12 August 2015, 11:19

In order to understand what kind of family this is, I propose to start with the general thing - with Qatar, from which Sheikha Moza, her husband and children are from.

Background information about Qatar

Civilizations on the territory of Qatar have been known since the 3rd millennium BC. Then it was part of the state of Dilmunt, which flourished due to trade and occupied a more impressive territory. Nowadays, Qatar lies on a small peninsula in the northeastern part of Arabia with an area of ​​11,493 square meters. km.

Geographically, Qatar belongs to the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. The capital of Qatar is Doha. Qatar shares a land border with Saudi Arabia and sea ​​border with Bahrain and the UAE. The population of this country is 2.42 million people. The Qataris themselves make up less than one-third of the population.

The climatic conditions here are very unfavorable - deserts and semi-deserts. In the north there is a low sandy plain with rare oases, covered with moving (eolian) sands; in the middle part of the peninsula there is a rocky desert with areas of salt marshes; in the south there are high sandy hills. The climate is continental tropical, dry. In summer, temperatures often rise to 50 °C. The peninsula is poor in water. There are no permanent rivers; most of the water has to be obtained through sea desalination. Underground fresh water sources and oases are located mainly in the north of the country. Animal world poor, dominated by reptiles and rodents.

Deserts made life difficult and short for people in Qatar. The lack of permanent rivers made it even more difficult. Therefore, the population has always been small. However, the thirties of the twentieth century became a turning point in the success of these lands. It was then that rich oil reserves were found and the state flourished. Before the discovery of oil, Qatar was famous mainly for its pearl fishing and maritime trade. Until 1971, this emirate was under British protectorate. After gaining independence, due to the huge income from the sale of oil and gas, Qatar became one of the richest countries in the region.

Qatar ranks 6th in the world in oil production; in addition, it has gigantic reserves natural gas(2nd place after the Russian Federation), and its concentration on such a tiny patch makes mining very profitable. There are several power plants in Qatar, and electricity is provided free of charge to the population. In addition to energy and oil production, which makes up the bulk of budget income, Qatar is engaged in steel production.

Qatar is an absolute monarchy. Since the 18th century, power here was seized by the emirs of the Al Thani family. And since then, no one has the right to rule Qatar except this family. The Emir appoints the Prime Minister, members of the Council of Ministers and the Advisory Council. The power of the emir is limited only by Sharia law.

However, despite the “backward” autocracy, the state is one of the most liberal in the region. And this despite the fact that the population adheres to Islam, forcing the locals to observe many prohibitions and restrictions. The American Forbes magazine calls Qatar the richest country in the world. This country has the highest human development indicator in Arab world.

Since 1992, Qatar has worked closely with the United States in the military sphere. Qatar also has the largest number of American military bases after Kuwait. According to some political scientists, the military presence is used by the Americans to control political affairs and the economic situation in Qatar and other countries in the Middle East in order to further strengthen US dominance over the region.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani

Sheikh Hamad, head of the Al Thani family, was the Emir of Qatar from June 27, 1995 to June 25, 2013.

Sheikh Hamad became head of state of Qatar in 1995 with the support of other family members while his father was on an overseas assignment in Switzerland. It was noted that by this time most of the powers to govern the state were concentrated in the hands of Hamad. Upon learning of the coup, Khalifa bin Hamad publicly disowned his son and launched an unsuccessful counter-coup attempt on February 14, 1996. After this, Hamad, having hired an American law firm Patton Boggs and, with her help, having achieved the freezing of his father’s foreign financial accounts, he protected himself from new attacks on power. Khalifa bin Hamad was able to return to Qatar only in 2004 - after reconciliation with his son.

On June 24, 2013, Hamad announced that he was going to transfer power in the emirate to his son, Crown Prince Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. On June 25, 2013, he announced his retirement in a televised address.

Hamad's reign marked an era of reform and modernization in Qatar. First of all, Qatar's oil and gas complex received a new impetus for development thanks to the attraction of foreign investment from the world's largest companies: ExxonMobil, Shell, Total, etc. As a result, Qatar has become a leading producer and exporter of liquefied natural gas.

Among Arab rulers, Hamad was considered a progressive leader, despite maintaining absolute power. In 1997, he made Qatar the first country in the region to grant women's suffrage, and in 1996 he helped launch the Al Jazeera television channel. The television channel is one of Qatar's most important instruments of influence in the Middle East.

The humanitarian and charitable programs supervised by the emir’s second wife, Moza, have gained great popularity. They say that Hamad bin Khalifa divorced his first wife, Sheikha Mariam bint Muhammad, even before marrying Moza. The emir married the third, Sheikh Nura bint Khalid, much later. Both the first and third wives of the emir were his distant relatives. Little is known about them, and few have seen them.

Sheikh Hamad is in poor health, suffers from diabetes, and has undergone surgery. Diabetes is widespread in Qatar, where consanguineous marriages are traditional among indigenous people. There have been multiple attempts on Sheikh Hamad's life.

Sheikha Moza

Full name: Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned.

Sheikha Moza received her education in sociology at Qatar National University (1986-1990), then completed an internship at leading universities in the United States. Sheikha Moza is the daughter of Qatari opposition leader Nasser bin Abdullah al-Misned. The marriage of Sheikha Moza and Sheikh Hamad is a dynastic marriage. His goal is to become related to her father, a famous oppositionist, in order to stop the hostility between the clans.

Sheikha Moza, which is rare for the wives of rulers of other Gulf countries, has a number of government and international positions, including honorary ones: head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Social Development, president of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs; Vice President of the Supreme Council of Education; UNESCO Special Envoy.

Sheikha Moza considers her main goal transform Qatar into a modern, leading country in the world, for which it participates in the political, business, social and cultural life of its countries and region.

She created the Arab Democracy Fund, to which her husband made the first contribution of $10 million. The main task of this fund, as stated, is to promote the development of free media and civil society.

Sheikha Mozah is also the initiator of the idea of ​​transforming Qatar into a new “Silicon Valley”. For this purpose, the Qatar Science and Technology Park was created, which opened at the end of 2008. The park has attracted 225 million investments, including from such leading global companies as Microsoft, Shell and General Electric.

In addition, she is the initiator and embodiment of the “Education City” in Qatar - a university campus in the suburbs of the capital on an area of ​​2,500 acres, where leading professors from American universities give lectures to students. Actively encourages the activities of the leading Arabic-language television network Al-Jazeera.

Sheikha Mozah holds honorary doctorates from Virginia Commonwealth University, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Mellon University, Imperial College London and Georgetown University ( Georgetown University). Since 2010 she has been a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

In the Gulf countries, this woman is both admired and irritated. None of the monarchs' wives appeared as often in public as Moza. Her elegant style and refined taste are admired by European designers. And Muslims never cease to be outraged by the fact that she wears figure-flattering dresses and covers her head with a turban, completely forgetting about the traditional black abaya.

Political scientists say that she managed to accomplish something unprecedented in Qatar: to create a virtual matriarchy in a patriarchal country. Since her husband's retirement in 2013 and the handing over of power to her son, she is still considered one of the most powerful women in the country and the world.

The influence Moza has in Qatar is legendary; she was even included in the list of 100 most powerful women in the world according to Forbes magazine in 2010. Those who have had the opportunity to deal with the sheikh's foundation admire her ability to work and determination. But they will not fail to quip that the foundation’s office resembles a “snake’s nest.”

There are rumors that Sheikha Moza has a tough character. But otherwise she simply would not have been able to defend her place in the sun. Rumor has it that Sheikh Hamad married for the third time to spite Moza, thereby demonstrating that her power is not unlimited. But still, no other woman could compare with Moza, who by that time had become an expert in diplomatic protocol and international etiquette, because it was she who accompanied her husband on all foreign trips. Is it a coincidence that it was during the reign of Sheikh Hamad that little Qatar managed to turn gas resources into financial prosperity and strengthen ties with London? It is believed that Qatar owes these successes to Moze.

In Qatar they almost pray to her. "Her Highness is the best thing that happened to Qatar," says Qatari student Ezra al-Ibrahim. "She is an inspiration to us all. Qatar has changed 100% since she came to power."

Sheikha Moza and the Emir of Qatar have seven children (five sons and two daughters): Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (4th Emir of Qatar since June 25, 2013); Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani; Joan Hamad Al Thani; Khalifa Hamad Al Thani; Mohamed Hamad Al Thani; Al Mayassa Hamad Al Thani; Hind Hamad Al Thani.

Everyone who knows Moza’s children says that she raised them well. James Reardon-Andreson, dean of the diplomatic school at Georgetown University in Qatar, knows this for sure: "I know three of her children, and I'm actually shocked. They could be smoking weed somewhere in the south of France, as so many people do, but they are completely others. As a father, I admire the way this couple raised their children."

"We tried to raise our children as normal people. When I return home, we talk to them about everything: what I did, what I saw, what they think, what they want to do. Listening to the opinions of young people is very useful. Everything we do is for them,” says Sheikha Moza.

Jasim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (born 1978)

The former Crown Prince of Qatar is the third-eldest son of former Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad and the first son of Sheikha Moza.

Jasim received his education at the British Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. After graduation he was appointed 2nd lieutenant Armed Forces Qatar 9 August 1996. And on October 23 of the same year he became Crown Prince of Qatar. He replaced his older half-brother Mishaal bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani in this position. Jassim renounced his rights as crown prince in favor of his younger brother Sheikh Tamim on August 5, 2003.

Sheikh Jassim is honorary president Qatar National Cancer Society(QNCS) since 1997. In addition, he has been Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Coordination and Consequences since 1999, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Environmental Affairs and natural resources, since 2000. He has also been a patron of the Aspire Sports Excellence Academy since 2003.

Sheikh Jassim married Sheikha Buthaina bint Ahmad Al Thani, daughter of Sheikh Hamad bin Ali Al Thani. On this moment the couple has three children: one son and two daughters.

Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani (born 1980)

Second son of Moza and the emir.

He studied in the UK at Sherborne School in Dorset (a copy of which he later reproduced in Doha). He graduated there and high school, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, served in the Qatar Army. He speaks excellent English and is personally acquainted with Western leaders and their children.

Upon returning to his homeland, he began to provide enormous assistance to his father in governing the state. Appointed heir to the throne in 2003 after the abdication of his older brother Jassem. As mentioned above, in 2013, his father Hamad decided to relinquish power in favor of his son, and Tamim became the new emir of Qatar.

Some experts argue that Tamim came to power with the help of his mother, Sheikha Moza. Despite the fact that, purely formally, Moza’s status has decreased, because she is no longer the wife of the ruling emir, she has power over her son, much greater than over her husband. She carefully protects him from the influence of various political forces in Qatar. Therefore, the first political decision of the new emir was the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Thani, a man whose political views had repeatedly annoyed Moza.

Experts do not rule out that even the overthrow of Hamad’s father in 1995 during a vacation in Switzerland was another of Moza’s machinations. However, then no one thought about it yet. The result was important: then Sheikh Hamad became the new emir, and Sheikha Moza got as close as possible to power.

Sheikh Tamim is one of the youngest heads of state and government in the world, the youngest active monarch in the world and the youngest emir of Qatar since the country's independence.

Sheikh Tamim heads the Qatar Olympic Committee and is a member of the International Olympic Committee from Qatar. Headed the organizing committee for the Doha Summer Olympic Games ah 2020. This plan was not continued because the IOC did not allow the capital of Qatar to the final.

Tamim devotes a lot of energy to promoting sports in the country. Qatar is fighting for the right to host not only the Olympic Games, but also many world championships. different types sports Admittedly, it was not without success: the capital of the country, Doha, will host the World Boxing Championship, and in 2022 the country will host the next World Football Championship. Earlier in 2010, the World Cup was held in Doha. athletics in room.

Al Mayassa Hamad Al Thani

Born in 1984. Sheikh Hamad's 14th oldest child and eldest daughter emir from Sheikha Moza.

Sheikha Al-Mayassa graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Literature from Duke University (Durham, North Carolina, USA) in 2005.

During school year 2003/2004 Al-Mayassa studied at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the Paris Institute of Political Studies (known as Sciences Po).

After completing her studies, Sheikha Al-Mayassa founded public organization"Reach Out To Asia" This organization is a charity aimed at helping victims natural Disasters in Asia by providing quality education.

Al Mayassa heads the Qatar Museums Authority and the Doha Film Institute, two of Qatar's leading cultural institutions. By adding to Qatari art collections and inviting the world's leading artists to Doha, she embodies the cultural policy of the State of Qatar. In the period from 2005 to 2011, more than $428 million worth of works of art were exported from the United States of America alone to Qatar. Paintings and antiques exported from Great Britain during the same period cost the state over £128 million.

"Many countries in the Arab world are very rich but have poor populations. There is a lack of innovation. There is stagnation. Qatar is trying to become a role model. It has been proven that many changes can be made in short time"- said Al-Mayassa in 2007 in an interview with the American magazine Travel + Leisure. The daughter of the Qatari emir dreams of breaking through the walls of ignorance and illiteracy between East and West. She firmly believes that every person can change something in this world. In March 2012 The Economist called her the "Qatari Queen of Culture".

Sheikha Al Mayassa Al Thani and her husband, Frédéric Mitterrand, Takeshi Murakami and Jean Jacques Iagon at the opening of the exhibition "Murakami Versailles" at the Chateau of Versailles.

Sheikha Al Mayassa married Sheikh Jassim bin Abdul Aziz Al Thani on January 6, 2006. Sheikh Jassim is the eldest son of Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani, making the couple cousins. They currently have 3 sons.

Joan Hamad Al Thani

Born in 1985. The fifth son of the former Emir of Qatar and the third child of Sheikha Moza. He was educated at the Military Academy in France (École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr). Married, four children.

He was the chairman of the organizing committee of the 2015 Men's World Handball Championship in Qatar.

Mohamed Hamad Al Thani

Born in 1988. The sixth son of the former Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad, and the fifth child of the Emir with his second wife, Sheikha Moza.

Young man for a long time blogged on Instagram, but after completing his studies and taking a new position in the Ministry of Qatar, he deleted the blog. Speaks fluent English and French. Not married.

He attended Qatar Academy and was a member of the first graduating class of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Qatar, where he received his bachelor's degree in 2009. In 2013 he graduated from Harvard University, where he received a master's degree.

Sheikh Mohammed is a former captain of the Qatar Equestrian Team. He was also the chairman of Qatar in the competition to host the next FIFA World Cup in 2022. As stated above, Qatar won this competition.

Khalifa Hamad Al Thani

Born 1989 Younger son Mozy.

There is very little information about him in the English-language and Russian-language press. Due to the fact that his name is similar to the name of his grandfather, the former emir of Qatar, information about the emir is mainly shown. There are also very few photos of this young man on the Internet. This may be due to the Khalifa's low public activity. If one of the gossips speaks Arabic, they will probably be able to find more complete information about him.

Hind Hamad Al Thani

The youngest daughter of the emir and Moza. There is also little information about her on the English and Russian-language Internet.

Sheikha Hind, like her sister, graduated from Duke University in Durham (North Carolina). As Director of the Emir's Office and Chief of Staff (during her father's reign), Hind did not just stand on the sidelines, but was a key adviser to her father, helping to formulate his policies as well as representing Qatar at numerous conferences and official visits abroad. In doing so, she became the face of a new generation of Qatari women. It is not entirely clear whether she remained director of the Emir’s Office after her father’s departure from power. But some sources indicate that she has been heading the Emir’s Office since 2009. From photos on the Internet it is clear that she, like other family members, takes an active part in sports life countries.

This is such an interesting country and interesting rulers.

The new head of the oil and gas monarchy, who studied in Britain, will follow the course of his father

One of the richest states in the world has a new ruler. The ruling emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, announced that he was leaving his emir post and transferring power to the crown prince, Sheikh Tamim.

Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and Russian President Vladimir Putin (from left to right in the foreground) during an official meeting at the airport of the Qatari capital Doha.

In a seven-minute speech broadcast on Qatari television, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, 61, said it was time to give way to the younger generation - and so he was handing over power to his 33-year-old son after weeks of deliberation.

According to rumors the real reason The emir's departure from power may be hidden in problems with his health.

Crown Prince Tamim was educated in Britain (however, his father also graduated from Sandhurst Military Academy in the UK), but observers do not expect any major changes in the state's policy, despite his father's words that a new page is opening in the country's history . The new monarch is known as a sports lover - not only does he support Manchester United, he heads the Qatar Olympic Committee and is a member of the International Olympic Committee. The prince headed the organizing committee for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Doha (though Qatar was unlucky here). Thanks largely to his efforts, the Qataris will become hosts of the 2022 FIFA World Cup (however, gossips they claim that the super-rich Qatar bought this right for itself).

“His vision of the world is quite similar to his father’s,” Reuters quotes an anonymous diplomat. – He is always calm, with a sense of humor, and courteous. And quite warm. At the same time, he is very pragmatic. If there is a problem, he tries to solve it.

By the way, when the trial of Russians accused of murdering the President of Ichkeria Zelimkhan Yandarbiev was taking place in Qatar, Russians came from Moscow to intercede for them high-ranking officials met with Prince Tamim. The case, as we remember, ended with the deportation of convicted Russians to their homeland.

The young emir has two wives. In January 2005, he married his cousin Jawaher bint Hamad bin Suhaim al-Thani. They had two sons and two daughters. And in 2009, the crown prince married the daughter of the Qatari ambassador to Jordan, Anoud bint Mana al-Hajri. She gave birth to a daughter and a son (he is not yet a year old).

In his speech about leaving power, the emir did not mention either the prime minister or the head of the Qatari Foreign Ministry. But they too are expected to leave their posts when the monarch leaves. The composition of the new government will have to be determined by the young emir.

Such abdication of power is rare for the Arab monarchies of the Persian Gulf. Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani himself became the Emir of Qatar in June 1995 as a result of a bloodless coup - after the overthrow of his father Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani, who was on vacation in Switzerland. The deposed monarch lived in exile for several years and was only able to return to Qatar in 2004.

The Al-Thani family has ruled Qatar, which gained independence in 1971 after years of British protection, for about 130 years. It is believed that the prosperity and modernization of the oil and gas monarchy was largely achieved through the efforts of Emir Hamad. For example, under him, women's suffrage was introduced - for the first time in the region. The Al-Jazeera television company, created during the reign of this emir, became known throughout the world. Forbes estimated the emir's fortune some time ago at $2.4 billion.

IN last years Possessing considerable wealth thanks to its hydrocarbon reserves, little Qatar is trying to play a very active role in political processes in the Middle East and North Africa. It was Qatar that became one of the main “skirmishers” foreign intervention in Libya during the civil war, it was Qatar that is one of the most ardent critics of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and calls for the intervention of Arab countries in the Syrian crisis, it was Qatar that provided its territory to the representative office of the Afghan Taliban, who, to the ire of Kabul, raised the white flag of the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan” above the office " And Crown Prince Tamim showed considerable foreign policy activity - including making loud statements on the Libyan problem and meeting with the leader of the Tunisian Islamists Ghannouchi after the overthrow of President Ben Ali.

Sheikha Moza, the wife of the former emir of Qatar and the mother of the current emir, has long been a trendsetter, all over the world. This elegant lady managed to show the whole world that even in an eastern country you can look elegant and beautiful.

But this post is not dedicated to Moza, but to her children, and she has...seven of them: five sons and two daughters.

Of course, Moza is not the only wife of her husband, officially the former emir has three wives, but it was Moza’s son who became the next emir.

What is important is that children, for the most part, inherited, to one degree or another, the beauty and grace of their mother.

Sheikha Al Mayassa

So let's begin....

Eldest son Jasim(b. 1978), former heir throne until 2003

However, later, for some reason, he abandoned the title of crown prince, giving way to his younger brother Tamim.

Jasim was educated at the British Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

Jasim was the personal representative of the former emir, his father. Sheikh Jassim has also been the honorary president of the Qatar National Cancer Society (QNCS) since 1997. In addition, he has been Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Coordination and Consequences since 1999, Chairman of the Supreme Council for Ecology and Natural Resources since 2000. He has also been a patron of the Aspire Sports Excellence Academy since 2003. Sheikh Jassim married Sheikha Buthaina bint Ahmad Al Thani, daughter of Sheikh Hamad bin Ali Al Thani, on March 30, 2006. The ceremony took place at Al Wajbah Palace in Doha. Currently, the couple has three children, one son and two daughters.

According to unofficial information, the prince and his family often spend time in France.

Sheikh Tamim(born 1980) - second son of Moza and the Emir, since 2013 Tamim is the new Emir of Qatar

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani devotes a lot of energy to promoting sports in the country. Qatar is fighting for the right to host not only the Olympic Games, but also many world championships in various sports. It must be admitted that it was not without success; the capital of the country, Doha, will host the World Boxing Championship, and in 2022 the country will host the next World Football Championship. Earlier in 2010, the World Indoor Athletics Championships were held in Doha.

Tamim also studied in the UK. He, unlike his brother, has several wives.

Sheikha Al Mayassa, eldest daughter of Sheikha Moza (born 1983)

Sheikha Al-Mayassa graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Literature from Duke University (Durham, North Carolina, USA) in 2005. During this training she was vice president International Association, Vice President of Jivara (an organization for the promotion of political dialogue) and was a delegate to Model UN 2001/2002.

Heads various cultural projects in Qatar. Married, three children.

Sheikh Joann(born 1985)

He was educated at the Military Academy in France. Married, four children.

Sheikh Mohammed(born 1988)

Perhaps the most famous of Moza's sons. He was educated in the USA, was the captain of the Qatar polo team, and was fond of football. The young man blogged on Instagram for a long time, but after completing his studies and taking a new position in the Ministry of Qatar, he deleted the blog. Speaks fluent English and French. Not married.

When the decision was made to hold the World Cup in Qatar...

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is the most fashionable and influential woman in the Arab world. No hijab or burqa. For the Arab world, her style is boldness. The former emir of Qatar allowed his second wife not only to remove her burqa, but also to interfere in state affairs.

(Total 20 photos)

Sheikha Moza bint Nasser al-Misned is the second of the three wives of the third emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, a mother of seven children, one of the most stylish first ladies on the planet and, as surprising as it may sound, a political and public figure.

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and Sheikha Moza.

Her life story is quite in keeping with oriental tales, and if someone decided to make a series based on Moza’s biography, it would turn out something in the spirit of “The Magnificent Century”. Only instead of Sultan Suleiman - the Crown Prince of Qatar, and instead of Hurrem - Moza, the daughter of a prominent Qatari businessman.

Sheikh and sheikha at official events.

At the age of 18, Mose got a “lucky ticket” - she met the future crown prince, however, she was in no hurry to marry him. First, she entered the University of Qatar to study psychology, then interned at prestigious American universities. And only then she got married.

The woman, who is now called nothing less than the eminence grise of the Persian Gulf, devoted the first years of her family life to her children. And Qatar at that time was not as influential a state in the Arab world as it is today.

The situation changed in 1995. Then Moza’s husband carried out a bloodless coup and seized power in the country, overthrowing his own father. The coup was supported by the Anglo-Saxon world, people started talking about Qatar in connection with its oil and gas complex, and the new emir introduced the world to his second wife, the beautiful and educated Moza.

Sheikha Moza began to oversee humanitarian and charitable programs and increasingly appear in public in stunning outfits from the world's leading fashion houses.

The sheikha wears both trousers and dresses that suit her figure.

In Moza’s progressive images, as experts note, there is no hint of the true “fashion situation” in Qatar, where women wear abayas (floor-length black dresses), headscarves or niqabs (black headdresses that cover the entire face, with a narrow slit for the eyes ) - in general, as elsewhere in Arab countries. Moza wears only a turban, but free time Maybe he can take a walk in his pants.

Moza is also criticized due to her aggressive economic policy Qatar, a small country in the Persian Gulf, is accused of dumping gas prices and trying to capture the maximum segment of the gas market around the world. In addition, Qatar sponsors radical groups around the world, which, of course, does not really fit with the sophisticated image of the sheikh.

Sheikha Moza and Prince Albert II of Monaco.

Sheikha Mozah visiting George HW Bush and his wife Barbara.

Mosa with Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and Prince Philip.

Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and Sheikha Moz.

Sheikha Moza, which is rare for the wives of rulers of other Gulf countries, has a number of government and international positions, including honorary ones: she is the head of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Social Development, President of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs, Vice-President of the Supreme Council for Education , UNESCO Special Envoy. Moza created the Arab Democracy Fund, to which her husband made a first contribution of $10 million. The main goal of the foundation is to promote the development of free media and civil society.

Sheikha Moza is also the initiator of the creation of the Qatar Science and Technology Park, which opened at the end of 2008. The park has attracted 225 million investments, including from leading global companies such as Microsoft, Shell and General Electric.

Moza built an “Education City” in the suburbs of Doha, the capital of Qatar, a university campus where leading professors from American universities give lectures to students.

Sheikha Moza herself holds honorary doctorates from Virginia Commonwealth University, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Mellon University, Imperial College London and Georgetown University. Since 2010 she has been a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Lady Commander with the Queen of Great Britain.

Moza is 54 years old. Looks amazing. Someone calculated that at 12 plastic surgery she spent about $2 million. Those who have had the opportunity to deal with the Sheikh's foundation admire her ability to work and determination, noting her perseverance, authority and - imagine! - feminism.

Moza accompanied her Sheikh on all official trips requiring the presence of the First Lady.

It was one of Moza's five sons, Tamim, who became the heir of Sheikh Hamad, Moza's husband. And this is a very important touch to her portrait, because in addition to Moza, Hamad has two more wives, and total his heirs are 27 people. But it was Tamim who became Qatar's fourth ruler last June, displacing his father. More precisely, the father himself, without revolutions or unrest, transferred the reins of government of the country into the hands of his son Moza.

After this, the influence that Moza has on her husband and, accordingly, on state affairs is legendary in Qatar.

And not only in Qatar. Moza was included in the list of 100 most powerful women in the world according to Forbes magazine. They even say that Sheikh Hamad married for the third time not out of passion, love or profit, but to spite Moza, to show that her power is not unlimited. But still, no other woman could take the place of Moza, who became an expert in diplomatic protocol and international etiquette and, apparently, found the key to the heart and mind of the sheikh, during whose reign little Qatar began to prosper.

As it says folk wisdom, East is a delicate matter. This is especially true for the Arab powers of the Persian Gulf. A striking example of a huge number of palace intrigues, betrayals and cunning political moves is the kingdom of Qatar, where in 2013 there was another change of power, and the right to lead the country passed from father to son. This article will talk about the current emir of the country named Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

basic information

The future ruler was born in the capital of Qatar, Doha, on June 3, 1980. At this moment in time, the man is the youngest monarch-ruler on our entire planet.

It is worth noting that Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani was far from the first position in the line to the throne, and in many ways, probably because his father sent him to study far from native land Great Britain. There the young man received an excellent education. Initially he successfully graduated private school in the city of Sherbon, and a little later became a graduate of the Sandhurst Military Academy.

After his return to his homeland, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani became a soldier of his country and was a pilot.

In 2003, his older brother, unexpectedly for everyone, finally renounced his own right to ascend the throne in favor of the hero of the article.

New life

While not yet in power, the current monarch of Qatar began to actively help his father in many matters of managing the wealthy state. In particular, former officer paid close attention to the development of sports. To do this, he headed the Olympic Committee of Qatar, became a member of the International Olympic Committee, took personal control of the work of the organizing committee involved in the 2020 Summer Olympics, which was supposed to be held in Doha, but Qatar was subsequently excluded from the list of candidates for hosting the Games.

Among the Arab’s sporting achievements, it is worth noting that largely thanks to him, his Middle Eastern country will host the 2022 world football championship. Moreover, the monarchy allocated about 100 billion dollars for this event in order to improve and optimize the infrastructure for this. At the same time, many ill-wishers say that they voted in favor of Qatar when it was chosen as the host country for the World Cup because there was colossal corruption.

On the top

Emir Tamim bin Hamad al Thani took the helm of his country in 2013. Initially, in a narrow family circle on June 25, his father spoke about his desire to abdicate the throne. But Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani officially announced his decision some time later on television. Thus began the era of a new ruler.

According to experts, the current 4th Emir of Qatar has surpassed his rival brothers in the struggle for the throne largely due to his moderate religiosity, excellent education and tough business acumen. The rest of his relatives are either too bogged down in numerous entertainments, or devote too much time to prayers, and not to state problems and issues.

Observers also noted that initially the position in the most important post of the state for the prince was not very strong. And all because he was not supported by the army and secret police - structures that in Qatar have colossal powers and strength. However, the current emir had the wisdom and patience to win the security forces to his side and thereby avoid a potential coup.

Recipe for success

Qatar is a very small country that is difficult to find on the map. But at the same time, its importance for the planetary economy is very great, because colossal deposits of natural gas have been discovered in its depths, equal to approximately 15% of global reserves. This gift of nature allowed Qatar to become one of the world leaders in the supply of liquefied gas, and the emir himself to feel confident in matters foreign policy and not be too distracted by the judgments of critics.

In the service of one's own people

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, unlike his dad, who focused too much on development international relations, seriously focused on inner life of his homeland.

Already in the first years of his reign, the fourth emir of Qatar ensured the construction new network roads around Doha, gave impetus to the development of the capital's metro.

The ruler also significantly optimized numerous government expenditures, reduced ministries similar in their functions, and cut unnecessary programs. Expenditures on maintaining the country's museums have also been significantly reduced.

Since Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, whose height is 196 centimeters, is afraid of the development of revolutionary ideas in society, and the dynasty should be stable, he decided to start providing his people with affordable food. To this end, the food security program was subject to significant reorganization, through which subsidies are issued to companies that reduce the cost of food.

Criticism from the international community

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, whose net worth is estimated at $2 billion, is considered something of a tyrant by global human rights organizations. And all because human rights are often violated in Qatar, and according to this disappointing indicator, the state occupies one of the leading positions on the planet.

The Kingdom, in parallel with other oil monarchies of the Middle East region, became a member of an international agreement on criminal prosecution for insults to any of the leaders of the region on the World Wide Web. In short, Qatar has become a power that very harshly punishes its own citizens for expressing political views that run counter to official position local monarch.

However, oppression of citizens is not the only thing that the fourth emir of Qatar is known for. You can regularly hear from many sides that he sponsors radical Islamists in general and Syrian rebels in particular. Moreover, the bill in this matter runs into billions of dollars. Simply put, the autocrat is directly involved in organizing civil bloodshed in Syria, which led to a huge number of casualties among the local civilian population and a significant increase in the flow of refugees to Europe.

In addition, when talking about Qatar, journalists and legal scholars note that migrant workers in this country are absolutely powerless and defenseless people who are constantly oppressed and discriminated against in every possible way.

Relations with neighbors

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, whose personal life will be discussed below, is a person who greatly irritates the leading political player in the Middle East - Saudi Arabia. Due to support Islamic terrorists The Emir of Qatar put forward demands in the form of an ultimatum from several countries in the region in the summer of 2017. In the list of demands voiced by representatives of Egypt, Bahrain, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, were listed:

Severance of relations with Iran;

Stop financing terrorists;

Closure of Al-Jazeera TV channel;

Termination of military cooperation with Turkey;

Refusal to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries;

Refusal to support the opposition of neighboring powers.

It is worth saying that the Emir of Qatar subsequently rejected all these demands. And this is largely due to the fact that he is under the protection of the United States, even despite his difficult relationship with Donald Trump.

Family status

Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and wives are a special topic that deserves special attention. The monarch first married long before coming to power. In 2005, his cousin became his wife, who later bore him four children.

In 2014, the emir married for the third time, and he has another son with his new chosen one.