M. Gorky was formed as a person and as a writer at the end of the 19th century, simultaneously with the beginning of a new period of the liberation movement in Russia, which left a certain imprint on the entire work of the writer, especially on his early works - “Makar Chudra”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “ Chelkash", "Song of the Falcon" and others.

The main thing that characterizes Gorky's early work is a huge, sincere, burning interest in man, an ardent response to human suffering and a unique, melodic Gorky literary language. And at the same time, the writer speaks not only about the suffering of man, he believes in his creative powers, strives to find for everyone a path to happiness and freedom. It is precisely by faith in the strength of Russia, the strength of the Russian people, and the spirit of patriotism that Gorky’s romantic works are very close to the romantic lyrics of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol.

In the early period of creativity of A.M. On the pages of his works, Gorky introduced the reader to people wandering across the expanses of Rus'. They either confided the story of their lives to the writer, or told legends stored in popular memory. The search for the meaning of life, freedom, truth - these are the cornerstones of the author’s early works.

The central link in Gorky’s romantic works is the image of a heroic person, ready for a selfless feat. “There is always a place for exploits in life,” says the hero of the writer’s early work, the old woman Izergil. The main meaning of the author’s story of the same name lies in the old aphorism that Gorky loved to repeat: “If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, why should I?..”

main character story, the old women, Izergil, very emotionally and colorfully tells the reader two legends in which two images are contrasted - the image of Danko and the image of Larra. Both of them are strong-willed people, but Larra has all his strength only for him, and he has no high goal for which it would be worth living. And the end of his life is inglorious and pitiful. The writer contrasts this egoism with the beautiful and pure idea of ​​​​a person who devotes all his strength to serving a high and noble goal and, above all, to serving the people. Danko becomes such a person. To bring his people to happiness, Danko sacrifices himself. With his heart, burning like the sun, Danko illuminated the entire forest, showed his fellow tribesmen the way to a happy and free life

Throughout the entire story, we observe the life of the old woman Izergil. The fate of the old woman clearly confirms that in a person’s life there is always a place for the struggle of two principles: good and evil, meanness and nobility, arrogance and philanthropy, Larra and Danko. In Izergil’s soul there is a lot of the strength that led to Danko’s feat. But life did not give her a glorious goal, and she wasted her strength only for herself, like Lara - why did he, what was the meaning of his life?

Gorky based the idea of ​​heroism, elevating and ennobling, as the basis for his famous “Song of the Falcon.” The call for absolute freedom is also a call for exploits in the name of the future happiness of mankind. And this call could not be louder in this work of the writer, glorifying the image of the Falcon, eager for the “happiness of battle,” free and brave, and condemning the cowardly and pathetic Snake.

Already, without dreaming of anything, he defines the meaning of his life with the following words: “Fly or crawl, the end is known: everyone will fall into the ground, everything will be dust.” Something completely different attracts Falcon. The proud Falcon dies, and the Already, quite satisfied with his carefree existence, remains to live. In “The Song of the Falcon,” M. Gorky praises the “madness of the brave,” but this is not the intoxication of battle for the sake of battle, not a crazy and aimless waste of energy and time. In “The Song of the Falcon,” the author continues the same idea that was sung by him in the legend of Danko with his burning heart.

Drawing images of heroes in his early works, M. Gorky turned to the motifs of folk art. The traditional image of a falcon, an eagle is the basis of the “Song of the Falcon”, the image of Danko goes back to the folk myth about Prometheus - the giver of fire. When creating his short stories, the author uses genres characteristic only of folk art - a song, a legend, a fairy tale, and imparts a rhythmic character. All this clearly confirms Gorky’s inextricable connection with the Russian people; the people’s dream of a hero – the liberators – was reflected in the early work of the writer.

58. Boris Zaitsev.

Biography of Boris Konstantinovich Zaitsev

Boris Zaitsev was born in 1881 in Orel, but spent his childhood in Kaluga. There he graduated from a real school and went to St. Petersburg to study at the Mining Institute. Then there was also admission to the Faculty of Law of Moscow University (did not graduate).

Zaitsev began writing at the age of 17, and soon, in 1990, he met A.P. Chekhov, and a year later entered into correspondence with V.G. Korolenko. In the same 1901, he met L.N. Andreev, who invited him to the literary circle “Sreda”, and in 1902 - with I.A. Bunin, who became his friend for many years. His literary debut took place in 1901 with the story “On the Road,” published in the Courier publication.

The writer lived in Moscow, often visiting St. Petersburg. He led an active literary and social life: he was a member of the Literary and Artistic Circle, participated in the publication of the magazine “Zori” (published for several months in 1906), was a full member of the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature and a member of the Society for Activities of Periodicals and Literature.

In August 1917, due to pneumonia, he went on vacation to Pritykino, where his family lived, and remained there until 1921, sometimes coming to Moscow. In 1922 he was elected chairman of the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Writers' Union. But that same year he fell ill with typhoid fever and received permission to travel abroad. By 1924, Boris Konstantinovich and his family settled in Paris, having previously lived for some time in Germany and Italy.

While living abroad, Zaitsev collaborated with the largest emigrant publications: “Modern Notes”, “Renaissance”, “Russian Thought”, “ New magazine" and others. He stood at the origins of the Icon society (1927, Paris). For many years he headed the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists and took part in the work on translating the books of the New Testament into Russian.

Died in 1972, buried in the cemetery. Buried in the cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois.


1. General characteristics early creativity.
2. The main themes of the period.
3. The theme of human freedom using the example of M. Gorky’s stories “Makar Chudra” and “Old Woman Izergil”.
4. Two principles in the worldview of M. Gorky.
5. “People of the bottom” in the writer’s work.
6. Landscape as a way of displaying harsh reality.

I came into the world to disagree.
V. G. Korolenko

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the name of M. Gorky became popular not only in our country, in Russia, but also abroad. His fame was equal to such literary geniuses as A. P. Chekhov, L. N. Tolstoy, V. G. Korolenko. The writer tried to attract the attention of readers, writers, critics and public figures on the philosophical and aesthetic problems of life. It was these views of M. Gorky that were reflected in his early works.

The beginning of M. Gorky’s creative career coincided with that period of time when man himself, in essence, completely devalued, was constantly humiliated, and simply became a “slave of things.” This situation and understanding of man forced the writer in all his works to constantly and persistently search for those forces that could liberate the people.) For the first time, the reader saw M. Gorky’s story “Makar Chudra” in 1892, which was published in the newspaper “Caucasus”. Then his works began to appear in other printed publications: the Kazan newspaper “Volzhsky Vestnik”, the Nizhny Novgorod newspaper “Volgar”. In 1895, M. Gorky wrote such famous works as “Chelkash”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “Song of the Falcon”. In 1897, the writer already collaborated with the capital’s newspapers “Russian Thought”, “Novoe Slovo”, “Severny Vestnik”.

In the early poems of M. Gorky, their artistic imperfection is immediately noticeable, but from the very beginning of his literary activity the writer showed himself as an innovator, as a person striving to “interfere in life.” In the poem “Beat!”, which was written in 1892 and published only in 1963, the writer calls for a fight against darkness, for militant activity.

Let hell burn in my blood
And the heart cries angrily [in it!]
Empty! Still live

And if your hands can, strike!
Beat the darkness that shackles everything around.

The writer addresses a new reader from a people “inquisitive and greedy for life.” He belongs to those people who are dissatisfied with their contemporary reality, existing injustice and are trying in every possible way to change their lives. Thus, the main themes of M. Gorky’s early work become the theme of the relationship between good and evil, strength and weakness, freedom and necessity.

The leading theme of the writer is the theme of resistance to reality. It is revealed through the images of many heroes who oppose reality and do not obey general rules, strive to find the truth and gain freedom. These were the heroes of M. Gorky’s brilliant works “Makar Chudra” and “Old Woman Izergil”.

In the story “Makar Chudra,” the hero, an old gypsy, denies the foundations of that life that dooms a person to a slave existence. This hero is a brave man, striving for freedom and a change in life in better side.

In “Old Woman Izergil” this same theme of freedom becomes more complex. There are already two paths to freedom shown here. Danko gives himself completely to people, he strives to make them free. The hero dies having warmed others with his heart, it is this great love she can work miracles on people. Such a manifestation of a strong personality in the writer’s work is visible in many of his heroes, for example, Falcon (“Song of the Falcon,” 1895), Burevestnik (“Song of the Burevestnik,” 1901).

But if the path to gaining freedom is chosen incorrectly, then this can lead to completely the opposite result. In the image of Larra the half-man (the son of an eagle and an earthly woman), M. Gorky shows the highest degree of human pride and love of freedom. He “wanted to have everything and keep himself whole” by committing a crime - the murder of a girl, for which he was expelled from society. It would seem that Larra has acquired the long-awaited freedom, but freedom at the cost of other people’s misfortune brings only loneliness, melancholy and emptiness: “At first the young man laughed after the people... he laughed, remaining alone, free, like his father. But his father was not a man. And this one was a man.” And in the end there is nothing left of Lara, only melancholy. The sage was right when he said that “the punishment is in himself.”

M. Gorky’s worldview itself can be divided into two principles, which develop in the individual himself. The first is the desire to understand the truth of life, although sometimes it is cruel and unfair. The second principle is the desire to escape from this truth and escape from it into some romantic, saving dreams. For the writer, these two positions are expressed in the clash of the different characters of the heroes, and they are absolutely opposite in relation to each other. Such contrasting heroes include Lara and Danko, Snake and Falcon, Gavril and Chelkash. It is in the dialogue between two such different heroes that the inconsistency of the world itself is revealed. The search for truth is complicated by the fact that, on the one hand, the heroes always strive to be truthful, both to themselves and to life itself. But on the other hand, they see how difficult it is for many people to hear and perceive the truth. So in the play “At the Bottom” there is not one hero who would proclaim the truth. Here she is born from the many voices of heroes: Luke, Mite, Satin, Ash.

An important place in the work of M. Gorky is occupied by the theme “ former people" These are people who belong to the very bottom of society, and at the same time they have truly high aesthetic qualities. This is Chelkash in the story of the same name from 1895. This character is distinguished by his humanity, open soul and independence. According to M. Gorky, tramps are “extraordinary people” for him. The writer saw that they live much worse " ordinary people“, but at the same time they feel much better than them, since they are not greedy, do not strangle each other and are not engaged only in accumulating money.

In his early works, to reveal the general color, emotional tension and strong-willed characters of the characters, the writer uses the technique of describing the landscape. Almost every work of M. Gorky contains: the splash of waves, the sound of the wind, the rustling of bushes and trees, the rustling of leaves. Such epithets help the reader understand all the diversity of our world, all its colors. In the early work of a writer, it is difficult to draw the line between reality and fiction. M. Gorky on the pages of his books creates a certain artistic world that is unique to him. The reader is constantly faced with images of the elements (a raging sea, steep cliffs, a dormant forest), then with animals personifying man (Falcon, Petrel), and most importantly with heroic people acting at the call of the heart (Danko). All this was the innovation of M. Gorky - the creation of a new, strong and strong-willed personality.

Early creativity M. Gorky

M. Gorky entered literature on the verge of two historical eras; he seemed to combine these two eras in himself. The time of moral turmoil and disappointment, general discontent, mental fatigue - on the one hand, and the maturation of future events that have not yet been openly manifested - on the other, found its bright and passionate artist in early Gorky.

At the age of twenty, Gorky saw the world in such terrifying diversity that his bright faith in man, in his spiritual nobility, in his strength and capabilities seems incredible. But the young writer was inherent in the desire for the ideal, for the beautiful - here he was a worthy successor to the best traditions of Russian literature of the past.

In the story “Chelkash” (1894) there is a romantic image of a tramp and thief who broke with his environment (his father was one of richest people in the countryside), is not at all idealized by the writer. Although in comparison with the spiritually wretched, greedy and pitiful Gavrila, Chelkash turns out to be the winner. But the opposition goes along the line of relation to property, to the essence that enslaves it. Gavrila's dream turns out to be a dream leading to slavery. “The power of darkness”, the power of money Chelkash denies. “Chelkash listened to his joyful cries, looked at his shining face, distorted by the delight of greed, and felt that he - a thief, a reveler, cut off from everything dear to him - would never be like that!”

For his stories, Gorky took earthly and real people, with all their contradictions and shortcomings.

He considered activity, the ability to act in the name of man, to be a measure of the value of the human personality. This motif is already heard in the writer’s first story, “Makar Chudra” (1892). The story of the amazing, proud love of Loiko Zobar and Radda is a hymn to freedom. “Well, falcon,” says Makar, “do you want me to tell you a true story? And you remember it and, as you remember it, you will be a free bird throughout your life.”

Gorky's romanticism is no stranger to drama. He assumes it. The fates of the heroes of his first stories are always dramatic. But this is dramatic, giving rise to a protest against the slave position in society. Makar Chudra says at the beginning of the story to the author-narrator: “They are funny, those people of yours. They huddled together and crushed each other, and there is so much space on earth... Well, he was born then, perhaps, to dig up the earth, and even die... Does he know his will? Is the expanse of the steppe clear? Does the sound of the sea wave make his heart happy? He is a slave - as soon as he was born, he is a slave all his life, and that’s it!”

This is what worries the artist, what becomes the central idea of ​​many of his stories of the early period. Everything was unusual in this story: the fate of the characters, their speech, their appearance, and the author’s speech. “I didn’t want to sleep. I looked into the darkness of the steppe, and the royally beautiful and proud figure of Radda floated in the air before my eyes. She pressed her hand with a strand of black hair to the wound on her chest, and through her dark, thin fingers blood oozed drop by drop, falling to the ground in fiery red stars...” Already here the contrast between free and slave existence, which will be in different options be present in all the early romantic stories of the writer. It will change and deepen. Already - Falcon, Siskin - Woodpecker, Girl - Death, Larra - Danko. The fairy tale in verse “The Girl and Death” (published in 1917) is also imbued with faith in the power of man, in the power of action, in the power of love. The all-conquering hymn of “the joy of love and the happiness of life” - love without fear and doubt - is a vivid manifestation of that peculiarity of Gorky’s talent and his life position that characterizes creative path writer.

In the work of young Gorky, “unsolvable” questions began to sound with renewed vigor: how to live? what to do? what is happiness? Questions that are eternal, if only because not a single generation has yet managed to avoid them.

In the fairy tale “About the Siskin Who Lied, and the Woodpecker - Lover of Truth,” in which the writer tells “very true story“about how “among the songbirds of that grove,” where pessimistic songs were sung and the crows were considered “very wise birds,” suddenly other, “free, bold songs” began to sound, reminiscent of a hymn to reason:

...Let us ignite our hearts with the fire of our minds,

And light will reign everywhere!..

... Who honestly accepted death in battle,

Has he fallen and been defeated?

...Follow me, who dares!

Let the darkness disappear!

For the writer, the important idea here is that a “spark” can be planted, faith and hope can be awakened. In this tale, the artist noted the awakening of consciousness only for a moment. In “Song of the Falcon” (1895), the death of a proud and brave bird already confirms the victory of that view of life, the bearer of which was the beautiful Falcon. “Earthly” is already defeated by the fact that he does not understand what flying into the sky, freedom means, and is sure that “there is only empty space there.” His “real” view of life excludes the spirituality of human existence on earth.

The idea of ​​self-sacrifice arises naturally in “Song of the Falcon” and becomes a hymn to action in the name of freedom and light. “The madness of the brave is the wisdom of life!” - does not contain only a statement of self-awareness, although this is also important for the writer. One would think so if not for the words: “... and drops of your hot blood, like sparks, will flare up in the darkness of life and ignite many brave hearts with an insane thirst for freedom and light!”

The story “The Old Woman Izergil” (1894) can be called a programmatic story for the young Gorky. This is where all your loved ones come together expensive topics and thoughts of a young writer. Everything here is fundamentally important for him. The composition of the story is strictly subordinated to the idea - affirmation of the correctness of the feat in the name of life. Three independent episodes are united by the images of the author and the old woman Izergil. The image of Izergil is contradictory. It is realistic at its core. In Izergil’s life, unusual and bright, there was a lot that can be assessed ambiguously. Good and evil - everything is mixed up here, just like in life. And yet there is something that seems to unite her with Danko. “There is always a place for exploits in life” - this is the main idea, although the events in the life of the old gypsy cannot be regarded only as heroic, she often acted in the name of personal freedom.

Danko's spiritual beauty is contrasted with the wretchedness of Larra's existence. Individualism, contempt for people, egocentrism of Larra, who is sure that freedom is independence from people, from responsibilities to society, are debunked by the artist with such strength and energy that it seems that Larra’s shadow, “restless and unforgiven,” still wanders around the world. “... And he keeps searching, walking, walking... and death does not smile at him. And there is no place for him among people...”

Punishment by loneliness is a theme in many modern and, I think, future works. Two different “I”s, opposed with such force, Danko and Larra, are two radically opposite attitudes to life that live and oppose even now. It is precisely because of the latter that Danko is interesting today. “What will I do for people?!” - stronger than thunder Danko shouted. The death of Danko, who illuminates the path of his tired and distrustful people with the torch of his heart, is his immortality. This question was the main one for Danko, because without asking yourself such a question, you cannot live meaningfully, you cannot believe in anything and act consciously in life.

That is why today the early work of the writer is so interesting, who openly declared at the end of the last century about his faith in man, in his mind, in his creative, transformative capabilities.

1. Themes of the writer’s early work.
2. Romantic hero.
3. Feat in the name of people.

They call me a household worker. Even a naturalist. But what kind of household worker am I? I am romantic.
M. Gorky

Considering the early work of M. Gorky, critics disagreed - some argued that Gorky's creative method was realism, since he adhered to naturalism in detail, others called his method romanticism. There was even a compromise name - “romantic realism” or “neorealism”. Nowadays it is customary to call characteristic feature Gorky's early work is a synthesis of romanticism and realism. Gorky himself considered himself a romantic. He transferred romantic traditions from the 19th to the 20th centuries so that in the literature of his time a hero would appear that people would follow. The writer was always worried about eternal questions - about driving forces history, the purpose of man and the meaning of life, the relationship between the individual and the collective, faith and religion, freedom and necessity, humanism and cruelty. To eradicate anger and violence from the world - that was Gorky’s goal. The revival of romanticism at this time occurred not only in Russian, but also in foreign literature. The books of that time reflected a premonition of global changes. This pushed writers to search for a romantic ideal. Gorky sang of Man with a capital M: “I don’t know anything better, more complicated, more interesting than a person. He is everything. He even created God... I am sure that man is capable of endless improvement, and all his activities will also develop with him, with him from century to century. I believe in the infinity of life, and I understand life as a movement towards the improvement of the spirit.” According to Gorky, reason and will can change a lot in life.

The early period of Gorky’s work is usually called romantic, when “Makar Chudra”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “Song of the Falcon”, “Song of the Petrel” were written. These works were distinguished by a wide variety of genres - Gorky wrote stories, legends, fairy tales, and poems. All these works are united by characteristic characters. These are not people of our time - Gorky resorts to the form of legends, traditions, songs to designate the ideal of a person who still lives in the memory of people. Active fighters for justice, beautiful externally and spiritually, his freedom-loving heroes thirst for a storm, a feat, they are ready to selflessly devote their entire lives to people or give it up for the sake of a happy future for other generations.

In the story “Makar Chudra,” the writer turns to the very embodiment of freedom - the gypsies, depicts a proud romantic hero, free from everything, incapable of compromise with self-esteem. Loiko Zobar resembles a fairy-tale good fellow - handsome, daring, wise, brave. His character traits- desire for freedom, will, pride. Makar Chudra, who tells the legend, also considers the free gypsy life to be his ideal. Therefore, Loiko ultimately prefers death to life and love without freedom. Beautiful, brave and strong heroes are led to death by the conflict between the feeling of love and the desire for freedom. The death of heroes in the mouth of Makar Chudra is perceived as a triumph of life and will. The author shows that his hero had the beginnings of a fighter capable of accomplishing a feat in the name of people, but pride interferes with him.

The hero of the story “Old Woman Izergil,” the arrogant and proud Larra, the son of a woman and an eagle, finds punishment in himself: “Let him go, let him be free. This is his punishment!” Eternal loneliness is what pride leads to. The second person the old woman Izergil talks about is Danko. Like Larra, he can be called a superman, but if Larra commits a crime in the human world, then Danko, on the contrary, is a feat. He is able to lead those around him, instill in them hope and faith. This romantic hero longs to devote himself to people to such an extent that he rips his heart out of his chest to light the way for them and dies. And the heart continues to shine.

A feat in the name of people is what a romantic hero must accomplish, overcoming even their disbelief. Danko loves his fellow tribesmen, and that’s why he leads them out of darkness into the light, but they treat the hero differently, ranging from disbelief to the fact that one “cautious person” puts out his warm heart with his foot. Old woman Izergil believes that “in life there is always a place for exploits.” She herself risked her life more than once for someone. She didn't become a heroine, but every person should strive to become a better person.

In “The Song of the Falcon” the heroic personality - Falcon - encounters the world of everyday life, with the everyman Uzh. In the work we recognize the same freedom-loving romantic hero-fighter as in the stories. The falcon speaks of the happiness of battle with the enemy, of feat. He already embodies the bourgeois views on life: “Well, what about heaven? - an empty place... How can I crawl there? I feel great here... warm and damp! So Already answered the free bird and chuckled in his heart at her for these nonsense. And so I thought: “Fly or crawl, the end is known: everyone will fall into the ground, everything will be dust.”

Gorky praises the “madness of the brave,” in which there is the “wisdom of life,” says that the death of the Falcon is not in vain: “But there will be time - and drops of your hot blood, like sparks, will flare up in the darkness of life and many brave hearts will ignite the madness thirst for freedom, light!

"Song of the Petrel" glorifies the coming revolution. The author calls the petrel a “prophet of victory,” a brave one, in whose cry “the thirst for the storm, the power of anger, the flame of passion and confidence in victory” were mixed. Black lightning, arrow, black storm demon - here it is new hero revolution. Gorky became the creator of a new direction in Russian literature - socialist realism, which he called “socialist romanticism”, and its origins are in the early works of the writer.

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Slide captions:

Alexey Maksimovich Gorky (Peshkov) Early creativity using the example of the story “Old Woman Izergil”

Gorky's creative path began in September 1892 with the publication of the story "Makar Chudra". (at the same time his pseudonym appears) 1895. The story “Old Woman Izergil” was published. The early stories are romantic in nature.

Romanticism Displaying and reproducing life outside of the real concrete connections of a person with the surrounding reality, the depiction of an exceptional personality, often lonely and dissatisfied with the present, striving for a distant ideal and therefore in sharp conflict with society, with people.

Early romantic works “Makar Chudra”, “The Girl and Death”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “Chelkash”, “Song of the Falcon”, “Song of the Petrel”, etc. At the center of the story is a romantic hero - a proud, strong, freedom-loving, lonely man, a destroyer of the bitter vegetation of the majority. The action takes place in an unusual, often exotic setting: in a gypsy camp, in communication with the elements, with the natural world. Actions are often transferred to legendary times.

“Old Woman Izergil” The heroes appear in a romantic landscape. Give examples to prove this. At what time of day do the events in the story take place? Why? What natural images could you highlight? Which artistic media did the author use in depicting nature? Why is the landscape shown in this way in the story? What is the compositional solution of the story?

Analysis of the legend of Larra Who are the main characters of the first legend? Is the story of a young man’s birth important for understanding his character? How does the hero relate to other people? A romantic work is characterized by a conflict between the crowd and the hero. What lies at the heart of the conflict between Larra and people? What is the difference between pride and arrogance. Distinguish between these words. Prove that it is pride, and not pride, that is characteristic of Larra.

What does the hero's extreme individualism lead to? What punishment did Larra suffer for his pride? Why do you think such punishment is worse than death? What is the author’s attitude to the psychology of individualism?

Analysis of the legend about Danko What are the main features of Danko? What is the basis of his actions? What act did the hero do for the sake of love for people? How is the relationship between Danko and the crowd?

CONCLUSION We see that Larra is a romantic anti-ideal, so the conflict between the hero and the crowd is inevitable. Danko is a romantic ideal, but the relationship between the hero and the crowd is also based on conflict. This is one of the features of a romantic work. ? Why do you think the story ends with the legend of Danko?

Independent work Comparison of the images of Danko and Larra. Criteria. Danko Larra 1. Attitude to the crowd 2. The crowd is the hero 3. Distinctive feature character 4. Attitude to life 5. Legend and modernity 6. Actions performed by the heroes 7. The writer’s attitude towards the heroes

Homework: Reading the play “At the Bottom”; Consider the history of the play, the genre of the work, the conflict.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Literature lesson in 11th grade "Early works of M. Gorky"

The material presents the development of a meta-subject lesson based on Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil", the concept of "pride" is considered on the material of the story, the concept of "pride" is introduced; samosa offered...

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Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the milestones of Gorky’s biography and creativity; show the features of Gorky's romanticism. To trace how the writer's intention is revealed in the composition of stories. Method...