Which Moscow metro stations were renamed and why?

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The Ulitsa Podbelskogo metro station was renamed to Rokossovskogo Boulevard. At one time, the station received its name from Podbelsky Street, on which its above-ground vestibules are located. However, already in 1994 Podbelsky Street was renamed Ivanteevskaya. The new name “Rokossovsky Boulevard” was given to the station due to its location in close proximity to the street of the same name and in memory of outstanding commander Great Patriotic War marshal Soviet Union Konstantin Rokossovsky.

There are more than a dozen stations in Moscow whose names no longer correspond to the toponymy on the surface. AiF.ru tells which stations have already changed their names and what was the reason for this.

“Rokossovsky Boulevard” - “Podbelsky Street”


The Ulitsa Podbelskogo station got its name in 1990, when it was opened. At that time, on the surface there was a street of the same name, which in 1994 was renamed Ivanteevskaya, from the village of Ivanteevka near Moscow, located in the northeast of the capital. Vadim Podbelsky, whose name is in this moment station, was one of the leaders of the armed uprising in Moscow in October 1917, and then - Commissioner of Post and Telegraph of Moscow and the RSFSR.

The commission decided to give both the station and the transport hub a new name - “Rokossovsky Boulevard”. This is due to the fact that on the surface there is a boulevard named after one of the main commanders of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky.

"Bitsevsky Park" - "Novoyasenevskaya"

Moscow metro map. Source: commons.wikimedia.org/Sameboat

Opened on January 17, 1990. Until June 3, 2008, the station was called " Bitsevsky Park" The name of the station is associated with the natural and historical park “Bitsevsky Forest” located in close proximity to it. The forest itself is named after the Bitsa River, which originates from springs on the slope of the Teplostanskaya Upland near the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Profsoyuznaya Street.

In 2008, the Bitsevsky Park station was renamed Novoyasenevskaya in order to transfer the old name of the Butovskaya Line station under construction. The station received its new name after the Yasenevo district, at the end of Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, on the border of a residential area and the Bitsevsky forest.

The area got its name from the former village of Yasenevo, known in the 13th century as a grand ducal estate, and then as a royal estate.

In 1960, the territory of the village became part of the city of Moscow. Since the late 1970s it has been a housing development area.

"Plant named after Stalin" - "Avtozavodskaya"

Moscow metro map. Source: commons.wikimedia.org/Sameboat

The station was opened on January 1, 1943. Until July 5, 1956, it was called the “Stalin Plant”, after the ZIS plant (now ZIL) located nearby. After the debunking of Stalin’s personality cult and the renaming of the ZIS plant in honor of I. A. Likhachev, the name of the station was also changed to “Avtozavodskaya” (upon careful examination, on the walls of the station you can see holes left from attaching the letters of the original name of the station). "Avtozavodskaya" remained the final south station Zamoskvoretskaya line for 26 years, until the line was extended in 1969 to Kakhovskaya.

"Comintern Street" - "Kalininskaya" - "Vozdvizhenka" - "Alexandrovsky Garden"

Moscow metro map. Source: commons.wikimedia.org/Sameboat

The final station of the Filyovskaya line of the Moscow metro “Alexandrovsky Garden” got its name because of the Alexander Garden located at the western wall of the Kremlin, which is entered by a passage from the station. Until December 24, 1946, the station was called “Ulitsa Kominterna,” and until November 5, 1990, “Kalininskaya.” In 1990, for several days it received the official name “Vozdvizhenka”. The station is located under the southern part of Vozdvizhenki Street, between the building of the Russian State Library and the roadway.

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"Gorkovskaya" - "Tverskaya"

Moscow metro map. Source: commons.wikimedia.org/Sameboat

The station was opened on July 20, 1979. Until November 5, 1990, the station was called “Gorkovskaya”, according to former name Tverskaya Street and in honor of the writer Maxim Gorky, whose monument stands in the passage between this station and the Chekhovskaya station.

"Okhotny Ryad" - "Name of Kaganovich" - "Okhotny Ryad" - "Marx Avenue" - "Okhotny Ryad"

Moscow metro map. Source: commons.wikimedia.org/Sameboat

During the existence of the Okhotny Ryad station, it was renamed 4 times. At first, as now, it was called “Okhotny Ryad” - the name was given after one of the Moscow shopping arcades (XVII century), in which it was allowed to sell game brought by hunters near Moscow.

On November 25, 1955, when the entire metro, which previously bore the name of Lazar Kaganovich, was deprived of this name, giving it the name of Lenin, the name of Kaganovich was assigned to the Okhotny Ryad station, and it began to be called the station named after Kaganovich. Two years later, when Kaganovich himself became one of the participants in the so-called anti-party group, the station returned its former name “Okhotny Ryad”. The name lasted until November 30, 1961, when the station was renamed Prospect Marx. And on November 5, 1990, the station was again renamed “Okhotny Ryad”.

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"Kirovskaya" - "Chistye Prudy"

The station was opened on May 15, 1935 and was called “Kirovskaya”. The station was renamed on November 5, 1990, after the name of the Kirov street located here (now Myasnitskaya), named in honor of the USSR state and party leader Sergei Mironovich Kirov (1886-1934), was changed. The new name of the station was given after Chistoprudny Boulevard, as well as Chistye Pond, to which its exits lead. Until 1703, the pond was called Pogany, as waste from nearby butcher shops and slaughterhouses was dumped into it. Then it was cleared and, accordingly, renamed.

"Red Gate" - "Lermontovskaya" - "Red Gate"

The Krasnye Vorota station was named in honor of the Red Gate in 1935, and in 1962 it was renamed Lermontovskaya - not far from the station lobby there used to be a house where the great Russian poet was born. At the dawn of perestroika, in 1986, the station returned its former name “Red Gate”.

"Mir" - "Shcherbakovskaya" - "Alekseevskaya"

It was opened on May 1, 1958 under the name "Peace". On October 26, 1966, it was renamed “Shcherbakovskaya” in honor of the party and statesman Stalin's time by Alexander Shcherbakov. On November 5, 1990, the Shcherbakovskaya station was renamed Alekseevskaya. The station received this name in honor of the village of Alekseevskoye, which belonged to Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy. The history of the village of Alekseevskoye dates back to the end of the 14th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the village of Alekseevskoye became part of Moscow; in the late 20s - early 30s, the Alekseevsky student town and the first multi-storey residential buildings were built here. Since the 1950s Mass residential development began in the area.

"Dzerzhinskaya" - "Lubyanka"

The metro station was opened on May 15, 1935. Until November 1990, it was called “Dzerzhinskaya”. The name of the station directly indicated its location: the square on which it is located was at that time called Dzerzhinsky Square, in honor of Felix Dzerzhinsky, a Soviet figure, founder of the Cheka. In 1990, the square was returned to its historical name - Lubyanskaya, and the metro station was renamed Lubyanka. The name "Lubyanka" is a transferred toponym. It was first mentioned in the chronicle of 1480, when Ivan III ordered the Novgorodians, evicted to Moscow after the fall of the republic, to settle in this place.

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​"Kolkhoznaya" - "Sukharevskaya"

The station was opened on January 5, 1972. Initially it was called “Collective Farm”, in honor of the 1st All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers and Shock Workers and to commemorate the implementation of collectivization Agriculture. On November 5, 1990, the station was renamed “Sukharevskaya” along with the renaming of the nearby Kolkhoznaya Square to Bolshaya and Malaya Sukharevskaya Squares. The station received its new name in honor of the Sukharev Tower, which was built in 1692-1695 on the initiative of Peter I. The tower received its name in honor of Lavrenty Sukharev, whose rifle regiment guarded the Sretensky Gate at the end of the 17th century.

"Zhdanovskaya" - "Vykhino"

The station was opened on December 31, 1966. The current name is given after the Moscow district of Vykhino, on whose territory the station is located. The original name of the station was “Zhdanovskaya” - in honor of party leader Andrei Zhdanov. The district of Moscow in which the station was located at the time of its opening bore his name.

"Lenino" - "Tsaritsyno"

Before the renaming on November 5, 1990, the Tsaritsyno station was called Lenino (after the name of the Lenino-Dachnoe residential area). The station received its modern name from the nearby Tsaritsynsky Park and the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. The station was opened on December 30, 1984.

"Sverdlov Square" - "Teatralnaya"

The station was opened on September 11, 1938 and was called “Sverdlov Square”, in honor of the square of the same name. The square was named after one of the leaders of the Bolshevik Party, Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Yakov Sverdlov. In 1990, Sverdlov Square returned its historical name - Teatralnaya Square (the Bolshoi and Maly theaters are located on it), and the metro station was also renamed Teatralnaya.

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“Nogin Square” - “China Town”

Until November 5, 1990, the station was called “Nogin Square”, in honor of the Soviet party leader Viktor Nogin. The current name comes from the name of the Moscow historical district, on the eastern border of which the station is located. At the same time, Nogin Square (until 1924 - Varvarskaya Square), on which the station was located, was renamed Slavyanskaya Square, where a monument to the Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius was erected.

"Stalinskaya" - "Semyonovskaya"

Moscow metro map.

Okhotny Ryad metro station is the closest station to Red Square. It is located between the Lubyanka and the Library named after. Lenin" on the Sokolnicheskaya line of the Moscow metro. Let's look at it together.

History of the station and its name

The station is named after the street of the same name. Until the 19th century, there was a square called Okhotny Ryad here. It was called that because this place sold exclusively the spoils of hunters: game, meat and skins. Afterwards, the square begins to perform other commercial functions: hotels, shops and taverns are built here.

In November 1955, the station was renamed Kaganovicha station. This happened because L. M. Kaganovich took a large part in the construction of the Moscow metro. Initially, the entire network of underground tunnels was named after him, then they decided to replace it with the name of V.I. Lenin. And Kaganovich was assigned the name of one station. But already in 1957, Lazar Moiseevich lost all government positions, and the station regained its historical name “Okhotny Ryad”.

In November 1961, the square was converted into a street and given the name of Karl Marx. At the same time, the name of the Okhotny Ryad metro station is changing. Only in 1990 was its original name returned. By the way, this is the only station in Moscow that changed its name 4 times.

Technical information about the station

Okhotny Ryad is a three-vaulted pylon station. Located at a depth of 15 m underground, it is the shallowest of the deep stations in the capital. Its construction was carried out in the so-called German way, that is, the walls were erected first, and the vault was installed on them. The Okhotny Ryad metro station was built using the mountain method according to a specially developed individual project. And the main material for this was block concrete.

When construction began, this underground facility was considered the largest in the world. Of course, everything has changed now. By the way, the central hall was not even included in the project; it was decided to build it already during construction.

Okhotny Ryad is a station with track development. And the control of the switches, as well as traffic lights, is carried out from the “Alexandrovsky Garden”. Before the station was built, there was a double-track branch nearby connecting the tracks with the Filyovskaya line. But during construction new station the branch and the arrow were filled up, and the remaining odd branch is still used for official purposes.

Okhotny Ryad metro station: decoration

The vaults of the hall have massive supports in the form of pylons. They are made in the form of multifaceted columns, also double, which gives them an even more solemn appearance. The columns are lined with marble from Italy in white and gray shades. Their inner side(passages) are lined with Ufaley marble of gray-blue and smoky colors. The track walls are lined with gray marble.

By the way, until 2009 they were covered with ceramic tiles white, and a section of the old tiles can still be seen. The floor at the station is granite, gray shade. The space of the Okhotny Ryad metro station is illuminated by classic round lamps on the ceiling. The name of the station itself is laid out in metal letters on a black background.

The eastern antechamber is decorated with a portrait of Karl Marx, made using the mosaic technique. Its author is E. Reichzaum. The portrait was installed in 1964.

And in 2015, graffiti with poems about the city and images of nearby attractions appeared in one of the station’s passages.

Access to the city and ground infrastructure

Exit from the Okhotny Ryad metro station is to Manezhnaya Square, Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya and Mokhovaya streets, as well as to Bolshaya Dmitrovka. There are public transport stops nearby.

Since the described station is located in the center of the capital, it is easy to guess that there is something to admire and where to go. The Lenin Mausoleum, a huge number of museums, shops, and nightclubs will not make the person getting off at this station bored. In addition to entertainment places, several large universities of the capital are nearby.

The Okhotny Ryad metro station, the diagram of which you see in the article, opens its doors to visitors at 5:30 am and operates until 1 am.

Interestingly, the famous Oscar-winning film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” took place here. The plot of the film tells about the events that took place in 1958, and filming took place in the 70s. Just at this time the station was renamed from Okhotny Ryad to Prospekt Marksa. For the sake of authenticity, the name was changed, but in one of the episodes you can still see an incident - in the scene with the actress Muravyova, the wrong name appears.

"Okhotny Ryad" is a station on the Sokolnicheskaya Line of the Moscow Metro. Located between the Lubyanka and Lenin Library stations. Located in the Tverskoy district of the Central Administrative District of Moscow. Okhotny Ryad is the closest metro station to Red Square.

History and origin of the name

The station was opened on May 15, 1935 as part of the first launch section of the Moscow Metro - Sokolniki - Park Kultury with a branch Okhotny Ryad - Smolenskaya. Until March 1938, there was a fork traffic from the station (in a 1:1 ratio) in the direction of the Lenin Library and Comintern stations (now Alexandrovsky Garden). After the separation of the Arbat radius into an independent line, the tunnel to the “Alexandrovsky Garden” (at that time this station was called “Comintern”, on December 24, 1946 it became “Kalininskaya”) was used for official purposes. During the construction of a shopping center under Manezhnaya Square in the mid-1990s, the tunnel was half filled in (one track, previously used for traffic from the Alexander Garden, was dismantled, the second was preserved). The underground passage to the Teatralnaya station was opened on December 30, 1944; previously the transition was carried out only through the common vestibule. On November 29, 1959, an exit from the station to one of the first underground passages in Moscow (under Okhotny Ryad) was built. On November 7, 1974, the second transition corridor to the Teatralnaya station was opened; from that moment on, each of the corridors works as a transition only in one direction. The station got its name from Okhotny Ryad Street (at that time - Okhotny Ryad Square). The square was named after the shops that were located here in the 18th-19th centuries, where they sold hunters' catch - killed game and poultry. In the 19th century, Okhotny Ryad acquired an exclusively commercial character: trading shops, warehouses, hotels, and taverns were located there. In 1956, the square was transformed into a street, which in 1961-1990 was part of Marx Avenue. On November 25, 1955, the station was renamed the Imeni Kaganovich station: due to the fact that the Moscow metro, which hitherto bore the name of the Soviet politician who led the construction of the metro, L. M. Kaganovich, received the name of Lenin, the name of Kaganovich was assigned to one of the stations. In 1957, the former party leader was removed from senior government posts, and in the fall of 1957 (it was not possible to establish more precisely) the station was renamed back to Okhotny Ryad. On November 30, 1961, the station was renamed again - to “Marx Avenue” - after Marx Avenue, which arose in the same year, uniting three central streets and named in honor of the founder of communism, Karl Marx. On November 5, 1990, during perestroika, the station was returned to its original name for the second time (this also corresponded to the renaming “on the surface”: Marx Avenue was eliminated, and Okhotny Ryad Street reappeared). Okhotny Ryad is the only station in Moscow that has been renamed four times.

Okhotny Ryad metro station is the closest metro station to Red Square. It is located on the territory of the Tverskoy district of the capital between the stations of the Sokolnicheskaya line “Lubyanka” and “Biblioteka im. Lenin".

Station history

The Okhotny Ryad station was put into operation as part of the first launch section of the Moscow metro Sokolniki - Park Kultury on May 15, 1935.

Until 1938, the station operated a forklift service to the Komintern (present-day Alexandrovsky Garden) and Lenin Library stations. After the Arbatsky radius began to run on its own line, the branch to the “Alexandrovsky Garden” began to be used only for official needs. In the 90s, a shopping center was built under Manezhnaya Square, during which this tunnel was half filled in.

Until December 30, 1944, the transition to Teatralnaya station was made through the common lobby. On the eve of 1945, the underground passage was opened.

On November 29, 1959, an exit from the station to an underground passage was built, by the way, the very first underground passage in Moscow, located under Okhotny Ryad. After another corridor crossing to Teatralnaya was opened on November 7, 1974, both crossings began to work only in one direction.

History of the name

The station is named after Okhotny Ryad Street. In the 18th-19th centuries, Okhotnye Ryady Square was located on the site of today’s street. Hunters' spoils were sold on the square: poultry, game, animal skins. In the 19th century, the square began to serve exclusively commercial functions: hotels, taverns, warehouses and shops were built here. In 1956, the square was converted into a street, which from 1961 to 1990 was part of Karl Marx Avenue.

On November 25, 1955, the Okhotny Ryad metro station was renamed in honor of L. M. Kaganovich. The fact is that Kaganovich took an active part in the construction of the Moscow Metro, which began to bear his name. In 1955, they decided to give the Moscow metro the name of Lenin, and it was necessary to assign at least some station to Kaganovich. But in 1957, Kaganovich was removed from all government positions, and in the fall of 1957 the station was returned to its former name “Okhotny Ryad”.

On November 5, 1990, the original name was returned. “Okhotny Ryad” is the only station of the Moscow metro that has been renamed 4 times in its history.

Description of the station

The main decoration of the station are the pylons, made in the form of multifaceted double columns. The floor is covered with gray granite. The station is illuminated by spherical chandeliers located on the ceiling of the central hall and above the landing platforms.

In the eastern antechamber there is a portrait of Karl Marx, made from mosaic in 1964 by Eugene Reichtsaum.


Okhotny Ryad is a three-vaulted pylon station. It is the shallowest deep station of the Moscow metro. The station is located at a depth of 15 meters. It was built using the mining method according to an individual project using monolithic concrete. The construction method is called “German”. Its essence lies in the fact that first the walls of the station are erected, and then vaults are placed on them.

At the time of construction, Okhotny Ryad was the largest station in the world by area. Initially, the construction of the central hall was not even included in the project, which was redone during the construction work.

Lobbies and transfers

The Okhotny Ryad metro station has a transfer to the Teatralnaya station of the Zamoskvoretskaya line. In the central hall of the station there are escalators, along which the transition is carried out. The eastern vestibule of the station is combined with the Teatralnaya station, respectively, the transition can also be made through the vestibule. Despite the fact that one more station, namely “Revolution Square”, is included in the interchange hub, there is no direct transfer between the stations.

The eastern lobby faces Teatralnaya Square.

The western lobby is underground. It has access to Manezhnaya Square. You can get to this lobby directly from the shopping center located under Manezhnaya Square.

Not far from the station are Bolshaya Dmitrovka, Mokhovaya and Okhotny Ryad streets.

Ground infrastructure

Since the station is located in the very center of Moscow, it is difficult not to find places for shopping here. About 200 different stores are located near the station, not to mention the fact that GUM, Petrovsky Passage and the Okhotny Ryad shopping complex are nearby.

There is no need to talk about museums at all. Here are the Lenin Mausoleum, and the Moscow Art Theater Museum, and the Museum of Archeology, and the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University, and the museums of the Bolshoi and Maly Theaters, and a lot of other interesting and educational places.

Not far from the station there are 8 theaters, a huge number of cafes and restaurants, 6 nightclubs where you can try your luck by playing roulette, and a lot of other entertainment that will not let you get bored after you leave the Okhotny Ryad station "to the surface.

For those who are not looking for entertainment, but want to get a higher education, it will be interesting that not far from the metro there are universities such as Moscow State University (Faculty of Psychology), Medical Academy them. Sechenov, Russian State Humanitarian University, School of Private Law, as well as the Moscow Regency Singing Academy.

Useful facts

The station is open to visitors from 5:30 to 1:00.

One of the scenes of the movie “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” was filmed at the Okhotny Ryad station. The film was filmed in 1977-78, when the station was called “Marx Avenue”. According to the plot, the action at the station takes place in 1958. At that time the station was still called “Okhotny Ryad”. In order for everything to be authentic, the station was given its previous names during filming. In the episode with the heroine Irina Muravyova, you can clearly see a sign with the name “Okhotny Ryad”.

Belonging to the capital's metro. The Lenin Library and Lubyanka station are located nearby. Included in the Tverskoy district. From here you can easily get to Red Square.

How did the name come about?

“Okhotny Ryad” is a metro station that appeared in May 1935. It was part of the first launch site, which belonged to the capital's transport complex. They organized a branch line from this place to Smolenskaya. The fork-type traffic operated here until 1938.

The Okhotny Ryad metro station had a 1:1 balance of vehicles when moving towards the Library named after. Lenin" and "Comintern", which was later renamed "Alexandrovsky Garden". Moving away from Arbat, it is possible to get into a separate line with a tunnel, which is used for official business. Opportunity fast travel so much big city receives precisely thanks to the Moscow metro. Okhotny Ryad underwent a number of changes when it was built in the mid-90s of the last century. The tunnel was filled in halfway. One path was dismantled, and the second was left intact. Before that, in 1944, a passage to the Teatralnaya station was opened. Previously, you had to use a large lobby.

During 1959, an underground passage was laid under the Okhotny Ryad metro station, the first in the capital's transport network. In 1974, a second similar structure appeared, leading to Teatralnaya station. Work is being carried out at each crossing in a one-way direction.

Old times

During the nineteenth century, only trade was carried out here, goods were left in warehouses. There was an opportunity to stay in a hotel or visit a tavern. When 1956 came, the square that was here was redeveloped into a street, which in the period from 1961 to 1990 was a segment of Marx Avenue.

“Okhotny Ryad” is an area where in 1955 the station was named after Kaganovich. This is due to the fact that it previously bore a name associated with the name of this Soviet politician. He led the process of building the transport complex. Then they paid tribute to Lenin, naming the entire network after him, leaving only one station for Kaganovich.

In 1957, he was removed from his leading government position, and now he enjoyed less honor and respect. Changes took place once again - the station became Prospekt im. Marx." Here three were connected big streets who had important. When the restructuring processes took place in 1990, the station acquired its original name - Okhotny Ryad metro station. The point had to go through a name change four times, which in itself is unique for Moscow.

Interior decoration

Here you can transfer to Teatralnaya. You need to proceed to the escalator, which is located in the center. You can go through the east lobby, where there is also an exit. There is a transfer hub here, from which you can get to Revolution Square. However, you will not find a direct transition. The stations are located very far away.

The underground part in the west is part of Manezhnaya Square. There is a transition to it. You can go through shopping mall. Chechulin created the project for this building, and the house on the surface was reconstructed. It was torn out during a competition and renamed. The project was designed in such a way that there were exteriors, but over time they were lost. They were created by M. Manizer; a teacher from the circus school, A. Shirai, was used as a model for one sculpture.

Curious details

When they filmed the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” the authors decided to focus on the time of filming in 1958. During the episode of the train ride, a track wall with the name of the station was filmed. When the film was released in 1979, the point itself changed its name to “Marx Avenue”. This created the effect of transporting the viewer into the past 20 years. The most interesting thing is that the filming itself took place at Novoslobodskaya.

Technical features

The station has a pylon structure and three vaults, and is laid deep. The project was created individually, based on the mountain method. Monolithic concrete was used for the covering. First, the walls were erected, and then the vaults, based on the German design. When the point was built, it was the largest such deeply embedded station. In accordance with the initial plan, they did not want to build a hall in the center, but then radical changes took place.

The style in which the place is decorated

Here you can see structures that resemble columns with many faces; the cladding consists of gray and white marble. Before this, it was changed by removing the yellow ceramic tiles. The name of the item was written in metal-colored symbols. The background is completely black. The floor was made of gray granite. There are lighting fixtures throughout the hall and near the landing platforms. Previously, there were floor lamps similar to those at Novokuznetskaya.

The convenience of the point lies in the fact that Red Square is easily accessible from here. The Okhotny Ryad metro station is decorated in the east with an image of Marx from a mosaic created by E. Reichzaum.

If we take statistics for March 2002, the passenger flow at the entrance was 97,000 people, and at the exit - 95,000 people. The transport point receives the first people at 5:30 am, the last - at 1:00 am.

Thanks to this location, the transportation needs of many people are met. The work is carried out smoothly and properly.