The first teacher is like the first love:
He remains in my soul and heart forever.
We will remember you again and again,
At least we won’t go back to first grade, of course.

You taught us to write letters,
Love nature and count examples,
Take care of friends and respect elders
And they made premieres for us at the blackboard.

We remember this day clearly,
How we burst into school without looking back,
They gave you a tender lilac,
And in return you give us copybooks.

The years have rushed quickly to nowhere,
And now we are adults.
But know that we will remember you forever
And how we sat at the first desk.

Thank you, our first teacher,
For work and affection, kindness, care.
And now we’re going to the senior class,
But you will always remain in high esteem.

Let the ringing laughter of the last bell
Will give inspiration for new starts,
And in September the kids will come to you,
So that, like us, you can sit down at your desk for the first time!

You taught us from the very beginning,
When they first brought us to school.
We knew practically nothing:
Neither two and two, nor the ABCs.

Thank you for this invaluable work,
For tons of nerves, they can’t be returned,
For the education of new generations
And instructions on the bright path.

Today we say goodbye to school and want to express special gratitude to our first teacher. You taught us to write, read, be friends, respect. You put so much effort and labor into each of us, you spent so much nerves that it is simply impossible to calculate. Your soul is full of goodness and love. You are a true teacher who is dedicated to your work. We want to wish only grateful and diligent students. Low bow to you. We will always be grateful for everything we received from you!

You and I have begun our journey
To the land of magical school knowledge,
You new world they opened for us,
Giving a start to our endeavors.

Good luck to you, teacher first,
Give kindness to children, light.
Exemplary students in everything,
Creative victories in your work!

We recently went to first grade,
And you waited for us with love.
They taught us to grow up as friends,
And don’t keep count of the grievances.

Have you noticed all the worries,
And they helped us along the way,
Granite science to study,
Learn the basics of teachings.

And now we have grown up
The door is open to all roads.
Thank you, we say to you,
We thank you for everything.

You introduced us to your favorite school,
And we will definitely never forget you in our lives.
We remember the day, we remember even the hour,
When we entered the classroom, we will remember.

And how you followed us into the classroom,
They tried to get us ready to study,
They remembered our names too
And they smiled sincerely and openly.

We were a little afraid, what is there to hide,
But you helped us overcome fear.
Taught to understand, understand -
You easily turned us into schoolchildren.

Then we studied the Primer together
And even then they wrote in the copybooks,
You taught us to read and count.
You never get tired of us.

We all say thank you together
For your work, warmth, for your understanding.
Our last bell is already ringing,
And farewell awaits you and me ahead.

We won't be saying goodbye for long,
We will, of course, visit you often.
We wish you a very long life,
We wish you to teach others well!

The first teacher is warm-hearted and strict,
The road to school begins with you,
Wise, cheerful, warmth in his eyes,
In the heart there is love and also kindness!

First teacher, last call,
Let this lesson never end
Thank you for your work and skill,
For your understanding and patience!

May success come easy to you,
You fly high in thought,
May you be loved and appreciated beyond measure,
You will be respected and trusted!

You are our childhood, our memory,
You are our first lesson in life.
We want to glorify you in poetry,
After all, you are our first teacher!

Loving, able, knowing a lot,
You taught us everything
Answering kindly and patiently
To our “How?” and why?".

The last bell is ringing for us.
Today it rings in honor of you!
Please accept my tribute
And congratulations from us!

Unintelligent kids
They brought us to first grade,
And now we're all adults
And taller than you.

You with school sciences
They taught us to be good,
With maternal care
They took care of the children.

Low bow to you for this,
Let the star shine for you.
We know the first teacher
We will always remember!

When we first came here,
You greeted us sincerely and tenderly.
They taught us everything they knew,
They taught us to live with faith and hope.

My very first teacher,
I will say “Thank you!”
We were led to the world of knowledge
You guide us wisely, step by step.

How to sit at a desk
How can we write a word?
How to get to the school canteen,
Learn how to count -

A sea of ​​joyful discoveries
Then you gave
We wouldn't celebrate without you
Such an exciting day!

So let your whole life be yours
It will become a fairy tale in reality,
Happiness, joy and fun,
Laughter will enter your destiny.

May your health be good,
Heart strong, young,
May every day be warm
Clear, light, golden!

When using materials from this site - and placing a banner is MANDATORY!!!

Graduation in 4th grade.

Graduation script primary school developed and sent: Tsitsilina Tatyana Nikolaevna, teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution Lyceum No. 90, Krasnodar Author’s e-mail: [email protected]

Studying. The announcement, in black and white, cannot be passed by. The school is wonderful, the elementary school invites you to come. Further words there without any wisdom, you will read them quickly: “You are invited to the Farewell Festival of the 4th “B” grade on May day!”

Leading. Attention! Attention!

Let's open the ball!

Children enter in pairs to solemn music (boys holding girls' hands).

Children. Whether the sun is out or a gloomy day, you and I were still in a hurry to go to school. Four years flew by quickly - And today is our first graduation party!

Song "School Ship".

Yes, friends, four years flew by unnoticed: We were only first-graders, And now we have grown up, We have matured, we have become wiser, We have blossomed like roses, We have acquired a lot of knowledge, skills, abilities. Smart, athletic, Brave, active, smart, inquisitive, in general, attractive, all smart, beautiful, crafty, happy!

Leading. That's what they say about them. And this is what they say about themselves. 4 "B" class is...


  • - Gathering of Sash.
  • -People who like to talk to their neighbor.
  • - Let's get down to business - there's no way around it.
  • -They quarrel and immediately make up.
  • -They love to write notes in class.
  • -Proud of the chatty half of the class, that is... the boys.
  • -The noisiest class during recess.
  • -Traces on the ceiling after the squeal of joy.
  • -On lessons There is a noise that the leaves are rustling.
  • -Tatyana Nikolaevna's headache.
  • -Average age- 11 years, and total - 157.
  • -Zodiac sign - Virgo: the team was created on September 1, 2000.
  • -Favorite day of the week is Sunday.
  • -Favorite time of year is summer.
  • -Favorite lessons are physical education and mathematics.

Song "A friend is with us."

We came to you as new students, kind and cheerful, and sometimes overly loud. We began to study, We began our difficult path, And sometimes we had to suffer in order to comprehend the essence of science. And mothers crowded at the door, asking “what” and “how”? At first everyone was fussing, so as not to get into trouble. But the first class passed, And the second flew by, And the third just flew by like a whirlwind. And in the turmoil of everyday affairs, Time will not return back. And remember - braids and bows, and half the sky in huge eyes. And remember - curly-haired boys and girls are sometimes in tears. Remember, 15 pairs of eyes are looking at you carefully. And this cannot be forgotten just like that. It is difficult to convey in words. It can be seen and observed, it must be felt and felt! Do you remember, serious people, When is the test or dictation? Do you remember, anxious faces, when something goes wrong? All these are simple pages from the book of life's years. All these are golden pages, nothing more expensive than them!

"Song about school"

Leading. Dear Guys! Dear parents and guests! The day of farewell has come primary school! These years have flown by amazingly quickly.

They taught both you and us a lot. There were all sorts of things, but I want only pleasant and bright memories to remain in my memory of the years spent in elementary school. Let's not be sad. May our life be cheerful and ringing, like a school bell that will now ring for you within the walls of our primary school for the penultimate time.


Leading. This is how it all started with this call... I saved your first drawings “My first day at school” on September 1st. I give them to you as a souvenir. (Gives drawings with commentary).

Leading. Let's start our last lesson"Wheel of History". At the end of the lesson, a very important historical document awaits you. So, you need to choose the correct answer.

  • 1.What year did you start first grade?
  • A) 1999,
  • B) 2000,
  • B) 2001,
  • D) your own option.
  • 2.How did they turn you from preschoolers into schoolchildren?
  • A) using a briefcase,
  • B) crossed out the letters D and O,
  • B) using a magic wand,
  • D) your own option.
  • 3.What is the name of your first teacher?
  • A) Vasilisa the Beautiful,
  • B) Vasilisa the Wise,
  • D) Baba Yaga,
  • D) your own option.
  • 4.What is the name of the lesson where you learned to write?
  • A) penmanship,
  • B) letter,
  • D) Russian language,
  • D) your own option.
  • 5.What letter did you learn to write first?
  • And I,
  • B) and,
  • C) g,
  • G) p,
  • D) your own option.

Leading. Well done! You have shown yourself to be not only connoisseurs and experts in the history of your class, but also friendly, resourceful and cheerful. Today you have completed the first stage - primary school and reached the first document in your life - a certificate of completion primary school.

Speech by the director and head teacher.

Presentation of certificates of completion primary school.

Leading. Kulik is not great, he orders a whole hundred to sit down and study, then get up and disperse. What is this? (Call).

And now comes the long-awaited change. This change flies by so quickly that you actually don’t notice it. But what kind of work do you do for it? a short time!

Scene "Change". (2 girls conduct a dialogue. In the background, 3 boys depict a fight, playing with chips, riding on their backs, etc.).

Turn! -Turn! -4 "B" climbed the wall. -Wet hair, disheveled appearance: A drop of sweat runs down the neck. -Maybe Artyom, Bogdan and Ilya -Did you dive in the pool all recess? -Or did they plow on them, the unfortunate ones? Or were they shoved into the mouth of a crocodile? -(Boys in chorus) No! During the break we had a rest!

Scene "Fight". (2 boys pretend to fight).

Girl. Who offended whom first?

1 boy. He me!

2 boy. No, he me!

Girl. Who hit whom first?

1 boy. He me!

2 boy. No, he me!

Girl. You used to be such friends!

1 boy. I was friends!

2 boy. And I was friends!

Girl. Why didn't you share?

1 boy. I forgot!

2 boy. And I forgot!

Leading. And now we will prove how friendly we really are.

Game "Necklace for the Queen". (Two teams of the same number of guys participate. 2 people from each team pull the rope. The rest of the guys inflate at a signal Balloons(balls -in count participants) and hang “beads” by a thread on a “thread” - a jump rope. The one who makes the necklace the fastest wins. The finished decoration is presented to the chosen queen from the audience - the director, head teacher or teacher, etc.).

Comic poem "Diversity".

The bell rings, and every time, as if nightmare, First I fly into the classroom, Then it flies into me. Life has become a complete hell for me. They give us an awful lot of homework, and if I don’t go home at all, where will they ask me? My mother shouted: “What a disgrace?! All C’s, where’s the variety?” When I brought “diversity,” She again shouted: “Disgrace!”

Leading. Let's listen to the winner of the essay competition in the category "Brevity is the sister of talent." His essay is called "I'm visiting my grandmother."

Boy (sits at the table, lounging, with a notebook and pen in front of him).

Leading. Igor unfolded the notebook.

Boy. Well, I'll start writing. The essay is “I’m visiting my grandmother.” I’ll write with one foot, (raises his foot on the table) For me this is a trifle! Rest, my notebook, from mistakes this time: I intend to write briefly, avoiding unnecessary phrases! Leading. And Igor brought it out beautifully... Boy. I came - she was not at home.

Congratulations to 3rd graders - dance "...".

Leading. The girls prepared their congratulations for the stronger half of the class. Believe me, these 4 years were not easy for them!

Ditties. (Girls singing).

We will sing ditties for you - Fun and joyful. Congratulations on the graduation of our boys. You will recognize yourself in a ditty song And laugh with us, Prick up your ears. Our ancestors beat out dinosaurs on the rock, and now Artyom Grachev draws them on the table. Like our Bogdan's Head is made of three parts: Carburetor, fan and gearbox. The letters in Slava’s notebook don’t stand like they’re on parade: The letters jump and dance, waving their tails at Slava. And Sanyok reads detective stories and poetry all day long, He dreams of becoming a viscount, He dreams of finding a great treasure. Igor decided to play a joke and not teach lessons. After this joke, there are only “ducks” in the diary! Then out of the classroom, like a traffic jam, Kostya flies out, the way ladybug, Hovering in the clouds. Our Alexander Alekseich Well, just like Kashpirovsky: Shurik’s powerful gaze, Disperses even the clouds. Once Tanya asked Ilya: “What are you doing in class, Ilyusha?” He thought a little and answered: “I’m waiting for the call!” I fell out of my chair once, started crying loudly, and Sasha laughed so hard that something bad happened to him! Danya loves to play, run fast and scream. Fun flows out of him, giving no peace to everyone. Our boys are like that - We have the same trouble with them! If only they knew, they would never study in the same class! You, girlfriend, don’t swear! You, girlfriend, don’t sin! Sometimes they are even very good. Yes, it’s true, it’s true, We won’t argue here. We have more fun with them. Okay, let them live! Still, we congratulated the guys on the holiday today. We want to wish them good luck From the bottom of our hearts - from all the girls!

Congratulations to the school staff:

We cannot give you stars from the sky on this solemn day, but on this wonderful day we hasten to talk about love. Warmed by your generosity and the brilliance of your mind, finally, We present you with models of Our grateful hearts. Children give all employees hearts sewn to music during labor lessons. -Vivat to the teachers who taught us! -Vivat to the teachers who united us! -We are together - Friendly family! -Vivat to the teachers who loved us! -Vivat to the teachers who made us friends! -(in chorus) Vivat to you, my school!

Song "School Polka".

Leading. We want to sincerely thank all the teachers and school staff who have worked with us for 4 years.

To the director. Our unspent cup of feelings, And living breath spring, We address both our love and gratitude to the director. You certainly always noticed our worries, anxieties, and sorrows. How many times have we seen you at work - you are always searching, always caring. We wish you to remain this way and never change for anything. (They give flowers). I'll be the head teacher. How hard it is to make a schedule, has anyone ever thought about it? Here you need to foresee everything in advance: the subject, the program and, of course, the class. But we know that you coped with this difficult work, of course, with an A. And they even did the impossible, so that the school could move forward and not stand still. (They give flowers). -And now about our dear ones, Dear ones, relatives, loved ones, About those who taught us to read and write - We want to tell you about them.

"To my first teacher" (Alexander Emmanuilovich Ioffe).

We remember the year, and the day, and the hour; When the cheerful bell called me to study in the first grade, to our native school. And the timidity immediately passed, And autumn became more beautiful, When our teacher entered the class with a smile. We met her in the morning, hurrying to work. She taught us goodness, both literacy and arithmetic. She could understand without words And she knew how to listen to us, Instilling faith and love In an open soul. As foliage reaches to the sun, We always reached out to it, And the main words became: Teacher, Friend and Mom! Let the years fly by - Like a reflection of distant days, We will never forget Those first lessons. And, to see you again, to hear your word, We are all ready to go to first grade, go to study again! (They give flowers). To the teacher. The teacher got it, her work was not in vain. We have learned a lot - you can’t show it in a day. You have become our second mother. And together with you for many years, we stubbornly walked along the road of knowledge, because learning is light. You always knew everything about us, You shared joy and trouble. Our problems, difficulties, sorrows We sometimes carried to you as if in delirium. We knew: you are our reliable friend, who will not deceive, will not betray, but will calm and console us, and will give us practical advice. For your friendship, for your care, for your devotion to your friends, for your eternal soul work - for everything, for everything, thank you! (They give flowers). Music teacher. In music lessons, we were taught to sing together, to draw keys, rulers, and not to look at our neighbor. You have revealed a secret to us from various composers. And without great music we have no joy in life. (They give flowers). Art teacher. We all love to draw, And we love to sculpt, And we definitely won’t forget the art teachers. (They give flowers). Physical education teacher. Together we say “thank you” to Fizruk! We will break any record - This is our strength. (They give flowers). History teacher. We will carry the stories of glorious great dates in our memory for a long time, We will feel in our hearts what once happened, We will imagine the centuries-old paths. English teacher. We study English and learned to read everything. And in the process of our meetings we improve our English speech. (They give flowers).

Jokes in English.

Canteen workers. To study well, everyone needs to eat on time. We wish our chefs, May they prepare everything delicious for us: Borscht, porridge, and compotes, Goulash, white meat and entrecotes, Salads, vinaigrettes... Thank you for this! (They give flowers). To health workers. How many pale faces have you seen! And hands... like a shot bird... A three-gram syringe will not tremble in your hands, It will make your heart beat again! We very often tell people, we are ready to repeat it again today: “A healthy person does not want to be sick, a sick person always wants to be healthy!” (They give flowers). To the rest of the employees. Thanks to all the employees! We love you very much, we love you and as a keepsake we give congratulations from us! (They give flowers).

Dance "Kalinka".

To parents.

Leading. It is difficult to say who is the hero of the occasion today: primary school graduates, teachers or parents. Probably both, and others, and others. According to my calculations, your moms and dads have another one. elementary education. And how many nights did they not get enough sleep, worrying and worrying about you. We would like to wish you, dear parents:

May all sorrows disappear in the light of days, May family dreams come true. I wish that your children always illuminate the Road of life for you with the light of beauty.

We would like to express our gratitude to those parents who have been actively involved in the life of the class for 4 years.

Presentation of letters of thanks to parents.

And I would also like to wish you in the words of M. Gorky: “In the soul of every child there are invisible strings: if you touch them with a skillful hand, they will sound beautiful." I hope that your children's future teachers will find these strings.

Children. Today we say thank you, of course, to our parents. Your care, attention, and patience always help us! Wherever you are, still be sure to remember that Your harbor will always meet you with love and tenderness - parents' house. Bow down to your mother and bow down to your father. You owe them an unpaid debt. Remember this sacredly all your life.

Children present medals to parents“To the most beloved mother”, “To the best father”, etc.

A word to the parents.

Gifts from parents to children as keepsakes - photo albums.

Dance "Your Day".

Leading. Dear guys, for 4 years you, together with your teachers and parents, climbed the first, most difficult steps of the ladder of knowledge. We learned to read, we learned to write, we learned to make friends.

And today is an unusual day - farewell to elementary school. We congratulate you all today on your graduation from primary school. And on this spring day we sincerely wish you: - May you grow up to be good people! -They were kind and handsome! -Have fun on weekdays and holidays! -Like trees, grow in freedom! -To the joy of teachers, to help parents!

For 4 years you tried, studied, but some of you especially distinguished yourself. We are glad to welcome in this hall the pride of our class, and the whole school - you, dear "excellent students"!

Presentation of certificates to "excellent students".

May everything in your life always be excellent!

For the “excellent students”, compliments sounded from my lips, And from you, they will receive thunderous applause as a reward.

Thanks to the parents for raising such students from the entire teaching staff of our school.

Presentation of certificates and thanks to all the children.

Dance "Rumba".

Leading. We offer you a one of a kind school auction for children and their parents. Our auction is not quite ordinary. First of all, today's lots are something you cannot do without in life. You can pay for purchased lots not only in rubles...

I will read you the “price list”, which indicates the possible form of payment:

  • 1.Children's poem.
  • 2.Children's song.
  • 3. Tale from school life.
  • 4.Rule in the Russian language or physical-chemical-mathematical formula.
  • 5. Mimic sketch "Portrait of a beloved teacher."
  • 6. Acrobatic sketch ( physical exercise).
  • 7.Dance number.
  • 8.Moral support (tips for improving school life).
  • 9. Material assistance to the school.

According to the rules of the auction, you will not be able to see the item that is up for sale. Until you buy it. But to give you an idea of ​​what you are getting, we will talk in detail about what is in the black box. (The lot is received by the one who “pays” according to the price list).

1.- And so, the first lot (photos of the administration with autographs).

The black box contains something you never had. And it won't happen if you don't buy it. On cold winter evenings you will take out this item, and every time your soul will become warmer...

2.- We continue trading. Lot No. 2! (piece of chalk)

One piece of what is now in the black box is never enough. Everyone needs this, as it helps with caries, bruises, sprains and fractures.

3.- We continue our auction. Lot No. 3! (page from a cool magazine)

If you had taken this item without permission, and not bought it at an auction, you would have been punished under an article of the Criminal Code. Our auction gives you a unique opportunity to get this without running afoul of the law.

4.- And now lot number 4 (diary with “fives”).

What is now in the black box is the dream of every schoolchild. This sword at school is not achievable for everyone. And only at our auction can a fairy tale come true.

5.- Lot No. 5! (school evacuation plan)

This will teach you orderly movement. This will help you find a way out of any hopeless situation. And finally, it is simply a work of art. You can put it in a frame, hang it on any wall of your apartment... And admire it from morning to evening.

6.- Last lot number 6! (duty bandage)

This is a must have in every home and family. Everyone can wear this, one at a time. For example, when you wash the dishes, clean the apartment, take out the trash.

Our auction has come to an end. We thank everyone who took part in it.

Children. We are ready to confess our love to you, praying for forgiveness for offenses. Remember us with a kind word, Dear teachers! We wish you health and happiness, and good luck will come to your doorstep. Remain as we know you, Let the school lesson continue. Our cup of unspent feelings, And the living breath of spring, And our love and gratitude We forever give you from the bottom of our hearts!

Song "Thank you, teachers!"

Dance "Waltz".

Children. The autumn time will come, And a few days will pass, The children will gather again at the school threshold. When the autumn season comes, they will say to us: “Come in, After all, you guys are in fifth grade, Why are you standing there?” Yes, we will go without you, and you will forgive us. And in parting we’ll say it again: (in chorus)"Thank you! Thank you!"


Many thanks to the guests! We invite you all to tea. May health, luck, success accompany you in life!!!

The end of the graduation scenario in elementary school, grade 4.

Do you remember your first school graduation? Probably, this solemn and at the same time touching event, like the very first lineup on September 1, is remembered by everyone. Farewell to elementary school, of course, is not as fateful an event as graduation in 11th grade, but nevertheless its importance should not be underestimated. After all, on this day there is a farewell to the first teacher and other teachers who managed to become family over the 4 years of study for both children and parents. Beautiful, touching and cool congratulations for graduation in 4th grade in poetry and prose - an integral part of this holiday. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to say kind words of gratitude to teachers and motivational parting words to young graduates! And the selections from our article will certainly help you with this.

Touching congratulations on graduation in 4th grade from parents to teachers in poetry and prose

Parents of young graduates, as a rule, know well not only the first teacher, but also other members of the teaching staff who brought the light of knowledge to their children. Therefore, touching congratulations on graduation in 4th grade to teachers in poetry and prose from parents are a kind of farewell words of gratitude. They are full of gratitude for their kindness, compassion and great love for children. You will find options for touching and kind poems and congratulations in prose for teachers from parents on graduation in 4th grade below.

Poems and prose for congratulations to teachers on graduation in 4th grade from parents

Today is our graduation - the day of farewell to school. I would like to say farewell words to our dear teachers. We are immensely grateful to you for your sincere care and concern, for your hard work and patience. We wish you to remain the same kind people and cheerful teachers. May your students and parents respect you all, may your days at work and at home be successful, may your soul always remain bright and your heart always remain warm. We will miss you, our dear mentors!

All children, teachers

Congratulations on your graduation.

School years for all of us

Made them friends.

Thanks from the parents

We tell the teachers.

Kindness, love, care

May it return to you a hundredfold.

We wish our children:

Good luck and good luck!

Let on the road of life

Happiness will meet you.

Dear teachers,

You are doing wonders!

The children chose the roads

They raise the sails.

You gave them those sails,

The ship was built by a family.

Together we created a sailboat,

And then came the ship's descent.

How do you manage to live on a volcano?

Keep these little devils in line?

We believe in long term plans

The works of specialist teachers will be revealed.

Doctors, designers, pilots,

Bridge builders, singers,

And "inspired rhymers"

And fighters for the rights of people.

Thank you for your patience.

Live forever, in spite of the years.

You are sorcerers, without a doubt.

We bow to you.

Cool congratulations in verses on graduation in 4th grade from parents to children

For children, graduating from 4th grade is an important step in life, another step on a long educational path. And it is simply unacceptable not to congratulate them on this day on all their successes and achievements. In particular, parents prepare cool congratulations in verse for their children’s 4th grade graduation. For them, publicly expressing their admiration for children's victories on this day is worth a lot. Nice selection cool poems for graduation in 4th grade to congratulate children from parents below.

Cool poems for congratulating children on graduation in 4th grade from their parents

You're going to fifth grade - you're big,

Beautiful, tall, cool,

And wise and literate too.

And there is no one more valuable in the world!

May your studies be easy for you,

And the big world will open with a smile,

And the sun from heaven smiles at you,

And there will be many amazing miracles!

And we thank all the teachers -

We thank them for everything,

We wish you earthly prosperity,

Great success every day!

In primary classes

Today is graduation.

4 years have passed

At a desk alone.

You will replenish in the fall

A team of high school students.

New items are waiting for you,

And weekdays await, and holidays.

With the teacher first

It's time to say goodbye.

And more kids

You don't need to be named.

I wish in high school

May you achieve success

To make it interesting

And just for you to learn.

Today is your graduation...

We said goodbye to the fourth grade.

So let there be a great feast.

Instantly the years flew by -

You have grown up. And on holiday everything

The current one wants to tell you:

Let science in all its glory

They are opening before you today,

Let it be easy for you with them

And endlessly interesting.

And let your studies be

The most beautiful, wonderful song!

Kind and beautiful congratulations on graduation in 4th grade from teachers to children

Over the four years of elementary school, they have not only gotten used to these children, but also seriously consider them “theirs.” Teachers, like no one else, rejoice at the successes of their students, which, of course, reflect their professional achievements. Kind and beautiful congratulations to children on their 4th grade graduation from teachers are not just wishes. These are wise instructions and touching words farewells that always touch the depths of the soul. Options for the best and most beautiful congratulations for children at graduation in 4th grade from teachers in the following selection.

Beautiful congratulatory poems for children at graduation in 4th grade from teachers

Primary school graduates

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

And we guys wish you,

Good luck along the way.

May everything succeed in your studies,

You are never sad.

After all, there are guys waiting ahead of you,

Such glorious years.

It's been 4 years now

You've unlearned it, you children.

The senior school is already waiting for you,

Conquering heights.

We wish you success,

To succeed in every task

And in all difficult subjects

Only get straight A's.

Four years have passed, flown by,

You have passed this milestone with honor.

You have grown up, become stronger, become bolder,

And neither the suffix nor the case scares you.

We wish you success and health,

And a strong tooth to gnaw on the granite of science.

May your homes surround you with love,

And in class you boldly raise your hand.

Original congratulations to parents on graduation in 4th grade from teachers in verse

A connection between teachers and parents always gives good results in the joint learning process of children. It is not surprising that close work over several years gives rise, if not friendship, then certainly respect for each other. Parents and teachers often become close friends who maintain relationships even after leaving primary school. But even if this does not happen, both the first and the second experience warmth towards each other. Original congratulations to parents on graduation in 4th grade from teachers in verse - a response to similar wishes from moms and dads. Choose the most original and beautiful poems to congratulate parents on their 4th grade graduation from teachers from the following selection.

Original poems for congratulations on graduation in 4th grade to parents from teachers

Stepped into life. And this important step

Like a path on an unknown planet,

And behind the back is the parental hearth.

Look, we are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

There were children and children

There were schoolchildren, and so

Both girls and boys

It's graduation time for the people.

Well, moms, and dads,

How we were parents

So you remained them,

They just became more proud.

Let them go to success together

Your joyful children,

Well, now, of course, you

This day must be remembered!

Couples are spinning

Farewell waltzes,

Sad tears

Ball gown...

We, parents, thank you,

We would like to congratulate the graduates!

Thank you for raising me,

A multifaceted world was opened before them!

Congratulations on graduation in 4th grade for children, teachers and parents is a wonderful tradition that should definitely be supported. So don't forget about good wishes on such an important day and choose beautiful and touching congratulations in poetry and prose for your elementary school graduation from our article!

Just recently, your kids walked timidly into the 1st grade, grabbing their briefcases with copybooks and primers, experiencing an exciting moment meeting new friends and their first teacher, mastering the basics of mathematics and spelling. And now 4 whole years are left behind. And ahead is a glorious holiday for 4th grade students, parents and teachers - elementary school graduation. It's time to prepare good gifts and beautiful congratulatory poems and prose lines for teachers and children from mothers. The same applies to congratulations on 4th grade graduation from teachers to students and parents. After all, well-chosen and timely spoken words can be the ideal end to a long and very exciting journey together.

Solemn congratulations on 4th grade graduation from teachers to children

The first teacher is a special educator in a child’s life. It is he who gives the first strong knowledge not only from the school textbook, but also from a variety of life situations. The first teacher, with care, kindness and angelic restraint, conveys sometimes very difficult material to the children, puts a piece of his soul into each student, becomes an adult, authoritative friend and comrade for a whole class of nimble fidgets and whys. And at the end of many years of friendship, the teacher gives solemn congratulations to the graduating 4th graders from the bottom of his heart. Such words are often retained in the memory of children for life, and echo in their heads even after decades.

We have collected the most beautiful festive congratulations for 4th grade graduation from teachers to children in this section.

Texts of congratulations to children from teachers on graduation in elementary school

Four years have passed, flown by,

You have passed this milestone with honor.

You have grown up, become stronger, become bolder,

And neither the suffix nor the case scares you.

We wish you success and health,

And a strong tooth to gnaw on the granite of science.

May your homes surround you with love,

And in class you boldly raise your hand.

First teacher, class, tag,

We studied, sometimes played pranks.

And tomorrow - already fifth graders,

Your road is to the senior class.

We congratulate you guys

Today is your graduation.

Fourth grade is over - date!

Good luck, great joy.

So I finished primary school,

And the call is unusually thoughtful.

For some reason his song is sad -

This, friends, is his congratulations to you.

Be diligent, be careful,

Don't waste your time,

Having studied all the rules, be sure to

Like captains on wide seas,

Boldly go towards your goal,

May you be sung in great songs!

The best congratulations in verses from teachers to parents on 4th grade graduation

Moms, dads, grandfathers and grandmothers supported and guided the little students in the right direction throughout all 4 years. Mothers accompanied them to school, greeted them with a delicious lunch and helped with homework. Dads solved extracurricular problems and organized leisure time for the children. Grandparents charged us with health and strength during the holidays between difficult academic quarters. All of them deserve special gratitude not only from graduates, but also from experienced teachers. It’s not for nothing that parents at the fourth grade graduation hear best congratulations in poems from teachers. Often accompanied by flowers and certificates of commendation for the good education of the children and active position in school life.

Choose the best congratulations in verses from teachers to parents on 4th grade graduation from our collection.

Examples of congratulations from teachers to parents on graduation in 4th grade

Congratulations on your graduation!

Your baby has grown big.

So much life ahead

So much happiness on the way!

We wish you only the best,

So that from night to morning

The graduate studied, thought

And I didn’t want to relax.

To act with dignity

And he was successful in life!

Stepped into life. And this important step

Like a path on an unknown planet,

And behind the back is the parental hearth.

Look, we are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

We thank our parents for everything,

We want to say kind words

For your care and attention,

For love and understanding always!

That your patience is limitless,

And control over everything all year round,

That they loved us and did not scold us,

And they accepted anyone at home!

For heartfelt words, smiles,

That children's mistakes were forgiven,

We were greeted joyfully from school,

And they hugged you soulfully and tenderly!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation 4th grade from parents to teachers in prose

U graduation ceremonies there is a mass interesting traditions: official presentation of diplomas, symbolic dance of 4th grade graduates, ceremonial awarding of teachers with gifts as a token of gratitude and appreciation, graduation balloons into the open sky and parents reading beautiful congratulations to the children, teachers, and school staff. All these elements of the program make the holiday unique and memorable for a lifetime. Therefore, it is worth preparing for them in advance, with all diligence: dress up the children beautifully, buy the most suitable gifts and learn touching congratulations for the 4th grade graduation from parents to teachers in prose.

Texts of beautiful congratulations in prose from parents to teachers at graduation in elementary school

Congratulations on our children's 4th grade graduation! This day has come thanks to you, because all these four years you have always been there, helping them, teaching them to read and write. Thanks to you, the school has become a second home for them. They began to love school, love going to it, and gaining new knowledge. The knowledge received here from you will definitely be useful to them in life. The knowledge you gave them will make their life easier and better. Thank you for what you have done for us and our children. We sincerely hope this was your best class of your professional career.

Exactly four years ago we brought our children to you. We entrusted them to you to teach them literacy, writing and reading. And now these four years have passed, and our children are graduates of primary school. During this time they became smarter, they learned a lot of new things, and became interested in many things. During our studies with you, our children have grown in all directions and for this you thanks a lot. You have become like family to them, and the elementary school has become a second home. But the time has come to say goodbye to childhood forever and go to adult school. But we are not afraid of this, because we know that you have prepared them, and they will be able to pass this exam perfectly.

Funny congratulations on graduation 4th grade in verses from parents to children

Graduation in the 4th grade is the first colossal experience of conscious collective maturation of children. And for it to be completely successful, it is important to properly organize the festive evening: make interesting scenario graduation, plan entertainment program, prepare solemn prose speeches by teachers and, of course, cheerful congratulations for the 4th grade graduation in verse from parents to children. It is the latter that is the most exciting part of the evening for touched mothers and fathers. It's not easy in beautiful shape express publicly your feelings, experiences and parental instructions to small, but almost independent graduates. Congratulations to children on their 4th grade graduation from their parents are the most real and not feigned, because only relatives can wish with all their hearts.

Examples of congratulatory poems for children from parents at graduation in elementary school

Congratulations, students,

Happy graduation from primary school.

We wish you, graduates,

I bring to your attention wishes for 4th grade graduates from their teacher - my option to help the teacher.

All wishes are personal, for each child - their own. Knowing the character of your children and making the necessary changes, you can make them even more individual - and this is many times more valuable and interesting, I will not get tired of repeating this.

In some places I first write a short description of the proposed student, and immediately - possible ones from their teacher. Any similarities are, of course, random.

An important point: I am a supporter of objectivity and justice, as far as this is real in our subjective world. Therefore, I will not only praise, but also transparently hint at problematic behavior traits with an offer to correct them.

How delicately this turned out is not for me to decide. But in any case, you will have to customize the text of the parting words to suit your children, so I don’t accept any complaints)))

But I gladly accept any constructive ideas and feedback in the comments below the article - please take a few minutes for them.

So, let's go.

Wishes to 4th grade graduates from their teacher

For a cheerful boy who doesn’t bother at all about studying and homework:

One boy found himself in the land of Unlearned Lessons and enjoyed life until he met a cow who wanted to eat him, because he called her a carnivore, and one and a half diggers, which he himself got through incorrect calculations. I wish you to be a resident of the country of only lessons learned, and that the results please, and do not darken your wonderful smile!

For good child who finds it difficult to study, despite his efforts:

There is a saying: “If you try, everything can work out.” You’re great, you’re trying, that’s the main thing. The result may not be visible immediately, but it will be more durable. And I wish you that everything succeeds. Never give up!


For a girl who is diligent, responsible, but talks to others, let’s say, too loudly:

You are very obliging. This is a wonderful trait that confirms the reliability of a person. But when we say something, we want to be heard. However, here’s the paradox - scientists have proven that the quieter and calmer we say the words, the better the interlocutor will hear us. And people are much more better friend a friend is heard when they communicate with mutual respect. This is exactly the kind of communication I wish for you!


Wishes for a sporty, purposeful boy:

- “I see the goal - I see no obstacles” - these words are called the formula for success. You are a purposeful boy, this is always worthy of respect. Only I wish you to still see the obstacles on your path to your goal and always find ways to overcome them. And these methods must be worthy. The principle “we will achieve at any cost” is not our principle.


Parting words to a slightly arrogant student who would do well to learn to be friends and respect his classmates:

Sometimes alone - a warrior in the field. But still, we live in a world of people and we need to communicate with them, and it is much easier to do this when you know how to see the good in a person and treat him with respect. In addition, no one has canceled the main law of the Universe: before you receive something, you must give something (work, effort, time, good attitude). But there is also good news- how more people gives, the more he receives. I wish you only good news!


For a neat girl who is an excellent student, good, but speaks a lot, often and too quickly:

You are a great neat person and a great smart girl. Keep learning and developing. Re-read, for example, Omar Khayyam - in it everyone can find words for themselves that will help them correct something in themselves and become better. And to speed this up, start with a list of his quotes. For example - “Silence is a shield from many troubles”...


- “A stupid person does what is not asked. Clever man does not do what is not asked. And only the wise do what is necessary.” You are a smart, well-mannered boy. I wish that over time you will also become wise. And know that wisdom does not depend on age, it depends on our experience and the ability to comprehend it.


- “When a person really wants something, the whole Universe conspires to help him realize his dream,” Paulo Coelho tells us and you. But our dreams and desires will not come true without our participation; here we need to develop character, strive for independence and rely on ourselves. Then the Universe will say: “What a great guy, I think I’ll help him!” He - good friend, and he tried so hard. He deserved it!

I wish you the well-deserved help of the Universe!



- “Nothing is impossible for me” - this phrase could become yours business card, if some other character traits didn’t get in the way, right? You're good, fair boy, but I advise you to learn how to properly direct and spend your energy, otherwise it will not be enough for everything. In the heat of the moment, you can even break firewood, but it’s better to chop it calmly.


A strong person is not one who is doing well because he was lucky. A strong person is one who influences his own life. Temper your soul and body, train your muscles and mind, and everything will be fine for you, which is what I wish for you!

- everything secret always becomes clear - so says folk wisdom, and the truth of these words is confirmed at every step. It is better to be wise than cunning, and kind rather than evil. You are kind, this is a very good trait. You can figure out the rest yourself if you think it over and weigh it carefully.


There are only two days a year when we can't do anything. One of them is called “yesterday”, the other is called “tomorrow”. But in between is “today,” when we have the opportunity to do something useful for ourselves and others. You are a diligent person. I wish you that your efforts will always be positive!


You know that you are a cheerful, affectionate girl, right? These are wonderful traits, you should be proud of them! There’s no need to be arrogant, of course, but you shouldn’t be shy either. And you are also brave. Not every person can come out and sing, but you can! Remember this more often, and life will become more fun and easier.


You - creative person. Use this wonderful quality of yours not only to have an interesting time, but also to express yourself. But be sure to remember - the brighter the Master and his creations, the stronger his influence on the world. I wish you to change the world and yourself only for the better!


You are persistent, inquisitive, and you achieve a lot. I wish you to be able to direct your strength in the right direction, and turn all pranks into scientific experiments. And who knows - maybe in a few years we will have our own Bill Gates or Elon Musk? You don't mind, do you?


You cannot be good to everyone, just as you cannot have a point of view that always coincides with others. Only those who do not know how to think independently immediately agree with others. You are able to! It is also important to be able to correct your opinion as new circumstances arise and admit at times that it is wrong, so that your point of view does not turn into dogma. You need to study not only at school, but throughout your life. And you will succeed!


Everything that comes easy to us, we often stop appreciating. And everything that we don’t value leaves us. I wish you to appreciate and develop all your abilities so that they help you achieve success. You are a well-mannered, respectful child, which is always a pleasure. Treat both people and your own talents with respect.


Life is harmony; there should be a place for both pragmatism and romanticism. A constructive approach to business, having your own opinion and the ability to convincingly substantiate it are wonderful qualities, for this - respect to you! Just remember from time to time about harmony and add a few other moments to your life.


Each of us is an individual, each of us has our own purpose and desires. Omar Khayyam said: “You are where your thoughts are. So make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.” You are a smart boy, and I wish the right place for your thoughts and for yourself!


Something like that)))

And do not think, dear Reader, that some parting words are complex and incomprehensible for a fourth grader. Children, as a rule, understand more than we think.

Where and how to use the teacher's wishes

primary school graduates

Orally - directly at the graduation ceremony, if there are few children, or at the final class hour, or on last call. But let's be honest - they may not be heard there, long reading will tire everyone, and the issue of privacy is also important - some of the graduates or their parents will not like it being talked about in public

In writing - this option seems to me more preferable, although more labor-intensive. If the teacher writes his own in a memorial album, a personal certificate in honor of the end of the 4th grade, on any other paper that will remain in the family of the young graduate, then there is a chance that the words will be read and even thought about)) Maybe not on the same day and not the same year, but all the more interesting...

If you can’t write by hand, print it out and certify personal signature, and hand it in the form of a scroll with a ribbon or as a note in a small bright envelope. And mentally suggest to your parents that they put these words on the photographs, which they will periodically take out and look at, or hang them on the door as a sign with a hint that.

P.S. dated 09/16/2017.

With the wish that there will always be good things in life,

and the bad - as little as possible,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.