Import substitution is on the march. The analytical agency Turstat managed to compile statistics for 2017. Domestic tourism grew by about 5%, both in terms of the number of travelers and the amount of money they spent. And what cities are considered the best in our country now? And most importantly - how deserved?

You can accurately name the first three yourself: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi. Two capitals are two huge magnets for those who want to see Red Square and Nevsky Prospekt at least once.

Tatarstan continues to make candy out of its capital, and their efforts are paying off. The gingerbread Kremlin, the magnificent ensemble of the embankment, moderate oriental exoticism - everything is stable in Kazan from year to year.

The top five is rounded out by another city starting with the letter K. Remnants of medieval German charm, Kant’s grave, seaside and herring. - a distant outpost inside the European Union, the air there seems to be different. Merchant, leisurely, affordable, cozy and very Russian Nizhny Novgorod - sixth place. Again the Kremlin and entire areas of 19th-century buildings.

If there is a paradise in the world, this is the Krasnodar region, and in addition to Sochi, the capital of the region also made its mark in the ranking. It’s not entirely clear why hang out in , if the sea and mountains are nearby, but as a transshipment base, Krasnodar is very important.

If we look closely at the rating, we will see that there are capitals, a couple of resorts and cities that the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg themselves can easily reach, in a day at most. In other words, there are tourists, but they still don’t really know their country. Where, Khabarovsk, Tobolsk?

In my personal ranking the highest places are Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Where are they? Not even close. Few people travel there, therefore, there are not many hotels there, therefore, not many reservations have been made, which is what analysts count when they compile ratings of tourist attractiveness. And tourists also go where it’s advertised. They said it on TV a thousand times - Sochi-Sochi-Sochi, that’s where they’ll go, and they won’t even look at neighboring Gelendzhik.

So I will take part as much as I can in the PR of my favorite places in the Motherland. Here is my personal rating for 2017: several points on the map where I managed to visit last year.

As a rule, they never get on any lists, their PR is rudimentary, but there they are as cool as possible.

And plans for 2018 include Vladivostok. I’ll definitely get there, wait for posts and photos!

Mastercard Corporation has released a rating list (Global Destination Cities Index), including the most visited cities around the world. It included 132 settlements. A similar study has been conducted on the number of international overnight visitors for the seventh year now, and based on its results, we can safely predict which countries tourists will want to see first in 2016.

The most visited cities in the world

The Czech Republic occupies twentieth place. Its capital Prague will want to see 5.81 million tourists.

Shanghai (China) will be of interest to at least 6.12 million people (19th place).

And the city of Osaka in Japan (it is 17th) will receive 7.02 million tourists.

Rome (Italy) is a place of pilgrimage for 7,120,000 people (16th position).

7.5 million guests will come to Taipei (Taiwan) (15th position in the ranking).

Milan in Italy will receive 7,650,000 visitors and is 14th.

Amsterdam in the Netherlands will be visited by 8 million guests and is ranked 13th.

And Barcelona in Italy will attract 8,200,000 people (12).

Eleventh is Hong Kong (China), which will receive 8.37 million tourists.

Who are the top ten winners?

Tenth - Seoul in South Korea. It will be of interest to 10,200,000 visitors.

Tokyo (Japan) will receive 11,700,000 people (9).

Türkiye is very popular among tourists. Its capital, Istanbul, will be visited by 11.95 million tourists (8th place).

Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) will receive 12.02 million people and take 7th position.

12.75 million people will visit New York (USA), giving it 5th place in the ranking.

And Dubai in the UAE, ranked 4th, will attract 15.27 million tourists.

Paris (France) enjoys constant popularity. It is in third place with 18.03 million visitors.

London (England) comes in second place - 19,880,000 tourists.

Time will tell how accurate these numbers are. In the meantime, the beautiful cities of the world are waiting for their visitors.

An experienced traveler tries to choose an interesting and original place for each new trip, but everyone was once a beginner. When I first started traveling, like most ordinary tourists, I first visited those countries that I had heard and knew about most. So which countries are the most visited today? Where do crowds of tourists flock?

No. 10. Mexico - 29.1 million visitors per year

Mexico ranks 10th in the ranking of the most visited countries in the world. In the ranking of countries on the continent of America, Mexico ranks second in terms of attendance after the United States, even ahead of Canada! The number of visitors to Mexico per year is greater than the number of visitors to the entire Caribbean (22.8 million per year). The most visited region in Mexico is the Yucatan Peninsula. People come here for the stunning beaches, ancient Mayan ruins, lush rainforests and bustling nightlife.

No. 9. Russia - 29.8 million visitors per year

In recent years, Russia has been among the top 10 most visited countries in the world, only slightly behind the UK. There are 26 sites in Russia that are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Lake Baikal, volcanoes and geysers of Kamchatka, the Black Sea coast, the snowy mountains of Altai are just a few of the thousands of famous places to visit.

Russia is rich not only in natural sites, but also in cultural attractions. The main cultural centers - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Novgorod, Kazan, etc. - are famous for their numerous churches, museums, historical buildings, theaters, palaces, fortifications and other objects with a rich, centuries-old history.
The popularity of Russia as a country to visit is growing every year. About a million people in the Russian Federation work in the tourism sector.

No. 8. UK - 32.6 million visitors per year

The tourism business annually brings $17.2 billion to the state treasury. The majority of UK tourists are Europeans; the second largest group of tourists comes to the UK from the USA and Canada. London is the most visited city in the United Kingdom and the Tower is the most visited place.

No. 7. Germany - 33.0 million visitors per year

Germany is considered one of the safest travel countries in the world. Tourism is developed in Germany both for its own citizens and for foreign ones. According to statistics, 30% of Germans prefer to vacation within the country.

In Germany, 2 million people work in the tourism sector, and the share of tourism in the country's GDP is 4.5%. The cultural tourist centers of Germany are Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, they are also the most visited cities in the country. Of the natural attractions in Germany, the most famous are: Saxon Switzerland National Park, Vorpomeranian Lagoons National Park, Jasmund National Park. These parks are visited by millions of tourists every year.

No. 6. Türkiye - 39.8 million visitors per year

Türkiye is in 6th place in terms of attendance. The country is known for its rich cultural heritage and ethnic diversity. Turkey has a large number of historical, cultural and archaeological monuments, and in addition to this there are charming seaside resorts on the coasts of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Istanbul is the most visited city in Turkey.

In 2015, Turkey's tourism industry suffered losses due to a number of accidents related to the activities of terrorist groups. Türkiye lost a third of its total tourist flow.

No. 5. Italy - 48.6 million visitors per year

Visiting Italy is the dream of many people. 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, countless cultural artifacts, Roman and Renaissance archaeological sites, Mediterranean coastline and much more! Italy rightfully ranks 5th in terms of attendance.

The most visited cities in Italy: Rome, Venice, Florence, Milan. 48.6 million tourists a year bring huge amounts of money to the country's treasury.

No. 4. China - 55.6 million visitors per year

The Great Wall of China, Sacred Mountains of China, Shaolin Monastery, Huangoshu Falls, Forbidden City, Three Gorges Power Station and many other attractions make China one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. According to the World Trade Organization, by 2020 China will become the world's number one destination country.

No. 3. Spain - 65.0 million visitors per year

Tourism is the main industry in Spain. The share of tourism is 11% of the country's GDP. People travel to Spain to visit Barcelona and Madrid, the Mediterranean resorts, and take part in Carnivals and Encierro (a Spanish national custom consisting of running away from bulls, cows or calves specially released from a pen).

15 national parks attract nature lovers. Spain is also famous for its ski resorts. 13 Spanish cities are UNESCO World Heritage Sites and attract tourists from all over the world.

No. 2. USA - 74.8 million visitors per year

The vast country of the United States can surprise both new and experienced travelers. In cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Las Vegas, the flow of tourists does not stop all year round. Among the natural attractions of the USA: the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, the wonderful landscapes of Alaska, the beaches of Hawaii and much more. In 29 US states, tourism is the main industry that brings in a lot of money to the treasury.

The largest flows of tourists to the USA come from Mexico, Canada, and the UK. According to statistics, by 2025 the United States will earn 2.5 trillion. US dollars on tourism.

No. 1. France - 83.7 million visitors per year

For the most part, people are attracted by the local flavor and special atmosphere, in addition, France is famous for its exquisite cuisine and wines.

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world, thanks to the Eiffel Tower. In addition to Paris, people go to Lyon, Strasbourg and other cities. France is famous for its magnificent ski resorts, alpine mountains, beaches, picturesque French villages, beautiful gardens and parks and much more.

👁 12k (52 per week) / 04/07/2019⏱️ 6 min.

Almost every traveler who goes on a tourist trip to a particular country necessarily turns to the help of the World Wide Web to find out which cities and attractions he should visit. It is for these purposes that an annual analysis of search statistics is carried out, according to which it is possible to find out the most preferred places to visit. For such a huge country as Russia, this is especially important, since getting from one locality to another is sometimes very difficult, especially if you are limited in time and want to see only the most interesting things. Internet portals offer all kinds of ratings, based on which you can find out where people go most often and what excursion sites they visit. We propose to familiarize yourself with the top most visited cities in Russia based on statistical data from 2018.

Kazan is one of the most beautiful and oldest cities on the Volga. The capital of the current multinational Tatarstan combines Western technologies...

1. Moscow (23.5 million people per year) Where to stay

Moscow became the leader of our rating, which is not surprising. The capital of Russia is home to many attractions. Many of them are the hallmark of not only the city, but also the country: Red Square, the Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral, Stalin's skyscrapers, VDNKh and much more. In addition, Moscow is the largest transport hub and business center in the country.

2. St. Petersburg (8.5 million people per year) Where to stay

St. Petersburg is the second largest city in the country, the most important scientific and cultural center of the country. St. Petersburg was the capital of the Russian Empire for two centuries, emperors and members of their families lived and built palaces here, so many luxurious residences have been preserved in the city and its environs, most of which today house museums. Just look at Peterhof, Tsarskoe Selo, Pavlovsk, Gatchina, Oranienbaum. St. Petersburg is home to one of the largest museums in the world - the Hermitage, and here is the oldest museum in Russia, founded by Peter I - the Kunstkamera.

3. Sochi (more than 6 million people per year) Where to stay

Located on the Black Sea, the distance to Moscow is 1700 km, it is the largest among all resort cities in the country and the longest populated area in Russia. Founded in 1838, it has been considered a city since 1917 (its first name was Fort Alexandria), population - 443.6 thousand people, area of ​​the urban district - 3506 sq. km. The Pearl of the Black Sea is located in the humid subtropics and is divided into 7 regions. The name comes from the word “socha” - the name given to one of the tribes that lived in this territory. In this area, the first human settlements have been known since antiquity, although archaeological excavations indicate human habitation here approximately 400 thousand years ago. Every year, Sochi attracts an increasing number of tourists, especially after the 2014 Winter Olympics. Main attractions: Art and Ethnographic Museums, Oceanarium and Utrish Dolphinarium, Museum of the History of the City, sanatoriums “Ordzhonikidze”, “Metallurgist”, “Golden Ear”, “Iskra” and “Pravda”.

4. Kazan (more than 3 million people per year) Where to stay

The main city of Tatarstan is officially called the “third capital of Russia”. The metropolis is one of the largest administrative, political, financial, cultural and tourist centers in Russia. The date of foundation of the city is 1005, the first written mention dates back to 1391, the population is 1 million 251 thousand people (about 48% of them are Russians, the rest are Tatars, Chuvashs, etc.), the agglomeration area is 1,560 thousand. sq. km. The port city is located on the left bank of the Volga, the distance to Moscow is 820 km. Several legends are associated with the origin of the name - it is believed that it came from the word “kazan”, which means “cauldron” in ancient Bulgarian (meaning the location of the city). The symbol of Kazan is the mythical creature Zeeland, similar to a dragon. Among the main attractions are the Kazan Kremlin, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, Peter and Paul Cathedral, Freedom Square, the island city of Sviyazhsk, the Temple of All Religions, the Palace of Farmers, the Kul-Sharif Mosque, the pedestrian Bauman Street, the Kazan Mother of God Monastery, the skyscraper "Azure Skies" .

Mother Russia is still great, in it, not only in big cities, but also in some villages you can find something little-studied with great historical...

5. Vladivostok (more than 3 million people per year) Where to stay

Vladivostok was founded in 1860 as a military post and received city status in 1880. Center of the Far Eastern Federal District. Due to its location, this city is most accessible to tourists from the Asia-Pacific region who are interested in exploring European culture.

6. Yekaterinburg (2.1 million people per year) Where to stay

The city is the administrative center of the Sverdlovsk region and the Ural Federal District. Founded in 1723, from 1924 to 1991 the city was called Sverdlovsk. The agglomeration area is 468 sq. km, the population is almost 1.5 million people, the distance to Moscow is 1667 km. Ekaterinburg is the fourth largest city in the Russian Federation and is considered one of the most developed in transport, industrial, economic and cultural terms. The city annually attracts thousands of travelers who come here not only to see the local attractions, but also to actively spend time in dozens of nightclubs, discos and other entertainment venues. The main architectural and historical objects: Holy Trinity Cathedral, Yekaterinburg Synagogue, Methodist Protestant Church, Church of St. Karapet, Rastorguev-Kharitonov Estate, Sevastyanov House, Tarasov Estate. The Vysotsky skyscraper, the President business center, and the International Trade Center look quite attractive.

7. Astrakhan (more than 2 million people per year) Where to stay

The city was founded in 1334 and is located in the upper part of the Volga River delta. The city's population is 534 thousand people. The most visited places in Astrakhan include: the Astrakhan Kremlin, the city embankment, the musical fountain, the Assumption Cathedral, the sculpture "Lady with a Dog", the Batu Barn, the Cathedral of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

The Russian city of Sochi has become one of the most attractive tourist destinations. In and around it there are a lot of interesting places, attractions...

8. Nizhny Novgorod (1.9 million people per year) Where to stay

From 1932 to 1990 - the city of Gorky, date of foundation and first mention - 1221. The population at the end of 2016 was 1 million 267 thousand people, the agglomeration area was 466 thousand square meters. km. The settlement is one of the largest administrative, cultural, educational and financial centers in the country, and is divided into eight districts. The city is so large and picturesque that even a week is not enough to explore it. Tourists are attracted by a wide variety of architectural monuments, religious buildings, and examples of original Russian architecture. Among the most popular sites: the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Rozhdestvenskaya Street, the historical street Bolshaya Pokrovka, People's Unity Square, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Nativity Church, the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, the Limpopo Zoo, St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral and St. George's Tower, Sormovsky Park. The city is home to many architectural masterpieces, which are hundreds of years old.

9. Kaliningrad (1.9 million people per year) Where to stay

Founded in 945, until 1255 it was called Tvanagste, until 1946 - Königsberg. Population - 460 thousand people, area - 224.7 sq. km., divided into three regions: Central, Moscow and Leningrad. The city has an interesting centuries-old history, the modern stage of which began in 1945, after it was stormed by Soviet troops. The transfer of Koenigsberg to the USSR took place by decision of the Potsdam Conference, since then the city has become the property of another country. Kaliningrad was recognized in the period from 2012 to 2014 as the best city in Russia, and was repeatedly named the most convenient settlement in the Russian Federation for investment and business. The most beautiful hotels are Radisson Kaliningrad, Triumph Palace, Heliopark Kaiserhof and Sambia. The city is famous for its bridges: Two-tier, Wooden, Estakadny, Medov, Yubileiny, Berlin and the Second Trestle. Sights: Amber Museum, Museum of the World Ocean, Friedland Gate, Kaliningrad Art Gallery, Botanical Garden, Royal Garden and Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

Located in the center of the European part of Russia, the city of Voronezh is quite a remarkable Russian city, attracting travelers with monuments...

10. Suzdal (1.7 million people per year) Where to stay

The city, located in the Vladimir region, is the administrative center of the district of the same name. The first mention of Suzdal dates back to 999, and the city received official status in 1778. Population - about 10 thousand people, area - 15 sq. km. The toponym comes from an Old Slavonic word meaning clay. On the site of Suzdal there were settlements at the beginning of the 10th century, and most of the territory was fenced with defensive walls. Today there are more than 200 architectural and historical sites in the city, which will take more than 140 hours to explore. Surprisingly, most of the Suzdal buildings have been preserved in their original form; tourists are especially amazed by the Suzdal Kremlin, the churches of Cozma and Damian, the Assumption and St. Nicholas churches, as well as the Vasilievsky and Alexander monasteries, many monuments of the museum of wooden architecture - peasant huts, tented windmills, a wheel well etc.

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the most visited cities in the world in 2017 you can see,

In 2015, London was recognized as the most popular city among tourists for the second year in a row. The UK capital is expected to welcome 18.8 million tourists in 2015, once again ahead of Bangkok. The two cities have been competing for the top spot for the past five years. This is stated in the report of the international company Master Card, which compiles the annual rating of the most popular tourist destinations Global Destinations Cities.

In total, the ranking includes 132 megacities of the world. It is noteworthy that this year London will not only be first on the list of the most visited cities, but also first in terms of the amount of money spent by tourists - guests will leave at least $20 billion in the British capital.

In 2014, according to the UK Office of National Statistics, 17.4 million tourists visited London. Research shows that tourists travel to London mainly to visit historical sites and cultural events.

18.4 million people are expected to visit Bangkok this year. The study authors note that the Thai capital lost first place in the ranking in 2013, mainly due to political instability. However, this year Bangkok is showing signs of regaining lost ground and closing the “gap” with the leader.

in fourth place Dubai - 14 million guests.

Istanbul became the fifth most popular city, with up to 12.3 million people visiting it.

New York came sixth in the Top 10 with a forecast of 12.3 million tourists.

Singapore took seventh position with 11.9 million.

In eighth place is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (11.1 million guests).

Seoul is in 9th place - expectations for 2015 were at least 10.4 million tourists, however, it is possible that due to the MERS outbreak, the capital of South Korea will not receive a significant number of foreign visitors.

Hong Kong closes the top ten: this city welcomes 8.6 million guests.

Noteworthy is the fact that out of the top 10 destinations, five are in Asia: Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul and Hong Kong. As noted in the study, such representation of the Asia-Pacific region is not accidental: the diverse and vibrant tourism sector of these countries has been steadily providing an influx of tourists over the past 10 years.

The top twenty includes such popular European cities as Barcelona (12th place), Amsterdam (13th position), Rome (14th place), Milan (15th on the list), Vienna (18th place) place) and Prague (19th place).

The ranking of urban destinations where tourists spend the most money was somewhat different. After London, New York is ranked second in visitor spending ($17.4 billion). Third on the list is Paris ($16.6 billion). Seoul is fourth with $15.2 billion. Singapore closes the top five in tourist spending with $14.7 billion.

The sixth largest city in terms of money spent by guests is Barcelona ($13.8 billion), followed by Bangkok in seventh position ($12.3 billion). The eighth place was taken by the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur ($12 billion), and ninth place by Dubai, UAE ($11.7 billion). Istanbul closes the ranking of the most “expensive” cities for tourists in the world; tourists are expected to spend $9.4 billion here this year.

A very interesting list of cities that show the best dynamics in the arrival of foreign guests over the past 6 years. Of the ten cities on this list, seven megacities, again, are located in Asia.

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, ranks third in terms of growth (20.4%), while Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) came in fifth (18%). Japanese Osaka took 4th place with an increase of 19.8%. In sixth place is the city of Xi, China (16.2%), seventh is Taipei, Taiwan (14.9%). The capital of Japan, Tokyo, is in 8th place (14.6%). Lima, the capital of Peru, is ninth (13.9%), at the same time the city also topped the regional top of the most dynamic tourist urban destinations in South America. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam (12.9%) closes the top ten.