almost only legumes from carbohydrates, but life expectancy even among men is higher than among women of the same age in other countries. As a result, I began to allow myself more cholesterol, for the first time I began to eat a lot of cheese, and grapes remained almost the only source of carbohydrates.

Ideally, I would like to get omega-3s from food- three years ago I ate salmon almost every day; my wife joked that I should have started glowing from the phosphorus. After the food embargo, salmon became difficult in Moscow; we mostly manage to eat it in the summer in Bulgaria. I had to find other sources of this acid in Russia - linseed oil and herring soaked in salt water.

I DRINK A LOT OF TEA up to six liters per day. Without it, it’s harder for me to concentrate; my strength somehow drops. Coffee - only when “something went wrong.” I don’t like the taste, but I treat it like medicine - it guarantees a kick for the next two hours, if you urgently need to do something big, and then you can rest.

I try to drink a glass of red wine almost every day. I am convinced of its benefits: polyphenols, resveratrol, anthocyanins; animal experiments confirm this. Moreover, alcohol slightly lowers blood sugar levels. I prefer the darkest, richest in tannins.

I don't drink strong alcohol at all. I’ve never tried vodka in my life, but occasionally I can add rum to my tea for flavor. I unexpectedly discovered that if you add whiskey (preferably Irish) to tea, the effect will be like coffee, only longer. If I have to do long, monotonous work, high-tannin wine with strong tea is guaranteed to keep me clear-headed for six to eight hours.

I mostly cook for myself- My children and wife don’t particularly like my food. I tried fast food once in my life: at the age of 37, while waiting for a flight at the airport, we went to Burger King, there was nothing else nearby. I still remember with disgust: everything floury, fatty, salty, completely inedible for me.

It is impossible to impose anything on my three daughters: neither me nor anyone else - you can only set an example. I hope that they will grow up free from stereotypes - including gender ones. It seems that my stories about what is harmful and what is healthy are not in vain, and they are slowly forming their healthy diet.

I was brought up in the traditions of gender equality, Mom always worked very hard, earned the same amount as dad, they took care of me equally, so role-playing scenarios in traditional children's cartoons are unusual for me. I believe that it is more useful and interesting to watch not romantic stories about a prince on a white horse, but cartoons where self-sufficient girls are engaged in active activities. On the other hand, I also cannot ban some cartoons. The middle daughter recently started making checklists of tasks for the day, although no one taught her - it turned out that she was inspired by the example of the pony Sparkle.

It is very important for me to get enough sleep. There is always this principle: let the working day be shortened by an hour in favor of sleep, but in the remaining time, having slept, I will do twice as much. During your holidays you definitely need open window and fresh air.

Most helpful advice in terms of health, which I received: if possible, eliminate carbohydrates.

At my age I'm comfortable although after thirty-five, obligations towards the body appear. You can’t afford much that your health would forgive at fifteen and twenty-five.

To relieve my psyche, I read, and something as far as possible from scientific topics - classic literature or blogs in Russian, because English makes the brain tired while working. We also like to watch a romantic melodrama or comedy with my wife, with wine and cheese, when the children are asleep.