Why do you dream about a bush?

Freud's Dream Book

The bush is a symbol of male genitalia.

If you plant a bush, you have a desire to change your sexual partner.

If you dig up a bush, you are haunted by fear of punishment for what you consider to be sexual perversions.

If you break off or cut branches from a bush, you are prone to self-satisfaction.

If a man waters a bush, he is very proud of his penis and his capabilities.

If a woman waters a bush, she strives for the joys of family sex and wants to have children.

A dried bush portends a dysfunction or disease of the genital organs.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Green and flowering bushes - your sympathy will be mutual.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Family dream book

Bush - Symbolizes your well-deserved success in business. You will finally be appreciated, take advantage of the situation while luck itself comes into your hands. Seeing a flowering bush - you can take risks without fear, anyway, one way or another you will win. Even what you perceive at the moment as a failure or mistake will turn out to be in your favor in the future. Making your way through the bushes - despite numerous obstacles, you will achieve your goal. A bush with fallen leaves - you should not expect large monetary profits in the near future. A bush pulled out by you or someone else means you want too much. A bush or bushes covered with snow - you shouldn't get too nervous anytime soon. You need rest. Trimming bushes, plucking branches from them - although it seems to you that you are standing still, in fact, slowly but surely you are moving towards your intended goal.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Bushes in dreams are a sign of a complex, confusing situation. Such a dream may encourage you to put things in order in your life.

Neatly trimmed ornamental bushes are a good sign, indicating that your diplomacy and sense of tact can ensure your well-being and prosperity.

Seeing ripe, tasty berries growing on a dense bush means that the source of your troubles may be some temptations or the pursuit of momentary pleasures.

Why do you dream about a bush?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Bush - to confusion.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Spring dream book

Digging up bushes means taking care of children.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Summer dream book

Spraying bushes - To dream of how you spray currant and raspberry bushes from harmful insects means that you will protect someone from attacks.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Autumn dream book

Spraying bushes – Spraying bushes in a dream means slandering someone in your own interests.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing green bushes in a dream means that your sympathy will be reciprocated. If you find yourself in thorn bushes and cannot get out of there, it means that your ill-wishers want to lure you into a trap, for which they present false information; in reality you should be more vigilant and careful.

Uprooting a bush is a sign of kind help, which you will receive from friends in a timely manner. Seeing bushes uprooted is a harbinger of trouble, because both official affairs and personal circumstances will undergo changes in a negative direction. Cutting down dry bushes portends the onset of illness and sadness in the soul and heart.

Seeing rosemary bushes in a dream means that you will soon meet an old friend whom you have not seen for ages. Thickets of basil seen in a dream foretell misfortunes caused by secret enemies. Barberry bushes predict a change in business and new impressions.

If in a dream you find yourself in a blackberry tree during the berry season, in reality you will succumb to temptation, which may be followed by the most serious complications.

Myrtle seen in a dream portends love and family well-being. Juniper in a dream - to the deceased, a dry juniper bush burning in a fire - defeat your enemies, plunging them into dust.

Seeing rosehip bushes in a dream means that in real life you will be deceived in your best feelings.

Bushes with pink flowers mean happiness in marriage, with white ones - mental suffering for a loved one. Seeing bushes with fruits in a dream foretells that you will marry a wealthy and independent person.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bush - success in business; a lot of green and blooming - your sympathy will be mutual

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream you are wandering among the bushes - you will meet an evil woman.

If you dreamed that you were planting bushes, beware of rash actions that after some time will make the person you love your enemy.

You dreamed that someone was planting bushes - soon one of your loved ones will quarrel between you and your friend.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Esoteric dream book

Bush - green, beautiful activities associated with religion or the occult.

Naked, broken - your psyche is unstable, it is better to find a more mundane activity.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Azar's Dream Book

rose bush - happiness in marriage

Why do you dream about a bush?

Modern dream book

Bush - good luck in business.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

success in business.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a bush means troublesome things.

Breaking a bush is a disease.

Being in the bushes is a surprise.

To see a bush - sadness, the vanity of life and worries are coming upon you / the female organs of love and something connected with them.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Bushes - your sympathy will be mutual. Imagine that you water or dig up the bushes, they become green, lush, and blooming.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

You dreamed of Bushes, what is this for? In Western culture, the image of the bush is traditionally associated with the biblical burning bush that Moses saw. Accordingly, a bush in a dream can express your desire to find spiritual guidance.

Positive value

Healthy bushes in a dream mean help coming from the most unexpected quarter.

Negative implications

A bush with no foliage or only a few leaves can be a warning that you should not rely on luck to achieve your goal.

Caring for a bush or trimming branches may mean that the secret will soon come out. If someone else did the pruning, remember how you felt about THAT action.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Modern dream book

Bush - Good luck in business

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

Bushes in a dream have several interpretations. If a bush is in bloom in a dream, then a successful period will soon come without any special risks or troubles. Walking among the bushes is always a symbol of the fact that you are haunted by failures in life, and the higher the bushes are in a dream, the more difficult it is for you to decide and achieve anything. If in your dream you see how the leaves of a bush begin to dry out and fly away, then it means failure to fulfill your dreams and goals. To pull out a bush, you should expect problems in profit in reality. If in a dream you are trimming bushes, you will be able to overcome all obstacles on your own. Green bushes in the snow - your body simply needs rest and peace. Bushes in a dream strewn with berries are a warning about temptations that can bring trouble.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

What do Bushes mean in a dream - recently warmed sympathy will develop into a strong mutual feeling. Imagine a garden with green, lush, flowering bushes. You weed out the weeds around the bushes, and then water them and watch how the water droplets sparkle and shimmer beautifully on the luscious leaves and bright flowers.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Dreams in which there is a bush always speak of the confusion of a particular situation in your life. A dream about bushes is a sign of future fuss and troubles. Sitting in the bushes means receiving unexpected news. If the bushes are prickly, it means trouble from an evil person; scratching such a bush in a dream means disappointment in love. Planting a fence of green bushes means little difficulty. In reality they will seem insurmountable, but they are not. Making your way through the bushes in a dream - in life you need to decide which path to take through life. And getting lost in the bushes is interpreted as the appearance of a life goal in the near future. Dream about neatly trimmed bushes - You are a tactful and purposeful person. Flowering bushes are a sign of a stable financial situation; in this case, you can even venture into new businesses, they will bring additional income.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Good meaning If you dreamed of a flowering bush, someone is planning to ask you out on a date. To make this date successful, always carry some tobacco with you in a leather pouch.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were stuck in the bushes, you are confused and don’t know what to do or where to go. Brew strong coffee in the morning, and in the evening pour it over the bush closest to your house.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Men's dream book

Symbolizes your well-deserved success in business. You will finally be appreciated, take advantage of the situation while luck itself comes into your hands. Seeing a flowering bush - you can take risks without fear, anyway, one way or another you will win. Even what you perceive at the moment as a failure or mistake will turn out to be in your favor in the future. Making your way through the bushes - despite numerous obstacles, you will achieve your goal. A bush with fallen leaves - you should not expect large monetary profits in the near future. A bush pulled out by you or someone else means you want too much. A bush or bushes covered with snow - you shouldn't get too nervous anytime soon. You need rest. Trimming bushes, plucking branches from them - although it seems to you that you are standing still, in fact, slowly but surely you are moving towards your intended goal.

Why do you dream about a bush?

Dream book for the whole family

The bush symbolizes your well-deserved success in business. You will finally be appreciated, take advantage of the situation while luck itself comes into your hands.

Seeing a flowering bush - you can take risks without fear, anyway, one way or another you will win. Even what you perceive at the moment as a failure or mistake will turn out to be in your favor in the future.

Wade through the bushes - despite numerous obstacles, you will achieve your goal.

A bush with fallen leaves - you should not expect large monetary profits in the near future.

A bush pulled out by you or someone else means you want too much.

A bush or bushes covered with snow - you shouldn't get too nervous in the near future. You need rest.

Trim bushes, pluck branches from them - although it seems to you that you are standing still, in fact, slowly but surely you are moving towards your intended goal.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Bush and what does it mean:

Seeing a bush in a dream is a sign that your affairs will be quite troublesome in the near future. Seeing a bush means sadness, everyday vanity and worries; being in the bushes means receiving unexpected news.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Bush in a dream?

If you see yourself in a dream hiding in the bushes from someone, it means that imminent danger awaits you in reality, please try to be careful and not do frivolous things. You got lost in the bushes has a different meaning. Getting lost in the bushes - your sworn enemies have managed to place cunning nets and traps around you, surrounding you with slander and false testimony. After such a dream, you will need to prepare your spirit for the upcoming trials. If you dreamed that you managed to get out of the bushes, this is a sign that your friends will be able to provide you with the necessary help in time in your plight.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing the Bush, how to unravel the symbolism

Bush - Symbolizes your well-deserved success in business. You will finally be appreciated, take advantage of the situation while luck itself comes into your hands. Seeing a flowering bush - you can take risks without fear, anyway, one way or another you will win. Even what you perceive at the moment as a failure or mistake will turn out to be in your favor in the future. Making your way through the bushes - despite numerous obstacles, you will achieve your goal. A bush with fallen leaves - you should not expect large monetary profits in the near future. A bush pulled out by you or someone else means you want too much. A bush or bushes covered with snow - you shouldn't get too nervous anytime soon. You need rest. Trimming bushes, plucking branches from them - although it seems to you that you are standing still, in fact, slowly but surely you are moving towards your intended goal.

Modern dream book


Bush - Good luck in business

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Bush – Green, beautiful activities related to religion or the occult. Naked, broken - your psyche is unstable, it is better to find a more mundane activity. Burning Bush - your views and values ​​are too traditional. This prevents you from moving forward in life.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Bush - Success in business - a lot of green and blooming - Your sympathy will be mutual

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Bush from your dream

Bush, bush - Loneliness; vain fears; wives Floor. Organs.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about a bush?

Bushes are an obstacle in business; getting lost in the bushes is a coming danger.

Dictionary of Dreams / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why the Bush is dreaming

Dreams in which there is a bush always speak of the confusion of a particular situation in your life. A dream about bushes is a sign of future fuss and troubles. Sitting in the bushes means receiving unexpected news. If you dreamed of thorny bushes, it means trouble from an evil person; scratching such a bush in a dream means disappointment in love. Planting a fence of green bushes means little difficulty. In reality they will seem insurmountable, but they are not. Making your way through the bushes in a dream - in life you need to decide which path to take through life. And getting lost in the bushes is interpreted as the appearance of a life goal in the near future. Dream about neatly trimmed bushes - You are a tactful and purposeful person. Flowering bushes are a sign of a stable financial situation; in this case, you can even venture into new businesses, they will bring additional income.

Seeing green bushes means that your love will be reciprocated. If you find yourself in thorn bushes and cannot get out of there, your ill-wishers want to lure you into a trap, for which they present false information; in reality you should be more vigilant and careful. Uprooting a bush is a sign of kind help, which you will receive from friends in a timely manner. Seeing bushes uprooted is a harbinger of trouble, because both official affairs and personal circumstances will undergo changes in a negative direction. Cutting dry bushes portends illness. You find yourself in a blackberry bush at the busiest time of the berries - in reality you will succumb to temptation, which may be followed by the most serious complications. Dreaming of rosehip bushes means that in reality you will be deceived in your best feelings.

Dream Interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

Why does the dreamer dream about the Bush?

If a bush is in bloom in a dream, then a successful period will soon come without any special risks or troubles. Walking among the bushes is always a symbol of the fact that you are haunted by failures in life, and the higher the bushes are, the more difficult it is for you to decide and achieve anything. If you see in a dream how the leaves of a bush begin to dry out and fly away, then it means failure to fulfill your dreams and goals. To pull out a bush, you should expect problems in profit in reality. If in a dream you trim bushes, you will be able to overcome all obstacles on your own. Green bushes in the snow - your body simply needs rest and peace. Bushes strewn with berries are a warning about temptations that can bring trouble.

English dream book

Why see a Bush in a dream

If you saw in a dream a bush that suddenly flared up, burning and did not burn, or a burning bush engulfed in fire - this is a good omen. As is known from the Bible, the burning bush, the burning bush, is a symbol of the divine presence and indication of the right direction. When you have a dream, you can be sure that you are under the highest protection; no matter what happens to you, some miraculous force will protect you. Trust your intuition and move along the chosen path.

Modern dream book of Elena Avadyaeva

Why do you dream about the Bush?

If a person sees in a dream a burning bush - a bush engulfed in fire, which miraculously does not burn, a pillar of fire on its way, the dream is of a dual nature. On the one hand, it is a sign of the divine presence in your life, like the burning bush in which God appeared to Moses, tending sheep in the desert near Mount Sinai. This dream may recommend that you continue your efforts and move in the chosen direction. But at the same time, the burning bush is also a warning against some rash actions. Try to remember all the events of your dream again in order to better analyze it and understand its meaning.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

If the dreamer sees a beautiful lush flowering bush in a dream, it is a symbol of upcoming success in business. And even if things aren’t going well right now, if you dream about such a bush, don’t lose hope, everything should get better very soon. However, if the bush was old and withered, especially if you uprooted it, the dream takes on the opposite meaning; it warns that you will have to fight obstacles in your path and may need someone’s help. If you saw a burning bush burst into flames, this is a sad sign that predicts the death of one of your relatives or close friends.

Pocket dream book

If a sleeper sees a Bush in a dream

As you know, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and spoke to him near Mount Sinai. Therefore, if in a dream you saw some kind of burning bush, this is a sign that you show extraordinary conservatism in your tastes and views. On the one hand, if you prefer to stick to traditional values, there is nothing wrong with that. But on the other hand, such inertia interferes with your spiritual and professional development, prevents you from moving forward and is a frequent cause of failure in your business. This is the meaning of the dreamed bush.

The newest dream book of Georgy Ivanov

Why do you dream and what does the Bush mean to the dreamer?

If at night you had a dream in which you saw bushes growing on your way, this predicts that you will be confused by unexpected obstacles. Perhaps they will not be too serious and surmountable, but they can cause you a lot of unpleasant moments. When you dream of a bush, it may also mean that the cause of your misfortunes is a person you know well, who makes a lot of efforts to prevent you from achieving what you want.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about a bush, interpretation:

When a person dreams of a growing bush blocking his path, the dream predicts obstacles awaiting the sleeping person in business, after overcoming which he will be able to achieve fame, honor, wealth, and a significant position in society. You were hiding in the thickets of bushes, indicating a serious danger awaiting you. Especially if you remember being scared for some reason. Getting lost in the bushes - in reality you attach too much importance to unimportant circumstances.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

You spray the bushes - to tears.

For those born in May, June, July and August

You spray currant and raspberry bushes from harmful insects, which means that you will protect someone from attacks.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Spraying bushes in a dream means slandering someone in your own interests.

Why do women and men dream about the Bush?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a Bush in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

A dream that occurs on the 29th, as a rule, does not have a veiled meaning. The most favorable on this day are black and white dreams. Hearing a voice on the 29th is a sign that the dream is prophetic. All positive indications in dreams on the 29th of this number sound accurate and clear, without distortion or omissions.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image

Dreams– an amazing phenomenon that carries the information we need.

They can predict events occurring in the future; suggest what psychological problems lie deep in our subconscious.

Even though we encounter this phenomenon every day, it still remains an absolute mystery.

In order to understand what kind of information carries a dream, you need to interpret those symbols that appear in the dream. Let's look at the meaning of flowering trees according to different dream books.

Why do you dream of flowering trees?

Azar's Dream Book.
Blooming trees- joy, success. Apple tree in flowers - someone will get married soon.

Idiomatic dream book.
Trees symbolize any type of activity and the process of its development.

Blooming trees mean that the business you are interested in is currently in its prime and promises excellent prospects for the future. Your activities will bring useful results.

Small Veles dream book.
Blooming tree– an image of happiness, joy, unexpected success. Seeing flowers fall from a tree is a sign of impending trouble.

Symbolic dream book.
Tree– can show the condition of the body. A flowering tree in this case means full bloom, absence of health and appearance problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea.
Tree in her interpretation– people’s own feelings towards themselves and others. Flowering trees show the blossoming of love and sympathy.

Dream book for the whole family.
Blooming tree means an improvement in life in the near future, the onset of success, the coming of joy into your life.

Dream Interpretation of E. Tsvetkova - esotericism.
Lonely flowering tree- success in some business. Lots of trees in bloom - a successful period in life begins, when any task can be done and brings successful results.

Dream Interpretation of V. Kopalinsky.
Blooming tree- happiness that will come completely unexpectedly.

Ukrainian dream book.
Blooming tree- unexpected joy. Climbing a flowering tree means profit in property or household.

Lonely tree in flowers - a quarrel and disagreement with someone. However, the conflict will end with reconciliation and no consequences.

Break a tree blooming is a sign of big trouble. An activity that started well and promised great success, but ended in complete failure.

A tree, completely alone, standing in the middle of a bare field is a symbol of beginning loneliness. If flowers appear on this tree, this situation will completely suit you.

Dream book of the 21st century.
Blooming trees- a sign of success in business. Sitting under such a tree means fear for your existing happiness, a desire to protect your successful projects.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong - Prince.
Picking flowers from a tree and give them to some person - there will be a long separation from this person.
Beautiful flowers bloom on a dead, dried tree - a happy, calm life for younger generations, prosperity for grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and children.

Women's dream book.
Trees blossom and shrubs - the period of prosperity is already close.

Dream Book of G. Miller.
Flowering bushes and trees portend a happy period, successful prospects. It is especially good to have such a dream in the cold season.

Modern dream book.
Trees in flowers- This is a period of success and prosperity. However, if such a tree is covered with snow, this means a sudden onset of troubles in the family against the backdrop of complete well-being.

Vanga's Dream Book.
Trees in bloom herald the beginning of a fun period. But before that you will have to work hard to prepare for your vacation. Blooming magnolia - good news will come soon. A tree all strewn with flowers - all the relatives will gather together, and for a good, joyful occasion.

Picking flowers from trees - profit and material benefits from any activity. Cherry blossoms - the sudden arrival of new love, a new feeling. Bird cherry in bloom is a harbinger of peace in the home and family. Picking flowers from a bird cherry tree is the beginning of a family conflict.

Blooming willow- a serious illness that will end in complete recovery and relief.

You can admire the beauty of flowering trees endlessly, not only in reality, but also in your dreams. Having seen such beauty in a dream, a person has the right to hope that happiness awaits him. In esotericism, flowers on tree branches are a good symbol.

When interpreting what a flowering tree means in a dream, most dream books recommend paying attention to both the appearance of the tree and what time of year it bloomed. In addition, the color of the petals also matters, but we will talk about this a little later.

General interpretation

It is interesting that a wide variety of dream books interpret a flowering tree as a good sign. Such a dream is favorable for married people. It confirms that your other half is a reliable support.

Good predictions

If in a dream you are walking along an alley of flowering trees, then the long trip (business trip) ahead of you will be very successful, and you will be able to solve all the issues that interest you. Why else do you dream about a flowering tree? Dream books foretell the onset of favorable changes in the dreamer's life. Changes can affect family, career, and personal life.

Sometimes you dream of a flowering tree with ripe fruits. Why such a dream? In this case, climbing the career ladder is quite likely. A person who sees such a dream must show his best qualities to management and justify the trust placed in him. For a businessman, such a dream predicts the conclusion of a very profitable large contract, which is guaranteed to bring good profits. In addition, the fruits can symbolize an imminent addition to the family.

Well, if you remembered your childhood and climbed a flowering tree, dream books predict victory in a task that was previously beyond your power. It is a good sign if a tree with dry branches unexpectedly blooms. The dreamer will definitely win a case that he considered hopeless. Luck will be on his side, but only on condition that he acts boldly and takes reasonable risks.

If trees are blooming right under your windows, the dream predicts a pleasant surprise. If you break a flowering twig on a tree in a dream, in reality you need more than you have. Such a desire is soon motivated by your perseverance and desire to ensure a comfortable existence not only for yourself, but also for the people closest to you. Planting a flowering tree foretells that your hopes for a bright future will gradually come true.

When trees that do not bloom in reality bloom in a dream, this foretells that your original ideas will be very valuable at the most crucial moment, which will have a beneficial effect on your career.

As you can see, this dream is mostly interpreted positively. Flowering trees have only one negative sign - picking flowers from them. In this case, the sleeper complicates his life and deliberately ignores opportunities leading to success. Indeed, it is not easy to fight with oneself, but a person needs to overcome this difficult period in order to start life anew. After such a dream, it is undesirable to take on very difficult work - there is a high risk of not meeting management’s expectations and you may present yourself not at your best.

Petal color

If you dream that you are walking in the park and admiring young trees with white flowers, then this dream predicts you a carefree time that you will spend with benefit for yourself. And if you break branches with beautiful white flowers and bring them to your home, complete mutual understanding will reign in the family. When you see a tree blooming with white flowers in winter, you will experience unexpected but pleasant emotions.

Red flowers are a symbol of harmonious relationships between lovers. A tree blooming with pink flowers - a dream promises an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance, which will make you happy.

What tree is blooming?

Dream interpreters consider a flowering tree to be an ambiguous symbol. Dream books recommend its detailed interpretation. In particular, you need to pay attention to the varieties of trees (or shrubs) that you can see in the kingdom of Morpheus.

Apple tree

It is interpreted as a symbol of temptation, which will be very difficult for the sleeper to avoid. If a married woman sees such a dream, then she should remember her marriage vows and not have an affair. The betrayal will definitely be discovered, and a dark streak will come in the relationship with your spouse. Think carefully - is the game worth the candle? The same interpretation applies to a married man who sees a blooming apple tree.


A symbol of the sleeper’s professional success. If a person is going to open his own business, this endeavor will certainly be successful. For an office worker, such a dream foreshadows career growth and an increase in wages.


Unfortunately, this beautifully flowering tree in a dream promises disappointment. Your plans will not be realized, and their failure will greatly upset you. Such a dream, seen by a young girl, suggests that her relationship with her chosen one will not live up to expectations. It should be noted that in general, apricot reflects the dreaminess and ambition of the sleeper. His desires do not always coincide with his capabilities.


Seeing a blooming pear in a dream, you will soon experience pleasant emotions and shed bright tears of joy. If you have adult children, then most likely it's time to prepare for your wedding.

Lilac blooming

Most people associate blooming lilacs with the first warmth of spring, the gentle sun, and the awakening of nature. Sometimes blooming lilacs come to us in a dream. And this is a good sign: most interpreters believe that changes for the better and happiness await the sleeper.

A torn lilac branch warns of vain hopes that are not destined to come true. Avoid strangers who intrusively offer seemingly sincere friendship. If you see blooming lilacs from your home, you will soon receive an expensive gift. For women who are not yet married, this could be a marriage proposal ring.

Picking lilac flowers is a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to please a certain person. If in a dream you make tea from lilac flowers, then a beautiful relationship and courtship await you.

Flowering trees: interpretation of famous dream books

In Miller's dream book, the interpretation of such a dream is positive. The author of the collection was sure that if a person dreamed of flowering trees, then happy events would happen in his life in the near future. Seeing unusual, exotic trees in bloom promises that soon a person’s life will be painted with new bright colors. Sadness will recede, and the sleeper will be completely satisfied with his life.

If the flowers are covered with raindrops, then there may be minor problems in communicating with your lover. In this case, the dream book recommends looking at the situation objectively and, if possible, eliminating the cause of the conflict. Climbing to the top of a flowering tree, according to Miller, signifies the authority and strength of the sleeper.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian soothsayer believed that in the fall, seeing a flowering tree in a dream promises an acquaintance with a very influential person. If you were caught in the rain and you hid from it under a flowering tree, then the time has come to open your feelings. Your life will be filled with happiness from a declaration of love.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse interprets the lush blossoming of trees as a harbinger of great happiness. The dreamer will have the opportunity to take a break from the daily routine and fully restore strength. Such an update will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the perception of life. A person will be able to learn to appreciate what he already has and sincerely enjoy every little thing.

Time of year matters

If you dreamed of flowering trees in winter, then you can rejoice - the long-awaited “white streak” is coming in your life. Flowering fruit trees in winter mean an addition to the family; snow covering the petals of ornamental shrubs promises you a passion for something that was not typical for you before.

The trees bloomed in the fall - a good sign: what you thought was long lost will be reborn. Perhaps you will receive good news.

Why does a woman dream about a bush:

What do Bushes mean in a dream - recently warmed sympathy will develop into a strong mutual feeling. Imagine a garden with green, lush, flowering bushes. You weed out the weeds around the bushes, and then water them and watch how the water droplets sparkle and shimmer beautifully on the luscious leaves and bright flowers.

1 bush by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Seeing a bush in a dream means:

Spraying bushes – Spraying bushes in a dream means slandering someone in your own interests.

1 bush by Dream book alphabetically

Seeing green bushes in a dream means that your sympathy will be reciprocated. If you find yourself in thorn bushes and cannot get out of there, it means that your ill-wishers want to lure you into a trap, for which they present false information; in reality you should be more vigilant and careful.

Uprooting a bush is a sign of kind help, which you will receive from friends in a timely manner. Seeing bushes uprooted is a harbinger of trouble, because both official affairs and personal circumstances will undergo changes in a negative direction. Cutting down dry bushes portends the onset of illness and sadness in the soul and heart.

Seeing rosemary bushes in a dream means that you will soon meet an old friend whom you have not seen for ages. Thickets of basil seen in a dream foretell misfortunes caused by secret enemies. Barberry bushes predict a change in business and new impressions.

If in a dream you find yourself in a blackberry tree during the berry season, in reality you will succumb to temptation, which may be followed by the most serious complications.

Myrtle seen in a dream portends love and family well-being. Juniper in a dream - to the deceased, a dry juniper bush burning in a fire - defeat your enemies, plunging them into dust.

Seeing rosehip bushes in a dream means that in real life you will be deceived in your best feelings.

Bushes with pink flowers mean happiness in marriage, with white ones - mental suffering for a loved one. Seeing bushes with fruits in a dream foretells that you will marry a wealthy and independent person.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 bush by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Dreaming about a bush means:

You dreamed of Bushes - your sympathy will be mutual. Imagine that you water or dig up the bushes, they become green, lush, and blooming.

1 bush by Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Bush dream meaning:

Dreams in which there is a bush always speak of the confusion of a particular situation in your life. A dream about bushes is a sign of future fuss and troubles. Sitting in the bushes means receiving unexpected news. If the bushes are prickly, it means trouble from an evil person; scratching such a bush in a dream means disappointment in love. Planting a fence of green bushes means little difficulty. In reality they will seem insurmountable, but they are not. Making your way through the bushes in a dream - in life you need to decide which path to take through life. And getting lost in the bushes is interpreted as the appearance of a life goal in the near future. Dream about neatly trimmed bushes - You are a tactful and purposeful person. Flowering bushes are a sign of a stable financial situation; in this case, you can even venture into new businesses, they will bring additional income.

1 bush by Home dream book

A shrub - a shrub, dreamed of by a woman who was painfully trying to get out of it, does not promise anything good: her sworn enemies, who may well be hiding under the masks of good acquaintances, are weaving around her a cunning web of lies and slander. Only patience and calm will help you get out of an unpleasant story with dignity, which will greatly change the attitude of others towards you. If in a dream you can safely get out of the thorny bush, then this will serve as a sign of good help that will come to you in time from friends and relatives.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 bush by Pocket dream book

As you know, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and spoke to him near Mount Sinai. Therefore, if in a dream you saw some kind of burning bush, this is a sign that you show extraordinary conservatism in your tastes and views. On the one hand, if you prefer to stick to traditional values, there is nothing wrong with that. But on the other hand, such inertia interferes with your spiritual and professional development, prevents you from moving forward and is a frequent cause of failure in your business. This is the meaning of the dreamed bush.

1 bush by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Bush in a dream means:

Success in business; a lot of green and blooming - your sympathy will be mutual

1 bush according to Dream Book 2012

The bush is not prickly - the need to understand your desires and/or aspirations.

1 bush by An old Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream about a bush:

Interpretation of the dream book: Shrubs - All kinds of foreshadow an obstacle in our affairs; hiding in the bushes means inevitable death.

Bushes - Success in business // obstacle in business; getting lost in the bushes is a coming danger.

Prickly bush, thorn bush - Prickly bush. Blackthorn is an evil person; a small misfortune, a bruise, getting pricked on it - love sadness, irritation; illness from a small cause. Seeing a thorny fence means exaggerating minor troubles, not having the will to break out of them.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 bush by Modern dream book

Why does a woman dream about a bush:

Good luck in business.

1 bush by Dream Interpretation of the Subconscious

Seeing a bush in a dream means:

You dreamed of Bushes, what is this for? In Western culture, the image of the bush is traditionally associated with the biblical burning bush that Moses saw. Accordingly, a bush in a dream can express your desire to find spiritual guidance.

Positive value

Healthy bushes in a dream mean help coming from the most unexpected quarter.

Negative implications

A bush with no foliage or only a few leaves can be a warning that you should not rely on luck to achieve your goal.

Caring for a bush or trimming branches may mean that the secret will soon come out. If someone else did the pruning, remember how you felt about THAT action.

1 bush by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

A dream with a bush in the dream book is interpreted as:

Shrubs of all kinds foreshadow an obstacle in our affairs; hiding in the bushes means inevitable death.

1 bush by French dream book

Dreaming about a bush means:

When a person dreams of a bush - a growing bush blocking his path, the dream predicts obstacles awaiting the sleeping person in business, after overcoming which he will be able to achieve fame, honor, wealth, and a significant position in society. You were hiding in the thickets of bushes, indicating a serious danger awaiting you. Especially if you remember being scared for some reason. Getting lost in the bushes - in reality you attach too much importance to unimportant circumstances.

1 bush by English dream book

Bush dream meaning:

If you saw in a dream a bush that suddenly flared up, burning and did not burn, or a burning bush engulfed in fire - this is a good omen. As is known from the Bible, the burning bush, the burning bush, is a symbol of the divine presence and indication of the right direction. When you have a dream, you can be sure that you are under the highest protection; no matter what happens to you, some miraculous force will protect you. Trust your intuition and move along the chosen path.

1 bush by English dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a bush:

Symbolizes your well-deserved success in business. You will be appreciated, take advantage of the situation while luck itself comes into your hands. Seeing a flowering bush - you can take risks without fear, anyway, one way or another you will win. Even what you perceive at the moment as a failure or mistake will turn out to be in your favor in the future.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 bush by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

What a bush might dream about:

Digging up bushes means taking care of children.

1 bush by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Bush in a dream means:

Bush, bush - loneliness; vain fears.

1 bush by Dream Interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman

If a girl dreams of a bush, it means:

Bushes in a dream have several interpretations. If a bush is in bloom in a dream, then a successful period will soon come without any special risks or troubles. Walking among the bushes is always a symbol of the fact that you are haunted by failures in life, and the higher the bushes are in a dream, the more difficult it is for you to decide and achieve anything. If in your dream you see how the leaves of a bush begin to dry out and fly away, then it means failure to fulfill your dreams and goals. To pull out a bush, you should expect problems in profit in reality. If in a dream you are trimming bushes, you will be able to overcome all obstacles on your own. Green bushes in the snow - your body simply needs rest and peace. Bushes in a dream strewn with berries are a warning about temptations that can bring trouble.

1 bush according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

Why does a woman dream about a bush:

Seeing a bush in a dream is a sign that your affairs will be quite troublesome in the near future.

Seeing a bush means sadness, everyday vanity and worries; being in the bushes means receiving unexpected news.

Seeing a thorny bush or thorn in a dream means meeting an evil person, a little trouble, pricking yourself on him - a sign of love sadness, irritation.

Seeing a thorny hedge in a dream means that you exaggerate minor troubles too much and do not have the will to cope with them.

If in a dream you are making your way through bushes, it means that you are currently living without a clear goal.

1 bush according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a bush in a dream means:

See Shrub.

1 bush according to Freud's dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a bush:

Is a symbol of male genitalia.

If you plant a bush, you have a desire to change your sexual partner.

If you dig up a bush, you are haunted by fear of punishment for what you consider to be sexual perversions.

If you break off or cut branches from a bush, you are prone to self-satisfaction.

If a man waters a bush, he is very proud of his penis and his capabilities.

If a woman waters a bush, she strives for the joys of family sex and wants to have children.

A dried bush portends a dysfunction or disease of the genital organs.

1 bush according to the Mayan Dream Book

Interpretation of a dream about a bush:

Good meaning If you dreamed of a flowering bush, someone is planning to ask you out on a date. To make this date successful, always carry some tobacco with you in a leather pouch.

Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were stuck in the bushes, you are confused and don’t know what to do or where to go. Brew strong coffee in the morning, and in the evening pour it over the bush closest to your house.

1 bush by Dream book of Nina Grishina

A bush in a dream predicts:

Seeing a bush means troublesome things.

Breaking a bush is a disease.

Being in the bushes is a surprise.

To see a bush - sadness, the vanity of life and worries are coming upon you / the female organs of love and something connected with them.

1 bush according to Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why do you dream about Bush:

rose bush - happiness in marriage

1 bush by Psychotherapeutic dream book

If we consider the dream in which you saw a bush from the point of view of a psychotherapist, then it symbolizes the female genital organs. Branches and leaves are symbols of pubic hair growing. Therefore, when a man dreams of a bush, it speaks of some unfulfilled sexual desires, a lack of sex in his life. If the dreamer is a woman, then the bush that appears in her night dreams often indicates hidden bisexuality, a suppressed attraction to representatives of her own sex.

1 bush by Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If a person sees in a dream a burning bush - a bush engulfed in fire, which miraculously does not burn, a pillar of fire on its way, the dream is of a dual nature. On the one hand, it is a sign of the divine presence in your life, like the burning bush in which God appeared to Moses, tending sheep in the desert near Mount Sinai. This dream may recommend that you continue your efforts and move in the chosen direction. But at the same time, the burning bush is also a warning against some rash actions. Try to remember all the events of your dream again in order to better analyze it and understand its meaning.

1 bush by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Spraying bushes - To dream of how you spray currant and raspberry bushes from harmful insects means that you will protect someone from attacks.

1 bush by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Good luck, joy in the family, success in business.

To get out of it, always count on the help of your friends.

1 bush by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Why do you dream about Bush:

Bushes - success in business / obstacle in business; getting lost in the bushes is a coming danger.

1 bush by Esoteric dream book

Green, beautiful - activities related to religion or the occult. Naked, broken - your psyche is unstable, it is better to find a more mundane activity. Burning Bush - your views and values ​​are too traditional. This prevents you from moving forward in life.

1 bush by Dream book for men

Symbolizes your well-deserved success in business. You will finally be appreciated, take advantage of the situation while luck itself comes into your hands.

Seeing a flowering bush - you can take risks without fear, anyway, one way or another you will win.

Even what you perceive at the moment as a failure or mistake will later turn out to be in your favor.

Pushing through the bushes - despite numerous obstacles, you will achieve your goal.

A bush with fallen leaves - you should not expect large monetary profits in the near future.

A bush pulled out by you or someone else means you want too much.

A bush or bushes covered with snow - you shouldn't get too nervous anytime soon. You need rest.

Trim bushes, pluck branches from them - although it seems to you that you are standing still, in fact, slowly but surely you are moving towards your intended goal.

1 bush by Dream book of the 20th century

A sign of a complex, confusing situation. Such a dream may encourage you to put things in order in your life.

Neatly trimmed ornamental bushes: a good sign indicating that your diplomacy and sense of tact can ensure your well-being and prosperity.

Seeing ripe, tasty berries growing on a dense bush means that the source of your troubles may be some temptations or the pursuit of momentary pleasures.

1 bush by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

To confusion.

1 bush by Astrological dream book

Why do you dream about Bush:


An upstart may appear on your way.

Seeing a bush with berries means receiving dividends.

1 bush by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

In a dream you are wandering among the bushes - you will meet an evil woman.

If you dreamed that you were planting bushes, beware of rash actions that after some time will make the person you love your enemy.

You dreamed that someone was planting bushes - soon one of your loved ones will quarrel between you and your friend.

1 bush according to the Dream Book of Tarot

Green trees are rare in the Rider-White-Smith deck. For example, the Empress lasso with the image of greenery indicates fertility, growth, abundance and development. Wands made of wood in cards of the Wands suit, which are drawn with buds, speak of new growth, promising ideas and change. In the Hanged Man arcana, the tree from which the character hangs is clear evidence of internal growth, and this means that he is not in stagnation, but in development, but it is not external. Growth symbolizes the field, bushes and all growing plants.

1 bush according to the Dream Book of Tarot

If at night you had a dream in which you saw bushes growing on your way, this predicts that you will be confused by unexpected obstacles. Perhaps they will not be too serious and surmountable, but they can cause you a lot of unpleasant moments. When you dream of a bush, it may also mean that the cause of your misfortunes is a person you know well, who makes a lot of efforts to prevent you from achieving what you want.

Why do you dream about Bush:

If the dreamer sees a beautiful lush flowering bush in a dream, it is a symbol of upcoming success in business. And even if things aren’t going well right now, if you dream about such a bush, don’t lose hope, everything should get better very soon. If the bush was old and withered, especially if you uprooted it, the dream takes on the opposite meaning; it warns that you will have a difficult struggle with obstacles. Seeing yourself wandering among the bushes in a dream, getting lost in them - be careful. You are in some danger.

1 bush according to the Dream Book of Tarot

If you see yourself in a dream hiding in the bushes from someone, it means that imminent danger awaits you in reality, please try to be careful and not do frivolous things. You got lost in the bushes has a different meaning. Getting lost in the bushes - your sworn enemies have managed to place cunning nets and traps around you, surrounding you with slander and false testimony. After such a dream, you will need to prepare your spirit for the upcoming trials. If you dreamed that you managed to get out of the bushes, this is a sign that your friends will be able to provide you with the necessary help in time in your plight.

1 bush according to Hasse's dream book

When a lover sees beautiful lush green and flowering bushes, he can rejoice, because the dream suggests that his sympathy will be mutual. The chosen one fully shares his feelings, happiness in love awaits him. Seeing a dried, prickly bush, devoid of leaves, is a sign of a probable disease. Uprooting bushes in dreams means fighting obstacles on the path to success.

1 bush according to Hasse's dream book

A green and beautiful bush in a dream is a symbol of some activities related to religion or the occult. When you dream of such a bush, it means that you are extremely concerned about your spiritual development and are trying to comprehend the true essence of the world around you. Seeing a bare bush with flying leaves, as happens in late autumn or winter, is not a very good sign, warning that your psyche is unstable, and therefore all kinds of spiritual practices are categorically contraindicated for you. It’s better to find yourself something else to do, something more mundane. But seeing a burning bush - the biblical burning bush - means that you adhere to overly traditional views and values. This, on the one hand, is not so bad, but it slows down your development and prevents you from moving forward in life.

1 bush according to Hasse's dream book

If you saw a lush and beautiful bush in a dream, this is in all cases a good symbol, indicating that you should not lose hope, because success in business awaits you soon. If a lover dreams of a lot of green and flowering bushes, then one should rejoice, because the dream promises that his sympathy will be mutual. The person of interest will give him her heart. A withered bush with flying leaves is a sad sign that predicts problems, failures, or some kind of disease in reality. This is the meaning of the dream you had last night.

1 bush according to Hasse's dream book

Why do you dream about Bush: Regular 0 Nightmare 0