Six representatives of the order Lepidoptera are vying for the right to hold the title “The largest butterfly in the world.” Each species is a leader in size, either span, or length, or wing area, or prevails in size among nocturnal and daytime butterflies.

To determine the size of the wingspan, it turns out that there are special standards established by entomologists for specimens placed in collections. The wings of butterflies must be spread in a certain way, so that a right angle is formed between the body of the insect and the lower edge of the front wings. Measurements in violation of this rule led to misunderstandings regarding the wingspan, since the indicators increased by 0.5-1.8 cm.

Scoop agrippa

Thysania agrippina is a nocturnal moth, the largest in the world based on its wingspan. According to various sources, it reaches 25-31 cm. A collection specimen from Costa Rica is known, which had a span of 28 cm. The span of another Brazilian specimen, caught in 1934, was 30.8 cm. But this is not known case, how accurately the measurements were taken.

The coloring of the insect's wings is quite inconspicuous: on a light gray, almost white background, symmetrical strokes with wavy lines of brown and brown alternate. Male moths are more attractively colored than females. However, this is only visible when the butterfly's wings are folded. On their lower side, closer to the abdomen, the color is brown, turning into a blue-violet iridescent tone with bright white spots.

The distribution area of ​​the world's largest butterfly is South and Central America; the insect is also found in Mexico. The typical area where the species predominantly lives is the jungle of South America. The lifestyle of insects is poorly studied; presumably these butterflies, like caterpillars, feed on the leaves of one of the plants of the legume family. Life expectancy and reproductive characteristics are unknown.

If you ask entomologists which butterfly is the largest in the world based on total wing size, they will deservedly name Coscinocera hercules. It is ahead of all other lepidoptera in this indicator. Their span in females does not exceed 27 cm. However, the area can reach 263 cm2. Males are slightly smaller, colored much darker than females, distinguished by long tail-shaped corners of the hind wings, sometimes elongated by 13 cm. Each of the four wings of individuals of both sexes has a transparent eye spot, which is larger and more noticeable in females.

Indeed, the wings of this nocturnal species are the most massive and largest, therefore, if you do not take into account the span, Koscinocera hercules can be considered the largest butterfly on the planet. Its habitat is rainforests Papua New Guinea and one of the northern regions of Australia.

Female Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

The butterfly with the world's largest wingspan of any diurnal species is Ornithoptera alexandrae. Enough interesting story associated with the discovery of this species in 1906 by zoologist Albert Meek. On the Pacific Islands near Australia, he compiled a collection of insects for the avid butterfly collector banker Rothschild. It was he who in 1907 gave the largest butterfly in the world a name associated with the name of Queen Alexandra, the wife of the English King Edward VII. As this species flutters through the treetops tall trees, the first specimen obtained, which turned out to be a female, was shot with a gun. Small bright birds, from which they were later made into stuffed animals, were shot down with cartridges loaded with tiny shot or mustard seeds, so as not to damage the birds’ plumage. The same charges were used for large flying insects.

What the world's largest butterfly (among diurnal species) looks like depends on the sex of the individual. Males are smaller, with more graceful and brighter colored wings, the span of which does not exceed 20 cm. Females have a velvety brown coloring with a beige-white pattern. Their wingspan sometimes reaches 27 cm, and their abdomen, 8 cm long, weighs about 12 grams. Ornithoptera alexandrae are endemic, living only in the tropical rainforests of one of the regions of the mountains of New Guinea. After a volcanic eruption in the middle of the last century destroyed most of the lepidopteran population, they are considered a rare species.

The most common of the largest butterfly species is Attacus atlas. The insect is not much inferior in scope and wing area to Koscinocere hercules. You can verify this by looking at a 1922 specimen from the Australian Museum: the width of the wingspan of this individual is 24 cm. Higher figures are often found due to incorrect position of the wings when measuring the insect. Therefore, the atlas peacock eye is not considered the largest butterfly in the world.

Photos of this species are plentiful and easily taken by tourists while traveling in the south-eastern countries of Asia. And this is not surprising, because the habitat of the Atlas peacock eye is very wide in this part of the world, and the list of food plants for the caterpillars is very diverse. Large, thick caterpillars accumulate nutrients, on which adult butterflies live, since they themselves do not have developed oral apparatus and do not feed throughout their short life.

In India, the species is bred artificially. From the threads of huge (palm-sized) cocoons, high-strength woolly farg silk of natural beige-brown shades is produced on a non-industrial scale. For residents of Taiwan, cocoons often replace wallets.

Sailboat antimah

Papilio antimachus is not considered the largest butterfly in the world, but it is the largest diurnal species in Africa. In this species, the males are larger, the wingspan of which sometimes reaches 25 cm. The average size is 18-23 cm. Such a significant distance between the front wings is created due to their highly elongated apices. Antimah swallowtails are brightly colored creatures with brownish, ocher, orange and red tonal tints of the general background and a dark, almost black pattern.

The first specimen (male) brought to England and given a scientific description dates back to 1775, it was caught in Sierra Leone. Only a hundred years later, a second sample was obtained and found its way to Europe. The first female Papilio antimachus caught was brought to members of Lord Banker Rothschild's expedition by the natives in 1882.

The butterfly's habitat on the African continent is quite wide; it can be found in tropical rainforests. However, the species is one of the few. Males often accumulate in large colonies on plant flowers. Females prefer dense tree crowns and practically do not descend or fly out into open spaces.

This nocturnal insect is considered of all big butterflies the most beautiful and longest in the world. Even the females of the Madagascar comet, larger and more massive than the males, have a wingspan that does not exceed 18 cm. But their lower corners of the hind wings are excessively elongated. In males, hypertrophied narrow “tails” reach 16 cm, which in total with the rest of the wing length is more than 30 cm. In females, the “tails” are twice as wide and shorter (8 cm).

It's not just its unusual trail that makes the Madagascar comet attractive. Its bright yellow color is decorated with “eyes”, one on each wing, a rich brown color with a black “pupil” dot in the center. The coloring is complemented by wavy brown-red lines, brown-black spots at the tops of the wings and a black border on the lower wings.

Argema mittrei is endemic, found only in the tropical rainforests of Madagascar. In the country, the species is bred in captivity for sale to collectors. In 1995, a 500 ariary banknote was issued in Madagascar, where, among other endemics of the country, the Madagascar comet is depicted.

Sailboat Maak

Not the largest butterfly on the planet, Papilio maackii is the largest representative of the order, found in Russia. Lives on o. Kunashir, in Primorye, Amur region, Southern Sakhalin. The wingspan of females is 13.5 cm, males - 12.5 cm.

Maak's swallowtails have a very beautiful rainbow coloration. Males are distinguished by iridescence from malachite green to cobalt blue. In females, the color varies depending on the subspecies.

Madagascar comet(lat. Argema mittrei), or Moon moth(eng. Moon moth) -
the largest butterfly on the planet, measured in length. From peacock eyes.

Saturnia madagascarensis - . This nocturnal beauty can only be seen in Madagascar. The longest butterfly in the world is also called the comet butterfly: because of its 14-centimeter forked “tail”. Like its close relatives from the peacock-eye family, Saturnia Madagascar is distinguished by a small retracted head (with double-combed antennae in the male), bright coloring and a thick body covered with fluffy hairs. On each wing, the size of a palm, there are large ocellated spots. Peacock-eyes are one of the largest butterflies in the world

The wingspan is up to 18 cm. The wings are decorated with unusually long spurs, sometimes reaching 20 cm.

Madagascar urania

Madagascar urania - Chrysiridia rhipheus - a diurnal butterfly from the urania family (Uraniidae). Considered one of the most beautiful butterflies in the world. The color of the butterfly is very bright, with iridescent parts on the wings that have no pigments; rather, the colors come from optical interference. An adult moth reaches 7-9 cm in wingspan.

Urania madagascarensis was discovered on the island of Madagascar as an endemic species. Adult moths appear first from March to August, and in smaller numbers from October to December. The female lays approximately 80 eggs on the underside of leaves of plants of the genus Omphalea. The caterpillar is pale yellow with black dots and red legs. After going through four stages of development, the caterpillar builds a cocoon of silk. The moth spends 17-23 days in the pupal stage. Urania Madagascar is a picky eater and feeds exclusively on four species of plants of the genus Omphalea. All plants of this genus are toxic, and the caterpillar feeds on these leaves and gains toxicity, which persists in all stages. In thousands of individuals, these moths migrate from east to west, and later back, for fresh, fresh nutritious vegetation.

Goliath Birdwing Butterfly

The homeland of the Goliath sailboat is New Guinea and the Moluccas. It lives in montane tropical forests at altitudes from 500 to 1500 m above sea level.

Females up to 21 cm in wingspan. Goliath is the second largest diurnal butterfly after Ornithoptera Alexandra.
However, the goliath holds another record - the eggs of this butterfly are the largest for lepidoptera and reach a diameter of 4.7 mm.
Goliath lays eggs on plants of the Kirkazonaceae family. Caterpillars develop rather slowly - sometimes more than two months.
Quite recently, a pair of this butterfly, due to its rarity, cost as much as good car, but in last years after success in breeding this species on insectary farms, its price has become quite affordable. Papuans, seeing the beauty of wings, often use them to make jewelry.
The male goliath birdwing is surprisingly bright. Its broad forewings sparkle yellow and green against the black velvet. The hind wings are almost entirely golden, as if glowing from within.

This is the largest diurnal butterfly in the world, females of this species reach 28 cm in wingspan.

the largest day butterfly in the world, belongs to the swallowtail family ( Papilionidae). The first European to describe this species of butterfly in 1906 was the collector Albert Stuart Meek. In 1907, banker and butterfly collector Lord Walter Rothschild named the species in honor of Queen Alexandra, wife of King Edward VII of Great Britain. The butterfly is found in a limited range - in the tropical rainforests of Papua New Guinea in the Popondetta Mountains region. The species is classified as endangered. Females of Alexandra's Birdwing are larger than males, their rounded wingspan reaches 28 cm. The abdomen is 8 cm long and weighs up to 12 grams. The color of the wings and abdomen is dark brown with white, cream and yellow ornaments. Males are smaller (up to 20 cm) and outwardly very different from females, their wings are narrower, shimmering with blue and green colors. Caterpillars grow up to 12 cm in length and 3 cm in thickness.

The male Queen Alexandra Birdwing can be called the king of butterflies. Its huge wings with a span of 170-200 mm shine with green and blue colors. The wings are narrower than those of other birdwings and resemble the leaves of a tropical plant. The female differs significantly from the male. It is much larger: the span of its huge wings reaches 280 mm - this is more than that of any other day butterfly. But in brightness and beauty she is inferior to the male: on her wide dark brown wings there is a light ornament of cream and yellowish “strokes” of various shapes. The peculiar pattern of the underside of the wings with contrasting wide darkening along the veins allows one to immediately distinguish the female Queen Alexandra birdwing from other birdwing species.

Or Tizania Agrippina (Thysania agrippina) is a large nocturnal butterfly from the noctuid family. It is the largest butterfly in the world - in 1934, the largest individual with a wingspan of 30.8 cm was caught in Brazil. A similar specimen was caught in 1997 by entomologist Mario Callegari in northern Peru. Distributed in Mexico, Central and South America. Considered a migrant with southern regions in the state of Texas.

Peacock-eye Atlas, or Atlas (Attacus atlas)or PRINCE OF DARKNESS. - a butterfly from the Peacock-eye family. One of the largest butterflies in the world. The wingspan is up to 26 cm, females are noticeably larger than males. The largest documented female specimen was caught on the island of Java and had a wingspan of 262 mm. According to undocumented data, the largest specimen caught was a female with a wingspan of 289 mm. Found in tropical and subtropical forests South-East Asia, Southern China and from Thailand to Indonesia, Borneo, Java.

The silk moth Attacus atlas has a wingspan of 24 cm. (Let’s imagine that one of these butterflies landed on the screen of a computer monitor. After all, it will cover it almost entirely!)

A giant butterfly, its wingspan exceeds 250 mm; in terms of wing area, it is recognized as the largest butterfly in the world. The color of the wings combines various shades of velvety brown, red, pink, yellow and cream. On the elongated yellow-orange apex of the forewing there is a bright burgundy-red stripe that looks like a brushstroke. Large transparent eyes-windows have a shape close to triangular.
The bizarrely curved edge of the fore wing is similar in shape and color to a snake's head. This repels many insectivorous animals. The female is similar to the male in the pattern and color of her wings, but she is larger and more massive. Its double-combed antennae are shorter and narrower than those of the male.

The habitat of this peacock eye is from India, Indonesia and Malaysia to China.

Here she is, beauty:

Also among the largest diurnal butterflies is (lat. Papilio antimachus) from Central Africa. The wingspan of males can reach 25 cm. The Antimah swallowtail is the largest diurnal butterfly in Africa. The species is not numerous.

Females are similar in appearance to males, but are significantly smaller in size. Males sometimes gather in flocks in search of flowering bushes. They also drink water from puddles together. Females are never shown in open areas of the forest. The butterfly amazes not only with its size, but also with the amazing shape of its front wings: the incredibly elongated apex makes them look like the wings of a bird. The pattern and color of the wings vary greatly, with the main colors remaining various shades of brown and red-yellow. Besides people, the butterfly has very few enemies, because... it is extremely poisonous.

Females are much smaller than males. The female in the collection is a source of pride and a collector’s dream: it is extremely difficult to see, much less catch, since she very rarely leaves the treetops. It is no coincidence that the first female Antimachus swallowtail was discovered only a century after the description of the male (in 1782). The natives brought it to the participants of Lord Rothschild's entomological expedition.

This butterfly lives in tropical rainforests from the west coast of Sierra Leone to Uganda. Despite its extensive habitat, this species is not numerous. The butterfly is considered rare because it flies exclusively in virgin rain forests, which are in danger of extinction due to massive deforestation. Only three countries: Ghana, Ivory Coast and Zaire have taken measures to protect the antimach.

SATURNIA - PEACOCK-EYED HERCULES(lat. Coscinocera hercules) is the largest in Australia and New Guinea, and one of the largest moths in the world.

One of the largest butterflies in the world, and the largest butterfly in Australia, which is why it got its name "Hercules". The wingspan of females can reach 27 cm, and the wing area up to 263.2 cm2. The wings of females are wider than those of males, and males are also distinguished by unusually long spurs on their hind wings. Butterflies are active at night.

Distributed in Papua New Guinea and northern Australia.

The largest day butterfly in Russia - SAILING SHIP MAAKA(lat. Papilio maackii) with a wingspan of up to 13.5 cm. This butterfly is also called TAIL BEARER MAAKA or BLUE SWALLOWER. The specific name is given in honor of Richard Karlovich Maack, a Russian naturalist, explorer of Siberia and the Far East.

A significant part of the black forewing of the male shimmers with a green dotted coating, which, closer to the edge, thickens into a sparse emerald-blue border. The area free from green coating shines with magical black silk: it is covered with the finest and most delicate fragrant black hairs - androconia. The hind wings with a wavy edge and long tails shine with an iridescent blue-green pattern.

The female is larger than the male, her wingspan reaches 135 mm, while that of the male is 125 mm. The green dotted coating evenly covers the entire dark brown forewing of the female. The pattern of its hind wings is the same as that of the male, but its shine is muted, and in the marginal wavy border, along with green-blue, red-violet shades also appear. Females are much more variable than males. Among them it is difficult to find two identical butterflies.

This largest daytime butterfly in Russia surpasses many of its tropical relatives in its beauty. It’s hard to believe that the distribution area of ​​this wonderful sailboat extends to 54° north latitude, where Tynda and northern Sakhalin are located. Every year, two generations of Maak's tailbearers appear: spring butterflies are medium-sized, light and bright, while summer butterflies are twice as large and darker. The Maaka tail-bearer lives in the Middle Amur region, Primorye, North Korea, Manchuria, on the Kuril Islands. In these places, butterflies are often found in broad-leaved and mixed forests, less often - in spruce-fir. They also fly into taiga villages. During the period when subalpine plants bloom, butterflies rise into the mountains up to 2000 m above sea level: looking for food, they fly around treeless peaks in a circle.

And the largest night butterfly Europe and Russia is (lat. Saturnia pyri), with a wingspan of up to 15 cm.

Butterfly size - 70 mm. The most large butterfly Europe. In flight it is often mistaken for bat. Males and females are similar in color, but the antennae of the male are feathery. The hind wings are similar to the fore wings, but the background of the leading edge of the wing is light brown instead of gray. Butterflies don't feed. The pear-eye peacock-eye is similar in appearance to the common peacock-eye, but the latter is much smaller and the hind wings of the male are orange.

Distributed in southern Europe. Lives in light forests, gardens and open spaces.

The largest butterflies in the world

Butterflies are, of course, one of the most beautiful and graceful creatures on our planet. Perhaps this is why hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic hobbyists amass magnificent collections! In this material we will talk about giant butterflies, the size of which amazes the imagination!

1. Queen Alexandra's Birdwing is the largest butterfly in the world!

She received her name in honor of the wife of the British King Edward VII. The females of this birdwing are much larger than the males and have a wingspan of up to 31 cm with a body length of about 8 cm. Such a creature can weigh up to 12 grams! The giant butterfly is found exclusively in the forests of the Oro province of Papua New Guinea. Unfortunately, the species is on the verge of extinction.

2. Tizania Agrippina - wingspan up to 30.8 cm

3. The Goliath ornithoptera is also found only in New Guinea and has a wingspan of up to 28 cm.

The larger female takes about 15 minutes to emerge from her cocoon.

4. Saturnia - Peacock-Eyed Hercules. Wingspan up to 28 cm.

5. The wings of the antimach sailboat have a total length of 23 cm.

It is the largest butterfly on the African continent, and its males are larger than the females. Antimach does not have natural enemies because it is extremely poisonous.

6. The Troidis birdwing lives in Indonesia.

7. The range of Trogonoptera Trojan (one of the largest butterflies in the world) is limited to the island of Palawan in the Philippine archipelago.

The wings of this butterfly, which flies all year round, reach a span of 18 cm.

8. Rippon's birdwing has wings up to 20 cm long.

9. The ornithoptera Chimera is found in the mountainous regions of New Guinea and the Indonesian island of Java and prefers altitudes of about 1000 meters above sea level.

Larger females have a span of up to 18 cm.

10. Ornithoptera Croesus can only be found on the Maluku Islands.

Owned by Indonesia. The cost of a dead representative of this species reaches up to $200! Butterflies prefer tropical forests and humid lowlands, and the bright orange color of the male helps him attract partners during the mating period.

11. Magellan's birdwing is found in the Philippines and Taiwan (Orchid Island).

This butterfly was discovered at the beginning of the 16th century during the expedition of the famous traveler Ferdinand Magellan, who was killed in the Philippines in 1521.

To date, scientists have recorded two species that can compete for the title of “The largest butterfly in the world.” Let's consider each of them separately.

The largest butterfly in the world: Tisania agrippina

The wingspan of the named butterfly reaches 30.8 cm. An insect of this size was caught in 1934 in South America. But you can see this species not only in South, but also in Central America. True, unfortunately, not so long ago Tizania agrippina was on the verge of extinction.

The basis of the diet of the named butterfly is (a shrub from the Insect is nocturnal. It is also considered the largest of the noctuid family. In addition, tizania is known under such names as “white witch” and “Agrippina cutworm.” Interestingly, most members of the family Noctuid wingspan rarely exceeds a few centimeters.

Tysania's wings are wavy at the edges. Their upper part is painted white and decorated with wavy brown, gray or brown stripes. As a rule, each individual has an individual color. For example, some have a more pronounced brown pattern, which sometimes even dominates the white background. The underside of a butterfly's wings is mostly dark brown. It can be matte or have a metallic sheen. In addition, this part is covered with white spots. From afar, tizaniya resembles

The described butterfly has not yet been studied enough, since it is not easy to notice a sitting tizania. For daytime rest, this large butterfly chooses light-trunked trees. She tries to sit at a height of 4 m above the ground. When the tizania spreads its huge wings, it completely merges with the surrounding background. But if you startle her, she quickly takes off and hides on the trunk of the nearest tree.

The largest butterfly in the world: Atlas peacock eye

Quite recently, a butterfly was discovered in the Himalayas, which in size can easily compete with Tisania agrippina. The wingspan of the found insect was 25 cm. Although scientists are confident that this butterfly, better known as the Atlas peacock-eye, can reach 30 cm. It is a nocturnal species. Interesting feature This species consists of the amazing sensitivity of the feathery antennae of the males, thanks to which butterflies can sense the pheromones of female peacock eyes from several kilometers away. It is worth paying attention to the edge of the wing of these insects. Its color imitates the head of a snake, which scares away many animals. Another largest butterfly in the world is found in India, Malaysia, Indonesia and China.

Experts say that the emergence of this butterfly from the pupa is one of the most fascinating spectacles. First, the head, antennae and paws appear. But the wings are small at first, as if curled. Due to this, the insect cannot fly for some time. But soon the wings stretch out, reaching the right size. They dry out in just a few hours, after which the butterfly is ready for its first flight.

Ornithoptera cresus ranks seventh among the largest butterflies in the world with a wingspan of 16 centimeters. The winged insect received its name in honor of the ancient king of Lydia Croesus. Lepidoptera representatives have a bright orange and yellow coloration, against which a black pattern appears. Naturalist Alfred Wallace is considered the discoverer of the species. The ornithopter Croesus lives in Indonesia on the island of Bachan. The butterfly is currently endangered.

6. Trogonoptera Trojan (lat. Trogonoptera trojana). Wingspan 19 cm.

Trogonoptera Trojana or the Trojan ranks sixth in the ranking of the largest butterflies in the world. Maximum wingspan largest representatives is 19 centimeters. Females and males are approximately the same size. The velvety black background of the wings is dominated by a pattern in the form of bright green triangles. The species lives exclusively on the island of Palawan and is endangered. These lepidopterans are also bred on special farms for collection needs.

5. Sailboat antimah (lat. Papilio antimachus). Wingspan 25 cm.


Sailboat antimah is the largest butterfly found in Africa. The wingspan of the largest representatives is 25 centimeters. Females are much smaller than males. The insect got its name in honor of the mythological hero Antimachus. The species was first discovered in the mid-18th century by the British biologist Smithman. Then the male was caught. The female Antimachus was caught only at the end of the 19th century. have wing colors ranging from yellow to red. The population of this species is small and is protected.

4. Peacock-eye atlas (lat. Attacus atlas). Wingspan 24 cm.


Peacock eye atlas ranks fourth among the largest butterflies with a wingspan of 24 centimeters. The largest specimen was caught in 1992 and is now kept in the Australian Museum. Another name for the insect is the Prince of Darkness due to its nocturnal lifestyle and bright coloring. The variegated wings are replete with brown, cream, yellow and red patterns. Atlas not only brings aesthetic pleasure, but also material benefits to humans: it produces silk, which is superior in quality to silk silkworm. Lepidoptera live in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, and Vietnam. Admire the bright and large specimens It is also possible on the territory of Russia at the Moscow Zoo. The Prince of Darkness has a short life, which is about two weeks. During this period, adult individuals do not feed, but exist due to substances accumulated in the caterpillar stage.

3. Queen Alexandra's birdwing (Ornithoptera alexandrae). Wingspan 27 cm.

Queen Alexandra's Birdwing reveals the three largest butterflies in the world. Females dominate in size over males. The largest individuals reach a wingspan of 27 centimeters. The caterpillars are also quite large and can reach 12 cm. The largest captured specimen of a female, whose wingspan is 273 mm, is now kept in a museum in London. Males, unlike females, have a very bright, rich color and are considered the most beautiful of the Lepidoptera order. This is one of the most rare species, which is highly prized by collectors. But due to the small number of birds, catching birdwings is prohibited. The habitat of the winged insect is Papua New Guinea.

2. Peacock-eye hercules (lat. Coscinocera hercules). Wingspan 27 cm.

Peacock-eye hercules ranks second among the largest butterflies in the world. Females are larger than males and have a wingspan of up to 27 centimeters, and an area of ​​up to 263.2 square meters. cm. The male is distinguished from the female by spurs, which can reach a length of 12 cm. Their caterpillars are also impressive in size, growing up to 16 centimeters in length. The peacock eye is not only very large, but also one of the most beautiful butterflies in a world with bright colors like a peacock. You can find such beauty in Australia and New Guinea. The winged insect feeds at night. The source of its food is the leaves of many plants. This species can also be bred and live in captivity.

1. South American tropical armyworm (lat. Thysania agrippina). Wingspan 31 cm.

South American tropical owl- the largest butterfly in the world, which from a distance can easily be confused with a small bird. The span of its huge wings can reach 31 centimeters. It was this size that specimens were caught in 1934 and then in 1997. Butterfly caterpillars are also quite large and measure up to 16 cm in length. The winged insect has a pale coloring: a brown pattern appears on a white background. As a rule, the tropical hill is nocturnal. Its habitat is Mexico, South and Central America. She eats the leaves of the cassia bush. This is a rather rare and small species that is still poorly studied.

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If you look at butterflies in middle lane Russia, they rarely grow larger than Walnut. And everyone has long been accustomed to this type of winged decoration of fields and meadows.

However, there are species of butterflies that are larger in size than even the rather large birds familiar to Russians. Such fluttering creatures live only in the tropics. It is impossible to say for sure what the largest butterfly in the world is now. Several species compete for the prestigious title. And all because butterfly wings can be assessed in different ways - by area or by maximum span. By the way, the largest butterflies in the world also claim to be the most beautiful butterflies on the planet.

Tizania agrippina

One of the largest butterflies in the world is Tizania agrippina. It is also called scoop agrippina. The wingspan of this person can be 30.8 centimeters. This particular specimen was caught and measured in 1934 in Africa. And this is by far the most big representative Tizania agrippina spp. However, this species is inferior in wingspan to the Atlas Peacock-Eye, which is also competing for the title of “the largest butterfly in the world.”

The largest butterfly in the world lives mainly in Mexico, South and Central America. They emigrated there from more southern regions. And the individual feeds on the leaves of cassia - this is a shrub that grows to a meter in height. Tizania agrippina is difficult to see during the day; it is exclusively nocturnal. Moreover, if such a record-breaking butterfly comes into a person’s field of vision, then it is better to admire it from afar. And not because it is poisonous or can cause any harm, the armyworm is on the verge of extinction.

Externally, Tizania is very similar to a huge one beautiful moth. Both pairs of butterfly wings are wavy at the edges. Top part the wings and body may be white with multiple wavy brown, gray and brown stripes. Different individuals of this species may have different colors. In some, the brown pattern is more pronounced than in others and dominates the overall white background. The lower part of the butterfly's body is usually dark brown with whitish spots, but can also be matte or have a metallic sheen.

Koscinoscere hercules

Another contender for the title of “The largest butterfly in the world” is Koscinoscere hercules. Also quite a large individual. Its size can reach up to 28 centimeters; these dimensions are achieved mainly by females, while males are not so impressive. You can distinguish a male from a female not only by its wingspan, but also by its appearance. The difference is simple: on males you can see very long “spurs”.

Incredibly large and beautiful Koscinoscere hercules butterflies can be found in Australia and New Guinea. Like previous record holders, these winged creatures are nocturnal, so it is better to go out after sunset to see the spectacles in search of unprecedented butterflies. By the way, not only the Koscinoscere themselves are impressive with their dimensions, but also their caterpillars. They have impressive sizes, growing up to 16-17 centimeters in length.

Peacock-eye Atlas

Another participant in the ranking of the largest butterflies in the world. And again with a rather original name. Peacock-eye Atlas can reach a size of 26 centimeters. The largest individual that was found and measured lived on the Indonesian island of Java. The size of the butterfly was 26.2 centimeters. Well, in general, this species flies throughout China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, the Philippines and New Guinea.

It is worth noting that female Atlas Peacock-eyes are much larger than males. Individuals feed on leaves of bushes and trees. And like previous record holders, they lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They are especially active during twilight, early morning and late evening, which is why they received the nickname “Prince of Darkness.” And the best way to observe the largest butterflies in the world is not in person, but in photographs. However, residents of Russia can see the beauty without leaving the country - Atlas Peacock-Eyed is bred in the Moscow Zoo.

By the way, the Atlas Peacock-eye species itself is quite interesting. During mating periods, a male can detect a female at a distance of up to several kilometers. And the mating itself lasts several hours without interruption. Immediately after emerging from the pupa, both the male and female are ready to reproduce. Peacock-eyes are unusually patient; females can wait for their male for several hours, while sitting motionless in one place, while the male will look for her at this time. And it is precisely this process, that is, reproduction, that is the meaning of life for the largest butterfly in the world. By the way, the life of a female is quite short. She dies immediately after laying offspring.

By the way, in Taiwan, Peacock Eyes without knowing it benefit people. People use caterpillar cocoons as wallets.

The largest butterfly in the world amazes with its beauty. The winged individual can be colored bright red, yellow, pink and brown shades. And on each wing of the butterfly there are large triangular transparent “windows”. The front wings have a rather bizarre curved edge, which in shape and color resembles a snake's head. This is what the Peacock Eye scares away insectivorous animals. By the way, in Hong Kong, for this unusual feature, Atlas was nicknamed “The Moth - the head of a snake.”

In addition to its size, Peacock-Eyes has one more feature - its mouth is completely atrophied. Throughout its short life (only 1-2 weeks), the butterfly does not feed on anything, but processes all the fat reserves that it accumulated as a caterpillar.

By the way, the caterpillars of the giant butterfly are also huge - they grow up to 10 centimeters in length. AND appearance theirs is original - they are light green in color with large blue processes throughout the body, which are covered with a waxy white coating (similar to powder).

Peacock-eye Atlas is not only beautiful, but also useful butterfly. In India, it is bred on special farms where fagar silk is obtained. It differs from the silkworm product in its wooliness, strength and durability.
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The moth agrippina is the largest butterfly in the world. Depending on the specimen, its wingspan is 25..29 cm.

What does it look like

The main background of the wings is light gray and brown, decorated original pattern in the form of spot-smears, dark brown stripes and ornate patterns in the frame. Different individuals of this species are variable in color: some have a more brown pattern than others, dominating the light background. The color of the body in the lower part is dark brown with white splashes, in males with a silver-blue sheen.

The life of this species of cutworm has not been fully studied; scientists can only say with confidence that the insect is nocturnal and feeds on the foliage of the cassia bean tree.

The Agrippina cutworm lives in South and Central America and Mexico. It belongs to a small genus, therefore this species is classified as an endangered species.

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The largest specimens

The moth agrippina is rightfully considered the largest butterfly. According to various literature sources, which provide slightly different data on wingspan. The named values ​​range from 25 to 31 cm. However, the authors do not cite sources of information. However, there are two recorded cases of the capture of the Agrippina cutworm.

The first case occurred in Costa Rica, where an individual was caught: the length of the forewing was 14.8 cm, the total span was 28.6 cm. The second case occurred in Brazil in 1934, the largest cutworm had a wingspan of 29.8 cm.

However, well-known entomologists made a reservation that the presented butterfly specimens did not have their wings spread properly (according to the standards of entomological collections, the lower edge of the front wings should form an angle of 90 degrees with the body), so the wingspan was artificially increased. In toga, having reconstructed the correct location of these individuals, it turned out that their span was no more than 27.. 28 cm.