"Development creative personality in music lessons and extracurricular activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Currently, creativity and creative activity determine the value of a person, therefore the formation of a creative personality today acquires not only theoretical, but also practical meaning. It is no coincidence that the second generation federal standards place emphasis on an activity-based approach to educational process, i.e. the ability to be an author, creator, active creator of one’s life, to be able to set a goal, to look for ways to achieve it, to be capable of free choice and responsibility for it, to make the most of one’s abilities.

In this regard, the role of musical education is increasing as a condition for the formation of a creative, harmoniously developed personality. A creative approach to a given situation helps to select various options and choose the most suitable one. Of course, each child manifests creativity differently, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, but if a child has even the slightest creative abilities, then it will be much easier for him to study, work, build relationships with people around you and cope with difficulties. I try to implement the task of developing a creative personality in music lessons and extracurricular activities.

“Children’s musical creativity is the most effective way their development" (B.V. Asafiev). At all times in theory and practice national school there was a persistent search for ways of harmonious development of a personality with creative potential, opportunities for the most complete disclosure of its abilities. At the present stage of development of society, there is a real social need to activate the creative potential of the individual. Therefore, the thought of scientists is aimed at developing methods that promote the targeted education of students in a creative type of thinking and creative activity. This problem is reflected in the works of philosophers, psychologists, teachers and methodologists (L.S. Vygodsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.A. Molyako, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, G.S. Kostyuk, etc.) Development problem creative activity of the individual was developed by such researchers as: F.V. Andreev, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, I.I. Ilyasov, Zh.A. Zaitseva, A.A. Kirsanov, A.A. Malakhov, R.A. Petrosova, O.G. Sushchenko, A. Engelbrecht and others; The pedagogical creativity of teachers and students was touched upon by: D.B. Kabalevsky, Yu.B. Aliev, O.A. Apraksina, L.G. Dmitrieva. How to teach a child to think creatively? Let's listen to the advice of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. “Do not bring down an avalanche of knowledge on the child, do not try to tell the child everything you know about the subject of study; inquisitiveness and curiosity can be buried under the avalanche of knowledge. Know how to open one thing to the child in the world around him, but open it in such a way that a piece life began to sparkle in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return again and again to what he learned." "...Mental efforts should never be directed only to consolidation in memory, to memorization. Comprehension stops, mental work stops, and mind-numbing cramming begins." Creativity, by its nature, is based on the desire to do something that has never been done before, or to do something that existed before you in a new way, in your own way, better. In other words, the creative principle in a person is always a striving forward, for the better, for progress, for perfection and, of course, for beauty in the highest and broadest sense of this concept. This is the kind of creativity that art cultivates in a person, and in this function it cannot be replaced by anything. In its amazing ability to evoke creative imagination in a person, it undoubtedly occupies first place among all the diverse elements that make up complex system human upbringing. And without creative imagination there is no way to move forward in any area of ​​human activity. You can often hear the following words from parents and even teachers: “Well, why does he spend valuable time writing poetry - he doesn’t have any poetic gift! Why does he draw - he won’t make an artist anyway! And why he is trying to compose some kind of music - after all, this is not music, but some kind of nonsense!..” What a huge pedagogical misconception in all these words! It is imperative to support any desire for creativity in a child, no matter how naive and imperfect the results of these aspirations may be.
The goal of musical and aesthetic development in a secondary school is to form the artistic culture of students in the context various types creative knowledge of reality and optimize the creative qualities of the individual. The development of a child’s creative personality becomes one of the main tasks in the general education system. Changing traditional teaching methods requires finding the most effective ways to educate and train each individual student.

Foreign experience is very instructive in the development of special educational programs designed for children with increased abilities. Many such programs have already been created and used; they compete with each other. At the same time, it is given Special attention training teachers to work with particularly susceptible to learning and creative children. What should a teacher pay attention to when working on the creative activity of students?
First of all, we must try to create a favorable atmosphere of mutual understanding in the lesson. During communication in lessons and extracurricular activities, the teacher must constantly stimulate the child to be creative in all its manifestations. By its nature, children's creativity is synthetic and often improvisational in nature. It makes it possible to judge much more fully individual characteristics and promptly identify children’s abilities. For example, during chants or physical education sessions (in junior school) I invite any child to come up with his own exercise and invite the whole class to perform it. Only through constant exercises associated with systematic studies do we support and develop children's abilities.
Children who demonstrate pronounced vocal performance abilities become soloists. They will also be dealt with in the future. individual work. Creatively gifted children clearly demonstrate the need for research and search activity - this is one of the conditions that allows students to immerse themselves in the creative learning process and fosters in them a thirst for knowledge, a desire for discovery, active mental work and self-knowledge. Due to the small amount of teaching time (1 lesson per week), the development of a creative personality began to be fully realized in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard in extracurricular activities. My students take part in all competitions, extracurricular activities, create multimedia presentations and collective projects. For example, the project of creating their own music video captivated the children, since its creation took into account the interests and talent levels of each child in the team. This form of education allows a gifted child, while continuing to study with peers and remaining included in familiar social relationships, at the same time to develop his or her giftedness.

In work on the development of a creative personality, it is advisable to put the following principles pedagogical activity:

The principle of maximum diversity of opportunities provided for personal development;

The principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities;

The principle of individualization and differentiation of training;

The principle of creating conditions for students to work together with minimal teacher participation;

The principle of freedom of choice for students to help and mentor.

Thus, all of the above principles are fully reflected in the fundamental ideas of the new federal standards.

When working with gifted children, the most effective modern pedagogical technologies are technologies of productive learning and a competency-based approach. These technologies make it possible to understand the student’s point of view and look at things from his and from their points of view, to use research, partial search, problem, and project activities.

By creatively approaching the development of various abilities in children, the teacher will be able to help any child realize himself in the future as a bright, creatively gifted person.

Fundamentals of a teacher’s activities in the development of a child’s creative personality.

Development of giftedness junior schoolchildren is more successful if the teacher’s activities are based on creating a favorable psychological atmosphere for the entire creative process, attention to the individual psychological and age characteristics of each gifted student, preparing students for concert activities; organizing independent creative work for students, conducting explanatory work with parents in order to create in them an adequate idea of ​​their child’s abilities.

In your work with each student you have to evaluate both positive and negative sides his personality, his attitude towards music, his performing qualities. A gifted child is not always a “brilliant” child. According to K.G. Jung, “a creative child may even have unfavorable characteristics: scattered, a head full of pranks; he is careless, negligent, inattentive, mischievous, wayward.” In our practice, we often come across such children, but if we find the right approach to them, we can achieve great success in developing their abilities. Often such children have conflict situations with teachers, but soon they calm down and prove by their actions that they are “much better than they think.” They are always ready to help organize any event and take an active part in it. When going on stage to perform (for example, performing a song solo or dancing), such children reveal all their talents. The teacher needs to build an individual trajectory of the creative development of each child.

Great importance when working with children has educational work. It should be aimed at the formation of such a person who will become the “educator” of his own abilities. The teacher not only teaches to sing and play, but also helps in the formation of personality, based on the basic moral criteria of good and evil. Qualities such as kindness, sincerity, openness, combined with skill, accompany a person throughout his life. A pure soul gives birth to a pure voice. This idea should be instilled in students throughout all years of education. It is necessary for children to show independence, creative activity, and a desire to appreciate each other’s creative discoveries.

To work on developing a creative personality, a teacher needs to have the following set of qualities:

Personal (positive “I-concept”, determination, maturity, emotionality, artistry, friendliness, sociability, tact);

Professional (knowledge and skills that help develop the giftedness of each student, taking into account individual psychological and pedagogical characteristics); development of special educational programs, assessment of learning outcomes, advisory training for children and parents);

Behavioral (the ability to create a creative atmosphere, pedagogical technique, teacher behavior).

In order for a teacher to provide pedagogical support, he must have special training, including:

An idea of ​​what musical giftedness and a musically gifted child are;

What are the peculiarities of the development of gifted children;

Development and testing of pedagogical support techniques is a way to solve problems of musically gifted children of various types (problems of learning, communication, development, behavior, problems of worldview, etc.).

The characteristics of a primary school student contain enormous potential for the development of musical talent. This is emotionality and high sensitivity; the predominance of sensory perception, visual-figurative thinking and at the same time the formation of the abstract; child activity; becoming a subject of various types of human activity; desire for self-realization; highlighting one's own “I”.

What are the pedagogical conditions for the development of a creative personality?

The process of developing a creative personality will be effective if:

1. priority will be given to pedagogical tasks of personal development with highly moral guidelines, character education, emotional-volitional sphere of the child, positive attitude to life;

2. conditions will be created to ensure the child’s position as a subject of his own development, self-knowledge, and self-organization;

3. the pedagogical process will be adequate to the specifics of the musician’s learning process as an artistic and creative activity;

4. pedagogical factors will be an artistic orientation-developmental environment and pedagogical support aimed at developing personal, emotional spheres.

The obtained educational results generally coincide with pre-planned performance indicators. Using the methods and forms of work proposed during the project related to increasing the creative potential of children, it was possible to achieve the development of interest in the subject “Music” and create incentives for creative activity among younger schoolchildren. Students have developed strong vocal and choral skills, listening culture, as well as musical interpretation skills.

Use of various traditional and non-traditional forms and teaching methods in music lessons, stimulates the development of schoolchildren's confidence in their creative abilities, gives children the impetus to search, awakens their imagination and allows them to experience the joy of creativity. The proposed forms and techniques for organizing creative activity are universal, since they can be used in other academic subjects. In the process of work, a series of original creative tasks was compiled that holistically develop the creative potential of the student’s personality: the didactic game “Music Box”, “Breathing and play gymnastics”, etc. The children participate in school and city events. Competitive activity has certain advantages over other methods of personal self-realization. Preparation for and participation in an art competition intensively expands the experience of life and aesthetic relationships, helps competitors, through active personal experiences, make the transition to a deeper knowledge of art, to the comprehension of serious artistic creativity. In the process of musical, visual, literary or theatrical creativity, pupils of additional education institutions develop their imagination, the sphere of emotional experiences expands, enriches and deepens. An art competition contains potential opportunities for self-development and qualitative personal improvement.

Every year my students take part in municipal competitions: “Christmas Star”; military patriotic song “Vivat, Russia!” and amateur artistic performances, which not only brings positive results in the form of prizes, but also allows students to instill the basics of artistic taste, teach them stagecraft skills, creating an atmosphere of success. Also, during extracurricular hours, children additionally attend clubs on the basics of vocal skills “Rainbow”, where they have the opportunity to develop and realize their potential. Creative competitions everywhere play a prominent role in identifying young talents. The competition is designed to discover talent and give it a way into life.

The role of parents in the development of children's creative personality.

Huge role in the formation process creativity The child is played by the parents of young talents.

The famous musicologist G. Ganzburg conditionally divided parents into 4 groups, depending on their attitude towards teaching their children music:

1.parents who do not want to take on the extra hassle associated with music training, who believe that their children have “a bear in their ear.” In this case, parents act as a bear, stepping on the ears of their own children, depriving them of musical education.

2. Parents driven by vanity. They are, as a rule, indifferent to art and teach children for reasons of prestige.

3.Parents are maximalists. If they suddenly realize that their child is not destined to be a professional musician, they stop playing music.

4.And, finally, the ideal case is when parents do not rush to premature conclusions about the strength of their children’s talent, but calmly and balancedly treat music education as a necessary part of general education for everyone. They are not inclined to exaggerate or minimize the importance of music, and therefore, for a teacher, interaction with such parents is best option. The serious attitude of such parents towards learning is reflected in the serious attitude towards homework in their children. Objective exactingness, assistance in solving organizational issues, readiness at any time to support the child’s endeavors and share with him failure and success - these qualities of parents, together with the professionalism and creative enthusiasm of the teacher, serve as the key to the development and development of the musicality of our common children. Isn’t their achievement a pedagogical happiness?

The organization of a competitive movement is one of the components in the system of developing creative abilities in children, along with their involvement in active concert activities.

I upload all the achievements of my students to the website http://nsportal.ru/senatorova-natalya-alekseevna ; We communicate very actively with the guys at vk.com, together we select a repertoire for work. We are preparing projects, taking photos and videos on this topic. And as a result, we perform at school events and municipal competitions, showing our work. And I see my big role in this - the role of a teacher, carrying his burning heart, showing the way, illuminating and lighting new stars.


1. Asafiev B.V. Selected articles about music education and training. Music. 1973

2. D. Kabalevsky “How to tell children about music” Moscow, “Enlightenment”, 1989.

3. “Music at school No. 1 1990”, Moscow, “Enlightenment”.
4. “Music at school No. 2 1990”, Moscow, “Enlightenment” 5. Practical classes on methods of teaching music. http://www.orenipk.ru/kp/distant_vk/docs/2_2_1/metod_muzika.html

Ministry of Education and Training of the Republic of Mari El

Prepared by: Malandina Valentina Konstantinovna, primary teacher

classes of MBOU "Usolinskaya Basic comprehensive school»

Paranga, Usola, 2014

Development of creative abilities of students in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard

If you look at current state education in Russia, we can see that it is characterized by qualitative changes in the field of content, which is aimed at developing the creative thinking of students. And the effectiveness of the school’s work in this direction is determined by the extent to which the educational process ensures the development of the creative abilities of each student, forms the creative personality of the student, prepares him for creative cognitive and social work activities. The main goal schools as a social institution, in modern conditions is the diversified development of children, their cognitive interests, general educational skills, self-education skills and, of course, creative abilities.

Our time is a time of change. Now Russia needs people who can make non-standard decisions and who can think creatively. School should prepare children for life. Therefore, the development of students’ creative abilities is the most important task of a modern school. This process permeates all stages of the child’s personality development, awakens initiative and independence in decision-making, the habit of free self-expression, and self-confidence.

Today, many teachers are already aware that the true goal of education is not only the mastery of certain knowledge and skills, but also the development of imagination, observation, intelligence and the education of a creative personality in general. As a rule, the lack of creativity often becomes an insurmountable obstacle in high school, where solving non-standard problems is required. Creative activity should be the same object of assimilation as knowledge, skills, and abilities, therefore, in school, especially in elementary school, creativity must be taught.

In order for the rich creative potential of children to be actualized, it is necessary to create certain conditions, first of all, to introduce the child into real creative activity. After all, it is in it, as psychology has long argued, that abilities are born and developed from preconditions.

In my teaching activities, I pay great attention to extracurricular activities, since they have great opportunities for the development of a creative, versatile personality. These opportunities can be successfully realized, relying on traditional and non-traditional methods of education and training, as well as on one’s own pedagogical creativity. Although we are not allocated hours for extracurricular work.

We fulfill the order of society and the state. Educational standards give us a guideline for the development of the system of education and training that family, society and the state expect from us. For this purpose, the second generation standards propose a model of a primary school graduate. This model also became my reference point. And the key areas of work were: personal characteristics student, such as curiosity, activity, interest in understanding the world, the ability to organize one’s own activities, and the willingness to act independently.

The development of students’ cognitive activity is possible through the organization research activities students. It is research work that makes children participants in the creative process, and not passive consumers of ready-made information.

Every year the school holds a competition with students research work. Best works go to regional and republican competitions in areas. Therefore, we also have to work with children individually. Research work also has practical significance for students. Schoolchildren are introduced to the world of science, acquire research skills, and actively apply new information Technology, learn to plan their own activities. Parents are also involved in this work.

Modern teaching should focus on the interests and needs of students and be based on personal experience child. The main task of education is the actual study of the surrounding reality. Teacher and students walk this path together, from project to project.

Target research :

to identify and test in practice pedagogical conditions that promote the development of creative abilities of primary schoolchildren.

Object of study:

development of abilities of children of primary school age.

Subject of study :

the process of developing the creative abilities of a junior schoolchild.

Research hypothesis: The process of developing the creative abilities of a junior schoolchild will be more effective if conditions are created that promote the development of creative abilities, both in the student’s academic and extracurricular activities.

Based on the purpose, hypothesis and taking into account the specifics of the subject of research, the following are determined:tasks:

1. Study and analyze scientific and methodological literature and practical experience on the problem.

2. Provide diagnostics for the development of creative abilities.

3. Determine the forms and content of work to develop the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren in extracurricular activities.

Thus, the condition for the emergence of this project is determined by the need to create an education system that most fully satisfies the interests of the state, society, namely students and their parents.

As a rule, we develop creative abilities in all lessons. We write projects, make presentations, develop artistic and aesthetic creativity in drawing lessons... But I took the topic for self-education “Development of literary and creative abilities of children.” Literary creativity makes life richer, more meaningful. It develops their ability of aesthetic feeling, enriches inner world, makes it possible to experience the joy of creativity.

Literary creativity is important not only for the development of literary abilities, it is important for the development of the child as a whole, for the formation of consciousness, morality, and, at high school age, worldview.

Children of primary school age most often write about what is closest and accessible to them - about nature, about their games and entertainment, about

What pleases, surprises, amuses them. Then they begin to reflect social events in their poems.

K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “The language of the people is the best, never fading and ever-blooming flower of their entire spiritual life, beginning far beyond the boundaries of history. In language, the entire people and their entire homeland are spiritualized...Language is the most living, most abundant connection, connecting the obsolete, living and future generations of the people into one great historical living whole.” The native language at school is a tool of cognition, thinking, and development. It has the potential for creative enrichment. Through language, the student masters the traditions of his people, their worldview, and ethnic values. Language is a means of literary creativity - poetry, prose. Linguistic analysis of a text is always research, always creativity.

Starting school is a very important moment in a child’s life. The main type of activity is changing: learning is replacing play. This unknown type of activity can be a factor in the child’s increased anxiety and contributes to the formation of low self-esteem. And if a child is assigned the role of a learner rather than a student, then very soon some children will lose interest in learning. One of the important methods of creating positive motivation for learning, in my opinion, is working from the textbook “Word Workshop”. Both children and adults are well aware of nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, teasers, horror stories, funny stories, and fables. All these poems in everyday life are considered to be empty fun. In fact, without these funny rhymes, a child will never master his native language perfectly, will not be able to clearly express his thoughts, feelings, experiences and understand the meaning of speech addressed to him. After all, all these genres are a kind of verbal toy. The rules are contained in the poem itself, in its purpose and content. From here it is one step to writing your own poems.

Over the course of several weeks, I integrate work on literary reading into literacy lessons. At the same time, I conduct various exercises to develop a sense of the rhythm of auditory attention. Taking advantage explanatory dictionary, let’s find out with the guys what rhyme is.

Rhyme is the consonance of the ends of poetic lines. A masculine rhyme is a rhyme on the last syllable, a feminine rhyme is with the stress on the penultimate syllable. To rhyme means to select words to create a rhyme. Then we observe the rhyme of the poems published in ABC. When reading poetry with children, we observe that the lines rhyme differently.

During the period of learning to read and write, I include various exercises on rhyming words:

1. Complete the syllables into words

2. Come up with a rhyme for the word

3. Pure sayings

4. Game “Say the Word”

What is my name, tell me

I often hide in the rye.

A humble wildflower,


Guess the rebus and make up a poem.





(Stove, candle, river, sheep)

The stove in the house is flooded,

A lit candle is blinking,

The river is covered with ice,

A sheep is dozing in a barn.

6. Come up with a poem based on its beginning or end .

Like ours at the gate,

Grandma is calling the chickens.

7. Think of a subject and describe it in verse using adjectives.

Round, sweet (Apple ).

Riddles, proverbs, sayings are the most ancient genres of oral folk art. There is a lot of poetry and beauty in them. They surprise us with their construction, widespread use linguistic means. They instill in children a high sense of love for native land, understanding of labor as the basis of life, they judge historical events, about social relations in society, about the defense of the Fatherland, about culture. Children love to invent them.

In my work on “Development of Children’s Literary Creative Abilities,” I believe that there are results. At the end of 4th grade, we publish the book “My First Book”, where children put their poems in it, interesting stories, drawings. Of course, I help with this myself.

My children are participants in the “Kumashevsky Reading” 1st place - Ilvina Shaikhutdinova, “Gerasimovsky Reading” - Natalya Chirkova -2nd place, Artyom Semenov - certificate, “Gayazovsky Reading” - Arina Rastvortseva - certificate, “Yakimovsky Reading” - Arina Rastvortseva, Artyom Semenov – certificates.

In the “Samyrik Tukym” competition, Artem Semenov took 2nd place, Arina Rastvortseva – 1st place. They were awarded certificates.

They have been participating for several years in the republican environmental competition “First Steps”, “My First Project”: Arina Rastvortseva - certificate and Artem Semenov - diploma Shaikhutdinova Ilvina - certificate

Participation in the II regional scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren in the section “Elementary school” with research work “Heroes of the Earth” Mari" . Chirkova Natalia - certificate

Regional competition of local history research
students' works
“Native Mari land”
Direction "Genealogy"
Nomination “The History of My Last Name”
Iplace in the areaat Natalya Chirkova's. Participation in the republic (certificate)Republican creative music and poetry competition

"Family together - the soul is in place"

"My first project" (certificate)

Participation in the republic (certificate)

They also participate in other creative competitions. “Let's protect the forest”, “Fire is not fun”, “Forest in the creativity of young people”, wild nature“The work I do with children develops creativity, imagination, evokes positive feelings, fosters a love for folk art and folk traditions, contributes to the education of patriotism in children. It also fosters positive motivation for learning.


    Monthly scientific and methodological magazine “Primary School” 2009. No. 1, No. 6, No. 7

    Literary reading in 1st grade.

    Program "School of Russia"

    Non-traditional teaching methods. Author E. Shcherbakova.

    Internet resources

Creation- an activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness.
Quite recently, there was an opinion that creativity is inherent in a child, that it is only necessary not to interfere with his free expression. But practice shows that, firstly, needs to be trained child to this. Secondly, you need certain base- musical experience, skills and knowledge.
The task musical creativity is the development in a child of the position of an active participant, a performer-creator of musical works in order to express himself, his emotions and feelings, moods and experiences through singing, dancing, and playing music using accessible means.

Full implementation of this task meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, in particular to the musical development of preschool children .

Exist three stages of developing creative abilities .
The teacher’s task at the first stage — teach children to actively imitate the methods of action used in an adult’s musical model. The child learns from your examples. Sample tasks of this stage: compose the end of a melody performed by the teacher, stage a song with movements, select from the given dance elements those that suit the character of the given piece, etc.
Second stage task - to form in children methods of action that are aimed at creating the simplest examples of creativity, at introducing changes and variations into familiar material. Sample tasks second stage: compose a song based on a given text, come up with movements or a dance, conveying the characteristic movements of the characters.
At the third stage The task is set to organize activities that would presuppose independence and initiative, without the use of models. Psample tasks - compose a song, choosing the text at your discretion from several given ones, compose melodies at your own request without any samples, choose the theme of the dance and play action, distribute roles, compose a composition of the simplest dance. As you can see, creative tasks become more complex from stage to stage.

Separate several types of children's creativity — , .
Include special tasks for the development of creative abilities in every lesson (one type is possible). Conduct creativity-dominant activities. They can be built in the form of a game, a trip, or a competition.

In preschool education, the following are distinguished: words necessary for the development of creativity and musical development of children.
The teacher's task – create conditions for active experimentation in order to accumulate initial musical experience.
1. subject-spatial environment and equipment (musical corners in groups, costume attributes, musical instruments, their dummies, artistic toys, fun toys, recordings for listening, different types of puppet theater, musical and didactic games).
2. It is very important for the development of creativity to create gaming problem situations (games for children), encourage children to act independently, develop the ability to apply what they have learned in new conditions, in a free, variable form.
3. Necessary activate auditory sensitivity preschoolers. And to do this, instrumental works should be included in activities that are accessible and attractive to them.
4. Children need to understand that the world people, things and nature can be depicted and expressed by musical sounds , movements.
5. The main thing is necessary stock of musical impressions, knowledge, skills that children receive in the learning process in the classroom. In creativity, the child uses the skills and abilities that he learned during the learning process.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write to

Natalia Mishukova
Development of children's creative abilities in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Development of children's creative abilities in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

Exactly creative a person's activities make him a being,

facing the future, creating it and modifying their present.

L. S. Vygotsky

IN modern world one of the main values ​​is the formation creative, a free-thinking, highly cultured person. And this development should begin in the first days of a child’s life. In order to children A holistic picture of the world has formed; it is necessary to create this picture gradually, starting from kindergarten. “His horizons are limited, and expanding this horizon is what child development"- wrote P. P. Blonsky.

It is during the preschool period of childhood that the foundations are laid development personalities are formed Creative skills. Creative personality traits begin to manifest themselves already in early age. It is necessary not to miss this period of time and as soon as possible promote their development, as well as create the necessary conditions. Today, all preschool educational institutions are moving to a new standard of preschool education (GEF DOU) . The standard for preschool educational institutions is a requirement of the new education law, in which preschool education is recognized as a level of general education. One of the main tasks Federal State Educational Standard is to preserve and support the child’s individuality, development of his abilities and creative potential. This is achieved using individual approach to children, which should permeate the entire educational and educational environment of preschool educational institution. In communication, in classes, in games - we should not forget for a minute that a child is a unique personality.

In the psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature, issues related to the definition, structure, conditions and methods of development of children's creative potential at different age periods. Concept creativity, includes several components, on development which the teacher needs to pay close attention to already in preschool age. Among them: the need for discovery; activity; the ability to invent and discover; initiative; fantasy; creativity; freedom of imagination; intuition; applying your knowledge and skills in practice; creative thinking.

Creative skills in preschool childhood, they manifest themselves primarily in drawing, inventing fairy tales, dancing, singing, etc. The child can fantasize out loud, play with sounds and words. In preschool childhood, the child understands spoken language well and can express his thoughts and desires.

Each period related to preschool childhood is characterized by its own characteristics in development of children's creative potential.

1–2 years. It is believed that at this time the development of the child’s character and independence occurs, expressed in the desire to act of his own free will (“I myself”; initiative in communication and games is noted for the first time. In practice, at this age musical capabilities. Children respond to music and begin to move rhythmically; others love to be the center of attention. The teacher's task is to see this and develop children's abilities according to their interests and natural inclinations.

3–4 years. Psychologists note that the age of three is the most important for the development of a child as a person; half of all qualities inherent in an adult are formed in a child by this age. There is a peak creative activity of kids, therefore, it is necessary to devote as much time as possible to individual lessons, paying special attention to the choice of exercises and games aimed at development of creative abilities in that activity, in which they manifest themselves in this particular child.

5–6 years. By this age, the child already has quite a large vocabulary, intense develops logical thinking (the ability to analyze and generalize, imagination, memory, fantasy. This determines the need to include tasks in classes and games creative nature, What promotes preparing a preschooler for school.

7–8 years old. Jr school age is a sensitive period development Not only logical thinking, but also everyone mental processes. This is one of the necessary conditions for development of intelligence and creativity activities - visual, theatrical, musical. And although one for which the child has natural inclinations will dominate, he must be able to express himself in each area.

Since the child spends most of his time in kindergarten, the educational environment preschool should be organized in such a way as to create favorable conditions for the formation creative abilities of preschoolers. Children include in all variety of artistic activities: they sing, sculpt, dance, draw.

Let's list the methods development of creative abilities, used in classes in kindergarten or at home by parents.

1. The world around us (discussion with the child about what is happening around us, what he saw on the way to kindergarten, at home, where he went on weekends). It is necessary to talk with the child about animals and plants, objects around us, as well as about the elementary processes occurring around us in nature. Such tasks provide an opportunity for the need for discovery to emerge. activity, fantasy.

2. Educational games(board games, mosaics, construction sets). Helps develop imagination(including spatial) And creative thinking, the ability to apply their knowledge in practice.

3. Drawing. Often it is in visual arts are revealed Creative skills Therefore, it is necessary that the child always has free access to pencils, paints, brushes, markers and drawing paper. Drawing promotes the development of imagination, initiative, imagination.

4. Modeling. Modeling develops fine motor skills of the fingers, children's creativity, fantasy, spatial imagination. Modeling classes begin with the simplest, and over time children begin to sculpt more complex figures. For classes you need to have bright, soft plasticine, modeling dough, clay.

5. Reading. Some believe that the book has lost its status; it has been replaced by television, computers, telephones and Internet technologies. However, this is wrong. You need to read books as much and as often as possible, and at least half an hour a day, according to experts. Books must be selected respectively the child's age and interests. After reading the book, you need to analyze the text and discuss the contents of the book with your child. This promotes development logical thinking, imagination. Inclusion of preschoolers in theatrical games based on the content of what they read develops their creative abilities.

6. Music. From infancy, a mother, rocking her baby to sleep, sings a lullaby; at an older age, she lets her listen to children's songs and classical music - this is develops not only an ear for music, but also memory and imaginative thinking.

For development of child's abilities, adults need to remember that the opinion of adults is important to him, so stimulate him to action, do not forget to praise, give free rein to his childish imagination.

Thus, development of creative abilities preschoolers is possible by organizing various types of activities. The main task of the kindergarten is to create such developing an environment in which every child could express his or her capabilities, to uncover creative potential.

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Development of a creative personality in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

“...do not give examples, put the child in a situation where his usual methods of action are obviously unsuitable and motivate the search for the essential features of the new situation in which he must act...”

G. A. Tsukerman, doctor of psychiatry. sciences

Our century has opened up the opportunity to create in all areas of human activity: art, politics, technology, science, etc. Moreover, novelty has become the main criterion for creativity. Currently, the concept of creativity includes a process in the mind of the creator and reality and the result of this process.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the problem of giftedness is becoming increasingly relevant. This is, first of all, due to society’s need for an extraordinary creative personality. The recent growth in the volume of information requires changes in approaches to the content and conditions of educational activities that develop the intelligence and abilities of students.

The basis of creativity is the openness of the individual to the world. Such a person is more receptive to any external information: natural, social, cultural.

In modern Russian society There is an increasing need for people who think outside the box, are creative, active, and are capable of solving assigned tasks in an unconventional way and forming new goals. The ability to think creatively, to see the problems of the world outside the box is very important for a person, therefore, the disclosure of his creative potential is the leading goal of education and education.

Children's creativity is a natural component of their development. In preschool age, when a period of self-affirmation begins through overcoming certain cultural stereotypes and the emergence of variable thinking, the child discovers and reveals many opportunities for creativity, easily creating one version of a creative product after another.

The ability to be creative is an important psychological property of a person, which largely determines a person’s readiness for development in difficult conditions of life. The ability to be creative is formed by various means of training and education at all stages of ontogenesis.

Scientists such as Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky, Alexey Nikolaevich Leontyev, Maya Ivanovna Lisina, George Freeman, Daniil Borisovich Elkonin and others have studied creative abilities, noting in their works the importance of the child’s own activity when he acts as a full-fledged personality, the creator of his own activities, putting her goals, looking for ways and means to achieve them.

Every child has a need for creative activity: the child is looking for an opportunity to realize his potential; through creativity he can most fully reveal himself as a person.

Creativity for a child is more a process than a result. During this process, he better expands his experience, enjoys communication, and begins to trust himself more.

However, the child’s desire to explore the world around him is spontaneous, therefore, when developing the creative abilities of preschoolers, it is very important to provide targeted guidance from adults who set a specific task for the child, provide the means to solve it and control the process of transforming knowledge into a tool for creative exploration of the world, through independent creative search.

In primary and middle preschool age, children begin to master the initial skills of independence, but in most cases they continue to act together with adults or under their control. By asking questions, they try to look for answers to them, try to make assumptions about the possible result of the experience and about ways to achieve it.

Children of senior preschool age are distinguished by great mental and physical capabilities. Their relationships with the outside world, with adults and peers are more complex and meaningful. Children's mental abilities are improved, the ability to generalize and analyze is formed. The activities of older preschoolers are characterized by greater creative activity and independence. This is manifested in awareness of the problem, and in the formulation of the task, predicting the result, etc.

Pedagogical practice has a whole range of innovative methods and means for developing creative activity and independence:

For example,design and research method. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education meansstructural units representing certain areas of development and education of children.One of the main Cognitive development", whichinvolves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity throughcognitive and research activities, thereby emphasizing the importance of this activity for preschoolers.

The basis of cognitive research activity is the ability to independently solve a problem, and, consequently, develop cognitive skills.

Children's need for exploratory research is biologically determined. Any healthy child is already born a researcher. An unquenchable thirst for new experiences, curiosity, the desire to observe and experiment, and independently seek new information about the world are considered the most important features of children's behavior. Constantly exhibiting children's activity is the natural state of a child. It is this internal desire for knowledge through research that gives rise to research behavior and creates the conditions for research learning.

In this regard, a significant place in pedagogical practice should be given to the organization of cognitive and research activities of preschool children. The research activity of preschoolers is a joint activity of pupils, teachers and parents. The purpose of research activity is to create favorable conditions for the development of a creative personality.

The Russian teacher Konstantin Nikolaevich Ventzel wrote that a child should be looked at not as a student, but as a little seeker of truth: rely on own experience child; teach by doing; encourage observation and experimentation.

Another significant method- Thisproblem-based learning.

The essence of the problem method is the ability to include a person’s thinking apparatus in the process of cognition. Problem-based learning is creativity, an original approach, an original solution, a search associated with a personal “discovery”, sometimes scientific fantasy, well-founded predictions.

Unlike traditional learning, problem-based learning begins with a question.

Problem-based learning is a method organized by a teacher for a child to actively interact with the content of learning, during which he becomes familiar with the objective contradictions of scientific knowledge and ways to resolve them, learns to think, and creatively assimilate knowledge. By creating a problem situation, the conditions for research activity and the development of creative thinking are modeled. The components of a problem situation are the object and subject of cognition and their mental interaction, the features of which depend on educational material and didactic techniques for organizing cognitive activity.

Most effective means achievementsdevelopment of creative activity and independencearenon-traditional types children's visual activities.

In the process of drawing, sculpting, and appliqué, the child experiences a variety of feelings: he is happy about the beautiful image that he created himself, and he is upset if something doesn’t work out. But the most important thing: by creating an image, the child acquires various knowledge; his ideas about the environment are clarified and deepened; in the process of work, he begins to comprehend the qualities of objects and remember them characteristics and details, master visual skills and abilities, learn to use them consciously.

An unconventional approach to creating images gives impetus to the development of children's intellect, encourages the child's creative activity, and teaches him to think outside the box. New ideas arise related to combinations of different materials, the child begins to experiment and create.

According to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, one of the conditions for the development of creative activity and independence is the opportunity for children to choose materials, types of activities, participants in joint activities and communication; supporting children's initiative and independence.All this can be seen in drawing in unconventional ways.

Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity. This is a huge opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are a real flame of creativity, it is an impetus for the development of imagination, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality

Therefore, it is so important to widely include a variety of artistic and visual activities in the pedagogical process. Here every child can express himself most fully, without any pressure from an adult.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, specific activities for preschool children are, first of all, games. Therefore, let's not forget aboutgame method.

For a child in preschool age, play is the type of activity in which his personality is formed. Play is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of personality, in the formation of its properties and enrichment of its internal content.

The play of an adult and a child, associated with the activity of imagination, expresses a tendency, a need to transform the surrounding reality. When this ability to creatively transform reality manifests itself in the game, it is formed for the first time. This ability to reflect and transform reality is the main meaning of the game.

Play is closely related to the development of personality, and it is during the period of particularly intensive development - in childhood - that it acquires special significance.

The path to creativity has many roads, known and still unknown. Creativity for children is a reflection of mental work. Feelings, mind, eyes and hands are the instruments of the soul. The creative process is a real miracle. “There is no right path to creativity, there is only your own path”

The emphasis is shifted to the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, obtain and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions made and clearly plan actions, effectively collaborate in groups of diverse composition and profile, and be open to new contacts and cultural connections.

Leshukova Natalya Sergeevna, teacher

MBDOU kindergarten No. 15 "Rainbow"