As everyone knows, an airplane is the most safe way movement. This is confirmed by World Transport Statistics. The basis is the number of deaths per 160 million km of travel. The mortality rate on air transport is only 0.7 people, while on a train it is 0.9, and by car it is 1.5.

However, the plane is different from the plane. We all know that there are different models, they are very different from each other. Let's figure out together which are the safest planes in the world and which are the most dangerous.

First, let's find out what kind of aircraft generally serve the majority of passenger airlines? There are only 2 types: Boeing and Airbus. The former are produced by an American company, the latter by a large European company. They differ from each other in the set technical characteristics, as well as details in appearance.

Interestingly, according to a study conducted in 2012, Boeing takes first place in terms of the number of accidents, while Airbus has almost 2 times less. What does it mean? That all Airbus airliners are much safer than their American counterparts? Of course no. Both among the former and among the latter, sometimes disasters occur, since the models of one company also differ from each other.

First, let's find out which are the most reliable aircraft in the world.

Safety criteria

Here we immediately note that wear and tear plays an important factor in this matter. Any equipment, even high-quality ones, gets old and breaks down. Therefore, over time, any airliner moves from the category of safe to dangerous.

Lufthansa aircraft

Another significant factor is which airline the plane belongs to. For example, everyone knows about the quality and reliability of the German Lufthansa, which, by the way, is among the twenty most reliable airlines in 2016. While airlines from Third World countries (for example, the Afghan Kam Air or the Nepalese Tara Air and Nepal Airlines) are included in the rating of the most unsafe airlines for the same 2016

  • the number of plane crashes (terrorist acts were not taken into account) caused by both technical and human factors;
  • number of models of this type produced;
  • lifetime;
  • total flight time.

It is based on these 4 factors that the British company Ascend and the American magazine BusinessWeek presented a rating of the reliability and safety of aircraft and discontinued passenger airliners.

Rating of the most reliable aircraft in the world

Boeing 777

The Boeing 777 rightfully took first place. There hasn't been a single plane crash in 20 million flight hours.. Of course, there were several accidents. There is nothing perfect in the world. But there were only 4 of them. It is equipped with the most powerful General Electric GE90 engines in the history of aircraft manufacturing. Wide-body aircraft capable of seating 300 to 500 people.

Airbus A340

In second place is the Airbus A340. In 13.5 million flight hours there were only 5 accidents. It is more expensive to maintain, so airlines are not eager to purchase it.

Airbus A330

Third place goes to the Airbus A330. In 12 million flight hours there was not a single accident until 2008., when an AirFrance-owned Airbus A330 failed to crash into the Atlantic Ocean, killing 228 people. This is a wide-body airliner for medium and long-distance flights.

Boeing 747

In fourth place is a Boeing veteran - the Boeing 747. In 17.5 million flight hours there was only 1 plane crash. It was the very first wide-body aircraft. It was once considered the largest, most spacious, and most recognizable. This is what is shown in most Hollywood films about plane crashes.

Boeing 737NG

Boeing is in fifth place again. This time Boeing 737 NG (New Generation). Which in English means “New Generation”, since it is the third generation of the Boeing 737. In 17 million flight hours there were only 31 plane crashes. And during the entire operation of this model there were only 3 accidents.

Boeing 767

In sixth place is the Boeing 767. In 15.5 million flight hours there was only 1 accident. Sadly famous model, since it was he who was chosen by terrorists to attack the Twin Towers in New York. Over 30 years, there were only 6 plane crashes in which people died.

Airbus A320

The Airbus A320 is seventh on the list. One disaster in 14 million flights. And during the entire time that it was in use, 27 plane crashes occurred with it, 13 of them in which people died. This model is assembled in China, Toulouse (France) and Hamburg (Germany).

Boeing 757

In eighth place is the Boeing 757. There is 1 accident per 15 million flight hours. During the entire period of its operation there were only 8 accidents, only 3 of which occurred due to technical reasons.

Boeing 737 CFMI

The ninth place is occupied by the Boeing 737 CFMI. 110 times he participated in terrorist attacks and was hijacked. There is 1 plane crash per 5.5 million hours of flight. This is the most common model among passenger airliners today. About 1,200 aircraft of this type fly on air routes.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

In last place is the McDonnell-Douglas MD-11. This model is from the company of the same name, which merged with Boeing. Now they are already out of order, since their service life has already expired. This type will no longer be produced. There is 1 accident per 4 million flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

Aircraft danger criteria

Now let's look at the rating of the most dangerous aircraft in the world. It was compiled by the same American weekly magazine, BusinessWeek, with the help of the same insurance company Ascend. The criterion is total disasters with huge human casualties. Terrorist acts were also not taken into account.

In addition, it should be noted that the more widely a certain model is used, the more disasters occur in this model. In addition, the period of time during which this model is used plays a huge role. And, of course, the company that uses it.

Rating of the most dangerous aircraft in the world

Boeing 737

The Boeing 737 tops the list. There is 1 aircraft accident per 507,500 flight hours. These airliners are no longer used by major airlines, but are still in use among airlines in underdeveloped African countries.


In second place is IL-76. Basically, aircraft of this model are used in the former Soviet Union. They are even still being produced. Although there is 1 accident per 549,900 flight hours.


Third place is again occupied by a model developed back in the Soviet Union - Tu-154. As it is easy to assume, only countries in the Post-Soviet space use it. There is 1 accident per 1,041,000 flight hours.

Airbus A310

Airbus A310 is in fourth place. Decommissioned by large, international companies, this type is still used by Third World countries. For example, Yemen and Pakistan. There is 1 accident per 1,067,000 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-9

Fifth place went to the McDonnell-Douglas DC-9. Only small airlines from underdeveloped countries use it. It has not been produced since 1987. There is 1 aircraft accident per 1,068,000 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-9


In sixth place is the Tu-134. This model is in use in only a few countries Central Asia and the Middle East. 1 accident occurs per 1,087,600 flight hours. They stopped constructing them in the late 90s of the last century.

Boeing 727

Retired by many mass carriers, the Boeing 727 has settled into seventh place. It has not been produced since 1984, since by that time there were already more advanced models. However, some charters and companies from underdeveloped countries still have this model in their fleet. There is 1 accident per 2,306,300 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-80

In eighth place was the McDonnell-Douglas MD-80. It has not been produced since the late 20th century, but is still used by airlines such as the Italian Alitalia, the American Delta and the Scandinavian SAS. 1 accident per 2,332,300 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-80

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

Ninth place went to the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10. It is used only by charters and cargo carriers. There is 1 accident per 2,908,800 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

The list is completed by a slightly improved model of the previous version of the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 - the McDonnell-Douglas MD-11. Issue of this type ended at the beginning of the 21st century, but it is still found on such large carriers as KLM and Finnair. 1 accident per 3,668,800 flight hours.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11


Having analyzed these studies, we can assume that using the services of little-known airlines from Third World countries is the most dangerous. The reason lies in the insufficient financial resources to replace old-type models with newer, improved aircraft. But large airlines are not completely immune from disasters. After all, there is also the human factor and weather. Both of them play an important role.

It is known that many accidents occur during landing and takeoff of the airliner.

And in conclusion: an airplane is a perfect mechanism in which everything works so precisely and smoothly that even with some malfunctions it can successfully land at the airport. It involves more than a thousand different devices designed to stabilize the situation in the event of any damage. That's why ! And if you are flying for the first time, then we have something for you on this topic. Have a good, and most importantly, safe flight!

When choosing which plane to fly, many passengers prefer to know which airliners are statistically the safest. London Insurance Company Ascend compared the most used airliners in the world, whose number of lines exceeds 100 pieces. The number of flight hours was compared with fatalities. And in this case, incidents related to terrorism were not taken into account.

Boeing 737 CFMI. With the participation of this airliner, one accident occurs per 4,836,900 flight hours. It was produced in 1984-2000; 1,796 of these Boeings are still in use. The second generation of the 737 model was sold in the amount of 1,988 aircraft, most of which are still operating around the world today. The CFMI index refers to an engine model built jointly by the American company General Electric and the French from Snekma. The last major disaster involving this airliner occurred in August 2008. Then a Boeing belonging to the carrier Aeroflot Nord crashed near Perm. The plane was 16 years old, and all 88 people on board crashed with it.

Boeing 757. The passenger airliner was produced from 1982 to 2005. One crash of such a Boeing occurs every 13,744,400 hours in the sky. 973 aircraft of this model are still in operation, although 1,050 were produced. The Boeing company developed it to replace the already outdated 727. The 757 model turned out to be quite successful; it is still used by many US carriers, including the large United and Delta. And outside of America, the airliner is popular with carriers. There are only 5 fatal accidents involving the Boeing 757, killing 436 people. You can also remember that during the September 11 attacks, 2 of these planes crashed due to a terrorist attack. We are notorious for this airliner, thanks to the tragic collision with a Tu-154 over Lake Baden in 2002.

Airbus A320. This European airliner has been produced from 1988 to the present. One crash occurs every 14 million flight hours. Currently, 4,467 such aircraft are in operation, and more than 5 thousand have been produced. The A320 assembly line even operates in China. This Airbus has several modifications - A321, A318 and A319. They are also very popular not only with low-cost carriers, but also with reputable companies. The number of aircraft of this model in the sky is huge, but over 20 years of use, only 8 accidents have been recorded. A total of about 750 passengers died in them. It was the A320 that pilots managed to land on the Hudson in January 2009 after a flock of birds hit the engine. And in July 2010, such a plane crashed in Pakistan while landing. Then 152 people died.

Boeing 767. One crash of such an aircraft occurs every 14.9 million flight hours. The Boeing 767 began production in 1982, and continues to do so today. 867 of the 1,005 vehicles produced are in operation. The model is one of the most popular long-haul for both American and European carriers. Over the past 20 years, Boeing 767s have only had three accidents, killing 536 people. It was these airliners that rammed the Twin Towers during the events of September 11th. The last accident involving a Boeing 767 occurred in April 2002 in Busan, Korea. Then, during landing, the plane crashed due to pilot errors, killing 129 people.

Boeing 737 NG. The new generation of the 737 series is better and safer than its predecessors. One crash occurs every 16 million flight hours. This type of aircraft began production in 1982 and continues to this day. There are still 2,583 of these airliners in operation. In the entire history of its flights, only three disasters occurred, with the death of a total of 277 passengers. The latest one dates back to February 2009. Then the plane of the Turkish national carrier Turkish Airlines crashed while trying to land at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The victims were 5 passengers and four crew members.

Boeing 747. This plane has a bad reputation. After all, the collision of two Boeing 747s on the runway in 1977 claimed the lives of 583 people. That accident has the status of the largest in world aviation. However, in general, the airliner shows miracles of reliability. It has been produced from 1969 to the present. One crash occurs every 17.3 million flight hours. Of the 1,443 aircraft produced, about 935 are still in operation. For almost 40 years, the airliner was the heaviest, most spacious and largest passenger aircraft. In 40 years in the sky, fatal accidents happened to him only 18 times. The most recent major one happened with a China Airlines jet in May 2002. Then, due to improper engine repairs, the plane flying from Hong Kong to Taiwan fell apart in the sky. Its remains, along with 225 passengers, fell into the sea.

Airbus A330. This aircraft has been produced since 1993. Until 2008, there were no fatal accidents involving him. However, on June 1, an Air France A330 airliner, heading to Paris from Rio de Janeiro, fell and sank in the waters Atlantic Ocean. The reasons were never really clarified, because the black boxes could not be found. The tragedy claimed the lives of 228 people. At that time, the A330 had already flown about 12 million hours without incident. Another major Airbus accident occurred in 2010 in Libya. The airliner coming in for landing crashed along with 103 passengers. A total of 830 of these aircraft were produced, of which 577 aircraft are in service.

Airbus A340. This newest Airbus has been in production since 1993. In total, about 30 vehicles are in operation, and the same number have already been ordered. There were no fatal accidents associated with this airliner. But he has already flown more than 13 million hours. True, such excellent statistics do not particularly seduce air carriers. The fact is that the model turned out to be quite uneconomical. Other models in this class, the A330 and the Boeing 777, turned out to be much more profitable. The only serious incident with this long-haul airliner occurred in 2005 in Toronto. When landing during a thunderstorm, the Air France plane landed unsuccessfully, resulting in 43 people receiving injuries of varying severity.

Boeing 777. This aircraft rightfully bears the title of the safest in the world. It has been produced since 1995, and 742 of the 1,040 vehicles produced are in operation. The Boeing 777 has flown more than 19 million hours without a single fatality. Among the incidents, one can only mention the emergency landing of a British Airways airliner at Heathrow Airport, London. The malfunction occurred due to ice crystals entering the heat exchanger. That accident resulted in injuries to 13 passengers, but no one was killed.

January 26, 2016, 10:29 pm

Airplanes today quite often get into plane crashes. There are a lot of statistics about which plane is the most dangerous. BusinessWeek published a rating of the most dangerous planes, using data from the insurance consultant Ascend. As a result, the Boeing 737 was recognized as the most dangerous passenger aircraft in terms of the number of accidents.

It should be noted that the aircraft occupying 5th and 8th seats are essentially one model, only slightly modernized, the same can be said about the aircraft in 9th and 10th seats. It is also worth noting that among the safest airliners (without human casualties among passengers) ), not included in the rating due to their small number, include the airliners Il-86/96, Tu-204/214, Airbus A380, Embraer 135/140/145/170/175/190/195, Canadair Regional Jet 700-900 , McDonnell Douglas MD-90, Fokker-70 and some others. Meanwhile, according to the Aviation Safety Network website, the most dangerous aircraft in the world currently in operation, according to a coefficient that is calculated based on the number of flights, the number of fatalities and the total number of crashes, is the Boeing 747. Next on the list are the Boeing 737-300/400 /500, Tu-154, Airbus A300, Boeing 757, Airbus A320/319/321, Airbus A310, Boeing 767, Yak-42.

According to BusinessWeek, there is one fatal plane crash per 507,500 Boeing 737 flight hours. old version The Boeing 737 family is still operated by airlines in poor countries.

IL-76. The Il-76 aircraft, which is most often operated by airlines in the countries of the former Soviet Union, ranks second in the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft models, which are operated around the world in quantities of 100 or more. There is one accident per 549,900 flight hours of this aircraft. There are currently 247 Il-76 aircraft in use around the world, produced from 1974 to the present day.

Tu-154. The most common aircraft in most CIS countries, flying domestic and international routes, is also one of the most dangerous. For every 1,041,000 flight hours of a Tu-154 aircraft, there is one plane crash, writes BusinessWeek. Currently, 336 aircraft of this model are in operation around the world.

Airbus A310. There is one accident per 1,067,700 Airbus A310 flight hours. Most major airlines have already stopped flying it, while carriers in poorer countries continue to fly the plane made by European aircraft maker Airbus. Among them is Pakistan International Airlines.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-9. The McDonnell Douglas aircraft, which has not been in production since 1982, is still used by Delta Airlines and many other smaller carriers. Meanwhile, one plane crash occurs every 1,068,700 aircraft flight hours.

Tu-134. The Tu-134 entered the history of Russian civil aviation as the most popular aircraft. Its production ceased in 1986, but the Tu-134 is still widely used by airlines from the former Soviet Union and the Middle East. There is one accident per 1,087,600 aircraft flight hours.

Boeing 727. One plane crash occurs every 2,306,300 flight hours of the Boeing 727. The plane has been out of production since 1984, and most major airlines have long since replaced older Boeing 727s with more modern aircraft. However, outside the US, most charter interpreters continue to operate the Boeing 727.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-80. The McDonnell-Douglas MD-80 was created to replace the DC-9 in the early 1980s. Their production ceased in 1999, but the airliners are still operated by the American airline Delta, as well as a number of European carriers, including Alitalia and SAS. A total of 923 aircraft of this model are in operation. There are 2,332,300 McDonnell-Douglas MD-80 flight hours per crash.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10. The DC-10 is an aircraft whose safety has, on the contrary, improved over the years. With 153 aircraft of this model flying around the world, there is one DC-10 crash for every 2,908,800 flight hours. The aircraft is currently used primarily by cargo and charter operators.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11. The MD-11, whose production ended in 2001, disappointed its creator by ultimately demonstrating poor performance in terms of fuel efficiency and other parameters. Meanwhile, 187 airliners are operated worldwide by airlines such as Finnair and KLM. There is one crash per 3,668,800 MD-11 flight hours.

Spletnik-S-404. The S-404 aircraft, whose production began in 2016, disappointed absolutely everyone, demonstrating record levels of inefficiency in fuel use and other parameters. Not a single flight was successful. In total, there are N number of accidents, the number of those produced and in operation liners are hidden by the manufacturer.

The airplane has long become a fairly popular means of traveling over long distances. Some people love to fly, some are afraid. Many people believe that flying by plane is unsafe, but this is not true. We’ll look at which airliners are safer to fly on and which seats are best to buy tickets for.

Statistics usually calculate the number of deaths per 100 million miles. According to this rating, the aircraft’s score is 0.6. It's hard to believe, but the most dangerous means of transportation is a bicycle.

The probability of a flight being involved in a disaster is negligible - only 1/8,000,000. This means that if you fly every day, it would take 21,000 years to get on such a flight.

Rating of the safest aircraft

An important factor when assessing the safety of an aircraft is the carrier company and the degree of wear and tear of the equipment.

The leader in the rating of safe aircraft is . In the entire history of flights of this airliner, only 4 (!) accidents were recorded. While in 20 million flight hours not a single incident occurred. The aircraft is a wide-body aircraft with a long flight range. It is important that the aircraft was designed entirely using a computer. All statistical research They give leadership in safety to this model of the American company Boeing.

Here is a video of the most reliable Boeing 777 taking off:

The plane had no accidents fatal case for 13 million flight hours. Production began in 1993 and continues to this day. Operation is quite expensive, so companies buy only a few aircraft of this type. It is especially inferior to Boeing in terms of excessive fuel consumption.

Third place goes to the model, produced since 1993. The A330 was the most reliable aircraft until 2009, when flight AF447 crashed. The airliner is a medium or long-haul airliner.

The safest companies in Russia

In the recent past, TransAero was recognized as the most reliable company. She also received many awards. But, due to circumstances, the carrier stopped operating. Let's make a rating of reliable air carriers in Russia at the moment.

  • . In the world ranking for reliability, it is firmly in 35th place. The leader of domestic air carriers in this indicator. This is achieved primarily due to one of the youngest aircraft fleets in Europe.

The company's fleet is 167 aircraft with an average age of 4.5 years.

  • . Winner of many Russian awards in the air transportation industry. Has the only one in Russia of its own Gym for their pilots. Average age aircraft - 12.5 years. The number of airliners of the company is 35 units.

  • . Winner of the nomination best Russian airline 2015. The average age of the 58 aircraft fleet is 9 years. The company purchases Boeing and Airbus aircraft for transportation.

  • . The airline operates both airplanes and helicopters. It is considered the fifth largest company in terms of passenger transportation. The best regional carrier in Russia for 2014. The fleet consists of 68 aircraft with an average age of 11.8 years.

  • . It was formed on the basis of the S7 company park. The company cooperates with travel agencies and focuses on flight safety. The aircraft fleet, consisting of 13 aircraft, is 8.9 years old.

The most dangerous planes

Flight safety depends not only on the reliability of the aircraft, but also on the carrier company, which must provide proper maintenance. Often, it is due to the lack of technical resources that fatal cases, notorious throughout the world, occur.

The safest seats on a plane

For a long time, research and statistics on survivors of plane crashes have been conducted. All in order to identify the most dangerous places in airplane. In most cases, impacts occur on the bow, so it's safer to sit in the back, despite the comfort of the seats. The places next to the emergency exit are also the safest, since the evacuation of passengers begins from there.

Questions and answers

What is the safest plane in the world?

As noted above, the safest airliner is the Boeing 777. Over the 20 million kilometers that aircraft of this model have traveled, there have been no significant incidents. Reliability statistics are completely on the side of the Boeing 777 in many respects.

Why do planes crash?

The causes of disasters are very different. These include weather conditions, the technical condition of the aircraft, piloting errors, and incorrect instructions from dispatchers.

Why do planes fly?

The engines provide the necessary thrust for acceleration and flight. The shape and design of the wings is used to lift the aircraft into the air. From a physics point of view, lift is created.

Watch a video about how planes fly:

The safest passenger plane in the world?

As for passenger air transportation, the Boeing 777 and Airbus A340 share the laurels of reliability. However, due to expensive maintenance, Airbus remains in second place. The Boeing 777 model series remains unattainable for competitors in many respects of reliability and safety.

The most dangerous places in the cabin?

The most comfortable seats in the aircraft cabin are usually located in the front. But this does not mean at all that they are safe. Quite the contrary, the main impact falls on the bow. The middle seats are also quite dangerous, since the wings contain fuel that can catch fire in the event of an accident.

Worst airplane crash?

Here the data remains contradictory. If we consider the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 in the United States of America, then it was the planes that collided with the towers of the World War II Shopping Center, suffered the worst disaster in history. If we do not take into account the factor of terrorism, the largest accident was the collision of two planes at Los Rodeos airport on Canary Islands, 583 people died.

No matter how afraid people are of flying on airplanes, this means of transportation still remains one of the safest in global transport. The likelihood of getting into an accident is, oddly enough, negligible. Many people choose this type of transport for traveling long distances, since they can be covered in a matter of hours. And yet, for those who are terrified of flying, it is worth wisely choosing the safest place, but for this you will have to sacrifice comfort.

Experts note that air transport is the safest in the world, and statistics show that accidents with airplanes happen much less frequently than with cars or trains. Any passenger making a flight chooses safety first, and comfort second. Let's do a little analysis and present the most dangerous aircraft in the world in terms of the number of accidents. Let's take data from leading insurance companies as a basis, and make sure you don't accidentally buy a ticket for these planes.

Boeing 737 JT8 D

Experts are unanimous in their opinion that this model tops the list of dangerous aircraft, and European Union even passed a resolution to ban some airlines from using the Boeing 737 JT8 D.

This ban happened immediately after an aircraft of this type crashed in August 2008 in the skies over Kazakhstan. Looking at the statistics, we find out that one Boeing 737 JT8 D accident with numerous casualties occurs every 507,500 flight hours.

Despite these tragic figures, these models are still used every day in the world's poorest countries.

A veteran of the Soviet aviation industry, which made its first flight back in 1971, continues to operate mainly in the post-Soviet space and in some countries of Asia and Africa.

It is estimated that approximately 300 aircraft are currently flying around the world, and one accident occurs every 549,900 flight hours. The Il-76 aircraft, introduced to airlines in 1974, is still in production today.

Among the major accidents, it is worth mentioning the crash of an airplane operated by an Iranian airline. Then, in the crash of the Il-76, 275 passengers and crew members died.

As BusinessWeek reports, there is one accident per 1,041,000 flight hours with the Tu-154. But, despite this fairly high figure, this model remains the most common and popular on Russian airlines and in the countries of the former USSR.

Nowadays, various airlines around the world use more than 300 aircraft, and most accidents occur in the Middle East. For example, aircraft of this model operated by Iranian airlines have suffered 4 crashes since 2002.

The last terrible accident occurred over the Black Sea in December 2016, when the accident killed 84 passengers and 8 crew members.

French aircraft manufacturers have long been included in the list of manufacturers of reliable aircraft, but this model was involved in accidents 12 times in 1992.

The causes varied, and the 2009 disaster off the Comoros Islands killed 153 passengers and crew. Miraculously, only a 12-year-old girl survived. In total, there is one Airbus A 310 accident per 1,067,700 flight hours, and this model has been in operation since 1983.

Because of such indicators, the world's leading airlines have abandoned the services of this aircraft, but countries that do not have the opportunity to renew their fleet due to lack of finance continue to use the unreliable model of the French airliner.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-9

The short-haul aircraft of the American aircraft manufacturer began operation in 1965, and the project was closed in 1982.

Despite the discontinuation of production, this aircraft model continues to be used by small airlines around the world. According to statistics, there is one DC-9 accident per 1,068,700 flight hours.

Accidents don't happen often, but in 2008, 44 people died when a McDonnell-Douglas DC-9 crashed in the Congo. In May 1996, a fire started on board a plane of the American company ValuJet Airlines, and it crashed into a swamp. All 110 people on board were killed.

Once upon a time, the Soviet airliner, produced since 1963, was the most advanced in its class. Soviet Union not only widely used the machine not only on its air lines, but also exported it to many countries around the world.

There is one Tu-134 accident per 1,087,600 flight hours. Production of the model ceased in 1986, but Asian countries and some African states continue to use the Soviet airliner.

In total, 78 vehicles were lost during its entire operation, and 1,494 people died in these disasters. It is worth noting that out of 78 vehicles, two were blown up by terrorists, and 10 were shot down in combat areas.

The old and unsafe aircraft entered service with the airlines in 1963, and in 1984 this model was no longer produced from the assembly line. But about 100 cars continue to be used by small companies for short-distance flights.

The biggest disaster with this airliner model occurred in 1986 in the skies over Mexico, when 15 minutes after takeoff the airliner caught fire and crashed in the mountains. The 167 people on board did not have a single chance to survive.

In total, from the moment of operation until today, 118 cars have crashed for various reasons, and total number victims amount to 4,209 people.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-80

The jet passenger airliner was produced from 1980 to 1990, and was widely popular on domestic airlines in the United States. There are currently more than 900 models of this aircraft in operation.

From the beginning of operation to the present day, 29 vehicles have been lost as a result of accidents and disasters. One disaster, according to insurance companies, occurs every 2,332,300 flight hours of a passenger airliner.

One of major disasters occurred in 2008 at Madrid airport when a plane crashed on takeoff. 153 people died, and 18 managed to survive.

McDonnell-Douglas DC-10

In 1970, this model of the American aircraft manufacturer taxied onto the runway for the first time, and in 1988, production of the McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 ceased.

In the early years, the model did not show high flight performance, and accidents occurred quite regularly. Over the years, this negative trend has been overcome.

In the history of air travel, there is one DC-18 crash per 2,908,800 flight hours. In 2001, a Boeing 747 and a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 almost collided in the skies over Japan due to the fault of air traffic controllers. According to the pilots, the planes separated at a distance not exceeding 100 m.

McDonnell-Douglas MD-11

American aircraft designers were creating a machine that was supposed to replace outdated models on US airlines. But the model disappointed with its high fuel consumption and low performance characteristics.

One American plane crash occurs every 3,668,800 MD-11 flight hours, and the aircraft was taken out of production in 2001. But there are now about 190 MD-11 units flying around the world.

In 1999, a plane of this model crashed in China, but then the cause was a strong typhoon, and the pilots simply could not cope with the elements. That day, the coordinated work of firefighters and rescue services prevented multiple casualties, but 3 people still died.

To get a complete picture, let’s present a few facts from the history of passenger aviation related to flight safety:

  • 2017 was the safest year in the history of world aviation. This year, many accidents occurred without casualties, but the reports did not include accidents involving small aircraft.
    The first plane crash with human casualties occurred in 1908. Then, in the state of Virginia, a plane piloted by O. Wright crashed, and the only passenger, Lieutenant Thomas Selfridge, died.
  • The largest number of plane crashes occurs in the United States and Russia, and the United States, since 1945, has been the leader in the number of plane crashes.
  • Experts have calculated that one fatal flight occurs every 7 million 360 thousand departures. But this figure does not take into account terrorist attacks, which cannot be predicted.
  • Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a special disaster analyzer that can be used to calculate the probability of an accident on a particular flight. All factors are taken into account - weather, depreciation of the aircraft, conditions of the runway and landing strip of the air flight, etc.
  • In Russia, the An-2 aircraft of the Antonov concern most often crash among all types of aircraft.
  • 46% of all plane crashes in the world occur due to the human factor, and in second place with 26% is a technical malfunction of the airliner.
  • Terrorist attacks account for 1% of all crashes, and 10% of air and airport accidents are caused by weather conditions.

Our rating of the most dangerous aircraft has come to an end, and as we see, even well-known manufacturers sometimes produce imperfect machines. Of course, in many accidents there is a so-called human factor, and human error sometimes leads to the death of hundreds of people, and heaven, as you know, does not forgive mistakes, neither in heaven nor on earth.

In conclusion, we note that the analysis of aircraft accidents of the presented aircraft models does not include accidents caused by terrorist attacks.