Young archeologist Lara Croft made her first journey to a place called the Dragon Triangle. She didn’t really need to try to find adventures, because they came to her themselves. The ship "Endurance" crashed on a reef, but fortunately, the crew escaped and swam ashore on a boat. However, Lara Croft was unable to swim to the lifeboat, so she ended up the very last one on the shore. Because someone hit her from behind, she never caught up with her fellow passengers. As you already understand, in the passage of "Tomb Raider" you will play the role of Lara Croft.

Scavengers' Den
During this level in the game "Tomb Raider", you will wake up in a terrible cave, where skulls and human corpses will be scattered around. In addition, you were wrapped in ropes and cloth. If you look around, you will see an altar nearby, on which a huge number of red candles are displayed. In order to get out of captivity, you need to swing using key combinations such as the right and left arrow. This way you will reach the fire, which will burn the ropes that bind the body. You will then fall onto an iron rod sticking out of the ground, which will pierce your side and make a hole in it. Gathering your strength and pursing your lips, remove the foreign body from yourself. To do this, you need to very quickly, without stopping, hold down the E key, by the way, as in the further passage of the game "Tomb Raider". Be careful and look out for pop-up prompts every time regarding pressing, quick key combinations and holding. Now hurry to leave the strange cave before the young archaeologist’s kidnappers see that their captive has freed herself from her bonds.

Having walked forward a little, you will find yourself in a room whose floor is covered with all kinds of bones, including human ones. Also scattered here cans, bottles various forms and sizes. But this is not the limit, a little further you will see a terrible sight: a crucified living person tied with ropes above an altar completely covered with red candles. To make additional lighting, you need to pick up a torch lying on the floor. Continuing the passage of the game "Tomb Raider", you need to use a torch to set fire to the garbage, approaching it closely, while holding down a certain key. The flame will ignite and burn almost instantly, because the pile of garbage consists of barrels and boxes. Of course, it doesn’t look very plausible, but don’t force you to wait half an hour for the garbage to burn. After the garbage is burned, move on. Continuing through the game "Tomb Raider" you will soon see a waterfall in which you will extinguish the torch. If you need to set it on fire, this can be done using a hanging brazier. In this location, a hint will be given that it is better to use instinct (Q) here. With its help, you can highlight all moving living creatures that fall into your field of vision. Now you need to climb to the top of the cage made of wood, which serves as a collection point for bottles. At the top you will find a dilapidated sail and a mast that need to be set on fire so that the fire can reach a red barrel filled with an explosive substance. Now you can enjoy the explosion, which will make the passage accessible.

Now be careful because you might get attacked. To successfully complete this attack in the game "Tomb Raider", you need to press the keys left and right very quickly, with varying degrees of success. A man wearing dreadlocks will appear on your way and will try in every possible way to get you back. But ignore him and move further through the cave. You will have to squat your way through because the ceiling is quite low. In addition, you will find yourself up to your neck in water. You need to look for positive aspects in everything, and so it is in this case, because water washes your wounds and washes away dirt. When you see another waterfall, be prepared for it to extinguish your torch. Continuing the passage of the game "Tomb Raider", when you overtake the next cave, you will need to light the torch again. To do this, move to the first cell and set it on fire on the sail, then go to the grate and set fire to the garbage that stopped near it. That's it, now you can climb to the top of the first cell again. Be prepared for it to go down, thereby allowing the debris to rise up and go straight into the second cage. Now use the (F) key to push the cage. Then admire the picture as the ignited garbage floats up to the barrels with an explosive substance, after which a powerful explosion occurs.

Light, hurray, maybe this is the way out! But don't expect everything to be that simple. After the explosion occurs, the cave will shake and huge boulders will begin to fall from the ceiling. To continue the passage of "Tomb Raider" you need to quickly get out of this dangerous place. Be careful and watch your step, as on your way there will be gaping holes in the ground that you need to jump over using the gap. Then you will meet back that guy with dreadlocks, wait until the two circles coincide, and just push him away with your foot (F). The poor guy will get hurt, a huge boulder will fall on him and crush him. But don't get distracted, because you need to quickly climb a rather slippery slope. To continuously move, press left and right. If you see a stone that wants to fall on your head, then use one of the keys, depending on the direction in which the boulder falls. By the way, the desired key will light up. Once you reach the top, you will finally reach the exit from the cave. You'll fall off your feet from exhaustion, but it won't be long before you get up and look around.

Chapter 2. Signs of life

Coastal cliffs
Are you afraid of finding yourself in the Bermuda Triangle? I'll tell you that after you complete the Dragon Triangle in the game "Tomb Raider", you will not be afraid even atomic war. Looking around, you will see a huge number of destroyed ships of different sizes, types and dates of construction. The tail from the airliner will also be lying there. Your wound will start to bleed again, pinch it and move on. The road will not be easy, because it is not very pleasant or comfortable to walk along a narrow mountain path, and even a storm is approaching on the horizon. Run and take cover.

When you go down, you will see a boat and part of the ship on which you sailed before the crash. In order to find yourself on the opposite side, you will need to go through the waterfall, moving along the tree trunk. To succeed in this passage in Tomb Raider, simply guide the character forward, and she will keep her balance. When the next waterfall appears in front of you, jump over it, since the distance to the shore allows you to do this. Moving further, you will see a dilapidated American military aircraft that crashed into a rock and became stuck, hanging nose down. Head towards it and climb up. Don’t worry, you won’t fall, because he has been in this position for several decades, so he can support a fragile girl. It is worth noting that for users who have already played games like Tomb Raider, it will be easier for them. And if you are not one of them, then I will advise one thing: look carefully around and look for protrusions that are very similar to pseudo rectangles. These unnatural signs are the route.

Jump on them boldly. If you are not confident, you can play it safe (E) when things get tough. As they said, the plane survived you, it’s okay that the wing fell off, you’re alive. But the path has become completely narrow, only one person can walk along it, and if someone else comes to meet them, it will be impossible to miss them at all. Continuing the passage of "Tomb Raider" you will need to learn how to climb walls. It's not difficult at all, just jump on it and hold jump again. This way you will push off and grab onto the ledge. After a while you will see things left by someone below. When you go down to them, you will find a walkie-talkie and a video camera in the suitcase. Then continue moving forward, following in the footsteps of your friends. When you grab the ledge, you will suddenly fall off and roll head over heels down the slope.

Coastal forest
Probably, the search for comrades should be postponed a little, because the storm has completely broken out. Due to the heavy rain, the ground became like a skating rink, and besides, there is no reason for you to get sick. Look around and find a cliff. Go to it and take shelter from the wind and rain. There you will see a trace from the fire. Get out your walkie-talkie and try to contact someone. But, unfortunately, no one will answer you. To continue the Tomb Raider game, find the last sea match in the box and make a fire. Then turn on the video camera and watch the video she filmed about the very beginning of the expedition on a ship called the Endurance good friend Sammy. To some extent, Lara feels guilty that it was at her numerous requests and pleas that this expedition was assembled to the island located in the Dragon Triangle. Presumably, here is the country of Yamatai, which a couple of centuries ago was ruled by Pimiko, who is Samantha’s ancestor. It was quite a long time ago.

Chapter 3. Woman in the wild

Of course, your character is already hungry, because the storm has dragged on. After it subsides, continue the passage of "Tomb Raider" by going into the forest. Along the way you will see a deer that will get scared and immediately run away from you. It's quite unpleasant when lunch runs away from you. But what to do? How to catch him? Go further until you come across a tree on which a corpse has been hanging for a long time. Look carefully and you will find a bow behind his back and arrows on the floor. There is also a stream and a waterfall nearby. Find the hut located in the center and climb onto it. Once you find yourself on the roof, try to climb from it onto the tree on which the corpse is hanging to take the bow (right button). Be prepared for the fact that you will fall to the ground in an embrace with a corpse. But don’t worry, you will remain intact, because the height is small. Now go up and collect the arrows. Now you have a bow and arrows in your arsenal.

In the future passage of the game "Tomb Raider", use Tab to view the map. It is worth noting that this area looks like a level with unlimited movement through the forest located on the shore, and not a narrow “corridor” as before. Choose the path you want to take. In any case, you will pass those main places marked with a marker. Look around carefully, because here you can find a huge number of different objects, artifacts and messages. Of course, if you only follow the signs, you will not find them in full. On the other hand, you cannot say that if you don’t find them, you will lose a lot. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what to do.

Now go in search of the first or any other deer. If you go downstream of the stream, you will find one. Concentrate, draw the bowstring, aim for the head and release the arrow. The arrow you shoot will pierce the deer and cut out a piece of its meat. Now there are a lot of deer, hares and crows in the area, which will make a good breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also use your bow to knock down the bone totems that hang on the trees. Now go back to camp because it's going to rain again. When you find yourself near the fire again, you can start learning new skills. But with only one point available so far, the choice is difficult. To leave the context menu, press Esc.

Chapter 4. Move forward

When you start passing this level in the game "Tomb Raider", you will receive a signal from Rott on the radio. He will tell you to get to him yourself. There is nowhere to go, so we go to him. Then the sounds of music suddenly began to be heard, with open door huts. Go inside and look for a descent leading underground, because after you enter, the doors will slam shut and exit will be possible only through this hole. Now hold Shift and use the stairs to go down. Then hold this key back and jump. Then you will see walls with people and the sun on them. The further passage of "Tomb Raider" will be through a tunnel, which is filled with stinking water that will be up to your waist. If you rummage through the box on the table, you can find a mask there. You will have the opportunity to gain additional experience if you do this with reverse side, by holding down the right mouse button.

You will find yourself in a place that strongly resembles a military bunker, which was occupied by sectarians. If you want to find a pickaxe and an old gramophone, then set fire to the garbage hiding the new equipment. The pickaxe will be useful to you in the further passage of the game "Tomb Raider", as it can be used to break open doors that will lead to the exit. It's time to get out of here. You need to climb the stairs and find the path that will lead you up. Suddenly you will hear Sammy's voice, which will say that Lara is alive and somewhere nearby. Yes, indeed, a friend is sitting near the fire, but not alone, but in the company of a man named Matthias. He tries to enter into a trusting relationship with her. And Sammy tells all about his famous ancestor, Pimiko, and how the expedition was organized to find her heritage. This conversation will be very long, and you will not be able to stand it, you will fall asleep right next to the fire. And when you open your eyes, you will find neither Sammy nor Matthias.

When you start looking for them, you will fall into a trap. And then, suddenly, you hear an unworthy wolf howl. You will be surrounded by wolves who want to attack from behind the bushes. In order to deal with them, keep the bowstring taut. Suddenly, Reyes and his other comrades will come to the rescue and pull you out of the trap. Then they will disperse to find Samantha and Matthias, and you will be left near the fire, but not alone, but in the company of Whitman. But he has already managed to move away from you, get up and catch up with him. As you continue through this level in Tomb Raider, you will need to light the torch from the brazier. After it ignites, head towards the grid and set it on fire. It hides behind itself a container containing spare parts. Then move on. Now Whitman will call you to climb the hill. Be careful because two wolves will attack you now. Remember, if a wolf manages to knock you to the ground, do not despair, because it is still possible to escape from him and survive. Also remember that you only need to hold down (F) when two circles intersect. A little ahead, Whitman will notice a gate that has recently been painted with drawings. But you won't be able to open them yet, because there is no lifting handle.

“One famous traveler said: “It’s not us that are exceptional, but what we do.” I went in search of myself and adventure. But adventures themselves found me. In the most difficult moments, when life flashes before our eyes, we find something that supports us. What gives us strength." - Lara Croft.

Strength of will.

After the introductory video, we find ourselves in a cave, suspended upside down, and even tightly tied. We swing from side to side and thereby set fire to a nearby bag, from which a human skeleton subsequently falls out. We continue to swing to set ourselves on fire. The fall left another wound on Lara's body. We go forward, take the torch from the wall and set fire to the fabric in front. To do this, hold down the corresponding button. When passing through water, the torch will go out, but it can be rekindled if you approach the source of the fire. We activate the “Survival Instinct”, which will allow you to see important illuminated objects. We light the torch, climb up and set fire to the fabric. She, in turn, will set the barrel on fire. After the explosion we will be able to move on. An unknown person will grab us, quickly and often press the left-right movement buttons. We swim through the water and pass through the stream on the right. We light a torch and set fire to two sticks wrapped in cloth. We go up and jump onto the raised platform. The iron cage will be filled with boxes, let's go up to it, set it on fire and push it. We leave the cave, but just before the exit we fall down.

We continue to run, jumping over the resulting chasms as we go. The unknown person will try to grab us again. Quickly and often press the movement buttons, and then the button shown on the screen. We run along the wall, alternately pressing the corresponding buttons. Occasionally we dodge to the side from the cobblestones flying from above.

Signs of life.

Having got out, we walk along the path. We notice a boat near the shore; there are probably survivors. We walk along the log, maintaining balance. We jump over a small gap. We get to the crashed plane. We climb up it. If Lara is not quite successful in getting caught, then you need to have time to press the appropriate button so as not to fall down. We move to the right and continue to climb. We jump over small obstacles by holding the movement button + pressing the jump button. To climb the wall, double-click the jump button. We jump down and examine the backpack. We get new equipment - a walkie-talkie.

Let's go up and try to grab onto the edge, but we'll fall down. Let's go forward and set up camp under the rock.

Woman in the wild.

Morning has come. After a cold night, it's time to think about food. We walk along the path and find a body hanging from a tree. We jump onto the stone structure, and from it - to the right. Along the branch we get to the body. We lunge forward when it dodges in our direction. Let's collect more arrows, find the deer and kill it from a distance. We skin the carcass and then return to camp. We interact with the fire to distribute skill points. Select one of the abilities from the lists presented. For example, " Steady hand» - allows you to hold the bow at full tension twice as long. Conrad Rott contacts us via radio. We inform him of our location, and also find out about the other survivors.

Move forward.

Let's walk along the path and enter the opened structure. We grab the torch and go down. We move along the water and get out on the other side. We set fire to the fabric on the left and go into the room. We select a pickaxe from the table and use it to break through the door. This is done like this: press the corresponding button and quickly and often press the same button until the scale is full. We open the next door and move along the water. Finding ourselves at a dead end, we jump onto the stairs and climb up.

We follow the path and meet Sammy. We also meet Matthias. Lara quickly falls asleep listening to a fascinating story, after such and such adventures! When we wake up, we find neither Sammy nor Matthias. If we get carried away by searching for them, we will fall into a trap. Meanwhile, a pack of wolves is actively approaching us. Keep your bow ready and shoot at the enemies as soon as they attack. In slow motion, it will not be difficult to take good aim and draw the bow properly. After killing a couple, allies will appear and help you free yourself.

After resting by the fire, we’ll catch up with Whitman. Along the way we encounter wolves. This time they won't move in slow motion, so you'll have to aim quickly and draw your arrow in advance before they attack. We also use dodges to the side. We go up to the gate, but we won’t be able to open it.

At a dead end.

We find five boxes and break them. This is how we obtain spare parts. To make the search process easier, we use the “Survival Instinct.” Next to the gate there is a fire in which we can modify the pickaxe. Now we can open larger boxes and get more spare parts. We open the gate by quickly and often pressing the corresponding button.

Meeting in the mountains.

We follow Whitman and find a statue of Pimiko. We are attacked by unknown people. Whitman laid down his arms and so we were immediately captured. We meet with allies; after a short resistance, some manage to escape. We move slowly behind the stone shelter. We go up the path to the next shelter. We wait a little and go a little to the left. Enemies are coming towards us, so we move to the right side. We wait and rise higher. There are enemies on the left, we are hiding in a narrow passage right in front of us. The bandit will detect us, we resist him by pressing the appropriate button in time. Then quickly and often press the left-right movement buttons. We point the gun at the enemy's head and fire a shot.

We take the bow that belongs to us and move along the path. We go up, the enemy hits us with an arrow. We select cartridges for the pistol and, in slow motion, deal with two bandits at once. We search the corpses for spare parts. We enter the building, and the enemies immediately set it on fire. Press the button shown on the screen several times to knock out the wooden boards. Having got out, we go to the right and jump over the abyss. We pass forward and see the enemy located at the top position. We kill him silently, preferably aiming at the head. We climb up the wall and jump over a small springboard onto the fortification. We move to the right, climb up. We kill two and a third, going down the rope ladder. We search the corpses and climb up.

We pass forward, go up and cross the bridge. We hide behind cover and shoot at the wall to the right of the enemy. He gets distracted, let's kill the first one and finish off the second one, who was distracted. Let's go upstairs, and, climbing the wall, we will penetrate the building. We shoot at the lamp to start a fire. A passage has opened, let's slowly move forward and silently destroy the enemy. As soon as the button symbol appears above his head, click on it and quickly and often press another button to knock out the enemy. We try to act silently for as long as possible, since in open battle the enemies offer strong resistance. We go up and slide down the rope. We pass forward to a narrow passage. We climb up by pressing the forward button.

We meet with Rott, who has just fought off the wolves. He reports about the backpack that was carried away by the wolves. It contained everything that would help to survive.

For help.

After resting by the fire, we go in search of a backpack. We pass forward, jump onto the hill and from it onto the roof of the building. We jump over to the next building and climb to the very top. Let's get out to the other side and walk through the wreckage of the plane. Let's rise higher, move along the central part of the plane and jump onto the ledge. We climb up and go into the cave. We take everything we need and get out of the cave. In the dark we encounter a wolf and deal with it in QTE mode. We get to the camp and heal Rott.

Rott will not be able to climb the radio tower and send a signal. This job goes to us. But before we go to the top point, let's test climbing equipment. We highlight areas with the help of “Survival Instinct”, along which you can climb up (grooved surfaces). Press the corresponding button in front of the uneven wall. We go up, move to the right and go up again. We walk along the wing and jump higher. We continue to climb the wall, jump over to the neighboring rock and do not forget to press the corresponding button to cling to it. In front of the bridge we notice symbols on the wall. They mean that there is a tomb nearby. Let's go down to the water and go right. We cling to the wall and climb up. We get to the tomb, pass through the stream of water. Let's move to the left and jump over to the other side. We light the torch and jump onto the central structure. We set fire to all the bags, climb up and push the cage down. We jump onto the central structure, climb onto it and jump over to the wall on the right, clinging to it. We open the golden chest and get out of the cave.

Having passed along the bridge, we climb up the wall on the right. Then we jump over the gap to the wall and cling to it. We destroy two bandits on the left and one on the right. Let's move to the left and climb up along the wooden structure. The cart on the left will serve as a springboard for jumping onto the wall. Having climbed, we jump over to the rock in front. We cross the bridge, which will begin to collapse. In slow motion, we make a jump and cling to the wall. Let's go forward and go down the cable. While behind cover, we shoot the enemies. If necessary, we retreat behind cover behind us. We get to the next fire.

We head towards the base, kill the first enemy by sneaking up from behind. The spotlight will move counterclockwise. Even if corpses fall under it, the enemies will not suspect anything. Let's move to the right and kill the second one. Let's move to the left and kill the third one. We go into the building, neutralize the fourth and go upstairs. There are two more in place of the spotlight. We go along the corridor, on the right there will be a passage to the neighboring building. Let's destroy the enemies, jump over to the other side and climb up the wall opposite. We go down the rope. We walk through the water and rise higher. We unscrew the valve and stop the supply of poisonous gas. Through the opening in the wall, we will go into the next room. We kill several enemies in the corridor. Having broken through the ventilation grill towards us, the enemy will rush towards us. We can shoot him in the leg and thereby slow him down.

We jump over the opening in the wall into the next room. We do this again and turn the valve. We return to the previous room and throw one of the lamps into the room with the valve. After the explosion, we go forward and select an automatic rifle. The enemies blind us, we shoot them in slow motion. Let's go into the corridor, break through the door and find ourselves in the radiation room. The remote control is broken, so we will need the engineering remote control, which is located at the very top of the radio tower. Let's go through the crack in the wall and get out. We jump down and cross the bridge with right side. The enemy will grab us, quickly press the corresponding buttons. We move forward, shooting enemies. We climb onto the roof of the building in front of us on the left side. We shoot at the barrel on the opposite building and destroy several enemies at once. We slide down the rope and get over to the other side. A bandit with a shield comes out of the building. We come closer to him and sharply dodge by pressing the corresponding button. Immediately after this, we shoot him before he hides behind the shield again.

We go inside and go up to the roof. We move along the cable to the tower. We rise to the very top and interact with the remote control. Rotate the switch until we catch the desired signal. Press the button shown and rotate the adjacent switch to improve the signal. We wait a little and go on air. Rescue aircraft N177A contacted us. The search began immediately after the crash, however, no one knew where exactly to look for us. We go down the cable and move along the path. We go into the building on the right and select the flint from the shelf. Let's go back to the tanks and unscrew the valve. We light a torch and use it to ignite the fuel spilled on the ground. The plane noticed us and had already begun to fly in our direction, but unknown forces ignited it. A huge mass was rapidly approaching us. We slide down the slide, dodging various obstacles. Press the button and hold on to the ledge. We rise and jump over to the neighboring building.

Slippery slope.

One of the pilots managed to evacuate. We run forward, jump onto the flag and immediately further away from it. We rush forward along the lower or upper path. We won't have time to save the pilot, so we protect ourselves.

We jump over the abyss and contact Rott. We rise higher and higher, falling into a trap. We kill the enemies, then shoot at the fortification. Now we can release the rope along with the arrow. In this case, the “comet” clings only to the zones shrouded in rope. We destroy the building in front of us. Let's move to the next shelter and hook the arrow to the fortification above and to the left of the enemies. Let's pull up the box wrapped in rope. Let's jump on it and jump over to the building. Let's go forward, then turn right. We approach the edge and release the “comet” into the arch wrapped in rope. If there is a block nearby, we can form a rope bridge. Let's go to the other side, go forward and pull out the door on the right. We move along a narrow passage and meet with Rott.


The co-pilot survives and reports distress. We will not be able to contact him, but he will release signal smoke. Let's go lower and use the “comet” on the arch. Having slid down the rope, we find enemies. They will periodically separate, this is a great chance to kill them without being detected. Let's go further and go down the cable. We continue heading towards the signal. We form a rope bridge and cross to the other side. We climb the wall, but don’t climb all the way. We wait for the enemies to leave and create a rope bridge. Let's visit the tomb, where the wind blows from the window and the central mechanism raises the basket. First, let's close the windows and quickly run up to the central mechanism. We wait about three to four seconds and activate it. We quickly climb onto the platform, and from it onto the basket. If you time it correctly, the windows will open under the force of the wind and the basket will fly towards the wall. We need to have time to climb up this wall and grab onto the edge. We move to the left and get to the chest.

Having got out of the cave, we will release the “comet” to the central island. Let's go down the rope and create another rope bridge. And finally, the last one, which will lead directly to the signal. When we fall down, we press the button more often, which catches the climbing equipment in the uneven wall. Not finding the pilot, we move forward. We penetrate into the cave and emerge from the other side. We cross the bridge to the pilot, the bandits from above drop barrels and blow up the structure.

New troubles.

We swing left and right, quickly and often press the button shown and fall down. We pass through a narrow gap, get out and rise higher. We select a shotgun from which we shoot at the wooden barrier. We jump further, climb the wall and find ourselves in the tomb of Empress Pimiko. After looking around a little, enemies appear. We destroy them and stand away from the gate. We pull the suspended object near the gate and thereby swing it so that it breaks through the gate. We pass under the rubble and shoot through the obstacle on the right with a shotgun. We go outside, at the last moment we cling to the ledge and move forward. We jump up and enter the building through the gap in the wall on the left.

We destroy the enemies and go upstairs. We leave one of the windows open and stand opposite it. We grab the suspended load and pull it towards us. The wind flow will carry the load to weak fortifications and break them. We do the same with the second load, leaving the second window open. We kill the enemies that appear. One of them will be in heavy armor, so we shoot at his head. We open both windows, stand in front of the central window and pull the load. He will break through the fortification above the bell, and the bell, in turn, will break through the floor. We jump down, run forward, jumping over the abysses. At the last moment we jump onto the bridge made of boards. We roll down, shooting through obstacles with a shotgun.

Friend is known in trouble.

We get out, walk along the left side of the bridge. We release the “comet” to the other side and move there along the rope. We go up and cross the tree to the other side. When the bandits finish speaking, we will distract one of them by shooting to the side. We kill all three and go down. We move to the central island, enter the building and communicate with Sammy. We go left, jump over the abyss, and go down the cable. We press the appropriate button so as not to fall down. We are in no hurry to get up, as the enemy is heading towards us. When he leaves, climb up and shoot at the lamp near the fuel leak. Let's go along the right side if we don't want to catch the eyes of the enemies. We jump down and shoot at the barrels with a shotgun. We go down the slope and walk through the water. Still, the flow of water will knock us down, and we will fall down. We move from side to side, shooting at emerging obstacles. We manage to grab the backpack, after which we press different buttons and eventually open the parachute.

Open wounds.

While in flight, we maneuver between the trees. We land unsuccessfully, so we need a first aid kit. We go down to the very bottom, go forward and pass further through the gap on the right. We move along the water and get out on the other side. Let's kill the enemy on the roof, and only then the rest. We do not enter into white zone- it is a trap. We go forward and turn left. We follow the path to the plane, shooting enemies along the way. We throw the “comet” at the boards wrapped in rope. We get on board and take the lighter from the pilot.

Road to hell.

Having rested a little, we communicate with Rott. Soon the enemies will notice us, we shoot at them with a fiery arrow. We move to the right behind cover and continue to kill enemies. We shoot at barrels when absolutely necessary, for example, when many enemies have arrived.

We get to the gate at the other end and again fight against numerous bandits. Having dealt with everyone, we shoot a fiery arrow at the log shrouded in fabric on the gate. Then we rotate the mechanism on the left side. We pass forward, go down and move along the water. We meet with Grim and go up the stairs to him. However, we are unable to do this because enemies have appeared.


Having dealt with the bandits, we use a small springboard and grab onto the rope. We climb even higher along the next rope leading to left side. Let's jump onto the box and from it onto the rope, along which we go down. We kill the enemies, go forward and climb the wall. We select the moment and jump over the abyss. We climb onto the box, which moves to the right. Having crossed to the other side, we jump down and destroy the enemies. The bandits grabbed Grim, but he resisted and fell down with one of them. We climb the rope, climb the stairs and jump onto the next rope. The enemy will cut it off, and we will have to cling to an uneven wall. Rott appears and helps fight off enemies.

We climb up the wall and go into the building. We move along a long, dilapidated bridge. Then we turn right and enter the building through the window. We jump up and climb the wall. We move forward and climb up the ledges. We move across the bridge at Rott's command. One of the bandits will grab us and we will fall down. Press the button to hold. We rush forward, jumping over chasms. At the end, we jump onto an uneven wall and cling to it. We go into the cave and swim through the water.

We don’t abandon our own.

We go forward and find a fraternity meeting. They captured Sammy and are trying to perform a liberation rite, since they believe that it is in her body that the Empress of the Sun is imprisoned. Lara gives herself away and is therefore captured and beaten. The set fire is extinguished by an unknown force. We are led to the throne room, along the way we resist and jump into the bloody river. We move forward, shoot a fiery arrow at the caustic green gas and quickly move on. After resting by the fire, we will go through the narrow passage. We observe the torn apart and go down the right side. We shoot a fiery arrow into the gas to drive away the cannibals. We turn the valve near the door, move away and shoot at the gas. We rise higher, do not hesitate and go behind the cover on the right side. If we don’t want to be discovered, then we’ll shoot out the light bulbs. We get to the closed door, turn around and go upstairs. We turn the valve and fire a shot at the gas. We go down and climb up the box.

Let's go forward, the bandits are communicating below. As soon as all three are in one place, we shoot at the gas. We jump over to the other side and climb up. We cling to an uneven wall. Let's move on and kill the enemy. Again, we shoot at the gas when the enemies gather more closely. Let's finish off the survivors and go up the stairs. We turn the valve and pull the object wrapped in rope. The cage will move closer to the door, now we shoot at the gas. We hastily leave this area and get out to our allies. They are locked in a cage, so we kill enemies and communicate with friends. We go forward, unscrew the valve and shoot at the gas. Now we go forward again and go upstairs. We jump onto the platform and further away from it. Two gas sources appeared to the left, we shoot at them. We move to the right, rise higher and right again. Press the button to grab onto it. Let's continue to move to the right and climb up. We jump forward and turn two valves. We shoot at gas sources. There are cages on the left, we move along them to the safe zone.

In the thick of it.

We run forward and rise higher and higher. We break through the door and follow the corridor. We get out onto the ledge through the broken wall on the left. We follow it to the uneven wall and cling to it. We climb, move to the left along the ledges and go up. Despite the explosions, we continue to move forward. We climb onto the roof, move along the edge and slide down the cable. Hiding behind cover, we destroy the enemies located on the neighboring building. We jump over to it and cling to the uneven wall. We meet Whitman in the corridor. We free Sammy and are ambushed in the throne room. It is best to immediately hide behind one of the columns, since in the center we are more vulnerable. Soon a large armored enemy will appear, we hit his head. We go to the far passage and follow the corridor, destroying enemies.

Having got out, we encounter a machine gunner. We move in a zigzag manner from side to side. We go up the stairs on the right and cling to the uneven wall. We slide down the rope and fall down during the fight. We select a grenade launcher and hit the enemy with a well-aimed shot. We shoot from a grenade launcher at the metal barrier on the doors. We move forward, dealing with opponents. We cling to the uneven wall and climb up. We move under the burning debris and destroy the wall with a grenade launcher. We go down the cable and shoot at the wall with a grenade launcher. We slowly move forward and kill many enemies. We encounter another machine gunner. We take cover exclusively behind metal boxes, since other shelters are unreliable. We climb along the ledges to the building on the left. Before we slide down the rope, let's kill the enemies at the other end. Having rolled down, we go into the room and through the window we shoot from a grenade launcher at the location of the machine gunner.

We go down the rope, climb up on the right side and slide down the rope again. We cling to an uneven wall. We enter the building, jump along the ledges, then cling to the uneven wall.

Get to the helicopter.

We slide down the cable and run across the collapsing bridge. Finding ourselves in a burning room, we climb up. We continue to follow forward and climb walls, boxes and ledges until we get out onto the roof and jump into the helicopter. We force the pilot to land.


We go deeper into the forest, where enemies roam with lanterns. If we are noticed, then numerous enemies will come running to us, including wolves. It's not so easy to spot us in the dark. We use the bow and destroy the bandits one by one. We go into the cave, move along the bridge and pull out the door with an arrow and a rope. In a room with wolves in cages, we climb higher. We grab the suspended body and pull it towards us. We jump onto the offset horizontal bar and go to the other side. We roll down, press the button so as not to fall down. We move on our hands and knees and get out. We roll down the cable on the left. We communicate with Alex, move on and go down even lower. We climb along the next cable. Then we jump onto one of the platforms and go down.

When the platform rises, we release an arrow with a rope onto the area wrapped in rope in the tower on the left. We roll down and go up the stairs on the opposite corner. Using the springboard, we jump onto the cable and go down it. While behind cover, we destroy the enemies. The machine gunner that appears will begin to destroy everything and everyone. We climb the ledges. We get to the other side and run forward. After the cut-scene, we begin our descent along the cables. While slowing down, press the button shown in the lower right corner. We also periodically shoot through obstacles. We walk through the water and along the path we get to the allies, who are unsuccessfully trying to start the boat.

Pirate's life.

Along the pier we get to the tower and climb up the stairs. We slide down the rope, jump onto the horizontal bar and from it we cling to the uneven wall. We move to the right and climb inside. We kill the enemies, go forward and go upstairs. We move along the ledges, moving to the right. We shoot through the fastening (similar to an anchor) and take away the rigging. We go down the collapsed mast, kill the enemies and slide down the cables. We deliver the rigging to Jonah. Meanwhile, Whitman came running to us. We receive a composite bow from Ion.


We activate the “Survival Instinct” to find out where to move next. Let's walk along the pier and release the “comet” into the uneven wall. That is, everything is as usual, before we could only attach rope to objects wrapped in rope, but now we can do this on uneven walls. We go to the other side and cling to the wall. We go up and jump on the horizontal bar. Let's go forward, climb higher and slide down the rope. Or we’ll just jump onto an uneven wall without climbing up. We move straight, climb higher along the springboard. We deal with the enemies when they finish. We go into the room on the right and climb up the stairs. We jump onto the ledge, move to the right and cling to the uneven wall.

Having gone up, we go down the cable. We kill the enemies, climb higher and cross the bridge. We jump further and release the “comet” into the uneven wall below on the right side. We move through the cave and get out on the other side. We release the “comet” into the uneven wall on the other side. We roll down, cling to the wall/fortifications and move to the right. Once in the bunker, we go through the gap in the wall. We neutralize the enemy by sneaking up from behind. We move to the other side and go up. Before climbing further, we clear the upper floor. We climb along the springboard to the central box, and from it even higher. We jump down to the fire and, approaching the block, release the “comet” onto the uneven wall. And from the central island we will go down aboard the Endurance. We kill the bandits, leaving the strongest for last. We come closer to him and immediately dodge. The enemy's head will be exposed and we can shoot it. To defeat an enemy, you need to approach him and perform a finishing move by pressing the shown button several times in time. We get new equipment - zhumar, which allows you to attract heavy objects.

We pull up a heavy object wrapped in rope, which is suspended on the left side. We go down through the broken floor. Let's go forward and deal with the enemies when they finish. We go down the cable and get to Alex, the passage to which is blocked. There is a heavy coil on the ceiling. We pull it towards the door, then jump onto the stairs on the left side of the reel and thereby push it to the right (if you look towards the blocked passage). We pull the reel back, jump onto the ladder on the right side of the reel and now we can climb to the very top. We remove the pipe from the passage by pressing the corresponding button. We go down and return the coil to its original position. We pull it towards the passage, then pull it back. After talking with Alex, we leave the Endurance. To do this, jump onto the rope and hold down the button shown to move quickly.

We climb up the box, climb the rope to the island and from the island along the next rope. We pull down a heavy object. We jump down and return to our allies in familiar places, using numerous ropes.

Chasing the wind.

We activate the “Survival Instinct” and get to the lift. We pull out the door, and then interact with the mechanism. We climb up the ledges on the lift and cling to the uneven wall. Let's move to the left and go up. We approach the block, release the “comet” onto the uneven wall (the one to the left). We jump over uneven surfaces, moving to the right. We jump onto the wall, to the ledges and, moving to the left, onto the stairs. We attract the platform and climb onto it. We attract the second platform and also jump onto it. Let's jump over the ledges, go down and slide down the rope. We climb up the wall and move along the ledges to the right. Let's go up the stairs and jump over to the one next to the left. We deal with the enemies, in the left corner we cling to the pipe and move to the left. We jump over to the uneven wall and go up. We release the “comet” onto an uneven wall. We go down to it and move to the left. Having risen, we jump onto the stairs. We pull out the wall and go inside. We get out from the other side, run to the uneven wall and go down it into the water. We get to the next wall and climb up. We pass through the gap on the left and jump down.

We go forward and neutralize the enemies by sneaking up behind them. We jump into the water and rise from the other side.

We open the door through the control panel with a green light. We lower the lift using a similar panel. We climb onto the box on the right and pick out one of the four gears. We step onto the lift and through the open opening on the right, we get out to the cage. We open the door to move freely across the floors. The remaining three gears are disconnected as follows:

1) Let's go up to the third floor and call the elevator. We go down halfway and jump onto the upper platform. Through the opening we can disconnect the gear.

2) We immediately go up to the fourth floor and, if you look into the shaft, then below on the right side you can see an obstacle that can easily be shot through with a shotgun. We call the elevator to the fourth floor and jump onto the elevator itself. When it reaches the level of the opened passage, we jump over it onto the uneven wall and cling to it. We climb up, then move to the left. Jumping down, we disconnect the gear.

3) We immediately go down to the third floor, look up, climb up the stairs and disconnect the last gear.

We return to the second floor, jump down and move on. We kill the enemies, get to the remains of the commander and read his suicide note, from which a lot becomes clear. We hear the voices of enemies, go down and head to the exit. The explosion blocked the passage, so we rise higher and, being behind cover, destroy the enemies. When the stones fall from above, we will be able to climb up along the opened ledges. We roll down, in slow motion we jump onto the wall and cling to it. We go upstairs and get out. We go left and form a rope bridge. We kill two when they disperse. We follow the cables to the shore. We learn that Whitman took Sammy to Matthias.


We board the boat and go to the monastery. We climb up and release the “comet” onto the uneven wall to the right. We rise even higher and go forward. We watch Whitman trying to communicate with the storm guards. As soon as he uttered the word "empress" Japanese, when the guards immediately tore Whitman to pieces. Mathias and Sammy managed to move on. We approach the block on the right side and release the “comet” onto the uneven wall. We roll down to it, move to the right and go up. We climb the wall and enter the building.

We move along the corridor, letting the guards through. We set fire to the wreckage and move on. We encounter numerous enemies, so we move parallel to them, hiding behind cover. Having climbed the stairs, turn left and move to the other side. We jump onto the ledge and move further. We jump over to the central passage and one of the guards notices us. We manage to hide, run further and further, and slide down. We move forward, destroying enemies. We open the door and notice Sammy and Matthias in the distance. We climb up on the left side. Let's roll down, get out and go to the bridge.

We encounter numerous guards. Most of them operate in hand-to-hand combat, so we are not in a hurry to rush forward. Having dealt with everyone, let's move on. The column will collapse, we will not cross it to the other side. We try to hit the barrels at the upper levels and thereby kill dangerous archers. We pull out the gate and head to the bridge, where we meet a large enemy. We won’t have to fight him; we’ll wait out the storm and enter the building. Don't forget to collect ammo before moving on. We open the door and immediately go to the mechanism on the right side. By interacting with him, we open the floor door. We go to the other side and interact with the second mechanism. We stand in front of the closed gate and swing the cage, releasing a “comet” into it. A passage appeared above the gate. Now close the floor door and lower the cage (in that order!). We climb to the highest point. To do this, go to the left side and jump up along the springboard. We stand opposite the gate, pull the cage and jump onto it. As soon as the cell collides with the wall, we make a double jump.

Having found out a few more details, we go along the left passage. We reach the “point of no return”, after which a quick transition is impossible. We get out and cross the bridge. After talking with Matthias, we go to the left and release the “comet” into the uneven wall. We climb the rope, jump over to the wall on the right and go up. We pass further and climb along the wall on the right. We move to the left and go up. We stand on the left side of the gate and pull the bell. We pass forward and climb on the left side. We release the “comet” into the bell and climb the rope. We pass along the block and jump to the left. After talking with an ally, we move on. We jump over the abyss and cling to the wall. We move to the right, climb to the very top along it and make a double jump up to grab onto the ledge. We continue to climb up. We go to the left, watch the collapse and release the “comet” into the opened uneven wall. We move to it, move to the left and jump over to the adjacent wall. We loosen our grip and go down to the lower wall. We move along it to the right and go up. We go forward and jump onto the wooden windows. Having risen, we move to the right window and cling to the uneven wall. We climb to the very top and watch the ritual. We go around on the right side, dealing with enemies. We encounter a large guard. Conventionally, the battle will take place in several stages. We run up to the enemy and dodge. We quickly shoot his naked back. We perform this action until the enemy is weakened. A button symbol will appear above his head, we approach and carry out the finishing move in QTE mode. In the second stage, the enemy is more mobile, but still, we run behind his back and shoot him. At the third stage, we shoot in the head of the guard. We carry out the final finishing move and go to the center to Sammy. Matthias will knock down our bow. We shoot at him, strike him in close combat. Quickly and often press the button shown to throw the enemy off of you. We take out both pistols and shoot Matthias. Let's watch the final video.

Which was warmly received by the press and players, a little later less than a year. Next week, including in Russia, the Definitive Edition for Playstation 4 and Xbox One will go on sale - a re-release of the game with updated graphics and special effects. On the eve of this event, we decided to compile a guide for those who decide to independently find all the precious relics hidden in the folds of the mysterious island.


First, let's remember what you need to do to complete 100 percent:

— Finish the story campaign.
- Collect all items on the island, including artifacts, documents, GPS beacons and treasure maps.
- Find and clear all 7 tombs.
- Complete all side quests.
— Upgrade all the heroine’s skills and completely improve all types of weapons.

Achievements in the game are also tied to certain actions in multiplayer, but for 100% completion you do not need to perform them.

Collect artifacts, documents and search for tombs in two ways. The first is during the game, the second is at its completion. After completing the storyline, the game does not end and you can return to the island again and finish the work you started there. We will try to supply you the right advice regardless of which of the two tactics you choose.

Story campaign

The passage does not pose any particular difficulties, even if you (conditionally) upgrade the wrong skills, use the wrong weapons and are not at all distracted by side missions and exploring locations. However, in order to significantly diversify the gameplay and make the passage easier, we will give some simple and effective tips that you should follow during your first playthrough:

  • Kill all enemies. Try to participate in every battle with opponents during the passage - this will significantly increase the amount of experience, which you will then use to level up your skills and make Lara stronger.
  • Use all your skills. Try to kill your opponents not just quickly, but also beautifully: try to act silently, and if you are noticed, take headshots left and right, use all available means and types of weapons, effectively destroying enemies. For many techniques you will also receive additional experience, which, as you know, is never superfluous.
  • Use “survival instinct” more often - Lara’s special vision mode, which will help you navigate the terrain. Thanks to “instinct” it is easier to find not only artifacts and treasures (highlighted in yellow), but also animals for hunting (red).
  • Upgrade your skills correctly. In main character There are three skill lines - Survivor, Hunter and Brawler. At the beginning, upgrade the first branch of skills, especially the skills Survivalist (allows you to gain more experience for butchering animal carcasses and searching for treasures), Advance Salvaging (increases the number of spare parts in caches found by Lara) and Bone Collector (you can collect spare parts from animal carcasses). Together, these three skills will give a significant jump in leveling at the first levels of the game.
  • Try to explore every path you see. Your curiosity will almost always be rewarded. The more you explore the territory, the more experience and equipment parts you receive.

After completing the story campaign, you can load your last save and be transported to the starting location of the game - “Coastal Forest”. There is fast travel between areas through special camps, so don’t be afraid - you won’t have to go through all the locations on foot again.

In addition to the missing items and artifacts, enemies, living creatures and chests with parts will again await you on the island - all so that you can fully upgrade the heroine’s skills and improve weapons that you did not have time to do during the main playthrough.

Despite the decent list of tasks, completing the game 100 percent is not that difficult. treats the player very sparingly and largely helps him complete secondary tasks. On average, you should have about 2-3 hours to complete all the remaining side missions after beating the game.

Location research

Secondary missions or challenges are also tied to finding certain items, but depending on the location, these items differ greatly. Typically, a task involves collecting certain artifacts - totems, posters, discovering certain statues, and so on. To understand what is required of you in a particular location, you just need to carefully study them and use the “survival instinct” - it is structured in such a way that you will somehow stumble upon these missions while playing through the game. Again - pictures with the location of all the secrets.

— If you use detailed walkthroughs, be aware that the location of artifacts on the map always remains the same, but the artifacts themselves may be mixed up. Therefore, if you find the wrong treasure in the right place, do not be alarmed, this is how it should be.

- Explore the relics. In the game menu you can not only get acquainted with all the treasures that you will find during the game, but also find hidden secrets in them. All you have to do is spin the item in the menu and perhaps you will notice some kind of hint on the back. Do not hesitate to spend time on this - for such curiosity you can gain additional experience.

- There is one zone in which there is no camp for fast travel - “Bunker on the Rock”. In order to get into it, you need to move to the “Coast of Sorrows” and independently get to the “Bunker”. Players experience most of the problems with collecting items in this location.

— At the “Research Station” level, to collect the first artecate, you will need 2 grenades or 2 exploding arrows. This is the only way to get it, so if you don’t have them during the passage, you’ll have to come back here later, with the necessary ammunition.

In conclusion, here are a few from the developers about survival on the island:

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 appeared in Russia in March 2013. The game was released in fully localized form, with voice acting and subtitles in Russian.

Release date: Definitive Edition for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in Russia is scheduled for January 30.


Name in Russia:


Crystal Dynamics


Square Enix Europe

Publisher in Russia:

1C - Soft-Club

Release date:

Release date in Russia:

Action/Arcade, Quest/Adventure

“One famous traveler said: “It’s not us that are exceptional, but what we do.” I went in search of myself and adventure. But adventure found me. In the most difficult moments, when life flashes before our eyes, we find what we need. supports. What gives us strength." - Lara Croft.

Strength of will.

After the introductory video, we find ourselves in a cave, suspended upside down, and even tightly tied. We swing from side to side and thereby set fire to a nearby bag, from which a human skeleton subsequently falls out. We continue to swing to set ourselves on fire. The fall left another wound on Lara's body. We go forward, take the torch from the wall and set fire to the fabric in front. To do this, hold down the corresponding button. When passing through water, the torch will go out, but it can be rekindled if you approach the source of the fire. We activate the “Survival Instinct”, which will allow you to see important illuminated objects. We light the torch, climb up and set fire to the fabric. She, in turn, will set the barrel on fire. After the explosion we will be able to move on. An unknown person will grab us, quickly and often press the left-right movement buttons. We swim through the water and pass through the stream on the right. We light a torch and set fire to two sticks wrapped in cloth. We go up and jump onto the raised platform. The iron cage will be filled with boxes, let's go up to it, set it on fire and push it. We leave the cave, but just before the exit we fall down.

We continue to run, jumping over the resulting chasms as we go. The unknown person will try to grab us again. Quickly and often press the movement buttons, and then the button shown on the screen. We run along the wall, alternately pressing the corresponding buttons. Occasionally we dodge to the side from the cobblestones flying from above.

Signs of life.

Having got out, we walk along the path. We notice a boat near the shore; there are probably survivors. We walk along the log, maintaining balance. We jump over a small gap. We get to the crashed plane. We climb up it. If Lara is not quite successful in getting caught, then you need to have time to press the appropriate button so as not to fall down. We move to the right and continue to climb. We jump over small obstacles by holding the movement button + pressing the jump button. To climb the wall, double-click the jump button. We jump down and examine the backpack. We get new equipment - a walkie-talkie.

Let's go up and try to grab onto the edge, but we'll fall down. Let's go forward and set up camp under the rock.

Woman in the wild.

Morning has come. After a cold night, it's time to think about food. We walk along the path and find a body hanging from a tree. We jump onto the stone structure, and from it - to the right. Along the branch we get to the body. We lunge forward when it dodges in our direction. Let's collect more arrows, find the deer and kill it from a distance. We skin the carcass and then return to camp. We interact with the fire to distribute skill points. Select one of the abilities from the lists presented. For example, "Stead Hand" - allows you to hold the bow at full tension twice as long. Conrad Rott contacts us via radio. We inform him of our location, and also find out about the other survivors.

Move forward.

Let's walk along the path and enter the opened structure. We grab the torch and go down. We move along the water and get out on the other side. We set fire to the fabric on the left and go into the room. We select a pickaxe from the table and use it to break through the door. This is done like this: press the corresponding button and quickly and often press the same button until the scale is full. We open the next door and move along the water. Finding ourselves at a dead end, we jump onto the stairs and climb up.

We follow the path and meet Sammy. We also meet Matthias. Lara quickly falls asleep listening to a fascinating story, after such and such adventures! When we wake up, we find neither Sammy nor Matthias. If we get carried away by searching for them, we will fall into a trap. Meanwhile, a pack of wolves is actively approaching us. Keep your bow ready and shoot at the enemies as soon as they attack. In slow motion, it will not be difficult to take good aim and draw the bow properly. After killing a couple, allies will appear and help you free yourself.

After resting by the fire, we’ll catch up with Whitman. Along the way we encounter wolves. This time they won't move in slow motion, so you'll have to aim quickly and draw your arrow in advance before they attack. We also use dodges to the side. We go up to the gate, but we won’t be able to open it.

At a dead end.

We find five boxes and break them. This is how we obtain spare parts. To make the search process easier, we use the “Survival Instinct”. Next to the gate there is a fire in which we can modify the pickaxe. Now we can open larger boxes and get more spare parts. We open the gate by quickly and often pressing the corresponding button.

Meeting in the mountains.

We follow Whitman and find a statue of Pimiko. We are attacked by unknown people. Whitman laid down his arms and so we were immediately captured. We meet with allies; after a short resistance, some manage to escape. We move slowly behind the stone shelter. We go up the path to the next shelter. We wait a little and go a little to the left. Enemies are coming towards us, so we move to the right side. We wait and rise higher. There are enemies on the left, we are hiding in a narrow passage right in front of us. The bandit will detect us, we resist him by pressing the appropriate button in time. Then quickly and often press the left-right movement buttons. We point the gun at the enemy's head and fire a shot.

We take the bow that belongs to us and move along the path. We go up, the enemy hits us with an arrow. We select cartridges for the pistol and, in slow motion, deal with two bandits at once. We search the corpses for spare parts. We enter the building, and the enemies immediately set it on fire. Press the button shown on the screen several times to knock out the wooden boards. Having got out, we go to the right and jump over the abyss. We pass forward and see the enemy located at the top position. We kill him silently, preferably aiming at the head. We climb up the wall and jump over a small springboard onto the fortification. We move to the right, climb up. We kill two and a third, going down the rope ladder. We search the corpses and climb up.

We pass forward, go up and cross the bridge. We hide behind cover and shoot at the wall to the right of the enemy. He gets distracted, let's kill the first one and finish off the second one, who was distracted. Let's go upstairs, and, climbing the wall, we will penetrate the building. We shoot at the lamp to start a fire. A passage has opened, let's slowly move forward and silently destroy the enemy. As soon as the button symbol appears above his head, click on it and quickly and often press another button to knock out the enemy. We try to act silently for as long as possible, since in open battle the enemies offer strong resistance. We go up and slide down the rope. We pass forward to a narrow passage. We climb up by pressing the forward button.

We meet with Rott, who has just fought off the wolves. He reports about the backpack that was carried away by the wolves. It contained everything that would help to survive.

For help.

After resting by the fire, we go in search of a backpack. We pass forward, jump onto the hill and from it onto the roof of the building. We jump over to the next building and climb to the very top. Let's get out to the other side and walk through the wreckage of the plane. Let's rise higher, move along the central part of the plane and jump onto the ledge. We climb up and go into the cave. We take everything we need and get out of the cave. In the dark we encounter a wolf and deal with it in QTE mode. We get to the camp and heal Rott.

Rott will not be able to climb the radio tower and send a signal. This job goes to us. But before we head to the top point, we’ll test our climbing equipment. We highlight areas with the help of “Survival Instinct”, along which you can climb up (corrugated surfaces). Press the corresponding button in front of the uneven wall. We go up, move to the right and go up again. We walk along the wing and jump higher. We continue to climb the wall, jump over to the neighboring rock and do not forget to press the corresponding button to cling to it. In front of the bridge we notice symbols on the wall. They mean that there is a tomb nearby. Let's go down to the water and go right. We cling to the wall and climb up. We get to the tomb, pass through the stream of water. Let's move to the left and jump over to the other side. We light the torch and jump onto the central structure. We set fire to all the bags, climb up and push the cage down. We jump onto the central structure, climb onto it and jump over to the wall on the right, clinging to it. We open the golden chest and get out of the cave.

Having passed along the bridge, we climb up the wall on the right. Then we jump over the gap to the wall and cling to it. We destroy two bandits on the left and one on the right. Let's move to the left and climb up along the wooden structure. The cart on the left will serve as a springboard for jumping onto the wall. Having climbed, we jump over to the rock in front. We cross the bridge, which will begin to collapse. In slow motion, we make a jump and cling to the wall. Let's go forward and go down the cable. While behind cover, we shoot the enemies. If necessary, we retreat behind cover behind us. We get to the next fire.

We head towards the base, kill the first enemy by sneaking up from behind. The spotlight will move counterclockwise. Even if corpses fall under it, the enemies will not suspect anything. Let's move to the right and kill the second one. Let's move to the left and kill the third one. We go into the building, neutralize the fourth and go upstairs. There are two more in place of the spotlight. We go along the corridor, on the right there will be a passage to the neighboring building. Let's destroy the enemies, jump over to the other side and climb up the wall opposite. We go down the rope. We walk through the water and rise higher. We unscrew the valve and stop the supply of poisonous gas. Through the opening in the wall, we will go into the next room. We kill several enemies in the corridor. Having broken through the ventilation grill towards us, the enemy will rush towards us. We can shoot him in the leg and thereby slow him down.

We jump over the opening in the wall into the next room. We do this again and turn the valve. We return to the previous room and throw one of the lamps into the room with the valve. After the explosion, we go forward and select an automatic rifle. The enemies blind us, we shoot them in slow motion. Let's go into the corridor, break through the door and find ourselves in the radiation room. The remote control is broken, so we will need the engineering remote control, which is located at the very top of the radio tower. Let's go through the crack in the wall and get out. We jump down and cross the bridge on the right side. The enemy will grab us, quickly press the corresponding buttons. We move forward, shooting enemies. We climb onto the roof of the building in front of us on the left side. We shoot at the barrel on the opposite building and destroy several enemies at once. We slide down the rope and get over to the other side. A bandit with a shield comes out of the building. We come closer to him and sharply dodge by pressing the corresponding button. Immediately after this, we shoot him before he hides behind the shield again.

We go inside and go up to the roof. We move along the cable to the tower. We rise to the very top and interact with the remote control. Rotate the switch until we catch the desired signal. Press the button shown and rotate the adjacent switch to improve the signal. We wait a little and go on air. Rescue aircraft N177A contacted us. The search began immediately after the crash, however, no one knew where exactly to look for us. We go down the cable and move along the path. We go into the building on the right and select the flint from the shelf. Let's go back to the tanks and unscrew the valve. We light a torch and use it to ignite the fuel spilled on the ground. The plane noticed us and had already begun to fly in our direction, but unknown forces ignited it. A huge mass was rapidly approaching us. We slide down the slide, dodging various obstacles. Press the button and hold on to the ledge. We rise and jump over to the neighboring building.

Slippery slope.

One of the pilots managed to evacuate. We run forward, jump onto the flag and immediately further away from it. We rush forward along the lower or upper path. We won't have time to save the pilot, so we protect ourselves.

We jump over the abyss and contact Rott. We rise higher and higher, falling into a trap. We kill the enemies, then shoot at the fortification. Now we can release the rope along with the arrow. In this case, the “comet” clings only to the zones shrouded in rope. We destroy the building in front of us. Let's move to the next shelter and hook the arrow to the fortification above and to the left of the enemies. Let's pull up the box wrapped in rope. Let's jump on it and jump over to the building. Let's go forward, then turn right. We approach the edge and release the “comet” into the arch wrapped in rope. If there is a block nearby, we can form a rope bridge. Let's go to the other side, go forward and pull out the door on the right. We move along a narrow passage and meet with Rott.


The co-pilot survives and reports distress. We will not be able to contact him, but he will release signal smoke. Let's go lower and use the "comet" on the arch. Having slid down the rope, we find enemies. They will periodically separate, this is a great chance to kill them without being detected. Let's go further and go down the cable. We continue heading towards the signal. We form a rope bridge and cross to the other side. We climb the wall, but don’t climb all the way. We wait for the enemies to leave and create a rope bridge. Let's visit the tomb, where the wind blows from the window and the central mechanism raises the basket. First, let's close the windows and quickly run up to the central mechanism. We wait about three to four seconds and activate it. We quickly climb onto the platform, and from it onto the basket. If you time it correctly, the windows will open under the force of the wind and the basket will fly towards the wall. We need to have time to climb up this wall and grab onto the edge. We move to the left and get to the chest.

Having got out of the cave, we will release the “comet” to the central island. Let's go down the rope and create another rope bridge. And finally, the last one, which will lead directly to the signal. When we fall down, we press the button more often, which catches the climbing equipment in the uneven wall. Not finding the pilot, we move forward. We penetrate into the cave and emerge from the other side. We cross the bridge to the pilot, the bandits from above drop barrels and blow up the structure.

New troubles.

We swing left and right, quickly and often press the button shown and fall down. We pass through a narrow gap, get out and rise higher. We select a shotgun from which we shoot at the wooden barrier. We jump further, climb the wall and find ourselves in the tomb of Empress Pimiko. After looking around a little, enemies appear. We destroy them and stand away from the gate. We pull the suspended object near the gate and thereby swing it so that it breaks through the gate. We pass under the rubble and shoot through the obstacle on the right with a shotgun. We go outside, at the last moment we cling to the ledge and move forward. We jump up and enter the building through the gap in the wall on the left.

We destroy the enemies and go upstairs. We leave one of the windows open and stand opposite it. We grab the suspended load and pull it towards us. The wind flow will carry the load to weak fortifications and break them. We do the same with the second load, leaving the second window open. We kill the enemies that appear. One of them will be in heavy armor, so we shoot at his head. We open both windows, stand in front of the central window and pull the load. He will break through the fortification above the bell, and the bell, in turn, will break through the floor. We jump down, run forward, jumping over the abysses. At the last moment we jump onto the bridge made of boards. We roll down, shooting through obstacles with a shotgun.

Friend is known in trouble.

We get out, walk along the left side of the bridge. We release the “comet” to the other side and move there along the rope. We go up and cross the tree to the other side. When the bandits finish speaking, we will distract one of them by shooting to the side. We kill all three and go down. We move to the central island, enter the building and communicate with Sammy. We go left, jump over the abyss, and go down the cable. We press the appropriate button so as not to fall down. We are in no hurry to get up, as the enemy is heading towards us. When he leaves, climb up and shoot at the lamp near the fuel leak. Let's go along the right side if we don't want to catch the eyes of the enemies. We jump down and shoot at the barrels with a shotgun. We go down the slope and walk through the water. Still, the flow of water will knock us down, and we will fall down. We move from side to side, shooting at emerging obstacles. We manage to grab the backpack, after which we press different buttons and eventually open the parachute.

Open wounds.

While in flight, we maneuver between the trees. We land unsuccessfully, so we need a first aid kit. We go down to the very bottom, go forward and pass further through the gap on the right. We move along the water and get out on the other side. Let's kill the enemy on the roof, and only then the rest. Don't enter the white zone - it's a trap. We go forward and turn left. We follow the path to the plane, shooting enemies along the way. We throw the “comet” at the boards wrapped in rope. We get on board and take the lighter from the pilot.

Road to hell.

Having rested a little, we communicate with Rott. Soon the enemies will notice us, we shoot at them with a fiery arrow. We move to the right behind cover and continue to kill enemies. We shoot at barrels when absolutely necessary, for example, when many enemies have arrived.

We get to the gate at the other end and again fight against numerous bandits. Having dealt with everyone, we shoot a fiery arrow at the log shrouded in fabric on the gate. Then we rotate the mechanism on the left side. We pass forward, go down and move along the water. We meet with Grim and go up the stairs to him. However, we are unable to do this because enemies have appeared.


Having dealt with the bandits, we use a small springboard and grab onto the rope. We rise even higher along the next rope leading to the left side. Let's jump onto the box and from it onto the rope, along which we go down. We kill the enemies, go forward and climb the wall. We select the moment and jump over the abyss. We climb onto the box, which moves to the right. Having crossed to the other side, we jump down and destroy the enemies. The bandits grabbed Grim, but he resisted and fell down with one of them. We climb the rope, climb the stairs and jump onto the next rope. The enemy will cut it off, and we will have to cling to an uneven wall. Rott appears and helps fight off enemies.

We climb up the wall and go into the building. We move along a long, dilapidated bridge. Then we turn right and enter the building through the window. We jump up and climb the wall. We move forward and climb up the ledges. We move across the bridge at Rott's command. One of the bandits will grab us and we will fall down. Press the button to hold. We rush forward, jumping over chasms. At the end, we jump onto an uneven wall and cling to it. We go into the cave and swim through the water.

We don’t abandon our own.

We go forward and find a fraternity meeting. They captured Sammy and are trying to perform a liberation rite, since they believe that it is in her body that the Empress of the Sun is imprisoned. Lara gives herself away and is therefore captured and beaten. The set fire is extinguished by an unknown force. We are led to the throne room, along the way we resist and jump into the bloody river. We move forward, shoot a fiery arrow at the caustic green gas and quickly move on. After resting by the fire, we will go through the narrow passage. We observe the torn apart and go down the right side. We shoot a fiery arrow into the gas to drive away the cannibals. We turn the valve near the door, move away and shoot at the gas. We rise higher, do not hesitate and go behind the cover on the right side. If we don’t want to be discovered, then we’ll shoot out the light bulbs. We get to the closed door, turn around and go upstairs. We turn the valve and fire a shot at the gas. We go down and climb up the box.

Let's go forward, the bandits are communicating below. As soon as all three are in one place, we shoot at the gas. We jump over to the other side and climb up. We cling to an uneven wall. Let's move on and kill the enemy. Again, we shoot at the gas when the enemies gather more closely. Let's finish off the survivors and go up the stairs. We turn the valve and pull the object wrapped in rope. The cage will move closer to the door, now we shoot at the gas. We hastily leave this area and get out to our allies. They are locked in a cage, so we kill enemies and communicate with friends. We go forward, unscrew the valve and shoot at the gas. Now we go forward again and go upstairs. We jump onto the platform and further away from it. Two gas sources appeared to the left, we shoot at them. We move to the right, rise higher and right again. Press the button to grab onto it. Let's continue to move to the right and climb up. We jump forward and turn two valves. We shoot at gas sources. There are cages on the left, we move along them to the safe zone.

In the thick of it.

We run forward and rise higher and higher. We break through the door and follow the corridor. We get out onto the ledge through the broken wall on the left. We follow it to the uneven wall and cling to it. We climb, move to the left along the ledges and go up. Despite the explosions, we continue to move forward. We climb onto the roof, move along the edge and slide down the cable. Hiding behind cover, we destroy the enemies located on the neighboring building. We jump over to it and cling to the uneven wall. We meet Whitman in the corridor. We free Sammy and are ambushed in the throne room. It is best to immediately hide behind one of the columns, since in the center we are more vulnerable. Soon a large armored enemy will appear, we hit his head. We go to the far passage and follow the corridor, destroying enemies.

Having got out, we encounter a machine gunner. We move in a zigzag manner from side to side. We go up the stairs on the right and cling to the uneven wall. We slide down the rope and fall down during the fight. We select a grenade launcher and hit the enemy with a well-aimed shot. We shoot from a grenade launcher at the metal barrier on the doors. We move forward, dealing with opponents. We cling to the uneven wall and climb up. We move under the burning debris and destroy the wall with a grenade launcher. We go down the cable and shoot at the wall with a grenade launcher. We slowly move forward and kill many enemies. We encounter another machine gunner. We take cover exclusively behind metal boxes, since other shelters are unreliable. We climb along the ledges to the building on the left. Before we slide down the rope, let's kill the enemies at the other end. Having rolled down, we go into the room and through the window we shoot from a grenade launcher at the location of the machine gunner.

We go down the rope, climb up on the right side and slide down the rope again. We cling to an uneven wall. We enter the building, jump along the ledges, then cling to the uneven wall.

Get to the helicopter.

We slide down the cable and run across the collapsing bridge. Finding ourselves in a burning room, we climb up. We continue to follow forward and climb walls, boxes and ledges until we get out onto the roof and jump into the helicopter. We force the pilot to land.


We go deeper into the forest, where enemies roam with lanterns. If we are noticed, then numerous enemies will come running to us, including wolves. It's not so easy to spot us in the dark. We use the bow and destroy the bandits one by one. We go into the cave, move along the bridge and pull out the door with an arrow and a rope. In a room with wolves in cages, we climb higher. We grab the suspended body and pull it towards us. We jump onto the offset horizontal bar and go to the other side. We roll down, press the button so as not to fall down. We move on our hands and knees and get out. We roll down the cable on the left. We communicate with Alex, move on and go down even lower. We climb along the next cable. Then we jump onto one of the platforms and go down.

When the platform rises, we release an arrow with a rope onto the area wrapped in rope in the tower on the left. We roll down and go up the stairs on the opposite corner. Using the springboard, we jump onto the cable and go down it. While behind cover, we destroy the enemies. The machine gunner that appears will begin to destroy everything and everyone. We climb the ledges. We get to the other side and run forward. After the cut-scene, we begin our descent along the cables. While slowing down, press the button shown in the lower right corner. We also periodically shoot through obstacles. We walk through the water and along the path we get to the allies, who are unsuccessfully trying to start the boat.

Pirate's life.

Along the pier we get to the tower and climb up the stairs. We slide down the rope, jump onto the horizontal bar and from it we cling to the uneven wall. We move to the right and climb inside. We kill the enemies, go forward and go upstairs. We move along the ledges, moving to the right. We shoot through the fastening (similar to an anchor) and take away the rigging. We go down the collapsed mast, kill the enemies and slide down the cables. We deliver the rigging to Jonah. Meanwhile, Whitman came running to us. We receive a composite bow from Ion.


We activate the “Survival Instinct” to find out where to move next. Let's walk along the pier and release the "comet" into the uneven wall. That is, everything is as usual, before we could only attach rope to objects wrapped in rope, but now we can do this on uneven walls. We go to the other side and cling to the wall. We go up and jump on the horizontal bar. Let's go forward, climb higher and slide down the rope. Or we’ll just jump onto an uneven wall without climbing up. We move straight, climb higher along the springboard. We deal with the enemies when they finish. We go into the room on the right and climb up the stairs. We jump onto the ledge, move to the right and cling to the uneven wall.

Having gone up, we go down the cable. We kill the enemies, climb higher and cross the bridge. We jump further and release the “comet” into the uneven wall below on the right side. We move through the cave and get out on the other side. We release the “comet” into the uneven wall on the other side. We roll down, cling to the wall/fortifications and move to the right. Once in the bunker, we go through the gap in the wall. We neutralize the enemy by sneaking up from behind. We move to the other side and go up. Before climbing further, we clear the upper floor. We climb along the springboard to the central box, and from it even higher. We jump down to the fire and, approaching the block, release the “comet” onto the uneven wall. And from the central island we will go down aboard the Endurance. We kill the bandits, leaving the strongest for last. We come closer to him and immediately dodge. The enemy's head will be exposed and we can shoot it. To defeat an enemy, you need to approach him and perform a finishing move by pressing the shown button several times in time. We get new equipment - zhumar, which allows you to attract heavy objects.

We pull up a heavy object wrapped in rope, which is suspended on the left side. We go down through the broken floor. Let's go forward and deal with the enemies when they finish. We go down the cable and get to Alex, the passage to which is blocked. There is a heavy coil on the ceiling. We pull it towards the door, then jump onto the stairs on the left side of the reel and thereby push it to the right (if you look towards the blocked passage). We pull the reel back, jump onto the ladder on the right side of the reel and now we can climb to the very top. We remove the pipe from the passage by pressing the corresponding button. We go down and return the coil to its original position. We pull it towards the passage, then pull it back. After talking with Alex, we leave the Endurance. To do this, jump onto the rope and hold down the button shown to move quickly.

We climb up the box, climb the rope to the island and from the island along the next rope. We pull down a heavy object. We jump down and return to our allies in familiar places, using numerous ropes.

Chasing the wind.

We activate the “Survival Instinct” and get to the lift. We pull out the door, and then interact with the mechanism. We climb up the ledges on the lift and cling to the uneven wall. Let's move to the left and go up. We approach the block, release the “comet” onto the uneven wall (the one to the left). We jump over uneven surfaces, moving to the right. We jump onto the wall, to the ledges and, moving to the left, onto the stairs. We attract the platform and climb onto it. We attract the second platform and also jump onto it. Let's jump over the ledges, go down and slide down the rope. We climb up the wall and move along the ledges to the right. Let's go up the stairs and jump over to the one next to the left. We deal with the enemies, in the left corner we cling to the pipe and move to the left. We jump over to the uneven wall and go up. We release the “comet” onto an uneven wall. We go down to it and move to the left. Having risen, we jump onto the stairs. We pull out the wall and go inside. We get out from the other side, run to the uneven wall and go down it into the water. We get to the next wall and climb up. We pass through the gap on the left and jump down.

We go forward and neutralize the enemies by sneaking up behind them. We jump into the water and rise from the other side.

We open the door through the control panel with a green light. We lower the lift using a similar panel. We climb onto the box on the right and pick out one of the four gears. We step onto the lift and through the open opening on the right, we get out to the cage. We open the door to move freely across the floors. The remaining three gears are disconnected as follows:

1) Let's go up to the third floor and call the elevator. We go down halfway and jump onto the upper platform. Through the opening we can disconnect the gear.

2) We immediately go up to the fourth floor and, if you look into the shaft, then below on the right side you can see an obstacle that can easily be shot through with a shotgun. We call the elevator to the fourth floor and jump onto the elevator itself. When it reaches the level of the opened passage, we jump over it onto the uneven wall and cling to it. We climb up, then move to the left. Jumping down, we disconnect the gear.

3) We immediately go down to the third floor, look up, climb up the stairs and disconnect the last gear.

We return to the second floor, jump down and move on. We kill the enemies, get to the remains of the commander and read his suicide note, from which a lot becomes clear. We hear the voices of enemies, go down and head to the exit. The explosion blocked the passage, so we rise higher and, being behind cover, destroy the enemies. When the stones fall from above, we will be able to climb up along the opened ledges. We roll down, in slow motion we jump onto the wall and cling to it. We go upstairs and get out. We go left and form a rope bridge. We kill two when they disperse. We follow the cables to the shore. We learn that Whitman took Sammy to Matthias.


We board the boat and go to the monastery. We climb up and release the “comet” onto the uneven wall to the right. We rise even higher and go forward. We watch Whitman trying to communicate with the storm guards. As soon as he uttered the word “empress” in Japanese, the guards immediately tore Whitman to pieces. Mathias and Sammy managed to move on. We approach the block on the right side and release the “comet” onto the uneven wall. We roll down to it, move to the right and go up. We climb the wall and enter the building.

We move along the corridor, letting the guards through. We set fire to the wreckage and move on. We encounter numerous enemies, so we move parallel to them, hiding behind cover. Having climbed the stairs, turn left and move to the other side. We jump onto the ledge and move further. We jump over to the central passage and one of the guards notices us. We manage to hide, run further and further, and slide down. We move forward, destroying enemies. We open the door and notice Sammy and Matthias in the distance. We climb up on the left side. Let's roll down, get out and go to the bridge.

We encounter numerous guards. Most of them operate in hand-to-hand combat, so we are in no hurry to run forward. Having dealt with everyone, let's move on. The column will collapse, we will not cross it to the other side. We try to hit the barrels at the upper levels and thereby kill dangerous archers. We pull out the gate and head to the bridge, where we meet a large enemy. We won’t have to fight him; we’ll wait out the storm and enter the building. Don't forget to collect ammo before moving on. We open the door and immediately go to the mechanism on the right side. By interacting with him, we open the floor door. We go to the other side and interact with the second mechanism. We stand opposite the closed gate and swing the cage, releasing a “comet” into it. A passage appeared above the gate. Now close the floor door and lower the cage (in that order!). We climb to the highest point. To do this, go to the left side and jump up along the springboard. We stand opposite the gate, pull the cage and jump onto it. As soon as the cell collides with the wall, we make a double jump.

Having found out a few more details, we go along the left passage. We reach the “point of no return”, after which a quick transition is impossible. We get out and cross the bridge. After talking with Matthias, we go to the left and release the “comet” into the uneven wall. We climb the rope, jump over to the wall on the right and go up. We pass further and climb along the wall on the right. We move to the left and go up. We stand on the left side of the gate and pull the bell. We pass forward and climb on the left side. We release the “comet” into the bell and climb the rope. We pass along the block and jump to the left. After talking with an ally, we move on. We jump over the abyss and cling to the wall. We move to the right, climb to the very top along it and make a double jump up to grab onto the ledge. We continue to climb up. We go to the left, watch the collapse and release the “comet” into the opened uneven wall. We move to it, move to the left and jump over to the adjacent wall. We loosen our grip and go down to the lower wall. We move along it to the right and go up. We go forward and jump onto the wooden windows. Having risen, we move to the right window and cling to the uneven wall. We climb to the very top and watch the ritual. We go around on the right side, dealing with enemies. We encounter a large guard. Conventionally, the battle will take place in several stages. We run up to the enemy and dodge. We quickly shoot his naked back. We perform this action until the enemy is weakened. A button symbol will appear above his head, we approach and carry out the finishing move in QTE mode. In the second stage, the enemy is more mobile, but still, we run behind his back and shoot him. At the third stage, we shoot in the head of the guard. We carry out the final finishing move and go to the center to Sammy. Matthias will knock down our bow. We shoot at him, strike him in close combat. Quickly and often press the button shown to throw the enemy off of you. We take out both pistols and shoot Matthias. Let's watch the final video.

We find ourselves in the main menu and start the game. Let's watch the video. We find ourselves tied upside down. We start to swing. We reach for the fire, the rope catches fire and we fall down. Then we get up and walk forward. We take a torch and set fire to the barrels blocking our path. Next we climb through the crevice and the torch goes out.

We light it from the fire source, and then on the left we set fire to the rag and move away, the rag will ignite and the fire will reach the barrel. Explosion!

We crawl further into the passage, but the reptile attacks us. Quickly pull the stick left and right to unhook from the enemy. Then we crawl forward into the narrow opening. Next we go to the crashed plane. There will be a fire source here, light a torch there and then light two sticks which will burn and a cage will rise, then you can follow the path to the left and jump onto the cage that has broken bars, this will raise an obstacle in the way. Then we run to the cage nearby and push it, as a result the barrels will fall and the barrier will explode. Next, we run along the flow of water and slide down and begin to run quickly.

On the way we will be attacked. Quickly pull the stick again and press the indicated key, continue to run forward. Then quickly press the indicated keys one by one to crawl up. Rocks will fall on us in slow-mo, so quickly press the indicated key to dodge. We are finally getting out to freedom.

Then we run to the left, along the rock and reach the gorge. Now, balancing, we walk along the block of wood to reach the other end of the rock. Next, we jump near a small waterfall and continue to run forward. Let's find an old plane from World War II. We jump and cling to the cabin and begin to climb up the hull, pay attention to the frame, we will climb along it, then we move to the right wing and go to the right, to the indicated path. The plane will fall down.

Further along the narrow path we go further, climb up and jump off. Here we will find supplies. Then we run forward, jump to catch the edge of the cliff, but we will fall down. Let's move forward again. Next is a video on the game engine. Next, let's look at the recording and continue on our way. You will reach a hanged corpse. Climb onto the house, then jump onto the branch and go to the corpse, reach it and fall with it. We get a bow and arrows.


Then find a deer nearby and kill one. Sorry, little deer, but it’s necessary. We return with the meat to the fire and cook it. Next, the walkie-talkie will start talking. Next we run to the house where we found the onion. We go inside and find a torch with fire. Let's jump into the cave here. Then we wander forward, pass through the iron bars and move on, forward. We reach a strange room and look around. Here you can find a homemade ax. Next, we open the doors and go further, the doors are opened with the found ax.

Then we go forward, we reach a dead end and here we climb the stairs to the top. We go out into the jungle. We meet our friends. Alas, then we fall into a trap. Everything before was a dream. Now we are preparing to defend ourselves with a bow. In slow-mo, wolves will jump out at us. One arrow is enough for everyone. Next is the video.

Tomb Raider (2013) (walkthrough) by TheNeoZar

A Survival Is Born

Watch the video for the walkthrough:

Wolves At The Door

We climb up the stairs. Next we run forward along the stairs. Light the torch along the way. Then it's better to quit. There will be two guards ahead. We kill both of them with a bow. Don't forget to pick up supplies. Then we climb inside the building. There are supplies here. Then we shoot at the lamp and it will break, the fire will light up and we will clear our way.

Let's go ahead. There will be a guard with a flashlight. We kill him silently, then the second one as well. We pass further to the bridge. At the other end we kill the guards. Keep in mind, there are guys here with incendiary mixtures. Next, we go further and jump onto the rope, along which we go lower, then we run forward and pass into a narrow crevice, so we begin to climb up in it, sticking to its edges.


We climb up and there's a video. Next we go to big house ahead. We jump onto the roof of the house, then onto a hanging barrel wrapped in thread and to the other end of the house. We pass further and reach the second box. We jump onto it and then jump onto the balcony on the left, then climb up, then onto the broken body of the plane. We run and jump into the tail of the plane, go through its body, jump onto its top and run to the edge of the cliff, the plane's body will tilt, so jump. Then we run up and enter the cave. Light a torch before entering.

Then a wolf will attack us and we will have to fight it off by pressing the indicated keys. Next we crawl inside the cave. We get out and run along the wing of the plane. Then we easily jump down and run to the fire. Next is the video.

We run to the rock, which we can now climb with the help of a rock climber.


We climb up and run to the right, climb up the rock again, and then climb up the rock again. We cross the bridge and climb the rock again, to the right of the bridge. Then we figure it out and jump onto the rock and go up again. There will be enemies here. We kill them with a bow.

Then we run to the waterfall, jump onto the beam to the right of it and onto the ledge on the right. Here you can set fire to the rope and free up your supplies. Then from here we jump onto the illuminated rock (you need to press the key to indicate the path) and jump onto it and climb up. Then we quickly run forward, otherwise the bridge will collapse. Let's jump into slow-mo. We go down the rope and kill the enemies. Next we go into the cave, then pass through a narrow gorge and move on. A video awaits us. Lara starts watching the camera.

Let's move forward carefully. Hide near the truck and use your bow to break the light source. Next, kill the enemies. We search them and go into the building.


There will also be enemies inside. You can kill them silently. We go up to the second floor. Here we also take out a couple of assholes. Then we jump over to the other end, pick up the arrows from the searchlight and climb up here. Then we go down the rope into a small ruined building.

We go up the stairs and turn the valve on the left near the wall. Then we make our way into the rift directly to the left and come out of the other one. A couple of guards are waiting for us ahead. We kill both. We rise higher and kill one silently. Next, we go to the ruins that block the path, climb into the hole on the left and jump down. Then we jump onto the green box, and from it we jump into the hole again. We turn the valve again and then the roller. We quickly jump onto the green box again and jump back into the hole before we are killed. We take the lamp and throw it into the hole, an explosion will occur and we will be able to make our way further.

Diary of a Madman

Further on the way we will come across a machine gun. We run forward until slow-mo starts and we need to quickly kill a couple of enemies and then shoot the rest. Don't skimp on the machine gun. Next, we search the enemies and run to the open door. An enemy will appear on the way again - kill him. We run further, open the door and we have a cutscene.


Then we run to the crack in the wall and climb into it. Then we crawl forward between the walls. At the end of the path, we knock out the grate and get out. We jump down to the right. We run across the bridge. On the right we pass along a thin beam and move on. There will be an enemy on the way. Will try to throw us off. We quickly move the stick to get rid of the reptile. Further on the way there are several enemies that we kill.

The Broadcast Tower

Here we will meet the boss. A huge man, with a sword in his hands, hiding behind a shield. It's easy to kill him. We don’t get close, we run at a distance, and at the moment when he swings, we open part of our body, which allows us to easily shoot at him. A couple of shots in his back and side and we won.

Next, we go into the building, search all the corners if you want to learn more about the world of the game. Next we run to the rope and crawl along it to the tower. Then we go up the stairs. Then we rise even higher. Then even higher.


Next is the video. Now we need to configure the tower to a specific frequency. Move the left slider until you can hear the voice over the static, then move the left slider until the voice becomes clearer and clearer. Then the video again.

Now we go down from the tower using a rope. We run forward to the gate. Here we turn the valve and spill oil and set it on fire. We retreat and shoot at her. SUDDENLY! The plane begins to fall and we will have to slide down, dodging the debris, and at the end we still grab the ledge so as not to fall and quickly jump onto the adjacent bridge.

Next, we jump through the usual boxes into houses that will immediately fall apart after us. We act quickly, otherwise we will die. Next is the video. Now you need to kill the idiot with a shield in his hands and a sword. Then we jump to the other end of the ledge and run further.

A Road Less Traveled

We run forward, pass through the cave, and then we will be caught and we will hang upside down. You will have to kill enemies around you in an awkward position. Then we shoot the castle to fall to the ground. Then we shoot arrows with rope at the ends at the pillars near the huts, which are also wrapped in ropes.


We pull on ourselves and the huts will collapse. Then we simply finish off the stunned victims. Next you will have to use a bow with a rope everywhere. We use it to pull the box towards us and jump onto it, then we run further. We reach the pillar. We shoot the rope in the roof above on the left, and tie the rope to the post and climb along it to the balcony. Then we jump down and run further.

Next, we run again to the post and again shoot their bows at the ropes, tie them up and go down quickly. We run further forward, then go down the rope. We need to get to the haze of blue color to help the surviving pilot. After we go down, we go to the left, here we again use a bow with a rope, which we tie to a post and climb up.

Then we climb up the rock and kill the enemies. After which we go forward, exit at the top of the temple and run to the right towards the blue smoke.

We use the bow again with the pillar and rope to get to the indicated point. Get used to it, because for some time we will be moving around like this all the time. Next, we jump onto the small central island, and from it we jump ourselves onto the island, which is just below. There is a pillar from which we shoot an arrow to the opposite pillar and move. Then we climb up the wooden wall.


Then we move away from the pillar again. Unfortunately, strong wind will interfere with us. Moreover, we will have to crawl faster, since the pillar will break out of the ground and while falling we will have to press the indicated key to grab the ledge and rise up. We're almost there. Let's run forward. We enter the cave. We wander around it, it’s difficult to get lost until we enter the ancient temple.

Next we go to the ancient temple. We run across the bridge, but our efforts were in vain. They are setting a trap for us. We find ourselves among a heap of hanged corpses. We swing and break the rope. We fall to the floor. We run through the gap and now we can meet a samurai with whom we will someday have to fight.

Next we pass through a pile of corpses and fall onto the street. There is a strong wind here. Let's run upstairs. We take the shotgun from the corpse and use it to clear our way. We run and jump into the hole. We end up in the grave. Next is the video.

A Friend In Need

Here we are attacked. Let’s not be timid, take a shotgun and shoot at the reptiles. Then, using a bow, we swing the head of cabbage so that it breaks the path for us further. Then we run forward. Then we go out into a strong wind and almost fall off. Then we crawl along the very edge of the temple.


Then, having reached the edge, we jump onto the wooden bridge and quickly run forward, climbing up again. We get into the building. Here we kill enemies.

Then we climb up. Along the spiral staircase, on the second floor, we swing the head of cabbage so that it hits the bell. But one rope is not enough. You need to open the curtains on both sides by turning the valve. Let's let a strong wind into the building. And now we rock the cabbage so that it hits the bell.

Now we need to break the beams to the left and right of the bell. To break the right beam, close the curtain that is to your right (provided that you are facing the bell and your back to the curtains), then the wind will blow towards the right beam from the left window, then we do the same to break the beam on the left. Then we open both curtains again and swing the bell towards the bell. We will fall down and will have to quickly run forward, jumping in time.

We jump at the end of the path onto a wooden bridge and fall down. While we are falling, we shoot at the obstacle on the way with a shotgun and, as a result, fall into the water. Next is the video. Then we start getting out of here. We run into the cave, pass through the gorge and come out to the hut.

Most Brutal Death

On the left we use a pillar and a bow with a rope to move to the other end of the bank. Then we run upstairs. Then we jump closer to the enemies below. Then we shoot the reptiles with a bow. We kill them and jump down. Then we again use the pillar and bow with a rope to go to the temple, shoot the boards inside with a shotgun and go inside.


Here's a short video.

After the video, we run forward, again shoot with a bow at the beam with a rope and go down.


There will be enemies down here. We kill them. Next, we take kerosene and throw it into the puddle of gasoline to cause an explosion and move on. There will be enemies on the way. We kill them. Then, balancing on a wooden block, we move to the other end of the cliff and go forward. There will be enemies on the way again.

While sliding along the river, we encounter a strong current and fall down. Again we begin to slide down and dodge so as not to run into something hard. You will also have to shoot obstacles on the way. We fall into the cockpit of the plane (and why are there so many of them here). While falling, we press the indicated keys to open the parachute, and then we fly, enjoying the weather and the view, flying past the tops of dangerous trees and landing unsuccessfully and painfully.

We run to the gate. Next, enemies appear in front of us. Shoot the barrels to blow them up. There will be a lot of enemies here, so pick up a shotgun or machine gun. Next we run to the gate, try to twist the hatch, but it won’t budge. There is a stick with a rag on the gate, shoot it with a fire arrow and it will burn, then turn the valve and the gate will open.


Run into the building whose entrance is not far from the swamp. We go through this tunnel and come out at the other end. There will be enemies around and above. Then the alarm will most likely go off and we will have to defend ourselves. Enemies will start coming in from everywhere. We defend ourselves for two minutes, then we search the corpses and go to the other edge along the rope of enemies, then we crawl along the rope again and jump onto the hanging box, and from it we jump onto the roof a little to the left towards the sign. Let's climb up.

We shoot the enemies at the ends of different platforms with a bow, then use a rope to go to them ourselves. We head towards the mill. We wait for the blade to move away from the entrance and jump to the mill. Here we kill enemies. Now we jump onto the box that is being moved by the crane and on it we reach another point.

We reach the end of the path, jump down and kill the enemies here. More guests will come to us and we will kill them too, yes. Next is the video. After it, with the help of ropes, we reach the neighboring platform where the enemies were, then we climb up the stairs. There will be three pillars at the top. Use the target designator to find the desired pillar and follow it upward, followed by a small scene.

Next is the video and we continue our journey. We climb up and run into a strange building. There's a fire here. Then we run to the bridge and jump over the crevice, then we go to the house and to the right of it there will be a hole into which we can climb. Inside we also go up, where we jump over the crevice, then jump onto the pieces of wood nailed to the net, then crawl forward under the bridge.


When he asks to stop, we stop. We reach an empty corner and here is another small quick time event, after which we quickly run along the roofs of small houses, as everything begins to collapse.

We enter the cave. Let's swim forward here. We wander forward in the cave. Then the video.

No One Left Behind

We go forward through the cave, if you see a stream of gas somewhere, then shoot at it with a fire arrow. Then we go further forward and approach the hole. Then on the right we go down. At the door you will find a valve that needs to be turned. Gas will also come out of it, then we go through the tunnel to the left. The path we need will have a stream of gas, which must be shot with a fiery arrow so that an explosion occurs and a passage opens.


There is a stream of gas next to her. Shoot a stream of fire arrows and an explosion will occur. The cage will fly off to the wooden corner and we can go up and move on.

Below we kill two enemies by hitting the gas stream with a fiery arrow. Then we jump onto the rock and climb up along it.

Next, we kill the enemies. There will be a wooden beam with a rope wrapped around it. We shoot at him with a bow and a rope and pull him towards us, then we shoot at the stream of gas nearby with a fiery arrow and provoke a lot of explosions and begin to run forward. We slide down, there is only gas. We quickly run forward and climb up, and then we kill the enemies. Then the video. Now find the valve, twist it and you will release the gas, then shoot it with a bow and release the platform with the old rocket.


We go up, jump onto the platform, then onto the trailer in which our friends are, then we shoot at the stream and almost fall down. Next, we crawl to the right, climb up, right again, almost fall, press the indicated key so as not to fall and move to the other side of the trailer and jump onto the rock, where we unscrew the two valves, and then shoot at them with a fiery arrow.

We save our friends, now we ourselves jump onto the cage, then another one and onto the ledge. Then we start running away. We get out of the cave, then jump out of the building and jump onto the roof and run along it, then jump onto the wall, and from it onto the windows on the left, then up. Everything around is on fire, the volcano is waking up.

Then we climb onto the roof and from it we jump onto the rope and quickly descend. Then we jump onto the roof nearby and run further. A video awaits us.

After the video, we begin to kill enemies indoors. There will be many of them. Then we run away into the opened passage. Enemies will appear on the way again. Then we go outside. Here we are confronted by a machine gunner. We break through to it, hiding behind pillars, but we cannot withstand the hail of bullets.

We run to the wall of the house on the left and climb up along it. There will immediately be a rope and along it we go down to our enemy and kill him in slow-mo.


Then we jump onto the roof of the building and go to the second floor. Then we go outside and there’s a video. Again the machine gunner is against us. Try to destroy the spotlight. Then we climb to the left onto the ledge and quickly move along the rope to the right. We're hiding inside here. There is a small window from which you can hit the machine gun with a grenade launcher. Next is the video.

We select the cartridges, then climb up, and then go down the rope and climb up the wall to the hole. Here we quickly jump onto the shelf, and from it to another and climb to the right along the wall and go out onto the roof, otherwise everything will explode. Then we slide down the rope to the bridge.

Now we quickly run forward along the bridge and jump. One bastard will grab onto us, press the indicated keys to throw him off. Then we continue to run across the bridge and as quickly as possible we end up in a building, where we immediately climb up. Here we find a broken ladder and jump up from it, then jump onto the wall and climb up it.
Then we go forward along the small beam, jump onto the box and from it we jump into another building, then we climb onto the wall, which breaks little by little and go to the right and go up again, here is a video.


Then we jump into the helicopter from the roof of the house. Then a video in which Lara... (you also wish her death, admit it?)

The Fast Way Down

We wander through the forest.


Use the locator to know where to run, but it won't give you anything. Run to the gate, run forward a little and you will meet three enemies with a flashlight, kill them. Then use the target designator and the rock will be highlighted for you. Jump on it and climb up. There will be a pillar with a rope, attach yourself and slide down.

Next, we again kill the enemies who are prowling with flashlights. We break through to the house. You can find some supplies inside it. Use the target designator to know where to run. We run to the indicated door, then use the rope to shoot at the door and pull it towards us. We go inside.

Inside, we swing the corpse with a bow, and he will turn the stick for us, then we climb up and jump onto it. In the second case, you will have to swing the corpse twice and also move to the other side. Here we enter the gorge. We wander through the cave and get out into the jungle. We go down from the cliff using a rope. Then we go down the rope again to familiar places. Then we move along the rope from one tower to another and jump into the cradle, which goes down.


We run along the beach, run to a pillar and from it we shoot with a bow and a rope at a small square wooden block, there will be a small open corner on it where you can shoot. We climb onto it, then jump onto the stick from it onto the wooden ball and get to the platform from which we jump onto the hanging box.

Then we walk, balancing, along the beam and jump onto the box, and from it onto the rope and slide down.


Here we overhear a conversation between two people about the Russians. There will be a broken bridge; on its stone base, you can climb up and jump over to the base of the enemies. Next, we go up the stairs and again climb up the sticks, then we jump onto the rock and cross it to the right and up again.

Now we slide down the rope. There will be a couple of enemies ahead. We kill them and jump onto their part of the rock, then open the door with an ax and enter. We exit from the other end and cross the wooden bridge. There will be one enemy ahead. Then we jump onto the beam and walk along it, balancing with our hands. Then we attach the rope to the pillar and shoot from a bow at the foot of the rock, there will be a stone embankment along which we will climb up.