The majority of Russian applicants and students, when choosing a university, give preference to the USA and other countries Western Europe. But many Europeans and Americans go to study in Asia. India occupies not the last place among the “big six” countries participating in the Eastern education market. Russians participating in special program, can get higher education in India for free.

India attracts European and Russian students not only with the opportunity to get an education in a relatively low price. The main advantage of Indian education is its orientation towards European standards. As in European countries, students have the right to enroll in both college and any university of their choice. In total, there are more than 15 thousand colleges and about 300 universities on the territory of the Indian state.

Indian universities have a three-tier system. The curricula are largely similar to those of universities in Europe. Graduate students studying Indian history and culture are especially respected.

Main advantages

The main advantage of getting an education in the Indian state is the affordable cost of services from universities and colleges. This country is a former British colony. Therefore, education here is based on English traditions. The learning process takes place in English.

If an applicant does not speak English well, he has the opportunity to take language classes at the chosen university. The level of education in language schools is quite high. English is taught there by native speakers. It is not necessary to pass special exams upon admission. Indian universities do not impose strict requirements on the academic performance of foreign applicants.

Living in the Indian state is much cheaper than in other Asian countries. Another advantage is the provision of a student place in a dormitory. This allows him to save a considerable amount of money.

Graduates of Indian universities have a good chance of employment in any of the American and European companies. There are quite a lot of specialties here. If you wish, you can enroll even in the most “rare” specialty. The following specialties are the most popular:

  1. Management.
  2. Jewelry making.
  3. Pharmacology.

Technological and engineering specialties are no less popular. Today, on the territory of the Indian state there are a considerable number of serious organizations implementing large international projects.

Studying in India has a number of distinctive features. Indian subject teachers not only give lectures, but also instill motivation in students to study a particular discipline. Many students attend additional classes in which teachers help them build a relationship with the discipline they are studying.

Obtaining a student visa

Every person wishing to study in India is required to obtain a student visa. This document gives the student the right to stay on the territory of the Indian state during the entire period of study. To obtain a visa, the applicant undertakes to prepare the following documents:

  • a high-quality photocopy of the first page of the civil passport;
  • high-quality photograph;
  • bank account statement (the amount should vary from 1.0 to 2.0 thousand US dollars);
  • confirmation letter of enrollment at the university;
  • a photocopy of the tuition payment receipt.

On average, a student visa document is issued in 5 to 10 days. But if at least one of the documents causes criticism, the processing time may be delayed.

Anyone who goes to study under the ITEC program has the right to a free visa document. All others are obliged to pay the visa and consular fees.

Training according to a special program

Not long ago, applicants from Russia had the opportunity to study in the Indian state under a special ITEC program. This program is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their acquired knowledge and skills. Anyone who wants to improve their skills can also take part in the program.

The duration of courses varies from 14 days to 52 weeks. The main advantage of this program is that the participant does not need to pay for flights, meals and accommodation. You can take part in the program by filling out and submitting an application form. You can apply for the program at an Indian diplomatic post. You can download the application form on the official website of the Indian Embassy.

The final decision regarding the admission of a foreign student rests with the management of the university. If a student does not meet the basic criteria, their application will be rejected.

Grants are provided to graduates of Russian universities, as well as to applicants and job seekers scientific degree in any of the disciplines taught in Indian universities. Students and graduates of medical universities cannot count on receiving grants.

Of course, we will not consider those very colorful and stereotypical educational institutions located in particularly remote corners of the country, which are difficult to look at without tears. The educational path that is open to every foreign child and to those whose parents are willing to spend a certain amount on the development of their child will be taken as a basis, because even in public schools and universities you will have to pay.

This cannot be denied, because this is not just an ingrained stereotype, but in India there really are quite a lot of difficulties with education. This happens not only due to poverty and difficult economic conditions, but also, although only partly, the mentality of some residents.

While it cannot be denied that widespread education reform has made primary education accessible to the vast majority of children, the quality of these schools leaves much to be desired. In addition, about 50% of children do not master the subsequent stages of education due to their high cost and lack of time for the guys who are sometimes busy at work.

However, all these obvious shortcomings are not absolute, since in India you can find an educational institution that will give your child an education no worse than in the most successful European countries.

What should a preschooler do?

To begin with, it is worth noting that there are no kindergartens in our and European understanding in India. This is the tradition of this country that has developed over thousands of years, where mothers are supposed to sit with their children until a certain age, teaching them through the efforts of the entire large family.

However, due to the fact that last decades It is not uncommon for both parents to work, but there is no opportunity to place the child with relatives; special groups have emerged that work at preparatory schools. Here children are divided by age and time they are expected to be away from their parents. As a rule, several hours with a teacher are spent in educational games, during which children learn not only the basics of the world, but also English and Indian languages.

It often happens that after parents choose a particular group for their child, they no longer think about choosing a school. This is because after completing the next age level in such “kindergartens”, you can simply continue your child’s education in primary school. However, there are often cases when parents carefully think about choosing a school educational institution in a separate manner.

What are the features of the Indian school?

Although elementary education in India in Lately has become publicly available, many advise when choosing a school for a child to focus on private schools or especially prestigious state schools (the cost of education in which averages about $100 per month), which will have to be searched for additionally. The thing is that not all Indian educational institutions will provide you with a quality education in good conditions.
Private schools are distinguished by the fact that they very often place emphasis on equally good mastery of not only the Indian language (Hindi) and the language of the state, but also English, which years later children consider almost their second mother tongue. Subsequently, children, depending on how diligently they studied, will be able to speak fluently in three languages ​​at once. Also, they use different approaches to raising children and presenting knowledge and material, which may be of interest to people who prefer innovative methods.

You will be pleasantly surprised, but in absolutely every school in India, regardless of its status and prestige, children are fed at school. The food set is standard for everyone, it is rice with a bottle of water and masala. Products may vary at some locations.

After you choose a school that suits your child, you will need to reserve a place in advance by paying an advance reservation fee and start preparing everything Required documents.

Let's go to higher education or Indian institutes

In total there are about 220 educational institutions higher order, 16 of which are central. Especially notable among them is Nalanda University, established in the 5th century AD. e., which has its own specific flavor and long history.

It is worth noting that in India you will not find simple specialized universities, but those whose otherness and specificity are especially pronounced. For example, at the Indira Kala Sangeet, which is located in Hairagarh, they are introduced only to Indian music, and at the Calcutta Rabindra Bharati, students do not study anything except the Bengali language and Tagore studies.

The largest and prestigious universities in India, Gandhi University, Rajasthan University, Bombay University, Mumbai University and Calcutta University are considered. They continue to be quite popular for many years not only among the local population, but also among some foreigners.

IN last years Technical professions have become especially popular, as the growth of students and graduates of engineering and technical specialties is especially noticeable. What is important is that in a country with such progress, the demand for specialists in this profile is growing, since they are simply necessary for the developing economy of the country.
The Indian education system itself, due to its long joint history, is completely identical to the British one. There are also three stages that students master during the learning process. At each of them (Bachelor, Master or Doctor of Science), you can complete your education by receiving the corresponding diploma.

Despite the fact that India has a rather unsightly reputation in European countries, which, unfortunately, is based not only on stereotypes, it is a developing country. Here the economy and productivity are growing rapidly, and every year people are increasingly striving for knowledge by any means. Yeah, get back on your feet this moment It may not be easy here, but it is possible, and especially for those children whose families have the finances to do this.

Most people believe that India is currently one of the developing countries, which means that not enough attention is paid to education. In fact, this statement is completely false. India has already gotten out of that unpleasant situation. economic situation, and now the country's educational institutions provide the highest level of education. Many people know that this country has a rich historical heritage. Previously, India occupied a leading position in the educational services market. The country then experienced a difficult period that ended several decades ago. A lot of attention is paid to education in India; the state needs highly qualified specialists more than ever.

History of education

When talking about studying in this country, it is impossible to ignore the topic of history. As you know, India was the largest cultural and educational center in the world. In 700 BC. e. it was here that the first university was founded. In India, the beginnings of such serious sciences as algebra and trigonometry were laid. On the territory of this country Sanskrit (ancient literary language), which became the basis of many other European languages.

The history of education in India is so diverse and vast that it would not take forever to study everything. The art of navigation was born here. Oddly enough, this is where the word that now sounds like “navigation” came from. In those days it sounded “navgatih”, which translated means “ship navigation”.

Education in Ancient India was considered the highest quality at that time. Local scientist Shridharacharya introduced the concept quadratic equations. Every year discoveries were made, which today are a very valuable asset.

Preschool education

It is worth noting that kindergartens, as we understand them, do not exist in this country. In India, it is customary for the mother to sit with the child until a certain age and teach him. This tradition dates back to ancient times and is diligently followed.

However, recently, due to the fact that both parents are forced to work, there is simply no one to leave the child with. Therefore, certain groups began to be created at preparatory schools. They are divided according to the age of the children and the time the pupils spent in them. Usually kids spend several hours there, learning while playing with the teacher.

In most cases, if a child is a member of one of these groups, he goes to the school where it was created. Then parents do not need to waste their time choosing an educational institution. Preschool education in India it is represented only by these groups, which not all children attend.


The country has a law that determines that all citizens, regardless of social status must receive basic secondary education. There are a number of free public schools here, but it is still recommended to send your child to a private institution. This is due to the quality of education, the level of which is much higher in prestigious schools. The cost of such pleasure will be approximately $100 per month.

The education system in India is structured in such a way that completion of 10th grade is mandatory. Children enter school at the age of 4 and are educated until they are 14. Then those who choose to continue their education enter the high school for 2 years.

The peculiarity of private institutions is their emphasis on language skills. They teach not only Hindi, but also English. Moreover, after graduating from school, the child speaks both languages ​​fluently.

Higher Education in India

There are 3 levels in this country higher education: bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. The duration of training directly depends on the chosen specialty. So, if you want to become an expert in the field of trading, you will have to study for three years. And the period of study when obtaining a specialty in medicine or Agriculture is four years. To enter a higher education institution for any of the programs, you must have a certificate of complete secondary education. After completing a bachelor's degree, there is the opportunity to study for a master's degree.

The most popular majors at Indian universities are: information Technology, management, jewelry and pharmacology. For local residents, training can be free. As for foreign students, they are provided with a budget only if they have a grant. The price of education, compared to European universities, is low. To study at the most prestigious higher education institution, you need to pay $15,000 per year. Distance education has become very popular here.

The best universities in the country

India ranks third in the world in the number of higher education institutions, with more than 200 institutions, where about six million people study. Each university has its own peculiarity that sets it apart from others. Education in India is reaching new level precisely because of the uniqueness of institutions.

One of the oldest universities is Nalanda University. It was founded in the fifth century AD. e. Recently, reconstruction took place, and until 2020 there will be 7 faculties operating there. Rajasthan University is preparing the best specialists in the field of agriculture.

One of the leading universities in India is the M. Gandhi University. This university has the best teachers. Here you can get a specialty in the following programs: medicine, physics, chemistry, nanotechnology, philosophy, etc. The level of education in India is quite high thanks to such educational institutions.

How is the educational process going?

The main feature of education in this country is that it is taught in English. Almost all educational institutions in India use this language to communicate with students. To enter any university, you need to know English well. There are no schools or universities where they teach in Russian in India.

The school year here begins not in September, but in July. Moreover, each educational institution chooses the start date of the semester (from July 1 to July 20). Holidays for Indian students fall in May and June, which are the hottest months of the year. As for the uniform, girls always wear Long Dresses, and guys can wear a shirt or T-shirt with shorts.

How can a foreigner enter a university?

To become a student at one of the higher educational institutions in India, you must have a certificate of complete secondary education. It is worth noting that a Russian-style certificate is equivalent to an Indian one. That is, you do not need to take additional courses, with the exception of English. A document confirming knowledge of the most popular language in the world is prerequisite for admission to a bachelor's degree.

To become a master, you need to provide a certificate of complete secondary education and a bachelor's diploma. The only condition for all documents is that they must be translated into English, and copies certified by a notary. There is no practice of entrance exams; only some educational institutions organize additional tests.

Scholarships and grants

Until recently, only local residents could receive free education in India. However, due to the increasing popularity of universities, this opportunity is now available to foreigners. In order to take part in the competition, you must fill out an application. Every year, India's leading universities award several budget places for foreign citizens. The whole thing is organized by the Council for Cultural Relations.

Grants are provided for various specialties. Anyone can apply and maybe they will be lucky enough to become a student at one of the Indian universities.

Citizens of Russia and CIS countries can receive free education in India through government funding programs. The most popular among them is ITEC. This program offers training on a budgetary basis from a federal university in India in one of the specialties: management, banking or public relations. However, this offer provides a stipend of $100 per month to the student. Plus, free accommodation in a hotel or hostel is provided.

Living conditions for students

It should be noted that, despite high level education in India, living here is not so easy. This is due to differences in the conditions to which we are accustomed. For example, if you take food, you will not find the usual meat, bread or dairy products. In India there is only poultry and cakes. Pharmacies do not sell iodine or other conventional medicines.

WITH traffic there are also problems here. Traffic lights and pedestrian crossings are installed only in largest cities. You can see many beggars and dirty people on the streets. Those who consider themselves squeamish will not be able to live in India.

Prospects for getting a job after studying

To put it bluntly, finding a job for a foreign student who does not have Indian citizenship is incredibly difficult, almost impossible. The situation in the country at the moment is such that about 500 specialists are vying for one vacant position. highest category, fluent in Hindi and English. A foreigner, who hardly knows the local language well, clearly loses against their background.

In fact, the only chance is to establish yourself as a talented and responsible student during your studies. Large enterprises cooperate with universities and do not miss out on truly competent specialists, including foreigners. Therefore, you need to show yourself with best side, if you want to stay in the country.

In this article we briefly looked at education in India. Now everyone can draw a conclusion for themselves and form an opinion about the level of education in this state.

) by the number of higher education institutions in the country. Policies regarding universities can be determined by the authorities of the state where the university is located, or directly by the Indian government. All the best universities in the country are under the leadership of the Department of Higher Education of India. The Indian university system was formed under the influence of Anglo-Saxon and European countries, so it absorbed the experience of the most advanced educational institutions in the world.
Today, Indian universities strive to be accessible to every citizen. Thanks to the democratic policies of universities, studying in India will be quite inexpensive for a foreigner, and admission will not require much effort.

List of universities in India

Why choose Indian universities?

  • Technical and engineering specialties. India is a growing economy and the development of knowledge-based industries in universities is a top priority. This is why most of the international students go to India because of the quality educational programs in Technology and Engineering. Almost all of the largest universities that have achieved global recognition are narrow-profile institutions that specialize in high-tech industries. Indian universities are particularly renowned in the field of chemical technology, aimed at developing more economical and environmentally friendly methods of using raw materials. Electronic engineering and computer technology are also popular.
  • MBA degree. India's rapidly growing economy, expected to be one of the world's top three economies by the middle of the 21st century, is attracting large international organizations from the USA and Europe. In this regard, the demand for specialists in the field of marketing and business administration has increased in India. This in turn has led to the emergence of strong business schools in the country. According to the magazine's 2016 rating Financial Times, two Indian business schools are ranked in the global top 50. And the best part is that an MBA degree in Indian business schools is almost 10 times cheaper than in Europe and the USA!
  • Financial inclusion. In the Asian region, Indian education is considered quite affordable. Tuition at the country's top universities costs about 3,000 USD per year. In addition, India has fairly low prices for housing and food. A one-room apartment in the city center will cost approximately 100 USD -160 per month. The restaurant bill will be approximately 2 USD. Therefore, when choosing an Indian university, a foreign student saves money, but does not lose in the quality of education.
  • English language. Back in the 20th century, the Government of India established as state languages Hindi and English. At the same time, due to the high degree of plurilingualism (more than 400 languages ​​are spoken in India!) communication between states is predominantly conducted in English. Large Indian cities often have large numbers of English-speaking residents, and the best Indian universities have many English-language programs. Thus, international students who do not know Hindi can go to India to study without any worries and without having to waste time learning the local language.
  • Distance education. The idea is being actively promoted in India open education, which, as opposed to traditional location-based learning, is conducted remotely. Thus, the world's largest open education university is the Indira Gandhi University, where more than 4 million students study from all over the world. Thus, education at an Indian university can be combined with work or even life in another country.

Indian universities in world rankings

In the world rankings, 8 Indian universities are in the top 500. Not every European country has such an indicator (for example, in Austria only 4 universities are in the top 500), but for India, whose universities began to actively grow only in the 20th century, this is an excellent figure. Among other things, Indian universities are in leading positions in regional rankings. Thus, according to the QS ranking of the best universities in Asia, 5 Indian universities are in the top 50. And in the QS Brics ranking of countries, the Indian University of Science ranks in the top ten.

Top Universities in India

IISc brings together the hopes of various elites in India for quality higher education. The Institute was founded in 1909 on the initiative of prominent businessman Tata Jamshedji, the Indian government and the Maharaja of Mysore. Since its inception, the Indian Institute of Science has had enormous funding from both the public and private sectors, which has enabled it to grow into a premier institution in the country. Today, the most famous areas of the institute are materials science and electronic engineering.
Since the middle of the 20th century, technological institutes began to appear in India, formed with the support of other countries within the framework of a large-scale UNESCO project. IITD became the fifth under this program. The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi was founded in 1961 with British support. Soon the institute was equated to a university, which gave it complete freedom regarding its educational programs and the entire learning process. At the moment, the most popular research at IITD is carried out in the field of electronic engineering and computer science.
IITB was the second university within the framework of the UNESCO project: it appeared in 1958 with the assistance of the USSR. Already in 1961, IITB received the status of an institute of national importance, which indicates the recognition of the university by the Government of India as one of the best. Many IITB staff and alumni have received prestigious honors at awards such as the Padma Award and the Bhatnagara Award. The best areas of research at IITB are computer science and chemical technology.
IITM was established with the support of the German government in 1959. Like other technological institutes, the university is famous for its quality education in the field of technology and science. Among the areas of the institute, electronic engineering especially stands out. IITM attracts many international students because, unlike other Indian technological institutes, it teaches exclusively in English.
Founded in 1959, IITK has worked closely with such famous American universities as Princeton and the University of Michigan from the very beginning. American experience allowed the institute to quickly take top positions among Indian universities. Today, most of IITK's research is in bioengineering and aerospace technology.

University groups and additional lists

In India, there is a division, traditional for many countries, into public and private universities. However, more significant for the Indian higher education system is the division based on the status of university management. There are three categories of Indian higher education institutions: state universities, central universities and universities conventionally considered universities (deemed universities). State universities are under the leadership of the government of the Indian state in which they are located. The Central Universities are under the Department of Higher Education of India. Deemed universities are universities that are independent of government decisions: they are given complete freedom to determine educational programs, courses and assessment systems.

Best Institutes of National Importance (INI)

Institutions of national importance (INI) can be identified as a separate group. Institutes that have been awarded this status are recognized by the Indian government as the best educational institutions in the country. They receive a badge of honor and additional funding from the government. Only 92 institutes in the country have INI status. This group includes technological, medical and architectural institutes in India.
The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution.

Best Business Schools in India

India is an attractive destination for students pursuing an MBA degree. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, business schools in India are recognized internationally: they are not far behind prestigious business schools in the US and UK. Secondly, getting an MBA degree in India is much cheaper than in the US or European countries.
The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution.

Open Education Universities in India

In India, the idea of ​​open education is widespread, which implies that acquiring knowledge should be accessible to everyone. Higher education institutions that implement this idea try to remove all possible restrictions for a person who wants to study. Thus, open universities refuse entrance exams, conduct training remotely and often make it completely free. In India the most big number universities of this type. Many of them conduct their studies in English.
The information is for informational purposes only. For accurate information, please refer to the official website of the educational institution.

India is an amazing country where people strive to gain knowledge, contrary to the popular stereotypes that have developed about the state in European countries. Poverty is the only thing that makes it difficult to get an education.

Today in India there is quite a difficult situation with education. Here, the ancient mentality of people and, of course, the economic component of the country as a whole have an influence. In a country of millions, where a large percentage of people live on the threshold of poverty, there are very few educated people. But thanks to the latest reform in the education system, all children can receive the necessary minimum, school education. As for further education, almost half of families cannot afford to send their children to a higher education institution.

Here are the main demographic indicators of India for 2014:

  • Births: 26,631,414 people
  • Deaths: 9,499,426 people
  • Natural population increase: 17,131,987 people
  • Migration population growth: -152,397 people
  • Males: 664,489,564 (est. 31 December 2014)
  • Women: 622,466,828 (est. December 31, 2014)

Preschool education

For centuries, in the Indian family, mothers always looked after their children until they entered school, i.e. There have never been any kindergartens in India. And all their training began only at school. In modern conditions, when both parents have every right to work, children need to be left somewhere. Therefore they began to appear preschool institutions, which are paid and have already become mandatory for admission to school. Next you will find out why.

In order for children to get into school, they will have to successfully pass difficult tests, such as knowledge and writing of the alphabet, simple words, counting to 100 and addition. After this, children are given the first certificate in their lives with grades, on the basis of which schools decide whether to enroll the child for further studies. Of course, to obtain such knowledge, parents have to send their children to various preparatory schools with very early age, already from 3 years old.

India's poor are more likely to force their children to work rather than send them to school. Although there have long been free schools and a law was passed requiring parents to provide their child with the opportunity to attend school.

Groups in preparatory schools

There are 4 main groups in preparatory schools that a child goes through:

  • "Play group"— groups for the little ones, children are sent here from the age of 2. Here children stay and play until three hours per day, and attendance at this group is not required;
  • "Nursery group"- this group is already required to visit and is called nursery group. Here children already study much more than they play, although almost half of the learning takes place in the form of games. It is very difficult to force a three-year-old child to study. It is here that children receive their first homework, which is mandatory. It turns out that children at 3-4 years old already have their own small responsibilities;
  • "LKG - Lower Kinder Garten"- familiar to us senior group. Children at the age of 5 are already required to know and write all english alphabet, read and write the first few letters of the main language of India - Hindi, learn to count to 100;
  • "UKG - Upper Kinder Garten"preparatory group. After completing this stage of education, at the age of 6, the child knows and can fully recite and write the alphabet in Hindi, can freely write and read words in English of 5-7 letters, can write any number up to 100, solve a simple mathematical example (addition, subtraction, determination of more or less). After this group, the child enters school.


School education in India is free, but wealthy parents always have the opportunity to send their child to various private schools and prestigious government institutions. The cost in such schools fluctuates around $100 per month, but the level of knowledge received by the child in this case is much higher. In such schools, children receive full amounts of language knowledge, and, after graduation private school, children will fully speak three languages ​​- this is English language, the language of your state and Hindi.

A good public school still needs to be looked for, but parents are ready to send their children to any school where they have the opportunity to receive the minimum necessary education. The main feature of all schools in India is free food for all students. This does not mean that schools have a varied menu, but the child will definitely not go hungry.

After parents have decided on the choice of school, they need to collect the necessary documents for admission, pay the mandatory fee for everyone, and the child must pass the necessary test and interview.

Higher Education in India

There are currently more than 200 higher education institutions in India. Of these, 16 are considered the most prestigious. The leading place is occupied by Nalanda University, which was built in the 5th century AD.

There are many universities in this country that teach one narrow field of study. For example, Rabinda Bharati University, where Tagore and Bengali languages ​​are taught; Indira Kala Sangeeth University, here students are introduced to Indian music. The most famous universities are in the cities of Mumbai, Kolkata and the state of Rajasthan.

Since India for a long time was an English colony, the education system here practically corresponds to the British version. In higher educational institutions there are 3 levels of education, each of which can be mastered by a student: bachelor's, master's and doctor of sciences.

Today, the most popular field in universities is technical, where highly qualified engineers are trained. Due to the dynamic development of the Indian economy, such specialists are in great demand.