  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Tricholomataceae
  • Genus: Clitocybe (Clitocybe or Talker)
  • View: Clitocybe odora
    Other names for the mushroom:

Other names:

  • Fragrant talker

Diameter 3-10 cm, when young bluish-green, convex, with a curled edge, then fading to yellow-gray, prostrate, sometimes concave. The pulp is thin, pale gray or pale green, with a strong anise-dill odor and weak taste.

Frequent, descending, pale greenish.

Spore powder:

Length up to 8 cm, thickness up to 1 cm, thickened at the base, cap color or lighter.

It grows from August to October in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Similar species:
There are plenty of similar rows; Clitocybe odora can be unmistakably distinguished by a combination of two characteristics: characteristic color and anise-like smell. One single sign does not mean anything.

The mushroom is edible, although the strong smell persists even after cooking. In a word, not for everyone.

Video about the mushroom Govorushka odorous:

This mushroom is attractive at least because it allows one to identify itself with a high degree of probability, which cannot be said about many other representatives of the genus Clitocybe. As practice has shown, with a sufficient harvest (and in dry warm weather) you can determine it without picking it up or even bending down. You may not see it at all: the thick smell of anise gives away the mushroom with its head. If someone likes this aroma, it makes sense to pick a few young caps and put them at the bottom of the basket; walk like this for several hours, and all summer it will seem that the odorous Talker is somewhere nearby.

- this is not just a territory that unites several central regions of the country: Vladimir, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl.

is a land of picturesque and truly Russian nature: coniferous and deciduous forests, clean lakes and rivers, fresh air and a harmonious climate familiar to us since childhood.

- These are slow-flowing rivers with wide floodplains, occupied by water meadows. Thick, dark, overgrown with moss, like enchanted spruce trees. Magnificent broad-leaved forests consisting of huge oaks, ash trees, maples. These are sunny pine forests and cheerful, pleasing birch forests. Dense thickets of hazel on a carpet of tall ferns.

And beautiful meadows, strewn with flowers emanating intoxicating odors, are replaced by huge islands of impenetrable thickets, where tall fluffy spruces and pines live their measured centuries of life. They seem like incredible giants who slowly make way for uninvited guests.

In the thicket you can see old dried driftwood everywhere, so intricately curved that it seemed like there was a goblin lurking behind the hillock, and a pretty kikimora was peacefully dozing near the stone.

And endless fields, going either into the forest or into the sky. And all around - only the singing of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers.

This is where the largest rivers of the Russian Plain: Volga, Dnieper, Don, Oka, Western Dvina. The source of the Volga is a legend of Russia, the pilgrimage to which never stops.

IN middle lane more than a thousand lakes. The most beautiful and popular of them is Lake Seliger. Even the densely populated Moscow region is rich in beautiful lakes and rivers, sometimes even intact cottages and high fences.

The nature of the middle zone, glorified by artists, poets and writers, fills a person peace of mind, opens his eyes to amazing beauty native land.

It is famous not only for its literally fabulous nature, but also for its historical monuments. This - the face of the Russian province, in some places, in spite of everything, even preserving the architectural appearance of the 18th-19th centuries.

In the middle zone there are most of the cities of the world famous Golden Ring of Russia - Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Uglich, Sergiev Posad and others, ancient landowner estates, monasteries and temples, architectural monuments. Their beauty cannot be described; you have to see it with your own eyes and, as they say, feel the breath of deep antiquity.

But the most fruitful and happy thing for me was meeting with middle lane Russia... She took possession of me immediately and forever... Since then, I have not known anything closer to me than our simple Russian people, and nothing more beautiful than our land. I won't trade Central Russia to the most famous and stunning beauties of the globe. Now I remember with an indulgent smile my youthful dreams of yew forests and tropical thunderstorms. I would give all the elegance of the Gulf of Naples with its feast of colors for a willow bush wet from the rain on the sandy bank of the Oka or for the winding Taruska River - on its modest banks I now often live for a long time.

Wrote by K.G. Paustovsky.

Or you can just climb into some remote village and enjoy nature far from civilization. The people here are very welcoming and friendly.

    Talker... Wikipedia

    The talker is fragrant, odorous- Clitocybe(Fr.) odora (Fr.) Kumm see also Genus talker Clitocybe(Fr.) Kumm. Fragrant talker, odorous S. odora (Fr.) Kumm. The cap is 3-7 cm in diameter, flat-convex, in the center with a protruding tubercle or depressed, bluish-greenish... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    The talker is fragrant, odorous, aniseed- Found from July to September in forests. The cap is bluish-greenish, with a protruding tubercle in the center, smooth, 3-7 cm in diameter. The flesh is grayish, with a strong anise smell. The plates are wide, descending along the stalk, brownish greenish. Spore... ... Mushroom picker's encyclopedia

    Genus of mushrooms fam. tricholomaceae, or rowaceae (Tricholomataceae), of the order Agaricaceae. The cap is fleshy, convex, in a young mushroom with a curled edge, later flat or funnel-shaped. The plates are descending or fused with a sharp end. Floor leg... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Rod talker- Clitocybe(Fr.) Kumm Fruiting bodies of medium and large sizes. Cap 2 15 (20) cm in diameter, usually regular, less often irregular shape, convex or funnel-shaped, often strongly depressed in the middle, sometimes with a bump, grayish, yellow, white, ... ... Mushrooms of Russia. Directory

    This is one of the large families of the order Agaricales. It combines species with fruiting bodies of various sizes, from very small (Microomphale, Cantharellula) to very large (Leucopaxillus, Melanoleuca). Representatives' hat... ... Biological encyclopedia

Other names: tucked talker, red talker

Hat (diameter 5-22 cm): matte, red, may fade to pale yellow with brown or rusty spots. Fleshy, bell-shaped, but over time it becomes flatter and then depressed. The edges are folded and there may be a barely noticeable bump in the center. The hat of the folded talker is smooth to the touch.

As you can see in the photo, orange talker(Lepiota aspera) got its name because of its bright color.

Leg (height 6-15 cm): dense and fibrous, cylindrical in shape and tapering from top to bottom. The color is usually either the same as the cap, or a little lighter, darker at the base.

Records: brown or cream.

Pulp: dry, does not change color when cut and when exposed to air. The smell is faint, reminiscent of the aroma of almonds.

Doubles: talkers gigantic (Leucopaxillus giganteus) And whitish(Clitocybe dealbata). The giant one is usually larger and does not have a tubercle in the center of the cap. And on the cap of the very poisonous whitish talker there is a characteristic powdery coating.

Where can I find: on the edges of deciduous or mixed forests.

When it grows: from the beginning of July to mid-October in countries of the Eurasian continent with a temperate climate.

Eating: in any form. This delicious mushroom, but experienced mushroom pickers advise using only the caps of young talkers for culinary purposes, as old ones can be tough.

does not apply.

Smoky talker mushroom and its photo

Other name: The talker is smoky gray.

Hat of the smoky talker (Clitocybe nebularis) (diameter 7-23 cm): glossy, usually ashen, dirty yellow or light brown, fades greatly in the sun and can become almost white or light gray. It has the shape of a hemisphere, with a small bulge in the center, and over time it becomes almost prostrate. The edges are usually wavy and uneven. Smooth to the touch.

Leg (height 5-15 cm): smooth or with a slight white coating, slightly lighter in color than the cap.

As you can see in the photo of the smoky talker, the stem of the mushroom is very dense and usually has a strong thickening almost at the very base.

In young mushrooms it is filled with a fibrous substance, while in old ones it is hollow.

Records: usually dirty or light yellow, thin and frequent. They do not grow to the stem and are easily separated from the cap.

Pulp: dense, white, which does not change during the cut and when interacting with air. The taste can be either sour or very sweet or spicy. And the smell may resemble the acrid smell of rot or the aroma of flowers or fruits.

Doubles: tin entoloma(Entoloma sinuatum), but it has an ocher cap and light pink plates.

When it grows: from early August to mid-November in countries of the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate.

Where can I find: in mixed or coniferous forests. It often grows on rotten leaves and branches, near spruce and birch trees, forming “witch circles.”

Eating: Young mushrooms are consumed after preliminary boiling (for about 20 minutes). Insufficient heat treatment can cause a moderate eating disorder. Under no circumstances should it be eaten raw. The talker is considered of little value, as it boils down so much.

Use in folk medicine: traditional healers do not use it. For official medicine, the antibiotic nebularin is produced from mushrooms of this species.

Edible mushroom (Clitocybe odora)

Other names: Aniseed talker, odorous talker.

Hat (diameter 4-9 cm): pale blue, smooth, with a small tubercle. In young mushrooms it is slightly convex, over time it becomes almost prostrate or slightly depressed.

Leg of the fragrant talker (height 3-7 cm): gray or brownish, maybe with a greenish tint. Cylindrical in shape, widens towards the base, where slight pubescence is noticeable.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Tricholomataceae
  • Genus: Clitocybe (Clitocybe or Talker)
  • View: Clitocybe odora (Anise talker)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Other names:

  • Smelly talker

  • Fragrant talker

Diameter 3-10 cm, when young bluish-green, convex, with a curled edge, then fading to yellow-gray, prostrate, sometimes concave. The pulp is thin, pale gray or pale green, with a strong anise-dill odor and weak taste.

Frequent, descending, pale greenish.

Spore powder:

Length up to 8 cm, thickness up to 1 cm, thickened at the base, cap color or lighter.

It grows from August to October in coniferous and deciduous forests.

Similar species:
There are plenty of similar rows; Clitocybe odora can be unmistakably distinguished by a combination of two characteristics: characteristic color and anise-like smell. One single sign does not mean anything.

The mushroom is edible, although the strong smell persists even after cooking. In a word, not for everyone.

Video about the mushroom Govorushka anise:

This mushroom is attractive at least because it allows one to identify itself with a high degree of probability, which cannot be said about many other representatives of the genus Clitocybe. As practice has shown, with a sufficient harvest (and in dry, warm weather), you can determine it without picking it up or even bending down. You may not see it at all: the thick smell of anise gives away the mushroom with its head. If someone likes this aroma, it makes sense to pick a few young caps and put them at the bottom of the basket; walk like this for several hours, and all summer it will seem that the anise talker is somewhere nearby.