And only the sensitive ear of a zealot for the purity of the Russian language will catch the inconsistency in such a statement: " From the 1st, you and I will again face an increase in payment for services." Yes, we always confuse everything. It would seem that nothing could be simpler: there is " payment for services" - is there "service fee"After all, when we go, for example, to a hairdresser, we are prepared for the fact that we will have to pay - what?- services of a master. Means, payment - what?- services of a master. However, we can put it differently. When we go to the same hairdresser, we need to take money with us, because, of course, they will give us a haircut, but after that we will have to pay for What ? - for the services of the master. Means, payment for What? - for services.

In our fast-paced life, everything gets mixed up, confused, one speech structure clings to another - this is how illiterate, clumsy expressions like “payment for services” are born. Well, one more time: we're going on the bus. It’s cramped, it shakes, you can’t reach your wallet. And then, of course, the conductor makes his way along the aisle - and how does she manage to do this when there are so many people? Nothing can be done, professional skill. Counts out the change and shouts - what? - Right: " Citizens, pay your fare!". Of course, this is an ideal conductor who speaks correctly, in accordance with literary norms: " pay your fare".

Fare payment- from the conductor.

And here for travel there is a fee. The main thing is not to confuse: fare - fare.

IN Lately I increasingly pay attention to how one word is used. It’s not very common, but it’s not too rare either: the word “nostalgia.”

The other day in one newspaper I Once again I came across this word. The newspaper headline read: " Nostalgia about the Hutsuls." That is, about the people who live in the Ukrainian Carpathians. But it was not the Hutsuls that hooked me; I had a question - is it possible to say so, " nostalgia about the Hutsuls"? A" nostalgia By Soviet times"? A " nostalgia By chocolates" - when, for example, they are not there? Let's think...

In such cases, the most correct thing is to absolutely find out the meaning of the word, and, if possible, its origin. Fortunately, this word does not contain any special secret. All dictionaries - all as one - give a clear interpretation. " Nostalgia" - this is longing for the homeland. Dahl's dictionary even adds - “longing for the homeland, like an illness."

The word is Greek, made up of two: “nostos” (nostos) - returning home and “algos” (algos) - suffering, pain. “Nostalgia” came to our Russian language through German media, as etymologists say.

So the word " nostalgia" replaces the whole phrase - “homesickness”. And when we talk about nostalgia, we no longer need to explain what kind of melancholy a person experiences. Not by mother, not by wife, not by home - no, only by homeland...

However, recently from the word " nostalgia“The second component, “homeland,” is increasingly disappearing. What remains is simply “longing,” or rather even “longing for something lost.” They might say: “ nostalgia around the house, " nostalgia By Soviet era". They may, but... so far only one dictionary has legitimized such a meaning - "New Dictionary of Foreign Words" by Zakharenko, Komarova and Nechaeva. As a second meaning " nostalgia“This dictionary indicates precisely “longing for the past, the lost.”

Payment, payment, fee, calculation, compensation, payment, disbursement, transfer; remise, payment, payment, remittance, contribution Dictionary of Russian synonyms. payment payment, payment see also payment Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M... Synonym dictionary

PAYMENT, payments, pl. no, female Action under Ch. pay. Make payment. Accurate payment of membership fees. Demand payment of debt on time. Accept 100 rub. in payment. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

payment- Payment, payment for something. Topics: accounting...

payment of invoice- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN cover ... Technical Translator's Guide

payment- PAYMENT, arch. Pay. “The Reverend would at least establish some kind of payment,” the bishop remained silent (3.406) ... Dictionary of the trilogy “The Sovereign's Estate”

G. 1. process of action according to Ch. pay 2. The result of such action; payment, monetary compensation for something. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment, payment (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

payment- payment, s... Russian spelling dictionary

PAYMENT- payment, payment for something... Great Accounting Dictionary

payment- (1 f) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language


  • Financial directory of budgetary organizations No. 8 2014, Absent. “Financial Directory of Budgetary Organizations” is the main monthly magazine for accountants of budgetary and autonomous institutions. Each issue contains practical solutions to operational issues related to accounting,… eBook
  • Tax proceedings. Calculation, payment, return, G. G. Nesterov. The procedures of tax proceedings from the emergence of an obligation to pay a tax (fee), fine, penalty to the resolution of tax disputes in higher courts are considered. Brought...

Info lesson on the topic PARONYMS PAY - PAY - PAY

Info lesson plan:

1. Lexical meaning of paronyms pay - pay - pay

2.Examples of phrases with paronyms pay

3.Examples of sentences with a paronym pay

4.Examples of phrases with paronyms pay

5.Examples of sentences with a paronym pay

6.Examples of phrases with paronyms pay

7.Examples of sentences with a paronym pay



1.Give payment for something (for what?)

2.Reimburse something (what?)

3.(transfer., book.) To commit, to do something in response to any action; repay, repay.

PAY - What? (My pleasure!)

PAY - pay for something; pay; what/for what


1) pay for purchases

2) pay for the bus fare

3) pay dues

4) pay off the debt

5) pay a fine

6) pay taxes

7) pay 100 rubles

8) pay with a service for a service

9) pay evil for good

10) pay with your head

11) pay with life for the love of freedom

12) pay with betrayal for trust


1) Rostov, from the time of his loss, decided that he was five years old will pay this duty to parents. (L.N. Tolstoy. War and Peace)

2) When the dressmakers finished, Tsybukin paid them not with money, but with goods from their shop. (A.P. Chekhov. In the ravine)

3) - And those paid?

- Paid! They finished it off carefully, they even kissed and kissed the cross. (Naumov. Web)

4) Without knowing mathematics, we will not be able to correctly pay for a product, we will not be able to calculate how much material and funds need to be spent to produce any product.

5) The owner of the house took the readings of the electric meter and paid for electricity.

6) For the envelope Anya paid 10 rubles, and for a postcard - 17 rubles more.

7) I paid all his brother's debts.

8) We paid for the apartment, electricity, telephone, for repairing the refrigerator.

9) Previously, according to the custom of some peoples, the groom had to pay bride price

10) The state made a decision pay for every hundred square meters of flooded personal plots - 3,000 rubles, and for every hectare of lost harvest farms - 2000.

11) - Probably the main paternal inheritance is the money that we will pay the customer of multi-colored hats, the master’s sons decided. (From the parable of the old hatter)

12) God for the hungry will pay. (Proverb)

13) He is expensive paid for your hobbies.

14) For their hasty decisions they paid expensive price.

15) Hundreds of village residents live their lives paid for the political ambitions of military generals.

16) If you don’t notice with your eye, then you'll pay sideways. (V.I. Dal)

17) Don’t cry, rye, what I sell for a penny: spring will come - twice as much I'll pay, and I turn back (about an imprudent owner). (V.I. Dal)

18) [Kirsha] found himself at the bottom of a barn pit and, perhaps, paid would have paid dearly for his desperate leap if he had not fallen on something soft (M. Zagoskin. Yuri Miloslavsky).

19) I would dearly paid for turning back the words that escaped my chatty tongue (S.T. Aksakov. Meeting with the Martinists)

20) It must be assumed that my enemy is dear to the bourgeoisie for his hardness of heart paid: The servant of God was beaten so badly that even now I can point out the consequences. (A.P. Chekhov. Correspondent)

21) For a peasant it was considered immoral pay equal pay for both the master and the ordinary worker. High-quality work should be rewarded much higher.

22) Writers, publicists, theater workers, journalists accused of defending a bourgeois or hostile point of view in moving away from the “norms of socialist realism” paid heavy tribute during the Yezhovshchina years.


1) pay the bill

2) pay the debt

3) pay the receipt

4) pay for telephone calls

5)pay for your hotel stay

6) pay for the work

7)pay for travel

8) pay workers

9)pay travel expenses

10) pay utility bills

11) pay for a lawyer

12) pay for educational services

13) pay the loss

14) pay for the order

15)pay for purchases


1) - Don’t worry, travel paid. (V. Soloukhin. Mother-stepmother)

2) By order of the minister I pay travel to Chelyabinsk and back. (Matte)

3) We paid shopping in the store.

4) Sick leave employee will be paid.

5) Those who were laid off instantly became marginalized, barely able to pay utilities and food.

6) Upon entering the bus, you should buy a ticket in order to pay your own passage.

7) After the citizen was detained, he was provided with a lawyer, although he could not pay his services.

8) Often large companies provide their employees with corporate discounts on visiting a fitness club or swimming pool, pay sanatorium-resort holiday.

9) State paid 75 - 80% of the ransom, but the peasant received this amount in the form of a loan and must return it to the state within 49 years, paying, in addition, 6% per annum. (From the main provisions of the reform of 1861)

10) The contractor provides, and the customer pays additional educational services.

11) Need pay provider services.

12) W. Shakespeare bought the most big house in the city for the family, paid his father's debts.

13) Necessary pay travel on the metro.

14) Pay The publishing house covered the travel expenses.

15) People have the opportunity pay purchases using payment cards.


1)pay tax

2) pay a fine

3) pay interest

4) pay indemnity

5) pay the ransom

6) pay for lunch

7) pay for the purchase

8) pay the bill

9) pay the bill

10) pay ten rubles

11) pay in money


1) But the pockmarked man did not allow him to pay for himself. He took out his pockmarked wallet and, having calculated his share, paid especially. (F.M. Dostoevsky. Teenager)

2) The estate was sold under the hammer at half price, but half of the debts still remained paid.

3) The Frankfurt peace represented only a confirmation of the Versailles preliminary peace, with a more detailed development of particulars; France ceded Alsace and Lorraine to Germany; obliged pay in gold or Prussian, English, Belgian, etc. papers equivalent to gold, 5 billion francs in indemnity.

3) Penalty (fine, penalty) - an amount of money determined by law or agreement that the debtor is obliged to pay to the creditor in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations.

4) Loan agreement - an agreement between the lender and the borrower, according to which the bank or other credit organization undertakes to provide funds (loan) to the borrower in the amount and on the terms stipulated by the agreement, and the borrower undertakes to return the amount of money received and pay interest on it.

5) In 1558-1559, during the Livonian campaign, Boris Alferovich Pleshcheev was first in a large and then in a guard regiment. In 1564, he participated in the manual recording of the boyars who vouched for Ivan Vasilyevich Sheremetev: in the event of Sheremetev’s escape and the insolvency of the guarantors pay 10 thousand rubles to the sovereign treasury, Pleshcheev had to pay 100 rubles.

6) Civil Code Russian Federation defines a debtor as a person obligated, by virtue of an obligation, to perform a certain action in favor of another person (creditor), such as: transfer property, perform work, pay money, etc., or refrain from a certain action.

7) Borrower is a party to a credit relationship who receives a loan and undertakes the obligation to return the loaned value within a specified period of time and pay interest for the duration of the loan.

8) The country was forced pay indemnity.

9) A tax amnesty is a series of measures to provide taxpayers with the right pay amounts of taxes for which the established tax legislation payment terms.

10) The peasants had to for their will pay huge ransom.

11) He should have pay fine.

12) All taxpayers are obliged to promptly and completely pay taxes.

13) She was obliged pay inheritance tax.

14) Unlike the serfs, the black-growing peasants were not personally dependent, and therefore bore the tax not in favor of the landowners, but in favor of Russian state. The land was, as it were, the property of a black-growing peasant; he could give it as collateral and sell it, but on the condition that the buyer would take it to community cuttings and markings or immediately paid

My question is inspired by answers to another question:

I was sure that it was impossible to write “pay the difference.” And Gramata’s answer confirms this:

Question No. 287512
In what cases is the word “pay” used, and in what cases “pay”?

To pay is what they pay for: study, travel, treatment, services... To pay is what they pay: fee, fine, penalty...

But here is a quote from the Civil Code that contradicts this understanding:

  1. In the event that, in accordance with an exchange agreement, the goods exchanged are recognized as unequal in value, the party obligated to transfer the goods, the price of which is lower than the price of the goods provided in exchange, must pay the difference in prices immediately before or after the fulfillment of her obligation to transfer the goods, unless a different payment procedure is provided for in the contract. [Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part two (1995) // , 2004]

Maybe the solution is here:

Question No. 289122
Hello. Is the expression “the cost is paid, pay the cost”, etc. correct? word formation? Thank you in advance.
Russian help desk response
Correctly. Pay the cost = give money to reimburse the cost of something.

So, to pay is also to give money in compensation for something? So, is it correct to say: pay the difference, pay the debt? At the same time, is the difference and debt something that needs to be repaid?

But no, perhaps. The value from the question is “a certain amount of socially necessary labor spent on the production of a commodity and materialized, embodied in this commodity.” That is, pay the cost = pay for the labor. How about paying the difference?

I also found this (now unavailable):

We have already discussed the verb “to pay” in some detail in one of the previous issues, but we lost sight of “to pay”, and in vain. The fact is that, despite the apparent synonymy of these two words, there is a significant difference in usage between them. Pay is used in cases where we are talking about what they are paying for: goods, travel, public utilities, invoice and the like. It can often be compared to the verb "to receive". I paid (paid for what?) for hotel accommodation. To pay - when we are talking about what is paid (the equivalent of money): duty, fine, commission, rent, ransom, and so on. This word, on the contrary, is closer in meaning to “give.” I paid (paid what?) my membership fees.
Some words (for example, debt) are not interpreted unambiguously; both verbs are applicable, depending on the situation. He could please his children a little and give gifts to his poor wife, who sacrificed her youth to him to help him pay off his debts of honor (F. Dostoevsky). Strive to pay your debt, and you will achieve a double goal, for by doing so you will fulfill it (K. Prutkov).

I'm confused. Help me to understand.

In such cases, the most correct thing is to absolutely find out the meaning of the word, and, if possible, its origin. Fortunately, this word does not contain any special secret. All dictionaries - all as one - give a clear interpretation. Nostalgia- this is homesickness. Dahl's dictionary even adds - homesickness, like illness.

payment- payment, payment, payment, calculation, compensation, payment, disbursement, transfer; remise, payment, payment, remittance, contribution Dictionary of Russian synonyms. payment payment, payment see also payment Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M... Dictionary of synonyms

Receipt of payment or payment as correct

The use of both words is allowed by the norm of the Russian language - here everything will depend solely on the context. When it comes, for example, to paying for some services, or for issued invoices, we are talking about their payment. That is, we pay for something (or on the basis of something). We pay for something provided. If we are talking about a specific type of payment (contribution, duty, tax, fine, etc.), then we use the term payment- it is used both in official business papers and in everyday speech - in the form of stable expressions. That is, the differences in the use of these paronyms are purely stylistic.

Paronyms – words that are very close in sound, but different in meaning or partially coinciding in their meaning (for example: shelter And blood, put on And dress, pay And pay). Words contours And outlines are not paronyms. But they are synonymous (though not in all their meanings).

About payment or payment as correct

Remuneration systems, including tariff rates, salaries (official salaries), additional payments and compensatory allowances, systems of additional payments and incentive allowances and bonus systems, are established by collective agreements, agreements, and local regulations.

“The employer sets additional payments, allowances and incentive payments. The amounts and conditions of such additional payments, allowances and incentive payments are determined in the provision on bonuses for the employee (reference to the provision), with which the employee is familiarized with signature when signing the employment contract" or "The employee may be paid additional payments, allowances, bonuses for high qualifications and personal contribution to results of the employer’s activities, length of service, additional payments for an increased volume of work, high quality in accordance with the regulations on remuneration (reference to the regulations), which the employee must be familiar with upon signature.”

Correctly write a letter of guarantee for payment

  • in the upper right corner of the document the name of the organization and the full name of the head (or the full name of the individual) are indicated, then it is written on behalf of whom this letter is being drawn up;
  • the text of the letter indicates a request to perform some action - for example, a request to book a boat;
  • further indicates the payment period for the action performed by the counterparty;
  • Below is the signature and date of writing the letter.

Payment guarantee letter (sample

How to correctly write a letter of guarantee for payment (sample)

Payment guarantee letter (sample which is not enshrined in law) is a document confirming the fact of future payment for work done or services rendered. You will learn from our article how to correctly draw up a letter of guarantee and what nuances you should pay attention to.

If the letter of guarantee is drawn up on behalf of legal entity, then it is usually written on the organization’s letterhead and certified by the signature of the head (or other authorized person) and the seal of the organization. Individuals can write in regular clean slate paper

How to pay or pay correctly

Elena Astafieva (Order a consultation) Hello. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in their interrelation indicate that in order to properly fulfill the obligation to pay tax, the taxpayer is obliged independently, i.e.

... Forms of the words payment - payment ata, s ... Russian spelling dictionary PAYMENT - payment, payment for something ... Large accounting dictionary payment - (1 f) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language PAYMENT - payment, payment for something ... Large economic dictionary Books Tax production.

Regulations on remuneration: how to draw up, sample regulations

The employer has provided for the indexation procedure in the local act, but does not carry out the indexation itself. The employer is obliged to comply with the conditions collective agreement, local regulations and employment contracts (Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If local acts contain a provision for indexation, but in fact it is not carried out, the employer can be held administratively liable in the form of a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles
(Article 55 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; Article 5.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The Labor Code does not disclose the concept of an advance, but when determining the payment procedure wages employers must take into account that the amount of the advance payment for wages for the first half of the month is determined by an agreement between the administration of the enterprise (organization) and the trade union organization when concluding a collective agreement, but it should not be lower than the tariff rate for the time worked (letter from the Federal Service for Labor and Employment dated 09/08/2006 No. 1557-6; resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 05/23/1957 No. 566). Thus, when determining the amount of the advance, one should take into account the time actually worked by the employee, that is, set the advance and the final payment in proportion to the time worked.

Correctly draw up a salary clause

It is advisable to call the first section General Provisions. As the name suggests, it requires general information. For example, regulations and local acts in accordance with which salaries are paid. It also wouldn’t hurt to list the employees who are responsible for paying wages and bonuses. And be sure to include in this section an identification of the employees who are covered by the wage provision.

In order for all types of bonuses, additional payments, and employee benefits to be taken into account as income tax expenses, the employment contract must refer to the company’s current Remuneration Regulations. Marina Skudutis told how to draw up a document.

Payment guarantee letter

The payment guarantee may relate to goods and services already received, i.e., in essence, the letter contains a request for a deferred payment and a promise to repay the debt within a certain time frame. The letter can also guarantee the completion of any already paid work or services.

  • in the “header” - the name, address, telephone numbers, organizations, full name and position of its head, as well as the full name and address of the person who writes the letter of guarantee;
  • in the text of the letter itself - a promise to pay for a product or service (perform work), the amount, terms and method of payment;
  • signature of the originator and date of writing the letter.

How to correctly make changes to the Regulations on remuneration

Often employers produce organizational changes in the company since new calendar year. Most often subject to revision staffing table companies. Starting from the new year, the organization’s work and rest schedule may also change. In this case, it will be necessary to adjust another important local act of the employer - the internal labor regulations.

The organization is obliged to notify the employee against signature about upcoming changes related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions, as well as about the reasons that necessitated the need for such changes. This must be done no later than two months before the introduction of such changes. This is stated in Part 2 of Article 74 Labor Code RF. If the employee agrees with the upcoming changes, it is necessary to draw up an additional agreement to employment contract(Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

27 Jun 2018 3924