Excess weight tests help determine whether your body weight is normal or whether you are overeating. Many similar questionnaires reveal your addiction to food. A good test will determine whether your height matches your weight for free.

If you want to take an online test regarding excess weight, choose those that contain as many questions as possible. The most primitive options will not be able to reveal the whole picture of your psychophysical state. Typically, a few questions will only reveal what kind of lifestyle you lead and how much you eat, so the end results may not match reality.

Weight and height tests

Most tests calculate your ideal weight depending on your physical parameters and age. Other questionnaires look for factors that affect your body weight. For example, thanks to tests developed by psychoanalysts and nutritionists, you will find out whether you are overeating and why you suddenly began to gain weight so sharply. After taking the online test, contact a specialist to confirm your findings and find out how many pounds you need to lose.

This questionnaire reveals the presence of extra pounds by clarifying your habits, well-being, and sensations. Only 7 questions will not take much time to complete. The results will help you think about possible health problems.

If you already know that you are overweight, this test will help clarify the reasons for the appearance of excess body weight. 32 questions reveal your lifestyle from all sides, affecting biometric parameters, habits, and behavior. Do you eat stress food? Do you move a little? Are you sick or taking certain medications? This test will help you find out why you are gaining weight.

This test was developed by a specialist, it helps to determine whether you are dependent on food, and how much. Perhaps you are not paying attention to some little things that confirm the presence of this problem. By answering the questions asked honestly and without hesitation, you will understand how serious a role sausage and buns play in your life, and whether food has turned into a drug for you.

Of course, now most people, even in the process of losing weight, dream of putting themselves in the hands of professionals who know how to turn you into a Thumbelina. It is no coincidence that talk shows are so popular, in which people who want to lose a dozen or two kilograms lift weights and entire swimming pools on their shoulders, sweat on exercise machines, and engage in auto-training in unison.

To implement all these techniques at home, you need to have remarkable willpower. And when your favorite dishes are on one side of the scale, and on the other the dream of finding Ornella Muti’s slimness is on the scale, it’s not so easy to gather this very will into a fist. And yet, you should not neglect the simplest tips that do not require much effort on yourself, which will help you lose a couple of kilograms completely unnoticed. You will see that this is a lot when you try to walk around the city with or without a heavy bag. The difference is obvious.

Weight loss test or self-analysis

Admit it, when you see excess weight tests in magazines, do you always answer the questions honestly? Somehow, it seems like there are some topics that we women just can't be open about. Even with yourself. The topic of diets is one of them.

Well, it turns out that you scored the maximum bad points, and you read the verdict: your willpower is weak, and your whole life needs to be turned upside down, and you need to give up everything you love, tasty or just familiar. And in general, without specialists, the chances are equal... well, not zero, but... As you understand, such a forecast does not add optimism, and after this, going on a diet right in the morning is absolutely not tempting.

It would seem that things are a little better for those who scored an average number of points. They seem to be praised, saying that you are working on yourself, but you have to continue and continue, and follow the regime, and play sports. It's nice to know that you are such a young fellow. Conclusion: it’s time to relax, and... In just a couple of days you’ll fall into the top category. However, most people may not want to change their figure to model size.

But there are truly outstanding women who are used to taking care of themselves, their diet, regularly going to the gym and even doing morning exercises. They need the results of a test on the topic “Are you losing weight correctly?” - hardly. Simply because they themselves can give master classes for those who want to get in shape.

Thus, it turns out that the main question or main problem that needs to be solved by those who want to lose weight is to decide on this step. Consciously and irrevocably. But you still need motivation to maintain this intention for a long time. Let it be a cherished trip to the sea or falling in love. It doesn't matter who. Let it be a virtual romance, but there will already be an incentive to get in shape.

In order to lose weight, you need to improve your metabolism. And some simple morning manipulations can improve it. Moreover, no self-torture is required. Everything is simple, like everything ingenious.

  1. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Yogis advise keeping the water as hot as possible with lemon juice squeezed into it. This will cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of internal organs.
  2. For breakfast - oatmeal or buckwheat. It is better not to cook both grains, but to soak them. It is advisable to fill the buckwheat with water in the evening, and by the morning it will swell. If you do not add salt to these porridges, weight loss goes faster. But even if you add fruits or dried fruits, a spoonful of kefir, lemon juice or any fruit to your portion of oatmeal, there will be nothing wrong. Breakfast will be delicious and no less healthy.
  3. If you can walk to work and it doesn’t take a day, take a walk. The same goes for elevators. If you work not on the 120th floor, but at least on the fifth or sixth floor, go up on foot. Such walks, like walks in the fresh air, will improve blood circulation and have a positive effect on metabolism. The effect is weight loss. We won another couple of hundred grams, and maybe even a kilogram.

To tell the truth, some of them may overlap each other as if they were mutually exclusive, but the main thing is the essence and balance.

There is another cure - to make love regularly. This produces endorphins - hormones of joy, and stress will have no choice but to take second or last place.

On this page you can check your weight and find out whether it meets generally accepted standards. However, in order to anticipate your possible disappointments after receiving the test results, I would like to remind you that a person’s normal weight is not a firm and unconditional value.

Here it would be useful to remind once again that the so-called normal weight of a person depends on many factors, not all of which are taken into account in this online check.

For example, the weight of a young girl and a woman of “Balzac age”, with the same height, can differ quite significantly and at the same time they will look equally good, each in their own way. The same can be said about young men and mature men, especially if the latter are involved in strength sports.

In these cases, it is worth focusing on extreme values ​​when obtaining a test answer - less is suitable for young people, and older people are allowed to have more weight.

There are also structural factors laid down by nature; we will dwell on them in more detail. There are three main types of human structure (they are taken into account in this test)

Before taking the test, determine your type:

  • Asthenics- owners of tall stature with a narrow-boned skeletal structure, longer limbs, and a thinner natural layer of subcutaneous fat.
  • Normosthenics - the anatomy of the body structure of such people is close to the average normal parameters.
  • Hypersthenics - as a rule, they have a large-boned skeletal structure, a stocky physique with short stature and well-developed muscles.

Determine the normal weight of an adult.

If your weight does not correspond to the shown values ​​by several kilograms in one direction or another, this is not yet a reason for frustration, because in addition to the above 3 structural factors, there are also purely individual characteristics. And, for example, simple Chinese gymnastics exercises will help you adjust your weight.

Well, if the weight differs by tens of kilograms, both up and down, it’s worth thinking not so much about adjusting your diet and mobility, but about the disorder of internal processes in the body (metabolism, diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, heart). In this case, you should not look for a solution to the problem on your own without consulting a doctor.

The problem of excess weight worries many people nowadays. To be slim means to be beautiful and healthy. Men and women calculate their ideal weight and try with all their might to meet the cherished figure. But how do you know what you are striving for?

Most often, a simple formula is used - men subtract 100 from height in centimeters, and women 110. The resulting number is considered the optimal weight. However, this calculation does not take into account the person’s age, body type and other additional features. Therefore, it is not suitable for everyone. A more accurate result can be found by calculating your body mass index (BMI).

What is BMI

BMI is a value that shows how correct the ratio of a person’s height and weight is. Using a special formula, it is calculated whether the subject suffers from obesity or dystrophy. This method is often used by doctors in the treatment of diseases associated with overweight or underweight.

The idea of ​​​​calculating BMI belongs to a Belgian scientist who lived in the 19th century, named Quetelet. Subsequently, many nutritionists and anthropologists made all sorts of adjustments to the table. At the moment, there are formulas by which you can find out BMI not only according to Quetelet, but also according to Brock, Humvee, Kref and Devin. They received such names from the names of the scientists who calculated the indicators.

The formula for calculating BMI according to Broca was derived at the end of the 19th century by a doctor from France. It is ideal for the average person with a height of 155 cm to 2 m. Professor Kreff added to Brock's method. In calculations using his method, body type is taken into account.

Using a certain formula, you can find out whether a person suffers from so-called central obesity. To do this, the waist size is divided by the hip size. A number above 0.9 indicates that the person being tested has problems. An overhanging belly poses a health threat. They say that extra centimeters at the waist will deprive you of several years of life.

It should be noted that the normal indicators differed at different times. In recent years, the ideal BMI has become significantly lower than before, and therefore the number of people suffering from overweight and obesity has statistically increased.

What does BMI depend on?

Sometimes calculating BMI does not give entirely correct results. The fact is that it is important to remember that the ratio of fat and muscle tissue varies from person to person and depends on many factors. Therefore, people with the same BMI do not look the same.

In order to accurately calculate BMI, not only height, but also a person’s age, gender, and body type are taken into account, which is determined by measuring the wrist.

There are thin-boned, normal-boned and broad-boned types. The BMI of thin people with narrow shoulders and chest should be less than that of hypersthenics with large bodies. Sometimes the width of the chest is measured to determine body type.

Due to differences in the ratio of muscle to fat tissue, normal BMI varies men and women. It is also impossible not to take into account age test subject. The ideal weight of a young girl or guy will differ from the body weight of a mature person. No wonder. With age, the fat layer, which weighs less than muscle tissue, increases. So an elderly person can get an ideal figure as a result of calculations, and at the same time have problems with excess weight. Therefore, people over 50 are advised to monitor their waist-to-hip ratio to prevent central obesity.

A special formula and table are used to calculate the normal body mass index of children. In addition, we should not forget that the ideal weight of girls and boys also cannot be identical. Children under 2 years of age and after reaching this age will have different indicators.

The ideal weight of athletes is calculated in a special way. They devote a lot of time to training, and therefore have developed muscles. Their ideal BMI will be significantly higher than the average person.

Why do you need to know your BMI?

BMI is useful to know for those who monitor their figure and health. Doctors also use this indicator to determine drug doses. In everyday life it is used to control body weight.

It is much easier to keep track of your figure knowing what to strive for. And sometimes it happens that people invent problems for themselves. Young girls, for example, exhaust themselves with diets at an absolutely normal weight, which leads to anorexia.

Calculating your body mass index can help determine if a person has problems and how severe they are. Based on the obtained indicators, nutritionists recommend a certain diet and exercise for an obese patient.

How to calculate BMI

It is quite difficult to calculate body mass index on your own, taking into account all the nuances. We can help our users cope with this task. For people concerned about their weight, an online body mass index calculator has been developed. All that is required is to enter your data into the form and within a couple of seconds the result will appear on the screen. As a rule, it is enough to know your exact weight. For a more reliable result, you should indicate the volume of your hips and wrists.

Choose which formula to use to calculate, and then compare the resulting number with the data in the table. Based on the result, you can judge whether the test person’s weight is normal. BMI also indicates whether a person is underweight or overweight. Obesity has several degrees. This is also taken into account in the calculations.

We offer a convenient online BMI calculator. Despite its simplicity, it is quite accurate. You can calculate body mass index taking into account age using different formulas or derive an average that will be as close as possible to the correct one.

BMI is an approximate indicator

Even using the most accurate formula, it is impossible to calculate your ideal weight. Each person is individual. Therefore, do not be upset if your indicators are outside the norm.

The mistake of many, and this is especially true for representatives of the fair half of humanity, is the desire to be like models from glossy magazines. The slightest deviation from the norm can cause panic.

Of course, if the calculations indicate painful completeness, it is worth thinking about and trying to achieve better results. Obesity does not have a beneficial effect on a person’s overall well-being and health. Excess weight leads to hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and joint diseases. Therefore, you should take action and get rid of those extra pounds.

On the other hand, it happens that the BMI is within the normal range, but the body looks flabby and not at all young. In this case, you should not be proud of the test results and not care about your figure. You should pay attention to sports or at least increase physical activity to get your body in order. But such people do not need a diet at all.

In any case, you shouldn’t get hung up on dry numbers. The main thing is general well-being.

Even if the test results showed a bad result, you should listen to yourself. When a person is satisfied with his reflection in the mirror, and doctors do not see extra pounds as a threat to health, it is better to forget about formulas and calculations and enjoy life at a normal pace.