The Pokémon battles that unfold in Pokémon Go inevitably lead to the question: who can defeat them all? Who is the most strong pokemon in this game? Anyone who has already downloaded Pokemon Go to their smartphone and immersed themselves in augmented reality knows that it is quite difficult to catch and raise truly powerful fighters. You need to trample many kilometers with your feet, and use dexterity in catching Pokemon.

Luck won't hurt either. Pokemon that can be trained into tough fighters are very rare. Cases of real pandemonium due to a rare monster have already been recorded. In one of the areas of New York in the first third of July, several hundred trainers gathered. People gathered on bicycles, cars, came running on foot - and all to one point on the map! The reason for the excitement was one of the rarest Pokemon - Vaporeon, which appeared in the area.

A similar situation occurred in China. People rushed headlong towards one of the metro areas where a rare monster had taken up residence. As thousands of fans of the game have already understood, the capture of such a beast is a significant event in itself. What is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go and how does it differ from its fellows?

What is the strongest Pokemon and the rarest

Now there are a lot of different ratings. They are all trying to answer the question of what is the strongest Pokemon in the game. There are ratings compiled by Americans, Europeans, and residents of other parts of the world. Our compatriots are also vying with each other to create all sorts of TOPs, trying to understand this pressing issue. This is really very interesting. The question is, what are the strongest Pokemon in Pixelmon fashion and Ash, were also of interest to Minecraft fans. Now everyone is haunted by the task of finding the most powerful monster in Pokemon Go.

The problem with most of these ratings is that they are compiled by people who themselves are still at low levels in the game. They already have a lot of merit and strong monsters in their arsenal, but they still haven’t reached the mightiest one yet. Since the game came out quite recently, it seems that only a few people on the planet have become trainers of the most powerful Pokemon. And yet, he - the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go - exists, and some even managed to tame him!

What is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go?

Before finding out which Pokemon is the strongest in this game, it is important to find a rating criterion. Any “pocket monster” has its own indicator of skill, degree of defense, proficiency in various attack techniques, etc. Since the point of the entire game is to conquer and hold arenas, the most important indicator of a Pokemon’s strength can be considered its combat power, or Combat Power (in the game denoted by the letters CP , located above the monster's head).

It’s not so easy to immediately determine which Pokémon is the strongest. The fact is that you first need to pump up, or “evolve” the Pokemon to the very top stage of its evolution. Only after this can you find out what the maximum CP combat power of the “pocket monster” is. However, not all monsters can be evolved. Some are not capable of this at all. Others, if they evolve, do so into rather weak fighters.

To find out which is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go, you will have to run around a lot with your phone in your hands and become a seasoned trainer of this beast. At the same time, everyone wants to know what they should strive for. For the most impatient and enthusiastic, we offer the top most powerful Pokemon in the game.

TOP 10 most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go

10. In tenth place in our TOP 10 most powerful Pokemon is Exeggutor. His combat power CP is equal to 2955.18. This is a very high figure. In an arena battle, this monster with a palm tree body and three heads will easily defeat many monsters. So feel free to leave Exeggutor to defend the captured arena (also called the “jim” or training hall).

Exeggutor is also among the top most powerful Pokemon in the Pixelmon Minecraft mod.

9. The TOP 10 most powerful Pokemon continues with none other than the Legendary bird Articuno. Her maximum CP is 2978.16. This blue bird with a huge wavy tail is the symbol of the blue Mystic faction. She sends snowstorms.

8. The eighth place in the top strongest was taken by the charming-looking, but at the same time formidable fighter Lapras. His CP is 2980.73. A very decent indicator. Lapras, who looks like a blue turtle, is one of Ash's most powerful Pokemon, so many will immediately recognize him in the Pokemon Go game.

7. Arcanine took seventh place in the top most powerful Pokemon. This cutest of the cutest looking Pokemon is a kind of fluffy tiger with a huge squirrel tail. Its maximum combat power is 2983.9. Arcanine was literally a couple of points ahead of Lapras.

6. In sixth place lurking another sweetie - the fat and lazy Snorlax. His CP is 3112.85. Despite appearance he's a hulk, it's very difficult to defeat him in open combat.

4. Fourth place was deservedly awarded to the third Legendary bird – Moltres. This is a very impressive and powerful (CP = 3240.47) Pokemon. He brings spring on his fiery wings.

3. The top three of our TOP strongest is opened by the charming Mew with a grandiose indicator of combat power - 3299.17. This cute animal has many different skills. Due to this, it is often considered the ancestor of all Pokémon. Whether it is true or fiction, probably only its creators know.

2. Silver in the top ten most powerful Pokemon was won by the mighty Dragonite. His CP is as much as 3500.06! This little dragon doesn't look as scary as it really is. You can get it only by reaching level 55 in the game. He also has a whole arsenal of fighting techniques and lives somewhere near lakes and rivers. We recommend going there if you dream of finding a Pokémon from which you can raise Dragonite.

1. And in first place in our TOP, quite expectedly, was the truly strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go - Mewtwo. No one else can compare with his combat power. Mewtwo's CP is equal to a whole 4144.75! Pokemon Go players can only imagine what this fierce and skilled beast is capable of.

Mewtwo is a product genetic engineering. He has powerful magic, hypnosis and knows no mercy in battle. If you're wondering what the strongest Pokemon are in the Pixelmon mod, don't forget about this monster. Mewtwo has seriously distinguished himself in Minecraft as well.

Who is in the TOP 100 most powerful Pokemon?

In addition to the monsters that made it into our top ten, there are plenty of other strong and ferocious fighters in Pokemon Go. The creators of Pokemon have created more than 700 monsters. Of these, just over 300 have already made it into the Pokemon Go game. Perhaps the rest will soon catch up. I don’t want to ignore other powerful monsters, because many players like them. Let's name at least some of the favorites included in the top 100 most powerful Pokémon in Pokemon Go.

High value the combat power of a monster called Blastoise is 2542.01. He looks like a ferocious half-dragon, half-turtle in full battle armor.

Venusaur is also included in the top 100 most powerful Pokemon. His maximum CP is 2580.49. Venusaur is also one of the most powerful Pokemon in the Pixelmon Minecraft mod. The animal looks very exotic.

When compiling the TOP 100 most powerful, one cannot fail to mention the four-armed monster Machamp. Its combat power is 2594.17.

Another serious opponent is Slowbro. CP = 2597.19. Outwardly, it seems quite harmless, but the toothy shell on its thick tail still makes you wary. Take this enemy seriously! He has a lot of deadly techniques in his arsenal.

The next formidable beast - and also Ash's most powerful Pokemon - is the terrifying winged dragon Charizard. Its CP = 2602.2.

Among the strongest are Muk, Gyarados, Flareon and many other Pokemon. However, they are much inferior in power and strength to the previously named heroes.

Now you know what the most powerful Pokemon is in the new reality, which the whole world knows under the name Pokemon Go. The terrifying and ferocious Mewtwo will help you become truly invincible in this game. The vast majority of players have not yet seen most of the TOP 100, let alone the TOP 10. But you need to strive to find them, at least in order to find out what the strongest Pokémon can be capable of.

- these are the ones that absolutely every player wants to get in this extraordinary game.

Pokemon GO is a game for mobile devices. In a short period of time, she gained enormous popularity. People different ages, having installed it on their device, they began to walk around hometown with the goal of finding and catching Pokemon.

Many game fans are interested in one very interesting question. What are the strongest and best Pokemon in the game? In the article we will analyze everything in detail.

The most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Before you start finding out who is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Go , One thing is worth noting right away. Each Pokemon in the game has three key parameters:

  • attack;
  • protection;
  • endurance.

Of course, the level of many Pokemon also depends on other factors, such as CP, but absolutely everyone has these three parameters. It is worth noting that these indicators are the same for the same Pokemon. Based on these parameters, fans of the game created a special table. This table of Pokemon in Pokemon Go is designed to reveal the strongest.

If you look at the ranking of Pokemon in Pokemon Go, the most powerful are considered Mewtwo, Dragonite And Mew, since they have the highest CP. It is this indicator that helps determine the strongest heroes of the game.

MEWTWO. maximum CP-4144, attack-284

DRAGONITE. maximum CP-3500, attack-250

MEW. maximum CP-3299, attack-220, defense-220

In addition, it is worth mentioning those Pokemon that were seen in the game with high CP. These include: Snorlax, Lapras and Arcanine. The maximum leveling threshold for Snorlax is 3,113 CP.

Some fans of the game dug into the additional characteristics of pets. During the excavations, they discovered characteristics called “Basic Attack” and “Basic Defense”. These characteristics are the same for all types of Pokemon, but for individual ones their size ranges from zero to fifteen. The addition of these two stats directly affects Combat Power.

On this moment, it’s not entirely clear how these two parameters affect the outcome of the battle, but the fact that they show the strengths and weaknesses of the Pokemon is a real plus.

The most powerful attacking Pokemon are Mewtwo, Dragonite and Moltres. The three coolest of the top ten offensively are considered fire. Fire Pokemon are very effective when attacking Gyms.

MOLTRES. maximum CP-3240, attack-242

Now let's talk about those Pokemon that are best at defense. The most best performance protection from and Mew.

ARTICUNO. maximum CP-2978, attack-198, defense-242

BLASTOISE. maximum CP-2542, attack-186, defense-222

By the way, ground, fighting, and rock Pokemon are those species that have best protection in the game, HP or in other words an indicator of health.

This is another very interesting parameter that is very important in the game. Yes, of course, attack power and quality of defense are important parameters, but the amount of HP is on par with them, since it can decide the outcome of the battle. HP also helps determine what the best Pokemon are in Pokemon Go. An indicator called “Base Stamina” directly affects HP and thanks to it you can calculate the Pokemon with the highest indicators. Pokemon with good health last longer in battle, but also have vulnerabilities to others individual species Pokemon.

Highest endurance Chansey– 500. Stamina Diglett only 20. An interesting fact is that all three Pokemon with the highest health are not considered legendary.

What are the best Pokemon to catch in Pokemon Go?

Now, let's talk about the ten best Pokemon in the game. These game heroes are the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon Go . These Pokemon are best caught in the game in order to be the best player.


. This is one of the most balanced Pokemon in the game. A giant who constantly wants to sleep is considered healthy, not because he is big, but due to the enormous amount of health. His attacks are excellent and his offense has impressive potential. In addition, Snorlax is effective in protecting Gyms.

. It has more modest characteristics than Snorlax. The easiest way to get it is to evolve Eevee. Effective in defending and attacking Gimov.

Dragonite . He and his line are considered the only dragons in Pokemon Go. They have dragon type attacks. This is one of the rarest and strongest Pokemon. Every experienced player should have it.

Lapras . This Pokemon is great for eliminating Flying, Dragon, Grass, and Ground Pokemon. He has high characteristics. Unmatched in attack.

Gyarados . In order to evolve into this monster you need to save up and spend as many as 400 candies. It's very difficult, but worth the effort. It is better not to use him in defense, but he is good in attack.

Arcanine . A useful Pokemon in terms of besieging enemy Gyms.

Exeggutor. In appearance, this Pokemon is extremely ridiculous, but it has powerful attacks and excellent characteristics. The Pokémon's Psychic and Grass types make it vulnerable to attacks.

Flareon . It is considered fiery. Possesses absolutely all fire attacks that charge quickly. It has very low health, so it is not advisable to use it defensively.

Wigglytuff . Cute pink pokemon. Good in defense due to its high endurance. Invulnerable to dragon attacks.

Pidgey . This species is completely useless in battle. But the point is in quantity. If hundreds of Pidgeys are sent to evolve to the Professor, they will effectively increase the player's level.

This pokemon table in pokemon go of the ten strongest representatives will help absolutely every player assemble his own invincible team. You can show off the collected Pokemon to your friends and acquaintances, thereby showing who the best Pokemon Go player is.

Video of the best Pokemon in Pokemon GO

It is worth considering that if you catch Pokemon correctly, study them and thoughtfully evolve, then you will have no equal in the game. As in any business, everything needs to be done gradually, carefully and clearly.

The game Pokemon GO became a real discovery for many people, as it allowed them to catch their favorite Pokemon in the real world. However, after the initial enthusiasm for the game subsided, many coaches began to look with envy at the achievements of other players. Why do I only come across weak Pokemon (like Pidgey or Drowzee), while other players already have more interesting Pokemon in their collection? This question can often be heard from the lips of an ordinary player. Today we will find out which Pokemon is the strongest in Pokemon GO, and we will also figure out which Pokemon has the strongest attack and defense. Undoubtedly, our rating will not do without and about which we have already written earlier; Several other, more accessible Pokemon will also be mentioned.

Pokemon go is the strongest pokemon

Pokemon Pokemon GO with maximum CP

According to data that curious programmers "pulled" from the game code, Mewtwo, Dragonite and Mew have the highest CP (combat power) in the game. By CP you can judge who the strongest Pokemon is.

If we talk about the Pokemon that have been spotted in the game, Snorlax, Arcanine and Lapras have the highest CP. Snorlax can be upgraded to 3,113 CP, while Exeggutor, which evolves from Exeggcute, can reach 2,955 CP.

For comparison, Magikarp can only be upgraded to 263 CP.

Pokemon Pokemon GO with the best attack and defense

Fans dug up parameters such as BaseAttack and BaseDefense in the game code. These parameters are the same for each type of Pokemon, and for an individual Pokemon their value varies from 0 to 15 in random order. The sum of these two values ​​affects CP.

Despite the fact that it is not yet clear exactly how these parameters affect the outcome of a particular battle, they clearly indicate strong and weak sides Pokemon.

The best attacking Pokemon in Pokemon Go are Mewtwo, Dragonite and Moltres. Some of the ones you can catch include Flareon, Exeggutor, and. Arcanine. Three of the top 10 attacking Pokemon are Fire and will be extremely effective when attacking Gyms.

When it comes to Gym defense, Articuno, Blastoise and Mew are second to none. Fighting, Rock, and Ground Pokemon are generally good at defense. This is especially true for Poliwrath, Omastar and Marowak, which are among the top 10 best defender Pokemon.

Pokemon Pokemon Go with maximum HP

Chansey, Snorlax and Wigglytuff have the highest BaseStamina stat, which directly relates to HP in Pokemon GO. This means that these Pokemon can handle a punch well and are extremely difficult to defeat. However, do not forget that these Pokemon have their own vulnerabilities to other types of Pokemon. Don't forget this if you have to fight them.

Chansey has a base Stamina of 500. In comparison, Diglett only has 20. Shockingly, none of the 3 Pokemon with the highest HP are Legendary.

So, today we managed to find out who is the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO. We also found out which Pokemon has the maximum CP, the highest HP and is the best at attacking and defending.

What Pokemon do you like to fight for enemy gyms and defend your own?

In the now popular game Pokemon Go, one of the key parameters that determines the power of a Pokemon is CP (Combat Power). This parameter is set based on the totality of the creature’s characteristics, such as hit points, height, size and impact power. Each Pokemon card has a scale showing the CP limit for a certain level. The most powerful Pokemon, the 10 best and the top 100 creatures are determined precisely by the Combat Power indicator at the maximum level.

What is the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

One of the most popular questions among Pokemon GO players is which Pokemon is the strongest? Ash's most famous and first Pokemon is Pikachu, but this cute creature does not have any special power. A lot of players want to get it. This is quite simple to do - you don’t have to catch the first Pokemon at the beginning of the game and just wander around the area. After some time, Ash's Pikachu appears to the player.

Which Pokemon is the most powerful in Pokemon GO? The leading creature in terms of Combat Power is Mewtwo with 4145 CP at the maximum level. Mewtwo belongs to the legendary Pokemon mental appearance. It has a personal number of 150 and is named one of the rarest creatures in the game. Created from the cellular genes of the most powerful Pokemon. Mewtwo is an evolved form of Mew. It looks like a cross between a kangaroo and a cat with a long tail. Very similar to an alien and has a white and purple coloration. Instead of ears, the legendary creature has two small horns. When defending or attacking, Mewtwo's eyes emit Blue colour. Due to the rarity and fantastic power of Mewtwo, the phrase "to all the Mewtwos" has come to mean good luck in Pokemon GO. Finding Mewtwo is very difficult. According to legends, it can be found in Time Square (New York) and Banteay Srei Temple (Cambodia).

Top 100 most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO

The following creatures lead the top 100 strongest Pokemon in terms of CP:

  • Dragonite - 3500;
  • Mew - 3299;
  • Moltres - 3240;
  • Zapdos - 3114;
  • Snorlax - 3113;
  • Arcanine - 2984;
  • Lapras - 2981;
  • Articuno - 2978;
  • Executor - 2955.

Dragonite is a large orange bipedal dragon with two turquoise wings on its back. Belongs to a special dragon type and is quite good at attacking. Although Dragonite is one of the rarest creatures in the game, over time it appears in most experienced and dedicated players. Among the most powerful Pokemon included in the top 100, you can find creatures of all types (ghost, water, ice, electric and many others). Among them, it is worth noting Vaporeon (good for defense and attack), Flareon (attacking Pokemon) and Pidgey (takes by quantity, not quality).

The most powerful Pokemon in terms of attack, defense and life in Pokemon GO

According to statistics, the strongest attacking Pokemon in Pokemon GO are:

  • Mewtwo with BaseAttack 284;
  • Dragonite (BaseAttack 250);
  • Moltres (BaseAttack 242).

Three of the top ten attack creatures are Fire-type Pokémon. They are best used when attacking gyms.

If we're talking about about defense, Articuno (BaseDefence = 242), Blastoise (222) and Mew are the best in this matter. Some creatures of the stone and earth type have also proven themselves well - Poliwrath, Omastar and Marowak. Pokemon with high defense - best options to protect the gyms.

Chansey, Snorlax and Wigglytuff have the highest BaseStamina (health level or HP) in Pokemon Go. This means their ability to absorb a lot of damage. However, they are all Normal-type Pokémon, so they have a greater vulnerability to Fighting-type. The strongest Pokemon in terms of HP, Chansey, has a base stamina of 500, compared to Diglet's 20. Surprisingly, none of the top three toughest Pokemon are legendary, but Mewtwo is in the top 10 creatures with the highest HP.

10 most powerful Pokemon in Minecraft mod

In the Pixelmon mod for Minecraft, the 10 most powerful Pokemon are legendary. It is much harder to meet legendary creatures than ordinary ones. This unique category includes Mewtwo, Zapdos, Articuno, Mew, Moltres, etc. They are larger and stronger when compared to regular Pokemon. The chance of finding a legendary Pokemon is quite low. To increase the likelihood of success, it is recommended to use a GS Ball, Master Ball, or some good Poke Ball. Using simple pokeballs in this case is a waste of resources. The 10 most powerful legendary Pokemon can only be found in certain zones (biomes), namely:

  1. Articuno - Mountains (Extreme Winter Hills);
  2. Zapdos - Savannah (Savanna M, Savanna Plateau and Savanna Plateau M);
  3. Moltres - Table Mountains (Mesa Plateau F and Mesa Plateau F M);
  4. Mew - Jungle Trees;
  5. Rayquaza - Sunflower Plains;
  6. Groudon - Deserts & Plains;
  7. Kuogre - Ocean;
  8. Antey - Mountains (Extreme Hills and Extreme Hills M);
  9. Raiku - Savannah/Plains;
  10. Suicune - Beach, Cold Beach, Ice Plains Spikes.

Thus, the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon GO and in the Pixelmon mod for Minecraft is Mewtwo. In Minecraft, all of the top 10 Pokemon are legendary, while in Pokemon Go, this list also includes non-legendary (but rare) creatures. The top 100 includes Pokemon of any type that have high strength, life, attack and defense characteristics.

There are currently 17 types of Pokemon in Pokemon GO. Each type, of course, has its own strengths and weaknesses. And each type has its own strongest Pokemon. Let us clarify that we are not talking about legendary Pokemon yet - that’s another story, and we will definitely tell you about them.

In this post, we have collected information about the most powerful Pokemon in each type in Pokemon GO, i.e. about those you will definitely meet in the game. Or we've already met you. So, in order of priority:

  • "Normal" type: the most powerful pokemon - Snorlax(max CP - 3112)

Gamers rightfully consider him the best defender of the Halls. It is difficult to find; Snorlaxes are extremely rare in the wild. Therefore, players mainly get these Pokemon from Incubators. However, Snorlax can only hatch from 10 km eggs, and even with this you have to be lucky to some extent.

  • "Fire" type: the strongest Pokemon is Arcanine (max CP - 2983)

In the Kanto series, Arcanine evolved from Growlithe after it touched the Fire Stone. In Pokemon Go, this is somewhat simpler: you only need to collect 50 candies to evolve Growlithe to Arcanine. And Arcanines also come across in nature, not that often, but it happens.

  • "Water" type: the most powerful Pokemon is Lapras (max CP - 2980)

In fact, Lapras is a dual-type Pokemon - Water/Ice. Well, just cute. But Lapras cannot be evolved from another Pokemon. He (or she) can either be caught (if you are very lucky) or raised from a 10 km egg (you also need to be lucky). Moreover, you can find Lapras with normal CP and level him up to the maximum from about level 25.

  • "Electric" type: the most powerful Pokemon is Jolteon (max CP - 2140)

Jolteon can be obtained by developing Eevee. It can be accidental, or it can be controlled (the secret of Eevee’s development in Pokemon Go is here). According to legend, Joleton's fur enhances the electrical charge that is produced in the cells of his body. In its fur, Jolteon can also generate and accumulate negative ions and constantly crackles, creating a characteristic sound background around Jolteon. Eevees hatch from 10 km eggs, but are very common to find in the wild.

  • "Plant" type: the strongest Pokemon is Exeggutor (max CP - 2955)

Exeggutor evolves from Exegcute and is also a dual-type Pokémon. He is a “plant-psychic”, and therefore has also proven himself excellent as a protector of Pokejims (Halls). Considering that there are quite a lot of wild Exeggutors in the game, more and more powerful Exeggutors appear every day.

  • “Ice” type: the strongest Pokemon is Dewgong (max CP - 2145)

Another “double” and also “Water/Ice”. Dewgong evolves from Sil. Thanks to its snow-white fluff, the Dewgong supposedly camouflages itself perfectly in the snow. Powers are found frequently in the game (mostly near bodies of water), as well as in the incubator (they grow from 5 km eggs). But Dudong is considered rare, which is why it is most often developed from Sil. Although to do this you need to collect 50 candies, which is not easy.

  • "Fighting" type: the most powerful Pokemon is Hitmonchan (max CP - 1516)

Classic Hitmonchan began to develop from Tyrogue (via Hitmonlee and Hitmontop), but only on the condition that Tyrogue’s Defense was better than Attack. Pokemon Go has simplified things a bit. But Hitmonchan still remained the coolest of the “fighting” Pokemon. In the game you can catch it, or you can grow it (from 10 km eggs).

  • "Poisonous" type: the strongest Pokemon is Victreebell (max CP - 2530)

Victreebells are obtained from Vipinbells, they are extremely rare in the wild, and of all the poisonous CPs, you won’t find anyone else with them. This is probably why, in order to develop Victreebel from Vipinbel, you need as many as 100 Bellsprout-type candies. Victreebell is also very good in Hall defense.

  • "Earth" type: the strongest Pokemon is Rhydon (max CP - 2243)

This one, according to the classics, is a “double” - a rock-ground Pokemon and the most powerful of all earth ones. Rhydon evolves from Rhyhorn (50 candies). It is recommended to look for Rhyhorn near the railway, airport and beaches.

  • "Flying and Dragon" type: the most powerful Pokemon is Dragonite (max CP - 3500)

Finding and catching a wild Dragonite is a gift in its purest form in Pokemon GO. This cute looking dragon has the highest Combat Power. If he was developed and pumped by a Trainer of a sufficiently high level, of course. To get Dragonite, you need 100 candies. Or a 10 km egg, but Dragonites hatch from them extremely rarely. You should look for wild Dragonite near bodies of water.

  • "Psychic" type: the strongest Pokemon is Alakazam (max CP - 1813)

The final form of Abra evolves from Kadabra and is the coolest of the "psychic" Pokemon. It has a physically weak body and can barely hold up its head with a powerful brain. Therefore, he moves thanks to purely mental strength. However, in battle he is capable of much.

  • "Insect" type: the strongest Pokemon is Pinsir (max CP - 2121)

Since in essence it is a beetle, you have to look for it in fields and forests. But in Pokemon Go, Pinsirs are found in parks and playgrounds, so you don't have to travel far. This is if you are unable to grow one in the Incubator for a long time (10 km eggs).

  • "Stone" type: the strongest Pokemon is Aerodactyl (max CP - 2165)

"Double" - Rock-Flying - Aerodactyl in Pokemon Go no longer evolves into anyone. Unlike the canon one, which evolved even before Mega Aerodactyl. According to reviews, Aerodactyl is faster to grow (10 km eggs) than to catch.

  • "Ghost" type: the most powerful Pokemon is Gengar (max CP - 2078)

The final form of Gastly and one of the best ghost Pokémon in the Kanto series. Gengar has the ability to perfectly hide in any shadow. Classic Gengar also had an extremely mischievous disposition.

  • "Steel" type: the strongest Pokemon is Magneton (max CP - 1879)

In fact, Magneton is “electric-steel”. In Pokemon Go, the “trick” of Magneton is that you can get it quite quickly. For the simple reason that there are a lot of previous Magnemites in the game (although it depends on the location, of course), and only 50 candies are needed to develop Magneton. And then you can pump out a top Pokemon with the highest CP among all iron ones.

  • "Fairytale" type: the most powerful Pokemon - Mister Mime (max CP - 1494)

This is a dual-type Pokemon - fairy-psychic. In classic Pokémon, Mister Mime evolved from Mime Junior. But since this Pokemon is not in Pokemon Go (yet), you either catch Mister Mime or grow it. Like other fairy-tale Pokemon, Mister Mime is best used only to protect the Halls. And only if you have more or less pumped up his CP.