Please tell me, Director Ivanov - is “director” a name or a position? Is Mr. Ivanov a title or a name? So how do you say that God and Lord is the name? God has a name, and you cite the Tetragrammaton YHWH, which appears more than 7000 times in the Bible. All over the world its reading is passed on as Jehovah or Yahweh, so why don’t you finish this in your answer and cite Exodus 3:15? Let's honestly insert this Tetragrammaton into all the places in the Bible where it appears in original texts. I don’t expect your answer, but I’m glad that there are still people who read the Bible and think. Goodbye.

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

The question of the names of God was resolved in ancient and late patristics, as well as in biblical science. Both representatives of patristic theology and scholars in the field of biblical science are unanimous in the opinion that the Holy Scripture reveals to us several Divine names. This is disputed only by representatives of some sects, in particular Jehovah's Witnesses. They claim that there is only one hidden name (Jehovah) which they revere. Everything else, they say, are titles. This statement is completely contrary to the sacred texts.

Sacred writers use the word shem(Name). It applies not only to God, but also to people. It is also present in the book of Exodus (3:13-15). Prophet Moses asks: And they will say to me: What is His name? God said to Moses: I am the Existing One. The Hebrew text contains a four-letter word: yod, g(h)e, vav, g(h)e (YHWH). This word was called tetragrammaton (tetra - four; gramma - letter). Jews have not spoken this name for some time. One of the Jewish traditions dates the beginning of this prohibition to the time of the high priest Simon the Righteous (3rd century BC), after whose death the priests stopped using the tetragram even in worship. Therefore, next to the tetragram they placed another name, also consisting of four letters: aleph, dalet, nun, yod. It was pronounced instead of a tetragram - Adonai. Unlike the royal title Adoni(mister, master) Adonai(my Lord) in the Bible refers only to God. In a number of places this name as an address is already found in ancient texts: Gen. 15: 2,8; Ex.4:10,13; Deut.9:26; Joshua 7:7, etc. The Hebrew alphabet consists of only 22 consonants. Around the 6th century A.D. a system of vowels (nekudot), masorets (Heb. mazar- legend), i.e. keepers of the legend, deliberately transferred vowel sounds from the name Adonai per tetragram. Medieval European scientists did not notice this convention and mistook the spelling of these vowels for their own vowel sounds of the tetragram. Therefore, for several centuries the tetragram was pronounced incorrectly - Jehovah. However, already in the 16th and 17th centuries, a number of prominent Hebraic scholars (Buxtrophius, Drusius, Capellus, Althingius) objected to such a reading. Since the exact pronunciation was not offered in return, the same word continued to remain - Jehovah. In the first half of the 19th century, the German scholar Ewald proposed another reading - Jahvah (Yahvah). This proposal was not accepted immediately, but only after support from such prominent researchers as Genstenberg and Reinke. The reading proposed by Ewald is not a discovery of the true name. It was obtained using the philological method. Therefore, two options are possible: Jahvah and Jahveh. Our outstanding researcher Archbishop Feofan (Bystrov), based on historical data, considered the most plausible pronunciation Jahveh (Yahweh).

Despite the accurate data of biblical science, representatives of the Jehovah's Witnesses sect built their “dogmatics” on the basis of an erroneous reading of the tetragram. The author of the letter does not talk about his religious affiliation, but his pathos is not accidental. “All over the world its reading is transmitted as Jehovah or Yahweh...” First of all, we must ask: what is the name? Jehovah or Yahweh? After all, they are completely different. Secondly, is the reading “passed on as Jehovah” throughout the world or among members of a sect? I will cite the opinion of not an Orthodox theologian, but a modern Hebraist scholar, Professor at Harvard University, Thomas O. Lambdin, about the name contained in the tetragram: “Originally it was most likely pronounced as Yahwe. Then, for pious reasons, they stopped pronouncing it, replacing it when reading aloud with Adonay (Lord). This custom, which arose several centuries BC. and reflected the Masoretes in their punctuation, transferring the vowel of the word Adonay to the letters in the biblical text [in the author’s text the tetragram is given in Hebrew script - yod, g(x)e, vav, g(x)e]. This is how a “hybrid” spelling was born, which did not reflect any real pronunciation. Later, the conventional Masoretic spelling was read literally by European scholars - hence the incorrect form “Jehovah”, which does not correspond to either ancient or later traditional reading” (Thomas O. Lambdin. Textbook of the Hebrew language, translated from English, M., 1998, p. 117). Regarding pronunciation Yahweh the learned Hebraist writes only conjecturally: “it was pronounced more likely like Yahwe." In modern Western theological literature Yahweh occurs very often, but is it possible to prayerfully call on a name if it is not revealed to us, but obtained through linguistic research. Is it possible to include it in prayers if the scientists themselves are not entirely sure of its accuracy?

How do Orthodox Christians pronounce the biblical tetragram? In full agreement with the Old Testament temple tradition. Since it was read in the Temple Adonai(Lord), then 72 Jewish commentators when translating into Greek in the 3rd century BC. Kyurios (Lord) was placed in place of the tetragram. The holy apostles turned to the Greek Bible. This is proven by analysis of the Gospel text. Following them, we pronounce – Lord.

Let us consider another fundamental question: is there one name of God or are there several? Let's turn to the Holy Scriptures.

1. Same word shem(name), as in Exodus (3:13-15), also appears in those places where there is no tetragram: “You must not worship any god other than the Lord; because His name is Zealot; He is a jealous God” (Ex. 34:14). The Hebrew Bible says: Shemo El- Canna(name God is jealous) .

2. In the book of Isaiah we read: “Our Redeemer is the Lord of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel” (Is.47:4). In euros text: Shemo Kedosh Israel. Should we trust our preconceived notions or the prophet Isaiah? In his book the name of God Holy of Israel occurs 25 times (1:4; 5:19, 24; 10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 29:19; 30:11-12, 15; 31:1; 37:23; 41:14, 16, 20; 43:3, 14; 45:11; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 60:9, 14). It is quite clear from the context that Holy of Israel used as the name of God. It is enough to take those places where it is quite synonymous with the tetragram. For example, “they will put their trust in the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, wholeheartedly” (10:20). The first part of this verse contains a tetragram.

3. “Only You are our Father; for Abraham does not recognize us, and Israel does not recognize us as his own; You, Lord, are our Father, from all eternity your name: “Our Redeemer”” (Is. 63:16). Again the Hebrew text contains the same word as in Exodus 3:13-15) – shemo(Name). Goel(Redeemer) as the name of God is found in other places of Holy Scripture.

4. The Lord of hosts is His name” (Is.48:2). Another name is indicated here - Hosts (Heb. Tsevaot; from the creatures Tsava - army). We also meet evidence of this from other prophets: “The Lord God of hosts is His name” (Am. 4:13); “Thy name is called upon me, O Lord God of hosts” (Jer. 15:16).

5. Other names were also used: El (Strong, Strong), Elohim (in the Greek Bible - Theos; in Slavic and Russian - God), El-Shaddai (in the Greek Bible - Pantocrator; in Slavic and Russian. Bible - Almighty), etc. Prayerful mention of any of them meant invoking the name of the Lord.

The opinion that there are several Divine names in the Old Testament is not just an opinion Orthodox theology, according to the author of the letter. I will again cite the opinion of a non-Orthodox Hebraist scholar. Thomas O. Lambdin in the Textbook of the Hebrew Language highlighted a special paragraph “Excursion: names God in the Old Testament": "Most often God in the Old Testament is called names Elohim and YHWH… Attaching the prepositions be, le and kе to names Elohim and Adonay have one peculiarity: initial aleph in pronunciation it is lost along with the vowel that follows it” (p. 117-18).

Our discussion is not an academic theological debate, but is of fundamental importance. The position expressed in the letter is directed against the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. For this purpose, the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is denied. To avoid dangerous mistakes and delusions, one must get rid of narrow ideas that bind the mind and spiritual eyes. The revelation of the Holy Trinity is given in the New Testament. In the Gospel of Matthew, our Lord Jesus Christ, sending disciples, says: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (28:19). It is impossible to know the Father without believing in the Divinity of the Son: “We also know that the Son of God came and gave us light and understanding, that we might know the true God and that we might be in His true Son Jesus Christ. This one is true God and eternal life" (1 John 5:20).

Names of God

I. Quite often the Bible speaks of the Most High simply as God, without naming His other names. In euros The Bible defines the concept of “God” in three words: el, eloah, elohim, in Greek - in a word theos. Three are given. euro words have a common root, the meaning of which cannot be unambiguously determined; perhaps they come from the root "vl– “to be ahead”, “to be strong”. Unit form – ale- used mainly with clarifying definitions (God is the highest in; omnipotent in). Means. more than ale, in the Bible there is a plural form. – elohim(approx. 2500 times), which may have a trace. meaning: deity as general concept; some god; God (the One Existing); gods in general; certain gods. Word eloah(eg, ; ; and approx. 40 times in Job) may be an ancient phrase of address, used only in exalted terms. speech. So, the word “God” in Hebrew. in language it can have a meaning of both singular and plural; it is used not only in relation to the God of Israel (etc.). Plural form elohim, used in the singular meaning, becomes a way of expressing respect (cf.: We, the Tsar of All Rus'; Your Majesty). In relation to the God of Israel, this word denotes the Creator, whose deeds are hidden. Greek word theos can denote the one existing God, a certain god, or express a general concept.

II. To avoid confusion, the OT often adds a qualifying definition to the word God. Thus, to designate God, expressions are used that are not names in the proper sense of the word, but establish a special connection between a) God and someone. person, b) God and the special place of revelation and c) God and His chosen one. by the people:

1) pointing to previous revelations (: “The God of Abraham your father”; : “God, appeared to you in Bethel"; : "God of your father"; : “The God of Abraham, Isaac and the God of Jacob”), God makes Himself known as a God who has already acted in the past and fulfilled promises. He, however, attracts His present interlocutor to Himself, demanding faith from him;

2) to distinguish him from other gods he is called the “God of the Jews” (; ; ) or the “God of Israel” (; ; etc.). These expressions in no way speak of the real existence of other gods; rather, they point to the exclusion. the relationship between Israel and God, who wished to reveal Himself to this particular people. There is a double connection: God by His revelation connected Himself with the people of Israel, and the people of Israel through God's revelation and by virtue of their election are connected with God;

3) in some cases, in the same meaning as “God of Israel”, the expression “God of Jacob” (; ; ; ; ; etc.) is used, indicating the history of God’s relationship with His people (i.e. “ours from the time of Jacob ").

III 1) Along with these designations, and often thanks to them, the OT also has a proper name - Yahweh, which was depicted in writing with consonants letters Y-H-V-H. For fear of breaking the third commandment, it was read as if it were a word adonai- “Lord.” In accordance with this, the Septuagint, and with it most translations of the Bible, such a reading of “Lord” [Greek. kyrios] carries over to writing, so, for example, to the Synod. lane Instead of "Yahweh" the word "Lord" appears. When later Heb. the alphabet was supplemented with icons for vowel sounds (⇒ Masoretic text) and for consonants Y-H-V-H were added vowels from the word adonai(and according to the rules of the Hebrew language, the first A began to be pronounced as uh), then instead of “Yahweh” (solely as a result of the incompetence of medieval translators), the reading and writing “Y-e-H-o-V-a-H”, or “Jehovah” arose. Such incorrect rendering of God's name still occurs in some churches. chants and in outdated translations. As a result of the fact that the name of Yahweh was hidden under the conventional name “Lord”, in those cases where in Heb. the text says “Lord Yahweh”, translators, in order to avoid duplication - “Lord Lord” - have to resort to various techniques (see in: “Lord Lord”;: “Lord God”, etc.). For the same reason in the Synod. lane the word "Lord" in Ex. 6 is named. In Ex. 3 in the original text it says: “Yahweh (...sent me to you).” This sheds light on where it is said: “I am who I am.” The Hebrew word meaning “to exist” is consonant with the name “Yahweh”; in this case, it must explain to Moses what this name means: “Remaining equal to Himself” or: “Which is and was and is to come” (). M. Buber understood the revelation of the name of Yahweh primarily as evidence that the Lord does not need to be called upon, that He, His power and His help are always with us; so he translated the name as “I am here”;

2) in the NT the name Yahweh no longer appears. Instead, we find what has become familiar to the Greek. language, thanks to the Septuagint, the word kyrios, “Lord” (with the article - about kyrios: ; ; ; ; and etc.; without an article, i.e. used almost as a proper name: ; ; ; ; and etc.). In other places in the NT it is said only about God [Greek. theos], often with the addition: “Father of Jesus Christ” (; etc.). Jesus speaks simply about the ⇒ Father [Aram. Abba; Greek priest]; (⇒ God, III, B; see ; etc.). Early Christ. uses such an appeal to God in his prayers (; ). Through Jesus Christ, God becomes Father;

3) the essence of God's name shows that by telling us His name, He not only represents Himself, but also gives revelation. This revelation of God in His name was surpassed in the NT by the revelation of God in His Son.

IV. Along with the proper name of God, there are also His other designations, similar to names:

1) Taking into account the unlimited dominion of God, He is called the Most High (; ; ;

The question of what God is called has long been resolved in theology. Researchers of various directions in the field of religion agree that several Divine names are presented in the Bible.

This position is questioned only by representatives of some religious communities (for example, Jehovah's Witnesses). According to them, there is only one true name of God - Jehovah. Other names, they claim, are just titles. This position does not stand up to criticism, since it contradicts the sacred texts.

Names of God in Christianity

These are the names of the one God, and each of them reveals different aspects of His multifaceted character. They are endowed with the sacred, sacred meaning and status. Throughout the Bible, several Divine names appear at once.

In the Tanakh (Old Testament), the names of the Lord reflect His divine essence. These include:

  • Hosts;
  • Existing;
  • El Shaddai;
  • Elohim;
  • Adonai.

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ, the Son and messenger of God, comes to people. His purpose on Earth is the salvation of humanity in the face of the reunification of two principles - divine and human. The first part of the name of Jesus Christ (Jesus, or Yeshua) is interpreted as “Salvation from Jehovah.” The second part (Meshikha, or Mashinah) means “Messiah,” “Anointed One.”

Christ called Himself:

  • God's Son;
  • Son of Man;
  • Teacher;
  • Good Shepherd;
  • Judge.

In addition, Jesus Christ is called:

  • In a word;
  • Savior of the world;
  • Lamb of God;
  • Nazarene;
  • carpenter;
  • great High Priest.

According to Christian traditions, believers revere the Holy Trinity, which consists of three hypostases: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. All three hypostases are united by the name “Yahweh”. Under this name, Jesus Christ appeared to the prophets even before his incarnation.

This is interesting: Trinity is one of the 12 main holidays throughout Orthodox religion. According to the biblical description, Christ foreshadowed the descent of the Holy Spirit to Earth. And when this miraculous phenomenon occurred, the trinity of God received irrefutable proof. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity forms the basis of the Christian religion.

The concept of “Trinity” was introduced into the Christian language in the 2nd century by the saint of Antioch, and this word has no meaning at all biblical origin. The dogma of God's trinity was given in Revelation, but it is incomprehensible to the human mind. It can only be taken on faith.

El Shaddai

Translated into Russian, this noun phrase means “God Almighty.” The letter combination shad is translated as “strength.” In the literal sense, this concept is deciphered as follows: “full of power, strength, strength.”

There are several other interpretations of “El Shaddai”. However, they are considered less reliable. For example, there is an opinion that the root of the word “Shaddai” comes from the ancient Akkadian “Shadu”, which translates as “mountain”. In this case, the expression itself can be interpreted as “God of the mountain.”

According to another point of view, "Shaddai" translated from Hebrew means "breast of a nursing mother." There is supposedly a connecting parallel in this, where the mother's breast acts as a symbol of God.

It is worth noting: such an interpretation was quite common in ancient times and was quite consistent with old beliefs, but it clearly does not coincide with the interpretation of the Torah and other Scriptures.

Names of God in the Bible and their meaning

The Bible often speaks about the Most High, but His name is not mentioned at all. A careful study of Scripture reveals that God is designated by three words: el, eloah, elohim. All of them are united by a common root, the meaning of which is ambiguous.

It is assumed that the root el- is translated as “to be strong”, “to be ahead”. Together with the form el-, clarifying definitions are usually used (used in the singular). Elohim ( plural) is a more common form, the ambiguity of which comes down to the concepts of “God”, “a certain god”, “deity”, “certain gods”.

On a note: the name “Elohim” is a Hebrew common noun (in the plural it sounds like “Eloah” or “El”, which denotes a deity among the Semites). It is found in the Old Testament Scripture, often used together with other names for God - Yahweh, Adonai and others. Its meaning comes down to the thought of the justice of the Lord.

It is noteworthy that in the Tanakh an additional definition is assigned to the word God. Taken together, an expression is formed that indicates a certain connection between God and:

  • face (“God of Abraham”, “God of Isaac”, etc.);
  • the place where the revelation took place (“God of Israel”);
  • the people chosen by him (“God of Jacob”).

Along with the above concepts, the proper name Yahweh is also found in the Old Testament. On the pages of Holy Scripture it was depicted with the letters YHWH (the word completely lacked signs indicating vowel sounds).

In the Old Testament it was read as “adonai”, which meant “Lord”. When letters representing vowel sounds appeared in the Hebrew alphabet, word Y-H-V-H was supplemented with letters. Due to the peculiarities of the pronunciation of vowel sounds, instead of “Yahweh”, the reading, as well as the spelling, “Jehovah” was established.

Until now, a similar variation can be heard in church chants, as well as read in ancient translated sources. Due to the fact that the name "Yahweh" took on a hidden form in the form of the word "Lord", where the combination "Lord Yahweh" is used in the Semitic scriptures, researchers use various variations in order to avoid unnecessary repetition.

To summarize briefly, it should be noted that the tetragram YHWH (YHVH) means “Lord”. Another pronunciation is “Jehovah,” but it is found extremely rarely in Russian biblical texts.

In the New Testament, instead of the name Yahweh, the term “kyrios” is used, which also means “Lord”.

In the Old Testament part of the Bible Scripture there is a revelation of God in His name. God becomes Father.

In addition to proper names, the list of names for God also includes other designations:

  • Almighty (means supreme power);
  • Holy of Israel (expresses holiness and greatness, in contrast to the sinner);
  • Lord of Hosts (means “army” - presumably the troops of the Israelites, or angels, or stars; the name means unlimited power over all things);

Note: the concept is found in both Jewish and Christian traditions, mentioned in the Tanakh and in the New Testament. This name, in comparison with others, especially clearly puts forward the idea of ​​omnipotence, dominion over all forces of earth and heaven. In Russian Orthodoxy, since the 16th century, icons depicting God the Father have been signed with this name.

  • Redeemer (in this sense, he is a relative of the entire people of Israel, redeeming their debt).


Thus, in Christianity, including Orthodoxy, there is a whole series of names of God, each of which is absolutely correct and corresponds to all scriptures. No matter how many of them are named, each of them reveals and reflects the power, holiness and greatness of the Lord.

"I discovered the name Yours to people, whom You gave Me out of the world;

They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word.”

(John 17:6).

Jesus Christ revealed the name of God to you!

The Old Testament gives a list of magnificent names of God: God Most High, God Almighty, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, God of the Hebrews, Jehovah, Adonai, Hosts, Intercessor, Redeemer, Fortress, Stronghold, Creator, First and Last, Healer, Ancient of Days, etc. .d. Each of these names in its own way revealed the richness of the Divine character. Undoubtedly, the disciples of Christ knew all these names of God. What new did Jesus add to these names?

Added to these wonderful names: Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the most complete and glorious Name of Jehovah that He has not yet revealed to people.

Anyone who does not confess the new name of God revealed by Christ cannot rightly worship and honor Him. Jesus said : “For the Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son, so that all may honor the Son as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.” (John 5:22-23). All religions that deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, despite all possible claims to sincerity and reverence, actually dishonor Him. The main difference between the children of God and the children of this world is that the former believe in God the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, the latter simply in God. For the former it is a joy to confess the name of God the Son, for the latter it is sheer madness. “God cannot have any Son!” they categorically declare.

One day I was stopped for a conversation by two Jehovah's Witnesses. We started talking.

Who is Jesus to you? – I asked the missionaries.

"Archangel Michael!" — without hesitation, the witness blurted out.

Are angels born of God, just like Jesus? They were created, and if so, then they have a created nature

The witnesses thought for a moment. I continued:

- Do you have children?

- Certainly!

- Do they have human nature or...?

- Human, because they are born from us, people!

- How did God’s son end up with an angelic nature when He was born of God?

“Yes, of course, He must have a divine nature,” said the male witness.

- What should you do then with Jehovah's Witnesses who deny this fact? – I said to the confused witness.

The New Name of God laid a strong foundation for a confident, filial relationship with God. As children -

  • we rejoice in our good Father: “so that with one accord you may glorify God with one mouth and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 15:6).
  • we count on all the blessings of heaven: "Blessed be God, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" (Eph.1:3).
  • we expect the Father's consolation in sorrows. "Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we too can comfort those who are in any affliction with the consolation with which God comforts us!” (2 Cor.1:3-4).
  • we remind each other "We thank God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ always praying for you" (Col. 1:3).
  • We patiently await answers to prayers:

« He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all, will not with Him also freely give us all things.” (Rom.8:32) .

Do you know on what basis man has the right to call God his Father? To legally call God Father, you must be born of Him! Only my children easily call me dad, the rest call me by their first or last name. If someone outside called me dad, I would definitely correct him: “Sorry, you were wrong!” Have you been born of God? Are you sure that He has become your Father?

In his excellent book, The Lord's Prayer, Dr. Thomas Watson discusses the qualities of God's children.

1) ...We are children of God if we have a filial disposition, which is manifested in four things. Firstly, if we shed tears because of sin in the same way as a child weeps when he offends his father... Secondly, a son’s heart is full of compassion. We take to heart everything that dishonors and reflects on our Heavenly Father. When we see that His glory suffers: that His worship is falsified, and the poison of error is mixed into His truth, then this affects us like a sword on the bones. Third, the heart of a child of God loves his Heavenly Father. God, who is crowned with perfections, is a worthy object of admiration, and every true child of God says like Peter: “Lord! You know I love you!"

2) We can be sure that God is our Father if we are like Him. Just as a seal leaves an imprint and likeness on wax, so a child of God bears the imprint of the Father’s holiness on himself.

3) We can know that God is our Father if His spirit of prayer abides in us. “And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying: “Abba, Father!” (Gal.4:6) No child of God is born dumb.

4) If God is our father, but we are possessed by a peaceful spirit. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9). Grace reproduces a pleasant, friendly character; it transforms lion-like fury into the tenderness of a lamb. What can we say about those who make divisions? Is the Lord their Father? The first division in heaven was made by the devil, so they can call him their father. On their shield they can place a cloven hoof, for them the most pleasant music is dissonance, they unite to divide.”

If you are a child of God, if you know God as your Father, then the work of Christ has been completed in you! Thank Him constantly for this gift and behave with dignity, as crown princes The King of kings, and not like worldly people whose father is the devil!

Victor Semenovich Ryaguzov, Samara

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20 Comment. to the article “The Name of God”

  1. Leonid says:
    April 29th, 2018 at 11:20

    Greetings, Viktor Semenovich, I read your articles and publications, I am very glad that there is such a site where you can learn a lot of useful things.
    After reading your article “Jesus Christ revealed the name of God to you!” I saw this expression: “The first division in heaven was made by the devil, so they can call him their father.” Most likely this is a typo. If possible, please correct it. With respect to you.

  2. Ryaguzov VS says:
    February 4th, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    Dear Alexander! You didn't understand some things quite correctly. Jesus did not rebuke the God of the Jews because the God of the Jews was his God and father. And Christ still helped that pagan woman by healing her daughter. And at the first stage, denying her good, He tested her faith and was delighted with this faith: the woman in the “no” of Christ heard “yes.” And the apostles first went to preach the gospel to the Jews, and when they became hardened and began to persecute the apostles, the apostles began to preach to the pagans. This is gospel story!

  3. Alexander says:
    January 19th, 2015 at 14:27

    Old Testament with the Jews. New covenant with Christians. Jesus openly denounced the God of the Jews. I still don’t like the scene in the Gospel when Jesus refuses to help a woman just because she is not a Jew and he came to “heal” only the “chosen people.” God the Father of Jesus God of Light. Why did the apostles not fulfill the will of Jesus to “cure” the Jews? They, violating the prohibition of Jesus, went to preach to other nations. Were you afraid of Jesus' fate? Are you convinced of the strength of the Jewish faith? The next “30 pieces of silver”?

  4. Ryaguzov VS says:
    October 9th, 2014 at 14:08

    Dear Andrey! Here is a certificate about Jehovah's Witnesses. read it if you don't mind. I hope it will be clear to you that I have not distorted their views in conveying our dialogue.

    Question: Who are Jehovah's Witnesses and what do they believe?

    Answer: The sect now known as Jehovah's Witnesses originated in Pennsylvania in 1870 as a Bible study group founded by Charles Russell. Russell also began writing a series of books called Studies in the Scriptures, which ran to six volumes before his death. These books include virtually the entire theology of Jehovah's Witnesses. After Russell's death, his friend and successor, Joseph Rutherford, wrote the seventh and last book from the series – “Finished Mystery”. In 1886, the Watch Tower Society was founded to ensure the rapid spread of the movement's teachings. This group was called the Russellites until an internal split in 1931 renamed it Jehovah's Witnesses. The group from which they separated began to call themselves "Bible Students."

    What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? A detailed examination of their doctrines in relation to such issues as the Divinity of Christ, the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, salvation, atonement, etc., shows that they do not adhere to orthodox Christian positions on these issues. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is the Archangel Michael, the highest being ever created. This statement, in its essence, contradicts the Bible, because it clearly states that Jesus is Lord (John 1:1, 14; 8:58; 10:30). Jehovah's Witnesses also believe that salvation is achieved through a combination of faith, good works and submission. But this statement also contradicts the Bible, which repeatedly repeats that salvation is achieved only through faith (John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). They reject the idea of ​​the Trinity, saying that Jesus is a created person, and they consider the Holy Spirit to be simply the power of God. Jehovah's Witnesses refute the concept that Christ atones for all the sins of believers by His death - instead they adhere to a theory that says that the death of Jesus is payment only for Adam's original sin.

    How do Jehovah's Witnesses justify and prove these unbiblical doctrines? Firstly, they claim that the Church has corrupted the Bible over the centuries, and secondly, they have translated the Bible in a new way, and call it the New World Translation. The Watchtower Society altered the text of the Bible to suit their false teaching, instead of doing the opposite. The New World Translation has been reprinted numerous times as Jehovah's Witnesses find more and more Bible verses that contradict their doctrines.

    Jehovah's Witnesses can easily be called a cult that only superficially relies on the Bible. The Watchtower is based on the original and expanded teachings of Russell, Rutherford, and their followers. Governing body The Watchtower is the sole organ of this cult, proclaiming its exclusive competence to interpret the Bible. In other words, everything the Watchtower says about Bible verses is considered unquestionable, and independent opinion is strongly discouraged. This directly contradicts Paul's instructions to Timothy (and us as well) to strive to “present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). These words are clear instructions from God to each of His children. He wants us all to study the Bible daily so that we do not contradict His Word.

    Jehovah's Witnesses deserve praise for their "evangelistic efforts." There is probably no other religious group that is as diligent in communicating its message as Jehovah's Witnesses. Unfortunately, this message is full of distortions, fabrications and deception. And only in God's power to open their eyes to the truth of the Gospel and the true teaching of God's Word.

  5. Zhora says:
    October 9th, 2014 at 11:09 am

    For Andrey: From the first word it already becomes obvious at what level of competence the author of the comment is if he writes “I don’t know.”

  6. Andrey says:
    October 9th, 2014 at 10:45 am
  7. Anna says:
    December 6th, 2013 at 06:14 pm

    What about the recorded words in Exodus 15:3?

  8. paul says:
    August 29th, 2013 at 01:43

    You call the prophet Jesus the Lord God, isn’t this a sign of bigtheism and polytheism?

  9. Christina says:
    July 30th, 2013 at 15:24

    Why is God's supposed name Jehovah printed in every edition of the Bible?

  10. Peter says:
    July 29th, 2013 at 00:52

    Read the Bible carefully:
    Isaiah 9:6
    For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; the government is upon His shoulder, and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    It is clearly stated here that the Son Jesus is the mighty God, the Everlasting Father.

    Exodus 6:3
    I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the name “God Almighty,” but with My name “Lord” I did not reveal myself to them;

    From this text, in my opinion, it is clear to a first-grader that God has at least 2 names

    Isaiah 47:4
    Our Redeemer is the Lord of Hosts, His name is the Holy One of Israel.

    Here's more... And this list can go on for a long time...

    so you are mistaken without knowing the Scriptures.

Message to believers - New Testament, a necessary continuation and addition to the revelations given by God to the people of Israel in the Old Testament through the son Jesus Christ. In this message, the Father, through his son, gives understanding and awareness of the very essence of Christianity, explaining the meaning - what the name of God means.

The New Testament does not contradict the truth and laws established by the Father in the Old Testament, but reveals new meanings and interpretations of the eternal and immutable commandments. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives a completely unexpected understanding of the essence of the name, the words brought from God the Father by his son, and in many ways radically changes the meaning and perception of the establishment of the immutable Law.

In the New Testament, the name of God is revealed in a completely different way, with extraordinary fullness and a new higher meaning. If previously God showed His face indirectly and was associated with elemental manifestations - thunder and lightning, without showing His face to believers, then in the New Message, through the son of Jesus Christ, He, the incorporeal and Omnipresent Creator, became clearly visible to all His children.

There are many names of God the Father mentioned in the Bible. Which of them can be considered true and to which father should we offer prayers, calling him by name?

Names often mentioned and associated with language translation:

  • Elohim - translated from Hebrew and means the plural of the word El (god), the ending means the plural, translated from Greek - Theos (hence theology);
  • Lord - translation of understanding lord, in Hebrew Adonai, translation from Greek - Kyurios.

Each name in ancient history carried a specific information code and gave a complete, comprehensive description of a person, phenomenon or event. If circumstances changed or a person changed spiritually, then the meaning of his name also changed.

Some historical examples:

  • the sneak (Jacob) is renamed and called the conqueror (Israel);
  • the great father Abram was renamed the father of the nations Abraham;
  • Princess Sarah - Princess Sarah of all nations;
  • The Father gave his son the name Jesus - the Lord will save.

The same internal changes and complete understanding of the meaning of the name of God were modified and transformed over time.

Scripture does not specifically indicate one name of the Father; the story is told on behalf of the God of Israel, who has many names.

The main thing in Christianity is the glorification and service of the Heavenly Father according to the commandments of Jesus, not in words, prayers and chants, but in actions and deeds for His Glory. In the Bible you can find many indications that you can dishonor the Name of the Father through your actions and spiritual aspirations.

Violation of the Father’s commandments, transmitted through his Son: “Children, you dishonor His Name,” said Jesus Christ.

Old Testament

The Old Testament of the Bible carries the message of the Invisible, Ethereal and Omnipresent God, expressing his will through the elements and signs. Man could not see the face of the Creator; it was impossible to remain alive after the vision. Only those chosen by him could see him, but only from his back; his face was not shown to them.

The appearance of the Father to believers in the Old Testament is associated with certain geographical coordinates - Mount Sinai, the temples of Jerusalem, the Ark of the Covenant. God himself appears to be an omnipresent phenomenon. Incarnate in all earthly manifestations.

Since in the Old Testament God was rarely called Father, the understanding of his name was associated with the concepts of government - reward and punishment for thoughts and actions. God the Lord is a righteous punisher and rewarder.

Most often in Scripture there are five names that the Father wants to tell us with each revealed name:

  • Zealot - “... because His name is Zealot; He is a jealous God” (Ex. 34.14).
  • Hosts - Strength or Host. “Our Redeemer is the Lord of hosts, His name is” (Isa. 47:4).
  • Holy - “... He who lives forever, Holy is His name” (Is. 57:15).
  • Redeemer - “... You, O Lord, are our Father; from all eternity Your name has been: “Our Redeemer”” (Is. 63:16).
  • Tetragramaton - Jehovah or Yahweh. “...Jehovah (tetragrammaton) is His name” (Ex. 15:3).

All five names of God characterize his essence and explain to believers who the Heavenly Father is - the Holy Power, the Zealot and the Redeemer.

New Testament

Understanding the New Testament of the Bible, brought to us by Jesus Christ, is revealed differently - through understanding and forgiveness of mistakes. The father showed his face to the children, addressing them with words of consolation, forgiveness and support. Now all messages are directed to the spiritual thoughts and the very divine nature of people, in each of whom the divine principle lives.

The names of God in the New Testament, brought to us by his son Jesus Christ, are different:

  1. God appears in the form of the Savior of his children, who not only judges and punishes for sins, but also extends loving hand help, support and understanding.
  2. Merciful - forgiving those who repent of their sins.
  3. God the Forgiving - incarnate in his son Jesus, who with his life and death testifies to the forgiveness of the children of the Lord;
  4. Father - Jesus in his prayers calls God “Father,” showing love and care for all the children of the Creator.
  5. Love - the father loved his children regardless of their love for him. Unlike the God of the Old Testament, who loved only those who worshiped him. The New Testament reveals sacrificial love through Jesus as the highest manifestation of divine grace.
  6. Suffering – sharing with a simple person his life and suffering. Jesus took upon himself all the sins of men in the name of redemption and salvation.

The Father sent his Son Jesus to suffer and die to show all his love for his children.

If in the Old Testament God is understood in the singular, then in the New Testament he appears before his children in three persons, united into one divine whole.

List of famous names of God and the meanings of some of them

What names of God are known in the Old Testament, their meaning:

  • Existing;
  • Yahweh or Jehovah - tetragramaton;
  • Elohim;
  • Adonai;
  • Hosts - army, strength;
  • El Elyon;
  • El Olam.

The New Testament, given to Jesus Christ by the Father, completely changes the understanding of the essence of God. What is shown in his Name:

  • Father;
  • Creator;
  • Love;
  • Creator;
  • Savior;
  • Jesus - the Lord will save;
  • Christ is the anointed one, the messiah;
  • Light of the World.

Christian teaching emphasizes the importance of the One God, who revealed himself in Three Persons at Baptism in the person of the Holy Trinity - God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jewish traditions

Jewish traditions adhere to strict ban speak and write his name. According to the rabbis, these instructions are contained in the third commandment - do not take the name of God in vain. The second reason is so that the pronounced name will not be heard by the pagans, since even this defiles it.

The Name of the Lord in Orthodoxy is of fundamental importance, based on the understanding and awareness of the divine law of the Holy Trinity and the Trinity of the Creator, given in the New Testament.

Orthodoxy denies the name Jehovah and Yahweh, since it denies the appearance of his Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, who are One with the Father. The Gospel of Matthew reads:

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (28:19).

It is impossible to understand the divine message of the Father, transmitted through his son Jesus, if you do not also honor him as your God.

We also know that the Son of God came and gave us light and understanding, so that we may know the true God and may we be in His true Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20).

Therefore, in Orthodoxy they call God the Father, incarnated in his son by the Holy Spirit.

But do not call on the Name of God “in vain”, do not condemn yourself, and eat the Holy Spirit with dignity. The Body and Blood of the Lord can only be given to those who do this - according to the Apostle - with reason (1 Cor. 11, 23-32).

All Orthodox Christians glorify and honor God as a loving Father, who is inseparable from his son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and call God the Father, loving and merciful.