Full name: Ivan Andreevich Urgant

Stage names: Ivan Urgant

Age: 40 years

Father: Andrey Lvovich Urgant

Mother: Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva

Zodiac sign: ♈ Aries

Place of Birth: Russia, Saint-Petersburg

Nationality: Russian

Height: 195 cm

Family status:

Children: Valeria Urgant, Nina Urgant, Niko Kutalia, Erika Kiknadze

Activity: actor, TV presenter, showman, musician, producer

Annual income:$8.5 million (2018)



Ivan Urgant is a Russian theater and film actor, musician, television presenter, comedian and showman. Fans love him for his inexhaustible sense of humor, and follow Urgant’s biography and personal life with interest.

Where and when was Ivan Urgant born?

The boy was born on April 16, 1978 in one of the maternity hospitals in the city of Leningrad, RSFSR (Russian St. Petersburg). His mother and father were Soviet actors. They consisted of civil marriage, however, a year after the birth of their son they separated.

Little Vanya with his mother

When asked what nationality Ivan Urgant is, the actor himself replies that he is half Russian, a quarter Jewish, and another quarter Estonian. This happened because his mother is Russian, and his father has both Jewish and Estonian blood flowing through his veins. His paternal grandfather was a purebred Jew, and his grandmother was Estonian-born.

Family of Ivan Urgant: parents and sisters

On the lines of his mother and father, almost all relatives were connected with theater and cinema, so Urgant’s biography was closely intertwined with the world of art from the very beginning.

Urgant's father

Dad, Andrey Lvovich Urgant, born in 1956, is a St. Petersburg film and theater actor, showman and television presenter. Graduated from Leningradsky state institute theater, music and cinematography (LGITMiK). Viewers are familiar with his work in the films: “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Deadly Force”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Carrot Love”, “Voronins”, “The White Guard”.

Ivan with his father Andrei Lvovich

Andrei Lvovich’s mother (Vanya’s grandmother), Urgant Nina Nikolaevna - People's Artist RSFSR, viewers know her from her famous role in the film “Belarusian Station”. Vanya’s father (grandfather), Milinder Lev Maksovich, is an Honored Artist of Russia, and worked for half a century at the Leningrad State Academic Theater.

Ivan's mother

Mother, Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva, born in 1951, originally from Khabarovsk. She came to Leningrad to study at LGITMiK, where she met her first common-law husband. In 1982, Valeria married St. Petersburg actor Dmitry Ladygin, who raised her son as a stepfather. Things have developed between them a good relationship, Ivan repeatedly said in an interview that he loves his stepfather very much and considers him his second dad.

Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva

In 1986, Valeria Ivanovna joined the troupe of the Leningrad Academic Comedy Theater named after Akimov, where she subsequently worked. On February 1, 2015, Ivan Urgant’s mother died.

Sisters of Ivan Urgant

The showman has three sisters. Paternal half-blood – Maria, born in 1984. She married a Turkish businessman and now lives in the Netherlands. In 2004, Vanya gave birth to a nephew, Emir, and in 2015, a niece, Gabrielle.

Sisters Valentina and Alexandra

Maternal sisters: Valentina Ladygina, born in 1983, and Alexandra Ladygina, born in 1988. With their older brother Ivan, they had a cheerful, carefree childhood.

Ivan Urgant in childhood

The future television star spent his childhood in the family of his mother and stepfather; the boy sincerely rejoiced at the appearance of his younger sisters. The house was always noisy, the children played together. He was not jealous of his mother and sisters, but on the contrary, he took the girls under his wing like an older brother.

Vanya Urgant's childhood

Parents taught their children to love and appreciate art, read a lot, listen good music. Often the boy was taken in by his grandmother Nina Nikolaevna; she adored her grandson and “filled him up” with gifts. IN school years Vanya had many friends and hobbies.

How Ivan Urgant grew up

He graduated from Leningrad children's music school No. 18 and went in for sports. He began to develop an excellent sense of humor early on; he was one of the first restless and playful people in the class. But at the same time he studied well, was very erudite, had a keen sense of justice, and did not tolerate rudeness and rudeness.

Ivan Urgant is 18 years old

After school, he continued his studies at the Academy of Theater Arts of St. Petersburg, wanting to devote his life to acting.

Career of Ivan Urgant: TV, cinema and theater

IN creative biography For Ivan Urgant, everything did not go smoothly right away, despite the fact that while still studying, he made his debut on the theater stage. In the production of Macbeth at the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theater, he played the role of a guard. The famous Alisa Freundlich was also involved in this performance. Already in 2010, Urgant took part in the Pushkin Theater production of “Mad Money”, he was invited to the role of Savva Vasilkov.

Ivan Urgant in the production of “Mad Money”

But after receiving a diploma in acting education, theater did not become his main profession. Vanya worked as a bartender and waiter, and hosted various shows in St. Petersburg nightclubs. Excellent improvisation and his witty jokes did not go unnoticed. Soon Ivan began appearing on radio stations: “Super Radio”, “Russian Radio”, “Hit-FM”.

Ivan Urgant on the radio

He began working on television with the information program “Petersburg Courier” on Channel Five. In 2000 he moved to Moscow, and a year later he made his debut on the MTV Russia channel, where he hosted the following programs: “Bright Morning”, “Total Show”, “Expresso”. From 2003 to 2005 he worked on the Rossiya TV channel, where he hosted the shows “Pyramid” and “People’s Artist”.

Team "ProjectorParisHilton"

From 2005 to 2018, Ivan Urgant was a TV presenter on Channel One. Here his creative career developed most successfully. No sooner had one show ended than it immediately started new project and Vanya was invited to the following programs: “Big Premiere”, “Circus with the Stars”, “Wall to Wall”, “One-Storey America”. Since 2006, he has been the host and face of the popular culinary show “Smak”. This was followed by the projects “ProjectorParisHilton” and “Evening Urgant”, which made Ivan a star of domestic television.

Ivan with the guests of “Evening Urgant”

Vanya also found his acting education useful; he is quite in demand in domestic cinema, starring in many box-office films: “Tin,” “Christmas Trees,” “Freaks,” “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive”, “Myths”. Most often he gets the role of a kind and sympathetic young man.

Ivan Urgant in the film “Yolki”

Ivan plays several musical instruments: guitar, piano, accordion, flute, drums. He has a pleasant baritone voice. In the 90s he performed under the pseudonym Vnuuk, and in 1999 he released his album “Star”, together with Maxim Leonidov. Since 2011, he has developed his career as a performer under the pseudonym “Grisha Urgant”.

Grisha Urgant

Today Ivana Urgant is one of the most sought-after and promising presenters on television, a wonderful film actor, and a master of improvisation. With such baggage, he approached his 40th birthday.

Personal life

Family status: married (Natalia Avtandilovna Kiknadze)

Ivan Urgant has been married to Natalya Kiknadze for 10 years. The couple are raising two children together and Natalia’s two children from her first marriage. All about the TV presenter and showman.

The show began, as usual, with Urgant’s signature sparkling jokes on the topic of the day. Then Ivan, in his relaxed manner, talked with the guests - Svetlana Ivanova and Danila Dunaev, who played the main roles in the series "Pregnancy Test". Nothing in the presenter betrayed a recent tragedy. And only at the very end of the program did he give vent to his feelings.


“Friends, as an epilogue, I would like to tell you why we didn’t go on air three times for the first time in the entire existence of the program,” Ivan Urgant addressed the audience. “There was a good reason for that. My mother died early on Sunday morning. My mother was very modest person. She never gave an interview about me and once again I tried not to say anywhere that she was my mother. She was just very proud of me and loved me, just as I loved and love her", the artist shared.

“I want to say thank you to all my colleagues, all the journalists for speaking with incredible tact about this event, for doing so as to disturb my family as little as possible. I want to say thank you to all the people who, with their support, words of love and gratitude made the pain that came to my family not so unbearable", concluded Ivan Urgant.

Let us remind you that Honored Artist of Russia Valeria Kiseleva died on the morning of February 1 in her apartment after contracting the flu. The actress did not live to see her birthday for only six days - on February 7 she would have turned 64 years old. For this reason, the 36-year-old TV presenter canceled filming of the “Evening Urgant” program.

Relatives and friends of Valeria Kiseleva did not comment on the tragedy in the acting dynasty. Sources close to the family asked journalists not to bother 85-year-old Nina Urgant and not to call her for an interview, Super.Ru writes.

According to relatives, the 63-year-old mother of the famous TV presenter did not have any chronic diseases, but on the eve of her death she fell ill with the flu. The woman decided not to go to the doctors, hoping that she would recover on her own..

However, on February 1, at half past ten in the morning, Valeria Kiseleva felt unwell. The actress's frightened relatives immediately called ambulance, but the doctors who arrived on call pronounced him dead.

Valeria Kiseleva graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography in 1977. After receiving her diploma, the bright and talented artist was accepted into service at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater, and since 1986, Kiseleva became an actress at the St. Petersburg Comedy Theater named after Akimov. Valeria Kiseleva was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Russia” in 2000.

A beautiful but modest actress has passed away. Only 63 years old. I would have turned 64 on February 7th - negligible...

Unlike her famous son, Kiseleva did not like to appear in public and give interviews. They were not scheduled with Vanya’s father, St. Petersburg actor Andrei Urgant. When I was young I thought it wasn’t important. We separated by mutual consent. Valeria Kiseleva married again, also to an actor. In this very successful, as colleagues say, marriage, two more daughters were born.

Valeria Kiseleva did not have such a stunning career as her son, but St. Petersburg theatergoers know her very well. She served at the Theater named after Komissarzhevskaya, and then at the Comedy Theater. She acted in films. She has roles in the films “You Know, Mom...”, “My Dear Man”, the TV series “Secrets of the Investigation”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Cop Wars”.

Valeria Kiseleva in the film "My Dear Man"

Ivan Urgant has canceled all filming for the near future. But it is not yet known when the funeral will take place.

“I can’t say anything yet,” Andrei Urgant answered Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Call Vanya.

“Three days ago – no sign of illness”

Everything happened suddenly. They say she had the flu, but she treated herself. When she became worse on the morning of February 1, her family called an ambulance. But doctors only stated death. The Investigative Committee will now look into what happened.

“I’m so sorry, this is very unexpected,” a shocked Irina Mazurkevich, Kiseleva’s colleague, responded to Komsomolskaya Pravda. – On January 29 we played together, everything seemed to be fine! And on Wednesday Lera was supposed to have a performance... She had a lot of work, she went on stage three or four times a week. I can’t even imagine who could replace her. She is so bright, unusual, each role is different from the other. But the main thing is not even what kind of actress she is. A good man died...

She was always very sensitive and responsive, attentive and caring,” recalls Irina Mazurkevich. - He will definitely ask how you are doing, find out about your grandchildren, about your children. And I asked her about her grandchildren... The fact that Vanya Urgant grew up to be such a worthy person is, of course, Lera’s merit.

But, says Mazurkevich, Valeria never boasted about how high her offspring had soared. Sometimes they would ask Kiseleva: “You probably watch Evening Urgant every day?” - “What are you talking about, only on occasion, but there’s no time.” An actress herself, having been married to actors and raised a superstar, she knew the value of fame - and appreciated the silence and the ability to walk the streets in peace. She didn’t give out interviews about her star son, moreover, she hid the fact that she was the mother of “that same Urgant.”

Everyone knows the father of the SpotlightParisHilton star and his famous grandmother, who played in the Belorussky Station. But little is known about my mother. While Andrei Urgant often gives interviews and appears on television, his mother is nowhere to be seen. She was not shown in any television program about the Urgant dynasty.

“I have known Vanya Urgant since childhood,” said singer Rosenbaum. - Vanya grew up and was raised in the family of his mother and stepfather. Very intelligent, well-mannered people. I know Vanya’s mother less than my father. But she always made a pleasant impression. She is an actress. Ivan’s stepfather is from a famous Leningrad acting family... And Vanya for me is just Vanya... When I see him on the screen, I don’t switch the TV.

Ivan Urgant’s mother is Leningrad actress Valeria Kiseleva. I met Ivan's father Andrei Urgant while studying at the Leningrad Institute of Theater and Cinematography. When his son was born, the young father moved to live with Valeria in her room in a communal apartment. Hot water there was none, and Urgant Sr. decided to harden the child. The baby liked the cooling water treatments, but the neighbors in the communal apartment decided that this was bullying the child, they told the police. I had to cancel the hardening. As they say, Ivan’s mother didn’t really like the fact that her common-law husband was drunk, they said he was interested in girls... Tired of trying to change Andrei, she kicked him out.

We lived with Vanya’s mother Lera for a year and a half and broke up. I didn’t exchange her for anyone, I just realized that I was completely unprepared for the role of dad and husband. Lera, like a wise woman, forgave me and let me go,” Andrei Urgant admits now.

We called Valeria Kiseleva. But the mother of the most famous son turned out to be taciturn and not modest like an actor.

I do not like public performance, - Valeria told us. - Vanya and I see each other, we love each other. But I don’t want to talk about him.

- They wrote that Ivan grew up with his grandmother?

No, what are you talking about! Vanya has always been with me, in our family. It was my destiny. I'm happy for Vanya. He has his own family now. He is a faithful family man. Him caring wife, beautiful daughter, my granddaughter. I have nothing more to say.

- They say you were very offended by Andrei Urgant, Ivan’s father?

No. What can we say about this now? I have been happy with my husband for a long time.

Valeria Kiseleva's husband is St. Petersburg actor Dmitry Ladygin. Dmitry Ladygin was born in 1955. Graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Music and Cinematography. Since 2001 he has been working in the troupe of the Baltic House Theater Festival. Starred in the films: “Starshina”, “Liteiny”, “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Gangster Petersburg”, “Deadly Force-3”, “Secrets of the Investigation-6”, “Cop Wars-1”. We asked Dmitry several questions. From the manner of communication one can feel that Dmitry Ladygin is a true Leningrader and intellectual. In some ways, his manner of communication is reminiscent of Ivan Urgant.

- Dmitry Mikhailovich, is this your first marriage with Ivan Urgant’s mother?

Yes! First and last. In my case, getting into the top ten right away. My wife and I found each other almost immediately. Lera succeeded on the second try. We studied at the same institute, but took different courses. They didn't know each other very well. Although I paid attention to Lera. Then she began an affair with Andrei Urgant. No, I didn't make any attempts to get to know each other better. This happened later, when I returned from the army. And as we got married, so we live. Of course, I knew she had a son. She always loved Vanya very much. Vanya was four years old then. The fact that Lera has a child did not bother me at all. I tried to find a common language with the boy. Of course, I understood that if he did not accept me, then the relationship with my wife would not work out. But somehow everything worked out by itself... I came to their family, and their life became easier. Vanya reached out to me. And I tried to make the boy not feel discomfort. Children are spontaneous, they adapt quickly. He probably saw that his mother was doing well, and this was all felt and reflected in the microclimate in the family... A year later, Lera and I had a daughter, Valentina. Vanya looked with interest at the new member of the family... (By the way, in parallel, Andrei Urgant, Vanya’s father, had a daughter in another family. - Ed.). There was a time when Vanya called me dad. Although I didn't insist. Somehow this just happened to us. Then, when I became a teenager, I started calling him by name. We always talked like family. Five years later our daughter Alexandra was born. Vanya rejoiced at the appearance of his sisters. We had a noisy house. The children played together and made noise. I didn’t see Vanya being somehow jealous of his sisters. On the contrary, he took them under his wing and protection, like an older brother.

- Three children grew up in your family. Did you have enough time and attention for everyone?

There wasn't always enough time. I left for filming and worked a lot. This is how our life is - often on the road. Lera - very good mom. Good man. We are not stellar people, simple... I treated my children as individuals... An individual should be inviolable, free, have the right to her opinion, do what she wants... Well, naturally, I gave some guiding points ... We always tried to go on vacation together and are now trying to go somewhere. We love to go to Finland, ride on good roads... And everyone in our family is a theatergoer. My dad was an Honored Artist of the RSFSR. I worked in the theater - the Baltic House Theater Festival, where I work now. He played brilliantly! He instilled in me a love for the theater. And I, in turn, instilled it in my children. Everyone in our family loves and appreciates art. I taught my children to read good books and listen to good music. Vanya has been a big bookworm since childhood. He grew up a well-read and erudite child, he grasped everything on the fly... He has a natural sense of humor. And in our family we all love humor, jokes... Ivan also has a keen sense of justice. I never tolerated rudeness or rudeness. I myself live and advise my children to live by this law - don’t do anything you wouldn’t want done to you. Children and I early years trained to perform household duties. The simplest ones. Cooking, for example. Vanya enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen. We all love to cook in our family. And the family's favorite dish is potatoes. By the way, I am now enjoying watching the “Smak” program.

- Was Vanya jealous of your mother?

Don't think. I didn't think so. He loves his mother very much... Even if there were grievances and emotional outbursts on his part, I treated it calmly and with understanding. And the transition period is difficult for everyone.

- Could you slam the door?

Yes, anything could happen. What did I do in such cases? Usually he reacted calmly. He was always a clear leader and commanded at home, learned independence early, and matured quickly. But to bully someone there, no, he didn’t have that. He's not aggressive. He didn’t fight, he didn’t smoke. I won’t say that he made us worry... I quickly learned responsibility. He said he will do it. He and I could talk about any topic. A trusting relationship has developed. I did my best by example show how to behave. That it is necessary to restrain emotions and grievances. He taught me to try not to offend people and to treat them with respect.

- Did you call me to school?

Only for pleasant reasons. Vanya studied well. The girls liked him in class.

- Why did Ivan go to work early? As a schoolboy, he began washing dishes in a restaurant..

It was his decision. He decided that he needed money for pocket money, for flowers for the girls. He didn't want to ask me or his father for money. We lived poorly. When perestroika began, work became scarce. We lived like most St. Petersburg residents. Vanya and her daughters understood the value of work, were not spendthrifts, and understood the state of things. Now we live more or less, pah-pah... At least there is a certain stability and some kind of material well-being. Vanya helps us. He is a wealthy man.

- Did you think that he would become a star?

I wanted this, but somehow I didn’t take his passion for music very seriously. But he was confident in himself, he knew what he wanted. And then I see that he really achieved success! I'm happy for him!

- Do you like ProjectorParisHilton?

I like “Smak” better. I don’t go to ProjectorParisHilton, and if I do, I often don’t understand what’s going on there, so I don’t really like the chaos. I need to sit down and look at it more closely, but somehow I can’t do it.

- How is your relationship with your daughter-in-law?

She's a normal girl. Everyone thinks that she looks like Ivan’s mother... They studied together at school... Probably fate... They brought their granddaughter, a pretty girl.

- Does Ivan often come to visit you?

He comes, but mostly exclusively for work. He's a busy man.

Ivan Urgant: “I consider my stepfather to be my second dad”

- Ivan, who do you consider the real father? Stepfather or father?- we asked Ivan.

I consider my stepfather to be my second dad and I love him very much. He raised me. Write that way.

- Did you have a nickname as a child?

Yes. Urry! I don't talk about personal things. - Ivan does not betray himself and is ready to talk only about work.

Andrey Urgant: “I’m a negligent father”

Andrey Lvovich, according to information in the media, Ivan was with you illegitimate child and you started communicating with your son when he was six years old...

No. The Lord is with you, much earlier. A guy was born of blue color. That is, asphyxia. Especially Nina Nikolaevna, his grandmother, was scared then. And I was immensely happy when I took my son from the maternity hospital. True, Vanya could not yet tell me: “Dad, shut up!” He was born in a civil marriage. But there is such a document with an unusual wording - “Act of Establishing Paternity.” I went and completed it. And, frankly, even if I were not Ivan’s biological father, I would still have adopted him. Of course, provided that Valeria Ivanovna (Ivan Urgant’s mother) would not mind. But it seems to me that our relationship is obvious, and there is no need to even conduct a genetic examination... I hope that Ivan is also proud of our dynasty. Unfortunately, I got involved in Vanya’s upbringing quite late. He grew up and was raised in his mother's family, wonderful actress Valeria Kiseleva. And when she married Dima Ladygin, also a wonderful actor, it was in their common family. I know that in Valeria’s house there was a Spartan regime - no one ate meat, and in general few goodies were allowed. But when Ivan showed up at his grandmother’s, that’s when the “feast” began. They even had their own secret password: “ Fried chicken And Fried potatoes" Internally, perhaps, Vanya blames me for not spending enough time with him. Although he doesn't tell me that. I remember how once, in the heat of the moment, during a heart-to-heart conversation, I arrogantly declared that I hope I won’t wait until the moment when I need his help. But, fortunately, Ivan grew up to be a strong man both morally and physically. We have a healthy and warm relationship with him.

- Is Ivan’s “home comfort” in complete order?

Our dreams of dachas and all sorts of other material benefits came true, and we earned something above the average level. Both Vanya and I were initially overwhelmed by material ideas. But another interesting thing is that at some point we both realized that the hearth must be present inside a person. Vanya treats the institution of marriage with great reverence. And I respect Ivan’s choice. I have a wonderful daughter-in-law!

Nina Urgant: “My son and grandson are my rear”

- Nina Nikolaevna, what does it take to raise such men?

Don't know. I raised my son alone. We lived in a theater hostel. She worked a lot: she performed 37 - 38 performances a month. She paid less attention to her grandson. He was raised by my daughter-in-law Valeria Kiseleva. She is a very good actress. We still maintain relations. I think all the time: what a blessing it is that I have a son, a grandson - a good, strong rear. I am calm.

- How does men care?

Vanya calls me often. Now he has a family. He spends more time in Moscow. They only brought their great-granddaughter to show me once, I hardly know my daughter-in-law... Andryusha and Vanechka gave me new car. I had a Lada, and now I have a small Japanese car. I'm driving myself. That is, my son and grandson consider me strong, young, healthy and cannot agree that I am already of advanced age.

- Ivan Urgant is the idol of the current young generation. Can you feel it?

This came as a surprise to me. Andrey found himself when he was over thirty. Everything worked out well for Vanya much earlier. Although Andryusha, I think, has more knowledge of his profession than Vanya... Vanya, of course, is very popular among young people. I walk around the city. People come up: “Thank you for the grandson.” There are girls of 13-14 years old “on duty” in the yard: “We like your son Vanechka so much. Could you get his autographs?" I answer: “Of course. When he arrives, I will take his autographed photo and give it to you.” They believe that Vanya is also my son!

Wife Natalya: “With Vanya I’m like behind a stone wall”

Today Urgant does not hide the fact that he is happily married to former classmate Natalya Kiknadze. He liked Natalya back then, during his studies, but did not accept his advances. After school, she married a businessman and gave birth to two children. Urgant was not alone either. He married a girl, Karina, at the age of 18 and quickly divorced. She went abroad and got married there. Ivan met TV presenter Tanya Gevorkyan on television in Moscow. They lived together. Ivan called Tatyana his bride. But then they ran away at once... For some time, Ivan Urgant met with Emilia Spivak (Secrets of the investigation, Closed school). Soon Ivan found out that he ex-love Natasha Kiknadze is also alone. He took her from St. Petersburg to Moscow. His dream of having Natalya as his wife came true. Today they live in a huge mansion built near Moscow. Natalya is a housewife, raising three children (she gave birth to a daughter with Ivan). Ivan is a breadwinner and disappears at work. But they always spend weekends together. They like to go for walks, go to restaurants, visit friends... Ivan’s wife is not a party girl. But he took her with him to the premiere of “Freaks.” We saw them together - from the outside they make an impression happy people. Natalya was always very shy and embarrassed by the camera lenses turned in her direction. Her daughter from her first marriage was clinging to her.

- Natalya, you are rarely seen at parties! Did you like the film?

I came to support, to be happy for Ivan. I'm happy for him. He's a good actor... And good husband. I'm with him like behind a stone wall.

- Are you happy?

Ivan himself, when asked by journalists whether their common daughter looked like him, answered with characteristic humor: “Yes. At first, when I was born, I looked like my wife. And now that the stubble has appeared, I recognize my features in it more and more.” But seriously, it seems that Ivan treats marriage and children with great responsibility. “Dad always told me: “Never play on children!” I remember that,” jokes Ivan. But he seriously admitted in one interview that he does not divide children into his own and those of others. Moreover, I grew up with my stepfather.

We called Urgant Gevorkyan's ex-fiancee.

Tanya, when you met, you were more famous than Ivan, now isn’t it a shame that when he became rich and famous, someone else got him?

This is already the past. What to discuss now. There are more successful and rich men than Ivan. You don’t know who I’m with now... Each person has his own life, and therefore it would be stupid to return to the past... Yes, Ivan introduced me to his family. I saw his mother. I knew the whole family. The person is doing well with his family. Ivan's mother does not appear on the covers of glossy magazines, but this does not mean that she is not a good actress.

- They wrote that you didn’t want to have children and this annoyed Ivan!

They wrote on the Internet that Vanya and I were rivals, competing in something... This is completely funny. What's there to compete with Vanya! No one can compete with Vanya’s sense of humor, not even men. I adequately assess my strengths. There can be no competition between a man and a woman who live together!

- Then why did you break up? They said that you didn’t want a family, children, but he wanted...

That's not why we broke up. The breakup was difficult. But that's how it happened. I have my own personal life. I can’t say that it’s worse than with Ivan. Perhaps sometimes I regret that we are not together. But whatever is done, everything is for the better. Now everything is fine in my personal life.

The mother of the nationally popular TV presenter, showman and actor Ivan Urgant, Valeria Kiseleva, was not known as widely as his famous grandmother or father. She was a modest, well-mannered woman who understood that fame is a transient and not very calm duty for a person. The actress herself, Valeria Ivanovna, knew how important it was for an actor to be able to live normally among people, without attracting constant attention. She lived and worked in St. Petersburg until the very end. The final cause of Valeria Kiseleva’s death is still being clarified.

She was born in Leningrad in 1951 and graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography in 1977. At the same time, she fell in love with her classmate Andrei Urgant and considered it unnecessary to register their relationship. They lived in a civil marriage and after some time, they separated by mutual consent. Valeria's eldest son, Ivan Urgant, was born in 1978. Since 1982, she has been married to actor Dmitry Ladygin and this union turned out to be extremely successful. It lasted until Valeria’s death and gave her two daughters: Valentina and Alexandra.

In 1986, Kiseleva was accepted into the troupe of the St. Petersburg Academic Comedy Theater named after Akimov, where she worked until last days. In 2000, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In addition to the theater stage, she also played in films. Valeria Kiseleva has almost two dozen different film roles, mostly comedic ones.

As a true Petersburger, Valeria Ivanovna was distinguished by her special intelligence and spirituality, friendliness and refined simplicity. Not being particularly beautiful, she was more of the “pretty plain” type - so much in her appearance was pleasant, pretty openness and attractiveness. She raised her son well: taste and availability good manners is felt in his behavior, regardless of the situation.

Valeria Ivanovna was loved and respected by her work colleagues, who took the loss of the beautiful actress seriously. Theatergoers of the “northern capital” mourned her death: she was well known to connoisseurs for her roles in the Komissarzhevskaya Theater and the Comedy Theater. IN Lately Kiseleva had a lot of work: she went on stage almost three or four times a week.

Trouble struck unexpectedly: Valeria Ivanovna fell ill with the flu and did not seek help from a doctor. Self-medicating, she continued to take homeopathic remedies to help cleanse the body. It is unclear how the combination of these drugs affected her, and how her vital organs responded to the disease, but the actress died suddenly after a few days of illness, just three days shy of her 64th birthday. The question of why Valeria Kiseleva died is being investigated by the investigative commission.

After a modest farewell ceremony, only for her circle of loved ones, she was buried at the Komarovskoye cemetery near St. Petersburg in February 2015.