Tibetan gymnastics, known since ancient times, is performed early in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. Improved well-being can be achieved within a few days after starting classes. The main thing is to perform the complex regularly, without missing a single day.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is useful because it stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands. Thanks to this, the level of hormone production is regulated and the overall hormonal balance is adjusted. Failures, if any, occur.

In addition, hormonal gymnastics has the following therapeutic effects:

  • rejuvenating effect;
  • improving the reproductive function of the body;
  • stimulation of metabolism, metabolism;
  • normalization of memory and thought processes;
  • improvement of appearance;
  • normalization of digestion, elimination of constipation;
  • improved vision;
  • activation of nerve centers;
  • increased performance;
  • elimination of chronic fatigue;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

Tibetan gymnastics heals the body as a whole, helping to prolong youth, beauty, and health. People who regularly perform a set of exercises feel a surge of strength and energy, discover new possibilities and abilities. The main requirement to achieve a therapeutic effect is to practice daily.

How to perform Tibetan gymnastics

The Tibetan gymnastics complex has survived to this day in an adapted form and includes ten simple exercises. They should be performed without getting out of bed after waking up. The best time is at five or six in the morning.

Set of exercises:

  1. Warming our hands. Raise your palms at chest level and rub each other vigorously for several seconds. This exercise is an indicator of health. If your palms are warm and dry, then everything is in order. If they are wet and cold, there are health problems.
  2. Massaging the eyes. Using warm palms, press on closed eyes 30 times, one press per second. Then hold your hands on your eyelids for a few seconds and open your eyes gradually. The main thing is to act without discomfort.
  3. We massage the ears. Touching the back of the head with your fingers, press the ears with your palms 30 times.
  4. Massage your face. Clench your palms into fists and place your thumbs on your ears. Gently massage your face from lips to ears 30 times.
  5. Forehead massage. Put right palm on the left, perform massage movements along the forehead from one temple to another and vice versa 30 times.
  6. Non-contact massage of the crown. Holding your palms 5 cm above your head, move them from the crown to the forehead 30 times, then the same amount from ear to ear.
  7. Non-contact thyroid massage. Holding your palms above your throat, move them towards the navel, without touching the skin, 30 times.
  8. Abdominal massage. The palms lying one on top of the other perform circular movements along the abdomen in the navel area clockwise, then in the area solar plexus, both – 30 times. Then apply the warmed palms to the kidneys for 30 seconds.
  9. Warm up the limbs. Raise your arms and legs up, perform circular movements first with your hands and feet, then in your elbow and knee joints 30 times. Then lightly shake your limbs.
  10. Massage of feet and joints. To perform this exercise, you should sit on your bed. Rub your feet, then your palms, fingers, knees, elbows, hips and shoulders.

After completing the complex, you should get up and drink a glass of clean water.

Gymnastics by Olga Orlova

The folk healer adapted and improved Tibetan gymnastics. It is not much different from the original, but a little more, in addition, there are slight differences in the execution of the exercises.

Complex of Olga Orlova:

You need to perform Olga Orlova’s exercises in the same way as standard Tibetan gymnastics - every day immediately after waking up.


Despite all its usefulness, there are conditions and diseases for which you should not engage in hormonal gymnastics. This is the period before and after surgical operations, pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should also refrain from performing the complex if there is an exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, or heart failure.

Tibetan gymnastics should also be avoided in case of serious vascular and heart diseases, and in case of joint pathologies, it should be used with caution. If you have any chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor.

Tibetan gymnastics exercises are incompatible with alcohol, smoking, taking drugs and strong psychotropic substances. So as not to apply yet more harm body, you need to choose - either gymnastics or bad habits.

We bring to your attention a short video lesson with basic exercises Tibetan gymnastics in bed:

Tibetan gymnastics is a way to heal the body, but it is not a panacea for all diseases. Do not rely on its magical effect and delay treatment serious illnesses. And, of course, if you start any method with excessive zeal, you can cause much more harm to the body than good. Everything is good in moderation.

In contact with

In our country, these exercises are called “Tibetan hormonal gymnastics,” although no one checked hormone levels before and after exercise. The effect on the endocrine glands is confirmed by the effectiveness of manifestations and well-being. Everyone who practices notices rejuvenating signs both in appearance and in their mood and vital activity.

This kind morning exercises spread from a Tibetan monastery. Workers from the USSR helped extend the electricity line to the monastery walls. In gratitude, the monks presented a set of exercises with the condition that the effect should be assessed after twenty years.

Indeed, it turned out that the hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks allows one to get rid of many chronic diseases, maintain activity, mobility and a clear mind in old age, and increase life expectancy by 25 years.

Rules for classes

The monks have developed requirements for performing exercises and lifestyle:

  • It is best to exercise before six o'clock in the morning.
  • You can do the exercises in bed immediately after waking up.
  • Never drink alcohol, smoke, or use drugs.
  • It is necessary to have a positive attitude for the coming day, to discard negative feelings (anger, envy, suspicion).
  • If you practice on a bed, you should take care of a hard surface or lie on the floor using a mat.
  • You need to exercise daily.
  • The exercises must be remembered and performed in order, sequentially.
  • Breathing, depth and frequency should be closely monitored.
  • There are no age restrictions, you can teach children.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics has one contraindication - a sharp exacerbation of chronic diseases or acute infections. Classes must be interrupted in such cases.

The effectiveness of the exercises appears within six months. The symptoms of various pathologies accumulated over the years of life disappear. Temporary increases in pain and other signs of illness are possible. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to take medications, but you should not stop exercising.

Description of the complex

The starting position for all exercises is lying on your back. We recommend watching the video, everything is said in detail about this gymnastics, and a detailed technique is also shown.

No. 1 - Tibetan hormonal gymnastics begins with rubbing your palms against each other with dense movements 9 - 10 times until you feel warming. At the same time, you can control the functioning of the body: normally, your palms should become hot and dry. If the skin does not warm up and feels damp, disturbances in the blood supply system and a decrease in vascular tone are possible.

No. 2 - place warmed palms on the eyeballs, apply light pressure at the rhythm of seconds, 30 in total. For eye diseases, after doing this, leave your palms lightly pressed for 2 minutes. This way you can improve your vision by increasing the nutrition of the eyeball and delay the development of cataracts. The Chinese believe that exercise also prevents gray hair and restores hair color.

No. 3 - close your ears with your palms and press rhythmically 30 times. The auditory canals and biologically active points of the ear are massaged. This is good hearing support and prevention of deafness.

No. 4 - we pinch 4 fingers into a partial fist, the thumb is straightened and strongly protruded. We place the terminal phalanx of the thumb in the hole under the ear. We “tighten” the skin and muscles of the face from the chin to the temples. The fingers move from bottom to top along the cheekbones to the temples 30 times. The face turns slightly pink. Swelling disappears, lymphatic drainage improves, and the muscles responsible for maintaining the oval of the face are tightened.

No. 5 - place your right palm on your forehead, your left palm on top. We perform 30 rubbings of the forehead from one temple to another. Exercise affects the pituitary gland, eliminates inflammation and clears the paranasal sinuses.

No. 6 - palms folded one above the other, located close to the crown of the head, but not touching the head. Carry out 30 movements from the forehead to the back of the head and back, without releasing your hands.

No. 7 - the same position, we carry out movements from the right ear to the left and back, without touching the head, a total of 30 times. These movements are designed to increase blood supply to the brain. The last 2 exercises restore the mobility of the shoulder joints and normalize blood pressure.

No. 8 - with your right hand, cover the lower part of the neck (projection of the thyroid gland), with your left palm make 30 moving movements along the body from the right palm to the navel. At the end, the left palm is pressed against the right and slides down onto the stomach.

No. 9 - the right palm is located on the stomach, the left one presses the right one on top. We make circular movements clockwise around the navel with both hands, applying moderate pressure on the stomach. Total 30 laps. The intestines are stimulated.

No. 10 - arms raised up, make circular movements in the wrist joints 5 - 6 in one direction, then the same amount in the other.

No. 11 - holding your hands above you, shake your hands well for 1 - 2 minutes.

No. 12 - raise your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, make circular movements in the ankle joints 5 - 6 in one direction, then the same amount in the other.

No. 13 - holding your legs above you, shake your feet gently for 1 - 2 minutes, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics guarantees the prevention of varicose veins for those who perform these exercises.

The next two exercises can be performed lying down or sitting, whichever is more convenient.

No. 14 - the right hand is clenched into a fist, the left one holds the foot of the left foot, we firmly rub the surface of the sole of the left foot with the fist, you can pre-apply cream or oil. Special attention pay attention to the central fossa of the foot. Important biological points that enhance the functioning of internal organs are located here. We rub both feet alternately, changing hands. Slight pain is possible. They go away as you continue massaging your feet.

No. 15 - we stroke the shins with both hands, moving from the feet to the knees, 30 movements.

No. 16 - grind knee joints using circular movements 30 times from inside to outside.

No. 17 - massage the thighs with movements from the outside inwards.

All exercises will take you 5–6 minutes of time. A completely insignificant loss compared to the gain received. Finally, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm plain water to cleanse your digestion.

For the first time, a Russian engineer working in Tibet during the Soviet era spoke about Tibetan gymnastics. His story was published by the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The engineer was 84 years old, but he looked young relative to his age and was quite cheerful.

He said that he and his engineering staff were building a power plant in the foothills of Tibet. At the same time, they extended power lines to consumers, where, on their own initiative, they installed lines in a local monastery, which was located in the mountains. In return, the monks taught them exercises for longevity and health.

Principles of gymnastics

This gymnastics improves the functions of the hormone-producing endocrine glands, which in the future allows them to work together, maintaining a young age of the body.

What monk gymnastics can do

With constant performance of a set of exercises, your body will rejuvenate, weight will decrease, the skin will smooth out and become toned, pigment spots will disappear, immunity will improve, you will feel cheerful and feel good.

With the right approach to gymnastics, you can increase your life expectancy by 15-20 years. However, you need to keep in mind that the effect of restoring the body is not instantaneous. Depending on your health, rejuvenation may take from several months to several years.

After the course, it is imperative to maintain immunity by regularly performing exercises.

The effect of the classes is felt on average after six months. Various pathologies that people accumulate over their lives disappear. At the initial stage, you may feel increased pain and other accumulated diseases. If there is no severe exacerbation, you can take medications and continue exercising.

Special execution rules

Tibetan gymnastics has certain rules that allow you to achieve maximum effect:

  1. Exercises in mandatory must be performed daily;
  2. It is recommended to do the exercises early in the morning, finishing before six in the morning;
  3. You can start doing gymnastics right in bed after sleep;
  4. Completely stop drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs and other habits that have a detrimental effect on the body;
  5. When doing gymnastics in bed, you must have a fairly hard surface; it is best to move to the floor after waking up, using a mat;
  6. To practice comfortably, you need to learn the exercises and do them consistently;
  7. Always monitor the depth of inspiration and its frequency;
  8. Both adults and children can do gymnastics. There are no restrictions.
  9. During exacerbations of chronic diseases, classes cannot be started. If you are already doing them, you need to stop them.

Before starting classes, visit a doctor if you have any serious illnesses or any pathologies.

Tibetan hormonal exercises

For hands

Warm your hands well with tight movements of your palms until they become hot. At this stage, you fill your hands with the energy of your body. While warming up, you can learn about your health status:

  • If your palms are dry and warm up quickly, then most likely you do not have serious illnesses or any health problems.
  • If you cannot warm up your hands for a very long time, then most likely you have chronic diseases.
  • If your palms do not warm up and at the same time become very wet, then most likely there are serious diseases in your body.

Don't worry. After all, this is exactly why you started Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. With each lesson, the body will heal and get rid of diseases, improving your biofield.

Please note that your hands should be well warmed up before the next exercise.

For eyes

Close your eyes and place warm palms over your eyes. Lightly press the eyeballs thirty times every second. If there is visual impairment or other eye diseases, extend the procedure to two minutes.

Receptors around the eyeballs receive nutritional energy. This improves vision and prevents the development of cataracts. During palming of the eyeballs, the work of the pineal and pituitary glands is also improved, which produce melatonin to restore hair color and eliminate gray hair.

In addition to all of the above, melatonin maintains the health and youth of cells.

Effect on the ears

For the exercise, warm up your palms again. Then place warm palms on your ears so that your fingers are on the back of your head. Repeat thirty pressures on the ears. When performing the exercise, chronic diseases associated with hearing may appear.

In this case, continue the exercise, gradually reducing the intensity of the pressure. This way you massage the ear canals. Gradually, diseases will leave your body.

Each subsequent exercise will become easier and easier. Regular practice improves hearing, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, returns a healthy complexion and solves skin problems.


We clench our hand into a fist so that the thumb is straight and perpendicular to the palm. We press our thumbs under our earlobes.

We make linear movements towards the ears and back. The exercise should be repeated at least thirty times. The face should turn slightly pink. With regular exercise, swelling will disappear, lymphatic drainage will improve, and the oval of the face will tighten.

For maximum effect, it is recommended to perform this exercise by rubbing along the nose to improve the sinuses. Repeating the exercise in the third eye area removes toxins from the liver and normalizes its functioning, which further improves the complexion of the face and eyes.

Smoothing the forehead

Touch your right palm to your forehead, and left hand put it on your right hand (note: Men need to do everything the other way around, place your right palm on your left). Make circular movements along the forehead from the right temple towards the left.

Take your time. Do the exercise effectively and measuredly. Do thirty repetitions. To smooth out wrinkles, the exercise must be performed by touching the forehead. If you only need to improve the functioning of the pituitary gland, the exercise can be performed without touching the forehead.

This exercise, in addition to the latter, improves the condition of the sinuses, improves the condition of existing sinus diseases in the body.

Crown massage

Place your palms on top of each other (note: Men place their right palm on top), place them in the parietal area, without touching the head. From the starting position, begin to make movements towards the forehead and back to the back of the head.

Repeat this exercise at least thirty times. Then hold your palms over your crown. After a few seconds, do a similar exercise from the right ear to the left through the crown.

This exercise returns the pressure to its optimal position. At the same time, blood circulation in the shoulder joints and their mobility improves. Over time, it becomes easy to raise your arms up.

Also, this exercise has a cosmetic effect on the face if you repeat it in the area of ​​the chin and behind the ears, moving from right to left through the area of ​​the seventh vertebra.


Wrap your right hand around your neck in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. Place your left palm on top of your right (approx. For men, vice versa, right palm on top). Then with your left hand, without touching the body, make movements from the neck to the bottom of the navel and back.

In this way, you transfer the energy of your thyroid gland to the solar plexus area. The exercise should be repeated thirty times. When you finish the exercise, leave left palm on the right and touching the body, lower both hands down the stomach.

Abdominal massage

After the previous exercise, with your hands at the bottom of your abdomen, make thirty circular movements around your navel in a clockwise direction. During the exercise, moderately press on the stomach. This increases the efficiency of intestinal function. If performed regularly, you will not be bothered by problems with it and constipation.

To maximize the effect of the exercise, perform a massage of the hypochondrium, liver area and the main energy center of your body - the solar plexus area, with the same starting position of your hands.

You will spread positive energy throughout all organs located in this area. This way all diseases will leave your body. And after regular training, you will feel light and energized.

The next step for the effect this exercise you need to warm up the palms of your hands. Place warm palms on your back in the kidney area and hold for at least thirty seconds. With regular repetition of the exercise, you will feel relaxation in the adrenal gland area.

For the final step of the exercise, roll over onto your stomach. Using circular movements, thoroughly warm up the area of ​​the sacrum, to which the monks attach special importance. Then, if possible, warm up the maximum accessible area of ​​the spine.

This set of exercises distributes healing energy throughout the body. Each time you will become more comfortable and your well-being will reach its peak.


Roll back onto your back. Take the starting position - legs and arms up. The angle to the body should be 90 degrees, and place your feet and palms parallel to the floor or bed. If for health reasons you cannot maintain a 90-degree angle, then raise them to the most perpendicular position.

The next step is to simultaneously rotate your wrists and ankles back and forth. Take your time and do the exercise as efficiently as possible. You should feel relaxed. Repeat the returning movements at least thirty times. After completing the rotations, shake your arms and legs.

Do the last exercise, involving all the joints of your arms and legs in rotation. After completing the exercise, shake your arms and legs again.

With this exercise you normalize blood circulation in your body.

  • For varicose veins, repetitions of the exercise should be doubled, up to sixty times.
  • If your bed is not hard enough, move to the floor

Foot rubbing

Take the most comfortable sitting position for you. Warm up your palms. Place both palms around your foot. You should feel the warmth and energy of your hands. Then begin to gently rub the sides of your feet.

When your feet are warm enough, clench one of your hands into a fist and hold your foot with the other. Begin rubbing your foot firmly for thirty seconds. Then repeat the exercise on the second foot. To make the exercise more comfortable, you can use cream or oil.

This exercise normalizes the functioning of internal organs. There may be pain that will go away with constant repetition of the exercise.

Invigoration for the legs

Warm up your palms. Place both palms on one of your knees and stroke your legs towards your feet and back. Repeat the movements at least thirty times. When completing the exercise, leave both palms on your knee and make thirty circular movements in this area. Then change legs and repeat the set of exercises.

This exercise relaxes your legs and increases the efficiency of blood circulation in your legs. After some time, you will no longer feel heaviness in your legs during long walks or exercise.

After completing all the exercises, be sure to drink a glass of warm water.

You will spend 5-10 minutes on Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. This is a minimal waste of time considering that. What will you get in return?

Do not forget to perform the exercises regularly, adhering to all the rules of Tibetan gymnastics. And within six months you will feel better, healthier appearance and fullness of strength in the body.

I would like to talk about one amazing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, which I learned about from the film, which you can watch at the end of the article. This gymnastics was practiced by monks in one of the Tibetan monasteries. It only takes five minutes a day. allows you to maintain all the endocrine glands that produce hormones in a young state, at the age of approximately 25-30 years.

I started doing this gymnastics. And I really liked her. Of course, it's been a while since I've been doing it. But after this gymnastics I feel cheerful, energetic, and receive a positive charge. And by the way, my tinnitus, which has been bothering me lately, has gone away!

According to legend, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics came to our country about 30 years ago. How did she get to us? IN Soviet times Our specialists built a power station in the mountains of Tibet. While installing power lines, our installers saw a small monastery in the mountains. They felt sorry for these monks that they lived without light, and they threw one branch to them. When the monks saw what a miracle had come to them, they said: “We have no money. But we will give you a long active life. We will give you something that you will only be able to appreciate in 20 years.” And they showed this gymnastics. Later, our specialists spoke about these exercises in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. They were over 80 and feeling great.

This gymnastics is very easy. We do it right in bed. It is advisable to wake up before six in the morning.

Exercise 1. Rub your hands.

Lying on the bed, rub your hands for a few seconds until they become hot. At the same time, you will diagnose your biofield at the moment. If your palms are dry and hot, then everything is fine with energy in the body. If the palms are warm, then the biofield is reduced. If the palms do not warm up and become wet, then this indicates serious problems in the body. In any case, do this gymnastics, as it will allow you to get rid of all failures and diseases.

Exercise 2. Palming.

We place hot palms on the eyeballs. We begin to apply pressure on the eyes at the following pace: one second - one movement. In this way, do 30 movements in 30 seconds. Then leave your palms on your eyes and hold for at least another thirty seconds, and if you have poor vision, then about two minutes is better. At this time, the eyeball and all the receptors around it are nourished. Your vision will gradually improve. In addition to vision, natural hair color will be restored.

Exercise 3. Pumping up the ears.

This exercise is shown in the picture above. We press our hands on our ears, with our fingers on the back of the head, we press our palms to our ears and make 30 movements at a pace of 1 movement per second. Symptoms of any chronic health conditions you have may begin to appear over time, especially if they are related to your ears. Do not stop the exercises, just do them “softer” if you feel pain. After some time, chronic ear inflammation goes away. Your hearing will also improve. Almost all chronic diseases can go away within six months. Treatment for serious illnesses may require more long time: a year or two.

Exercise 4. Facelift.

Next exercise: we place our thumb behind the ear, clench our hands into fists and begin a facelift from the chin to the ears, pressing firmly on the face. We also do 30 times. After this exercise, you may feel a rush of blood to your face and even sweat a little. The oval of the face is tightened, lymphatic drainage improves.

Exercise 5. Forehead massage.

Next, we place our right palm on the forehead, the left one on top and begin rubbing movements from temple to temple. You don’t have to touch your forehead with your hands, but do it at a distance of a few centimeters from your face. But if you want to smooth out wrinkles on your forehead, then you need to touch the skin. We also do 30 movements in 30 seconds. This exercise heals all the sinuses and also activates the pituitary gland.

Exercise 6. Massage of the crown.

This exercise targets the parietal region. We “fly” with our hands above our heads. We put a cushion under the neck or roll up a pillow, weave our hands into a ring. The right hand is below, the left hand is on top. We begin to make a movement a few centimeters from the head from the forehead to the back of the head. We do it 30 times. Then we “hover” over the crown of the head and make movements from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise is very good for those who have high or low blood pressure. The pressure will return to normal. This exercise improves the mobility of the shoulder joints and also pumps up the arm muscles. Shoulder pain goes away, and if you couldn’t lift your arms up before, then after a while you will be able to do it easily.

Exercise 7. Thyroid massage.

Next exercise: place your right hand on the thyroid gland, place your left hand on top. We begin to move our left hand from the thyroid gland to the navel at a distance of several centimeters from the body. We do this for 30 movements. At the end, we place our left hand on our right and linger in this state for a few seconds.

Exercise 8. Abdominal massage.

Then we slowly slide our hands onto the stomach, the next exercise: we make circular movements with our hands on the stomach. The hands are also folded: the right one is below, the maiden one is on top. We do it 30 times. This relieves chronic constipation and normalizes intestinal activity.

Exercise 9. Shaking.

The next exercise is best done on the floor if your bed is not hard enough. I described such an exercise in the article. We raise our arms and legs up, palms and feet directed parallel to the floor. First, we rotate our arms at the wrists and our legs at the ankle joints, then we shake. At the same time, our blood circulation in the capillaries improves. Small energy channels are also cleansed. We count to 30 (if possible, we do it longer).

Exercise 10. Rubbing the feet.

Next exercise: sit down and start massaging your feet. You can do them at the same time, you can take turns, first one foot, then the other. If your feet are dry, then lubricate them with some oil, such as olive oil. When found on the feet pain points, give them special attention. Particularly focus on the center of the foot (see picture). Finally, rub your legs from bottom to top. Do it for 30 seconds or longer.

That's the whole complex!

So again: Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to harmonize the work of all endocrine glands. And our hormones control the activities of the entire body. It's like a good conductor in an orchestra!

You can restore your health with the help of this exercise over a period of six months to several years, depending on the severity of your illnesses, provided that you do this exercise constantly. At the same time, you will always feel energetic and add at least 25 years to your life.

After a while, you will simply not be able to do without this simple gymnastics. It is best to do exercises before six in the morning, but if you can’t do it, then do it during the day.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Be healthy and write about your results in the comments!

You can find answers to many of your questions in the article “T”.

All the best to you!

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is aimed at rejuvenating the endocrine system of the body, which, through the synthesis of hormones and their release into the blood, coordinates the work of all organs and systems of our body. The endocrine system consists of endocrine glands and individual endocrine cells scattered throughout the body, directly in muscle tissue.

Together with nervous and immune system, in addition to the function of regulating the functioning of organs, they maintain the dynamic balance of all processes occurring in the body, are responsible for the growth, development of the body, its reproductive function, conservation and use of vital energy. The endocrine system is also involved in the psycho-emotional state of a person; remember how in adolescence, due to a sharp surge of hormones, the mood of children changes. How changeable is the mood of men and women during menopause? Gymnastics helps balance a person’s hormonal levels, and this completely changes one’s well-being.

In the rejuvenation exercises of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, the monks incorporated age-old wisdom, which allows the work of the endocrine glands to be brought into harmony, which means that regular performance of these exercises gradually rejuvenates the entire body. Chronic diseases bother me less and less, the body is gradually filled with vigor, vitality, energy and health. Experts say that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics can extend a person’s life to 20 years!

The history of the appearance of hormonal gymnastics.

The story about hormonal gymnastics on the internet was first told by Olga Orlova (Kalpashvini), a herbalist from medical education, who read about this gymnastics in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The article published the story of a specialist who worked during Soviet times on the construction of a power plant in the Tibetan mountains, where the monastery stands. Russian people, out of the kindness of their hearts, extended electric wires to the monastery, who lived without electricity. In response to this, the monks gave them exercises that prolong life. Thanks to these exercises, the person who communicated with the monks, and at the time of the story about Tibetan gymnastics, he was already well over 80, felt vigorous and healthy and looked youthful. According to him, all chronic diseases leave the body if you exercise daily for 6 months.

How to perform hormonal gymnastics?

  • Experts say that every organ of the human body is most active at certain hours, therefore all types of influence on the organs (treatment, gymnastics) are recommended to be carried out precisely at this time. certain hours for each of them. Rejuvenation with Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is recommended to be carried out from 5 to 6 am, during the period of greatest activity of the endocrine glands. You can, of course, do gymnastics at other times, but the effectiveness of its impact will be somewhat lower.
  • Gymnastics is performed in bed, immediately after waking up.
  • Each movement is performed 30 times, at a pace second hand hours, which takes about 7 minutes, if you do not take into account the Birch exercise and other additional exercises.
  • When performing the exercise, women place their left palm on their right, and men, on the contrary, place their right palm on their left. According to yoga teachings, in women the greatest energy is concentrated in the left hand, in men in the right.

Warming your palms to fill them with energy. Place your palms together and rub them together vigorously until you feel warm at first, continue warming your palms until they are hot. If the palms warm up quickly, this indicates a healthy biofield. Palms that do not warm up for a long time indicate existing problems in the body: either the biofield is not in order, or the vascular system is not working well. Don’t worry, existing problems can be corrected by hormonal gymnastics. Take a break and try warming up your hands again.

Gently press the palms of your hands onto your eyes 30 times.
With pulsating pressure, blood vessels and endocrine glands are activated - the pineal gland (pineal gland) and the pituitary gland. The pineal gland increases the synthesis of melatonin, which regulates blood pressure, sleep, the functioning of the endocrine system, the functioning of brain cells and slows down the aging process of the body.

After this, hold your palms over your eyes for 2-3 minutes, warming them and transferring hot energy flows from your palms to your eyes. If your vision is poor, then try to hold your palms longer than usual, while doing this, you will perform the eye palming exercise, during which all the eye muscles relax, which is also important for their health.

Pressing your palms on the ears. Warm up your hands again and place them with the convex part of your palm (bumps) on your ears. Apply pulsating pressure with your hands 30 times. When pressing, pain may appear; if there is inflammation in the ear, then the pressure can be reduced, but the exercise must be completed to the end. Exercise improves hearing, regulates the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, and activates the blood circulation process.

Improving lymph flow along the oval of the face. Clench your fingers into fists, place the bent index and middle fingers on your chin, and place your thumbs under your chin. From the chin, with pressure, move your fists towards the ears along the jaw. When you move your hands along your ears, squeeze them with your thumb and index fingers, making massage movements. Lower your fists down to your chin without pressing. You need to do 30 such repetitions. The exercise disperses the lymph well, the throat and ears are healing, massage movements with the fingers strengthen the jaw muscles, creating a lifting effect. Reflexogenic points located on the ears are activated; as you know, each point of the ear is projected onto the organs of the body, that is, the effect on the entire body occurs.

Additionally. As an addition, you can massage the nose, starting from the wings of the nose and moving up along the nose to the eyes, using rubbing movements. And massage the third eye area, just above the bridge of the nose.

Smoothing the forehead. Don't forget to warm up your hands before each exercise. Place your left palm on your right and place your right palm on your forehead. Perform rubbing movements from the right temple to the left, do 30 repetitions.

This exercise can be performed without touching the skin, in a non-contact manner. If you have wrinkles on your forehead, then do the exercise with light pressure. Exercise activates blood movement, cleanses the frontal sinuses, and has a gentle effect on the pituitary gland.

Massage of the parietal area of ​​the head (non-contact). When performing this exercise, you will need a cushion under your neck so that the back of your head does not lie on the pillow. Place your palms one on top of the other (don’t forget which one will be on top for women and which one for men). Raise your arms above your head, at a distance of 3-4 cm from your head, and perform 30 movements from the crown to the forehead and from the forehead back to the crown.

Then stop, without lowering your arms, still hold them above the crown of your head for 30 seconds. After resting, make 30 movements from one ear to the other, also without touching your head.

The exercise activates the work of the hypothalamus, restores blood pressure, both high and low blood pressure returns to normal, and develops the shoulder joints.

Additionally. If you want to rejuvenate your facial skin, you can work on the chin area and neck in the same non-contact way.

Improve the condition of the mammary glands(in terms of rejuvenation), it is possible by influencing the area of ​​the sternum and collarbone, where reflexogenic points are located, projecting onto the muscles of the mammary glands, and the thymus gland (thymus), which is located behind the sternum, in the upper part of the chest. The thymus is a very important and vital gland, because it is in it that the maturation and training of immune system cells occurs.

Palm right hand place it on your neck, in the area of ​​the thyroid gland (for men, your left hand). And with your left hand, without touching the body, you begin to move from top to bottom from your right hand to the navel area and back, perform 30 movements with your hand, counting down and up in one movement.

This exercise does not allow the body's energy to stagnate, moving it from the thyroid gland to the solar plexus and below. When completing the exercise, place your left hand on top of your right and hold for 30 seconds, and then slowly move your hands to your stomach.

The palms of the hands are in the original position, that is, one on top of the other. Perform a non-contact abdominal massage with them, moving clockwise 30 times. This is an exercise to improve the functioning of the intestines, its peristalsis improves, smooth operation is established, and constipation disappears.

Additionally. In addition to the main abdominal massage, you can massage the pancreas, solar plexus area, and hypochondrium.

Massage the groin area to activate the sex glands. (In the original gymnastics of Tibetan monks, this massage has no place...)

Then roll over onto your stomach, place your hot palms on the adrenal glands and feed them with the energy of your hands. Rub the sacrum area with your hands, massage the muscles along the spine as far as your hands allow.

Circular movements of joints and vibration. Lying on your back, raise your arms up and perform circular rotations with your hands, in one direction and the other, 30 times. Now raise your legs and do the same movements with your ankle joints.

Now, raise your arms and legs and shake them randomly, performing vibrations. Perform vibration for 30 seconds. Circular movements of the joints and vibrations accelerate the blood, improving not only blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries, but also lymph circulation, cleansing energy channels, and improving joint mobility. Exercise serves as a good prevention for varicose veins.

Additionally. If necessary, make rotational movements with your elbow and shoulder joints, knee and pelvic joints. If desired, you can supplement the exercises with imitation of riding a bicycle.

Foot rubbing. To conclude your rejuvenation with Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, while sitting on your bed, rub your feet well. First their lateral surface, then the feet. To rub and massage your feet, you can use massage oil or any vegetable oil.

The massage is completed. Now you can lie down a little and listen to your inner state.

The benefits of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

As mentioned above, hormonal gymnastics activates the glands of the body’s endocrine system that synthesize hormones. And everything depends on hormones: health and aging, vigor and fullness of the body with inner strength, desires and quality of life.

Warming movements of the palms activate numerous receptors located in the skin, but most importantly, work is underway to align one’s biofield. With warmed hands, simple movements are performed at the level of the pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, pancreas and thymus, adrenal glands and gonads.

Vibration exercise, vibration gymnastics, included in this technique, strengthens the walls of small capillaries and improves blood circulation in small blood vessels. improve the functioning of the entire body, because the activity of our body and our life in general is built on the energy of biological vibrations. No vibration means no life.

Helps the head to rest. After all Atmosphere pressure air presses on our heads with a force of 270 kg, and internal organs too, which is why sometimes diseases of prolapse of the kidneys, uterus and other organs appear. When taking the Birch stance, the pressure is on the legs. All internal organs fall into place, the blood circulation changes, and all this brings enormous health benefits, since an unusual posture is stress for our body, which excites and activates all internal processes.

This explains the improvement and rejuvenation of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. But you must understand that gymnastics is not a panacea for all ills. To achieve progressive rejuvenation results, do not forget about healthy image life and balanced nutrition.