Chinese President Xi Jinping announced his re-election as General Secretary Central Committee Communist Party of China. For a second term, he was approved by a vote carried out by delegates at the 19th Congress of the CPC Central Committee. Thus, the representative of the so-called inner-party group of “princes” (Xi Jinping’s father was one of Mao Zedong’s closest associates) strengthened his position in the country’s political arena.

“I was re-elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee. I see this not only as approval of my work, but also as support that will help me in the future,” Xi said during a speech in parliament.

He thanked all party members for their trust in him and promised to work with renewed vigor to “fulfill general tasks and achieve common goals." In the next five years, China will expand reforms and become more involved in foreign policy, he said.

Popular recognition

Russian President Vladimir Putin has already congratulated Xi Jinping on his re-election. According to him, confirmation for a second term speaks of the political authority of the Chinese leader.

“In congratulations the head Russian state stressed that the voting results fully confirmed the political authority of Xi Jinping, broad support for his course towards accelerated socio-economic development of China and strengthening its international positions. The President of Russia expressed confidence that the decisions of the 19th Congress of the CPC, which “became a truly historical event,” will contribute to strengthening the relations of comprehensive, trusting partnership between the two countries,” says a statement on the Kremlin website.

Putin confirmed his interest in continuing joint work to develop the entire range of Russian-Chinese ties.

Simultaneously with the re-election of Xi Jinping, the names of those who will take seats on the new Politburo Standing Committee became known.

  • Xi Jinping and members of the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee
  • Reuters
  • Jason Lee

Among them are Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang, Vice Premier of the State Council Wang Yang, head of the Shanghai Party Committee Han Zhang, head of the Office of the CPC Central Committee Li Zhanshu, head of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee Zhao Leji and head of the Political Research Center of the CPC Central Committee Wang Huning. It is their voices that will be decisive when making important decisions.

The composition of the Politburo of the Central Committee was also updated. It included 25 people, including only one woman.

Second after Mao

Earlier, delegates to the congress included the name and ideas of the Chairman of the People's Republic of China into the party charter, in particular Xi's vision " new era socialism with Chinese characteristics." Experts note that in this way the Chinese leader was placed on the same level as Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. At the same time, Xi is the second leader of the PRC after Mao, whose name was included in the charter during his lifetime. None of the current chairman's predecessors - neither Jiang Zemin nor Hu Jintao - was awarded such an honor.

“Xi Jinping and his legacy since the last congress are so important for China that they are assigned for study by future party members in the same way as (heritage. - RT) Mao Zedong. The main things were told to them: raising the standard of living to the average European level, strategic partnership with Russia through the implementation of the “One Belt - One Road” project as a priority, and economic and political confrontation with the United States,” political scientist Alexander Asafov told RT.

Xi Jinping set a kind of record for the length of his speech at the opening of the Party Congress - it lasted three and a half hours and was dedicated to the results of the work of the CPC Central Committee over five years. In particular, general secretary highlighted the successes economic development countries and achievements in reforms. In addition, he outlined the issues on which the government will have to concentrate. Among them are the modernization of the army, party discipline, combating corruption, eradicating poverty, solving social problems, strengthening positions in foreign policy and combating international threats and challenges.

It is noteworthy that this time not a single politician under 60 years of age was elected to the Politburo Standing Committee. According to unspoken tradition, this suggests that Xi has no potential successor to replace him in 2022 at the 20th CPC Congress. This means that Xi Jinping may well run for a third term, experts emphasize.

  • Images of Xi Jinping and Mao Zedong on plates
  • Reuters
  • Tyrone Siu

Face of China

By its decision to re-elect Xi, the CPC demonstrated full agreement with the political course that he is pursuing. Political scientist Alexander Asafov stated this.

“The 19th Congress of the Communist Party is quite a major event for Chinese politics. Much was expected of him. Therefore, the re-election of the Secretary General suggests that Xi Jinping justified the party’s trust and, despite the existence of internal criticism, his course was recognized as most consistent with the current interests of China and the challenges facing the country,” he said.

As confirmed to RT by the head of the sector of economics and politics of China at the National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations. EAT. Primakov RAS Sergei Lukonin, in this regard, the policy promoted by Xi Jinping will be continued in the future.

“All the trends that existed in Xi Jinping’s first term will develop and continue in the future. In particular, the “One Belt, One Road” initiative and the development and modernization of the economy will be promoted,” the expert concluded.

Xi Jinping- Chinese statesman and politician. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (2012), Chairman of the People's Republic of China (2013), Chairman of the Central Military Commission. He became the first general secretary Central Committee of the CPC, born after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Childhood, Xi Jinping family

Xi Jinping was born on June 1, 1953 in Beijing, but according to Chinese tradition, he is considered to be a native of Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, where his father is from. Xi Jinping is a representative of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders. His name can be translated as “bringer of peace” or “peacemaker.”

Father - Xi Zhongxun (1913, Fuping, Shaanxi, Republic of China - May 24, 2002, Beijing), of Han nationality, was one of the party and state leaders of China. “Han” is the largest ethnic group in China (92%), as well as the largest ethnic group in the world (19%).

Xi Zhongxun was an ally of Mao Zedong in the 30s of the last century. The Great Helmsman called him “a leader of the people.” From 1959 to 1962, Xi Zhongxun was Deputy Chairman State Council The PRC, however, then had a difficult period in his biography, he was removed and arrested, and subsequently ended up in prison several times, but in the 80s, Xi Jinping’s father returned to the political Olympus. Member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee in 1982-1985, member of the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee in 1982-1987.

Mother Qi Xin was a cadre and CCP veteran. She is highly respected in her son's family. After her son began to occupy leadership positions, she convened family council and demanded that her other children refrain from doing business in areas that Xi Jinping oversaw.

Xi Jinping belongs to the representatives of the internal party faction “Taijiang”, the “party of princes” - the descendants of major Chinese party leaders. "Taijiang" is a term for the younger generation of relatives of the old party elite.

Youth, education of Xi Jinping

Until the age of 9, Si Jr. grew up in prosperity. He was Xi Zhongxun's third child from his second marriage. As already mentioned, in 1962, trouble came to the family - Xi Zhongxun, a devoted communist, was accused of an anti-Party conspiracy. First, my father was sent to Henan Province. During " cultural revolution"(1966-1976), when the witch hunt began, Xi Zhongxun was kept under arrest. The son also experienced repression. In 1969, he was sent for “re-education through labor” to a village in Yanchuan County, one of the poorest provinces of the PRC - Shaanxi. Recalling the years of hard times, Jinping said that he lived in a cave, stacked bricks covered with a thin blanket were his bed, and a bucket was his toilet. He had to fight fleas and endure constant loneliness because his peers ostracized him. And, of course, I had to work hard physically.

Among the residents of the PRC, these deprivations of their leader formed the idea of ​​him as a person who knows how a “common Chinese” lives. In addition, Xi Jinping turned out to be a strong spirit; he did not betray communist ideals. In 1971, Jinping became a Komsomol member. In 1974, despite the fact that his father was still in prison, Xi Jinping was accepted into the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and even became the secretary of the village party organization.

In the early seventies, Xi Jinping was allowed to return to the capital. In 1975, he entered Beijing University at the Faculty of Chemical Technology, from which he graduated in 1979.

Soon Xi Zhongxun returned from prison and continued his party activities under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. He was appointed party leader and at the same time governor of Guangdong Province.

After graduating from university, Xi Jinping was for some time the secretary of the offices of the State Council and the Central Military Council.

Party career

While working in the military department, Xi Jinping became in 1982 the secretary of General Geng Biao, who was the minister of defense (1981−1982). However, he asked to be sent to work in the province. Xi became deputy secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhengding County, Hebei Province. And already in 1983, Xi Jinping was elected secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhengding County, which he combined with the post of first political commissar of the People's Armed Militia of the same county. Here, Xi Jinping managed to improve the economic indicators of the county and increase budget revenues through the development of the tourism potential of Zhengding, which is famous for its ancient pagodas and monasteries.

In 1985, Xi became vice mayor of Xiamen City, Fujian Province. The city of Xiamen was a special economic zone neighboring Taiwan across the strait. In 1988, Xi Jinping was Secretary of the CPC Committee of Ningde (Fujian) County and First Secretary of the Fujian Military Region of the People's Liberation Army of China. From 1990 to 1996, he was secretary of the Fuzhou City Committee of the CPC. In 1992, Xi was a delegate to the 14th National Congress of the CPC.

Career Xi Jinping is mainly associated with his activities in Fujian Province. While working there, he created a method of direct meetings and consultations between officials and walkers from the people, which was exceptional for China at that time. Xi headed this structure. He would receive dozens of complainants every day, and on one occasion, 700 visitors passed through his office in two days.

As governor of Fujian Province (2000−2002), Xi Jinping attracted investment from Taiwan and actively promoted the development of a market economy. He took a tough stance against corrupt officials.

When the pension scandal broke out in Shanghai in 2006, in which the secretary of the Shanghai CCP Committee, Chen Lanyu, was accused of misusing money pension fund and was sentenced to 18 years in prison, Xi Jingping was appointed to this post, giving him high confidence.

Xi Jinping was firmly on the career ladder. Many experts argued that his successes are associated with the main traits of his character. This, of course, is an iron will, an uncompromising attitude towards corrupt officials, and the ability to find a compromise among various groups of the Chinese elite. As a member of the “Party of Princes,” Xi managed to unite around himself many members of the influential Shanghai group, which is associated with the name of Hu Jintao.

In October 2010, Xi Jinping became Hu Jintao's deputy in all positions.

Following the results of the 18th CPC National Congress, the 18th CPC Central Committee appointed Xi Jinping General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Council of the CPC Central Committee on November 14, 2012, and also included him in the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee and the Standing Committee of the Politburo of the 18th CPC Central Committee convocation

According to media reports, Xi Jinping's name has never been mentioned in connection with corruption throughout his biography. Xi Jinping is also waging a merciless fight against corruption in the power structures of China. The VI Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, held on October 24–27, 2016 in Beijing, emphasized the desire of the country’s leadership to cleanse the ranks of the CPC of corrupt officials, strengthening the vertical of power and proclaiming the principle of collective responsibility.

Xi Jinping himself was awarded the title of “core” leader, a title previously held by Mao Zedong, reformer Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin.

Foreign policy

There is an interesting episode in the biography of Xi Jinping. When he visited the Chinese diaspora in Mexico in 2009, he was asked why the US blamed China for the global economic crisis. “There are just snickering foreigners who like to point fingers at China. We do not export revolution, we do not export hunger and poverty, we do not harm others headache- and what else do they need? — the deputy chairman then exploded.

In the summer of 2016, Xi Jinping visited Ufa, where the Chinese leader met with Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the BRICS and SCO summits. Putin noted that the Russian Federation and China face various difficulties in the economy and international politics, “but by joining forces, we will certainly solve all the problems and tasks facing us.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin (from left to right) (Photo: Xinhua/Global Look Press)

At the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2017, many experts called Xi Jinping’s speech “an application to seize the position of global leader from the United States.” "We must promote democracy in international relations, rejecting the hegemony of one or more powers,” Xi Jinping said. He also called for the elimination nuclear weapons- “the sword of Damocles hanging over humanity.” The Chinese leader criticized “trade protectionism and self-isolation” and said that all states need to promote “stable growth of economic globalization.” This sounded like a veiled criticism of Washington, which, according to Beijing, has recently turned from a guarantor of international order into a source of global uncertainty.

The speech of the Chinese leader surprised the chairman of the board of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, who noted that the vast majority of forum participants were horrified that “the world built after the Second World War is collapsing, it no longer exists.” At the same time, Chubais called Xi Jinping’s speech “a magnificent ode to the market economy,” which contrasted greatly with the speech of the new US President Donald Trump.

As experts noted, during election campaign Trump sharply criticized US-China relations, believing that Beijing, not Washington, receives the main dividends from bilateral trade.

A real test for China's relations with the United States was XI Jinping's visit to America in the spring of 2017. It was during a dinner at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate that the US President told Xi Jinping about the missiles fired at the Syrian air base. “He (Xi Jinping) fell silent for 10 seconds and then asked the translator to repeat. I thought it was unlikely good sign, but the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China said that such measures are acceptable if someone is so cruel,” Trump himself described the dinner.

In total, Xi Jinping's meeting with Trump in Florida on April 8 lasted more than 7 hours. After her, Trump accepted Jinping’s offer to visit China, the visit will take place during 2017.

Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting with US President Donald Trump (Photo: TASS/Globa Look Press)

After Xi Jinping’s visit to the United States, the heavy nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the US Navy Carl Vinson with escort ships headed to the Korean Peninsula, which many regarded as preparation for an American strike on the DPRK. In the spring of 2017, this did not happen, and Chinese President Xi Jinping called in a telephone conversation with Trump to continue trying to resolve the North Korean problem. nuclear program and resolving the situation on the Korean Peninsula through diplomacy.

Personal life, hobbies of Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping first married Ke Lingling, the daughter of Chinese Ambassador to Great Britain Ke Hua, in the early 1980s. Family life didn’t work out, Ke left the country and moved to live in England.

Xi Jinping married singer Peng Liyuan for the second time in 1987. Peng is extremely popular in China. At the time of their marriage, she was better known to the people of China than Xi. Peng Liyuan performs folk and military songs. At the age of 18, she joined the ranks of the PLA (People's Liberation Army of China). Now she has the rank of major general. Xi Jingping's wife received a master's degree in Chinese traditional ethnic music and regularly performs at New Year's concerts on television. Peng Liyuan is the country's first Master of Chinese National Vocal Music, a WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and AIDS, and a Goodwill Ambassador for Tobacco Control and Child Delinquency Prevention.

Peng Liyuan is a folk singer whose name is known in almost every Chinese home (Photo:

Xi Jinping and Peng Liyuan have a daughter, Xi Mingze. The name “Mingze” in Chinese contains a whole concept - “Live pure life and be a useful person for society,” is what they expect from their daughter, which is also the motto of Xi Jingping’s family’s simple lifestyle.

Xi Jinping's daughter, Xi Mingze, was born in 1992 and studies at Harvard under a pseudonym.

Xi Jinping and daughter Xi Mingze (Photo:

Xi Jinping enjoys swimming, mountaineering, and loves basketball, football, and boxing. As soon as he has a free minute, he tries to watch his favorite sports programs more often.

When meeting with friends, Xi Jinping can have a glass and prepare dumplings himself. According to BBC news, the President of the People's Republic of China is sociable, hardworking, diligent, extremely ambitious and purposeful. Xi practices martial arts and Qigong and is interested in Buddhism.

The place of Chinese President Hu Jintao, who was in power for 10 years, will be taken by his deputy Xi Jinping. “Generation change” was called the main thing at the XVIII Congress of the Communist Party of China political event autumn. Xi Jinping has a reputation as an unapologetic fighter against corruption and a supporter of reform. He will lead China for the next 10 years. His short biography And achievement list- below.

Xi Jinping is a representative of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders. His name can be translated as “bringer of peace” or “peacemaker.”

Born in 1953 in the family of a prominent Chinese revolutionary who repeatedly held high positions. People like him are sometimes called princes in China, although his origins did not make his life easier, quite the contrary. My father was repressed several times. And after he was imprisoned, 15-year-old Xi was sent to work in one of the agricultural communes.

However, there he managed to advance - he joined the Komsomol, and then the CCP, and became the secretary of the primary cell.

From 1975 to 1979, Xi studied chemical engineering at the prestigious Tsinghua University.

Since 1982, he has been at party work in Hebei province, deputy secretary of the county committee.

Since 1985 he has been working in Fujian Province. Starts as vice mayor large city Xiamen, rises to governor and deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Attracts investments, including from Taiwan, and shows itself as a supporter of a market economy.

From 2002 to 2007, he worked in the economically important province of Zhejiang, where he became secretary of the provincial CCP committee and chairman of the local people's congress. Increased economic growth rates to 14% per year. He became known throughout the country thanks to the fight against corruption in government structures.

2007-2008 – secretary of the city committee in the country’s key metropolis, Shanghai. From that moment on, he was considered one of the fifth generation of Chinese leaders.

Since 2007 – member of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee. Responsible for preparing for Olympic Games in Beijing, in charge of Hong Kong and Macau affairs. Rector of the Higher Party School. In program articles he emphasizes the need for party unity and the fight against all actions that could lead to its split.

Since 2008, Xi Jinping has become Deputy Chairman of the People's Republic of China, and since 2010, Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Council of the CPC Central Committee. After this, analysts confidently called him the main candidate for the highest post in the country.

Foreign leaders describe Xi as open and pragmatic. There were practically no open conflicts or confrontations in his career.

The politician is married for the second time to singer Peng Liyuan. For a long time she was better known to the general public than her politician husband. Their daughter is studying at Harvard University.

© Igor Stavtsev/Collage/Ridus

The Chinese parliament has agreed to remove the limit on the number of presidential terms per person from the constitution. Almost three thousand members of the National People's Congress supported this decision. Two were against, three abstained. (After this, who will complain that the NPC is a purely decorative organ?)

By “one person” in this case we mean the current head of the PRC and the party, Xi Jinping, whose “thoughts” are now also included in the constitution on a par with the founder of the CPC, Mao Zedong. The second term of 64-year-old Xi Jinping (that is, he is only for a year younger than the president Vladimir Putin's RF) has just begun, but he wisely decided not to put off an important matter until the last minute.

If there is Xi, there is China, if there is no Xi, there is no China.

Thus, China formally ended the era of reforms by Deng Xiaoping, who in the 1990s introduced the rule of limiting leaders to two five-year terms in order to avoid a repetition of the excesses of Mao’s cult of personality.

From now on, any disagreement with Xi becomes formally equivalent to undermining the constitutional foundations of the state. That is, the position that was abandoned in the USSR after the abolition of Article 6 of the Soviet constitution migrated to the constitution of the PRC. A holy place is never empty.

If you do not find fault with the, as always, high-flown language of the resolutions of the NPC and the CPC Central Committee, then the transformation of Xi Jinping’s powers can be reduced to a short formula: “The power in China has again become truly Chinese,” says Arkady Serebryany, associate professor at Volgograd Pedagogical University.

“I see all these comments about how Xi has gained unlimited power, but all these comments greatly exaggerate the real ability of the ‘red emperor’ to do whatever he wants,” he told Reedus.

The system of power now consecrated in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China is an exact copy of the system of power of all Chinese states, from Mao Zedong and back thousands of years, the historian explains.

“In China, from time immemorial, there has been a very clear delineation of powers, written down on paper, and real opportunities ruler The Chinese supreme ruler, for example, had the right to strangle with his own hands any official he disliked right in the throne room. For this purpose, the emperor sent the official a silk cord, giving him the choice: to carry out the death sentence himself or to entrust its execution to the emperor personally. But at the same time, the emperor could not deviate one step from the norms and traditions accepted in society, that is, he was, in fact, a slave on the throne,” says Arkady Serebryany.

So are the powers of Xi Jinping: they seem to be almost limitless, both along the party and state lines (and it is not always possible to say exactly where one flows into the other). But the Secretary General of the CPC and the President of the People's Republic of China, like the “real” emperors, continues to remain in slavery to tradition - albeit communist, but this does not make its pressure any less insurmountable.

“After all, the very description of Xi Jinping’s “ideas” - socialism with Chinese characteristics of a new era - shows that in this country communist dogma and national tradition, moreover, the longest and most continuous in the history of human civilization,” the sinologist emphasizes.

They will be like silk

The events taking place in China are essentially tantamount to a coup d'etat, even if initiated by the state itself, the Center expert believes East Asia MGIMO Andrey Dikarev.

In any authoritarian system of power, for its normal functioning, the figure of a leader is vitally needed, on whose personality, as on an axis, the entire party-state structure will be impaled from top to bottom. This is exactly the system in China. And since the entire Celestial Empire is now at a serious crossroads, the system instinctively triggers a protective reflex, which is described by the well-known saying - horses are not changed in midstream, he previously told Reedus.

The Institute’s expert agrees with this Far East RAS Alexander Larin.

“Xi Jinping does not need monopoly, almost imperial power as an end in itself. For him, she is like a control panel, by pressing the buttons of which he forces the country to take certain actions. And the country must carry out commands from the remote control unquestioningly, otherwise the remote control - absolute power - simply does not work as it should,” he believes.

Xi has made a large-scale anti-corruption campaign the leitmotif of his rule, during which any Chinese party and state functionary can be removed from his post, receive a prison sentence, or even be shot.

Now, Larin predicts, we can expect that even more massive purges in the party will begin in China, the elimination of the slightest manifestations of independence of grassroots party committees - all under the banner of the fight against corruption, of course.

Already during the period between the XVIII and XIX CPC Congress 440 party officials were repressed, 43 of them were members of the Central Committee. Although almost all repressions were justified by the fight against corruption, they surprisingly affected only those party members who doubted the correctness of abandoning the concept of constant rotation of the supreme leadership laid down by Deng Xiaoping.

If Larin is right in his predictions, then it is quite logical that simultaneously with the amendments to the constitution on the life sentence of the head of the PRC, legislators introduced an amendment to create a new anti-corruption body, the National Supervisory Commission, during whose investigations suspects will be prohibited from using the assistance of lawyers. The amendment will be approved on March 20.

From now on, the NNK will play the role of the messenger who, in imperial China, was supposed to hand over a silk cord to a dignitary sentenced to death. The only difference is that Xi Jinping does not need to strangle unwanted officials in the throne room with his own hands.

Xi Jinping is the President of the People's Republic of China, a talented politician and a man who is called the “big daddy” of the Chinese people. Last fact perfectly demonstrates the respect with which ordinary citizens treat their leader. And this is no coincidence - Xi Jinping is famous for his intransigence towards corruption and his rather progressive opinion about public administration.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Xi Jinping starts from ancient people China called Khan. The future politician was born in Beijing in June 1953. Politician's birthday various sources is indicated differently: according to one information, it is June 1, according to another - the 15th. In China itself, it is customary to indicate only the month and year of birth.

Xi Jinping's father, Xi Zhongxun, until the 1960s was part of a group of close associates of the ruler of the Celestial Empire. Thanks to his father's post, Xi Jinping's childhood was cloudless, but in 1962 the situation changed dramatically. Xi Zhongxun was exiled to Henan Province, accused of treason. The boy was sent to another province - Yanchuan, so that he would not pick up seditious thoughts from his father.

Xi Jinping (left) with his father and brother

This torture lasted seven years and strengthened the character of the future politician, shaping further communist ideas. Xi Jinping understood as well as possible the fate of the common people, who in those years, like Xi Jinping himself, had difficulty making ends meet.

In 1975, Xi Jingping entered Tsinghua University, which is considered the most prestigious in China. The young man chose the chemical technology department. However, Xi Jinping never had the opportunity to work in his specialty.


Xi Jinping's political journey began in 1974, when young man accepted into the ranks of the Communist Party. The young man proved himself excellent, and his career in politics quickly took off. Already in 1982, Xi Jinping took the post of secretary to the country's defense minister, and after some time he was transferred to Zhengding County, appointing him as manager of the local party committee.

Xi Jinping also showed excellent results there. He succeeded in improving the tourism potential of Zhengding and attracting tourists. The result was an improvement in the financial situation of Hebei Province.

In the following years, the politician constantly changed his field of activity. Xi Jinping has worked as vice mayor of Xiamen, secretary of the Fuzhou City Committee and secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee. In 2000, Xi Jinping was elected governor of Fujian. The reign of Xi Jinping is considered to be the heyday of the province: the politician managed to attract investments from serious Chinese businessmen to this region.

Two years later, Xi Jinping joined the party's Central Committee and also received the post of governor of Zhejiang province. Already in those years, the politician established himself as an irreconcilable fighter against corruption, which earned him the trust and respect of the people.

The year 2006 was remembered in China by a loud scandal: Chen Lanyu, secretary of the Shanghai Party Committee, was convicted of misuse of pension fund funds. Chen Lanyu's post passed to Xi Jinping, who again lived up to the trust.

A year later, the 17th Congress of the Communist Party of China took place, at which Xi Jinping was appointed a member of the Politburo Standing Committee. And a year later, in 2008, Xi Jinping was appointed to the post of Deputy Chairman of the People's Republic of China.

Power did not seem to corrupt Xi Jinping. Despite the fact that the politician was entrusted with many important issues (preparation for the 2008 Olympics, leadership of the central party school, visits to foreign countries, preparation of reports and speeches), Xi Jinping remained committed to the principles of integrity.

Leader of China

Such brilliant successes could not go unnoticed: in 2012, at the next congress of the Party Central Committee, Xi Jinping was elected general secretary of the country's Communist Party.

The new leader of China began his reign with a powerful speech in which he formulated the principles of the so-called Chinese Dream - goals that he planned to realize in the coming years. Thus, by 2021, China plans to achieve universal average prosperity, and by 2049, the Celestial Empire should be included in the list of advanced countries.

At first, such global plans caused skeptical smiles among foreign politicians and even among Xi Jinping’s associates, but time has shown that the Chinese leader seriously intends to achieve his goals.

During Xi's reign, Jinping has already implemented many reforms. Thus, the politician initiated the creation of personal receptions for deputies, as well as Internet sites for governing structures. The banking structure of China has also undergone changes: under Xi Jinping, the creation of private banks has become possible, a clear deposit insurance scheme has emerged, and free trade zones have been formed.

The social sphere also did not go unnoticed by the Secretary General of China. Xi Jinping paid a lot of attention to programs for relocating rural residents to cities. In addition to housing, the politician provided people with medical care and full pensions. Xi Jinping has greatly made the lives of disabled people, orphans and other people in difficult situations easier by providing them with benefits and targeted payments.

Xi Jinping is also credited with allowing some families to have more than one child. It is worth recalling that previously in China, married couples were allowed to have only one child, which, due to a number of traditions and beliefs, led to illiterate villagers simply killing newborn girls. Urban women tried to find out the gender of the child in advance and got rid of female babies.

Now, thanks to the efforts of the Chinese leader, families can have two children if one of the spouses is the only child in the family.

In addition, under Xi Jinping, access has opened up for foreign capital in the fields of culture, medicine, and construction - areas previously closed to interaction with foreign investors.

The Secretary General did not forget about the creation of protected reserves. Now China rightfully ranks first in the list of countries with developed domestic tourism. Residents of the Middle Kingdom love to travel. Travel to China interesting places Traveling in your own country is considered no less prestigious than traveling abroad.

Such changes were quick to have a positive impact on China’s economy and the standard of living of the country’s citizens. Xi Jinping began to be called one of the most talented world leaders. The politician himself makes no secret of own approaches to governing the country. In 2014, Xi Jinping released his own book, in which he detailed the ideals that every leader of the state should strive for.

Personal life

Charismatic and tall (Xi Jinping's height is 180 cm), the politician has always been interesting to women. Xi Jinping's first wife is his daughter Chinese Ambassador in the UK Ke Linglin. Unfortunately, this marriage lasted only three years: the couple divorced due to misunderstandings and disagreements.

In 1987, the politician married again. This time, Xi Jinping's lucky chosen one was the beautiful Peng Liyuan, a popular singer in China whose repertoire mostly consists of war songs. It is noteworthy that the wife of the Chinese leader has military rank Major General. It is known that due to Peng Liyuan’s busy touring schedule, the couple often live separately.

In 1992, his wife gave Xi Jinping a daughter, who was named Xi Mingze. In 2010, the girl entered Harvard University, where she studied under a pseudonym so as not to reveal her origin and not attract undue attention from fellow students.

Free time Xi Jinping prefers to spend his time reading books or traveling. The politician is also interested in football and mountain tourism.

Xi Jinping now

In the fall of 2017, photos of Xi Jinping appeared on the front pages of news publications around the world. Politics in Once again re-elected to his post. , as well as the leaders of other countries, considered it their duty to congratulate the Chinese leader on this event.

Xi Jinping, in turn, noted that he still intends to maintain mutually beneficial relations with Russia. In addition, during the last BRICS summit, the politician announced his intention to support cooperation in the field of security.

In China, Xi Jinping plans to continue systematic movement towards the cherished Chinese dream.


  • 2014 - Order of "José Martí"
  • 2015 - Order of Pakistan 1st class
  • 2015 - Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Leopold I
  • 2017 - Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called