Svetlakov Sergey Yurievich - quite famous actor, comedy show host and producer. In the recent past, he was an active member of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”. He is known to Russian audiences from the films “Yolki”, “Gorko”, “Stone” and “Jungle”, and the show “Our Russia” brought enormous popularity to the actor. Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977 in the city of Yekaterinburg. In those days the city was called Sverdlovsk.

Childhood and youth

The Svetlakov family was extremely friendly and united. As the actor’s parents admit, they were expecting the birth of a girl and even came up with her name Anastasia. However, when Sergei was born, neither Galina Grigorievna nor Yuri Venediktovich were absolutely upset. One son was already growing up in the family - Sergei’s older brother. When their sons grew up, the parents deliberately exchanged a three-room apartment in order to provide their children with separate living space. In a word, Svetlakov’s childhood can be considered quite happy. He often went fishing with his father, thanks to which it is still his favorite hobby.

Studying was quite easy for the younger Svetlakov. Despite absenteeism and hooligan behavior, the student’s grades were not bad and in his class he was considered a solid student. The desire to make people laugh arose back in school years. The boy loved to act out scenes in front of his classmates and his teachers predicted an acting future for him. At this age he had several hobbies.

Sergei liked basketball, football, and handball. The young athlete participated in regional competitions, where he achieved good results. When Sergei was 13 years old, he was invited to play for the Sverdlovsk team in the first league.

However, his parents dissuaded the guy from a sports career and insisted on going to college. As it says official biography, Sergey Svetlakov entered the local university in 1995 to major in Commerce, which was fashionable at that time. The guy chose the Ural University of Transport and Communications not by chance. His family was from hereditary railway workers. Mother worked as an engineer at the headquarters railway Sverdlovsk, and my father worked as an ordinary driver. His parents dreamed of a good career and even jokingly predicted the position of Minister of Railways for their son.

Actor career

The young man did not stop playing sports even at the institute. As a student, he continued to play his favorite handball. The final point in his sports career was set by the humiliating defeat of his team in the next competition. Disappointed, Svetlakov left sports forever and took up art. The beginning of his acting career can be considered participation in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. It was there that his talent as a comedian emerged. Even after finishing his studies, Svetlakov continued to go on tour with his team.

Participation in KVN

At the very beginning, the institute team was called “Baraboshki”. After a short time it was renamed “Current Period Park”. With a new name, the Ural KVN players went to the festival in Sochi, where they instantly became famous thanks to their performance. The festival was shown on television, and the guys returned to their hometown as real stars. After this event, all of Svetlakov’s thoughts were devoted to KVN. He began to skip classes at the institute, knowing in advance that he would not be expelled.

Sergei showed himself not only to be a good actor, but also an excellent screenwriter. He came up with numbers not only for his team, but also for the Ural Dumplings. At that time, he worked as a freight forwarder at one of the enterprises in Yekaterinburg. Since KVN took a lot of time and effort, the young man had to make a choice between work and an acting career. As a result, the choice was made in favor of art.

Moving to the capital

Touring brought Svetlakov considerable income. Nevertheless, the ambitious guy felt out of place. He began to be burdened by KVN, since he saw his future in the capital, and not on the periphery. As a result, Sergei made a radical decision. Svetlakov persuaded several KVN workers to move to Moscow and they happily agreed. Together with Javid Gurbanov, Semyon Slepakov, Sergei Ershov and Garik Martirosyan, Svetlakov for a long time I rented a small two-room apartment.

In it, the guys spent 24 hours writing a script for a new program, which they decided to call Comedy Club. Soon Galustyan joined them.

Comedy shows

At the end of 1999, Svetlakov started thinking about his own project. In those years, he worked on the “Laughter Federation” program. Having gained experience, Sergei began to select his team, which included cameramen, writers and directors. As soon as the team was assembled, the program “Our Russia” appeared, consisting of jokes. It was a resounding success. This program is still loved by adults and children. According to the actor, he often receives red panties as a gift from unknown fans. In “Our Russia” Svetlakov played several roles at once:

  • woman of easy virtue Elvira;
  • swindler-teacher Snezhana Denisovna;
  • gay factory foreman Ivan Dulin;
  • glamorous homeless man;
  • an honest traffic cop;
  • hockey player

Besides, the audience fell in love with Sergei Yuryevich Belyakov from Taganrog. This character commented extremely successfully on TNT programs. 8 years later, another program called “ProjectorParisHilton” appeared. The format of this comedy show was somewhat different. There was a table in the studio with four people sitting around it. They made jokes spontaneously and on any topic. Moreover, they joked not only about sports or everyday life, but also touched upon politics.


The first film with Svetlakov’s participation was released in 2010 and was called “Yolki”. In it he played the role of an actor from Yakutia, and his partner was Vera Brezhneva. The events shown in the film developed in several Russian cities and took place on New Year's Eve. According to the script, absolutely different people find themselves in difficult situation and only thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances can they get out of this situation.

The public liked the film, and the creators decided to film several more episodes. Thus, a year later the continuation of the comedy “Yolki 2” was released, and after another 2 years “Yolki 3”. The film crew, inspired by the success, filmed “Yolki 4” in 2014 and “Yolki 5” in 2016. Subsequently, two more films of the same name were shot, the last of which was released in 2018. The producers decided to close the project and called the film “The Last Christmas Trees.” In all films, Sergei played Yevgeny Pavlovich.

Svetlakov’s filmography is as follows:

  1. In 2010, the films “Yolki” and “The Diamond Arm 2” appeared. In the latest film, Svetlakov is presented in the role Semyon Semyonich Gorbunkova.
  2. A year later, 3 films were released at once: “Yolki 2”, “Bedouin” and “Cod”, where Svetlakov played the role of a Red Army soldier.
  3. In 2012 - the films “Stone” and “Jungle”.
  4. Three films were released in 2013. These are “Country in Shope”, “Yolki 3” and “Gorko”, in which Svetlakov played the host at a wedding.
  5. 2014 was an extremely successful year for the actor. Viewers immediately saw 4 films with his participation. In addition to the continuation of the films “Gorko” and “Yolki”, “An Unforgettable Romance” and “Fast Moscow - Russia” were filmed.
  6. Two films were released in 2016. Svetlakov played in the sequel to the film “Yolki” and in the new film “Groom”.
  7. “New Christmas trees” were released in 2017, and “Last Christmas trees” in 2018.

In addition, the actor also did dubbing and actively participated in “Our Russia”. He often acted as a producer of his own films, such as the drama “Stone.” Fans of the actor highly appreciated almost all of Sergei Svetlakov’s films. Simple and understandable stories with good jokes were extremely loved by the audience.

Personal life

Sergei Svetlakov met his future wife while still studying at the institute. In his third year, he proposed marriage to Julia and received consent. The young couple practically never separated. Julia went on tour with him until her daughter Anastasia appeared in 2008. However, after 4 years they broke up, as Svetlakov fell in love with someone else.

Having barely managed to get a divorce, he married again. Sergei’s second wife’s name is Antonina Chebotareva. She is 5 years younger than him, while his first wife was only 2 years younger. Antonina was born in Nalchik on April 9. They met at the presentation of the film “Stone”. The young people almost immediately fell in love with each other. This was the reason for the breakup of the actor’s first family. Their son Ivan was born literally immediately after the wedding. In July 2017, Antonina Slepakova gave birth to her second son, who was named Maxim.

Sergei managed to save a good relationship with my first daughter. As the actor’s friends and relatives say, the girl stays in new family father. All Svetlakov’s children are very friendly. According to the happy father, the boys are very glad that they have an older sister.

Awards and achievements

The actor is the author of 6 humorous projects. In total, he played in 9 films, which received great appreciation from the audience. Among the awards, it should be noted the Healthy Lifestyle Award in the category “Best Russian Actor”. Sergei was awarded it in 2012. Even earlier, there were such awards as the large “KiViN in Zolotoye” and “TEFI”, which Slepakov was given in 2008. Since 2004, he has been working on Channel One - he holds the position of screenwriter and the special projects department is under his control.

Facts from life

Everyone who knows Slepakov claims that this person is absolutely conflict-free and tries to resolve everything peacefully in any situation. In addition, fans learned several interesting facts from friends and acquaintances:

  1. Sergei received his first salary of 17 thousand rubles when he was part of the KVN team “Ural Dumplings”. The guys gave about 30 concerts throughout the country and earned pretty decent money for those times.
  2. According to the actor, among his friends in the cinematic environment there are a lot of gays. Most of them have families and carefully hide their sexuality.
  3. Close friends call him “Svetly”.
  4. He rarely appears in public with his second wife. In addition, for some reason the couple hid the birth of their second son for a long time.
  5. The name of one of the heroes of “Our Russia” is consonant with the name of Svetlakov’s father.
  6. Svetlakov receives good fees for his participation in the film. For example, for one of the main roles he was offered 400 thousand dollars.
  7. His height is 189 cm. He is 6 cm shorter than Ivan Urgant and 36 cm taller than Mikhail Galustyan. Sergey is Russian by nationality.

Svetlakov also loves KVN and very often revises old recordings. In the film “Gorko”, his older brother Dmitry, who has been managing the family business. This includes the network “Gifts and Holidays from Svetlakov and Isaev”, as well as the Comedy Home Pub club, located in the KomsoMALL shopping center in Yekaterinburg. The actor’s mother Galina Grigorievna is engaged in accounting.

It is no secret that the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful changes the biographies of its participants, sometimes radically. The fate of Sergei Svetlakov’s “Ural dumplings” is proof of this.

Now a producer, actor and screenwriter, a holiday man has avoided the fate of the “office plankton”. The showman believes that the minimum male program has been fulfilled: “I built everything, planted everything, gave birth.” Svetlakov’s happiness in his personal life is combined with success in show business, and now his plans are focused only forward, for the future.

Childhood and youth

Sergei Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977 in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Parents Galina Grigorievna and Yuri Venediktovich hoped that they would have a daughter, they even came up with her name Anastasia, but they were not at all upset by the appearance of a boy.

The Svetlakov family, where Seryozha was youngest child, lived together in a large and spacious three-room apartment, where there was enough space for everyone (in the future, the parents will exchange living space to give their sons their own “one-room apartments”).

From the age of 4, Sergei began going fishing with his father. One day, this hobby almost led to the death of a child: the boy lost his balance and fell into the water, but thanks to the quick reaction of his father, misfortune bypassed the family. The incident did not affect Sergei’s love for fishing in any way, and the artist continued to engage in his favorite hobby as an adult.

When Svetlakov turned 7, he went to a regular Yekaterinburg school. Sergei demonstrated since childhood leadership skills, became the initiator of absenteeism and jokes on teachers. Despite his mischief and hooligan antics, the boy studied quite well and was a typical “good student.”

Even as a child, Svetlakov knew how to attract attention and bring a smile to the face of his interlocutor, and everyone laughed at his jokes - from students to teachers. On graduation party the future artist staged a show of parodies of the teaching staff and presented a tablecloth with the wishes of the students written on it.

At school, Svetlakov was seriously interested in sports - football, basketball and handball. The young man dreamed of a career as a professional athlete and even played in the handball team of the Sverdlovsk region. 13-year-old Sergei was offered to play for the reserve team of the First League; according to the contract, the boy was even entitled to his own apartment. However, his parents intervened, tired of their son’s endless sports injuries, and advised the guy to abandon this idea and then enter the University of Transport.

Yielding to the persuasion of his relatives, in 1995 Svetlakov entered the university to major in commerce. First time young man I never left the dream of one day becoming a professional athlete. The guy tried himself as a coach of a handball team, but the team lost the competition with a crushing score. After this failure, Sergei finally put an end to his sports career.


In his 1st year, Svetlakov participated in the “Knight of the Institute” tournament, where he won. This event instilled confidence in Sergei and determined his fate for many years to come. That same year, the future artist joined the local KVN team “Barabashki” and soon became captain. In 1997, “Barabashki” changed its name to “Park of the current period” and went to Sochi for the first serious performance under the “roof” of a real KVN. The team was not successful, but the team members began to be recognized on the streets hometown. After another performance, Svetlakov was offered to become the author of jokes for the famous KVN team “Ural Dumplings”.

Sergey Svetlakov as part of the KVN team “Ural dumplings”

In 2000, Sergei graduated from the university. The television star initially continued the family business, going to work at the railway customs office. There, a young man was busy filling out cargo arrival declarations.

After several years, Sergei was invited to Ural Dumplings as a full-fledged member of the team. He faced a difficult choice: a job that brought a stable income, or KVN with constant travel around the country and a “floating” fee. Svetlakov decided to take a risk, and, as his subsequent career showed, this decision turned out to be correct.

Sergei Svetlakov on the KVN stage

As part of the Ural Dumplings, Svetlakov met many famous Kaveen players of that time; these acquaintances would come in handy in the future. Svetlakov’s team became the champion of the KVN Major League in 2000, and in 2002 won the “Big KiViN in Gold” and “KVN Summer Cup” awards.

In 2001, Sergei, together with his KVN colleagues, David Kurbanov, Artur Tumasyan, moved to Moscow. Friends rented a small 2-room apartment on Smolenka, where they wrote jokes and came up with numbers for KVN teams. It got to the point where comedians wrote texts for teams competing in the same game. In addition, the guys made money by coming up with slogans and creative names for companies. A year later, they began composing numbers for the popular Comedy Club show.

In 2004, Svetlakov was offered the position of screenwriter on Channel One, where he met a popular TV presenter.

Films and television

In 2005, the debut project of Sergei Svetlakov launched on the TNT channel - the sketch show “Our Russia”, where the artist performed funny roles together with. The show “Our Russia” gained considerable popularity among viewers, but was subjected to severe criticism. The program was accused of inciting ethnic hatred, and under pressure public figures some scenes had to be deleted.

Sergey Svetlakov and Mikhail Galustyan in the show “Our Russia”

In 2008, the artist became the host new program“ProjectorParisHilton” produced by Channel One. At the same table with Ivan Urgant, Garik Martirosyan and Svetlakov, he discussed and commented on events and news from the world of politics, culture, and economics in a humorous manner. Most of the jokes were invented during the filming process. Although the show was popular, the program had to be canceled in 2012.

According to the contract signed with TNT, the presenters did not have the right to work on other channels. Svetlakov and Martirosyan decided to leave the project.

Sergey Svetlakov at the "ProjectorParisHilton" show

The scandalous fame of the program “Our Russia” and the fame of “ProjectorParisHilton” only benefited Svetlakov, and invitations to act in films followed. In 2009, the newly minted actor took part in the filming of the film “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny." At the same time, he played in the film “Yolki”, where his partners were Ivan Urgant and. Svetlakov appeared in the comedy “Jungle” and the film “Cod”.

In 2011, Sergei surprised everyone by playing the main role in the crime drama “Stone” directed by Vyacheslav Kaminsky. In the film, he appeared in a completely new role for himself - a child abductor. In addition, the actor acted as a producer of the film.

Trailer for the film "Stone"

In 2013, the actor and showman began collaborating with the mobile operator Beeline. Since then, Svetlakov has been the face of the brand, and viewers often jokingly call him “smartphone man.” A well-known TV presenter also appeared in the advertisement as the “worst Internet”.

In the same year, the film “Gorko!” was released, in which Sergei Svetlakov played himself. The film, which described in detail the peculiarities of a Russian wedding, received mixed reviews: from “vulgar and disgusting” to extremely truthful and original.

One way or another, the picture gained popular love, because the characters seemed to be copied from relatives and neighbors.

Later, the second part of the comedy “Bitter!”, the films “Graduation”, “Speed ​​Moscow - Russia”, and numerous sequels to “Christmas Trees” were released. The films in which Svetlakov plays can hardly be called masterpieces of cinema, but almost every one receives popular love.

It was about folk cinema that Svetlakov spoke in a conversation with the famous, when he, on behalf of the soloist, told the showman that he did not want to write music for such films. Svetlakov passionately defended his projects, noting that for some other reasons he shared his opponent’s opinion. In particular, he did not speak in the best way about the film “The Best Film.”

In 2016, the showman starred in the next sequel to “Christmas Trees” and his friend’s comedy “The Groom.” In the latter, Sergei Svetlakov played the role of a simple village guy, Tolya, trying to return ex-wife, who decided to marry a German and go to live in Germany. Svetlakov's partners in the film were the actress and KVN star.

Trailer for the comedy “Groom”

In 2017, Svetlakov joined the jury of another famous television competition. After judging the “Comedy Battle”, in which Sergei’s daughter Nastya auditioned more than once, as well as participating in the “Dancing on TNT” project (with and), Svetlakov was invited to judge the anniversary season of the “Minute of Fame” program together with, and.

Personal life

The artist met his first wife Yulia Svetlakova (nee Malikova) while studying at the university. The girl was younger than Sergei for 2 years and had just entered college when third-year student Svetlakov proposed marriage. Yulia traveled with her husband when he toured the country as part of the Ural Dumplings, and moved to Moscow with him.

The couple could not have children for a long time, but luck finally turned to the Svetlakov family, and on December 12, 2008, daughter Anastasia appeared. In August 2012, the couple divorced. The reason for the divorce is banal: Svetlakov, busy with projects, began to pay less attention to his wife, as a result of which the relationship became different.

In 2013, Sergei Svetlakov secretly signed with Antonina Chebotareva, whom he met in Krasnodar. The lovers were spending their vacation in Riga and unexpectedly stopped at the Russian Embassy, ​​where they registered their marriage. On July 18 of the same year, the couple had a son, whom the happy couple named Ivan. At the age of 4, the boy became interested in hockey and goes to training. The head of the family is proud that Vanya already knows the names of KHL players.

The connection with Nastya was not interrupted. The girl lives for a long time in her father’s new family, Sergei works with his daughter after school, takes her to tennis, to electives in literature and the Russian language, and organizes holidays.

Sergei Svetlakov remains one of the most popular showmen in the country. To the artist's page "Instagram" millions of people subscribed. However, a man does not get pleasure from publishing photos and posts on social networks. For Sergei, this process is only a way of connecting with fans, akin to associated gas.

“One thing happens in a mine, the well is working, and the associated gas must be used correctly so that it does not just fly away, but does at least a small amount of benefit.”

And putting pictures of children on public display is a disease that, by her own admission, has not yet struck Svetlakov.

Sergei preserved his love for sports. He maintains his shape (weight 86 kg with height 187 cm) by riding a bicycle. In addition, the comedian is a fan of the Lokomotiv football club and the Dynamo hockey club. Watching matches of your favorite teams, Svetlakov said, is accompanied by conversations with the TV. It happens that obscene language slips through and the sandwich falls out of your hands. In 2016, the comedian became an ambassador for the FIFA World Cup, which took place in Russia a couple of years later.

Sergey Svetlakov now

In 2017, Sergei Svetlakov’s filmography was expanded with the continuation of the comedy “Yolki”. The fourth and fifth parts, according to the actor, turned out weaker than the previous ones. The participants did not feel optimistic about further filming, but when producer Timur Bekmambetov announced a complete renewal of the team, faith in the project was revived.

“New Christmas Trees” brings together stories that happened to residents of Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, and Tyumen on the eve of New Year’s celebrations. The heroes performed by Sergei Svetlakov and Ivan Urgant entered into a confrontation with the character.

The final film from the popular franchise called “The Last Christmas Trees” will be released on the eve of 2019. In the film almanac, he appeared in the role of a grumpy grandfather, who migrated from the first “Yelok” and appeared in the form of athletes. played a metropolitan celebrity whom a provincial girl dreams of meeting.

The action of the comedy “Groom 2: To Berlin” takes place six months after the events discussed in the first part of the film. Director and co-writer Alexander Nezlobin opposed the film's sequel. But then he agreed that the idea of ​​​​transferring the plot to Germany was not so bad. This time the hero has found happiness in his homeland, and the reconciled Svetlakov and Martsinkevich go to visit a German friend.

Sergei Svetlakov in the comedy “Groom”

In addition to the Swiss actor, familiar to Russian audiences from the drama "" and the thriller "Survive After", a Hollywood star was invited to participate in the funny film. The action hero will play Philip's father.

In the fall of 2018, Svetlakov and Nezlobin, as well as those who joined them, became co-hosts of the revived show “Thank God, you came!” on the STS channel. Alexander also acts as the creative producer of the program.

The channel's management, with the arrival of former Kaveen players, is counting on a new look, a change in format, and enrichment of content. Sergei said that parodies of comedians, version battles and even a direct line with the president will be added, and the guests in the studio will be people who are unaware of their comedic talent.


  • 2010 – “Christmas trees”
  • 2011 – “Yolki 2”
  • 2012 – “Stone”
  • 2013 – “Bitter!”
  • 2013 – “Yolki 3”
  • 2014 – “Bitter! 2"
  • 2014 – “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia”
  • 2014 – “Christmas trees 1914”
  • 2016 – “Groom”
  • 2016 – “Yolki 5”
  • 2017 – “New Christmas trees”
  • 2018 – “If the last ones”

Antonina Chebotareva surprised the guests of the premiere of the film “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia” in an unusual way

Antonina Chebotareva surprised the guests of the premiere of the film “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia” in an unusual way

Having become a father for the second time, Sergei SVETLAKOV now rarely goes out into the world. And the artist’s new life partner can even be called a homebody: the star of “Our Russia” after his marriage was in no hurry to introduce Antonina CHEBOTAREV to the general public, citing the fact that she had a lot of trouble with her son Ivan. And yesterday, finally, Sergei allowed his soul mate to tear himself away from the stove and brought his wife out into the world. The couple appeared together at the premiere of the film “Ambulance “Moscow-Russia”.

Played the main role in the film Hollywood star with Russian roots Margarita Levieva. The actress is known to viewers from the films “Womanizer,” in which she starred with Ashton Kutcher, and "Lincoln for a Lawyer" with Matthew McConaughey. Unlike the Ukrainian Mila Kunis, who spoke Russian with difficulty and with a noticeable accent at Moscow press conferences, Margarita, after many years of living in the USA, did not forget her native language and answered questions confidently and fluently. The 34-year-old actress was born in Leningrad, has been involved in gymnastics since childhood and was even a member of the Russian Olympic team. At the age of 11, in 1991, Margarita’s family emigrated with her mother and twin brother to New York. Despite the fact that the girl graduated from the Faculty of Economics of New York University, she was more seduced by the career of an actress. In 2005, she appeared in the television series Law & Order: Trial by Jury, and in the same year, New York Magazine included Margarita in the list of the 50 most beautiful people New York.

In the film "Ambulance "Moscow-Russia" Levieva played, in fact, herself - an American actress who goes on a train journey from Moscow to Vladivostok. And along the way, of course, he falls in love with a nice Russian guy played by Svetlakova. Despite their status as on-screen lovers, at the premiere Sergei and Margarita kept their distance from each other, which, however, is quite understandable: Svetlakov never left his wife’s side. Antonina Chebotareva, which the general public had hitherto seen only in blurry paparazzi photographs and retouched photos in glossy magazines, surprised the guests of the premiere in an unusual way. On the red carpet, the artist’s wife posed in ripped jeans and heavy biker boots.

Many domestic celebrities came to watch the new comedy. The director was seen in the hall Fedor Bondarchuk, actor Maxim Vitorgan, singer Anastasia Zadorozhnaya, stylist Vlad Lisovets, spouses Olga Sutulova And Evgeniy Stychkin, actresses Ekaterina Vulichenko And Agniya Kuznetsova and many others.

Sergei SVETLAKOV with his wife Antonina

Fame in general is a double-edged sword, and if you are, so to speak, “in the orbit” of a celebrity, life becomes much more complicated. Many people were interested in Antonina Chebotareva - who is she, how old is she? In short, this is the wife famous actor and showman Sergei Svetlakov, and this alone is of interest to a significant number of admirers of his work.

Antonina Chebotareva: biography

Antonina’s life was generally normal:

Born in Nalchik, studied at school No. 4, was a “good student”;

I was studying athletics, received prizes, and here you need willpower, which later helped you build a successful career;

Graduated from the Kabardino-Balkarian College of Design, entered Kuban State University majoring in Advertising, worked as a manager in a television company, then as deputy director of the Monitor cinema chain, and by nature was quite far from show business;

Fate wanted to radically change her life in December 2011 (probably as a reward for the losses and tragedies experienced in her personal life), when, on duty, she met and saw off the film crew of Sergei Svetlakov, who presented the film “Stone” in Krasnodar;

The celebrity fell in love with a charming administrator; she did not rush things, giving him the opportunity to sort out his feelings. Sergei arrived a year later with the film “The Jungle” and took Antonina away, proposing to her;

They got married in the summer of 2013 on the territory of the Russian embassy in Riga, on July 18 of the same year, their son Ivan was born;

Now the family lives in “3 houses” - Moscow, Moscow region, Jurmala.

Tonya with Sergei

Wedding in striped robes

The famous humorous prison phrase about freedom, which is never destined to come, was “laid” as the basis for the wedding ceremony of Antonina and Sergei.

Original wedding in robes

And how could one do without humor, given the composition of the main characters of the holiday:

The suits were ordered in Yekaterinburg, where Sergei’s parents lived, and the day before departure they were given packages that were forbidden to be opened until they arrived;

They didn’t forget about the children either; they were dressed up in striped suits;

The dates of birth of the bride and groom were sewn onto the robes;

We arranged a surprise for relatives who had no idea about the purpose of the trip, at the same time introduced them, made them healthier in the sea air and gentle sun;

The guests had a blast: guitar strumming alternated with harmonica trills and cheerful songs. Dancing barefoot on the sand, and even in the middle of winter, with dinner on seashore. Real improvisational therapy that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Tourists who were vacationing on the island at that time, seeing all these decorations and the masquerade in the form of four “prisoners” on the sand, thought that some kind of film was being filmed.

Prison romance with Svetlakov

The mystical and the real are close together

So how did Antonina “attract” the metropolitan showman spoiled by female attention? Probably because she had no intention of doing this at all, and his “stardom” did not blind her eyes.

In one of his interviews future spouse explained it this way:

Tonya refused numerous calls and invitations to Moscow;

When asked to simply spend time together in Moscow, she offered to come himself, which he immediately did;

This was the behavior of a decent woman with self-respect.

Psychic Mohsen Norouzi, whom reporters once turned to for a forecast of their relationship, determined from the photo:

Antonina has good energy;

She is not spoiled or embittered by life;

She worked a lot on herself, has serious plans for the future;

Possesses not only external sympathy, but also internal, modesty and charm of the soul; love reigns in her heart.

Sergey and Antonina have been together for more than 5 years, and are happy that fate brought them together.

Svetlakov and Chebotareva are happy

Family balance of boys and girls

For most women, the main thing is family, and Antonina is no exception. And this is where she has to keep a balance: mom-dad, brother-sister, husband-wife, parents-children. Interesting, but difficult, both mentally and physically, but she copes.

The family accompanies dad on trips to filming, vacations, and just from house to house, from city to city, from country to country, it turns out to be a nomadic gypsy camp. Packing 10 suitcases and not missing anything is not easy at all. Especially regarding children: don’t forget your favorite toy or book, and milk, and pills, everything must be provided for;

Not to disturb the overall balance of love is also my father’s “attitude,” so parental discussions on the topic of upbringing are commonplace, and the advice of grandparents must be adapted to the changing times;

There are two men in the house, and they have their own, male conversations, and this must be understood and accepted, as well as discussing with Nastya (Sergei’s daughter) the problems of drawing in her “creative workshop” in the bathhouse, but Antonina herself graduated from art school and design college, and they have common interests;

Family trips to the forest and fishing are great, but the soul craves romance, and then a week-long trip to the coast of Sardinia, for example, “helps.” I just want to be alone.

Antonina's daughter

Antonina Chebotareva: Instagram

Photographs are almost intimate, especially family ones, and here Antonina is a private person, which is quite understandable and understandable. The husband is constantly in sight, and the understandable interest in his family, of course, is not liked by everyone.

Sergey is a public person, and his photos on Instagram are open to everyone, but they remain practically “closed” for family photos.

Except that:

A mushroom family on the grass in a forest;

A short holiday in sunny Spain;

The “heart” cactus is also good.

Of course, on the Internet you can always find Antonina and Sergei smiling at various events; filming at them is not prohibited, but this rather refers to the creative activity of a popular artist.

He himself jokingly said in one of his interviews that he was the job for his wife, who supported and helped him, especially since she was related to the film industry. In the photo on Instagram, Sergei is with friends, his beloved daughter, nature, animals and is all at work, while his family and loved ones are waiting at home.

Probably one of the most pleasant things in the world is to celebrate wedding anniversaries, meetings, birthdays of children and parents in a quiet family circle. His wife, Antonina Chebotareva, very often appears in photos with Svetlakov - we told you who she is in this article

The love of this couple began immediately after they met - at the premiere of the film “Stone” at the end of 2011. At that time, Sergei Svetlakov was still married to his first wife Yulia, so he did not need scandals, and his relationship with Chebotareva was carefully hidden. By official version, Svetlakov’s divorce from his wife occurred due to the lack of closeness of souls in their relationship; they allegedly lived nearby and at the same time in parallel universes, annoyed each other. Or maybe the charming girl Antonina just got involved in the relationship, and Yulia simply became that “third wheel”?

Be that as it may, Sergei began to appear in public hand in hand with Chebotareva only after the official divorce - in August 2012. A few months later, information leaked to the press that the girl had moved in with the artist and was establishing a relationship with his four-year-old daughter Anastasia from her first marriage. Perhaps the couple decided to take their relationship to a more serious level because of Antonina’s pregnancy - she gave Svetlakov a son on July 18 of this year. Only after the birth of the child did Sergei decide to hastily register his relationship with common-law wife- at their wedding ceremony in Russian embassy There was not a single guest in Riga except the ambassador registering the marriage.

Now the Svetlakov couple lives in Sergei’s newly renovated house in the Baltic states. They enjoy parental feelings, although Svetlakov admitted in one interview that he was a little tired of sleepless nights. Despite this, Sergei is very happy about the birth of his son and he named him in honor of his best friend and colleagues - Ivan Urgant.