Developmental training. Features of the Elkonin-Davydov system

For a long time, the concepts of developmental education by domestic psychologists and teachers (V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, I.Ya. Lerner, etc.) were named and defined only in textbooks on pedagogy. IN last years the situation has changed: theorists and practitioners of domestic education are paying more and more attention to the practical problems of developmental education. Dedicated to them scientific works. Issues of intellectual, moral and physical development of schoolchildren are becoming increasingly relevant. Moreover, one of the main principles of reforming the Russian school is the principle of developmental education.

The term “developmental education” owes its origin to V.V. Davydov. Introduced to designate a limited range of phenomena, it quickly entered into mass pedagogical practice. Today its use is so varied that special research is required to understand its modern meaning. Major domestic scientists (B.G. Ananyev, L.V. Zankov, etc.) back in the 50s. XX century identified and described the following fact: great efforts devoted to training junior schoolchildren, did not give the desired effect in their mental development. The scientific and practical problem of the connection between the education and development of younger schoolchildren was posed with all the urgency. Then in the 1960s. It was found that changing the content and methods of traditional primary education has a certain positive effect on the development of children.

As psychological and pedagogical observations and research show, in principle, any training to one degree or another contributes to the development of children’s thinking and personality foundations (for example, traditional initial training develops empirical thinking in younger schoolchildren). We are considering a type of education that correlates with primary school age and is aimed, first of all, at developing theoretical thinking , to develop their creativity as the basis of their personality. It is this type of developmental education that can be compared with the traditional type of education, which does not contribute to the development of the listed qualities in schoolchildren.

If mental development, in principle, can only be carried out in the forms of training and education, then, consequently, these forms always have a developmental character. Indeed, in general theoretical terms, this is exactly the case, and any training and education can be called “developmental.” But all the problems are What specifically develop these types of training and education, and whether the observed development corresponds to the age-related capabilities of the person. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind that certain types of training and education can inhibit a person’s mental development (then his regression occurs, which is also included in the philosophical concept of “development”). The term “developmental education” remains “empty” until it is filled with a description of the specific conditions of its implementation according to a number of significant indicators, for example: what are the main psychological new formations of a given age that arise, form and develop in this age period; what is the leading activity of a given period that determines the emergence and development of the corresponding neoplasms; what are the contents and methods of carrying out this activity (for example, is it carried out spontaneously or purposefully); what are its relationships with other activities; with the help of what system of methods can one determine the levels of development of the corresponding neoplasms; what is the nature of the connection between these levels and the characteristics of the organization of leading activities and other related activities. Only as these indicators (or at least some of them) are filled with concrete content does the researcher, psychologist or teacher-practitioner gradually move on to operating with the actual concept of developmental education in relation to a very specific age period and to those real means of teaching children of this age, with the help of which it is possible to organize their leading activities, leading to the development of the required level of corresponding psychological formations. Attitude training And development represents, according to L.S. Vygotsky, “...the most central and fundamental question, without which the problems of educational psychology... cannot not only be correctly solved, but even posed” 1.

This state of affairs 70 years ago, when these words were written, continues to this day. Many theoretical and practical aspects of educational psychology and psychological pedagogy can only be understood depending on how seriously and deeply the problems of developmental education are studied.

By the beginning of the 30s. XX century Three main theories about the relationship between training and development have emerged more or less clearly. They were described by L.S. Vygotsky. These theories, with some modifications, exist in modern psychology, having experimental and practical justifications. Each of them (especially the first and third) have their supporters, but according to their internal meaning, they divide their adherents into two camps. The first group includes those who do not recognize the influence of training on development and deny the very possibility of developmental training (these are supporters of the first theory). The second camp consists of those who recognize the existence of developmental education regardless of how it may be interpreted (these are supporters of the second and, mainly, the third theory).

L.S. Vygotsky resolved the issue of the relationship between learning and development, based on general law of the genesis of mental child functions, revealed in the zones of proximal development, which are created in the process of his learning, in communication with adults and friends. He will be able to do something new on his own after he has accomplished it in cooperation with others. A new mental function appears as a kind of “individual continuation” of its implementation in collective activity, the organization of which is learning. “...Only that training is good which runs ahead of development.” Without such training in the mental life of a child, such processes that are associated with his development are impossible. Learning is an internally necessary and universal moment of development. In the works of L.S. Vygotsky does not have a detailed description of the specific subject-specific manifestations of developmental learning understood exactly in this way. For many years this remained only a hypothesis, although his students sought to concretize it and justify it with certain subject content.

Ideas L.S. Vygotsky were developed and substantiated within the framework psychological theory activities:

  • 1. Developmental learning is understood as a new, active-activity method (type) of learning, replacing the explanatory-illustrative method (type). Developmental education differs from explanatory-communicating type education in the nature of teaching and learning. The main role of the teacher in the process of developmental education is the organization of the student’s educational activities, aimed at the formation of cognitive independence, the development and formation of abilities, ideological and moral beliefs, and an active life position. Developmental education is carried out in the form of involving the student in different kinds activities, use in teaching didactic games, discussions, as well as teaching methods aimed at enriching creative imagination, thinking, memory, speech. Involving the student in educational activities, focused on his potential capabilities, the teacher must know what methods of activity the student has mastered during previous training, what is the psychology of this process of mastery, the degree of students’ understanding of their own activities. Based on the data obtained, the teacher constructs pedagogical influences on students, placing them in zone of proximal development child.
  • 2. Developmental education takes into account and uses developmental patterns and adapts to the level and characteristics of the individual.
  • 3. Pedagogical influences anticipate, stimulate, direct and accelerate the development of the hereditary data of the individual. The structure of developmental education is a chain of increasingly complex subject-related tasks that create in the student the need to master special knowledge and skills, to create a new solution scheme that has no analogues in his experience, and new ways of acting. What comes to the fore is not only the updating of previously acquired knowledge and already formed methods of action, but also the formulation of a hypothesis, the formation of a principle (idea) and the development of an original plan for solving the problem, finding a way to test the solution by using independently noticed new connections and dependencies between the given and the sought, known and unknown. In the process of “extracting” (creating) new ways of performing an action, the student receives a specific result in the form of new facts. Thus, already in the learning process, the student rises to new levels of intellectual and personal development.
  • 4. The child is a full-fledged subject of educational activity. The basis of teaching in the structure of developmental education is the connection “goal - means - control”, and the central technological link is the student’s independent educational and cognitive activity, based on the child’s ability to regulate his actions during learning in accordance with the perceived goal. These actions, aimed at changing objects and phenomena, cause a certain process in the child’s behavior, motivated by one or another need, which (in the student’s behavior) acts temporarily as an incentive and as a goal. The motive for learning is expressed either directly in practical need, situational interest, or indirectly - subjectively - and hidden from the student. The assimilation of knowledge and the formation of methods of activity appear in the structure of developmental education as a process and result of the student’s activity.
  • 5. Developmental education is aimed at developing the entire set of personality qualities.
  • 6. Developmental learning occurs in the child’s zone of proximal development. Developmental education is the orientation of the educational process towards human potential and their implementation. Advancement in development becomes a condition for deep and lasting assimilation of knowledge. The schoolchild’s educational activities take place in collaboration with adults, in a joint search, when the child does not receive ready-made knowledge, but strains his mind and will. Even with minimal participation in such joint activities, he feels like a co-author in solving emerging problems. Working based on the student’s zone of proximal development helps to reveal his potential capabilities more fully and brightly. She instills in him faith in his own strength.

Changing the nature of teaching causes a change in the nature and structure of teaching. The essence of developmental education is that the student not only acquires specific knowledge, skills and abilities, but also masters methods of action. In learning, a distinction is made between educational activity, during which assimilation occurs, and assimilation itself as the main content of educational activity. Specific to teaching is its focus on students mastering methods of activity while still in the process of its construction. The content of the activity that the student must learn during the learning process is associated in his mind with the execution of the action

(action systems). Thus, educational actions are primary in the process of assimilation. Knowledge is secondary in nature and, as incentives for learning, specific goals, tools and instruments of cognition outside of activity (outside the system of actions) lose their power. Hence, The subject of teaching activity in the structure of developmental education is not assimilation as such, but the actual educational activity, in the process of design and implementation of which assimilation occurs. Knowledge, skills and abilities, properties and qualities of the individual act both as products (results) of this activity, and as a condition for the student’s further activity, during which his development occurs.

In the theory of developmental learning in activity, there are reflexive-personal And subject-operational education: the subject plan of activity is formed by actions and operations with objects - signs or things, material or ideal; the reflexive-personal plan determines the individual’s attitude to the activity being performed. The development of activity is carried out mainly through reflective and personal formations. To substantiate and develop the theory of developmental learning, the following is important: in the external plane, activity is mainly its subject side, but it also includes semantic formations.

In the 1960s in our country, a scientific team was created that studied the meaning of the younger school age in human mental development under the guidance of famous psychologists D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydova, L.V. Zankova. It was found that in modern conditions at this age it is possible to solve specific educational objectives subject to the development of educational activity and its subject, abstract theoretical thinking, and voluntary control of behavior. Scientists sought to accurately follow the essential points of L.S.’s hypothesis. Vygotsky and, based on broad factual material, turn it into a detailed theory of developmental learning. This required the development of several auxiliary theories that specified and deepened the main points of L.S.’s hypothesis. Vygotsky.

  • 1) theory of periodization of children mental development(D.B. Elkonin);
  • 2) the theory of the basic types of human thinking (V.V. Davydov);
  • 3) theory of educational activity (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, V.V. Repkin, etc.);
  • 4) the theory of connection between the requirements of educational activities and the construction of teaching aids (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, V.V. Repkin, etc.);
  • 5) theory of diagnostics of the developmental effects of educational activities (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, V.V. Repkin, etc.).

First of all, the main psychological new formations of primary school age were identified here: educational activity and its subject; abstract theoretical thinking; voluntary control of behavior. It was discovered that traditional primary education does not ensure the full development of these new formations in younger schoolchildren, does not create the necessary zones of their immediate development when working with children, but trains and consolidates those mental functions that basically arise in children as early as preschool age(sensory observation, empirical thinking, utilitarian memory, etc.). It was necessary to organize (first on an experimental basis) such training for younger schoolchildren that could create in them “necessary” zones of proximal development, transforming over time into the required neoplasms.

Based on the corresponding premises, an auxiliary theory has been developed that reveals at the modern logical-psychological level the content of the main types of consciousness and thinking and the main types of mental actions corresponding to them. According to D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, the basis of the mental development of younger schoolchildren lies in the formation of their educational activities in the process of assimilating theoretical knowledge through meaningful analysis, planning, and reflection. Children’s implementation of this activity determines the development of their entire cognitive and personal sphere. The development of the subject of this activity occurs in the very process of its formation, when the child gradually turns into a student who changes and improves himself.

By the beginning of the 70s. XX century D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov completed the first cycle of independent work devoted to the study of age-related opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge by younger schoolchildren. It was experimentally proven that the ideas about “norms” established in traditional developmental psychology intellectual development the thinking of schoolchildren is valid only for a certain model of learning and that the developmental potential of learning is determined not so much by the methods of organizing (forming) the actions of students, but by the real content of their activities that unfold in the learning process. This marked the beginning of the development of the theory of educational activity and the theory of meaningful (theoretical) generalization, which subsequently formed the basis theoretical concept developmental training. At the same time, a method for solving the problems posed was determined - genetic modeling experiment in the form of a systematic schooling 1 .

V.V. Davydov, having examined the general didactic principles of consciousness, clarity, continuity, accessibility, scientific character, asserts a different, actually psychological and pedagogical nature of them: firstly, the principle of continuity is transformed into the principle of qualitative differences in the stages of learning, each of which corresponds to a different stage of mental development;

secondly, the principle of accessibility is transformed into the principle of developmental education, filled with new content;

thirdly, the principle of consciousness receives new content as a principle of activity. Based on this principle, students do not receive information in a ready-made form, but only by finding out and establishing the conditions of their origin as a method of activity. This principle served as the basis for the formation of a new model of learning as a transformative-reproducing activity of students;

fourthly, this is the principle of clarity, fixed by V.V. Davydov as the principle of objectivity. By implementing this principle, the student must identify the subject and present it in the form of a model. This is an essential characteristic of the transformative-reproducing activity of learning, when the model, sign-symbolic representation of its process and result occupy a significant place.

Developmental training in educational activities based on mastering the content of academic subjects should be developed in accordance with its structure and characteristics. Accordingly, V.V. Davydov formulates the main provisions that characterize not only the content of educational subjects, but also those skills that should be developed in students when mastering these subjects in educational activities:

  • 1) the assimilation of knowledge that is general and abstract in nature precedes students’ acquaintance with more private and specific knowledge; the latter are derived by students from the general and abstract as from their single basis;
  • 2) students acquire knowledge constituting a given academic subject or its main sections by analyzing the conditions of their origin, thanks to which they become necessary;
  • 3) when identifying subject sources of certain knowledge, students should be able, first of all, to detect in educational material genetically original, essential, universal relation that determines the content and structure of the object of this knowledge;
  • 4) students reproduce this relationship in special subject, graphic and letter models, which allow them to study its properties in its pure form;
  • 5) students should be able to concretize the genetically original, universal relationship of the object being studied in the system of private knowledge about it in such a unity that ensures the thinking of the transition from the general to the particular and back;
  • 6) students must be able to move from performing an action in the mental plane to performing it in the external plane and back 1.

Developmental education is truly teacher-controlled mental development of the student, having potential and prospects for implementation in teaching practice. Developmental education according to the Elkonin-Davydov system (SRO), introduced into the practice of school education, received a comprehensive interpretation in the works of A.K. Markova, V.V. Repkina, L.V. Zankova and others.

Sh.A. also dealt with the problem of developmental education in the field of primary education. Amonashvili. His research was mainly aimed at a detailed disclosure and description of the patterns of zones of proximal development in primary schoolchildren. In the real development of these zones, a major role is played by the spiritual community of the teacher with the students, as well as the constant communication of the students with each other, which is based on disputes, the ability to pose questions, evaluate the efforts and results of each other’s work. Thanks to such cooperation and mutual assistance, children develop a kind of socially dependent independence. The study of the processes of formation of this independence of schoolchildren allowed Sh.A. Amonashvili to develop problems of cooperation pedagogy. Pedagogy of cooperation - direction in modern pedagogy, which is based on the teacher’s orientation towards cooperation between teacher and student, helping the child overcome difficulties, developing a sense of personal significance in educational activities, and the absence of pedagogical dictate. Sh.A. Amonashvili also identified the developmental significance of such training for younger schoolchildren, which is built on a content-evaluative basis, replacing traditional school grades.

In the 1980s in relation to the problems of education, theoretical and experimental studies in area dialogue of cultures. These studies were led by V.S. Bibler. He put forward the thesis that human cultures are in constant communication. Since every culture existing in history is very unique and unlike others, their communication is a dialogue. The content of the school of dialogue of cultures is a dialogue of ancient, medieval and modern cultures. From this position, the student can understand a word, a number, an object of nature, piece of art only when they are consistently and simultaneously considered from the point of view of different cultures - in their dialogue. According to this approach, in the first and second grades of school, children can begin to develop those initial understandings of the listed basic subjects (words, numbers, etc.), which in subsequent grades will be mastered in the dialogue of cultures, in their heteroglossia. Thus, in the third and fourth grades, schoolchildren can master their understanding from the point of view of ancient culture, in the fifth and sixth - medieval culture, in the seventh and eighth - the culture of modern times, in the ninth - tenth - the culture of modern times. In the first two grades, children develop “points of wonder,” riddles regarding eternal problems associated with words, numbers, and natural objects. In the future, they will look for answers to their questions in the process of dialogue between cultures. For example, the course of ancient culture in the third and fourth grades is mastered in a constant dialogue with the culture of the Middle Ages or modern times, the bearers of which are the “landings” of high school students and their teachers for the lessons of the third and fourth grades. This dialogue of different forms of understanding exists simultaneously. If in teaching children we adhere to the principle of simultaneity of various forms of understanding inherent historically different cultures, then this presupposes the introduction of special content and special methods into teaching. The assimilation of this content leads to a unique mental development of children., significantly different from the usual development of modern schoolchildren. At present, experimental programs for the school of dialogue of cultures are already being created, and attempts are being made to implement them in various classes; This work is carried out especially actively in primary grades.

Questions and tasks

  • 1. Prepare reports on the history of developmental education in our country and abroad.
  • 2. Prepare reports on the developmental education systems of Elkonin-Davydov and Zankov.
  • 3. Tell us about the pedagogy of cooperation of Sh.A. Amonashvili.
  • 4. What is the dialogue of cultures as applied to pedagogy and psychology?
  • 5. Specify the main ideas and problems of the concept of developmental education.
  • 6. What are reflexive-personal and subject-operational education?
  • 7. Prepare short messages about auxiliary theories.
  • 8. Give an idea of ​​the new principles of training according to V.V. Davydov.
  • Davydov V.V. Problems of developmental training: Theoretical and experimental experience psychological research. M.: Pedagogika, 1986; Elkonin D. B. Developmental psychology: Tutorial for students higher schools, institutions. M., 2001. Bibler Vladimir Solomonovich (1918-2000) - Russian philosopher, culturologist, cultural historian. The creator of the doctrine of the dialogue of cultures, the author of works on the history of European thought, the logic of cultural development, and the theory of scientific knowledge.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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“A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case does he acquire the right to teach” V.M. Lizinsky Presentation plan: 1. About the authors of the Elkonin-Davydov method 2. History of the development of the Elkonin-Davydov system 3. Goals and objectives of the Elkonin-Davydov system 4. Features of the author’s Elkonin-Davydov method 5. How to form thinking in a child using the Elkonin-Davydov method 6 Pros and cons of the Elkonin-Davydov system

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Introduction The education system created and tested by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, today is popular and effective in many educational institutions. A feature of this progressive system is the formation in the child of a number of scientific concepts, as well as independence and a high level of initiative. It is important that knowledge is presented to students not in the form of specific information about the objects being studied, but as a means of proving and discovering them. The student independently determines the algorithm of his actions and ways to achieve his goals and objectives. Training is carried out within the framework of standard school curriculum, but at a new qualitative level.

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About the authors of the Elkonin-Davydov technique. Daniil Borisovich Elkonin Elkonin Daniil Borisovich (1904 - 1984) - a famous doctor of psychological sciences, professor, popular domestic psychologist. Daniil Borisovich is one of the brightest specialists in child psychology, the author of the progressive theory of age-related periodization of mental development. Elkonin belongs to the group of Soviet psychologists who form the basis of the outstanding scientific school under the leadership of L. S. Vygotsky. D. B. Elkonin is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles that reveal issues of the theory and history of child psychology, studying the psychology of educational and play activity child. The author also devoted a lot of time to researching the development of children's speech and the issues of teaching reading.

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Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov (1930 – 1998) - an outstanding psychologist and teacher, academician and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, professor. Davydov studied at the school for working youth and after graduating he entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Psychology and Philosophy. After graduating from this university, Vasily Vasilyevich teaches at the Institute of Psychology, working closely with D. B. Elkonin and P. Ya. Galperin, following the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky. Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov published more than 250 articles and created an example of a progressive school of thinking with developmental education, which is successfully used in our time. Davydov is also the author of the theory of educational activity and its diagnostics of developmental effects, the theory of various types of thinking, etc. Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov is recognized as one of the outstanding theorists and practitioners of modern pedagogy, who created the first social movement of teachers and organized the Developmental Education Association.

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History of the development of the Elkonin-Davydov system The Elkonin-Davydov system is known in pedagogical system more than 50 years. Back in 1958, Elkonin opened an experimental research laboratory called “Psychology of Junior Schoolchildren” on the basis of educational institution No. 19. In 1976, this institution accepted a request from the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, which involved developing the content of a completely new primary education system.

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History of the development of the Elkonin-Davydov system The Elkonin-Davydov system was introduced into widespread pedagogical practice in 1991. Three years later, on the initiative of V.V. Davydova was organized International Association“Developmental Education”, uniting like-minded teachers, developmental education specialists and school leaders of a new type. In 1996, the Elkonin-Davydov system received the status of a state system. Now this system has become on the same level with the classical education system and the L.V. system. Zankova.

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Objectives of the Elkonin-Davydov system To organize the class into a single learning community, the activities of which are aimed at the joint formation of goals and objectives, as well as finding ways and means of solving them in the process of group activity. Introduce assessment technology into the educational process without recording specific grades. This development creates conditions for the formation and development of the concept of self-esteem and self-control of one’s activities in primary school students. To identify the primary schoolchild’s age periods, which make it possible to form and apply the pedagogical methodology necessary for a certain stage to increase efficiency educational process. Form the content of subject disciplines through a system of setting specific goals and solving educational problems. Move to a new type of interaction between teacher and class, teacher and student, as well as between students.

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Features of the author's methodology of Elkonin-Davydov The Elkonin-Davydov system is based on three main principles: The leading subjects of research in the learning process are methods and techniques for solving problems. From these positions the study of any academic discipline. Each subsequent section is specified and supplemented with mastered methods of action. Any educational activity is characterized by a subject-practical direction. The student’s work in class is aimed at active search means and methods for solving the identified problems, while the child’s incorrect judgments are interpreted as a “trial of thought” and not an error. This system eliminates the reproductive method of learning and helps to make the transition to activity-based pedagogy, which develops theoretical thinking in the child. The peculiarity of this author’s methodology is that students take an active part in the learning process. As a result, children are transformed into little scientists and researchers who collaborate with their supervisor - a teacher. In this case, the teacher is assigned not the main role in the lesson, but an auxiliary one. He only directs and coordinates the work of students.

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Features of the author's methodology of Elkonin-Davydov The Elkonin-Davydov methodology uses a leading or stimulating type of dialogue in lessons. These types of dialogue allow children to put forward many of their own options for solving a given task or problem. The teacher, in turn, records the most extraordinary options and invites students to prove their hypotheses, and also creates a situation of success in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, students sum up their activities. In order for all students to actively participate in the process of discussing the problem, it is recommended to divide the class into mini groups and invite each of them to put forward a hypothesis or version of the solution to the problem.

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How to shape a child’s thinking using the Elkonin-Davydov method. In a school-age child, theoretical thinking develops through solving educational tasks. The main indicator of the formation of logical thinking in a student is the ability to carry out subject-mental operations. For example, when a student solves a given problem incorrectly, he stops and begins to reason about why he solves the problem in this particular way. If the problem is solved correctly, the student can look for auxiliary ways to solve it. Theoretical thinking is gradually formed and developed in schoolchildren as they move from one class to another. Also important indicators of the formation of theoretical thinking in a child are his ability to plan actions and perform mental analysis: what is on this moment important and what is a secondary action. Therefore, according to the Elkonin-Davydov method, in order to develop logical thinking in a child, you need to pay attention to the level of development of reflection, the ability to plan and analyze assigned tasks.

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Pros and cons of the Elkonin-Davydov system The Elkonin-Davydov system is used in many schools. This system has a number of advantages compared to traditional training. Let's look at some of them in more detail. The Elkonin-Davydov system directs the student’s educational activities not towards obtaining a good grade, but towards personal growth and self-development. The child begins to strive for new achievements and obtain current knowledge and skills. At the lesson a large number of time is devoted to acquiring theoretical knowledge and developing logical thinking. The Elkonin-Davydov system develops a child’s creative potential, skills in analyzing received information, as well as the ability to think big.

He worked at this institute since 1929, where the topic of his work (in collaboration with L. S. Vygotsky) was the problems of children's play. After the defeat of pedology, he worked as a teacher from 1937 primary classes in one of the Leningrad schools, taught at the Pedagogical Institute, created school textbooks on the Russian language for the peoples of the Far North. In 1940 he defended his PhD thesis on the development of speech in schoolchildren.

At the end of the war (which he spent at the front and was awarded orders and medals), D. B. Elkonin, although he really wanted it, was not demobilized. He received an appointment to teach at the Moscow Regional Military Pedagogical Institute Soviet army, where he not only taught psychology, but also developed the basic principles for constructing a course in Soviet military psychology. However, in 1952, a wave of repression began under the guise of a fight against cosmopolitanism.

A commission meeting dedicated to “analyzing and discussing the cosmopolitan mistakes committed by Lieutenant Colonel Elkonin” was scheduled for March 5, 1953, but Stalin died and it was postponed and then cancelled. Lieutenant Colonel D.B. Elkonin was transferred to the reserve.

In September 1953, D. B. Elkonin became full-time employee Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (now the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education), where he worked until the end of his life. At the institute he headed several laboratories, in 1962 he defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1968 he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. For many years he taught at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, founded in 1966.

The works of D. B. Elkonin became one of the cornerstones of activity theory.

He conducted his research on child psychology together with students of L. S. Vygotsky: A. N. Leontiev, A. R. Luria, A. V. Zaporozhets, L. I. Bozhovich, P. Ya. Galperin

Main publications

  • The doctrine of conditioned reflexes. M.; L., 1931.
  • Primer: Russian language textbook for Mansi elementary school. L., 1938.
  • Oral and written language schoolchildren (manuscript), 1940.
  • Development of constructive activity of preschool children (manuscript), 1946.
  • Psychological issues of preschool play // Questions of psychology of a preschool child. M., 1948.
  • Thinking of a primary school student / Essays on the psychology of children. M., 1951.
  • Psychological issues of fire training. M., 1951.
  • Mental development of a child from birth to school entry // Psychology. M., 1956.
  • Creative role-playing games for preschool children. M., 1957.
  • Speech development in preschool age. M., 1958.
  • Child psychology. M., 1960.
  • Questions of psychology of educational activity of junior schoolchildren / Ed. D. B. Elkonina, V. V. Davydova. M., 1962.
  • Psychology of preschool children/Ed. A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin. M., 1964.
  • Psychology of personality and activity of preschool children / Ed. A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin. M., 1965.
  • Age characteristics of younger adolescents / Ed. D. B. Elkonina. M., 1967.
  • Psychology of teaching primary schoolchildren. M., 1974.
  • How to teach children to read. M., 1976.
  • Psychology of play. M., 1978.

see also


  • Wenger A. L., Slobodchikov V.I. , Elkonin B. D. Problems of child psychology and scientific creativity of D. B. Elkonin // Questions of psychology 1988. No. 3. P. 20.


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Teachers of the USSR
  • Psychologists of the USSR
  • Born in 1904
  • Died in 1984
  • Psychologists in alphabetical order
  • Victims of the fight against cosmopolitanism

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    Elkonin, Daniil Borisovich- (1904 1984) psychologist, corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1968), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1962), professor (1965). Student L.S. Vygotsky. He began his teaching career in 1922 in the Dergachiv colony for juvenile offenders (Poltava... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Elkonin, Daniil Borisovich- (1904 1984) Russian psychologist, specialist in the field of child and educational psychology, student and one of L.S.’s closest collaborators. Vygotsky. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the USSR APS. At the Research Institute of General and... ... Who's who in Russian psychology

    ELKONIN Daniil Borisovich- , psychologist, member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (1968), doctor of ped. Sciences (1962), prof. (1965). Student of L. S. Vygotsky. Graduated from psychoneurological. department of Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute (1927). Ped... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    - (1904 1984) Soviet psychologist, author of an original direction in child and educational psychology. Born in the Poltava province, he studied at the Poltava gymnasium and at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen. Worked in this... ... Wikipedia

    Daniil Borisovich Elkonin (1904 1984) Soviet psychologist, author of an original direction in child and educational psychology. Born in the Poltava province, he studied at the Poltava gymnasium and at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A.I.... ...Wikipedia

    Elkonin, Daniil Borisovich Daniil Borisovich Elkonin (1904 1984) Soviet psychologist, author of an original direction in child and educational psychology. Born in the Poltava province, studied at the Poltava gymnasium and in Leningrad... ... Wikipedia

Education system, created and tested by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, today is popular and effective in many educational institutions. A feature of this progressive system is the formation in the child of a number of scientific concepts, as well as independence and a high level of initiative. Important, that knowledge is not given to students as specific information about the objects being studied, and as a means their evidence and discoveries. The student independently determines the algorithm of his actions and ways to achieve his goals and objectives. Education held as part of the standard school curriculum, but at a new qualitative level.

Methodology Elkonina-Davydova characterized by the absence of grades and minimization of the amount of homework.

As a result children don't get overtired and are surrounded by an atmosphere of psychological comfort. Also are being formed affiliate relationship between student and teacher, positively influencing the results of their educational activities.

Children, students on the system Elkonina-Davydova , capable of self-control and self-education. They develop a special approach to studying a subject, they are not afraid to defend their personal point of view, they know how to think independently and make adequate decisions. Elkonina-Davydova capable of raising an emotionally developed and harmonious personality.

About the authors of the method Elkonina-Davydova

Elkonin Daniil Borisovich (1904 - 1984) - famous doctor of psychological sciences, professor, popular domestic psychologist. Daniil Borisovich - one of the brightest child psychology specialists, author of the progressive theory of age-related periodization of mental development. Elkonin belongs to the group of Soviet psychologists who form the basis of the outstanding scientific school under the leadership of L. S. Vygotsky.

The author of the famous method was born in the Poltava province, where he received his primary education. Then he continued his studies at the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute. A. I. Herzen. After completing his studies, he worked for some time at this university, collaborating with L. S. Vygotsky. Long time Elkonin studied the problem of children's play, working as a primary school teacher, and also taught for students at the pedagogical institute. Daniil Borisovich is the author of many school textbooks on the Russian language, written for children of the Far North.

Great Patriotic War interrupts Elkonin's teaching activities and sends him to the ranks of the active army. The author of the method was awarded medals and military orders.

IN Peaceful time Daniil Borisovich resumes his teaching career. Elkonin works fruitfully at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, is a leading employee of the scientific laboratory of psychology of primary schoolchildren and adolescents, where he carries out activities to diagnose the mental development of schoolchildren. After some time, the teacher was chosen corresponding member APN USSR. Elkonin dedicated many years pedagogical activity at Moscow University, namely the department and faculty of psychology.

D. B. Elkonin is the author of a large number of monographs and scientific articles that reveal issues of the theory and history of child psychology, studying the psychology of the child’s educational and play activities. The author also devoted a lot of time to researching the development of children's speech and the issues of teaching reading.

Vasily Vasilievich Davydov (1930 - 1998) - outstanding psychologist and teacher, academician and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, professor.

Davydov studied at the school for working youth and after graduating he entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Psychology and Philosophy. After graduating from this university, Vasily Vasilyevich teaches at the Institute of Psychology, working closely with D. B. Elkonin and P. Ya. Galperin, following the teachings of L.S. Vygotsky.

Their pedagogical Davydov dedicated his works and scientific articles to issues developmental education and the problem of age-related norms of mental development. The teacher tested his own theoretical developments at Moscow school No. 91, which was an experimental type. Davydov developed based theoretical-experimental research author's programs and special manuals by academic subjects. Today many educational establishments Russia and abroad use Vasily Vasilyevich’s manuals to study subjects in elementary and high school.

In addition, V.V. Davydov comprehensively explored the problems of philosophy, collaborating with progressive teachers of the Soviet era: E.V. Ilyenkov, A.A. Zinoviev, G.P. Shchedrovitsky, etc. Special place from Vasily Vasilievich were occupied with questions of thinking, cultural-historical psychology and other things. Davydov often criticized official pedagogical dogmas. After publishing the author's book " Philosophical and psychological problems of educational development”, the teacher was expelled from the party operating at that time, removed from his position, and also fired from experimental school No. 91.

After some time, Davydov was awarded the prize named after him for significant achievements in the field of pedagogy. Ushinsky. The teacher was also reinstated into the ranks of the party and again appointed to the position of director of his native institute.

Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov is recognized as one of the outstanding theorists and practitioners of modern pedagogy, who created the first social movement of teachers and organized the Association "Developmental training".

History of the system development Elkonina-Davydova

System Elkonina-Davydova known in the pedagogical system more than 50 years.

Back in 1958, Elkonin opened educational institution No. 19 on the basis of experimental research laboratory called “Psychology of the Junior Schoolchild”.

In 1976, this institution accepted a request from the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, which involved developing the content of a completely new primary education system.

Wide pedagogical practice system Elkonina-Davydova was introduced in 1991. Three years later, on the initiative of V.V. Davydov, the International Association “Developmental Education” was organized, uniting like-minded teachers, specialists in developmental education and heads of schools of a new type.

In 1996 the system Elkonina-Davydova received the status of a state system. Now this system has become on par with the classical education system and.

It should be noted that teachers and psychologists of the laboratory D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov was awarded the Russian Presidential Prize in 1998 for his significant contribution to the development of pedagogical science. Also to the creators course for primary school, entitled "Literature as a subject of the aesthetic cycle", and the teachers of school No. 91 of the experimental type were awarded the State Prize in the field of pedagogy.

To improve the level of qualifications of teachers and provide them with support in studying and testing new methods, the Institute of Developmental Education was organized in 2000.

To date relevance and popularity of the system Elkonina-Davydova is constantly increasing. After all, the main ideological direction of the system is education and development harmonious, independent and responsible personalities.

Goals and objectives of the system Elkonina-Davydova

Junior school is recognized as the main link in the education system, as it is aimed at developing the child’s intellectual qualities, his mental processes and abilities. Methodology Elkonina-Davydova called progressive in the education system, as it creates a favorable psychological and pedagogical environment for the child's development and learning. Pupils become the main figures in educational activities who constantly strive for self-development and self-knowledge.

To solve current problems and goals of pedagogy system Elkonina-Davydova modifies classic forms and methods of organizing the educational process, as well as its content.

The type of interaction between student and teacher and the features of their cooperation in the learning process are especially changing.

In this regard, it is important to form the correct mechanism of the educational process, allowing the child set tasks independently define methods their decisions.

System Elkonina-Davydova solves the following problems:

  1. Organize the class into a single learning community, whose activities are aimed at jointly developing goals and objectives, as well as finding ways and means to solve them in the process of group activity.
  2. Introduce assessment technology into the educational process without recording specific grades. This development creates conditions for the formation and development of the concept of self-esteem and self-control of one’s activities in primary school students.
  3. To identify the age periods of a primary school student that allow them to form and apply the pedagogical methodology necessary for a certain stage to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.
  4. Form the content of subject disciplines through a system of setting specific goals and solving educational problems.
  5. Move to a new type of interaction between teacher and class, teacher and student, as well as between students.

Primary school students who studied based on the system Elkonina-Davydova, achieved the following positive results:

  • high level of activity and cognitive interest;
  • ability to actively solve assigned problems in a group;
  • the ability to determine the object of research, put forward one’s own hypotheses and draw conclusions from one’s activities;
  • the ability for introspection and self-assessment of one’s activities;
  • the ability to interact with the teacher and other students to solve designated problems and goals.

Thus, a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality is formed with high level creativity and independence.

Features of the author's methodology Elkonina-Davydova

System Elkonina-Davydova is based on three main principles:

  1. The leading subjects of research in the learning process are ways and methods of solving problems. From these positions, the study of any academic discipline is carried out. Each subsequent section is specified and supplemented with mastered methods of action.
  2. Any educational activity is characterized substantive and practical direction.
  3. The student’s work in the classroom is aimed at actively searching for means and ways to solve the identified problems, while the child’s incorrect judgments are interpreted as a “test of thought” and not an error.

This system eliminates the reproductive method of learning and helps to make the transition to activity-based pedagogy, which develops theoretical thinking in the child.

The peculiarity of this author's work is that students actively participate in the learning process. As a result, children are transformed into little scientists and researchers who collaborate with their supervisor - a teacher. Wherein the teacher is given not the main one in the lesson role, A auxiliary.

He only directs and coordinates the work of students.

Leading type of activity in lessons - group, and the predominant form - discussions, experimental and practical Job. System Elkonina-Davydova organizes educational activities so that the child can independently determine the subject of research, put forward possible ways and ways of research, as well as analyze and critically evaluate one’s own assumptions and arguments of classmates, which contributes to the formation and development of objective, independent thinking.

Methodology Elkonina-Davydova uses leading or awakening types of dialogue in lessons.

Data types of dialogue allow children to put forward many own solution options delivered tasks or problems. The teacher, in turn, records the most extraordinary options and offers students prove your hypotheses, and also creates a situation of success in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, students sum up their activities.

In order for all students to actively participate in the discussion of the problem, recommended divide the class into mini groups and invite each of them to put forward a hypothesis or version of the solution to the problem.

It should be noted that a teacher who uses the system in lessons Elkonina-Davydova, must have an excellent command of the necessary methodological techniques to unlock the child’s creative potential and take into account the child’s valuable thoughts during the discussion of the problem at hand.

The main advantages of the system Elkonina-Davydova for the development and education of the child. First of all, the student learns not to memorize the information received from the teacher, but on one's own to get knowledge in progress theoretical-practical research of a subject or phenomenon. Secondly, the child learns quickly adapt to changing conditions and easily finds a way out of any situation that arises. Thirdly, children become confident in themselves and their capabilities and can carry out self-control, self-analysis of one's own activities.

How to shape a child’s thinking using the method Elkonina-Davydova

Human thinking- a mental ability that helps solve various mental problems. Peculiarity mental operation is what you need find sure ways and solutions assigned tasks. To do this, a person acts according to the following scheme: goal-means-solution.

In a school-age child, theoretical thinking develops through solving educational tasks. Main indicator of the formation of logical thinking the student has ability realize subject-mental operations. For example, when a student solves a given problem incorrectly, he stops and begins to reason about why he solves the problem in this particular way.

If the problem is solved correctly, the student can look for auxiliary ways to solve it. Theoretical thinking is gradually formed and developed in schoolchildren as they move from one class to another.

Also important indicators of the formation of theoretical thinking in a child is his skill to planactions, and perform mental analysis: what is currently important and what is a secondary action.

Therefore, according to methodology Elkonina-Davydova To develop logical thinking in a child, you need to pay attention to the level of development of reflection, the ability to plan and analyze assigned tasks.

Pros and cons of the system Elkonina-Davydova

System Elkonina-Davydova used in many schools. This system has a number of advantages, in comparison with traditional training. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

  1. System Elkonina-Davydova directs the student’s educational activities not towards getting a good grade, but towards personal growth and self-development. The child begins to strive for new achievements and obtain current knowledge and skills.
  2. During the lesson, a large amount of time is devoted to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of logical thinking.
  3. System Elkonina-Davydova It develops the child’s creative potential, skills in analyzing received information, as well as the ability to think big.
  4. Children analyze easily own actions and the actions of their classmates. System Elkonina-Davydova teaches the child introspection, self-esteem and self-criticism.
  5. Methodology Elkonina-Davydova evaluates every effort of the student; special scales have been developed for this purpose.
  6. Work with children is carried out in small groups, where research, discussion and consolidation of educational material are carried out.

Among the parents, children which are developing and are trained according to the system Elkonina-Davydova , was carried out survey. In their opinion, this system really does an excellent job of developing and educating their children, but there are also some disadvantages to the popular method.

Let's look at the most pressing “fears” of parents:

  • firstly, many parents studied according to the traditional system and it is quite difficult for them to adapt to the new principles of the methodology Elkonina-Davydova;
  • secondly, parents are afraid of grade-free education. But, it should be noted that the teacher controls the student’s activities, collecting his creative works and determining the level of success in learning;
  • thirdly, parents are afraid of the very deep level of the academic disciplines taught.

But, despite all the “cons” of this system designated by parents, children easily comprehend academic subjects, quickly adapt to a new environment, they have developed thinking, attentiveness and other mental processes.

The child also develops comprehensively and has great creative potential.

Therefore, it is important parents of future first graders familiarize in detail with principles and the specifics of the system Elkonina-Davydova , as well as emotionally and psychologically prepare for the perception of this progressive technique.

Daniil Borisovich Elkonin was a famous Soviet psychologist. He is the author of the original direction in child psychology. Daniil Borisovich was born in 1904 and died in 1984.

Elkonin studied problems related to children's play, worked for some time as a primary school teacher, taught at a pedagogical institute and at psychological faculty Moscow State University, wrote Russian language textbooks for children of the Far North and defended a dissertation on the topic of speech development in primary schoolchildren. Of course, this is not all of his merits.

His main contribution to pedagogy was the development new system developmental training.

It’s interesting that Elkonin was going to be repressed for his not quite standard views. The meeting at which his “behavior” was to be considered was scheduled for March 5, 1953. But on this day Stalin died, and the meeting was first postponed and then completely canceled.

Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov is also a famous Soviet psychologist and teacher. Born in 1930, died in 1998.

He was an academician and vice president Russian Academy education, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor and student of D.B. Elkonin, with whom he not only worked, but was also friends until the very last days. Many of Davydov’s works were also devoted to developmental education, and even one of the experimental Moscow schools No. 91 put his theoretical developments into practice.

Vasily Vasilyevich has repeatedly spoken very sharply about the traditional system of teaching schoolchildren. This, as well as the publication in 1981 of the book “Philosophical and Psychological Problems of the Development of Education” led to Davydov being expelled from the party, removed from the post of director of the Institute of Educational Psychology and banned from working at school No. 91. However, already in 1986 he was awarded the prize Ushinsky for achievements in pedagogy, reinstated in the party and position.

The education system of Elkonin Davydov began to take shape in the 50s of the last century, in the 80-90s it began to be widely used in schools, and in 1996 it was approved as one of the official training programs in primary grades.

Currently, this training system is used in Russian schools. What makes it so unusual?

Assessment without grades

Elkonin children do not receive grades. They go to school not for straight A's, but for knowledge. They don't even have diaries. Personally, I have a completely normal question: how can I understand whether a child has learned at least something or not at all? How to evaluate knowledge? How to evaluate progress? It turns out that you can do without the five-point system that is familiar to us all.

A rating scale or ruler is used in lessons. It looks like a stick with a cross.

Such a scale is displayed next to each task, for example, next to an equation that needs to be solved or next to an exercise in the Russian language. The higher the cross is placed on the scale, the higher the level of knowledge. And who puts the crosses? Do you think a teacher? You guessed wrong. Students evaluate their knowledge independently! So the student did the exercise, thought about it and gave himself a grade. In order for the assessment to be correct, children rely on certain criteria, such as:

  • the correctness of the task;
  • accuracy of execution;
  • beauty;
  • accuracy, etc.

Moreover, they are not told: “Guys, here are the criteria by which you will evaluate yourselves!” Children need to invent these criteria, that is, first think, then formulate, then choose, explain why and then evaluate themselves. This is what happens in 1st grade. And in grades 2 and 3, they independently select criteria for evaluating their work.

Thanks to this approach, the teacher can understand at what level the student’s self-esteem is: normal, overestimated or, conversely, underestimated. Then the teacher also puts his mark, also a cross on the scale, and the student has the opportunity to compare the scores and understand whether he did the right thing or not.

Well, okay, teachers understand these crosses, and students also understand what’s what. But what should poor parents do who know for sure that an A is great, a C is okay, and a D is a reason for a serious conversation with their son or daughter? How can they control the process? To do this, the teacher gives recommendations to parents and presents them with the child’s portfolio, which contains his creative works. This portfolio replaces a diary.

Now let’s imagine this situation: a child is studying according to Elkonin Davydov, putting crosses. So 4 years pass and suddenly something happens that forces his parents to transfer him to another school. And in new school Children are not taught according to this developmental system. And the child has to study according to a simple classical program. What will happen? It'll be hard. It's hard for children to adjust. Since not only the assessment system is radically different, but also the entire learning process as a whole. And this is one of the disadvantages of this program.

Well, since we’re talking about the disadvantages, let’s immediately look at the others.


  1. Very high and complex level of subjects taught. For example, in the first grade, children are already studying the principles of the structure of language and sorting out questions about the origin of numbers... Of course, knowledge of such deep fundamentals will help to better assimilate the rules, but is this necessary for children at that age? The question is controversial.
  2. A complete discrepancy between Elkonin Davydov’s program and classical education systems. So if you have already sent your child to such a developmental class, then try to make sure that he studies according to this system until he graduates from school. Well, or at least up to seventh grade. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for the child to readjust.
  3. The kids work a lot in groups of 5-7 people. They conduct various studies, discuss with the teacher what conclusions they came to, and then draw a general conclusion. No, it's not bad. But this approach to learning is used in almost all programs today.

It would be unfair to talk about the minuses and not mention the pluses. So let's talk about the good stuff.


Many advantages stem from the disadvantages:

Elkonin Davydov’s program is often called “brilliant.” The methods and techniques that are used in it lead to the most powerful development of the child.

True, only under one condition, which is relevant for any school curriculum. The teacher must understand exactly what he is doing and why. In general, again everything depends on the teacher. And since it is not possible to consider all the teachers working in this developmental system, I propose to take a closer look at the teaching methods and techniques that they use (or should use) in their work.

Teaching methods and techniques

They are quite interesting:

All this sounds very good, don’t you agree? But the picture will be incomplete without feedback from both parents and teachers.

What do teachers think?

Teachers think differently. Some people praise the program, saying that it contains a special development mechanism that will be very useful in high school. Many people also think that especially developed children need such a system.

The Russian language is highly praised literary reading, the world. But opinions about Alexandrova’s mathematics are not very favorable; they say that everything is too complicated. Another disadvantage is the lack of continuity with the middle level of the educational process.

What do parents think?

Opinions of parents who experienced all the delights of the program on their own... on own experience also divided.

Some people praise it and call it the best available. They say that she really develops logical thinking children. The main thing is that the children have enough strength to cope with it and that the teacher is a competent specialist.

Others are unhappy with the program, especially with the Russian language. There are problems with terminology, which is almost impossible for parents who studied according to the old USSR standards to understand. And this makes it difficult for parental participation in the process of preparing lessons. There are also negative reviews about the world around us, which is impossible to understand without the Internet. It's too complicated.

Parents also point out that it takes too much time to prepare lessons for this program.

As you can see, there is no consensus. How many people - so many opinions, as they say. But it’s still up to us to choose. It's good if there is such a choice.

Next year my younger son goes to school in 1st grade. Will study using . Our school offers training in this program and also in “”. To be honest, we are going not so much for the program as for the teacher. But if the choice were wider, I would probably choose for myself. I wrote about her.

And now I suggest you watch a video about how a regular lesson goes in primary school according to the Elkonin Davydov system.

You can also learn more about the “” and “” programs.

Friends, what program are your children studying or are they just planning to study? Will you tell me? I look forward to your comments.

I wish you every success!

See you again on the blog pages!

Always yours Evgeniya Klimkovich