In the first months of life, the main food for a baby is a nutritious liquid - milk or its analogue - a mixture. Therefore, a child’s nutrition at 4 months is based on what his immature tiny stomach can digest. The milk produced by a woman’s mammary glands contains everything necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Not a single manufacturer of artificial milk formulas has yet managed to copy and repeat its composition.

At 4 months, the baby may already have his first teeth. Some compassionate neighbors, grandmothers and even pediatricians believe that this is a signal to introduce complementary foods. And if you look at baby food store shelves, you will see manufacturers’ recommendations: from 4 months. Then you may be overcome by doubts: “Or maybe it’s time?” Let's figure it out.

Breast milk amazingly combines proteins, amino acids, macro- and microelements, water, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. Moreover, they are contained in such a form and quantitative ratio that they are able to quickly be absorbed and assimilated by the child’s stomach, despite its imperfection digestive processes. Sterile and warm, with bifidogenic properties, it helps populate the child’s intestines with the necessary microflora. The immunoglobulins contained in it protect your baby from various diseases. Therefore, complementary feeding for a baby who is breastfeeding and is fully developing and gaining weight is completely unnecessary at 4 months!

The situation is different with “artificial children” or those who are on mixed type feeding. Complementary feeding at this age is considered early, but sometimes it serves as a necessary measure. The toddler is introduced to new dishes (usually juice, porridge or puree) if he:

  • Does not receive full breastfeeding (there is not enough milk or the baby is on IV);
  • Does not eat enough or gains very little weight;
  • Overly interested in adult food;
  • Prone to constipation, sick with rickets or anemia.

Complementary feeding is everything that goes into the baby’s stomach except breast milk (formula). Its products are oils, juices, yolks, decoctions, cottage cheese, etc., and its dishes are vegetables and porridges. What to feed a baby at 4 months depends on his individual characteristics. For example, if he is underweight or very active, he is given porridge, and if he is prone to stool retention, then vegetable puree is introduced.

Children with anemia are given buckwheat porridge or berry puree, for allergy sufferers - rice porridge without the addition of fruits and juices. You should firmly understand: The first test food should not satiate the child, so it should be given in microdoses (from ¼ teaspoon). In addition, they are never allowed to try several products at one time. The introduction of monocomponent dishes guarantees the opportunity to monitor the baby’s reaction and adjust his diet if necessary.

Any new dish is tried, starting with ¼ or ½ small spoon, and daily increase (in the absence of alarming reactions) by half. For the next week, and sometimes longer, no new food components are introduced: the stomach gets used to it. After 7 days, the amount of food consumed by the baby reaches the age norm. Only after this do they switch to something new and monitor the reaction. Thus, over the course of a month, the little “eater” will try only 2-3 new dishes. Don't rush, because his health is in your hands!

When starting complementary feeding, you need to adhere to several rules. You cannot treat your child to innovations if he is unwell or if vaccinations are scheduled. In this state, he will simply be unable to digest food, and his immune system will bear a huge burden. You should not continue complementary feeding if you notice an undesirable reaction: redness of the cheeks, the appearance of a rash, diarrhea or constipation, bloating and other signals. The introduction of the dish is postponed for several days and a doctor is consulted. It is also impossible to immediately give large amounts of food or varied innovations in one day or even a week, because a negative response from a young organism can appear only after a few days.

You can dilute complementary foods with breast milk (formula), bringing it to a liquid consistency that is easier to digest. For a 4-month-old child, this is the consistency that is familiar and most physiological. You can also cook (steam) porridge with breast milk; your baby will even like its taste more this way. If after eating your little one asks for the breast, do not deny him such pleasure!

You cannot force a child to eat food when he doesn’t want to, is tired or is naughty. It's better to postpone this process a little. You should not give your baby (even as part of pedagogical complementary feeding) fried, smoked, canned, spicy food or add salt (sweeten) to the portion intended for him. It is also prohibited to give complementary foods from a common spoon (utensil). And, of course, it is extremely undesirable to leave an uneaten portion for the next day. It’s better to throw away the contents of the jar, but don’t risk your baby’s health!

The main food product for a 4-month-old baby is breast milk or its equivalent. The child is fed 6 times a day, one of the feedings is gradually replaced with a new “delicacy”. What it will be like depends on the state of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract and his overall health. Rely on the recommendations of the pediatrician observing the baby.

An approximate menu at 4 months will look like this:

  • the first feeding begins with breast milk or formula;
  • During the second feeding, complementary foods are introduced, gradually increasing it to the norm for age;
  • third and subsequent feedings - breast milk(mixture).

Some pediatricians adhere to the outdated belief that juice should be introduced into a child's diet. However, modern pediatric nutritionists are confident that juices are undesirable due to their irritating effect on the delicate mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The baby’s stomach is not yet equipped to cope with a liquid that is so aggressive for it, which can provoke an upset or an allergic reaction. In addition, the fermentation it produces increases bloating and causes colic, which has an adverse effect on the baby’s appetite in general. Whatever you start feeding your baby, be as attentive as possible to him and be careful in choosing food!

The main question that mothers of four-month-old babies ask is whether it is necessary to introduce complementary foods. Opinions differ on this matter. Thus, WHO recommends refraining from adding new foods to a child’s diet, but some doctors believe that it will be beneficial for the baby to eat vegetables and drink fruit juices. In any case, the final decision is up to the mother; it is she, relying on her own instincts and intuition, who must determine whether introducing complementary foods is advisable.

Is your baby ready for new food?

  • the child sits confidently without support;
  • from the moment of birth, the baby’s weight has doubled or more;
  • the daughter or son shows interest in the spoon and tries to grab it;
  • the baby is clearly interested in the food of adults, makes attempts to try mom or dad’s food;
  • teeth began to erupt;
  • When trying a new product, the baby does not try to push it out with his tongue.

Attention! Complementary feeding should be introduced only if the child is absolutely healthy. Refrain from introducing new foods into your diet in the following cases:

  • vaccination is due in the coming days or was done less than a week ago;
  • for allergic reactions;
  • if the baby suffers from a gastrointestinal disorder;
  • There are obvious changes in the child’s behavior - he has become lethargic and indifferent, a “cloudy” mood prevails, he is probably sick with something.

Be careful! It is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods to a later period than to risk the health of the baby. And be sure to consult with your pediatrician - let him assess the baby’s condition and confirm his readiness for new food.

First feeding

Traditionally, the child is first offered Apple juice, of course - homemade, freshly squeezed. For the first time, three drops are enough - literally. Every day, increase the portion of juice by a couple of drops - this will bring the norm to 30 ml per day. Observe the child’s well-being - is everything okay with his stool, are there any signs of allergies. At the slightest suspicion of diarrhea or an allergic reaction, the introduction of complementary foods should be stopped immediately.

Never offer your baby commercially prepared juice intended for adults. Only special food is suitable for the child, which is made from natural products without the use of preservatives. Be sure to read the label of the finished drink - it usually indicates age restrictions. Please note that the baby’s digestive system cannot yet cope with mixed juices.

How to make juice

Grate the apple or carrot on a fine grater, then squeeze out the resulting mass using sterile gauze. The finished juice should be given to the baby from a spoon, never from a bottle. An older child can be offered to drink from a special mug with a spout. Important! Prepare one serving and immediately offer it to your child. Juice prepared for future use loses vitamins and is no longer as healthy as freshly squeezed juice.

Vegetable puree

Children tolerate the introduction of vegetable puree much easier. This is an excellent complementary feeding option for babies with tender digestive system. Vegetables are good because they are easier to digest, contain many minerals and vitamins, as well as fiber, the consumption of which stimulates intestinal activity. Thanks to the alkaline salts that are present in vegetable puree, metabolism is activated, and they also help remove excess fluid from the body.

For the first time, it is enough to offer the baby one teaspoon of vegetable puree - gradually this norm can be increased to 150 g. If the baby persistently refuses a new dish, do not try to force him under any circumstances. It is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods to another day - take a week break, then try again.

Meal options:

  • puree of pumpkin, broccoli and cauliflower;
  • a mixture of carrot puree and cauliflower;
  • cauliflower with potatoes and carrots;
  • zucchini puree.

Please note that the products listed are practically incapable of causing allergies. At 4 months it is advisable to abstain from beets and tomatoes. Always offer vegetable puree before formula. If you don’t have enough time, you can buy ready-made products - they are produced in jars designed for one meal.

Egg yolk

Parents often ask why their baby should not be given protein. The answer is simple - it can cause allergies. In addition, the yolk is more valuable, because it contains fats and lipids, minerals and protein, which is easily digestible. This product is considered one of the best means, protecting the baby from rickets. In the first days, it is enough to offer the baby only 1/8 of the yolk. Adding breast milk or adapted formula drop by drop, crush it until it becomes a homogeneous mass. The portion should be increased gradually - by six months the baby should consume half the yolk daily.

Daily menu for a four-month-old baby

  • Breakfast - baby formula or mother's milk. At this age, the serving size is in the range of 200–250 ml, depending on the individual needs of the child.
  • Lunch - vegetable puree, approximately 120–140 g, supplemented with a quarter of an egg yolk; for dessert - fruit puree, no more than 50 g.
  • Afternoon snack - milk, cottage cheese - no more than 20 g, a little fruit juice.
  • Dinner - milk mixture, tea.
  • And finish the day with a serving of milk before bed.
  • It is not necessary to add salt to vegetables - many children eat soups and purees perfectly well without salt, they are not yet accustomed to seasonings and perceive the natural taste of foods absolutely normally.
  • Try adding a little onion to the vegetable puree - if you are lucky and your baby likes its taste, there will be no problems in the future when preparing dishes.
  • Always grind vegetables to a paste-like mass - the baby is simply not able to chew hard pieces of food.
  • Even if your child eats with great pleasure, try not to exceed the prescribed portion, as this can lead to stomach upset.
  • Make sure that nothing distracts your baby while he eats - don’t make a circus out of every meal, otherwise in the future you will have to come up with a whole show for your baby every time.

Should you give up breast milk?

At four months, the baby still needs breast milk, so you should not think about weaning if lactation is maintained. Continue breastfeeding; in extreme cases, you can offer your baby expressed milk. Many women mistakenly believe that bottle feeding is much easier. In fact, this is not so, because you will need to regularly sterilize the dishes, and problems may arise with selecting a suitable infant formula.

The four-month-old baby has already adapted to the world around him. All body systems develop. The gastrointestinal tract has adapted to the absorption and assimilation of food, colic has disappeared, constipation and bloating are no longer tormented, and flatulence no longer occurs.

The development and nutrition of a child at 4 months enters a new stage: the baby becomes active, inquisitive, shows emotions, and develops its own eating habits. Changes in appearance are noticeable: eye color changes, in most children the eyes darken. The delicate, soft hairs with which the child was born begin to fall out and are replaced by hair of different quality. Often the hair color also changes - from light to darker.

Weight gain remains high. The child does not move very much yet, so he can gain up to 750 g. Growth indicators increase by an average of 2 - 3 cm.

For healthy children, the average values ​​are as follows:

  • Weight – from 6 to 7 kg. These figures can vary within 1 kg.
  • Height – 60 – 63 cm (plus or minus 3 cm).

Weight and height depend on the individual characteristics of the child. There are children - heroes and children of more fragile physique. Good physical development of a baby allows him to master many useful and necessary skills:

  • Roll over from tummy to side, to back and back.
  • Holds his head confidently. Can sit down if pulled by the handles.
  • Confident support on the forearms when raised on the handles. He actively turns his head, looking at the world around him.
  • Leaning on one handle, the other can already be pulled forward, trying to reach a toy lying nearby.
  • Some babies begin the crawling stage.
  • When lying on his back, he can confidently raise his shoulders and head.
  • Muscle hypertonicity disappears (completely in the arms and partially in the legs).
  • If you lift the child by the armpits, the baby will stand confidently with his feet. The legs are half bent, the baby will spring with its legs, trying to push off from the smooth surface.
  • The palms are completely relaxed, not clenched into a fist. The child can slap the toy with his palm or put them together.
  • Purposefully grabs toys and holds them in his hands for up to 1 minute. Can shake a rattle to hear its sound. He carefully examines the toys, turns them, and enjoys the new ones.
  • During feeding, he holds the mother's breast with his hands or holds a bottle with milk formula.

Psycho-emotional development

Active development in psycho-emotional terms is associated with the expansion of visual as well as auditory perception. The baby can already follow the movement of a person or toy. There is a clear reaction to loud sounds. The baby turns its head towards the source of irritation. Memory develops.

Daily regime

A 4-month-old child needs to have a proper daily routine. The duration of night sleep increases. Now the baby can sleep peacefully for 9 - 10 hours. Daytime sleep is divided into 2 - 3 parts of one and a half - two hours. The number of feedings is reduced to 5 times a day, which allows the baby to increase activity during the day. The time of daytime activity between sleep reaches an hour.

Walks in the fresh air become longer. IN warm time You can walk 2-3 times for up to 3 hours. In winter – 2 times up to 2 hours. When frosts are above 10 degrees, instead of walking outside, you can take the stroller with the child to the balcony or loggia. Lubricate your face with a special cream that protects against frostbite.

Gymnastic exercises and light massage can be performed 2 times a day. Children are usually bathed before the last feeding so that the babies sleep soundly. Children with pronounced hyperactivity should be bathed in daytime, since water procedures do not calm them down, but, on the contrary, stimulate activity.

Each parent makes up their own daily routine, but it is advisable to comply with the basic requirements for sleep duration and activity.

An approximate daily routine for a baby could be like this:

  • 00 - 6.30. First feeding.
  • 30 – 8.00. Hygienic mandatory procedures: gymnastics, massage, air bath. Period of daytime wakefulness.
  • 00 - 10.00. Dream.
  • 00 - 10.30. Lunch.
  • 30 - 12.00. Gymnastics, massage, educational games, active communication.
  • 00 - 14.00. A dream that can be combined with a walk in the fresh air.
  • 00 - 14.30. Dinner.
  • 30 - 16.00. Active period: games, physical exercise, developmental activities.
  • 00 - 18.00. Sleeping while walking.
  • 00 - 18.30. Feeding.
  • 30 - 20.00. Active wakefulness. Bathing.
  • 00 - 22.00. Evening sleep.
  • 00 - 22.30. Fifth feeding.
  • 30 - 6.00. Night sleep.

This table helps to create a baby’s daily routine, taking into account his individual characteristics. Night sleep may be longer. If the baby did not wake up at 6 am on his own, you should not wake him up on purpose, let him sleep. It’s just that all procedures will shift a little in time.

It must be remembered that the intervals between meals should not be less than 4 hours. Daytime sleep should total 6 hours.

Feeding mode

A 4-month-old baby is no longer fed 6 times a day, but 5 times. For breastfed children, breast milk continues to be the staple food. Most pediatricians believe that breastfed babies should not be given solids at 4 months. The baby receives all the necessary substances and vitamins from mother's milk. The diet of a child at 4 months does not change for an infant.

If the baby is bottle-fed or mixed-fed, the diet changes slightly. The baby no longer has enough vitamins, minerals. Therefore, after consultation with a pediatrician, the first complementary foods can be gradually introduced. For it, it is better to choose vegetable rather than fruit purees. Vegetable purees contain a lot of fiber, which is very beneficial for the development of the body.

To diversify the nutrition of a bottle-fed baby, you can add.

Good quality prepared vegetables and fruit purees noted by companies producing baby food “Agusha”, “Gerber”, “Lukoshko”. The entire range of these companies is constantly tested for compliance with accepted standards.

Complementary feeding rules

  • Any new product is tested for allergic reactions. Juice or soup is initially given in the form of a few drops, and the condition is monitored little man. If there are no signs of allergy, the product is added to the baby's diet from 4 months.
  • It is not allowed to introduce 2 or more types of complementary foods at the same time, so as not to cause disruption gastrointestinal tract.
  • The amount of complementary foods increases gradually. So, on the first day it is enough to give 5-6 drops of juice. On the second, increase the number of drops to 10 -12. Maximum amount juice in one serving in the diet of 4 months small child on artificial feeding should not exceed 30 ml.
  • When using recipes for preparing complementary foods at home, it is necessary to exclude salt and sugar. Vegetable oil It is allowed to use up to 1 ml.

The routine of a 4-month-old baby differs from the first weeks of life, because the baby has grown up and is developing rapidly, and he has developed preferences. Correct routine day will help him rationally distribute his forces, gain sufficient knowledge about the world and become disciplined. This regime consists of hygiene procedures, feeding, sleep and active educational activities, among which walking plays an important role.

The main rule regarding a 4-month-old baby is that it must be clean. Otherwise, dirt and dust accumulate between the folds, where microbes and the unpleasant heat rash, familiar to almost all mothers, then form.

After sleep, always wash your child, and in the morning, clean his nose and ears. When you go to the toilet for the most part, you need to wash it, apply powder to your genitals and butt, and change the diaper. It is advisable to do this immediately to avoid irritation on the skin. It is better to visit him periodically, even if the little one is sleeping, and make sure that no incident occurs.

Remove your toddler's diaper for at least 15-30 minutes a day. It is better to do this after a massage or sleep.

In the evening before bed, bathe your baby and give him a massage. You can add decoctions of string or chamomile to the bath, as well as a specialized children's remedy, which is sold in any pharmacy. Water additives soften and protect the baby’s delicate skin from adverse factors. A massage after a bath should be soothing and relaxing to the muscles. An active walk, a pleasant bath and a relaxing massage are essential attributes of a sound and healthy night's sleep.


The diet of a 4-month-old breastfed baby does not change. Unless, at the request of the parents, freshly squeezed juices (grape, apple, banana) or are added. You can start introducing your baby to cereals and vegetables, but if he is gaining weight well, it is better to wait another two months.

The diet of a 4-month-old baby on artificial feeding changes slightly. Juices and purees must be added, but carefully. Observe the reaction of the little man's body. Eliminate anything that causes allergies, constipation and diarrhea from your diet. Give porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, millet) in an amount of 50-100 grams, gradually add new products.

Malyshna artificial feeding At 6 months of age he already eats half of vegetables and fruits, porridge, poultry and lean fish, while the child is breastfeeding At this age, the child is just beginning to become closely acquainted with complementary foods.

Both breastfed and bottle-fed toddlers change their frequency. The baby eats no more than six times per day, leaving a gap of 4-5 hours between meals. At night, one feeding is enough; the remaining time the healthy and happy little one sleeps. But this is not accurate information, because every baby is unique. Monitor his mood and behavior. If he still wakes up two to four times at night and always asks to eat, feed him. The main thing is that he gains the required weight monthly, and, preferably, does not go over it.

Games and walk

Staying awake in a 4-month-old baby takes much more energy and time than it did just a month ago. Therefore, you need to create a list of games and active activities to use daily. The daily routine should include improving the baby’s physical skills and the following activities:

  • holding the head in different positions;
  • hand grip;
  • daytime swimming;
  • playing with toys;
  • rollovers from stomach to back and back;
  • hide and seek by covering your face with your hands;
  • nursery rhymes and reading fairy tales;
  • listening to music;
  • charger.

At this age, the baby learns quickly, grasping everything on the fly. Take him in your arms and walk around the room together, naming objects and their functions out loud. For some children, two such “walks at home” are enough for them to turn to the windowsill or table where they stand when they hear the word “flowers.” Don't be upset if your little one doesn't do this. Perhaps she was just tired or decided to hide her genius abilities for a while.

When walking in a sling, turn your child's back to you and face the street - it will be interesting for him to watch what is happening outside the house. Introduce him to nature, tell him about all the good things you see. Try to go for walks as often as possible; in the summer, spend as much time as possible outside than at home.

Children aged 4 months are already awake for 1.5 - 3 hours, but before going to bed at night, pediatricians recommend reducing this period to one hour so that the child does not get too angry and lies down to rest calmly.


Sleep patterns depend on your child's daily activity and personality. Some always go to bed when their parents put them to bed, while others “boil” and sleep at a minimum. You should not be upset in both cases - the baby himself feels well what he wants and realizes his desires. The parents' task is to help him with this.

It is important to accustom your baby to sleep at night, which begins no later than 22.00. Long lasting and calm night sleep– a guarantee of the correct mental and physical development of the baby.

A four-month-old baby sleeps 14-17 hours a day, the lion's share of which occurs at night. Daytime sleep occurs 2-5 times and lasts from an hour to three. Monitor your child’s well-being, weight gain, and mood. If everything is fine, it doesn’t matter how much and when he sleeps, because he definitely has enough of it.


Try to create an optimal daily routine for a child at 4 months, focusing on his preferences and well-being. Don’t look at other children and don’t listen to their mothers - your baby is an individual, he develops in his own unique rhythm. All you can do is push him to the right image life, instill good habits and follow a daily routine from childhood.

We wish you and your little one health!

Doubles in size and adds more than 10 cm to height. By 4 months, adaptation to environment, the daily routine is established.

By the fourth month of life, a newborn behaves quite consciously: he is interested in rattles, pictures on the crib, and besides his mother, he now willingly smiles at other family members. It is advisable to include minutes of active and calm games in a child’s daily routine. Musical compositions develop hearing and calm the baby, so a special repertoire of songs, music, audio poems, and fairy tales is needed.

You can hang toys or paper modules in the crib and in a visible place along the usual route of movement in the apartment. The child will try to reach them and touch them. Bright colors It’s better not to use them, they strain fragile eyesight and can cause negative reactions and crying. A newborn at 4 months is not yet able to distinguish shades, so it is better to use minimal color variety.

By four months, the baby lies perfectly on his stomach, rolls over from back to stomach and back. To do this, the regime includes gymnastics, massage by mother or specialists. Some children try to crawl on their stomachs, pushing with their hands; more often the movement is directed backwards.

Each newborn develops individually, so pediatricians do not advise adhering to standards, but monitoring the child. A little later or early manifestation of this or that skill is not a deviation from the norm. A properly organized routine will help correct behavior.

What to feed a four month old baby?

The question of when to start the first complementary foods, when it is best to include them in the routine, is open among pediatricians and psychologists. Some believe that feeding exclusively with breast milk or an adapted formula should be continued until 6 months, while others advise starting complementary feeding at 4 months.

Advantages of starting complementary feeding early (from 4 months):

  • The newborn adapts to the common table earlier; by the age of one year all products will be introduced;
  • The child receives fiber, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, colic goes away, and bowel movements are normalized;
  • Chewing reflexes develop, the child chews liquid food, rolls it into a ball with his tongue, thereby training the articulatory apparatus, preparing it for speech activity;
  • The taste perception of food develops thought processes, gives the child a basis for analysis (taste preferences appear earlier);
  • A newborn gets used to chunky food faster; small pieces do not cause a gag reflex.

Arguments of the party for the late introduction of complementary foods (from 6 months and later):

  • The connection between mother and baby lasts longer (you can include joint fitness or tactile games in the routine, use a sling and an ergopack for constant contact with the mother);
  • It’s convenient to organize your meal schedule, you don’t need to prepare separate dishes and clean food (baby food is suitable industrial production);
  • Risks of allergies (cook yourself or choose hypoallergenic products).

A newborn's routine includes 8 meals, including 1-2 at night. Complementary foods are started in the morning so that an allergic reaction can be detected within a day. The first serving of the new product is 5 g, approximately half a teaspoon. Every day the norms increase and in 10 days a new product can be consumed 100-200 g. The norms for each child are individual; a newborn of the fourth month of life receives his main nutrition from breast milk or formula.

Infant diet

A 4 month old baby's feeding schedule should be every 3-4 hours. At night, the period between feedings can increase to 6 hours. A child can eat up to 200 g of milk at a time, or one breast. Perhaps he will ask for more if there is not enough milk in the first one. By this time, the mother’s lactation has already established itself, and enough milk is released so that the baby has enough for one feeding.

Complementary feeding is introduced into the daily routine, taking into account the physical condition of the newborn. If there is poor weight gain or physical inactivity, then porridge (buckwheat, rice, corn) comes first. Diluted with boiling water with the addition of breast milk. This way, the absorption of the product will be faster and safer for the baby’s intestines.

More often, complementary feeding begins with vegetables, in the case of normal weight gain and activity of the child. The first vegetables are green (zucchini, cucumber, green peas, broccoli and cauliflower), then orange (carrots, pumpkin), the last are red, as the most allergenic (beets, tomatoes). TO vegetable puree Breast milk is also added.

Initially, you can include a new product in the mother’s diet and look at the baby’s reaction through breast milk. If there is a reaction, then better introduction set aside this product. If the intake does not cause changes in the stool or on the skin, then you can safely include a new product in the child’s diet.

Nutrition for artificial babies at 4 months

If breastfeeding is not possible, the newborn receives nutrients from an adapted mixture. By 4 months, the brand that is optimal for the baby has already been selected: it does not cause intestinal upset, allergic reactions, tastes good. The norm for one meal ranges from 200 to 300 g, depending on the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

You can add complementary foods to the adapted mixture: cereals or vegetables. To get used to a new food, a nibbler is introduced into the diet; it is used for a snack. The product enters through the holes of the mesh or silicone base.

Important! Avoid eating too much at one time. It is fraught with the appearance of intestinal colic, even at such a late period. The daily routine should include frequent feeding, but in small portions.

Child's dream. Baby's sleep schedule from 4 months

The daily routine still includes 2 naps: in the morning and in the afternoon. A 4 month old newborn baby should sleep 16-18 hours per day. Night sleep is about 14 hours, 3-6 hours for daytime sleep. So fragile nervous system will not be overloaded, and the child will be cheerful and cheerful.

If it is not possible to organize daytime sleep at home, then the rest mode is combined with a walk. Sleeping in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on physical and mental health baby. IN dark time days, it is easier to organize a rest; the lack of daylight predisposes to a long rest.

Sleeping mode:

  • V winter time sleep schedule: 14 hours at night and 4 hours during the day;
  • in the summer, the sleep schedule is: 12 hours at night and 4-6 hours during the day.

Active children sleep less time, while melancholic and calm children will sleep for most of the day.

Walks in the open air

Be sure to include walks in the fresh air in your routine, ideally 2 times. During the warm season, you can organize snacks and sleep outside. Walking is important for both baby and mother. In the absence of a child, a ventilation mode is organized in the room: through or one-way. Air conditioning will not replace air from outside.

The importance of walking:

  • blood saturation with oxygen, the newborn does not suffer from low hemoglobin;
  • getting used to cold air and training the upper respiratory tract (it is not advisable to cover your face with a diaper even in winter);
  • getting vitamin D from sun rays For better absorption of calcium, it is important to observe sunbathing;
  • new faces and objects, the child still faces the mother, who turns her gaze to surrounding objects.

A newborn born through caesarean section, especially susceptible to harmful factors external environment. Based on the experience of many years, frequent inclusion of walks in the daily routine of such children strengthens the immune system and reduces the risks of respiratory diseases.

Hardening procedures for a baby

For strengthening immune system water, air and sun baths answer. Moderate inclusion of hardening in a newborn’s routine helps reduce the risk of diseases and promotes physical development.

Hardening a child at 4 months includes:

  • air baths, develops a sense of your own body;
  • washing with water in the shower after eating or wiping with a damp cloth;
  • walks in the morning and evening hours in the open sun;
  • foot and whole body massage with special equipment: rubber spiky balls, su-jok, wooden massagers;
  • gymnastics after sleep or during waking hours with speech accompaniment.

Include a variety of exercises in the daily routine, so the newborn will be interested in new things and show positive emotions. It is better to remove the hardening mode if the child does not feel well: teeth are cutting, did not get enough sleep, is hungry, or is unwell due to illness.

Educational games with a child

Mom is still the main object of adoration. The child is not ready to let go of his loved one for a long time, so the daily routine will include joint games. Although sometimes a baby can spend time alone with an unfamiliar toy, getting to know it, or, conversely, with a favorite rattle.

Some popular cooperative games that are included in the daily routine

Approximate daily routine for a 4 month old baby

The daily routine of a newborn at 4 months begins with independent awakening. There is no need to wake up the baby; his biological clock has set its own unique regime. Time frames with a wide range, their period depends on the time of year, the general condition of the baby, weather conditions.

  • 6.00-9.00 – awakening, air baths and hygiene procedures
  • 7.00-9.30 – first breakfast
  • 8.00-11.00 – joint activities of mother and baby: games, walks, hardening
  • 9.00 -11.00 – second breakfast
  • 40 min – 1.5 hours first nap
  • 12.00-13.00 - lunch
  • 13.00-16.00 – joint activities
  • 16.00 – afternoon tea
  • 40 min – 2 hours second nap
  • 17.30-19.00 walk, joint activity
  • 19.00 - dinner
  • 19.30-21.00 – joint activities
  • 21.00 – swimming
  • 21.30 – second dinner
  • 22.00 – night sleep

Depending on the time of year, the schedule may vary. There is no need to adhere to a time frame. The regime disciplines not only the mother, the child also feels better when the cycle of events is repeated every day.