Water is considered the most common substance on the planet, but few people are familiar with its magical properties.

In the circles of healers, magicians and psychics, a water spell is widely popular, which can lead to healing, attract good luck, give love and achieve other goals. However, it is very important that the water is endowed with positive energy, since bad energy will not bring the desired result. Not at all, it can harm a person.

Magical rituals performed with the help of water can pursue a variety of purposes, since this substance is an extraordinary keeper of information. Through magic, water can be enriched with a wide variety of energies, given any structure and directed its power to perform a specific task.

Water is a very malleable material, so you should work with it carefully.

Melt and holy water are recommended to be used in positive rituals. Using tap or bottle water requires an additional cleansing ritual. Untreated tap water is endowed with negative energy, so its use will cause serious consequences.

Read the words correctly and cast a love spell on your loved one!

Magical rituals using water are most common among magicians. With their help you can perform cherished wish and attract good luck, attract love, cure the sick and much more. However, for the plot to work, it must be executed correctly. Improper execution of the ritual can lead to disaster.

First of all, a person must believe in magic and be able to impart power to spoken words. The ritual can only be performed in a concentrated state. As mentioned above, it is recommended to use holy or spring water in rituals; it is also possible to use melt water. If only tap water is available, then it is subject to preliminary 7-day purification.

To do this, a vessel with liquid is spoken with a special prayer and left for 7 days in a dark place.

All spells based on water should be read by heart. Especially if they are strong. Some texts are very short, and some are quite long, but this should not stop you - they must be learned. It is permissible to read a prayer over water only in a quiet and peaceful environment; there should be no noise or other distractions.

It is recommended to read the words of the conspiracy in a whisper, so that the reading is more like singing. Each word is pronounced clearly and intelligibly, but at the same time quietly and in a sing-song voice. You should keep your lips close to the liquid, then it will be able to respond to breathing and absorb energy. It is unacceptable for anyone to know about the ceremony, so you should choose a place for the ceremony with the expectation that it will be deserted and calm.

Water will heal and remove damage

A popular magical ritual of an Altai healer will allow you to get rid of all ailments at once. So, one conspiracy allows you to simultaneously get rid of the evil eye, failure, illness and other negative aspects. It is recommended to read the plot at dawn on the day of the waning moon. To carry out the ceremony, use spring or melt water. A spell is cast over her three times.

Conspiracy “From the evil eye and damage”

I cleanse you from negativity, cleanse you from bad thoughts, from damage and the evil eye, from a heavy burden!” From all ailments: “Spring water, clean water, get rid of me, God’s servant (name), from illnesses, from damage and protect from the evil eye. I will take your strength for myself, I will take your purity for myself. Amen!"

The charmed liquid should be taken daily for several months, one tablespoon per day.

The following ritual can help make your most cherished desire come true. Having collected spring water in a glass and spoken to it, the liquid must be consumed in small sips.

Conspiracy “To make a wish come true”

“Water, water, my sister, you let me wash, you let me drink. Give me, servant of God (name), some water, three drops for good luck, five drops for luck and sea for good luck. I close my words with the key, I wash the key in water. Just as the water is pure, my thoughts are pure and my desires are clear. As it is said, it will come true. Amen."

It is important that at the moment of committing a conspiracy, a person’s thoughts are concentrated on desire, and it must be pure and kind. Evil intentions will not be fulfilled, but will bring disaster to the performer.

No less popular among the people is a conspiracy that allows you to attract good luck in deciding financial issues. To do this, you will need to light several candles, fill a container with holy water, and lean close to it and whisper the words of prayer.

Conspiracy “To attract money”

“Just as water is holy, as pure as a tear and healing, so it is miraculous in wealth. I charge water for money, for deals, for earnings. Just as water flows into the belly, so wealth accumulates drop by drop. Money to money, action to words. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Water magic attracts good luck, fulfills wishes, bestows love and eliminates illnesses.

Young girls are in great demand for a ritual aimed at attracting the guy they like. Of course, every girl has a desire to find love and attract the attention of her chosen one. An appropriate conspiracy will help in this matter.

So, the ritual must be performed on the waxing moon at midnight. You will need to light one church candle and read a prayer over a jug of water. The words should be said three times, while candle wax should be dripped into the vessel three times.

Conspiracy “To attract a guy”

“For love, for longing, for tenderness. I need to speak to the water so that the servant of God (name) does not see his life without the servant of God (name). So that they could be happy to be together, keep love, be faithful. Let him not seek happiness without her, let him know no peace. Amen!"

Subsequently, the water should be used in baked goods, which will be fed to the chosen one. Thus, the desire to attract attention will be fulfilled.

Will there be a reckoning?

Any conspiracy has consequences. The only difference is that the simplest and most harmless rituals will result in minor losses for the performer. So, some time after performing the ritual, a person may get what he wants, but in return, he may lose a small or large amount of money, catch a cold, or incur anger from loved ones.

It happens that after attracting a guy, after a while the young man suddenly begins to hate the girl.

Love spells can lead to serious consequences. Rituals for love are the most powerful and belong to black magic. In this case, the performer and the victim will face punishment. Often the ritual has the opposite effect - the performer himself becomes bewitched and suffers from this state.

Video: Water conspiracies

A money spell on water helps to attract money and become rich, which is designed to attract money so that it is always in the house. Vanga shared the conspiracy during her lifetime, telling it to a woman so that she could get rid of poverty and feed her children.

The conspiracy helps to fulfill any desire, but most often it is customary to read it for money and wealth at a time when there is a lack of money and there is simply no place to get money from.

At home, pour a glass of holy water after reading the water spell for money :

Lord, my God, I, the servant of God (name), are before you.

You created the sun, the stars, man, and gave him shade for every day.

You created the sea, the earth, the house and gave a canopy, a figure, a shadow.

My shadow is in the water, and the water is in me!

I ask her, I give the order:

Fulfill my request, give me a lot of money in my house,

Get rid of lack of money.

From now and forever my house is a full cup.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Now you need to spray it in all corners of the house (apartment) and drink the charmed water. Very soon you will be able to see the consequences money conspiracy water, how he can quickly attract money and every day wealth will only increase, filling your wallet with new crisp bills. Don’t tell anyone that you yourself read Vanga’s water plot to attract big money.

© Copyright: Magician

  • Very good plot for wealth, attracting money, read which you need in church at Christmas. If you perform a money ritual, you will always have money and your family will live in complete prosperity without needing anything. Magicians call the Christmas spell a “money magnet for the year” with the help of which you can completely get rid of poverty and have a lot all year

  • Strong conspiracies for attracting money and wealth, designed to always have money in your wallet and wealth at home. Christmas conspiracies for money work all year long, whoever happened to read a strong money conspiracy on their own is poverty and poverty goes away and money becomes abundant. A conspiracy to attract big money needs to be read on a banknote, but not just any one,

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  • Conspiracies and rituals that attract wealth and money have always been used by magicians who know how to attract money and luck into their lives with a conspiracy. After reading a money plot, a person always had a lot of money. The only disadvantage of this ritual is that it needs to be redone every year, but the consequences of this money plot pay off completely and you get a year’s life

  • There is a very old and strong conspiracy increasing profits for business growth. You need to read the money plot that attracts money and attracts rich buyers yourself. Immediately after the money ritual, you will feel how well all the goods will begin to sell out, and the profit from sales will grow rapidly, increasing trade turnover in the business. When everyone's gone

  • How to use magic to conjure money under a pillow, or even better, summon money so that there is enough for a house, apartment, car and any things! Money magic allows you to conjure and call upon the required amount of finance at home to achieve a specific goal now and immediately. Next, conspiracies for will tell you how to conjure what you need, money or an object. For practicing magicians

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  • How to attract big money to your home and get rich quickly, of course, read the money plot after which poverty will pass and wealth will come. An ancient money ritual will help to attract goodness and good luck into your home, and the money in your wallet will always be in the amount you need. Take the wallet in your hands and, opening it, say the text of the conspiracy: ... Recalculate the finances in the wallet, all up to

  • A money plot for your husband's wallet should be read by taking a church candle painted in green color and a banknote of any denomination. After the spell to attract money, the bill should be given to the husband so that he can buy bread, milk and eggs, so calculate the denomination of the bill; there should be one. Your husband must give you all the change from the purchase - this is very important!

  • Money conspiracies that really help and work quickly are ancient money conspiracies that bring wealth to your home. A conspiracy that increases finances in your wallet helps to attract wealth. Important at the time of money ritual The wallet should contain 5 rubles in one coin. After a money spell, this coin will be a talisman that will attract wealth into your wallet.

  • Money ritual attracting money from Vanga is done independently to attract money. A powerful conspiracy against poverty, poverty and lack of money helps you get rich, so that you always have money and never run out. The spell against poverty is read for the smallest paper bill in the house at midnight on the waning moon, and early in the morning this bill must be spent in the church by buying candles,

Did you know that a simple glass of water works wonders? The liquid that makes up 80% of us accumulates both negative and positive energy. Therefore, a correctly read water plot radically changes human life.

Most often, witches use running water for spells - it is easier to charge. With the help of such a liquid you can attract money energy, attract love, luck and good fortune. Water is a malleable material that needs to be handled very carefully. Now you will learn how to make charged water correctly.

Strong conspiracies related to water have been known for a long time. The number of such rituals cannot be measured. When performing magical actions, adhere to the following rules:

  • you need to use running water (without turbidity, pebbles and sand);
  • conspiracies with water are done in complete solitude;
  • spells will have to be learned by heart;
  • It is not recommended to tell anyone about occult plans.

When working with water, you must constantly think about the end goal. You cannot be distracted by foreign objects - you risk making a mistake. The correct spell for water is carried out far from prying eyes.

Water can be placed in any vessel - a ceramic cup, glass glass, jar or teapot. Strengthen the liquid by putting it out in the morning Sun rays. Write kind words on pieces of paper and stick them with tape to the container - this way you can strengthen the planned witchcraft.

Strengthening family ties

U big feelings there is also back side- over time they weaken. There is a water spell that can restore the balance of relationships and stop the breakdown of a marriage. Procedure:

  1. Go to the stream and dial there clean water.
  2. Buy two white candles from the church.
  3. Seclude yourself in a locked room.
  4. Pour the water into a ceramic container.
  5. Melt the candles, make them soft.
  6. Weave the candles and light them again (when frozen in this position).
  7. Read the plot.

All these manipulations must be completed a couple of minutes before midnight. While the spell is being recited, the candles are tilted over the container, and you cannot extinguish them yourself. When the candles go out, pour the liquid into vials and drink with your husband throughout the week. It is enough to use a few drops daily (ideally 3). Spell text:

“White swans show mercy, but cannot be merciful. So we (the names of the spouses) cannot stop looking at each other. A wife will always love her husband, and a husband will always love his wife. Amen".

Getting rid of the homewrecker

This ritual is suitable for those who are afraid of the machinations of the woman whom the husband dated before marriage. Do you think your spouse continues to pine for an old passion? Then the enchanted water will help you.

Take out the holy water taken on the day of the waning moon (after reciting, the liquid splashes out the window). At dawn, pour the liquid into a new cup and begin the ritual. Stand in front of the window, pick up a cup and start reading the prayer:

“The old love has passed, withered, dried up, faded, died. Love the new one lives, it is fresh and green, like a pine tree in a forest. The pine tree lives a long time, and God’s servants (name your names) will be together forever. My word is strong. Amen".

Money water magic

Now we have to figure out how to cast a spell on water in order to gain financial well-being and prosperity. The simplest ritual for money is read at home without unnecessary witnesses. Fill a basin with running water, drink it, and then wash your face. Allow the liquid to be absorbed into the skin (do not dry yourself with a towel). Water is enchanted for wealth like this:

“Oh, great water, you know everything, you have unprecedented power. You washed distant shores, so wash away my bad luck, let me find good life And eternal wealth. Make sure that my loved ones do not need anything. Amen".

Financial luck

Sometimes you don't have enough money due to bad luck, so you can cast a spell for good luck and money. Fill a saucepan with running water and place the container in the center of the table. Buy 3 candles from the temple and place them around the pan, forming an imaginary triangle. The candles must be lit and the spell read three times:

“Now money and luck will visit my home. Drive away, holy water, bad weather, give me happiness. Amen".

After reading the money plot, go to the bathroom. Douse yourself with the enchanted liquid and wait for your body to dry. You cannot dry yourself with a towel.

Ritual with gold

There are conspiracies for water for money, preparation for which is fraught with certain difficulties. So, in your house you should have gold jewelry, and among them - a cross. Procedure:

  1. Gather all the precious things (along with the cross) into a pile.
  2. Take out a golden colored cup.
  3. Place the cup on the countertop.
  4. Light four candles around the container, forming an imaginary square.
  5. Place the image of the Mother of God nearby.
  6. Read the prayers “Virgin Mother of God” or “Our Father”.
  7. Whisper the money spell 12 times.

In the above example, we not only charm water, but also drink it regularly. It is better to immediately pour the liquid into a bottle and add three drops to your drink every day. Sorcerers also advise moistening your fingertips - then wealth will “stick” to you. Spell text:

“I will bow to the Mother of God, cross myself and go to the crossroads of seven roads. I’ll get to the eighth field, there I’ll see a key well. A young moon hangs over that well, silver light pours. Goes down the beam Holy Mother of God, collects Jordan water. I also came to ask for that water, to wash my hands with healing dew, to straighten out my earthly affairs. Whoever washes himself with divine dew, money sticks to him and is never transferred. Amen".

Protection from damage and the evil eye

Sometimes a good luck spell does not correct the situation because you have been subjected to a magical attack from the outside. There are a couple of proven rituals to protect against the evil eye. Here is one of them:

  1. Get some melt water (good if the ceremony is carried out in winter).
  2. Wait for the waning moon.
  3. At exactly midnight, start plotting.
  4. Light a white candle purchased from church.
  5. Take a saucer filled with melted water in your hand.
  6. Cast a magic spell.

At the end of the ritual, you need to cross yourself and read the “Our Father” three times. In the morning, take three small sips from the saucer, and sprinkle the rest of the liquid into your home. Text of the prayer:

“Vodichka-voditsa, queen of paradise, you came from heaven, went to the earth, and began to rule here. Take away, little water, from God’s servant (your name) all the envious glances and fierce misfortunes. Take the trouble to the ground, let no one find it. May the earth bury these misfortunes forever. Amen".

Salvation from damage

During the day, you can perform a simple ritual with a glass filled with life-giving spring moisture. Go to the nearest forest spring, pick up a jar of clean water there and return home. After filling the glass, place it on the windowsill and begin reading the prayer:

“The sun is shining from heaven, and good people surround me. If anyone plans something evil, he will run into his own evil. As I said, so it will be. Amen".

After whispering the plot, the water is drunk. Remember that before starting magical operations you need to protect yourself by reading the Lord’s Prayer. This way you will be safe from the “boomerang effect”.

beauty and health

Our health directly depends on the presence of excess weight. If you are tormented overweight, mold a miniature human figurine from plasticine. The person should resemble you in appearance - spend more plasticine on “ problem areas" Next do this:

  1. Place a glass filled with spring water on the windowsill.
  2. Place a plasticine man next to the container.
  3. Whisper the spell.

This ritual helps those who like to overeat at night. When you wake up in the morning, drink some of the enchanted water (three sips are enough). When the liquid runs out, repeat the ritual. Text of the prayer:

“Let it not be the plasticine doll that loses weight, but let me get rid of excess weight. The fat disappears, the magic returns my slimness. I won’t allow overeating, I’ll remove the kilos. Let it be so".

From a terrible disease

If one of your loved ones is suffering from an unknown terrible disease, you can heal him with magic. Pour tap water into a glass, place it in front of you and think about a loved one. Whisper a conspiracy:

If one of your loved ones is suffering from an unknown terrible disease, you can heal him with magic

Water spells can help in almost any situation. If you use them correctly, you can avoid or resolve many problems of various types. And this article shows how to do it without making mistakes.

In the article:

How to implement your plans correctly?

The number of these rituals is innumerable. They are used in all areas of magic: in, etc. But they all have common features, which you need to know before taking on this business. So:

  • It is advisable to take running or melt water. Some rituals also allow the use of tap water, but in general it is not recommended. However, the water should not be cloudy or with dirt, sand, stones, etc.
  • Any spell or prayer that is spoken over water must be memorized. You can’t read them from a piece of paper or get lost during divination. It is also necessary to learn the process of the ritual itself, what follows what, so that later you don’t have to peep or frantically remember.
  • You must perform the ritual alone, no one should interfere with you or disrupt it in any way. In any case, you can't rush. If you need to go somewhere after the ritual, make sure that this does not affect the ritual. When performing a ritual, all aspirations should be directed only at the goal.
  • Do not tell anyone about the witchcraft you have performed or are planning. It doesn’t matter which ritual you chose, no one should know about it, since alien energy may well affect the result, especially if, under someone’s influence, you suddenly doubt the possibility of getting what you want. But even when your wish comes true, it is still undesirable to talk about fortune telling.

Water spells for love in marriage

If just recently everything was fine with you, but suddenly some misunderstandings arose with your soulmate, read these conspiracies so that your love becomes the same again, you are not disturbed by the former partners of your passion, or simply to strengthen your feelings.

To strengthen family relationships

For this witchcraft you will need some clean water from the stream and 2 new white candles. A few minutes before midnight, retire to your room and pour water into a cup, preferably a glass one. Then you need to melt both candles a little so that they become soft and intertwine them. After they harden again, light them, bend them over the vessel, and read three times:

Just like a white swan and a winch show mercy to each other, they don’t show mercy to each other, they admire each other, they can’t stop looking at each other, so that young people look at each other all their lives and never see enough, so a husband would love his wife, and a wife would love her husband. Amen.

Do not put out the candles, let them go out on their own. Pour the enchanted water into a bottle and pour 3 drops into both partners for 7 days in a row. Pour the remaining water outside.

Get rid of an old rival

If your partner loved someone before marriage, and you think that he still has certain feelings, it would be good to read this hex.

First, you should take the blessed water, and on the day when the moon begins to wane, pour it into a cup that has not been used before. The ritual itself must be performed at sunrise. At this moment, approach the window and say this spell over the cup:

The old love existed, the old love passed, faded, withered, withered, died. New love- The old love was, - the old love passed, faded, withered, withered, died. New love is alive and green, like a pine tree in a dense forest. That pine tree will live for a long time, all our lives we will be a servant of God (name) and a servant of God (name) of love. My word is strong, so it will be. Amen.

Now you need to pour the water out of the window.

To restore love

If your significant other is becoming more and more indifferent to you, gradually moving away from you, then this water spell will be an excellent remedy for this case.

The ritual itself is recommended to be performed at the moment when it has just dawned, you need to take a cup of water, tap water is also allowed. Put it where no one can find it. At one o'clock in the morning you need to enter any room with this glass, stand in the middle and say three times:

The water splashes in the spring from edge to edge, from the middle to the side. My silver handles are flowing around separately, My golden handles are separated from each other. It separates and separates, it does not bring me together with my betrothed. He will splash, he will get agitated, he will get upset, he will run away, he will settle down, he will run away. My silver hands, my golden hands, They will be together, They will become a pair of lovebirds, Like my darling and I. Whoever gnaws the alatyr stone will overcome this word. Forever and ever. Amen.

Drip this liquid onto your bed, and pour what's left in the yard.

Beauty spells for a glass of water

These spells really help to regain lost beauty or, conversely, to become even more beautiful.

Return of beauty

Moon phase: full moon.

Items: a cup of spring water, 3 wax candles, a blue scarf, salt.

Salt Cup with water
Wax candles
Blue scarf

To begin, collect spring water. The ritual itself must be performed exactly at midnight at So, put on a blue scarf that you have never worn. Then place an empty cup in the center of the table. Place candles behind her and light them. Then you need to take a little coarse salt and pour it into a bowl. Gradually pour water into the cup, whispering:

We are so glad to see the red sunshine. Just as they admire the color of poppies, how May honey is sweet to them and they need salt in their food, so I, the servant of God (name), would be liked by girls and young men, old men and women, widowers and widowers, rich and stingy, merchants and priests and to the entire human race. If only I were pleasing to the eye and intelligent in speech. I would charm them with these charms. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Without delay, extinguish all the candles and leave the room. The next day you should go back, cross yourself 3 times, and sip water seven times. Pour the remaining water over yourself.

Conspiracy for rejuvenation

This ritual must be performed on Ivan Kupala, that is, July 7. Take a walk to a place where no one will disturb you, take some water from the stream, honey and roasted sunflower seeds sunflower. Walk around for a while, when you find a place that suits you, stop and take off your shoes. Let your hair be loose. Turn to the east side and read the spell out loud:

“Sun, warming Mother Earth, giving light to its inhabitants, give me your kind warmth, give me your bright light, give your ray into my heart.”

Now you need to get running water and pour yourself over it, whispering:

“Water, water, cleanse me from bad deeds, from evil thoughts, from evil spirits. Help me, renew my face and soul.”

After this, pick some flowers and make a wreath out of them. Now you need to put it on and say:

“Forest branches, wild flowers, meadow grasses, give me everything that Mother Nature has endowed you with.”

Walk a little, then sit down, eat honey and drink water. Get up, pick up some seeds in your hand and throw them forward, saying:

“Everything will be as requested, everything will be as planned. I am endowed with natural strength. The seeds of the sunny flower are my witnesses.”

Then you can return home. Don't forget to pick up the wreath, it will be your talisman until Ivan Kupala arrives next year.

As you know, there is no such thing as too much money, so you shouldn’t miss the chance to earn it. The rituals described below will give you the opportunity to gain and increase your financial well-being.

Moon water

For this divination you will need a couple of previously sterilized jars. You need to fill them with water. It will be great if you take melt water. Then add a handful of herbs that attract money. For example, cinnamon, cloves or saffron, as well as thyme and basil. It is advisable to use live plants rather than dried ones, however, in the absence of them, you can also use dry ones. Then formulate your desire and begin to visualize it. Imagine a vivid picture of what is happening, feel as if what you want already came true. When you realize that you have reached the peak, imagine your power flowing through your hands into the infusion. Let the jar stand under the moonlight all night. The next day, strain the water and swirl it tightly. Do not allow sunlight to shine on the vessel. Every morning, pour a tablespoon of moon water into your tea.

Conspiracy for the new month

This ritual is performed on the seventh lunar day. First, fill a glass container with clean water, tap or running. So, at night, at the hour when the month is already clearly visible, you need to find a place so that the moonbeam is reflected in the water. If this cannot be realized in any way, since the Moon is not visible from your window, you can simply imagine it, but this is still not the best option. It is still advisable to look for a suitable place or wait until the month appears. Then, while holding a full cup of water, say:

Fill yourself with moonlight,
Be filled with heavenly power
And wonderful grace.
Mother Moon, spring water,
I turn to you with my soul -
Call me for money.
How much water is there in the sea, ocean, river,
Let there be so much money in my wallet.
Mother Moon, shine your light on the water,
Give me wealth.
Amen to my deed and word.

After that, lift the cup up and look through it at the crescent moon. Say the following:

The cup may be full, and for me, God’s servant (name),
Forget all poverty.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Finally, you should drain the cup of water to the last drop.

It is well known that melt water has wonderful properties. It is especially helpful as a protective agent. These are simple but effective prayers will only enhance the magical effect of melt water.

Prayer for protection from the evil eye

If you feel that the evil eye has been cast on you out of envy, perform this ritual to get rid of the consequences.

So, first take a small amount of melt water. The ritual itself is carried out then, at 00.00. Light a white church candle, raise a saucer of water and say over it:

Water-voditsa, heavenly queen,
Came from the sky, went to the ground,
Water-water, queen of the earth,
She came from the earth and went to heaven.
Take it, water, water, from God’s servant(s) (name)
All the misfortunes are fierce, the looks are bad,
Crooked, slanting, envious,
Take them to the land where no one walks
May the earth forever bury everything that has happened to you.
Let it be so! Amen!

Then say three times “ Our Father"and create sign of the cross. The next day you should take a bowl of water, take 3 sips and sprinkle it all over your apartment.

Spell for freedom from bad luck

So, first, collect melt water. It has great importance so that it does not melt completely, that is, there are pieces of ice left there. You will also need a small vessel, a silver spoon and church candle. This means that now you need to light a candle and place a bowl of water on the stove to warm up. Stir it with a silver spoon while saying:

Malanya went out to the outskirts early in the morning, cried and sobbed, did not know how to calm down, spoke in all directions, made a complaint. I give her my troubles, I don’t want to bear them anymore. Let her carry my troubles far, far, beyond the sea, beyond the fiery spring, to the very ends of the earth. Let my house be full; there will be bread and porridge in it. Everyone in the house, nothing out. I, (name), am the mistress of this house - and it wouldn’t be any other way. There are locks on all my words. Let it be so.

Do not heat it too much, but so that before it boils you can cast the spell 12 times. Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out on its own. In the future, put water near the bed when you go to bed, saying the plot the same number of times. The next day, boil water and gradually exhale three times onto its surface, visualizing how your troubles come out along with your breath. Then throw away the used water immediately.

In general, the use of water in magic is a widespread practice. And now you can well say that you also know a lot about this type of witchcraft. But still, be careful and remember to follow the rules exactly so that everything turns out the way you want it.

In contact with

Water is the source of life on earth. Nothing living exists without it. Almost 80% of the entire surface of the Earth is covered with water. If we go deep into the earth, we will find it there too. All living things on earth contain water. It dissolves most of the elements necessary for life and transfers them to living organisms. She is a conductor of energy. Scientists working in the field of natural sciences are well aware that it is a participant in almost all reactions occurring in our world. To put it simply, our entire world is based on water.

Since ancient times, people have known that water accumulates, stores and transfers information. The research of the Japanese scientist Maisaru Emoto on the ability of water to transfer negative and positive energies, with the help of the media, literally excited the whole world. But there is nothing new in this, since all this is the subject of study by many modern scientists (for example: work on the study of structured water was and is being carried out by the laboratory of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University). This was known to our distant ancestors, who used these qualities of water for many centuries.

Water is a carrier of information

There are such concepts of water as “our own” and “foreign”. And it is no coincidence that most people, from a spiritual point of view, live more comfortably in the place of his birth. And if a person moves to a foreign city or country, this leads to great moral turmoil. This is partly due to water, which carries other information that is not entirely clear to that which is part of this person.

The properties of water were widely used in different religions. In Christianity there is global concept baptism by water. It is believed that it washes away all previous sins of a person. Buddhists and Muslims also have many rituals related to water. It is not without reason that there is an opinion that water consecrated in a church carries life-giving energy, which is given to it by prayers filled with the energy of love and goodness. But the most “living” water is spring water, charged by Nature itself. There are still springs on Earth with primordial water, which has an extraordinary ability to heal and transform a person.

The most powerful conspiracy is the one made on water. Why exactly is he? Water has a large field of information. She preserves it and with its help influences people. So, water is an information carrier and, depending on the quality of this information, it can carry a positive or negative charge. Positively charged water is used by white magicians and healers to achieve certain goals for a person, namely health, luck, luck, love, protection from evil, etc. black magic the water was charged with negative (black) energy and really brought irreparable harm to the ordered person.

Water spell rules

The word has an established power. But not just any word. Everyone knows the power prayer spell on Epiphany water, when millions of people in churches pray with faith, then it becomes holy.

Even in ancient times, people knew about the power of influence of certain words pronounced in a certain order on a person. These words had a name - conspiracy. It acts as a set of certain words, often rhymed, aimed at realizing a deepest desire. When performing it, you need to repeat certain actions. The point of this repetition is that it gives power to words. When casting a spell on water, you must follow simple but essential rules. Only if they are followed will the conspiracy succeed and have effect:

  • We follow the rules of the conspiracy without deviating from them. There is no need to introduce anything new. Otherwise it may not work.
  • If Bad mood, then you must first clean it, remove the negative attitude. Otherwise all negative energy transferred to water.
  • We carry out a conspiracy in cases of urgent need, but in no case for the sake of curiosity.
  • The conspiracy is best pronounced in a whisper, clearly and clearly, without rearranging the words.
  • We carry out conspiracies exclusively for good; rituals aimed at causing harm to a person will certainly result in misfortune for those who performed them.
  • When carrying out a conspiracy, we visually imagine all the positive things that we will get from the desired result.
  • We carry out the conspiracy with faith.

Each person has his own opinion, often different from others, regarding conspiracies aimed at changing the structure of water. Some believe in enchanted water, others not so much. But one thing is clear: you shouldn’t get carried away with conspiracies. This must be approached very carefully and carefully. Nothing in this world passes without a trace. For each of our actions we need to bear a certain fee. Refer to these methods in extreme cases and preferably for protection purposes. Don't cast any strange spells. It is better to use prayers, since they contain a huge healing positive effect on the structure of water.

Do we influence others through water with personal thoughts, words, emotions such as hatred, envy or love? Do we know how to program ourselves and other people around us? Undoubtedly. Feelings such as acute exhaustion, aggression without apparent reason, bad mood and, in the worst case, illness can become the result of negative energy-informational influence. This is damage or the evil eye. Through the general energy information field, water maintains a relationship with the person who influenced it, at any distance.

How to speak water? What needs to be done for the water spell to work? What kind of water do you use for the spell? I love it. But preferably the Epiphany saint. One condition is that it must be clean, without any impurities and non-carbonated. It would be more correct to say that the water should be perfectly clean, that is, free of any information. This is considered melt water. Blessed or spring water is ideal. Best time for rituals - early morning. You can carry out a conspiracy at home, but so that no one interferes.

We cleanse ourselves from the negativity of the evil eye or damage with water enchanted by prayer

Prayer for water effective remedy. To do this, you need to charge the water with prayers or spells said to it. Any self-confident person can use this method. Without deep faith in a positive result, you should not undertake this, since it is said in the Gospel that by faith it will be given. To carry out the ritual we will need: an icon (of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity or the Blessed Virgin Mary), a small cup, a church candle:

  • An image is placed on the table.
  • A bowl of water is placed in front of him.
  • We take the candle in our hand and light it.
  • While reading “Our Father,” we cross the container with liquid with a lit candle.
  • Next, we say a prayer to the Holy Cross.
  • Following it is Psalm 91.
  • We conclude with the prayer “Eternal God.”

We find all these prayers on the Internet. Reading them without stopping, we baptize the water. Focus on the words, no need to be distracted and think about something extraneous. Negative thoughts, and negativity is completely eliminated. Don't forget that your thoughts are transferred to the water. Fill a large basin or other container with water and add the spoken word to it. Drench yourself in it from head to toe. Following the above ritual, the water is charged, purified and has great positive energy.

We charm water from the evil eye

To carry it out you will need: a glass, three spoons (teaspoons), running water, preferably melted water, you can take water from a well:

  • Take a glass. Fill it three-quarters full with water.
  • Dip spoons into it.
  • Mix the water with each spoon in turn.
  • We scoop water from the glass with a spoon and lower it with the handle down so that it can be washed. We say in a whisper: “Just as a spoon doesn’t fit, so (name) won’t fit.”
  • We do this with each individual spoon and say the above words.
  • IN left hand We take a glass, wash our face with the right hand and take three sips.

Water spell to get money

There is never too much money. There are never enough of them. Let's not miss the opportunity to earn them. There are conspiracies and special rituals to attract them to you. Conspiracies to attract money are fulfilled during the waxing moon. To carry out the ritual we will need: a jar, melt water, herbs of cinnamon, basil, cloves, thyme and saffron (preferably freshly picked, but dried can also be used):

  • Take a clean and preferably sterilized jar. Pour non-drinkable water into it. It’s very good if it melts.
  • Take a handful of herbs that attract money (cinnamon, basil, cloves, thyme and saffron). Add them to a jar of water.
  • At night, we find a place where the light of the moon will fall on the jar of infusion.
  • Now, looking at the water in the jar, we begin to clearly imagine a clearly formulated desire as having come true. We present the result in great detail. We experience emotions from a wish that seems to have come true. All your feelings and sensations. We reach from the visualization of desire to ecstasy, that is, to the peak of triumph.
  • Extend your arms forward and place them over the jar. Now imagine how all your positive energy is poured through outstretched arms into a jar of infusion.
  • Leave the jar overnight under the light of the moon.

The next day, strain the infusion. Pour it into a jar, close it and put it in a dark place. Every day add it to the water, tea, coffee that you are going to drink.

Water spell against failure

To perform this ritual, melt water is needed. If there is none, then you need to freeze the water in the freezer and let it melt, but not completely. Small pieces of ice are required. You also need a church candle, a silver spoon and a small saucepan:

  • We light a candle.
  • Place the saucepan on the stove, turning the heat to low.
  • We stir the water with a spoon and whisper the words: “Baba Malanya came out to the end of the village early in the morning. She had no peace - she kept crying and bawling. She spoke to four sides - she made a complaint. She took away all my troubles, I don’t want to know them. Let Malanya go and take my troubles with her far, far beyond the sea, the ocean, beyond the fiery spring, to the edge of the earth. My house is a full cup, everything is in it. Everything good goes into the house and nothing goes out of the house. I (name) am the mistress of the house - there is no other way. Let it be this way and not otherwise.”
  • Before the water boils, you must have time to read this plot twelve times.
  • Do not put out the candle. Let it burn out.

Place the saucepan near the bed while you sleep. The next morning, boil this water, slowly imagining that you are exhaling all your troubles and troubles, exhale to the surface three times. Immediately pour the water into the street or down the drain and rinse.

Conspiracies for illnesses and diseases

A separate article in water healing consists of conspiracies aimed at eliminating human ailments and diseases. Most of them are carried out during the waning moon, and the nuances of their implementation are related to the picture of the disease. For example:

  • For intense pain in the joints, back, and rheumatism, the ritual is performed at dawn. To do this, pour a full glass of water and whisper on it: “Dewy dawn, rich in moisture, take my pain, aches, carry it up into the Celestial Empire.” Then we drink it, taking large sips. The conspiracy must be carried out for three days.
  • A conspiracy against mental pain and melancholy is carried out on a waning moon. The words are said to the water: “Cold, spring water, take away my sadness, sadness. Throw off the difficult chains from my soul and heart. Amen". You should drink water.
  • A spell to cure skin diseases. Conducted on the waning moon. They say about the dishes with water: “It came from people, and will go to them. It came from the wind and will fly away with it. Amen". We pronounce these words three times and throw the water over our home threshold.

Water spells are powerful. And if you really want to achieve something, then it’s worth a try. Do not forget that without wishing harm to anyone, you will not receive it.