Cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in the internal tissues of the human body. The disease got its name due to the fact that in the vast majority of cases (in 90% of patients), the malignant neoplasm is similar in shape to the claw of cancer. Every year, according to statistics, in developed countries, cancer is the cause of death in 15-20% of cases.

Reasons for development

The exact causes of the emergence and development of this terrible disease are still unknown to science. Today, scientists put forward about several dozen well-founded points of view on this issue. If we analyze all the information and combine it into a single whole, we can identify three key factors, the presence of which contributes to the appearance of cancer:

  • Physical factors: radiation, ultraviolet rays;
  • Chemical factors: carcinogenic substances;
  • Biological factors: a number of dangerous viruses.

All of these factors lead to pathological changes in the DNA structure, which often results in the activation of an oncogene, which leads to the cells of the body receiving endless life. As a result, the cells stop dying in a timely manner and begin to multiply at an unprecedented speed. This is how a tumor or, in other words, cancer forms.

All this is true when it comes to external causes of cancer. But scientists also put forward internal conditions that contribute to the emergence of malignant neoplasms. First of all, it is worth mentioning heredity. In such a situation, the human body initially has lower immunity to cancer or insufficient DNA repair ability. In most cases, the external and internal factors influencing the occurrence of cancer are so vague that it is almost impossible to identify the root cause.


The key property of the disease is the occurrence of damage to the DNA structure. Carcinogens are very likely to damage our DNA. Man, of course, by nature has some protection from such harmful effects: our body itself can stop the carcinogen and even destroy it. In addition, the body’s internal forces are able to independently fight even existing tumors. But over the course of life, with aging, this function gradually weakens. Therefore, the risk of developing cancer increases in proportion to the number of carcinogenic substances entering the body.

From this it is easy to conclude that in order to prevent cancer it is necessary to reduce the amount of carcinogens entering the human body.

Carcinogenic substances, depending on their type, have different effects on the DNA structure of the cell. For example, substances that produce many free radicals can cause physical damage. We are talking about X-ray and ultraviolet radiation.

Carcinogenic substances that damage DNA by creating additional chemical bonds have a chemical effect on the cell.

Viruses are capable of destroying DNA by integrating into its structure. They “work” as if from the inside.

By the way, medicine itself can cause cancer. For example, tumors are caused by ionizing radiation, as well as some treatment options for cancer itself and hormonal therapy.

Tobacco smoking

Cigarettes and the nicotine they contain, along with the tar, are simultaneously the source of two risk factors for cancer. Firstly, a smoker physically poisons his body. Secondly, it also receives negative chemical effects. It has been scientifically proven that one pack of cigarettes is capable of delivering 8 microsieverts of radiation, which is equal to eight hundred micro-roentgens. Ultimately, a special radiation background is formed around the smoker throughout the entire 24 hours.

But what if a person smokes more than one pack of cigarettes per day? It turns out that he poisons his body with a huge number of harmful substances, from which both the stomach and lungs constantly suffer. In addition, he receives three times the dose of radiation.

Today, among people undergoing cancer treatment, 80% are smokers. Every year, cancer kills 600 thousand people on Earth!

Statistics on Risk Factors

In 95% of pathologies, the cause of cancer is an unhealthy lifestyle and poor environmental conditions:

  • 30% – smoking;
  • 35% – unhealthy diet;
  • 10% – infectious diseases;
  • 5% – carcinogenic substances, the receipt of which is associated with professional activities;
  • 6% – ultraviolet and ionizing radiation;
  • 2% – alcohol addiction;
  • 1% – air polluted with harmful substances;
  • 4% – belonging to one gender or another;
  • 4% – physical inactivity.

Thus, it turns out that the first place in terms of risk is unhealthy diet: consumption of foods with carcinogenic substances, low amount of fiber in the diet, excess calories. It’s worth seriously thinking about finally stopping tormenting your body and starting to eat rationally and correctly.

Preventive measures

10 years ago, about 10 million people in the world had cancer and, accordingly, needed treatment. Gradually, our living conditions are deteriorating: we do not follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, the environment is being destroyed. All this, according to scientists’ forecasts, will lead to the fact that in 2020 about 16 million people on earth will suffer from cancer. To avoid such a terrible fate, it is worth thinking about preventing cancer today.

In European countries, the use of preventive measures has so far led to a 20% reduction in the number of cancer patients. The most effective methods of prevention are:

  • Tobacco control;
  • Reduced exposure to UV rays;
  • Work to popularize proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, to prevent cancer, it is recommended to undergo regular medical examinations. After all, identifying cancer in the early stages is not so difficult, and treatment at the very beginning of the tumor will not only be as simple and gentle as possible, but also the most effective.


Traditional medicine is a branch that offers a huge number of recipes and recommendations for the treatment of cancer. Almost all methods are based on the use of the healing properties of various plants.

In folk medicine, agents are used that can not only restrain the growth of “sick” cells and destroy cancerous formations, but can also stimulate the development of healthy cells in organs and tissues. Thanks to folk remedies, it becomes possible to correct the work of the body’s natural defenses, directing them towards the treatment of cancer.

The most effective traditional methods of treating cancer will be listed below. But remember that traditional medicine methods can only be used in combination with treatment prescribed by your doctor, and only after consultation with him.


Propolis is used very, very widely in folk medicine. In particular, it is used as a treatment for cancer. There are cases where propolis helped get rid of an illness that arose as a result of cobalt irradiation. Propolis suppresses the development of cancer cells, stimulating the growth of healthy cells, which leads to the restoration of the functions of the body as a whole. The proposed folk recipes, when used for a long time, can completely eradicate cancer cells:
1. Propolis in its pure form. Eat five to seven grams of propolis three to five times daily. The substance must be taken 1 hour before meals and chewed thoroughly.
2. Propolis in the form of oil (15%). To prepare the folk medicine, you need to take a kilo of unsalted butter, put it in an enamel pan and bring it to a boil. Then you need to add 160 g to the oil. crushed (grated on a fine grater), pre-cleaned propolis. Stir the healing mixture until smooth. This should be done for 30 minutes at a temperature of 80 degrees (your goal is to stir until the mass has completely cooled). Take the oil three, or preferably five, times a day before meals. Single dose – 1 tbsp. 15% oil, diluted with half a tablespoon of hot milk or boiling water.
3. Propolis-based ointment. This external folk remedy is considered one of the most powerful ones used to treat cancer. The basis of the ointment is ten grams of powdered veselka. It is necessary to make the powder from the spores of a fungus called Veselka vulgare. The resulting powder must be mixed with 10 or 15% propolis oil, taken in an amount of 100 grams. The cooled mixture is applied externally, covering with a bandage.


The use of hemlock, as practice shows, gives very encouraging results. There are cases where patients who were given no chance by official medicine were cured of cancer. Hemlock is effective in treating cancer of the esophagus, breast, liver and stomach.

Tangible changes towards getting rid of cancer become noticeable already during the second course of treatment. It is very important to follow the dosage indicated in the prescription, since its violation can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition.

To prepare the folk remedy, you need to take a 3-liter jar and pour two faceted glasses of vodka into it. This will preserve the healing properties of hemlock even after it is crushed. Take the hemlock shoots and chop them finely. You need enough raw material to fill the jar by about a third. During the cutting process, the hemlocks should be stirred little by little in the vodka. Attention: hemlock should not be crushed using a meat grinder! This way you run the risk of getting too high a concentration.

When the jar is one-third full of hemlock, fill its contents with vodka (it should reach the edges of the container). Then close the lid tightly and place the jar in the refrigerator. There it should stay for 2-2.5 weeks. Every day the contents of the jar should be shaken thoroughly.

If the situation is urgent and delay is simply impossible, then this folk medicine can be started to be used within three days after preparation. But if you have time to spare, then let the infusion cook longer.

The traditional method should be used according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1 – add 1 drop to 1 glass of water and drink in the morning;
  • Day 2 – add 2 drops to 1 glass of water and drink in the morning;
  • 3rd day - 3 drops... and so you need to reach forty drops;
  • Day 41 – add 39 drops to 1 glass of water and drink in the morning;
  • Day 42 - 38 drops... every day we reduce the amount of the folk remedy by one drop, eventually bringing its volume to 1 drop per 1 glass of water.

This will be the first round. To effectively treat cancer, you need to do two or three such circles. During this time, your body will receive all the strength it needs to overcome the disease and gain defensive strength against it.


Chaga is a birch mushroom that seems to be an excellent treatment for cancer. Chaga is indicated even in cases where the use of surgical treatment methods is contraindicated for the patient. Birch mushroom can also significantly improve the patient’s well-being during treatment.

To prepare a folk remedy for treatment in the form of a tincture, you need to take chaga, rinse the mushroom and grate it. One part of grated birch mushroom must be mixed with five parts of warm water (necessarily boiled), after which the mixture must stand for about two days. After filtering and squeezing out the sediment, the infusion should be consumed three times a day in the amount of half a glass. When treating, the infusion should be taken before meals about half an hour. You can store the healing infusion in the refrigerator, but no more than 4 days.

When using a folk remedy from chaga, simultaneous treatment with penicillin or glucose (intravenous infusions) is contraindicated.


Celandine is a very effective and therefore popular means of getting rid of cancer. The plant must be collected in May by digging up its root. Before preparing the product, the rhizome must be cleaned and dried for a couple of hours. After which the raw materials are passed through a meat grinder, and the juice, squeezed through cheesecloth, is poured into a one-liter jar. You need to take half a liter of juice. Add a half-liter bottle of vodka into it and close the jar tightly. The infusion should be placed in a cool, dark place for three weeks.

During treatment, the healing infusion should be taken for fifteen days, four times a day, 1 tsp. (1 hour before meals, with plenty of water). After completing this course, continue to take the folk medicine until complete recovery, but only a tablespoon at a time.

Cabbage juice

To prepare a folk medicine, you need to take cabbage and squeeze the juice out of it. This option is good to use as an antitumor option in cases where radiation exposure occurs. Finding a more affordable treatment option will be difficult, but you can drink cabbage juice in almost unlimited quantities. The only caveat: to reduce the number of substances that can cause nausea, keep the juice in the refrigerator for a while before drinking.

Treatment of malignant diseases is a complex task, because each case requires an individual approach. Based on the diagnostic results, the stage of the oncological lesion is established, and the general level of human health is also examined. The most commonly used treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. A cure for cancer is part of the therapeutic complex to achieve the most effective result.

Innovative cancer drugs depending on the type of oncology

Today it is one of the most modern methods in the fight against cancer cells. Among the common medications it is worth noting:

  • "Bevacizumab"

It is a monoclonal antibody that neutralizes vascular endothelial growth factor (prevents tumor vascularization).


The drug is widely used for colorectal cancer, malignant lesions of the mammary glands, kidneys, lungs with metastases, as well as glioblastoma. The medicine is administered exclusively intravenously according to a special scheme.

Side effects:

Among the side effects, it is worth highlighting the inhibition of hematopoietic germs.

  • "Erlotinib"

Blocks epidermal growth factor, as a result of which cancer cells do not grow.


Used for malignant diseases of the lungs and pancreas. It should be taken once a day, orally an hour before meals.

Side effects:

Side effects include skin rash and dyspeptic disorders.

  • “Crizotinib”

Controls the life cycle of cancer cells.


Used for lung cancer.

Side effects:

Possible side effects such as nausea and visual impairment.

Cancer of the female reproductive system

In the treatment of malignant diseases of the female reproductive system, one of the important points is the correct selection of taxanes. They represent a separate group of chemotherapy drugs.

Ovarian cancer

The first line is the combined use of platinum derivatives, such as Cisplatin or Carboplatin, and taxanes (Paclitaxel). It was “Paclitaxel” that was the first medicine of this group, which began to be used for. The effect of this combination has been statistically proven. With stages 3-4 of cancer, life expectancy increased from two years to three. These are significant results for these stages.

Side effects:

However, it is worth noting that the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs can also lead to the development of serious complications, especially for the nervous system. The representative of the second generation, “”, has slightly less neurotoxicity. It has shown its effectiveness both in combination treatment and in monotherapy.

Mammary cancer

Hormonal drugs, such as Tamoxifen, are widely used in the treatment of breast cancer. It belongs to the group of hormone antagonists with antiestrogenic activity. Indications include malignant disease of the mammary glands with damage to the lymph nodes, as well as in the presence of metastases. The dose is determined individually for each case. The drug is in tablet form.


Contraindications include intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, breastfeeding, low levels of leukocytes and platelets, and increased calcium in the blood.

Side effects:

Side effects include menstrual irregularities, intermenstrual uterine bleeding, itching of the genitals and periodic sensations of heat. In addition, dyspeptic disorders, visual impairment and thrombosis are possible.

  • "Sinestrol"

This cancer medicine is an estrogen analogue, therefore it stimulates the proliferative process in the endometrium, the development of secondary female sexual characteristics and prevents the development of osteoporosis.


Indications include breast or prostate cancer (as one of the components of complex therapy). The medication is administered intramuscularly at the dosage and duration determined by the treating oncologist.

Side effects:

Among the side effects, it is necessary to highlight dyspeptic disorders, headache, dizziness, peripheral edema, thromboembolism, uterine bleeding, pigmentation of the nipples and soreness of the mammary glands.

Vitamins for cancer

We will talk about vitamin B17, otherwise called “Laetrile” or “”. It would seem so simple cure for cancer found, now you just need to take it regularly. Some sources provide examples of its effective fight against cancer pathology, because it can lead to the death of malignantly modified cells.

It turns out that in order to treat cancerous tumors it is necessary to consume certain foods that contain this vitamin. Its content is noted in apricot kernels, almonds, cherries, as well as in peach, plum, apple seeds, millet, flax, lentils, legumes, grapes and some types of herbs.

In addition to antitumor properties, Amygdalin has an analgesic effect, normalizes metabolic processes in the body and slows down the aging process of the skin.

The largest amount of the substance is found in berries, for example, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, as well as in fruits with seeds and dried fruits (prunes, raisins, cashews).

To get the maximum effect from the vitamin, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  • when consuming fruit seeds, it is advisable not to exceed 10 pieces per day;
  • Pregnant women, children and nursing mothers should not include bones in their diet;
  • to prevent overdose, you should drink a lot of still water;
  • It is impossible to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages and coffee in parallel with consumption, as they significantly reduce the effectiveness of amygdalin.

If a person nevertheless feels nausea, weakness, headache, cyanosis of the skin, a feeling of lack of air or suffocation, this indicates a possible overdose. In this case, it is recommended to drink 3 liters of still water (per day) and take an enterosorbent, for example, Enterosgel, Polysorb or Atoxil.

Finally, it is worth noting that the above drugs, except for Amygdalin, cannot be taken independently. However, this a cure for cancer, like vitamin B17, it is advisable to use it not only for the treatment of cancer, but also for its prevention.

Be healthy!


All information about the drugs described above is provided for informational purposes only! We do not encourage readers to use the above-mentioned medications and do not incline them to self-medicate!

Cancer tumor occurs at the moment when a somatic cell, having escaped the control of the body, begins to divide furiously, creating a threat to the living being as a whole. As a result, a single group mass of cells or a group of smaller formations is formed. This cell reproduces itself by dividing into two cells, which in turn divide again, etc. This pathology, among other things, is scary due to its asymptomatic nature, is recognized, as a rule, in an advanced form (stage) and therefore requires a lot of time for healing.

(Cancer- malignant tumors that appear where there is one or another type of epithelial cells, most often in the bronchi, lungs, stomach, uterus, mammary glands, esophagus, intestines, skin. A characteristic feature of cancer is unlimited growth. The tumor grows and destroys surrounding tissues, and is transported through the lymphatic tract to any organs, forming new tumors in them. Symptoms and course are very diverse).

Traditional medicine
for cancer (cancerous tumor):

1. The bark of a young root or the root of barberry in the form of a tincture is taken orally for severe exhaustion of the body and cancer of internal organs. Tincture: 25% in 70-40 degree alcohol, take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day, once a day before meals for a long time.

2. The herb of Vinca minor and other species in the form of an infusion is taken orally as a remedy with antitumor activity (delays cell division at the metaphase stage), for acute leukemia and other diseases. Infusion: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of herbs are infused for 2 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drunk 2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals. Used for oncology.

3. The bark of the young root or the root of Amur velvet in the form of an infusion is taken orally for tumors of internal organs and as a tonic for an exhausted body. Infusion: Art. a spoonful of raw materials is infused for 2-3 hours in a glass of boiling water and taken 1/4 tbsp. infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

4. All plants (grass and roots) of the marsh belozera in the form of an infusion are taken orally for stomach cancer, intestinal and other diseases. Infusion: I infuse 1-2 teaspoons of raw material for 2 hours in a glass of boiling water and take 2-3 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day before meals.

5. It is useful to include the fruits of Russian (or fava) beans in the diet as a means of inhibiting the growth of malignant tumors and for the prevention of these diseases. Beans are prescribed without limitation in the form of powder, soups, and cereals.

6. Spores (or all plants) at the stage of rapid maturation of the fungus vulgaris on their own or (which is better) in a plant complex (for oral administration) in the form of an ointment made from mushroom powder on an oil-propolis basis are used externally as a powerful external antitumor agent. Ointment: 10 g of Veselka powder is mixed by heating with 100 g of 10% propolis oil or other fatty base and used for dressings.

7. The roots of Basil minor in the form of an infusion are used externally in the form of compresses or irrigations for cancer and other skin diseases. Infusion: 1-2 tbsp. spoons of roots are infused for 3-4 hours in a tbsp. boiling water

8. Flowers, berries or branches of red viburnum in the form of an infusion are taken orally for the prevention and treatment of cancer of internal organs. Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are infused for 2-3 hours in 2 tbsp. boiling water and drink 1/2 cup of warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals.

9. Fresh juice from the fruits of cabbage is drunk, and the stalks are eaten without restriction as an affordable natural anti-radiant and antitumor agent for radiation exposure and cancer.

10. Leaves and roots of stinging nettle in the form of an infusion are taken orally at many times. diseases, including as an antitumor agent. Infusion: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are infused for 2 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drunk 1/2-2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

11. Burdock root and other species in the form of an infusion are taken orally as a more active antitumor agent for cancer of internal organs (esophagus, stomach, liver, etc.). Infusion: 2-3 tbsp. spoons of the root are infused overnight in 0.5 liters of boiling water and drunk 1/2-2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

12. Propolis in its pure form or any component (oil, honey, milk, alcohol) is taken orally for malignant tumors in the internal organs, even if the patient has been exposed to cobalt irradiation. Propolis and its preparations inhibit cancer cells for a long time, promote the activity of normal cells and restore the normal state of the body. Slows down the development of cancer cells, and with prolonged use, eradicates them completely. Pure propolis is taken 5-7 g, chewed for a long time, then swallowed, 3-5 times a day, an hour before meals.

13. 15% propolis oil: 1 kg of butter (unsalted) in an enamel bowl, bring to a boil, remove from heat and add 159 g of purified and finely grated propolis to the hot oil. Extract (create a homogeneous mass) by stirring the mixture for 30 minutes at a temperature of + 80 degrees until it cools completely. Take a tablespoon per 1/2 tbsp. warm milk or boiling water 3-5 times a day before meals.
Tincture: 30-50% at 96-70 degree alcohol, take 50 drops of tincture per 1/2 tbsp. warm milk, tea or boiling water 3-5 times a day before meals; if the tincture is well tolerated, the dose can be increased slightly.

14. The root vegetable of common beet (red) in the form of freshly prepared juice is taken orally for cancer of internal organs, anemia and anemia. The juice is mixed 1:1 with honey and taken 1/3-1/2 tbsp. mixture 3-4 times a day before meals.

15. Green tea in the form of a condensed infusion is useful to take without restriction for cancer of any organ. Its drugs help improve health in case of leukemia, which occurs as a result of poisoning of the body with strontium-90, and other diseases.

16. Calendula inflorescences - 10 g, burdock root - 30 g, Chernobyl root - 20 g, great celandine herb - 10 g. Infusion: half of the collection is infused for 2-3 hours in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Filter, add honey to taste and drink 1/2-2/3 tbsp. warm infusion 3-4 times a day before meals for cancer of internal organs.

17. Saxifraga root in the form of a tincture or infusion is taken orally for uterine cancer and other diseases. Tincture: 20% in 40% alcohol, take 30 drops per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water 4-5 times a day before meals. Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of roots are infused for 2 hours in a tbsp. boiling water and take 1-2 tbsp. spoons of infusion 3-5 times a day before meals.

18. Celandine ointment /fresh juice - 1 part, Vaseline 4 parts/ treat lip fever /herpes/ and even skin cancer.

19. For skin cancer, use celandine ointment / fresh juice / 2 parts juice to 4 parts Vaseline or take powder.

20. Many were treated with ferula tincture /20-50 g of root per 1/2 liter of vodka/ for breast cancer /mastopathy/.

21. An excellent folk remedy for treating cancer is celandine. Its collection time is May. By carefully digging up the root, remove the entire plant from the soil without damaging it. They clear the soil and put it in water. Dry it for 2-3 hours and pass it through a meat grinder onto gauze. The juice is squeezed out and poured into a liter jar. There should be 1/2 liter of juice. Pour 1/2 liter of vodka into the same container, close well and place in a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day 1 hour before meals with water. In total, take teaspoons for 15 days, and from the 16th, replace the teaspoon with a tablespoon and take 4 times a day until cured.

22. Oncological diseases are treated with cancer. 25 crayfish 10-12 cm long are washed in clean water and placed in a three-liter jar. Then tip the jar over, allowing the water to drain. After this, fill the bottle with medical alcohol and cover with polyethylene. Leave in a cool, dark place for 30 days, shaking occasionally. Then pour the alcohol into another bowl, remove the crayfish and dry them well in a dark place, possibly in a warm oven. Crush the crayfish in a mortar or pass through a coffee grinder. Take 1/2 teaspoon an hour before meals 3-4 times a day, washed down with a spoon of this alcohol. Former patients claim to have received complete healing, others - improvement.

23. Used in hemlock oncology. Before preparing the raw materials, you need to pour 2 bottles of vodka and 2 bottles of medical alcohol into a three-liter bottle / so that the mixture has a strength of 70 degrees /. The fresh hemlock flowers and leaves are then finely chopped. 4 glasses are filled and poured into the bottle one by one. The mixture is shaken and infused for 3 weeks with daily shaking in a dark, cool place. Do not strain. Drink at 8 o'clock in the morning. For 1/2 cup of water, starting with 1 drop of the mixture, add another drop daily. If the body does not accept it and you feel unwell, you should go back, decreasing by 1 drop, and, as soon as it gets better, increase again by 1 drop. And so get to 25 drops. Now drink according to the following scheme - 25th day - 25, 15, 15, 15 drops. Hours - 8, 12, 16, 20. 26th day - 15, 15, 15, 15. Then increase again drop by drop, i.e. Day 27 - 27 drops 1 time per day /8 a.m./. In this way, reach 30 drops per day per 1/2 glass of water. Drink 30 drops for 10 days, without increasing. Then go up to 40 drops and drink for 10 days. Allowing you to feel better means reaching 50 drops in the same way, 60. Distribute them into 15 drops 3 times a day. Do not forget that hemlock is a poisonous plant, so constantly listen to your health. If it is difficult to drink like this for 10 days, then return to 45 drops, and after a week add another 15 drops. And thus gradually reach 90 drops according to the time given in the diagram. There are changes for the better - we stopped taking it at 90 drops and reducing the number by 1 every day, we returned to 1 drop per day. The course is completed.

24. One of the ancient means of treating cancer is called urine therapy /drinking your own strained urine/. At 6 a.m. and 9:30 p.m., 200 grams. Laboratory autoclaved mummy /preparation technology is very important/, 3 grains per day. Laboratory kerosene (by no means aviation grade), you can use it for lighting, but first soak it by adding 2 tablespoons of salt to 1 liter and keep it in a steam bath for 1 hour. Drink at 10:30 p.m. You can combine all means.

25. For stomach cancer, take dodder for 30 days, then a 10-day break. After six months there is improvement.

26. For stomach cancer, take 2 tbsp. spoons of aloe juice /from a flower at least 3 years old/ combine with 1/2 liter of cognac. Separately, pour 3 tbsp of fresh leaves from a pelargonium flower. spoons of boiling water, place in a hot water bath, wrap, leave overnight until morning. Strain the resulting infusion of pelargonium into cognac with aloe juice and add 3 drops of iodine tincture. Take this remedy with a glass of cognac on an empty stomach 2 times a day /morning and at night/. In the first days there will be pain, especially at night, and after 2 weeks bloody discharge will appear in the stool, after which there will be an improvement. After recovery, continue to take the tincture periodically.

27. Burdock root from the May harvest is ground like horseradish and is eaten without the norm for stomach cancer.

28. For stomach cancer, drink glasses of infusion 3-4 times a day. 10 g of marsh calamus, 25 g of cobwebby burdock /inflorescence/ and 35 g /roots/, 50 g of field thistle /inflorescence/, 5 g of black poplar /buds/. Finely chop everything and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Take after cooling.

29. An aqueous infusion or tincture of vodka from the rhizome of the knotweed and chaga is drunk for stomach cancer.

30. Rhizomes of mountain arnica and celandine herb, 1/2 teaspoon per 1/2 liter of boiling water. Drink when you have cancer.

31. Grinded carrots are applied as a patch to the area affected by cancer and changed after 12 hours.

32. A product of 10 g of calendula officinalis per glass of water is used 3 times a day, 1-3 tbsp. spoons for fatal tumors. Tincture of 25 flowers per 100 ml of alcohol or a glass of vodka. Before use, the tincture is diluted with water.

33. Chaga - a birch mushroom used for cancer. Pour a piece of dry mushroom with warm boiled water for 4 hours /to soften/, then grind it on a grater or meat grinder. Pour one part of the crushed raw material into 5 parts of boiled water, water temperature - 40-50 degrees /no more/ and leave for 48 hours in a dark, cool place. Then the infusion is filtered and the remainder is squeezed out. Take 1 glass 1-3 times a day. During treatment, a vegetable-oil diet is recommended. The use of penicillin and intravenous glucose is contraindicated while taking chaga.

34. Dried plantain leaves are very useful to drink without any special norm for peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.

35. Leukemia /leukemia, blood cancer/ is treated with buckwheat. The patients collected flowering shoots of buckwheat and prepared an infusion. 1 cup of herb per liter of boiling water. They drink and get relief.

36. Uterine cancer in the stage of gangrenous tissue breakdown. For treatment, take 1.5 kg of crushed agave at the age of 3-5 years / 5 days before cutting, do not water / 2.5 kg of honey, 5 liters of strong red wine 16-18 degrees. Place everything in a dark glass jar and put it in a cool place for 5 days, closing it tightly. Take 1 teaspoon per day for the first 5 days, and 1 tablespoon 3 times a day an hour before meals on all subsequent days. Take 1.5 months. And in the first days an unusual appetite will appear.

37. For cancer and other malignant tumors, take 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals (0.5 hours) of freshly baked beet juice. Throw the beetroot and peel into boiling water for 15-20 seconds. Then squeeze out the juice. And before going to bed, drink 1/2 glass of carrot juice. Drink for 1.5 months, take a break for 2 weeks. Repeat in cycles until recovery and another 2-3 cycles. In addition, eat 1 baked beet (the size of a fist) with peel and 1-3 carrots daily. At the same time, eat raw onions and boiled beans. In case of low blood pressure, drink 10-20 drops of wormwood tincture 3 times a day before meals. Infuse 100 g of wormwood per 0.5 liter of vodka for 10-21 days. Shake 3 times a day. Store in a cool, dark place.

38. Pour 4 stems of veronica with 1 liter of boiling water and cook. Drink 100 g 3 times a day for 1-4 months for cancer.

39. Drink a decoction of potato berries as a compote (thick) for stomach cancer 5-7 times a day until nausea for a month. 2 weeks break. After 3 courses there should be a cure. If not, repeat.

40. For stomach cancer, add 1 pea (the size of a corn grain) of copper sulfate to 1 liter of water. Leave overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals, drink 50 ml once a day. Take boiled water. Follow the dosage exactly. Poisonous!

41. For rectal cancer, make 2 infusions. One to drink, the other to douche. Copper sulfate for 100 ml of water. Stir with a wooden spoon. Drink everything in the morning 1 hour before meals. After 12 hours, give an enema with this solution. Then inject 25 ml for absorption. Follow the dosage exactly. Poisonous!

42. An alcoholic tincture of the roots of wormwood is taken for cancer of the stomach and female genital organs.

43. For inflammation of the ovaries and uterine cancer, take 1.5 tablespoons of dried Yakut field grass, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours in a tightly sealed container. Strain. Drink 1 teaspoon every 3-4 hours 4-5 times a day. Contraindicated for pregnant women (it has an abortifacient effect!).

44. For tumors of the upper respiratory tract, 1 teaspoon of fresh, well-washed and chopped duckweed grass, pour 50 ml of vodka and leave for 3-4 days, strain. Take 15-20 drops in 1/4 glass of water 3 times a day.

45. For stomach and esophageal cancer, take root powder infused for a week with equal parts of alcohol and honey or drink burdock juice.

46. ​​For cancer of the uterus and stomach, pour 1 tablespoon of finely crushed dry roots of peony evasive into 3 cups of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a tightly sealed container. Take 1 tablespoon 10-15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

47. For uterine cancer, leave 2 teaspoons of dry bedstraw grass with flowers for 2-3 hours in 1 glass of boiling water in a tightly sealed container, strain. Take warm, 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

48. Lotions made from fresh bedstraw juice are used for skin cancer.

49. For breast and tongue cancer, leave 4 teaspoons of chopped bedstraw herb in 2-3 hours in 2 cups of boiling water, strain. Drink hot 1/2 cup 4 times a day in small sips.

50. For cancer, instead of water, drink a decoction of elderberry roots for a long time.

51. A decoction of dried sunflower petals (marginal flowers) is drunk as an anti-cancer agent.

52. A decoction of 30 g of marsh marsh herb in a glass of water is drunk without the norm for skin cancer.

For the prevention and treatment of cancer, the patient should eat vegetarian food with minimal heat treatment or juices, which have a significant ability to suppress the development of malignant tumors, and in complex therapy, eliminate existing ones. Exclude meat products and pickles from your diet, limit salt.

The diet should include well-known plants: eggplants, beans, cabbage (stems and leaves), stinging nettle (leaves), onions, carrots, garlic, etc. Vegetarian cuisine can be significantly supplemented with antitumor apitherapy agents: royal (bee) jelly, honey, propolis and even pollen.


God said, “Eat the fruits and their seeds.”

Vitamin B17 or laetrile, or amygdalin* is a substance that quickly destroys cancer cells. The author cites scientific evidence that cancer prevention is very simple and wonders: why did orthodox medicine declare war on a medicine with which many clinics have successfully cured their patients?
* Amygdalin (lat. amygdalus) is found in the seeds of bitter almonds, in the seeds of apricots, peaches, plums, cherries and other plants.
The author finds the answer not in science, but in cancer policy - and it is hidden in the economic motivation of those who dominate the medical establishment. If every year billions of dollars are spent on cancer research, and other billions come from sales of chemical compounds, then a very clear picture emerges before us: more people live from cancer than die from it. And if the solution can be found in a simple vitamin, then overnight a gigantic industry collapses, which, of course, resists this with all its might. Pharmaceutical companies conduct research only on the chemical compounds they invent; thus, if a drug is approved, they have exclusive rights to sell it. And they do not bother to conduct research on simple food that cannot be patented by them and is sold in any supermarket. The cancer-killing substance has been found in most fruit seeds, particularly apricots. Apricot seed was declared a cure for all known cancers 35 years ago. Scientists have stated that if these seeds are included in a person's daily diet, cancer cells will never develop in him, just as, for example, a person will never get scurvy if he eats at least one orange a day. Multinational pharmaceutical companies, together with the US medical establishment, forced the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to make the sale of “raw” apricot kernels illegal, as well as vitamin B17, along with information about their anti-carcinogenic effect.
One may not agree with this position of the author, who suspects the medicine of the world in some kind of conspiracy (in any case, the administration of our site does not agree with this). But it’s still worth paying attention to vitamin B17.
Vitamin B17 is found in apple, peach, cherry, grape and apricot seeds. It is found in some legumes and many herbs, as well as bitter almonds.
The hard kernel deep inside the apricot is not there to be thrown away. In fact, this dense wooden shell protects one of the most wonderful foods on earth.
We are far from thinking that an impeccable medicine has been found that helps all patients and in all cases, but nevertheless there are often cases when, WITH THE DAILY CONSUMPTION OF 7-10 APRICOT SEEDS, THE SIZE OF THE TUMOR REDUCES, THE GROWTH OF METASTASES STOPS AND SOMETIMES EVEN HOPELESSLY ILL PEOPLE GRADUALLY OVERCOME R AK!! !
ATTENTION: Ingestion of 50-60 g of nucleoli of amygdalin-containing plants can lead to severe and even fatal poisoning of an adult. For small children, even one kernel of bitter almonds can be dangerous. Therefore, the food industry uses only special (sweet) varieties of almonds with a low content of this glycoside.
Be extremely careful and remember “Everything is poison and everything is medicine - it’s the dose that distinguishes one from the other.”


Professor Savitsky, Irkutsk

The patient was treated at the specified institute with a diagnosis of uterine cancer in the stage of gangrenous tissue breakdown. She was discharged as incurable. A long time passed, the patient was examined. It turned out that the patient was healthy and had gained 22 kg. Medicine became interested and it turned out that she was taking the following at home to treat the disease:
1.5 crushed agave aged 3 to 5 years (the agave was not watered 5 days before cutting), 2.5 kg of May honey, 5 liters of strong red wine 16-18g. Place all of the above in a glass container, preferably dark in color, mix and place in a dark, cool place for 5 days. The jar must be tightly closed. Take in the following order: the first 5 days, 1 teaspoon per day, and all subsequent days, 3 times a day, an hour before meals, 1 tbsp. spoon. The longest treatment period is 2-3 weeks (preferably 1.5 months). A mixture with this dosage is recommended for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach ulcers and other organs, and inflammatory processes of the named nature. A special feature of the mixture is that in the first days of taking it, the patient develops an unusual appetite.
Serving: agave - 375g, May honey - 675g, grape wine - 375g. The same method can cure many diseases: headaches, diseases of the stomach, intestines, women's diseases, sore throat, flu.
The new method of treatment is both therapeutic and prophylactic.


My uncle told me this recipe. He suffered for a very long time due to the fact that he suffered from skin cancer, or rather lips. He underwent chemotherapy several times. And each time the disease not only returned, but also worsened. One fine day, after he was leaving the hospital, a woman met him and advised him this recipe. Take a golden mustache, put it in a half-liter jar and fill it with vodka (40%). Place in a dark place for 20 days. Then lubricate the affected area of ​​skin several times a day. After he started using this recipe, he never went to oncology again. He strongly advises everyone to use this remedy. It is not only easy to make, but also helps very well with this ailment. My uncle, who was a child in a concentration camp, saw enough in this life, is still alive and well, which is what we wish for everyone!

Here are some recommendations for the prevention and treatment of cancer, based on recipes from traditional healers who use the same garlic for this purpose, as well as other herbs, vegetables, and natural products. It is believed that the substances contained in garlic can prevent cell degeneration and uncontrolled division, which ultimately leads to stabilization of tumor development, or even its disappearance.

When a loss of strength occurs, it is useful for cancer patients to eat 1 tablespoon of garlic boiled with honey 3-4 times a day.

To do this, mix 200 g of garlic juice with 500 g of honey, cook in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 30-40 minutes, skimming the foam from the surface of the mixture. Store in a cool, dark place in a tightly sealed container. In the spring, during the period when birch sap flows, it is useful to boil garlic in a honey-birch decoction. Honey is mixed with juice in a ratio of 1:2 by weight. Then boil over low heat and constantly skim off the foam until it stops forming. You can take 6 parts by weight of birch sap for 1 part honey.

An excellent tonic that regulates metabolism is a tincture: 100 g of common juniper fruit, pour 2 liters of white grape wine, leave in a dark, cool place for two weeks, shaking the contents periodically, then add two more chopped heads of garlic to this tincture and leave for 10 days. strain. Take 50 g 1-2 times a day after meals.

It is useful for cancer patients to take the following mixture daily: steam, grind 200 g of garlic, grind 300 g of walnut kernels, 200 g of hazel kernels, 25 g of ginger powder, licorice root, St. John's wort flowers, 50 g of dill fruit powder, Mix everything thoroughly with 1 kg of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 2 hours after meals. The powerful preventive and therapeutic effect of the mixture is determined by its unique biochemical composition, which makes it possible to prevent the development of cancer and increase the body's immunity.

For cancer of the throat, tongue, and oral cavity, take 10 g of dry crushed chamomile inflorescences, marshmallow root, common juniper fruit, one head of chopped garlic, pour 1 liter of cold water, leave in a tightly sealed container for 1 hour, put on fire, bring to a boil , cook in a sealed container over low heat for 5 minutes, cool at room temperature, strain. Rinse your mouth with this solution and steam your throat over this decoction for 15-20 minutes and immediately go to bed.

Pour 100 g of garlic juice and 2 tablespoons of walnut leaf and stinging nettle powders into 500 ml of liquid honey and mix everything thoroughly. Store in a cool, dark place. This mixture effectively strengthens the body's defenses and is recommended as a prophylactic against the risk of breast tumors.

For uterine and breast cancer, take 1 teaspoon each of St. John's wort, calendula, yarrow, blood red hawthorn, meadowsweet, 2 tablespoons of garlic pulp for 500 ml of 60-degree alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, shaking the contents periodically, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons of tincture for 1 glass of water and drink in small sips throughout the day. In addition, drink at least 200 g of carrot juice with 1 tablespoon of vegetable garlic oil every day.

Garlic vodka tincture is useful as a preventative against cancer. Take the tincture once a day, 25 drops in a glass of warm boiled milk 15-20 minutes before meals from October to April.

For oncological diseases of various locations, in particular for esophageal cancer, the following treatment method is useful:

Take garlic juice on an empty stomach, gradually increasing the dose: the first five days - 10 drops, the second five days - 20 drops, and so with each new five-day period, continue to add 10 drops, bringing the intake to 1-2 teaspoons, then to a whole tablespoon with half a glass of fresh (or canned 1:1 alcohol, vodka) plantain juice. 30 minutes after this, take 1 tablespoon of honey. At first, it is especially difficult to swallow garlic juice, causing a burning sensation and headache. However, after a few weeks the condition improves. After 3 months of taking garlic, you should gradually begin to reduce the amount of garlic juice, reaching the original 10 drops. However, plantain juice should be taken 1 tablespoon 4 times a day for a year.

Pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed oak bark into 1 liter of water, cook over low heat for 30 minutes, then add 4 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of garlic pulp, bring to a boil again, cool, strain. Store in a cool, dark place. For throat cancer, gargle up to 10 times a day. At the same time, take oak bark powder in a dose “at the tip of a knife” 3 times a day.

Mix 1 kg of heated honey with 200 g of garlic pulp, 4 tablespoons of walnut leaf powder and 3 tablespoons of stinging nettle leaf powder, stir thoroughly in a boiling water bath with a wooden spoon for 15-20 minutes. This mixture is an excellent general tonic; It is especially recommended as a prophylactic against the risk of breast tumors.

Pour 100 g of fresh calendula petals into 500 ml of 60-degree alcohol, leave in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. Take 1 teaspoon of tincture per glass of water and drink in sips per day for breast cancer. In addition, eat at least 200 g of carrot pulp every day, seasoned with a pulp of 3-5 cloves of garlic, and one small head of onion.

Mix equal parts by weight of calendula flowers and tenacious bedstraw (white) grass. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 500 ml of water, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, cool, strain. For prostate cancer, drink 1/4 cup of infusion 4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, adding 1 teaspoon of garlic and black radish juice to the infusion.

Soak linden wood charcoal powder in garlic juice and dry in a warm, ventilated area. Mix 100 g of coal powder with 75 g of pine resin powder, roll in corn flour and make pills the size of a corn grain. For stomach cancer, take one pill 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Melt 300 g of butter, 600 g of honey in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, periodically stirring the contents with a wooden spoon and carefully removing the foam that forms on the surface of the mixture, then add 200 g of garlic pulp, 2 tablespoons of rosehip powder, to the mixture. 1 tablespoon each of St. John's wort flower powder, yarrow, Rhodiola rosea roots (sift the powders) and stir with a wooden spoon for an hour. Take 1-2 teaspoons every hour for severe weakness and exhaustion.

In the treatment and prevention of pulmonary diseases: runny nose, cough accompanying acute respiratory viral infection, chronic bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, malignant neoplasms of various localizations and especially lung cancer, oral cancer, it is useful to use garlic inhalation. Prepare a clean, dry teapot, a head of garlic and a piece of medical bandage. Grind the garlic on a fine plastic grater and quickly spread the resulting mass on the surface of the bandage so that the phytoncides do not evaporate and put it in the kettle, closing the lid. Place the spout of the teapot in your mouth and, closing your nostrils with your fingers, slowly inhale the garlic “aroma.” Then unclench your fingers on your nose and exhale calmly through your nose. In the same way, you can inhale the garlic “aroma” through the nostrils if they are affected by malignant neoplasms. The duration of inhalations must be increased gradually from 2 to 10-15 minutes and repeated 3-5 times a day. With each subsequent inhalation, a new bandage is taken and a fresh portion of garlic mass is prepared. Garlic can be combined with onions, black radish, horseradish and fir oil, if patients do not have hypersensitivity (allergy) to them.

For oncological diseases of various localizations, in particular for cancer of the tongue and oral cavity, treatment with garlic oil is useful. Leave 1 kg of chopped garlic in a tightly closed container for about 30 minutes, allowing the garlic juice to drain into the lower layers of the garlic. Pour 1/2 kg of the lower part of the garlic pulp into 1 liter of unrefined sunflower oil, leave in a dark, cool place for two weeks, shaking the contents periodically, then let the infusion settle and carefully strain the upper part through multi-layer gauze. Store the infusion in a cool, dark place.

Garlic oil in an amount of no more than 1 tablespoon is concentrated in the front of the mouth, then the oil is sucked like candy. Under no circumstances should you swallow the oil.

The treatment procedure is carried out easily, freely, without tension for 10-20 minutes. First, the oil becomes thick, then liquid, like water, and only after that it should be spat out and the mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with garlic infusion. It is useful to carry out this procedure 3-4 times a day.

When treated with this method, there may be exacerbations, especially in people with many diseases. It happens that there is a “sore” in the human body, but it is not felt and the person considers himself healthy. After the procedure, the state of health suddenly worsens, which means that the lesion has begun to dissolve, which would later cause this disease.

Treatment occurs at the moment of sucking the oil.

In case of severe weakness, exhaustion, pour 1 teaspoon of garlic pulp and 2 tablespoons of dry crushed thyme herb into 500 ml of water, bring to a boil, cook in a sealed container over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Drink instead of water.

Pour 225 g of barley grains and 225 g of oat grains into 2 liters of water, leave overnight, then bring to a boil, leave, covered, for 30 minutes, strain. Pass barley and oats through a meat grinder, mix with a paste of 4 heads of garlic, add 200 g of honey and 30 g of valerian root powder. Mix all the ingredients and cook over low heat, stirring the contents occasionally, until the mixture has the consistency of a liquid sauce. Spread this mass on a wooden plate with a layer of 20-30 mm to cool and partially harden. After this, cut the mass into squares measuring 25x25 mm, which are stored in a cool, dry place in a tightly closed jar. Take 3-6 squares a day before meals as a means of increasing the body's immune strength.

"How I fight cancer"

I want to tell you about how I am fighting cancer (A. Pornev). I was diagnosed in the USA, and had surgery there. After surgery - radiation and chemical therapy. Now I am considered a disabled person of the 1st group. But I didn't give up. I developed a treatment plan based on the “Help yourself” principle. Traditional medicine has done its job, and then it is powerless. And I decided to fight with all available methods. Here is my daily routine.

1. "Inner smile." You need to sit in a comfortable chair or chair. Smile to yourself and mentally say: “The world is beautiful. It’s so good that I live.” And so on for 3-5 minutes.

I remember, working in Canada, I always saw how, in response to a greeting and a request for health, Canadians would say: “Wonderful. What about you?” The cats may be scratching your heart, but you have to say “Wonderful.” This is not only for the interlocutor, it also helps you reduce stress.

2. Meditation. You need to dress in everything clean and sit down. comfortable armchair or on a chair. It is better to do this constantly in the same place. It’s good to put a bouquet of artificial flowers in front of you. It is better to place the watch so that the dial “does not look at you”, but the time is still visible. It is necessary to drive away all extraneous thoughts and repeat the word-mantra to yourself. Choose a six-letter word whose second syllable contains the letters “n” or “m” and memorize it. This is your mantra. Closing your eyes and mentally repeating the mantra, sit motionless for 20 minutes in the morning. If you want to scratch or move, be patient and it will pass.

3. Contrast shower. First cold 15-17°C, starting from the feet, up and then down. Then a warm 43-45°C shower from the neck down, then up and down again. And so, alternating cold and warm water, a total of 10 times for one minute. Less is harmful.

Do not use soap during this procedure. You will feel relief. Your pores will open. This is a very important procedure.

4. Breakfast. It is better to eat dishes made from uncooked cereals (for example, rolled oats poured with boiling water), eggs in a “bag”, then boiled, black bread or with bran. More fruit. After breakfast (at least an hour later) you should take UPSA with vitamin C and Centrm (vitamins and mineral salts). Then Bittner's balm (1 teaspoon) and Cavinton.

5. Work. 1-2 hours.

6. Walk along uncrowded lanes.

7. Lunch. More boiled. Less fish and salt. Vegetables. Tea (preferably green).

8. Rest(preferably sleep).

9. Exercises for the head, for the lower back, for the legs. Dumbbells (3 or 5 kg), then an exercise bike. On my right hand I always wear a factory-made copper bracelet. I wish you success.

Cancer treatment

1. Zhoster, wolf berries. The plant is not poisonous, contrary to popular belief. Often sold in pharmacies. Zhoster is considered an anti-cancer agent. It is convenient to use because one serving (glass) is enough for the intestines to function normally for several days.

The following mixture helps: zhoster - 2 tbsp. spoons, chamomile - 1 tbsp. spoon. 1 tbsp. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and cook in a water bath for 5 minutes. Leave for 40 minutes and drink immediately, preferably at night.

Turpentine baths and cancer

Any cancer or sarcoma as a disease is a manifestation of the body’s protective reaction to intoxication and pollution of its internal environment. Indeed, in medical practice it is extremely difficult to find a cancer patient whose internal environment is as clean as that of a healthy child. But I want to add one more very important aspect to my hypothesis: along with material toxins and waste, the moral, if you like, spiritual state of people with cancer plays a huge role in the development of cancer. And most importantly, morality and spirituality for me are not only ideal concepts, but also material ones, or rather, subtle ones. How else can one explain the transformation of moral failure and sin into substances that are poisonous to the body, leading to the development of a cancerous tumor or sarcoma? If they ask me how to explain the appearance of cancer in an innocent child, I will answer: this can be explained by the theory of karma and reincarnation.

For the treatment of cancer, we prescribe only yellow capillary baths to our patients. Yellow baths are hyperthermic, hot. Their temperature during cancer treatment should not be lower than 39°C. This is what Dr. Zalmanov recommended. Why hyperthermic and not lower than 39°C? During consultations, some patients ask the question: don’t hot baths promote the growth of cancerous tumors? After all, that's what some doctors tell them. To this I usually answer this way: the harm that capillary baths allegedly cause for cancer is one of the medical and everyday myths. Ask doctors who support this myth to provide any scientific evidence of the harm of hot baths for people suffering from cancer. Personally, I have not yet found such evidence in the scientific and medical literature. On the contrary, when studying works on oncology, you can find dozens of scientific works by oncologists devoted to the successful treatment of all kinds of cancerous tumors and sarcomas using various methods of hyperthermia, including yellow hyperthermic (hot) baths. I emphasize - successful treatment.

That is, when the body is exposed to general or local high temperatures (from 39 to 45°C), malignant cells die or are greatly weakened and stop dividing, the tumor stops growing or regresses and is destroyed. At the same time, which is extremely important, normal cells remain safe and sound, because they can withstand such high temperatures! Figuratively speaking, yellow turpentine baths help our body “separate the wheat from the chaff.” In addition, according to my hypothesis, yellow baths help the body get rid of malignant tumors due to its powerful and global cleansing effect.

In contrast to such a wonderful, physiological, harmless, healing treatment, the treatment of malignant tumors with chemical cytostatic drugs and ionizing rays is a pitiful therapeutic spectacle, in which an outside observer will see a large-caliber shooting of both one’s own and other people’s cells and tissues. I hope that an intelligent user of medical services understands that shooting his own people cannot lead to the recovery of his body.

Is there a danger that cellulite will turn into skin cancer?

Recently, publications in newspapers and magazines have become more frequent, which call cellulite the main enemy of all women. This word is gradually beginning to be associated with the most terrible event that can only happen in the life of a representative of the fairer sex. In fact, this drawback is not so bad.

Firstly, because cellulite is not a congenital defect, which means your skin can be cured. Secondly, it is not such a serious disease that it can lead to cancer. This opinion could have formed after conversations about artificial implants that are inserted under a woman’s skin in order to correct her figure. They can actually lead to skin cancer.

Spell treatment

1. Plot against cancer in children: at dusk you need to sit the child on the lap of one of the younger relatives. Cut the child's hair in a cross shape and trim his fingernails and toenails, then wash the child three times: the first time with plain water, the second time with salt water, the third time with holy water. Wipe the child with your hem and put him to bed. At night, melt a candle or wax and roll your hair and nails into it. At the same time, read the plot three times, crossing yourself and spitting. Next, make a hole in the jamb of the front door and wall up a candle roll there forever. Remember that you should never tell anyone how you cured your child, and your child should be strictly forbidden to spit on the ground, only into a handkerchief.

2. I know that among the holy holidays there is God's Baptism, I will ask that Baptism to give healing, liberation from tumors. I will walk for days and months until the bright day of Epiphany, the severe frosts of Epiphany, until their fierce snowstorms. In the midst of that holiday there is an icy, frozen hole. I’ll take the twigs from (name), I’ll walk through the high snowdrifts on Epiphany days and hours. I’ll go up to the icy, cold hole, I’ll drop the disease there, so that the disease will disappear there.

4. “Fire, don’t get too hot, don’t rise in warm waters, don’t expand to the sides. There is fire around you, a high stone wall. The servant of God (servant of God) goes, leading the blue sea behind him, just as fire is subdued to the blue sea, so that the servant of God (servant of God) (name) is also subdued.”

5. Conspiracies for rectal cancer and polyps.

“On Mount Golgotha ​​stands the throne of God, behind that throne the Most Pure Mother of God, the Pure Wonderworker, holds a sword in her hands, and with that sword she cuts the prickly, painful, blood-clotting, tumor-giving cancer. Most Holy Most Pure Mother of God, Pure Wonderworker, you help everyone in everything, you heal them from all illnesses. Heal a serious illness in the servant of God (name).

Most Holy Most Pure Mother of God, you are the Pure Wonderworker, you help everyone in everything, you heal from all illnesses, heal a severe tumor in the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

This plot needs to be rewritten and carried with you. Traditional medicine experts claim that it can take effect within forty days.

“I’ll go out into an open field, look at the sunset, and there stands St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.” Two sick and strange girls are walking. Nicholas the Wonderworker asks:

- Where are you going?

- To Rus'.

- Drink blood from veins, suck marrow from bones.

- Do not go. I will ask the Savior, he will burn you with fire, kill you with lightning.

- You crayfish, crayfish, it’s enough for you to wander around in God’s servant (name). You crayfish, crayfish, you will stop gnawing on the body of God’s servant (name). Crayfish, you crayfish, stop sucking blood from God’s servant (name)! Go to the river, find a place, and eat there, and suck there, and the fool is with you, and the Lord is with us.

Prostate cancer - life goes on

Without a doubt, prostate cancer can change your life. Day after day, it can occupy your thoughts and influence your actions, upending your daily life, ruining your nerves and relationships with people.

But this doesn't have to be the case. Armed with the knowledge of medical professionals and those who have been through it themselves, you can learn to cope with cancer and minimize its effects. Life after prostate cancer treatment goes on, and it can be wonderful.

Prepare for regular follow-up visits with your doctor

For some men, the thought of regular check-ups terrifies them. This is fine. But try to find the positive sides in this. Remember that you have received and continue to receive good treatment. During your first check-ups with your doctor, ask him any questions you may have, such as how often you will need to be checked and what tests you will have.

At first, you may need to see your doctor every three months. In the end, one or two visits per year may be enough for you. In addition to the physical examination, your examination may include x-rays and a prostate specific antigen (PSA) test. This will help determine whether the cancer has progressed.

Questions for your doctor

If you have questions about what might happen after prostate cancer treatment, even if they seem awkward or silly, discuss them with your doctor. Here are 10 questions to get you started.

1. How often will I have to be tested?

2. What will these checks consist of, and will they always be the same?

3. What are some indicators that my cancer has started to progress again?

4. What is the likelihood of these indicators or symptoms occurring?

5. What changes can occur within normal limits and will not be alarming signals?

6. Do I need to change my diet?

7. Do I need to change my lifestyle somehow?

8. What should I do if pain starts?

9. What is the best way to contact you if I have questions or complaints?

10. If I can't contact you, who else can I contact?

Coping with psychological problems associated with cancer

There are no rules for how to behave or feel when you find out you have cancer. The disease can cause you a whole storm of emotions, they are different for everyone. It is important to understand and accept your actions and feelings and find a healthy way to manage them.

What can you expect

Treatment for prostate cancer may be accompanied by the following emotional reactions.


If your treatment is causing you side effects, such as impotence or incontinence, you may feel as uncomfortable talking about them as you would about the cancer itself. Impotence and incontinence undermine your self-confidence. You may have started avoiding public places and business meetings where there are many people present because you are afraid of embarrassing yourself. This is difficult to overcome, especially if you were previously a confident person.


If you have had your prostate gland removed, you may feel an empty feeling that is difficult to express in words, especially if the operation resulted in impotence. You may feel a loss of masculinity. You may feel as if you are no longer quite a man, just as many women feel a loss of femininity after breast removal. Treatment for prostate cancer may reduce your body's production of male sex hormones, especially testosterone. This may affect your responses to sexual stimulation. You may have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection. Fortunately, there are many methods for treating impotence - and we discussed some of them in the previous chapter. These methods can solve your problems too.


Depression is very common among people with cancer. What happened to you can cause deep sadness and despondency. You may begin to see your future in black. These feelings may visit you for a short time, they may appear and then disappear, but sometimes this condition continues for weeks and months.

Prolonged depression will interfere with your normal life. Dark feelings may increase and you will feel more and more unhappy and pathetic. When you are depressed, you do nothing to solve your daily problems, and as these problems become more serious, your condition will worsen.

Depression can usually be recognized by the following signs or symptoms:

Prolonged melancholy.

Loss of interest in and enjoyment of most activities.

Decreased personal responsibility and self-care.

Irritability and frequent mood swings.

Changes in appetite, weight gain or loss.

Morning insomnia or other sleep disorders.

Constant feeling of anxiety and restlessness.

Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Fatigue, loss of energy, slow movements.

Continued negative evaluation of the world and other people.

Feeling of own uselessness and causeless guilt.

Deterioration of concentration, attention and memory.

Constant complaints about poor physical condition.

Thoughts about death and suicide.

Depression is treatable. More than 80% of those who sought medical help improved their condition within a few weeks. However, many people do not receive appropriate treatment because they do not understand what their condition is or do not consider depression to be a serious illness. Instead, they try to cope with their condition themselves.

What can you do?

The following tips will help you cope with some of the challenges caused by cancer.

Get ready

Ask your doctor any questions you have and read up on prostate cancer and its possible side effects for yourself. The fewer unpleasant surprises there are, the faster you adapt.

Try not to change your lifestyle

Don't let cancer or the side effects of its treatment change your entire daily routine. Try to live the same life as you did before you found out you had cancer. Go back to work, go somewhere, spend time with your children and grandchildren. Try to do something that gives you a sense of purpose, meaning and fulfillment in life. However, do not forget that BC6 restrictions will arise. Start small and move forward step by step.

Try not to dwell on sad feelings

Although depression often requires special treatment, you may simply experience periods of low mood and melancholy. Find something that distracts you and plan at least one interesting, enjoyable activity every day. This could be a hobby, playing golf, going to the movies. You will look forward to this event or activity and enjoy it.


Do a lot of exercise. Exercise helps fight depression and is a great way to relieve tension and self-doubt.

Consider your condition

If you have problems with incontinence, sit in the back rows of the cinema rather than the front rows, this will make it easier for you to go to the toilet if necessary. Grab an aisle seat on planes, trains, and buses. If you are not sure there will be a toilet nearby, wear absorbent pads. Avoid products containing caffeine and alcohol because they have a diuretic effect.

Share your experiences

Cancer is too heavy a burden to carry alone. You will feel better if you tell someone about your deepest feelings and experiences. Your body and soul are inseparable - the better you feel mentally, the easier it is for your body to cope with the disease.

Don't avoid physical intimacy

Your natural reaction to impotence may be to avoid sexual contact. Don't give in to this feeling. Touching, hugging and caressing can now take on special meaning for you and your partner. In fact, this way you can achieve a degree of intimacy that you have never experienced before. There are many ways to express your sexuality, other than banal sexual intercourse.

Get your strength back

Fatigue is a common side effect of prostate cancer treatment. This can be a serious obstacle when you are trying to live your life as before and maintain a good quality of life. The causes of fatigue can be different:

Stress and depression after diagnosis.

Difficulty sleeping.

Surgery or radiation therapy.

Metabolic disorders associated with the tumor itself or its treatment.

How to deal with fatigue yourself

To reduce fatigue, follow these tips.

Notify your doctor

Don't hide your fatigue or try to ignore it. It may have an objective reason, for example, anemia, which needs to be treated.

Don't fight fatigue

Rest. If you need rest or sleep during the day, do not fight your body - rest.

Set realistic goals for yourself.

Set tasks for one day and try not to overwork yourself. But don’t sit and idle; decreased activity also leads to fatigue.

Redistribute responsibilities

You may have to ask others to do things you've always done yourself, such as cutting the grass or shoveling snow.

Use relaxing techniques

Your fatigue may be exacerbated by struggling with difficult thoughts, anxiety, and fear. Talk to your doctor, nurse, or counselor about stress-relieving techniques and which ones might work best for you. For example, you can use the following relaxation methods.

Simple relaxation techniques

Relaxation helps reduce stress, which interferes with normal concentration, sleep and recovery. There are many ways to relax.

Deep breathing. Deep breathing, reaching into the diaphragm and not just the chest, has a relaxing effect. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide increases, giving you more energy. To practice deep breathing, follow these guidelines.

Sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor.

Loosen your clothes so that nothing restricts you around the waist and abdomen.

Place your hands on your knees or at your sides.

Close your eyes if it helps you relax.

Inhale slowly through your nose for four counts. Let your belly inflate with air.

Hold your breath for a second and then exhale through your mouth as usual.

Repeat until you feel relaxed.

Gradual muscle relaxation. The technique involves relaxing several muscle groups at the same time. First, tense all the muscles in a part of your body, such as your arms or legs, and then slowly relax them. Concentrate on letting all your muscles relax completely. Then move on to the next muscle group.

Repetition of words. Choose a word or phrase that will be the key to your relaxation, and then repeat it constantly. As you repeat this word or phrase, try to breathe deeply and slowly and think about something that gives you a pleasant feeling of warmth and heaviness.

Creating a mental image. Lie down comfortably and imagine yourself in a pleasant, calm environment. Try to feel this imaginary place with all your senses as if you were really there. For example, imagine that you are lying on the beach. Picture a beautiful blue sky, smell the salt water, hear the crashing waves and feel the warm breeze running over your skin. During this time, your brain receives signals that help you relax.

Learn to get enough sleep

Here are some tips to help you sleep better:

Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. This way your body will adjust to a certain cycle of sleep and wakefulness.

Before bed, do the same thing every day: read a book, take a warm bath, or relax in front of the TV. This will send your body a message that it’s time to get ready for bed.

Avoid foods and drinks that may disrupt your sleep. Products containing caffeine, such as coffee and chocolate, may interfere with your sleep. Alcoholic drinks can help you fall asleep, but they interfere with the normal flow of sleep, you do not get into the deep sleep phase, which is necessary for good rest and recuperation.

Try to get at least thirty minutes of exercise every day, preferably five to six hours before bed. Staying active during the day will help you sleep better at night.

At night, close your bedroom door or create some low-level background noise, such as a fan, to block out background noise. Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature and drink less at night to avoid having to get up to go to the toilet frequently.

Eat better to feel better

Good nutrition provides us with the energy that allows our bodies to stay strong and function at their best. This is why a nutritious diet is especially important if you are undergoing cancer treatment. If you do not consume enough food or essential foods, your body begins to use stored nutrients. This may reduce your natural immunity to infectious diseases. The better you eat, the better you will cope with chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

The diet of cancer patients is somewhat different from the diet of healthy people, both in what you eat and how often you eat. The most general rules: eat more fruits, vegetables and grains, limit your intake of fat and sugar. However, people undergoing cancer treatment often have problems with their appetite. A high-calorie diet will provide you with energy; sufficient protein content in food will strengthen the body and promote tissue repair. As a nutritious diet becomes especially important to you, the following tips will help you plan your meals properly and account for all the foods you eat.

Increase your caloric intake. During treatment and recovery, you will need more calories than usual. Maintaining body weight at the same level can be an indicator of proper nutrition. Add calories in the following ways.

Use butter, margarine, mayonnaise, cheese spread, gravies, sauces, salad dressings, sour cream, whipped cream and other fatty dressings and sauces for cooking. Do not limit yourself to bread, vegetables, eat chicken, fish and seafood. Add sour cream to soups, purees and other dishes; Whipped cream can be eaten with muesli, fruits, and desserts. Fried and stewed foods have a higher calorie content than boiled, baked or steamed foods.

Add sugar, jam, jelly or honey to your dishes. Choose sugary cereals and muesli, sweeten fresh and canned fruits and juices to increase their calorie content. A very good high-calorie snack is dried fruits.

Drink drinks that contain calories: fruit juices, lemonade, other soft drinks and energy fruit drinks. Add sugar and cream to tea or coffee.

Eat enough protein.

You don't have to eat a lot of meat to get enough protein. Use the following tips:

Eat 50-100 g of poultry, fish or crayfish every time. Let this not be the main dish, but an addition to it. Use it in casseroles, with pasta and in various stir-fries.

Legumes and soy products are very rich in protein and can replace meat. Soy may enhance the effects of radiation on cancer cells.

Eggs - fried in any form, boiled or in an omelet - are also an element of a healthy diet. Eggs can be used to make cream, sandwiches and croutons.

A little cheese can be eaten with crackers, on a sandwich, or melted with vegetables or pasta. A very healthy snack is half a cup of cottage cheese with fruit.

Limit your consumption of milk and dairy products. Because scientists are divided about the role of calcium in prostate cancer, try to limit your intake of milk and dairy products—especially those rich in calcium—to two cups per day to ensure you meet your protein intake.

Stimulating appetite during chemotherapy

During illness and recovery, people often lose their appetite. Nausea and vomiting, common side effects of chemotherapy, can make eating unappealing to you. To improve your diet and stimulate your appetite, follow these guidelines:

Eat whenever you are hungry. You may be used to eating three times a day. But when your body is fighting cancer, you can no longer limit yourself by sticking to such a strict diet. If your appetite and taste are impaired, you may find it easier to eat small, frequent meals. Healthy people should not eat late at night. But if you want to eat something before bed, don't deny it.

Prepare food ahead of time and freeze it. This will allow you to always have a quick lunch on hand if you don't feel like cooking that day.

Choose products that look and smell attractive. Some cancer treatments may change your perception of taste and smell. So, if regular meat no longer whets your appetite, try replacing it with other sources of protein: chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products.

Most cancer patients prefer soups and soft foods because they are easier to eat and easier to digest. Experiment by adding a little different spices to your dishes, for example, eggs, poultry, pasta. These meals are usually well tolerated.

Try something new. Many of the things you used to eat may now taste bad to you. On the other hand, you may now like foods that you previously didn't like.

Don't force yourself to eat your favorite foods. Especially when you feel sick, don’t try to stuff yourself with the dish you loved so much before you got sick. You may develop a persistent aversion to it, forever associated with the unpleasant sensations you experienced at that moment. Try to save your favorite treats for when you feel good.

Add flavor. You may feel like your food has become bland. Try adding some spices. You can also try marinating meat in fruit juices, sweet wine, if your doctor allows, using different sauces.

Drink less during meals. Liquid is very important. Drink 6-8 glasses of liquid every day. But try not to drink while eating, as this will make you feel full before you've eaten your portion. It's better to drink everything after eating.

Change the environment. By changing the environment in which you eat, you can increase your appetite. Invite a friend over, put on music, light candles, watch a video or your favorite program on TV.

If several weeks have passed since the end of treatment and your appetite has not returned, consult your doctor for advice. A qualified dietitian who specializes in cancer care can create a meal plan for you based on your tastes and nutritional needs.

Return to work

Just because you have cancer does not mean that your career can be put to rest and you will never be able to work the same way again. Most people with cancer return to work. Research shows that people undergoing cancer treatment are just as productive as their healthy counterparts and are absent from work due to illness for about the same number of days.

Your work is an important part of your life, which gives you the opportunity to express yourself, brings you pleasure, income and a sense of social significance. Work can be a means of rehabilitation and restorative therapy, especially if you are valued as an indispensable member of the team. Many men with prostate cancer have found that returning to work has helped them regain a sense of normalcy in their lives. You may have to adjust a little at first, but you will soon return to your normal schedule and activities. Before you start working again, it is worth considering and implementing the following points:

Talk to your doctor about how much you should work out to quickly get into a rhythm and get back to your routine.

Ask your manager to slightly change your work schedule or reconsider your responsibilities for the first time.

Think about what you will say to colleagues who may ask you about your cancer and how you are feeling.

Communication with family and friends

Cancer can make it difficult for you to connect with loved ones just when you need it most. Your family may feel your illness is too big of a deal to handle and may not know how to approach it, making it difficult for them to discuss serious and important issues with you. And friends who wish you well, not knowing what to say or do, and not wanting to upset you, may avoid talking to you about your health. They may even spend less time with you than before.

Here are some tips to help ensure you don't stop your family and friends from giving you the support you need:

Pay attention to the “emotional schedule” of your loved ones. Perhaps you want to discuss some important issues related to your health with family members or a friend, but they are not yet ready to do so. Watch their gestures—body language—for example, whether they are avoiding eye contact with you. If they are not ready yet, give them some time. Or vice versa - someone is ready to talk to you, but you are not yet. In this case, ask to postpone the conversation without offending the person. You can say, “I know you care about me and we have important decisions to make. But I’m not ready to talk about it yet, I need a little more time.”

Not all families have open and caring relationships. You or a family member may be so withdrawn that it is very difficult for you to discuss your feelings. Sometimes it's easier to open up to someone outside of your immediate circle, such as a counselor or a fellow cancer patient.

Call or visit family and friends. You can expect them to come to you on their own. Yes, they will come. But remember how difficult it is to come to a sick person and constantly think about what you need to say or do to help him. Think about how you can make this task easier for your friends and family. Talk to your busy friend about his job, ask a friend who doesn't really like to talk to help you with household chores, like cleaning out the garage. Ask friends who have their own problems how they deal with them.

Accept help from others and don't be afraid to ask for help. There are times when we simply need to help each other. Fighting cancer is such a time. Your family and friends are waiting for tips from you on how they can help you. When they say, “Let me know if you need my help,” don't be shy and tell them. Most of your family and friends will be grateful if they have a chance to actually prove that they care about you. Often all they need is your first step forward and permission to help you.

Only a biopsy can accurately determine whether I have cancer?

Yes. Other tests, such as a rectal palpation examination or PSA test, may suggest a high likelihood of prostate cancer. A biopsy is the only accurate analysis.

Can the biopsy result be wrong?

When samples of prostate tissue are taken for analysis, cancer may be missed. This is called sampling error. A normal biopsy result does not guarantee that you do not have cancer. However, sampling errors are rare.

Can a biopsy release cancer cells, allowing them to spread?

There is no evidence that this could happen. Cancer cells not taken for analysis during a biopsy remain in the same place in the prostate gland.

Aspirin and some other pain relievers reduce blood clotting and may lead to bleeding. By avoiding these medications for a short period before and after the biopsy, you will reduce the risk of bleeding during the procedure. The same applies to special drugs that reduce blood clotting.

Can a biopsy cause irreversible impotence?

No. If impotence occurs after a biopsy, it may only be due to the stress associated with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

Can I pass cancer to my wife through sex?

Cancer cells do not leave your body and are not transmitted through sexual contact. But even if they entered the body of another person, they would not be able to develop there, because they are linked to your body by genetic code.

Can prostate cancer be controlled for several years with hormone therapy?

Yes. Within one to three years, many types of cancer cells adapt and begin to grow in the absence of hormones. But for some men, the spread of prostate cancer can be controlled with hormone therapy for up to 10 years.

Can hormone therapy change my voice or appearance?

No. Both will remain the same.

Should I be concerned about becoming addicted to painkillers? Many pain medications can be taken for months or even years

without the risk of addiction. In the case of a severe stage of cancer, we are talking about relieving severe pain and the problem of addiction is relegated to the background.

Is radiation harmful?

Radiation can be harmful to healthy tissue if the dose is exceeded. Therefore, the amount of radiation you receive is precisely calculated and controlled to minimize damage to healthy cells.

Can radioactive grains from brachytherapy reach organs other than the prostate?

Sometimes the grains enter the urethra and are excreted in the urine. This usually doesn't cause problems. Very rarely, the grains can be forced out of the prostate gland and travel in the bloodstream to other parts of the body, usually the chest and lungs. The amount of grains that can move is very small—less than one percent—and no adverse effects have been reported. Now a new type of granules has been developed that are embedded in a dissolving thread, which reduces the likelihood of them moving.

Do I need to consider a backup plan before choosing a treatment option?

If you trust your doctor and agree with the treatment plan, a backup plan is not necessary. However, if you are not sure of the diagnosis, do not fully trust the doctor, or do not completely agree with the proposed treatment, you may want to consider the second option. If you are considering all possible options, it is better for you to consult with different specialists.

What is the difference between impotence and erectile dysfunction?

These terms are often used interchangeably, but they mean slightly different things. Impotence means that you don't get an erection or don't last long enough to have sexual intercourse. The concept of erectile dysfunction includes impotence and some other disorders, such as an erection that lasts too long or a curvature of the penis.

If I had normal erections before treatment, does this make it more likely that I will be able to have normal erections after treatment?

Yes. Younger, healthier men who have had good erections are much more likely to have normal erections after treatment than older men and those who had erection problems before treatment.

What if, a few months after treatment, the PSA test shows an increase in PSA levels? Will this mean I have cancer again? If your prostate gland is not removed, an increase in your PSA level may be normal, but it may also indicate that your cancer has progressed. An increase in PSA levels after prostate removal usually indicates the presence of cancer in other organs—metastases.

How long after surgery will I be able to exercise again, take part in sports, etc.? You may experience increased fatigue for three to six months after surgery. Whether you will be able to participate in any sporting activities will largely depend on how active and fit you were before surgery. About one and a half to two months after surgery, you will be able to jog, swim slowly, and play tennis. You will have to wait a little while riding a bicycle or horse, as the saddle will put pressure on the lower pelvic area, where the surgical intervention was performed.

Will the fear that the cancer may come back ever go away?

Some people who have benefited from treatment are able to overcome this fear. Others cannot overcome it. But in most cases, this fear becomes less and less as the months and years pass. Of course, you can't forget that you had cancer. But your fear will recede further and become less and less as you fill your life, time and thoughts with other worries and activities.

Do I need to take vitamins, minerals or herbs in tablet form? Can they help me fight cancer? Usually the answer to both of these questions is no. People who eat well during prostate cancer treatment cope better with the disease and the side effects of treatment. There is no scientific evidence that vitamin, mineral or herbal supplements can help treat cancer or make you better tolerate treatment.

Moreover, excess intake of vitamins and minerals can be no less dangerous than their deficiency. Large doses of vitamins, minerals or herbs may even reduce the effectiveness of cancer treatments, preventing the treatments from working as well as they should. Do not take any supplements without first talking with your doctor or qualified nutritionist.

Managing urinary incontinence after prostate cancer treatment

Long-term incontinence after treatment for prostate cancer is uncommon. But when it does happen, it can cause self-disappointment and shame and change your entire life. You might stop exercising, socialize with friends, and try not to laugh too hard to avoid accidentally wetting yourself.

Like many other men, you may be embarrassed to seek help. Or you may think that incontinence is the price you have to pay for having cancer and that you'll just have to learn to live with it. It is not true. Incontinence can be successfully treated.

During urination, the ring of muscle at the outlet of the bladder, called the internal bladder sphincter, relaxes. The bladder contracts, pushing urine through a relaxed sphincter into the urethra. The ability of the internal sphincter to contract depends on the lower pelvic muscles. There is also an external (urethral) sphincter, which is located in the urethra below the prostate gland, and it also helps control the flow of urine.

Treatments for prostate cancer—surgery, radiation, and cryosurgery—can damage the lower pelvic muscles and the nerves that control them, leading to urinary incontinence. Often, although not always, the damaged tissue can recover over weeks or months, the muscles slowly regain their strength, and the ability to hold back a stream of urine is restored.

Types of urine leakage

Urinary incontinence can be divided into four categories.

Incontinence caused by increased blood pressure

Occurs when sudden physical activity puts pressure on the bladder, such as lifting a heavy object, coughing, sneezing, or laughing. A weakened sphincter muscle cannot hold urine in the bladder, and some leaks out.

Imperative urges

You feel like you urgently need to urinate and may wet yourself before you even get to the toilet. This happens if your bladder is too sensitive to the distension that occurs when it fills with urine. The bladder contracts prematurely in an attempt to push urine out.

Bladder overflow

Your bladder doesn't contract properly and you can't empty it when you urinate. Scarring of the tissue at the bottom of the bladder or narrowing of the urethra can also interfere with the flow of urine and your ability to empty your bladder. As a result, urine accumulates in the bladder and creates additional pressure on its walls. Urine may leak and urination may take a long time.

After you finish urinating, you may feel like your bladder is still full. In severe cases, you may not be able to urinate even when you feel the urge.

Mixed type of incontinence

Clarification of the problem

One of the following tests will help you determine what type of incontinence you have and how best to treat it.

Cystography. A contrast agent is injected into the urethra through a catheter, which helps improve the appearance of the lower part of your urinary tract on X-rays and help detect abnormalities.

Cystometrography. A special device is attached to the catheter that measures the pressure in the bladder as it fills and empties with water.

Cystoscopy. A thin tube with a lamp and optical glass is inserted into the urethra. The doctor looks at how the sphincters work.

Measuring urine stream. The rate at which urine flows out of the penis is measured.

Methods for treating urinary incontinence

After surgery to remove prostate cancer, you will need to use

catheter for two or three weeks until the tissue injured during the operation is restored. When the catheter is removed, absorbent underwear must be used. There are also special pads of varying thicknesses that can be worn in regular fabric underwear. Most men regain bladder control quickly enough after surgery that they do not have to use absorbent underwear, a version of “adult diapers.”

In addition to protective underwear, your doctor may suggest any of the following incontinence treatments. The specific method you choose will depend on the type of incontinence you have, its severity, and the likelihood that it will resolve naturally over time. For most men, the involuntary leakage of urine eventually decreases significantly.

Change of command

Try peeing on the clock, which means going to the toilet at regular intervals rather than waiting for the urge. You can start urinating every hour and then move to longer, manageable intervals. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they increase urination. Reducing the amount of fluid you drink in the evening will help. For pressure incontinence, cross your legs under certain circumstances—for example, when you feel like sneezing. This will help you prevent urine from leaking out.

Exercises for the lower pelvic muscles

These exercises, called Kegel exercises, involve voluntarily tensing and relaxing the lower pelvic muscles. This helps improve muscle condition and tone.

There are two groups of muscles you can exercise: the muscles that you tense when you don't want to have a bowel movement or passing gas, and the muscles at the base of your penis that you use when you ejaculate and when you release the last drops of urine.

As your muscle tone and strength increase, you will find it easier to control your bladder. Kegel exercises are most effective for mild to moderate incontinence and often produce significant improvements within one to three months.


Medicines such as hyoscyamine (Cystospaz, Levsin), oxybutynin (Ditropan), and tolterodine (Detrol) help manage severe incontinence by relaxing the abdominal muscles and reducing bladder contractions. You usually take the medication two to four times a day, depending on how you tolerate it. Side effects may include dry mouth, foggy vision, and constipation.

The decongestant pseudoephedrine, which is found in many allergy and cold medications, sometimes helps with pressure incontinence. It causes the urinary sphincter to contract, reducing the flow of urine when straining. However, pseudoephedrine may cause heart palpitations in some men. Although you can buy this drug without a prescription, you should not take it regularly without consulting your doctor.


If your bladder cannot contract strongly enough to push urine out, you will have to learn how to use a catheter yourself. Your doctor or nurse will teach you how to insert a thin, soft tube (catheter) into your penis and into your bladder. Although it seems like a difficult and painful procedure, most men, after a few uses on their own, stop worrying about it and feel fine. You can carry the catheter with you, and all you have to do is go to the privacy of the toilet.

Penis clamp

This device is attached to the outside of the penis, compressing the urethra and preventing urine from leaking out. Clamps are not recommended as they can damage the penis and cause scarring.

Surgical intervention

If you have been experiencing urinary incontinence for more than a year and neither medications nor exercises have shown any improvement, your doctor may suggest surgery. For this case, there are several types of operations.

Narrowing of the urethra using special substances. This is the most gentle operation in which a special substance that creates volume is injected into the inner part of the urethra in the place where it connects to the bladder. At the same time, less urine flows out of the bladder. The most common substance that creates volume is collagen, a protein found in our body. The collagen used in surgery is taken from cows. During the procedure, a cystoscope is inserted into your penis and pushed down to the bottom of your bladder. A needle containing a bulk substance is then passed inside the cystoscope. When the needle reaches the base of the bladder, the doctor injects a bulky substance into the surrounding prostate tissue, which swells and narrows the outlet of the bladder.

You may need to have three or four injections before you experience improvement in bladder control. And since our bodies absorb collagen, you may need additional injections.

If your incontinence was caused by radiation therapy, these injections will likely not be suitable for you, as the scarring caused by the radiation will prevent the collagen from doing its job.

Artificial sphincter. This treatment method is used for severe, long-lasting incontinence. It involves the implantation of a special device called an artificial sphincter, which acts in the same way as a natural sphincter. This is an inflatable silicone cuff that is placed around the urethra or base of the bladder. This surgery is used to treat urinary incontinence in less than one percent of cases.

The cuff works much like the one you put on your arm to take your blood pressure, only it is much smaller. It is not inflated with air, but with a saline solution, which is stored in a tiny reservoir in the lower abdomen. You inflate the cuff by squeezing the pump hidden in your scrotum. Manlseta compresses the urethra, blocking the flow of urine. To urinate, you release the solution from the cuff, which allows urine to flow freely from your bladder.

Most patients spend several days in the hospital after artificial sphincter implantation surgery. After surgery, you will not be able to use your sphincter for approximately six weeks while your urethra and bladder heal. The sphincter can be damaged when riding a bicycle or horse if you do not use a special seat.

An artificial sphincter uses a small silicone cuff placed around the urethra to treat urinary incontinence. When inflated, the cuff compresses the lumen of the urethra, preventing urine from passing through. To urinate, you release fluid from the cuff and the urine flows freely.

Electrical stimulator. The stimulator, implanted in the spinal cord, sends weak electrical impulses to the nerves that control the bladder. These impulses can help reduce incontinence caused by a full bladder.

Other methods. Surgery is sometimes done to remove obstructions that block the passage of urine, reposition the bladder neck, and support weakened pelvic muscles.

Cancer - weak and strong points and typical diseases

Cancers react very sensitively to any environmental changes, especially if they are negative. In addition, they are internally inclined to exaggerate the seriousness of their ailments, thereby worsening the real state of affairs. Be more attentive to your health, but do not panic from a simple malaise.

The mindset for success is very important when treating any disease. If you do get sick, try not to overuse medications; instead, turn to proven “grandmother’s methods.”

Cancers have a particularly weak stomach, so you should watch your diet. The less processing a product undergoes, the better.

Most diseases in cancer occur due to nervousness, so try to be less irritated and control your emotional reactions.

Using X-rays to detect breast cancer

Age-related changes often cause breast cancer. To detect small tumors in the breast - hematomas, which are usually not palpable, a mammogram is often used. In the UK, all women over 50 are required to have a mammogram once a year. Such procedures are not recommended for younger women, because their breasts are quite dense and it is useless to give them a mammogram - it will not show anything. In addition, younger women tend to be less likely to develop breast cancer. However, women with a family history of breast cancer should have a mammogram at least once a year starting at age 35.

Does therapeutic fasting prevent cancer?

Regularly taking low-calorie days will already benefit our health. It is possible that just a few days of fasting a year reduces the risk of cancer and that during the fasting process, cancer cells are transformed again - back into healthy ones. At least this has been proven in animal experiments conducted by a research group working at the Institute of Tumor Biology in Vienna. Scientist Schulte-Hermann and his colleagues either subjected laboratory animals to complete fasting for eight days, or the animals received only 60% of their usual caloric intake for three months. Liver tissue was examined, in which some cells regularly die as part of the normal process of cell destruction. What attracted attention was the fact that during the course of therapeutic fasting, predominantly those cells that were already at the stage of turning into cancer cells died off.

Hello dear friends and blog guests. You have visited the page and I am very glad about it. I am always happy when an article turns out to be productive, I am glad that I was able to convey in it what people need. In today's article I want to tell you about plants that can be used to treat cancer.

A very difficult and difficult topic that worries many. Nowadays, more and more people are getting cancer. In today's article I will try to talk about some plants that can treat cancer.

I will tell you about the treatment of some organs affected by cancer. And what plants can be used to treat cancer. I really hope that I can correctly and clearly tell you how to treat this or that disease with the help of herbs.

Folk remedies for the treatment of oncology, which include: There are such strong medicinal herbs that are stronger than some traditional medicines. Of course, herbal treatment differs from other methods of treatment and significantly.

In order to be completely cured, you must adhere to all the rules of treatment. A collection of herbs must be correctly selected when treating a malignant tumor of a specific disease.

Here are a few directions to follow: The first thing is that you must choose herbs that have a direct effect on the tumor.

What herbs directly affect the tumor: pink periwinkle, comfrey, speckled hemlock, common black root, Russian gorichnik, marsh cinquefoil, marin root, etc.

Folk remedies for oncology, such as restoring the body's defenses. To restore immunity you need to use a lot of herbs. The most effective and powerful herbs such as celandine, spurge, elecampane, aloe vera, etc.

Folk remedies for the treatment of oncology, both malignant and benign tumors, especially in the female and male genital organs, the following medicinal herbs are effective: sparrow and comfrey, wormwood, meadow lumbago, fly agaric, angelica.

In oncology, blackhead, string, bedstraw, foxtail, and cocklebur are good at normalizing hormones. These herbs remove toxins from the liver, kidneys, skin and lungs.

Folk remedies for oncology such as angelica, licorice, sweet clover herb, salvia officinalis and angelica are also good at removing toxins from the body. The liver restores aconite, both poisonous and red.

However, hemlock has recently become increasingly popular. It was discovered that hemlock contains enormous potential for strengthening, protective, and immunostimulating forces in the body.

The hemlock herb is used to prepare medicines for cancer. In folk medicine, hemlock is used to treat cancerous tumors, absolutely all flowers, leaves, and stems.

Hemlock grows everywhere as a weed throughout European territory. This plant grows in Russia, Central Asia, Siberia, and how much of it there is in the Caucasus! Hemlock is used to treat goiter, bladder, epilepsy, and polyps in the stomach.

Traditional medicine uses hemlock to treat atherosclerosis, paralysis, neuralgia, headaches, which can be treated as follows: “,” loss of strength and many other diseases. I will not describe the entire chemical composition of hemlock.

I will only say one thing: hemlock is a unique plant that can both poison and cure the most serious illness. Hemlock treats all gynecological diseases: cervical erosion, inflammation of the uterus, ovaries and all other diseases associated with gynecology, even infertility.

The direction of hemlock tincture on cancer cells is such that this plant itself is a powerful immunobiostimulant, and the tincture prepared to destroy cancer cells actively does this.

Recently, articles have begun to appear calling for taking hemlock tincture once a year as a preventive measure against cancer. But official medicine warns against over-treatment with hemlock.


Everything needs control. Hemlock herb is an active drug for cancer, so if it is treated uncontrolled, there can be the most unpredictable consequences. Even if treated with hemlock for a long time, some of the malignant cells become resistant and do not accept other antitumor drugs.

The hemlock herb for cancer is a serious healer during treatment for which you must definitely pay attention to nutrition. With such treatment, complete protein must be present in the diet.

It should not be fatty, and be sure to eat fish, various cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, especially those containing pectin and, of course, a variety of baked goods.

Under no circumstances drink alcohol, fried or smoked foods, and try to avoid fatty foods. Hemlock is considered an effective remedy that can get rid of cancer.

For this treatment you need an alcohol extract. Hemlock in its entirety, flowers, buds and immature seeds, all have the same medicinal properties. Therefore, it can be completely used for medicinal purposes.

It is imperative to collect hemlocks correctly if you want to prepare an effective medicine that will definitely help. The technique is this: take two glass jars, one half liter and one three liter.

You have collected the hemlock, chop it up and first put a liter jar in the floor. When you have filled the jar halfway, pour the mixture into a large jar and immediately pour half a liter of vodka into the jar with grass. Then shake the jar of raw materials thoroughly.

Repeat this procedure until the large jar is full. Shake the large jar periodically to ensure that the hemlock grass is well saturated with vodka.

Why is it necessary to pour raw materials from a small jar into a large one? This is done so that the reaction does not start earlier, otherwise it will destroy the medicine. When you return home, pour vodka into a jar filled to the top with hemlock.

Then cover with a soft plastic lid and place in a cool, dark place. The place should not only be dark and cool, but also inaccessible to children. This tincture should infuse for two weeks.

After two weeks, when your tincture is ready for the treatment of oncology, pour the amount of tincture you need into a glass container, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator. If you cannot tolerate alcohol, you can prepare a water infusion.

For this infusion you will need hemlock flowers and leaves. Grind them and mix well. For the treatment of oncology, a water tincture is made as follows: Warm up the thermos and pour one teaspoon of the prepared raw material into it.

After you have poured the raw materials into the thermos, pour two hundred milliliters of hot water into it. Close the thermos and leave it like that until the morning. In the morning you will need to strain this infusion and put it in the refrigerator. This infusion has a shelf life of five days.

Hemlock herb for cancer is a unique folk remedy. Treat yourself with the prepared medicine from hemlock as follows: Drink three times a day before meals one hour according to the following scheme: one teaspoon for fifteen days.

The next fifteen days, a dessert spoon and fifteen days, one tablespoon. Drink until the infusion is finished. Be sure to drink spring or boiled water. One hundred grams of water at one time.

In order for oncology treatment to be effective, the patient must prepare. The first thing you should do is cleanse your liver by switching to vegetarian food.

For the first three days, do enemas. What solution should I use for enemas? Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of salt. You can replace it with lemon juice. For one tablespoon of raw material, one and a half to two liters of water and evening baths are a must.

On the fourth day, take an enema in the morning and have a light lunch. During the fourth day, drink freshly squeezed apple juice. Apples must be of the sour variety. Well, on the evening of the fourth day at seven o’clock, start cleansing the liver.

And so cleansing the liver: take one hundred and fifty two hundred grams of olive oil, and in another glass the same amount of fresh juice. Drink two or three sips of oil and follow with two or three sips of lemon juice.

After fifteen minutes, repeat the procedure. Do this until the glasses are empty. If you feel nauseous, smell it immediately after drinking the juice. Well, increase the interval between taking oil and juice to twenty-five minutes.

If you still feel nauseous, reduce the juice and oil to one hundred grams. After you drink the oil, place a hot heating pad on the liver. To avoid too much burning, wrap the heating pad in a towel.

With a heating pad, be sure to lie on your right side and bend your knees and press them to your stomach. You need to lie like this until eleven o’clock at night, and then remove the heating pad. If you did everything correctly, in the middle of the night the intestines will definitely begin to cleanse themselves.

We all know that our liver consists of four parts. One such cleanse cleanses one part of the liver, and since there are four of them, it means you need to cleanse the liver four times. The best times to cleanse the liver are full and new moons.

After a complete liver cleanse, you will need to eat pumpkin or pumpkin juice in unlimited quantities every day. There is also a fruit and vegetable salad.

What vegetables and fruits are best suited to this salad: large carrots, medium-sized beets, always dark burgundy, and two sour apples. Twist all these products in a meat grinder, or grate them.

Add whatever it is, be it cream, sour cream, kefir or vegetable oil. The main thing is that you like the taste. Sometimes there are gallstones that can block the duct. Before you start cleansing your liver, crush the stones using a decoction of corn silk.

If you have already taken chemotherapy and taken a large number of medications, then you need to first cleanse your body for two to three weeks. A decoction of flax seeds is well suited for this purpose.

Proportions of the decoction: for three liters of boiling water, one glass of flax seeds, pour and place in a water bath for two hours. After this, cool to forty degrees and drink throughout the day. Just not in the morning, but from twelve o’clock until ten o’clock in the evening.

When you start hemlock treatment, for additional effect, drink decoctions of pine and spruce needles, oregano decoction, rosehip decoction, and you can add antitumor infusions.

Oregano is an excellent blood restorer. The vascular system is normalized by rose hips and pine needles. These plants also remove radicals and poisons from the body.

There are several methods for treating cancer with hemlock, if you are interested, you want to know these methods, write to me and I will be happy to write these methods to you. I really hope that I was able to help you and that you will find the cancer treatment tips in this article useful.