Vladimir Georgievich Kolesnikov (1941)
Modern Russian astrologer. A native of the city of Minusinsk, Krasnodar Territory. Since 1960, he began studying the occult, extrasensory perception, philosophy and psychology. He began to study astrology directly in 1978. After 10 years, he began teaching and consulting on astrological issues. Basically, Vladimir Georgievich is interested in personal and medical astrology. He believes that for him, as a teacher and consultant in the field of astrology, it is important to help people discover and realize the abilities given to them by nature. Kolesnikov is the author of numerous developments in the field of astrology.

Mikhail Borisovich Levin (1949)
Popular Russian astrologer. A native of Moscow. I started getting interested in astrology in 1973. After 5 years, he began leading astrological groups. Levin's areas of interest in astrology are very extensive; he studies financial astrology, mundan astrology, and the relationship of astrology with history. In the 1980s-90s, he played an important role in the formation and popularization of astrology both in the USSR and in Russia. Mikhail Borisovich is the author of a huge number of articles on astrology.

Sergei Vasilievich Shestopalov (1950)
A native of Leningrad. I started studying astrology in 1971. Since 1978, he became a student of the famous astrologer Sergei Alekseevich Vronsky. He worked for several years at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, where he studied the problems of forecasting in astrology. Since the 1980s, he began to actively engage in various research, in particular in the field of human compatibility and medical astrology. In 1989 he became the founder of the St. Petersburg Astrological Academy. Sergei Vasilievich has written many articles in the field of astrology, and also developed several computer programs.

Pavel Pavlovich Globa (1953)
Famous Soviet and Russian astrologer. A native of Moscow. He began to study astrology in 1982, while being the head of the Pavel Globa Center. He developed a unique astrological system based on knowledge of the basics of Zarvanism, Zoroastrianism, and Avesta culture. During the 1980s-90s, he played an important role in the formation and popularization of astrology in the USSR and Russia. Pavel Pavlovich is the author of a large number of articles.

Vasilisa Volodina (1974)
Popular and modern female astrologer. A native of Moscow. The real name is not known, and Vasilisa is just a pseudonym; she inherited the surname from her husband. At the age of 14 she began to become interested in palmistry and card fortune telling. She studied at the Moscow Academy of Astrology with Mikhail Borisovich Levin. Since 1992 she began her professional activity as an astrologer. Areas of interest in astrology are the following: business horoscopes, financial horoscopes, political, personal and others. Vasilisa Volodina's horoscopes are highly accurate and are rarely criticized.

Astrology is the most ancient science that has reached our times. The history of astrology spans thousands of years. You can always meet along the way highly gifted astrologers who studied the fundamentals, gained new knowledge, constantly improved in their work and thereby helped and are helping people. Over time, such astrologies become famous. Don't forget about the scammers who make a profit from their deceptions.

If you were born several decades ago and you wanted to learn about astrology in more detail, such information could only be found in the library. And then it would be monotonous and most likely in the form of one little book with incomplete information that interests you: the history of astrology in general outline, about the very first famous astrologers. Well, or it would be simple zodiac signs.

Nowadays, the Internet works wonders. In it you can find all the necessary information: in huge volume and in various issues from different sources. You can easily sort through all the abundance and find exactly what interests you. When searching for famous astrologers of our time, you can use a method that is similar to searching professional doctor- therapist. First, consult with close friends. Maybe on them life path met good astrologers, and they were convinced of this personal experience. Look through information on various sites with reviews about the astrologer. After such searches, you can achieve positive results and find professionals in your field. You can look for communities or schools of astrologers in the city, and by attending lectures you can find out their members who can meet the standards of these organizations.

We present to your attention the TOP 5 famous astrologers Russia:

  • Globa Pavel - Member of the rectorate of the Astrological Institute and the Association of Avestan Astrology, has published many books. Has been involved in astrology for more than thirty years. They call their system Zoroastrian. In the nineties he founded schools of astrology. Russian politicians used his advice.
  • Belova Alexandra from Moscow. Professional astrologer-consultant. He has a certificate and diploma confirming his qualifications.
  • Starostina Yulia Viktorovna from the city of Novosibirsk. Education: Bachelor in Astrology. Has many certificates and diplomas confirming his qualifications.
  • Ivan Gorsky - Russian practicing astrologer . The traditional direction of astrology is a great practitioner, specializing in prognostic, natal and horary astrology. He has a certificate and diploma confirming his qualifications. Consultation with astrologer Ivan Gorsky can be obtained via Skype.
  • Russian Alexander. Classic astrologer. practicing astrologer.
  • Romanovskaya Henrietta. Professional astrologer - psychologist. Consults on topics of personal life and business.

A good conclusion was made on the Zodiac Signs website: A professional astrologer is able to understand both the problem with which a person came and his entire destiny. He can offer a lot of really smart solutions and talk about how the fate of the person who applied will turn out.

But the choice famous astrologer and preferences are always yours!


In general, it is not known for certain who was the real father of the American writer. But according to one version, he was William Cheney, a famous professor of astrology. Jack's mother lived with him for some time and, thanks to him, also studied astrology. He did not recognize his paternity and ran away, citing the predictions of the stars - “I will die if I recognize this child!” - said Cheney and disappeared. Most likely, he was not a good astrologer, since he failed to recognize the future great writer in his son. And he came up with a threat to his life as an excuse.

And his mother had to marry widower John London. She also did not have much affection for her son and gave the baby to a black woman to nurse. Jack started early independent life, from the age of 12 he worked at a cannery, and already from childhood he knew that he would become a writer. In the working-class environment where he grew up, such a desire was equated with madness. But if Capricorn has set a goal for himself...

True, as a typical Capricorn, success, despite all his perseverance, did not come to him soon. The sun in the writer’s horoscope is in the 8th house - his life was full of risk and adventure. In his youth, he passionately loved the sea, was both a sailor and an “oyster” pirate. Jack's Sun is in the center of the bisextile at the base of which was the trine of Mars in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio. The conjunction of Uranus with the Moon on the IC, from the side of the 3rd house, gave distant parents, a wandering lifestyle in his youth. Uranus on the IC and Saturn in Aquarius may be an indication of the astrologer's father.


Born in the city of Malaga in southern Spain on August 10, 1960, at 21:00, in the family school teacher Ana Banderas and Jose Dominguez, an officer of the Spanish Civil Guard. I did not find confirmation on the Internet that his parents were involved in astrology. But back in 2003, I remember reading an article about him in Oracle magazine. Where it was written that either they calculated it themselves, or following the advice of an astrologer, they conceived the future actor on an auspicious day. So that he is born with a strong horoscope. I was not yet familiar with the personal horoscope, but I remembered that they succeeded, and Banderas was born with all the important planets in the fire element. If you look at Antonio’s map, the element of fire is really strongly expressed in it. Moon, Selena in Aries, Merc, Sun, Uranus in Leo and Jupiter in Sagittarius. The actor’s father passed away a year ago, and his mother just recently on November 5th.


Mark Sinclair (actor's real name) was born on July 18, 1967 in Alameda County, California at 3:35 pm, rated AA. He also had a twin brother; they did not know their father. Their mother Delora Sherlyn worked as an astrologer and psychologist. According to Diesel, she never drew up a horoscope for him, since she would not be able to impartially interpret the forecast for her son. But he had access to her books and learned from them that he was not just a Cancer, but also an ascendant Scorpio, with the Moon in Sagittarius. According to another version, his mother knew that he would become a star, but did not fully believe in it.
Be that as it may, she always supported her son in his endeavors. When the young man was painfully worried about the failure of all his attempts to break into cinema, she gave him Rick Schmidt’s book “Making a Film for the Cost of an Old Car,” hinting that he could take his career into his own hands. And Diesel soon shot a short film, where he was a screenwriter, director and actor. After a private screening, the film was selected for participation in the Cannes Film Festival in 1995.
In the actor's map ex. 4th houses Neptune and the Moon have aspects to Uranus.


Another actor and Cancer according to the Sun. His mother is the famous US astrologer Jacqueline Stallone.
Hollywood stars, famous politicians, and businessmen turn to her for advice. Cameron Diaz, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, the Beckhams, to name a few.

She will turn 96 on November 29! She has been involved in astrology for more than 50 years. In her youth, Jacqueline worked in a circus; her then boyfriend really wanted her to study astrology. Stallone's mother studied this science for 17 years. She traveled a lot around the world and in the 80s came to the USSR, met with Mikhail Gorbachev, and made a prognosis for him. Now she has her own astrological school.

She also created her own method of predicting the future by looking at the ass - well, what part of the body can Solar Sagittarius use to guess))). It's called rampology. The technique of this type of fortune-telling is as follows: the necessary places are powdered with a special powder, the client is seated on a special fleecy paper, and then the imprint left on it is examined. The side of the buttocks is powdered with red powder, the central part with blue, and the bottom with yellow. The rampologist carefully examines the impression and makes a prognosis for the future based on it. What matters is the shape and convexity of the buttocks, their size, every wrinkle and fold.

“As an astrologer, I made a mistake only once, predicting Sylvester’s career as a writer,” Jacqueline admitted.
— My mother is an excellent astrologer. We have a very close relationship, but I don’t allow her to guess by my buttocks: what if there are bad omens written there? For me, it’s better not to know about it – Sylvester Stallone.
However, three decades ago loving mother nevertheless, she persuaded her son to expose part of his body below his back to her and predicted glory for him. As we can see, the woman was not mistaken!

Then, despite the objections of his son. Jacqueline nevertheless had a session with him and discovered lattice-shaped lines on the butt of the intrepid Rambo. According to rampology, such lines indicate that their owner will certainly become a celebrity.

Jacqueline was born on November 29, 1921 in Washington, time 2:52, rating: S. Jupiter, Mars and Rahu on Asc helped her become a bright and noticeable personality, and the pronounced 2nd house - financially wealthy. Sun 90 Uranus – known as a very eccentric person.
Sly was born July 6, 1946, New York, 19:20. In his horoscope, the Moon is on the MC in conjunction with Jupiter (mother - Sagittarius) 120 to Uranus (astrologer).


A brilliant musician, the author of such immortal hits as “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “We Will Rock You”, “We Are the Champions”, “The Show Must Go On” was born on September 5, 1946 on the island of Zanzibar into a Persian family, followers of Zoroastrianism Bomi and Jer Balsara.
The father will name his first-born “Farukh”, which means “beautiful”, “happy”, apparently to emphasize the conjunction of Venus with Jupiter in his horoscope.

His parents will raise him in the traditions of Zoroastrianism, through myths and legends he learns from them about the origin of the world, the struggle of light and dark forces, learn prayers.

And at the age of seven (at Selena’s first conversion) he will undergo the main ceremony in the life of a Zoroastrian - navjot. Where he will take an oath to serve Ahura Mazda (God) with righteous deeds, and renounce union with the deceitful, crushing Ahriman (Devil).

In the Zoroastrian religion, the analogue of the Bible is a book called Avesta, there are 7 of them in total. And one of the books of Avesta is completely devoted to Astrology. Therefore, it was the sacred duty of any Zoroastrian to know astrology. Freddie also knew her; in 1972, during the recording of Queen’s debut album, he took the pseudonym Mercury, the planet of the ruler and doriphoria of his Sun. The artist's astrological knowledge and talent were also reflected in the Queen crest, which he himself drew. On it, Freddie depicted the zodiac signs of the band members: two Leos - John Deacon and Roger Taylor, a crab crawling out of the fire - the sign of Cancer - Brian May. Above all the figures rises the bird Simurgh - the sacred symbol of Zoroastrianism, symbolizing the freedom of the spiritual from the earthly.

Freddie also knew that the most terrible sins What has no redemption in Zoroastrianism is homosexuality.

Unfortunately, having matured, he could not resist the temptations of Western European culture in London, where his family was forced to move in the 60s. Contrary to his father's wishes, he nevertheless entered art college and became a musician, and soon left with a scandal. parents' house never to return there again.

Having become a rich rock star, he will forget his roots and vows, and stop communicating with his parents and relatives. In Mercury's chart, Lilith0Ketu is in the 4th house. Living life in gay clubs, parties with cocaine and alcohol, promiscuous love affairs will not pass without consequences for Freddie. In 1986, he learns that he has AIDS.

In the horoscope of the singer on Asc - Pluto in Leo. Queen concerts were a real theatrical performance, an opera with many special effects. They performed in stadiums and attracted up to hundreds of thousands of spectators.
Pluto control 4th house - Zoroastrians were called fire worshipers, this religion is associated with the sign of Leo. It encourages creativity, a creative attitude towards one’s destiny, and the ability to enjoy life. In general, what is now fashionable to call “ignite your Sun.” The gifts and talents accumulated by the Zoroastrian ancestors were revealed on the soil of English musical culture. The sign of Libra associated with this country is the most pronounced in Freddie’s horoscope, there are 6 planets in total!
As for homosexuality, there are few indicators for it in his horoscope. Except for the same pronounced sign of Libra and the Sun in the degree of perversion. Most likely, it was a consequence of his free choice. The musician was born at the midpoint between eclipses with the Sun in the 1st house, so much in life depended on him.
He could have lived longer, but he himself refused treatment - a long decline is not in the character of a person with the Sun in the 1st house. His funeral was held according to Zoroastrian customs, as Mercury himself wished.

After the news of his death became known, thousands of people came to the fence of his house to place bouquets of flowers, cards, letters and photographs on the paths. There were wreaths sent by musicians from all over the world. But the most touching was the inscription on the wreath from the parents: “To our beloved son Freddie. We love you. Mom and Dad".

Astrology is one of the most ancient mystical systems of knowledge that connects the Universe and man. Observing celestial bodies serves millions of people. However, not everyone can understand the relationship between the position of space objects and human destinies. Drawing up an authentic horoscope is a real art, subject only to experienced and talented masters.

It is quite difficult to construct a rating of astrologers, and even more so to determine the leader among such specialists. Each of them is strong in a certain area, so there is no point in comparing them. In addition, even real experts can sometimes make predictions wrong.

Let's present a list of Russian professionals who have proven through their activities that they are worthy of leading any rating of astrologers.

Mikhail Levin

Mikhail is one of the most experienced experts in our country. Back in Soviet times, he created an entire school practically from scratch, later called the Moscow Academy of Astrology. Mikhail successfully leads it to this day. Many famous astrologers Russia was studied there.

Levin spent a large number of original research and published numerous articles. The scope of his interests is wide: global, psychological personality and business. When Mikhail became a grandfather (in 1997), he became interested in studying the influence of stars on the psychology of children early age. In addition, Mikhail is the creator of a new direction - astrology of ethnic groups.

Pavel Globa

Not a single rating of astrologers can do without this predictor. Pavel Globa is one of the most famous masters in compiling horoscopes of our time, a historian, and a scientist. He is the successful head of the Astrological Institute, as well as the author of more than 50 popular science books. Pavel played a huge role in popularizing knowledge about the influence of the position of the planets on people’s lives, including through his role as the host of various television programs.

Interesting fact: Pavel Globa has been collecting famous political figures, musicians, artists, and writers for several decades. His collection numbers more than 200 pieces.

Vasilisa Volodina

If we continue to compile a rating of astrologers, then this fortuneteller must certainly take a stable position in it. Even in her youth, Vasilisa followed her heart and, despite her economic education, devoted herself to the study of cosmic knowledge. She graduated from the Moscow Academy of Astrology and turned her hobby into a profession.

Vasilisa gained particular popularity by participating as one of the presenters in the television program “Let's Get Married.” Her accurate psychological portraits of the show participants amazed the audience. Vasilisa also tried herself in literary genre, publishing a book in 2012 about how to find the key to a man’s heart, depending on his date of birth.

Svetlana Dragan

The list of worthy professionals will continue with Dragan Svetlana, an astrologer whose advice is listened to by the most prominent Russian figures, including politicians, entrepreneurs, economists. Svetlana advises and ordinary people who need the help of stars to make the right decisions.

Svetlana participated in various television projects as an expert (“I’m filing for divorce,” “The truth is out there,” “The Wedding Planner”). For a long time, the astrologer made stock market forecasts, on par with the country's leading economists, on the RTR channel. Svetlana is a frequent guest on various radio stations, such as “Voice of Russia”, “Business FM”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Mayak” and others. In addition, her articles are published in magazines (Arguments of the Week and Wedding).

Dragan Svetlana is an astrologer by vocation, despite the fact that in her youth she worked at a factory, tried herself as a director and was involved in bodybuilding. Her strong point is financial topics. Svetlana accurately determines how the ruble exchange rate and oil prices will change.

Whether to believe in horoscopes or not - each person decides for himself. Only best astrologers They can determine the threads of fate with great accuracy, but you shouldn’t always rely on predictions without trying to change your life for the better on your own. Follow your star, overcome obstacles along the way and do everything possible to make your dreams come true!

Choosing the right date for aggression against the communist system Soviet Union, the fascist leaders of Germany turned to occult knowledge. Moreover, the German leadership chose not a simple ordinary astrological calculation, but resorted to super-powerful Vedic astrology of runes. Was it only fascist leaders who resorted to the help of the occult? Which one is real Magic force hidden behind the throne from the eyes of ordinary people? Is there really an invisible mystical secret power behind every famous world leader?

It is known that runes belong to the oldest language in the world, based on the Old Norse alphabet, over 4 thousand years old. In the main doctrine of runic astrology, the Nazis were attracted by the day summer solstice 22nd of June. It is on this day that the zigzag rune “Sig” is a sign of victory over the enemy, very reminiscent in its design of a characteristic element of the fascist swastika.

Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, one of the most influential figures of the Third Reich, with early childhood began to be interested in mysticism, the occult and studied the traditions of Nordic ancestors. Already in the Nazi Party, he established the entire Institute of Runic Writing, and relied on sacred meaning runes and their occult meaning when choosing attributes. This is how the now infamous fascist swastika “Lightning Strike” sign, made up of the double “Sig” rune, appeared.

However, neither Himmler nor the Fuhrer himself foresaw the duality of this rune. On the one hand, it really means the power of the sun and victory in the event of an unexpected attack at the beginning of the battle, while the defending side looks confused and helpless. But on the other hand, this occult instrument contains help only to worthy people with pure thoughts, otherwise shadow and decline await the careless and evil person.

Not only the Germans used occult knowledge to raise morale of your nation. At the height of World War II, suddenly, in the sky over the center of the German city of Cologne, instead of missiles from English bombers, thousands of leaflets with the prophecies of Nostradamus fell to the ground. The quatrains of the 16th century predicted the death of Germany from the English knights and the iron armada, mysterious for medieval times, from the East. It was quite clear to the residents of Cologne what kind of armada they were talking about, because the legendary Battle of Kursk, in which an avalanche of iron Russian tanks pushed back fascist army enemy, and it was from that moment that a radical turn in the war took place - Soviet troops launched an offensive on all fronts.

Soviet leader Stalin was just as keenly interested in mysticism, occult sciences and human superpowers as Adolf Hitler. Joseph Dzhugashvili (another surname is Stalin) studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary. The world-famous mystic and magician George Gurdjieff previously studied there. Followers of the spiritual teacher of the “Fourth Way” - Gurdjieff were sure that he personally taught Stalin secret hypnotic techniques to influence the human psyche. This can explain the amazing, simple magical influence the leader of the USSR on the people around him, not only from his inner circle, but also on the entire multinational people of a huge country.

There is even archival data indicating that Joseph Vissarionovich himself used some mystical capabilities and was an occultist. For example, in 1941, on the day of the celebration of the Great October Socialist Revolution, at exactly 3 o’clock in the morning, Stalin called the commander of the Moscow military district, Pavel Artemyev, and unexpectedly ordered to change the start time of the parade on Red Square from 9 o’clock to 8 o’clock in the morning. The new time, set for the early morning of November 7, exactly coincided with the moments of sunrise. In astrology, the sun is precisely the symbol of the leader, so the bright rise of the luminary on the horizon emphasized and strengthened the significance of Stalin at that fateful moment for the country defending itself from the attacking fascists.

Quite often, the Supreme Commander of the USSR, Stalin, summoned the world-famous clairvoyant and first Soviet psychic Wolf Messing. Often such mysterious visits dragged on for hours, and sometimes for the whole night until the morning. All Messing's predictions came true with amazing accuracy, so his prophecies were perceived with special interest by the Soviet leadership. It was Wolf Messing who predicted the exact date May 8, 1945 the end of the Great Patriotic War.

Let's go back into history. Russian Emperor Peter I kept a personal astrologer near him, who was considered the first occultist and chief adviser at the court of the Russian emperors of the 17th century. He was the head of the Order of Russian Artillery, Feldzeichmeister General Yakov Bruce. Tsar Peter I valued in him, first of all, the skills of a military engineer and astronomer, and took all the esoteric research of his close associate for granted when choosing an imperial decision on important state issues. Here is a striking historical example, composing astrological horoscope his crowned friend, Jacob Bruce, advised him to be very careful in 1724, and predicted that the greatest danger to the emperor was water element. This prophecy has come true. Peter I really fell ill in 1724. Despite Bruce's warnings, the sovereign personally inspected the Ladoga Canal, and there he caught a cold. He was stricken with pneumonia. The disease turned out to be incurable, and Peter I died in January 1725.

Bruce was a direct descendant of Scottish kings. He was considered a Moscow sorcerer; he predicted people's fate using the stars, and mysteriously brought hopelessly sick people back to life and raised them to their feet. Jacob Bruce is also known for his astrological calendar of forecasts for two hundred years in advance, popularly nicknamed the “Bruce calendar.”

Any rulers at all times have used the paranormal abilities of clairvoyants, sorcerers, and astrologers. Hundreds more examples can be given. Behind every bright strong leader there is always a shadow" eminence grise" from dark magic, and the main battle for reality is actually over the throne.

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