DailyMail Online: Sugar, butter, a bucket of strawberries and a little lemon! Homemade Strawberry jam back in fashion! This is partly due to budget savings, as well as the prototype of consumers who prefer organically healthy food. In addition, summer is just around the corner - a brilliant time for growing fruits and berries (raspberries and other products necessary for the production of jam).

“Jam is losing its old-fashioned image and becoming popular with young people,” says entrepreneur Fraser Doherty, founder of SuperJam. It somehow occurred to him to collect all the recipes for making jam from his grandmother and make his first million, before even reaching 20 years old.

Where to make jam?

Young Doherty began producing jam products in his parents' kitchen, so aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking for one may also think about implementing this idea. Thanks to my grandmother's recipes, jams were extremely popular at farmers' markets and gourmet food markets. After some time, the young man developed his own technology for the production of jam, using only fruit (no sugar). This idea applies to .

Using 100% fruit is an innovation. Unique recipe was named SuperJam. The young man attracted the attention of a depressing factory with his delicious jam. Over time, their interest was fully justified.

Having installed production equipment, created and promoted a brand, improved own recipes, Fraser became the youngest supplier to Waitrose (a large supermarket chain). The first agreement was signed in March 2007. This happened at the age of 16. At that time, almost all Waitrose branches sold SuperJam. Since then, SuperJam products have been sold all over the world. SuperJam now supplies products to more than 2,000 supermarkets around the world (Asda, Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose, Sainsbury's) in Australia, Russia, Denmark, Ireland and Finland.

Register your business

A popular option for registering a small business is to open a limited liability company. Type of taxation – simplified tax system with the object income minus expenses. To open a full-fledged mini workshop, LLC is an ideal option. In addition, further expansion of the enterprise and hiring of workers is possible.

If you decide to make jam at home and do not plan to hire staff, register as a private entrepreneur. The main advantage of an individual entrepreneur is the ease of paperwork and minimal taxes.

Get a report from the sanitary and epidemiological station

Believe me, this is one of the most difficult stages. The quality of jam is assessed by “Jam. Are common technical specifications" Coordination with the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision authorities is required to ensure that the content of toxic elements and microbiological indicators is monitored.

It is necessary to draw up a technology for manufacturing the product - specifications or technical conditions. Document in mandatory agreed with the sanitary and epidemiological station. You need to get it from the SES permits: operating permit and manufacturer's declaration. A sanitary and hygienic conclusion from the SES for the final product is also required. This document confirms product compliance with established requirements, norms and rules. The permit is issued for a period of 3 to 5 years.

Other food production ideas:

Find a suitable room

First option– making jam at home. You need a large kitchen, with an area of ​​20 square meters. Suitable for mini production.

Second option– arrangement of a full-fledged workshop for processing berries. Suitable area – 70 sq.m. To save money, it is better to organize production on the outskirts of the city or in the suburbs.

Arrange supplies of raw materials

It is difficult to ensure uninterrupted jam production. Therefore, this is done mainly in the summer. The price of raw materials varies from season to season. Making jam or cooking preserves from frozen berries is also unprofitable, and the quality is lost.

You need to enter into an agreement with producers of agricultural products. There are more than enough suppliers.

Buy equipment

To organize the production process you will need:

  • cutting table and washing bath – preparation of raw materials;
  • production plant and containers for berry processing;
  • , jar rinser, lid and jar sterilizer;
  • bottling installations finished products– packaging of jam;
  • and – capping of finished products
  • freezers and refrigerators – storage of raw materials and jam;
  • additional equipment (containers, trays, scales, sifter).

Examples of electronic materials on complex multifunctional installations can be found.

From the wide variety of food products presented on the shelves of modern stores, people are increasingly choosing those made from natural ingredients. Fragrant jams and preserves with bright summer flavors, made from juicy berries and fruits, well known to us since childhood, have gained new popularity today. They are consumed both as an independent dessert and in combination with toast, pancakes, and pancakes. On an industrial scale, such products are used in the production of cookies, cakes, buns and other confectionery products.

You can make jam, marmalade or marmalade at home. People who have dachas and personal plots and those growing fruit and berry crops, that's what they usually do. City residents prefer to buy ready-made products and do not skimp on paying two or even three hundred rubles per jar to treat themselves and their loved ones to natural sweets. Making jam is a relevant and promising idea for a business, but for such an enterprise to lead to success, you need to plan everything correctly and learn about some important details in this domain.

Types of products and manufacturing technology

Jam is a product obtained by boiling berries and fruits with added sugar. Sometimes nuts are used as raw materials, Pine cones, rose petals, dandelion flowers. The main feature of this dessert is that the fruits included in it retain their shape. The finished product has a heterogeneous consistency and looks like berries (or pieces of fruit) in a viscous syrup.

Jam has a high nutritional value, good taste qualities. Valuable chemical substances, included in the original products, are largely preserved. Depending on quality indicators, jam is assigned one of three grades: extra, highest or first. It can be either specific (strawberry, raspberry, etc., obtained from one type of raw material), or blended (for example, pear-apple, made from a mixture of fruits).

Along with concentrated jam, gelatinous fruit and berry desserts: jam and marmalade have become widespread in our country. They differ in consistency and manufacturing technology.

For the production of jam, not only whole but also crushed fruits are used, which are boiled for a long time in sugar syrup, the result is a gelled mass with parts of berries or fruits evenly distributed in it.

Jam is made from fruit or berry puree. Spices (cloves, cinnamon and others) are often added to its composition. It has the appearance of a monotonous mass without solid inclusions.

Jam production as a business begins with searching for suppliers of high-quality raw materials, forming a product line and developing your own recipe. The technological process consists of the following stages:

  • preparation of raw materials. At this stage, the fruits are sorted, washed, if necessary, peeled, pitted, stalked and crushed;
  • preparing syrup. It is obtained from sugar, purified water, spices and molasses (the latter ingredient is not always added);
  • boiling the fruits in hot syrup and then allowing the mixture to settle. This operation is carried out from 1 to 5 times depending on the type of raw materials and the type of product that needs to be obtained at the output;
  • curing and removing foam;
  • packing and packing.

In most cases, at the final stage, the finished jam is sterilized. It is sealed in sealed containers and processed at a temperature of 90-110°C for about 20 minutes. This allows you to increase the shelf life of products and avoid microbiological spoilage (fermentation, sugaring).

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Material and technical resources

To open your own small workshop you will need a site measuring about 200 square meters. m (approximately 60% should be in the production area, the remaining 40 - in warehouse and administrative premises). We talked in detail about the existing hygienic requirements and principles of zoning of food industry premises in the article about.

Having properly prepared the room, you should also take care of the equipment for making jam. Most manufacturing companies today offer universal equipment capable of producing jam, marmalade and marmalade. Production lines usually include:

  • receiving hopper;
  • washing container;
  • conveyor;
  • chopper;
  • blancher;
  • digester with evaporation unit;
  • Vacuum pump;
  • homogenizer;
  • several storage units for finished products;
  • sterilizer;
  • filling and dosing machine.

In addition to the basic equipment, you will also need scales, various vats and containers, sifters for bulk products and other equipment. To store raw materials, you will need to purchase refrigeration and freezers. Transportation of some types of fruit and berry desserts requires special conditions, therefore it is advisable to purchase immediately and freight car with isothermal van.

What documents are needed for work?

The production of jams and preserves and their subsequent sale is a type entrepreneurial activity aimed at making a profit, therefore, it must be registered in accordance with the established procedure in tax authority. You can choose any legal form convenient for you: individual entrepreneur(IP), limited liability company (LLC), etc. To understand the advantages and disadvantages of each of these forms, read.

Type code economic activity according to the OKVED classifier, which includes such production - 10.39 - “Other types of processing and canning of fruits and vegetables.” This code must be indicated in the appropriate column of the enterprise registration application.

Find out what else you will need when contacting the tax service. Read about at what stages of registration difficulties may arise and how to avoid them.

If you chose LLC as organizational form, please specify.

Having completed the business registration stage, you should contact the certification authorities to obtain a declaration of compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of the Technical Regulations Customs Union"On food safety."

A registration certificate issued by the tax service and a declaration of conformity received at a certification center - these documents will allow you to freely sell your products not only to private clients, but also to large retail chains, catering organizations, confectionery factories and so on.

Financial plan

The total cost of starting a business will be approximately 2.5-3 million rubles. This amount includes the costs of renting and renovating the premises, purchasing a production line, paperwork, purchasing the first batch of raw materials, developing labels, etc. You will need information on how.

The current expenses of the enterprise include the costs of raw materials and consumables, payment utilities, taxes, labor costs, transportation costs, etc. It is necessary to calculate the amount of monthly expenses based on what raw materials you will purchase, what products and in what volumes you will produce.

For example, the cost of 0.5 kg raspberry jam premium in glass containers is approximately 70 rubles, and the wholesale price is about 75 rubles. If you produce 15 tons of raspberry jam per month, production costs will be 2,100,000 rubles, and income from the sale of the entire batch will be 2,250,000 rubles. In this case, the net profit will be 150,000 rubles. per month, and the return on investment will be achieved in 1.5-2 years.

Sales and promotion of manufactured products

If you are producing jams and preserves on an industrial scale, you need to develop a program for selling your products through three sales channels at once:

  • wholesale;
  • retail;
  • distribution

Competition in this area is not too high; large canneries are the main competitors. A competent marketing strategy and the right pricing policy will help you introduce your product to the market. To make yourself known, take part in food fairs and sales exhibitions. Be sure to make a high-quality selling website (see,).

Try to take part in government procurement as a supplier, because jams, preserves and preserves are used to prepare various dishes in municipal preschools and school institutions. If your advertising budget allows, you can try sponsorship and take part in large city or regional public events. It is important to understand that all these measures will have a positive result only if the products produced have good taste and high quality indicators.

Your own can be a great addition to your processing facility.

Will supply you with raw materials for the production of berry jam.

Read. Having your own retail outlet is more profitable than working only with wholesale buyers.

This is quite beneficial, since many people love natural fruit sweets, but not everyone has the opportunity and time to cook them. The right approach to organization, a sober assessment of the market and original solutions will help you become a worthy competitor in the market for the production and sale of jam.

General characteristics of the business, pros and cons

Preserves and jams made from fruits and berries are popular products. They are purchased not only by residents of cities who do not have the conditions for preparing this product, but also by large producers of bakery products, semi-finished products, and cakes.

There are many types of jam on the modern market, which are produced by numerous manufacturers. But priority is given to healthy and natural products made from environmentally friendly raw materials. These are the products that are lacking in the finished product market.

The advantages of this type of business include the following:

  • demand for products;
  • no problems with the supply of raw materials;
  • the ability to start with a small-scale production;
  • quick payback.

TO negative aspects This type of business can be attributed to the price of raw materials. If it is purchased from suppliers for making jam, then the cost of berries and fruits is unstable and depends on the season. Buy a lot of raw materials during the season, when they are inexpensive, and freeze them for use in winter time– a bad idea: the final product from frozen raw materials does not have the same characteristics as preserves and jams from fresh ones.

Another disadvantage of this type of business is the difficulty of entering a large sales market. If the production is small, then large chains are unlikely to want to cooperate with its representatives at this stage.

Required Investments

If you plan a production facility with average productivity, which will produce about 1500 kg of jam per shift, then the minimum costs will be about 1.5 million rubles.

This amount includes rental costs or renovation work in the production area, purchasing necessary equipment, raw materials and Supplies(containers, lids, labels, decorative material), payment for electricity. The stated price also includes staff salaries.

GOST standards for jam production

When producing jam, it is mandatory to follow the relevant documents (GOSTs).

The name of the document that describes the general technical conditions for making jam is GOST R 53118-2008 “Jam. General technical conditions".

For making jam there is a standard GOST 32099-2013 “Jam. General technical conditions".

Jam is a product whose production and consumption are absolutely polar. Thus, it is profitable to produce jam in the summer, when prices for raw materials (berries and some fruits) are lowest. At the same time, I want to eat a sweet treat more in winter than in summer. Therefore, many domestic producers make jam in the summer mainly from local fruits and berries, and in the winter from fruit purchased from foreign suppliers. The profitability of this business, according to various sources, is 25–30%.

According to research by marketing experts, Russian market jams and preserves is growing at a rapid pace. More and more varied and high-quality products are appearing on store shelves. Unlike the West, the Russian jam market is still too small, but the traditions of consuming this delicacy have been known for a long time.

To organize your own jam production, you do not need large investments and complex technological solutions. Equipment can be purchased from domestic suppliers, and the production workshop itself can be opened in the conditions of a regular farm.

One of the key tasks for a newly minted manufacturer is to create a good assortment, including the addition of exotic solutions. At the same time, “exotic” itself is not something incredible and expensive. Most recipes for making unusual jam are culinary classics. Thus, orange with the addition of lavender is a well-known French confiture.

When creating jam, the head chef is given full scope for imagination. Much depends on his qualifications and invention. Often, even the strangest combinations of flavors turn out to be the most popular among customers.

You can earn more by beautiful packaging goods. Jars with delicious jam can be presented as good gift. This will allow you to set a price above the market average.

Raw materials issue

Competent supply of raw materials – the most important topic in the production of this product. The final price of jam can be very high if you miscalculate the recipe and ingredients. So, from one kilogram of oranges only 200 grams of jam are obtained, and the cost of raw materials alone is 40 rubles. You also need to include energy costs, wages, packaging, renting premises, advertising and more.

It is not difficult to arrange supplies of raw materials for the production of preserves and marmalade. Just go to the well-known resource all.biz, where you can find hundreds of offers for the supply of frozen berries: strawberries, raspberries and cherries.

Another issue is the price of raw materials. Here everything is much more complicated, since the cost of berries varies depending on the season. In summer, berries are much cheaper than in winter. Therefore, the main production capacity should be turned on in summer and autumn. But in winter, production will be low in profitability due to rising prices for raw materials.

Stocking up on berries for the winter is not a good idea. The fact is that this will require additional costs for the purchase of freezers. And the product obtained from frozen berries will be of a completely different quality. The situation is slightly different with citrus fruits and kiwi. It is better to buy such fruits in advance at a better price.

Premises and equipment

You can start a business by renting a small workshop, the space of which is enough for the manual production of several types of jam. As orders grow, the need for additional space arises. The most convenient option is to rent space in a canteen or restaurant. This is advantageous in that the dining room has already been decorated in accordance with all the rules of the SES and fire safety and will save the entrepreneur from a lot of problems and unnecessary “running around” to authorities. In addition, you can come to an agreement with the management of the canteen and get at your disposal not only square meters, but also some equipment: washing baths, vegetable cutters, freezers, tables, etc. But such a “service” will cost at least 1000 rubles. per square meter.

The difficulty of producing jam is that this process cannot be fully automated. There are no machines yet that can efficiently separate the zest from citrus fruits. Therefore, most operations have to be done manually. Only some operations can be automated.

For example, washing baths are used to clean berries and fruits. Reception bins are used to prepare raw materials. For sterilization of water and lids - a UV sterilizer, for jars - a rinsing device. The line is complemented by a device for filling products into cans, a device for fastening the lid, and a machine for gluing labels. You can’t do without auxiliary equipment: scales, trays, containers, containers. It is also necessary to have refrigerators and freezers for storing raw materials (frozen berries and fruits).

The cost of purchasing the above equipment will be at least 1 million rubles. Such investments are justified if production volumes are at least 1000 kg of jam per day. A small workshop does not need such expenses. Start-up enterprises should limit themselves to purchasing auxiliary equipment, and allocate most of their efforts and resources to finding premises, a good technologist and product distribution channels.


The technology may differ depending on the scale of production. This is what the production process looks like at a large enterprise. The berries that are purchased for the production of jam first go to the refrigerated warehouse. Here they are frozen - this will make it easier to process them in the future: discard bad berries and discard leaves with garbage. Part of the batch is sent to the laboratory to analyze quality and compliance with standards.

After this, the berry goes into a special container, where it is mixed with sugar, ground and boiled. When the jam is ready, the stage of pouring the product into jars begins. The container for jam, like the product itself, is subject to pre-treatment. Using a flaw detector, cracks and chips are checked, and defective cans are removed. All bacteria and microbes die in the sterilization chamber.

The jam is poured into jars and the lids are screwed on. The lids are screwed on using automatic equipment, but how tightly the lid is screwed onto each jar is checked manually. At the final stage, a label is affixed to the jars, the finished products are placed in boxes and sent to store shelves.

Search for sales channels

The basis of any production is well-functioning sales of products. This task may not be as simple as many beginners see it.

It is much more profitable to sell jam through retail chains, but entry to large stores is closed to small shops. If you are not a large manufacturer with a large turnover, then no network will want to work with you. You simply cannot cover her need.

Most often, beginning jam producers sell their products through specialized retail outlets: organic food stores or gift shops. Small shops within walking distance are also willing to cooperate. Such points often take products on deferred payment or for sale.

You can receive new contracts through exhibitions and after tastings. Jars of jam also sell well at markets and weekend fairs.

With increasing sales volumes, you can think about expanding production space and producing not only preserves, but also jams, confiture, fruit drinks and ice cream.