It is considered correct in Christianity that spite should be answered with good. However, it often happens that, left unpunished, evil returns to us with a vengeance. Conspiracies can protect yourself from the offender to some extent.

What kind of conspiracy to read when punishing an offender, so that it is damaged in 3 days, the offender apologizes, against the thief, to give revenge to the offender so that she starts having problems, a version of revenge for and against, how to teach a lesson so that he repents and corrects what he has done, for death and in the photo this You can find it everywhere, but here only the best and working ones.

Conspiracy of the offender without harm to himself

The most harmless way for yourself to punish an offender is... to forgive him. Go to church and light a candle in the health of your offender with the words: “God is your judge.”

Vanga's conspiracy against the offender

Vanga believed that in all life situations you need to act as your conscience dictates. Therefore, even if you are very offended by someone, you should not do harm to this person and build retaliatory intrigues. If a person is unable to cope with the current situation on his own, then he needs to turn to the Guardian Angel with words for help. There is no need for a special conspiracy for this. State your request for patronage and protection from the offender in your own words.

Conspiracy of the offender by conspiracy at a distance

Buy a red rose. Place it in water and let it sit in front of you until it withers. Every day, tear off one thorn from the stem and say the following spell:

"A thorn in your evil tongue!
No more hissing!
You can’t tell lies in vain,
You will come out of your own evil with anger!
Let it be so. Amen."

How to punish an offender - a strong conspiracy

The conspiracy is read “hot on the heels” and only when there is complete confidence in your rightness, otherwise everything can turn against you:

A conspiracy to make the offender ask for forgiveness

Take an incomplete glass of water and place a burning candle in it with the words:

“You will not live, but suffer,
until you repent from my candle
and you won’t repent to me!

Plot of revenge on the offender

The plot is read over a glass of water:

It will be cast on you.
I don't wish harm
I pour water over the threshold.
Now you won't come into my house,

Then the water should be poured over the threshold of your home.

Conspiracy against the offender using a photo

A photograph of the offender is placed and a glass of water is placed on it. Next, the conspiracy is pronounced:

“All your evil will return to you,
It will be cast on you.
I don't wish harm
I pour water over the threshold.
Now you won't come into my house,
You can’t tell lies in vain! Amen."

The water from the glass should be thrown over the threshold, the photo of the offender should be hidden away or thrown away.

Conspiracy to punish a child abuser

To punish a child offender, you need to cross yourself three times and say:

"Don't touch my child
Evil tongues, dashing troubles!
Anyone who wishes for harm invites disaster upon himself!
Truly so. Amen".

Conspiracy to take revenge on the offender at work

Stand on the shadow of your offender and mentally say:

“No matter how hard you try, the top is mine!
Take your evil with you."

A very strong conspiracy from the offender

Say the following spell after the offender:

“I will punish the offender with nausea, dry dryness.
He will know neither sleep nor rest for seven days
If you bothered my name. Amen!"

Please note that this conspiracy is very strong and the offender will be in trouble in the literal sense.

Conspiracy against a thief or offender (Natalia Stepanova)

Stand in such a way as to cast a shadow from yourself and read the plot:

“Shadow, shadow, followed me all day.
Now help and defeat the enemy.
Let's put him under our hooves,
so that the offense is broken. Amen."

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

A conspiracy will help punish the offender. In life we ​​come across all sorts of people. Not every one of them has positive, kind feelings towards us. Unfortunately, the world is full of evil. It, one way or another, is embodied in specific people who try to take it out on their neighbors. When faced with such a situation, the first reaction is retaliatory aggression. In response to an insult, I want to say “a couple of affectionate words”; in response to an insult, I want to cause harm.

But this is not quite the right decision. You can also bring the world to destruction. Well, if not the whole planet, then ruin your life, for sure. For what? When faced with evil in any form, it is better to stop and think about yourself. You have already been subjected to aggression. Why multiply it many times? After all, it is clear that harshness on your part will not go unanswered by your opponent. Or an intrigue based on resentment will certainly cause a similar reaction from the opponent.

How to punish the offender? CONSPIRACY!

It is better to approach the issue subtly. Let him be full of anger and waste his energy on thoughts of revenge. Why do you need this? Surrender everything to the will of the Higher Powers. Use magic. There are very specific methods of punishing offenders. Some of them are good because they are aimed only at really evil man. If in the heat of the moment you want to punish someone who treats you personally well, the conspiracy will not work. After all, there are mistakes. And an attack on an innocent person is considered a sin, for which you will have to answer. We come to the same conclusion: aggression gives rise to aggression.

There is also. It is not considered here. Uninitiated people who do not have deep knowledge are not recommended to engage in dark conspiracies. The result may be sadder for the magician himself than for his offender.

Before performing the ritual, try to calm down and forgive (no matter how difficult it may be). If there is no resentment left in your soul, the punishment will be a real disaster for the one who dared to offend you.

It is recommended to cool your ardor a little. That is, the plot is not read immediately after the offense is inflicted. Only after calming down, after analyzing the situation, and realizing that it is this person who is to blame, do they begin to take magical revenge. Wait for the person to pass by you. Turn around and say after him:

“Arrow, fly with pain, untrodden paths, unknown paths, through (enemy’s name) blood, liver and spleen. So that there are tears from the eyes, so that the matter is out of hand, so that there are a hundred misfortunes and thousands of torments in his life. Beat him, beat him, stab him, they didn’t let him live in peace. Amen!"

Now spit and walk away.

After reading the plot, try not to meet with the offender for at least a week. Keep in mind that he will sense something is wrong and will try to “give” negative energy back to you. If you see him, do not communicate and under no circumstances accept anything from his hands. After a week, it will be almost impossible to return the wishes.

Punishing the enemy is a conspiracy

Your enemy. If not, then just draw a face as best you can and write his name. Light two black candles. Take a needle in your hands (previously you used a silver product). Inject alternately into his eyes and read these words: “With a black eye, a black demon, black paths, black seas, black forests, I thrust a white needle, I call for justice. Let everyone get what they deserve. Good for me, bad for you! To each his due, be it by furrow or by plow! Amen!".

After this, the photo must be burned and the needle buried in the ground. Do not leave the attributes used in the ritual in your home. Is it dangerous. Through them, evil can enter your home. And also, remember that the ceremony is carried out only in calm state, without anger and hatred.

A strong conspiracy to punish the offender

Light a candle from the Temple and until it goes out, you should read:

“The Lord is in me and everywhere! I am under his merciful protection. He has the power to change the world, to take away a person’s soul, to give life, to bestow justice. I bow under his authority. Let, by His will, justice be restored, everything that was bad will be put into place! Amen!"

Conspiracy to punish the mistress

If in your life, then take as much salt as can fit in the salt shaker. At midnight on Saturday, recite the following words on it:

“I tied it with chains, but I broke it. It was wrapped in shackles, but I cut it. She wished me harm, but I crawled out of the basement. I drowned it with water, but the grave did not come. I took my husband, but I didn’t have much strength. Take yours, I'm not holding it. Let each according to his sins, and for me - according to fate. In the name of the Lord of love. Amen!"

Be sure to place a salt shaker for your husband so that he can touch the charmed salt. After this, if you know a homewrecker, then throw this salt after her. And if you don’t know, then just pour it out onto the lawn outside and say:

"To my husband's mistress"

Conspiracy to punish a rival

When it is necessary, you need to go to the graveyard. Pick some grass near the fence (not in the cemetery). Weave it into a braid. Hang it on a fence or tree, saying the following words:

“Weed from the churchyard, now you are not a guest. Simple people don’t walk over you, they don’t mention you to their relatives. Now you have a braid of hair and are covered with black dew. You are now my rival's braid, so that her hair comes out. Cling to the one who is to blame for my misfortune. Find her in the field, in the water and everywhere. Amen!"

Conspiracy to punish a bad person

To punish the “radish”, buy a skein of blue thread. Write on a piece of paper full name bad person. Roll it into a small tube. Rewind the threads on it and read the following words.

“The blue sea will come soon. Swamped by waves, drowned by oxen. Each has its own share. And you don’t have to swim or sink, just dive under the wave. There the demon will come for you, retribution for your sins will come. Amen!"

As you read, imagine a person.

Conspiracy to punish a debtor

Take a coin of any denomination. Show it and say:

“As you, the face of the night, say goodbye to the earth, so let (name) say goodbye to money. There is no luck for him, no profit for him until he returns everything that he took from people, a whole wave of troubles has arisen. Let him suffer and suffer, he doesn’t know how to return his luck! Amen!"

Throw a coin in big water and ask the Lord to fulfill his plans. And if possible, then give the charmed coin to the debtor. It will work better that way.

An offended, betrayed, insulted person is not inclined to Orthodox tradition“turn the other cheek.” This can be understood in purely human terms. Therefore, there are ways to take revenge using magic. Critics of this life position should think about this. It is common knowledge that everyone will have to pay for what they have done. Religion teaches us this. When the time comes, they say, everyone will have an answer.

However, look at this problem from a broader perspective.

  • Why does a person look for magical ways of revenge?
  • Who and what is guiding him at this moment.
  • Just Ego? Or is he being led by the hand by those forces that have decided during his lifetime to put the insolent man in his place?

After all, the Higher powers are not embodied on earth. Their hands are the same people. All this is quite complex and extremely intimate. The Avenger himself must resolve this issue and choose how to take revenge with the help of magic.

There are enough recipes for such effects on enemies and offenders. There are, as usual, restrictions on their use. One thing is fundamental. It should be strictly followed so as not to cause even bigger problems. Forgive the one who caused the tears, then just perform the ritual. The head should be calm and the heart should be indifferent. In the heat of the moment, you will acquire a large burden on your own karma.

How to take revenge on a person

To carry out the ritual you will need. You can buy them if you find them. Otherwise, paint any with gouache. You also need a portrait of the person you want to take revenge on. Nowadays there are no problems with this. Taking a photograph of a person or getting his image on social networks is a piece of cake. However, make sure that: the client is on

  • portrait alone;
  • looked straight with open eyes.

In this case, the quality of the image does not matter much. Even printed in black and white on plain paper is fine.

The ritual of vengeance itself is carried out at the Hour of the Ox, that is, before dawn. At that time dark forces especially active. This is a tradition. The premonition of an imminent dawn causes any evil spirits that will help you to wander in search of food. On a hard surface (table, floor) form a closed circle of candles. It is recommended to tie them with black thread, grabbing them at the base. In the center, with the image facing the sky.

Read the formula below six times. Then, take a regular needle and pierce the index finger of your left hand. Use blood to draw a cross on the forehead of your offender. Wait until the candles burn out. Wrap the photo, needle, cinders in a piece of paper on which the plot is written. Take it outside and bury it in a remote place. Do not leave at home under any circumstances.

The conspiracy is this:

“The black candles are burning brightly, my enemy (name) will be marked with a seal! Black demons roam around, I gather them into my black circle. I send terrible demons to the enemy. I wish you sorrow and terrible sadness. The messengers will torment him and close all the roads as long as they can hold their legs. Bring him to repentance! You are causing hell to his soul! So that he understands why he received the punishment. So that there is no malice left in him for centuries! I pay with my blood for my work. Give your enemy your evil attention! Amen!"

To the enemy

The previous ritual will bring imminent dangers, troubles and misfortunes to the victim. In fact, his life will change forever. Getting rid of the curse will be very difficult, if not impossible. There are other, easier methods of revenge. After all, not every person will burn candles in the morning and then wander around the courtyards in search of a place to “bury” the remains of the ritual.

If this method seems complicated to you, then make black salt. To do this you will need a photo of the enemy, Bay leaf and, in fact, salt. Tear the image into pieces and place in a frying pan. Add seven laurel leaves there. Burn, thinking about how all the hopes of this person are crumbling. Cool the ashes and mix with the same amount of salt. Carry the resulting mixture with you. It should be secretly thrown at the enemy’s feet.

By the way, this method is good if the magician has many ill-wishers. One ritual is performed for everyone. It uses either a collective photo of enemies or individual ones. But small ones. The number of bay leaves does not increase. Then the mixture is thrown at each person's feet in turn.

How to take revenge on an offender

At any Orthodox holiday buy candles in the Temple. Go to the place where funeral prayers are read. Light a candle there. Holding it in your hands, read the following words in a whisper:

“The candle burns brightly, the wax melts from it.

So are all black people, submissive to their malice,

It falls away from my house, drowns in the swamps and disappears.

The funeral candle confused the thoughts of the enemies who planned evil.

She settled hare hearts in her chest, turned her plans into stupidity!

As a candle burns out in a mournful place, misfortunes and troubles will meet together!

I direct everyone into the enemy’s fate. Let him answer for his anger. Amen!"

Plot to take revenge on your ex

It makes no difference how the person hurt you. If you didn’t appreciate it and quit, then the same rituals are used as in other cases. However, there are also special women's rituals. They are usually much more powerful than men's. . Men are also recommended to study this section for educational purposes.

From wax church candle make a doll, trying to maintain the proportions of your ex. Be sure to indicate your gender characteristics. Scratch the name of the traitor on his chest. After midnight, take the doll out into the open sky. Prick your finger until it bleeds and immediately pierce the doll’s groin with the same instrument. At this moment, read these words:

“I remove my protection with blood. I'm taking away your masculine strength. I let the cold into the bones and veins, I forbid love and desire forever. Together with the Moon, the power will melt. No one will force you to love you anymore. The blood will not rebel if the loins are drooping. Your bride will be an incredible melancholy! It was said, ordered in blood! Amen!"

Keep the doll in a place where no one can get to it. After some time, the ex will find himself completely alone. He will have such problems that he will have no time for women.

Take revenge on the guy

If you want the young man who insulted you to never find happiness again, then use animal fur. The method is old and very true. You need to take some hair from a cat and a dog (necessarily male). Add hairs to them ex-boyfriend. Roll into a ball. So say:

“The dog tore at the cat and will continue to do so. And you (name) will not see happiness! Amen!"

This ball must be thrown to the insidious traitor.

We're all in modern world very dependent on our environment. Each of us has enemies and friends, friends and enemies. Not always, for a variety of reasons, the state or the public can protect us. That is why many are interested in the question of how to protect yourself from offenders using magic on your own. Such methods are optimal and the only possible if you have been subjected to an energy attack.

Home distinctive feature rituals in which a conspiracy is used against the offender is their diversity. That is, it is very important to choose the right ritual in accordance with the current situation.

Universal ritual

If you doubt that you can choose the right ritual, you can use a very simple universal magic spell at the offender.

Words must be spoken in privacy in a separate room, through an open window or window. It is very important to visualize how each spoken word is picked up by the wind and carried away to the goal.

The conspiracy against the offender sounds like this:

“I, Slave(s) of God(s) ( given name) yours, my Lord God. I say and believe that everything in this world is in Your hands and in Your power. Everything on the sinful earth, to You, is subordinate and controlled by You. You, the Almighty, are the creator, for everything in this world was created by You. Without You, the sun will not appear in the sky, not a single blade of grass will grow on earth. There will be no wind in the desert, and no waves on the sea. The stars will not cover the night sky with myriads of fairy lights. If You wish, then a person will not be born and his soul will not leave the body without Your consent. I, Slave(s) of God(s) (proper name) Your creation, Lord Almighty. I am still an unreasonable child, but eager to know You through any worldly manifestations. I want to be a reflection of Yours and a part of Yours. I know that I am always under your protection. Therefore, I ask you, Lord, restore justice and punish my offender. And I will glorify You and pray to You. Amen".

The plot must be read without stumbling by heart and very confidently. In the process of pronouncing it, you should not awaken anger in your soul towards the offender, otherwise it may come back to you in the form of a return and harm your health.

There is another strong conspiracy, the action of which is aimed at punishing the offender and eliminating the consequences of evil directed against you. If you are sure that your troubles are to blame special person, then he can be punished with the help of magic and all the evil he has done can be returned to him.

The ritual should begin immediately before the full moon. Secluded in a separate room, you should light a church candle. Next, you need to take a small onion and write the name of your offender on it. Two small crosses should be drawn above and below the name. On each of the crosses you need to drop a drop of melted wax. After such preparations, the onion should be placed in a bowl filled with holy water and left on the windowsill all night and the next day. The candle must be extinguished and left indoors next to the bowl.

The next day after sunset, you should take the same candle again and, tilting it over the bowl, so that the wax drips into the water, you should say the spell forty times.

It sounds like this:

“As wax melts from the flame of a church candle, so let your hatred and anger melt away, Servant of God (name of the offender or offender) directed at me, and let all your evil return to you. Amen".

After reciting the plot, you need to put out the candle and hide all the attributes until the next evening. In the evening of the third day, in the first half of the day, you must order a magpie for the health of your offender. Arriving home, you should take out the hidden attributes, light the extinguished candle and read the above plot again forty times. After this ritual, the bowl with the onion and the candle stub should be placed in a secret place for 40 days. After this time, it is necessary to wrap the cinder and onion in a sheet of white paper and bury it under a dry tree or stump.

While saying the words:

You need to throw out the water from the cup after your enemy. If it is not possible to do this, then the water must be thrown towards the home of your offender. At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to order prayers for health in three different churches.

Before carrying out any ritual aimed at your offender, you need to make sure that it was he who wished you harm. It's important not to make a mistake. Otherwise, the conspiracy will turn against you. In addition, you cannot take revenge on this person in the future. But after the ceremony, you should move away from him and try not to meet with him.

How to punish an offender in a sinless way, without resorting to black magic? Are there occult ways of punishing the offender so that negative energy did not return back to the sender?

If you decide to punish the offender by resorting to the forces of the occult, then this method will eventually return the negative to you in the form of a serious illness. The thing is that any negative energy is subject to the principle of reflection. And it doesn’t matter that you are avenging yourself, a friend or brother. This law is hidden by those who promise you to punish the offender in a sinless way. Any targeted punishment is a delusion.
What to do in this case? You can’t leave the offender unpunished.
Here is a method that, with appropriate practice, will help restore the damaged energy balance from unreturned energy to the offender.

1). To “punish” the offender in a sinless way, you need to go to church and order a magpie about his health. This is the most difficult step, but he will be able to connect, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, light energy, which, having come into contact with his negative energy, will remind him of the committed act. This is equivalent to starting to melt ice with the rays of the bright sun. Now do you understand the meaning of the bright message? It will work when the time comes. After the magpie is reprimanded, you will feel some relief, and the offender will feel sorrow.
2). Order a magpie about health for yourself. I will now explain why this is necessary. You have been hurt. This is a negative energy message of resentment. He will try to break out and return to the desired destination. Thus, according to occult laws, after some time you will receive an energy blow of double strength. Sorokoust will allow you to level out your own energy of revenge. By resorting to the proposed method, you will save yourself from an erroneous action, and the offender will lose the opportunity to observe how bad you feel.
3). To “punish” the offender with an additional light energy message, try saying the following words.

I forgive you, I banish the offense,
I don’t reproach you for your evil deed.
Let the forces of light help you understand,
What a sin it is to try to appease a person.
He himself will receive everything when God decides,
At the appointed hour he will carry out his judgment.
When a strong wind causes the bush to sway,
I send you the magpie.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

Read these lines for forty days. If you have patience and do everything as expected, then after this time you will feel how you have gotten rid of the desire for revenge, and let the Lord God choose the punishment for the offender.

The article was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky