The game involves N Players and a Leader. Players can be individual experts or entire companies. The number N usually lies in the range of 5-8. A lower number results in a completely uninteresting game; at more Version commands are difficult to remember by ear. However, they can be written down. At the Velikolukskaya Autumn - 99 tournament, 15 teams simultaneously participated in the game.

Each team receives a package of K words. The K number is usually 8 or 10. This is quite enough to place all the Players in their places. It is assumed that these words are unknown to the Players. (We have a gentleman’s agreement in our club: A player who knows the meaning of any of the proposed words asks to replace it. Leaders suffering from a lack of words will have to neglect this). It is assumed that all words are written in capital letters (so that Players can propose both proper names and common nouns as their own versions). All words have stress indicated.

For all proposed words, each Player (secretly from the other Players) writes a definition, trying to make it sound as believable as possible. Humor when writing versions is welcome, but is not an end in itself. The scientific nature of definitions is valuable only if it helps to deceive someone.

The presenter collects cards with definitions and adds the correct option to them. After that, he reads the first word and the resulting N+1 definitions of this word. At the same time, Players and the Host are prohibited from commenting on the plausibility of any versions. The first player chooses the correct definition in his opinion; then the second Player does this, then the third and so on. The order of selection is determined by lot. In the case of a small number of Players, the choice of version is made orally. In this case, it is forbidden to name your version; This is done in order to introduce an additional element of logic into the game - in this case, it is easier for Players to calculate the correct version, and at the end of the game, on the last questions, they can choose the right strategy to stay in the lead or try to catch up with the leader. If there are a large number of teams, all answers must be submitted in writing. However, you cannot give your own version in this case either.

Then the Presenter reports the correct answer and determines who fooled whom.

Then the Presenter moves on to the second word and the cycle repeats. The first choice is now made by the Player who made it second the previous time.

After last word package The presenter sums up. The player receives one point for each person who "buys" his version. The player receives two points if he guesses the correct definition. (However, in Igor Safronov’s club it’s the other way around - two points are given for each inflated one, and one point is added for the guessed version. The option is strange, since calculating the correct version is practically worthless - while in the original version of the game both Player talents make a comparable contribution .)

The winner is the Player who scores the maximum number of points. If two or more people have equal points, the winner is determined by the results of the meetings between themselves, and, if necessary, by the difference in points in these meetings. Honorary title"pump" is assigned to the Player who received the most points for "cheating". The honorary title "balloon" is awarded to the person who most often chose the wrong versions, that is, who was inflated the most often. Sometimes it is one and the same person - a “self-sufficient system”.

In conclusion, it is proposed to evaluate some real definitions proposed at games in our club. Almost all of these definitions were believed by at least one Player. Let many of them seem completely idiotic. Don't be so quick to judge.

1) They are not so different from the true definitions (also played with us):

SEBASTERS - Mordovian embroidered women's foot wraps.

BRUSBART is a dog breed: a cross between a poodle and a pointer.

ADIPOCIR is a soap-like substance into which corpses sometimes turn.

THROAT - according to Dahl, disgusting food that is released from the throat.

NIFO-OTI - ritual dance spear of Samoan chiefs.

MAGLALATIC - Filipino coconut shell dance.

Therefore, we have to believe in crazy definitions. In our club, when choosing this version, the formulation is usually used: “Fools must be encouraged!”

2) Many of them were chosen at the end, when for strategic reasons it was necessary to ensure that they did not end up with the leader’s version.

So enjoy:

MAOTZEDUNOVKA is a Chinese folding bed, something like our Ilyich light bulb.

LAGRETT - obituary without mentioning the name of the deceased.

STABURADZE is the surname of an unknown Georgian artist.

ALALA - a cord with tassels at the entrance to the tent of the Mongol Khan, which served as a noose.

VILKOM - the name of the 20s: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin is a communist model for youth.

THE AMERICAN CELL is a paradox that proves the impossibility of fair elections.

HO-CHE-TOU is the Vietnamese surname of Kurchatov.

BUKHMANISM is a game of people's deputies of the USSR according to the newspaper "Foolish Truth".

CAROTID SINUS - the optimal angle of inclination of the outer slope of the fortress rampart.

ANI-ANI - in Tahiti: any number greater than three.

CANELO - successful elimination of a seasonal epizootic in ground squirrels.

PADMARAGAYA is an analogue of “Oh, you goy” among the Hindus.

FUSEN-GACHI - "Crazy Albatross" - a nickname given to Krusenstern in Oceania.

THUNDERLIGHT ARROW - a type of comet tail according to Lomonosov’s classification.

ORPHISM - obtaining sexual satisfaction from one's own singing.

DUADASTANON - gladiator fight 2 - 2.

QUERULANCE - evasion of execution.

GERLYGA - in hippie slang: a girl over 18 years old with a bad character.

PORCELAINS - St. Elmo's lights on cemetery crosses.

KLISMOS - intravenous laxative.

Dear site visitors psychological assistance, today you will find out what it really is psychological games in the lives of adults.

Please note right away that these are not those psychological games, or in general games that delight children in the sandbox and adults in entertainment and pastime. These are socio-psychological, role-playing, mostly unconscious by the players themselves, often destructive, dramatic, and sometimes tragic games that adults play - often their entire lives.

Psychological games that adults play almost their entire lives

About Games People Play wrote, back in the last century, in his psychoanalytic bestseller of the same name, the famous Canadian-American psychotherapist and scientist, founder of transactional analysis and psychotherapy, Eric Berne.
(see analysis of the psychological game in the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Cinderella”)

The essence psychological games played by adults in that the gaming, often dishonest and hidden process of communication and interpersonal interactions brings some, sometimes unconscious, social, emotional-psychological, and even biological benefits (a certain “winning”) to the participants in the game.

In other words, gaming relationships (psychological games in relationships) satisfy many innate human needs. Namely: psychological, emotional, biological and social.

Of course, a person, like any other highly developed animal, could satisfy his natural needs in a normal, honest, direct and natural way, without resorting to psychological games, various tricks and deceptions.

But man is a social being, and most of the laws of nature belittle and trample upon society: norms and rules of morality, ethics and public opinion, methods of survival, creating stereotypes of thinking and behavior.

Psychological games are learned in childhood

Pay attention to completely small child- he is natural, natural, real. He doesn’t yet need psychological games...he satisfies all his needs directly, simply and nature intended.

If a child wants to eat, he asks (for example, he cries, and calms down when he receives food).
If a baby wants to communicate with his mother, he shows it with all his appearance.
If he is scared, hurt or sad, then you can easily notice this too...
If he feels good and has fun, he smiles and rejoices...

But as the child develops, is raised and socialized, he learns the rules of behavior in society, and at the same time psychological games. Most of these rules are unwritten, so the child is taught, mostly non-verbally (without words) and unconsciously, by the parents themselves.

The child simply “stupidly” (without realizing it) copies from his parents and absorbs all these rules of behavior and survival in society. He learns not to be himself, he learns to wear a social mask and play psychological games.

Then, already in adult life, this unnaturalness in relationships, these unconscious psychological games learned in childhood in people’s relationships will cause many problems for a person. Starting from intrapersonal conflicts, misunderstanding of oneself and internal psychological problems (neuroses, phobias...), and ending with problems in interpersonal relationships (in the family, in the team, in business...).

Of course, it’s different for everyone - who is “lucky” with their parents and educators; who has a programmed life scenario, precisely based on family psychological games.

A typical family psychological game, played by roles, according to the Karpman triangle, is described in the article Problems in People's Relationships.

Why do people play psychological games - read more

As mentioned above, people play psychological games to obtain benefits (relatively speaking, “winning”), i.e. to satisfy their needs, which they have forgotten how to satisfy naturally.

Psychological benefits of playing:
Everyone has a need for psychological safety and security. With the help of psychological games (similar to psychological defenses), a person tries to avoid stressful situations and maintain your mental stability.

However, such games usually lead to the opposite.

Emotional benefits from gaming:
Every person needs emotional exchange. And if he was taught as a child to exchange emotions through games, then he can become an emotional (energy) vampire. This will suck all the emotional energy out of you, if you are in the game, leading you to depression, neurosis or psychosis.

Biological benefits of play:
People need physical contacts to survive: hugs, caresses, kisses... stroking... if a person does not know how to exchange them naturally, then he resorts to games. And in the game, such contacts can also be negative, for example, beatings...kicks, etc. What is subconsciously perceived by some people, for example hidden or overt masochists, as satisfying the need for physical contact.

From here you can see people who seem to be asking for kicks (even verbal ones), for example, wives who subconsciously choose a tyrant husband who will beat and humiliate her. In fact, this is an unconscious game.

Social benefits of gaming:
A person needs to completely occupy his time, structure it, otherwise he will either go crazy or die of boredom (literally).
Also, people are social animals, and they need communication with their own kind.

Destructive psychological games

Most of the unconscious or partially conscious psychological games in relationships and interactions between people are destructive for all participants.

Eric Berne and his followers described many games that adults play. All of them are divided into categories. Briefly about them...

Games with yourself
For example, when a person deceives himself...promises himself something (quit smoking, start a new life on Monday, etc.), but does not fulfill it, inventing a bunch of excuses for himself...

Family and matrimonial games
For example, when a wife plays the Victim, enduring beatings and bullying from her husband, and then switches to the Persecutor, turning her husband into a Victim - turning him over to the police...

Or, for example, when a mother plays the Savior, tying the child’s shoes until high school, while making him a helpless victim, and after a while the child switches from the Victim to the Persecutor, and terrorizes the mother, say, extorting her pension for alcohol or drugs...

Sex games
One of the popular sexual games is described in the example above (“Temptation” or “Dynamo”)...

Party Games
This is mostly gossip and condemnation of third parties, as well as most popular game“Why don’t you... Yes, but...”, where one player seems to ask for advice and help... others at this time try and give them... but in the end he rejects everything, often leading to a dead end in the conversation...

Games for life
For example, playing alcoholic with codependency (complicity) of family members.

Or playing like a constant debtor who takes out loans and can’t repay them...

Games underworld
For example, theft, cheating and fraud...

Games in the therapist's office
For example, when a client at an appointment with a psychotherapist, having read Wikipedia and imagining himself as all-knowing, is subconsciously determined not to receive help. At the same time, he sabotages the work of the psychologist in every possible way, for example, by playing “psychotherapist”.

When he really doesn’t receive help, as he wanted, he can say: “I told you he wouldn’t help me...”...

Constructive psychological games
Games can only become constructive if they are understood and realized. Some of the destructive games listed above can be converted into constructive ones, and after that you can completely quit the games and begin natural relationships, this is especially necessary when interacting with loved ones.

Constructive games also include healing, developmental and educational psychological games for adults and children.....

Human life and activity are unique processes with many features. A person is born already having certain predispositions, inclinations, and abilities. But in order for his interaction with the outside world and society to be more effective and productive, a person needs to “improve”, “pump up” himself and his personality. And the process of this improvement begins from a very young age, but it never ends, one might say, because, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. In order to form, consolidate and improve personality qualities, a huge number of different methods and practices are used today. But we will talk about perhaps the most popular and effective of them – socio-psychological games.

On this page we will understand what psychological games are in general, what their features are and what they are needed for. We have all heard more than once that there are games for children, for teenagers, for schoolchildren, for students, small, large, role-playing, business. They can be aimed at developing any qualities, at developing communication skills, at unity, etc. Games are held in kindergartens, schools, holiday camps - these are children's games. In higher educational institutions, enterprises and large firms also hold games, but these are games for adults, which are often included in the program of some trainings and seminars. There are even computer psychological games - they are very popular nowadays, when almost every person has a home computer or laptop. So what is the reason that games have become an integral part of human life and are present in almost every area of ​​it? And what games can and should be used for yourself? We present the answers to these and many other questions to your precious attention.

What is a game?

A game is a type of activity, the motive of which is not the result, but the process itself, where the recreation and assimilation of some experience occurs. Also, play is the main activity of children, through which mental properties, intellectual operations and attitudes towards the surrounding reality are formed, changed and consolidated. The term “game” is also used to refer to programs or sets of objects for the implementation of play activity.

The study of human psychology and the psychological realities of his life becomes more interesting and effective when carried out through activities of interest to the researcher himself. And such an activity, of course, is play. Experience has shown more than once that socio-psychological games help people to perceive the reality of the psychological aspect of their lives very seriously and deeply.

The functions of gaming activities are as follows:

  • Entertaining - entertains, lifts the mood;
  • Communicative – promotes communication;
  • Self-realization – allows a person to express himself;
  • Game therapy – helps to overcome various difficulties that arise in life;
  • Diagnostic – allows you to identify deviations in development and behavior;
  • Corrective – allows you to make changes to the personality structure;
  • Socialization – makes it possible to include a person in the system social relations and helps them internalize social norms.

Main types of psychological games and their features

Games can be business, positional, innovative, organizational-training, training, organizational-thinking, organizational-activity and others. But still, there are several main types of psychological games.

Game shells. In this type of game, the game plot itself is the general background against which developmental, correctional and psychological problems are solved. Such activities contribute to the development of basic mental properties and personality processes, as well as the development of reflection and self-reflection.

Living games. In living games, there is an individual and joint exploration of the gaming space with a group of people, the building of interpersonal relationships within it and the comprehension of personal values. This type of games develops the motivational aspect of a person’s personality, his system life values, personal criticality; allows you to independently build your activities and relationships with others; expands ideas about human feelings and experiences.

Drama games. Drama games contribute to the self-determination of their participants in certain situations and the improvement of value and semantic choice. Developing motivational sphere, system of life values, readiness to make choices, ability to set goals, planning skills. Features of reflection and self-reflection are formed.

Project games. Project games influence a person’s mastery and comprehension of instrumental tasks that are associated with the construction of activities, the achievement of specific results and the systematization of the system of business relationships with others. The skills of goal setting, planning and the ability to adapt actions to specific conditions are developed. Self-regulation skills are formed, personal criticism and the ability to relate one’s actions to the actions of other people develop.

The types of psychological games presented above can be used both independently and used in conjunction with others. The descriptions we give are the most general and give only a superficial idea of ​​psychological games.

Now we move on to the most interesting block – the games themselves. Next, we will consider some of the most popular and effective games, and their benefits in human development and life.

The most popular and effective games and their benefits

Karpman-Bern triangle

The Karpman-Byrne triangle is, to be precise, not even really a game. More precisely a game, but an unconscious one. A game that people play without having the slightest idea that they are participating in it. But, due to the fact that this phenomenon exists, it needs to be mentioned.

This triangle is a simplified model of psychological manipulation that occurs in almost all areas of a person’s life: family, friendship, love, work, business, etc. This interconnection of roles that arise in the process of human relationships was described by the American psychotherapist Stephen Karpman, who continues the ideas of his teacher, the American psychologist Eric Berne. This relationship, provided that it develops according to the “pattern” of a given triangle, is in itself destructive and affects the people participating in this triangle exclusively negatively.

Because This is a triangle, it has three sides: the person acting as the victim (“Victim”), the person applying pressure (“Aggressor”) and the person intervening in the situation and wanting to help (“Savior”).

Usually it turns out like this: a problem or a difficult life situation arises between two people. Thus, “Aggressor” and “Victim” appear. The “victim”, looking for a solution to the problem, turns to a third party - a person who becomes the “Savior”. The “Savior”, due to his kindness, knowledge or some other reasons, decides to help and advises something. The “Victim” follows the advice and behaves according to the advice of the “Savior”. As a result, the advice only leads to a worsening of the situation and the “Savior” turns out to be the last one - he becomes the “Victim”, the “Victim” - the “Aggressor”, etc. From time to time, each of us plays the role of one of the sides of the Karpman-Byrne triangle. The triangle itself often becomes the cause of big quarrels, troubles, misfortunes, etc.

So that you can get acquainted with the Karpman-Bern triangle in detail, find out its features and see visual examples that correlate with ours everyday life, you can on Wikipedia.

Now we move directly to games that have a very serious psychological aspect. These games are deliberately organized by people both with the goal of winning/winning, and with the goal of having a certain impact on a person’s personality. Organization and participation in these games give a person the opportunity to delve deeper into the essence of his relationships with himself and the people around him. The first game that we should consider as psychological is the game "Mafia"


"Mafia" is a verbal role-playing game, created in 1986 by MSU student Dmitry Davydov. It is recommended for people over 13 years of age to play it. Optimal number of players: from 8 to 16. The process simulates the struggle of a smaller organized group with a larger unorganized one. According to the plot, city residents, tired of the activities of the mafia, decide to put all representatives of the criminal world in prison. In response to this, the bandits declare war on the townspeople.

At the beginning, the presenter distributes to the participants one card each, which determines their affiliation with the mafia or townspeople. The game takes place “day” and “night”. The mafia is active at night, the townspeople are active during the day. In the process of alternating the time of day, the mafiosi and city residents each conduct their own activities, during which there are fewer and fewer players on each team. Information about events guides all further actions of participants. The game is considered over when one of the teams wins completely, i.e. when either all the townspeople are “killed” or all the bandits are “imprisoned”. If there are very few players, then the game turns out to be too short, but if there are more players than necessary, turmoil and confusion arises, and the game loses its meaning.

The Mafia game is, first of all, based on communication: discussions, arguments, establishing contacts, etc., which brings it as close as possible to real life. After all, in the game all the traits and properties of the human personality are used and manifested. Psychological aspect The game is such that in order to successfully interact with others, a person must try to use and develop his acting abilities, the gift of persuasion, leadership, and deduction. “Mafia” perfectly develops analytical thinking, intuition, logic, memory, intelligence, theatricality, social influence, team interaction and many other important qualities in life. The main psychology of this game is which team will win. After all, one team is mafiosi who know each other, but are in no way inclined to play at a loss and, moreover, have the opportunity to eliminate the townspeople. And the second team is civilians, unfamiliar with each other, who can act most effectively only by interacting with the mafia. "Mafia" contains enormous potential and brings great pleasure intellectually and aesthetically.

Details of the game "Mafia", its rules, strategic and tactical features and many other detailed and interesting information, you will find on Wikipedia.


"Poker" is a world famous card game. Its goal is to win bets by collecting the most profitable combination of four or five cards or by making all participants stop participating. All cards in the game are either completely or partially covered. The specifics of the rules may vary depending on the type of poker. But all types have in common the presence of trading and gaming combinations.

To play poker, decks of 32, 36 or 54 cards are used. Optimal number of players: from 2 to 10 at one table. The highest card is the Ace, then the King, Queen, etc. Sometimes the low card can be an ace - depending on card combination. Different types poker games consist of different quantities streets - trading rounds. Each street begins with a new distribution. Once the cards are dealt, any player can place a bet or leave the game. The winner is the one whose combination of five cards turns out to be the best, or the one who can displace other players and remain alone until the cards are revealed.

The psychological aspect of poker is very important because... plays a serious role in the tactics and strategy of the game. The moves players make are based largely on their skills, habits and perceptions. Thus, player styles are based on a certain psychological basis and are a reflection of the desires and fears of people, the understanding of which gives some players advantages over others. Also, a player's style is an excellent reflection of his character traits. After all, any personal characteristic, as is known, influences a person’s behavior and, consequently, his behavior in the game and the decisions he makes in certain game conditions. Of course, poker is a game of chance played for money. And without gaming skills, a person risks finding himself in an unenviable situation. But if you play poker without bets for the sake of training, for example, with friends, then he will in a great way development and honing of such qualities as intuition, logical thinking, the ability to “read” people and disguise one’s intentions, psychological stability, endurance, cunning, attentiveness, memory and many others. It should be noted that playing poker, among other things, develops self-control, tactical and strategic thinking, as well as the ability to understand the motives of other people. And we so often need these qualities in our everyday life.

Details of the game of Poker, rules, strategies and other interesting details can be found on Wikipedia.


"Dixit" is an associative board game. Consists of 84 illustrated cards. It can be played by 3 to 6 people. At the beginning, each player receives 6 cards. Everyone takes turns. One of the game participants is declared the Storyteller. He takes one card and places it in front of him so that the picture is not visible. Then he must describe it with a word, phrase, sound, facial expression or gesture that he associates with the picture. Others do not see the card, but among their cards they look for the one that most matches the Storyteller’s description, and also lay it out on the table face down. After that, all these cards are shuffled and laid out in a row, and the players, using tokens with numbers, must guess the card that the Storyteller originally described. Next, the players reveal all the cards and count the points. The player who guessed the card moves his chip forward. When all the cards are gone, the game is over. The one with the most points wins.

The game “Dixit” has a number of features, one of which is that the associations should not be very simple, not very complex, because then the card will be very easy or very difficult to guess. The game itself is an excellent means for developing analytical and associative thinking, intuition, imagination, intelligence and other qualities. During the game, participants learn to feel other people, understand them without words and explain them in the same way. We can say that, among other things, the skills of effective nonverbal communication. The game is very interesting and always takes place in a positive, friendly atmosphere.

You can find out more about the game “Dixit” and some of its features on Wikipedia.


"Imaginarium" is an analogue of the game "Dixit". It also requires selecting associations for pictures with different meanings. The rules of the game are the same as in “Dixit”: one player (Storyteller) chooses a card and describes it using associations. The remaining players choose one of the most suitable cards from among their own and place them face down on the table. Afterwards, all the cards are shuffled and the player begins to guess them.

The game “Imaginarium” is in no way inferior to its prototype and has an extremely beneficial effect on the development of many qualities of the human personality, namely: it develops intelligence, analytical thinking, intuition, imagination, and fantasy. The game activates Creative skills, the ability to intuitively understand others, greatly contributes to improving communication abilities and increasing the effectiveness of communication.

Meet more detailed description The Imaginarium games can be found on the Mosigra website.


"Activity" is a collective associative game in which you need to explain the words written on the cards. There are a total of 440 cards in the game with six tasks on each. The standard set is designed for people over 12 years old. But there are options “For children” and “For kids”. Minimal amount there are two players. The maximum is practically unlimited. You can explain words using facial expressions, drawings or synonymous words. To explain what is hidden, you have only one minute. There are individual tasks, and there are general ones. Players must move pieces around the game map. The team that reaches the finish line first wins. You can also choose more complex or simpler tasks during the process. More points are awarded for a more difficult task.

The game "Activity" is perfect for relaxing and having fun and is a great way to lift your spirits. "Activity" develops strategic thinking, intelligence, imagination, teamwork, intuition, and analytical skills. The game helps to unlock potential and gives each person the opportunity to express themselves from completely different sides. And many tactical options and behavioral options contribute to this even more. Both children and adults will get a lot of pleasure and positive emotions from this game.


Monopoly is one of the most famous educational board games in the world. Game genre: economic strategy. Minimum number of players: two. The essence of the game is to achieve economic stability for yourself and bankruptcy for other players using starting capital. The starting amount is the same for each player. Players take turns making moves according to playing field, throwing the dice. The one who earns the most money wins. The game ends when someone goes completely broke or when the ATM stops dispensing cash notes and luck cards.

The game "Monopoly" has remained popular among a huge number of people for many years. Firstly, it perfectly lifts your spirits and gives you a lot of positive emotions. Secondly, the game forms a culture of communication, thanks to the close interaction of participants with each other. Thirdly, during the game the inclinations of entrepreneurship and financial literacy are developed, mathematical knowledge, logical and strategic thinking, and a sense of tactics are improved. It is also important that the game “Monopoly” trains memory, develops attention, and also reveals leadership abilities, independence, responsibility and a person’s desire to be the master of his own life. In addition to this, qualities such as the ability to wait, patience, perseverance, and calm are developed.

You can find out more information about the game Monopoly on Wikipedia.

Other games

The games we briefly mentioned are by no means the only ones of their kind, but they can safely be called worthy examples of some of the best psychological games. The direction and form of psychological games can be completely different. The main thing is to find the most interesting game for yourself and just start playing it. Better yet, try all the games. This will, at the same time, have a positive impact on many of your personal characteristics, and will help you decide which type of games is most suitable for you personally.

As an addition, there are a few more games that you can master. This is a wonderful game “Telepathy”, the main focus of which is self-knowledge, self-awareness and the development of one’s hidden abilities. To develop listening skills and attentiveness great game, which is called “The Lost Storyteller.” By the way, it also affects interpersonal relationships. A good game for trust and mutual understanding is “Coin”. It also involves close interaction between participants, which allows them to explore deeper psychological characteristics each other. Go to category similar games You can also include the games “Homeostat”, “Docking”, “Rank”, “Choice” and others. You can easily find information about these and many other interesting psychological games on the Internet. Speaking of the Internet: today it was developed a large number of very interesting computer and online games that have a pronounced psychological orientation. You can find such games in computer stores or download from the Internet. Installed on your home computer good games will always contribute to a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere in your home. You can always take a break from your daily routine by playing, for example, online Monopoly. And your children will find it interesting and fun to watch you play and participate in the process themselves. Naturally, there are educational online games for children, which are a pleasure to play. Search the Internet for something suitable, and you will definitely find a worthwhile option for yourself and your loved ones.

Games as a way of effective psychological influence, as mentioned earlier, have found application in the most different areas human activity. A person begins to play from a very young age - at home with his parents, in kindergarten with other children. Then we are faced with different games in junior and senior grades of school, institute, university. In adult life, we are also surrounded by games, but these are already games for adults. With the help of such games, people striving for success and self-improvement develop their strong qualities and work on their weak ones. And this actually makes them stronger and more developed individuals, increases their efficiency and effectiveness, makes interaction with the outside world and themselves deeper and more harmonious.

You shouldn’t neglect this method of self-development either. Play games, change them, invent your own. Take games into your “arms” and make them a part of your life. This way you can always be in the process of development. And the process itself personal growth You will never get bored and will continue to remain interesting and exciting.

We wish you success on the path of self-improvement and studying human psychology!

Psychological games are effective tool for self-analysis and psychotherapy – both in individual work and in group work.

Each participant in the psychological game gets a unique experience of interacting with others, the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside, and get answers to life’s questions.

For psychologists, psychological games are, first of all, an interesting and effective tool for work that can be successfully used in individual counseling, when working with couples, as well as in group work.

We present to your attention new psychological games developed by trainers from the Institute of Psychotherapy “I”. You can learn how to work with the game, as well as purchase the game, within the framework of working with games.


“Flower of Life” is a psychological game that allows participants to analyze their current life situation, track their life strategies and aspirations, work with the Shadow side of their personality, and get answers to vital questions of interest.

The game “Individuation” is based on the idea of ​​personality construction according to C. G. Jung.

The game invites participants to take a journey to study themselves and their properties, styles of behavior, and peculiarities of perception of reality. This happens as various characters travel on the playing field.

The game gives you the opportunity to think about what is currently puzzling, hindering and helping, what is important and what is of secondary importance. The journey, which accompanies the game leader, allows the participant to get acquainted with his already known sides, as well as find out what is hidden in the unknown part of the “I”: in the zone of the Shadow, Anima and Animus.

Technically, the game is an algorithm for moving participants’ cards across the playing field, which turns into an exciting path of personal transformation and change, involving external and internal resources.

For this game, a special deck of associative cards “Individuation” was developed, the symbols of which carry a deep meaning, allowing you to transform your inner picture of the world and your image of yourself.

Game tools: playing field, deck of cards “Individuation”, dice, additional “resources”. The optimal number of participants in the game is 6 people.

Training on how to use the game “LIFE FLOWER”

Training in how to conduct the game will provide an opportunity to conduct it deeply and systematically with different categories of clients and training groups. During work there may be different variants games - from analyzing behavioral strategies to mission and the meaning of life!

The playing field and everything that happens on it is a model, a map of the realization of the “I”, the acquisition of selfhood, which continues throughout life and represents a process of integration of opposing, opposing intrapersonal forces and tendencies.

What will happen in the game?
2 hours of play and participants will be able to get a deep cut own LIFE.
See and analyze what qualities need careful attention
What exactly is the significance of certain qualities and personality traits for a player?
Understand what the strengths and weak sides self
Try to weigh and integrate incompatible and unacceptable traits
the game can help transform your inner picture of the world and self-image.

For whom will the game be resourceful?
For those who “run in circles” in the implementation of plans, relationships, search for meaning
For those who feel they “don’t know themselves” and feel insecure and anxious
For those who want to know themselves as “others”
For everyone who wants to look inside themselves and “analyze”

What important things can psychologists learn?
get acquainted with the practical implementation of Jung’s paradigm of personality structure
master specific techniques for consulting clients
use the game in individual consultations
enjoy being in a group

After passing teaching the game“Life Flower” You will receive a certificate as a leading trainer for this game.


"Family Trolling" is a magical gaming adventure dedicated to the difficult topic of defending your boundaries, your choices and life path. It is also a game about encountering obstacles, how we react to them and what strategies we choose to overcome them.

The structure of the game involves the participant traveling through a fantasy world populated by different characters (kind and not so good) with whom you need to meet and come to an agreement. On this path you can encounter obstacles, resources, and most importantly, develop the skills to defend your borders!

The Family Trolling game can be effectively used as a tool for introspection and self-knowledge. In addition, Family Trolling is an excellent tool for professional psychologists, allowing for both diagnostic and therapeutic work for participants in the group process.


The game “Doctor Who” is a psychological tool that, in a game format, allows participants to understand their behavioral strategies, track their behavior in situations of achievement, and analyze the features of their own coping strategies.

The game is quite multifunctional and can be used as a gaming platform.

Game tools: playing field, special associative “Doctor Who” cards, dice.


Psychological game“The Ideal” will be of interest to everyone who wants to have an exciting, useful and fun time, understand why we sometimes do not understand each other, what ideal traits we want to see in our partner and how different they are from the real state of affairs.

For specialists, this set can help in the process of counseling both one client and a family, couple, children and parents. The game can also be used in group psychological work - for trainings, seminars, master classes!

Game tools: 174 characteristic cards, a table with the characteristics of “ideals”, a table with codes and “bonuses”, additional “property replacement” cards.


The game can be used to work with preschool and school age, suitable for playing with teenagers and in parent-child counseling.

By taking part in the game, participants will be able to analyze their own life strategies, the ability to interact with others, their own adaptability skills and methods of social contacts.

“Xenobiology” is an interesting journey in which participants will be able to better know and understand themselves, as well as track their ways of interacting with others.

The game “Xenobiology” combines the projective method and a rational approach when working with a group or in individual work. The game is a segmented playing field along which various “characters” move, designated by certain associative cards.

The game involves a special playing deck of associative and metaphorical cards “Xenobiology”, depicting non-existent animals, as well as symbols and artifacts. With their help, you can come up with stories, study the characteristics of the client’s self-presentation, explore and change behavioral stereotypes.


“Rules of Family Movement” is a metaphorical game tool for conducting psychological consultations with couples - married, children and parents, friends, colleagues or relatives.

During a conflict, we are not always able to express in words everything we feel, and sometimes we become completely confused in our own words and actions, unable to “hear” our partner. This can be compared to a meeting of two cars on the road that cannot pass each other: the drivers of each car cannot hear what is being said inside the other car. Only external signals and movements remain noticeable. It’s the same in life: we only hear a speech spoken out loud or observe the actions of another person, but we don’t know what’s going on inside him at that moment. In addition, we cannot fully explain to others what is happening inside ourselves at such moments, which only aggravates the situation.

This tool allows couples (married, friends, colleagues or relatives) to analyze their internal states during a conflict, to “hear” and understand each other, and to develop an agreement on what mutual actions should be when dealing with a similar situation in the future.


This game involves working with some personal problem or internal question, the answer to which can be obtained during the game. The algorithm of game actions assumes the opportunity to consider a problem from different positions, expand the range of its understanding and find new approaches to solution.

The rules of this game involve the participant moving through different positions of the field, where certain questions and meta-positions are indicated, helping to take a fresh look at the stated problem or question asked.


Katerina Milyutina’s new psychological game “Kotovasia” is a story about cats, cats and cats that move along branches tall tree. The main task is to get to the desired branch. However, on the way of furry travelers every now and then they come across harmful crows, and a completely unfriendly dog ​​waits below. By coping with difficulties, participants can see their strategies for coping with obstacles, analyze the influence of the environment on their progress, and evaluate the effectiveness of their methods of achieving goals.

“Kotovasia” is an interesting and exciting game that allows participants to gain important experience regarding the topic of achievement, interaction with others, and overcoming obstacles.


The game “Ages of Life” is a journey along a bright and interesting path, the stages of which relate to certain periods of our real life. While playing, participants will be able to summarize their life stages, analyze current events, dream and plan for the future.

Participants will also be able to work on their “personal life story"and look from the outside at your own strategies and ways of interacting with others.

The Ages of Life game can be successfully used with adult participants, as well as with children and teenagers (the rules of the game can be easily modified to suit the age category of the participants).

Game tools: playing field, plasticine, dice. The optimal number of participants in the game is 6 people.


The psychological game “Goodbye, Loop” is a board game for mini-groups or individual work with a client, which was created to teach participants self-help techniques. The game can also be used as a mini-diagnosis and introduction to therapy, or in final sessions to discuss the results of therapy.

During the game, you can walk along the streets of the city of Zatsiklovka: drive along the flat OCR Avenue, turn onto Panic Descent, drive into the Depressive Dead End, end up in PTSD Square, get stuck in the Drunken Backstreets, eat on General Obzhiralov Avenue, look into the Troubling Lane and the Phobic Clearing. During such a walk, the client focuses on his feelings and thoughts, together with the therapist, determines the focus of attention and learns self-help techniques.

Participants will be able to explore the city in detail and learn NOT to get fixated on its streets!


The game "Ecumene" is a symbolic journey across the seas and oceans.

Traveling through the expanses of the sea, everyone will be able to make their choice: earthly material goods, a professional career, personal comfort and coziness, peace and tranquility, or, if possible, spiritual improvement and movement to higher powers. You will be able to see how your life strategies work and adjust new skills in the game.

By playing “Ecumene”, you will be able to study your own life strategies, understand the reasons for certain features of building relationships with others, and receive information about current life situation And possible ways further movement and development.

“Ecumene” is an opportunity to plunge into space Greek mythology, discover your recipe for success, try to achieve it in the gaming platform in order to then transfer it to life!


“Education+” is a psychological game for parents, teachers and psychologists. The game is a set of situation cards and reaction cards that enable participants to work with different models of their behavior in situations of family difficulties and disputes associated with the upbringing process.

The game allows participants to analyze their own educational style, find out its strengths and weaknesses, see what results this can lead to, answer the question of what is important and what is secondary in the upbringing and development of a child.

During the game, participants will have the opportunity to “raise” their child, look at the results, receive feedback and help from the leader. The game helps to raise questions about the peculiarities of raising a child - how we imagine it and what actually happens, and will also allow us to form a new approach to this issue.


In the name "Polar Star" both words have meaning. The image of a star can be used as a symbol of success and achievement, and therefore one of the game options is aimed at strengthening the client’s self-esteem through awareness of his successes and achievements. In another version, the emphasis is on polarity, and the psychological meaning of the game in this case is in the assessment and comparison of polar, opposite options for solving some issue.

The main request that you can work with in the game “Polar Star”: “There is this solution option, and there is another. I don't know what to do can not decide, Which And 3 options to choose from.” Another request is also possible: “I see only this option, there is no other option. The one I see is impossible, there are no other options. Is the situation hopeless?” That is, a person does not see alternatives, but needs to find them.

The image of the road is associated in our minds with activity, movement, process. The “Road to...” gaming platform is based on the metaphor of achieving a goal, moving towards the desired result. The essence gameplay is that, moving along one of the roads drawn on the field (each of which has its own characteristics), the client opens different cards with images and words, and these cards become for him a metaphor for one or another part of his path to the goal. Games can be played in both individual and group formats.


The psychological game “Communal” is a metaphor for the common space inhabited by residents with different characters, needs and desires. Participants in the game will be able to work through the topic of relationships with other people, look at their behavior strategies in terms of communication and general distribution of resources, analyze them and, perhaps, even change them to more effective ones.

In addition, the game “Utility” allows you to work through the belief “What will people say?...” and analyze its impact on your own life strategies. Each of the participants “lives” on one of the floors of the “Communal”: someone can climb under the roof, while others have to move to trash can in the courtyard. In the game you can analyze the reasons and prospects for such movements, as well as draw a parallel with real life, thinking about new possible strategies your behavior.

A psychological tool dressed in a fairy-tale metaphor, where each character says one phrase or another. The secret of the tool is that the first half of the statements are remarks, exclamations and questions that are most typical for clients who work with a psychologist. While the second part of the statements are typical answers, remarks and comments from a psychologist. By arranging dialogues between characters (using the rules prescribed in the manual), participants can play the role of a therapist and a client, try different strategies for interaction between a psychologist and a client in therapy, see how “defenses” work and evaluate the degree of effectiveness of a particular “therapeutic session.” Vivid images fairy-tale heroes will add color and pleasant emotions to this already interesting and exciting process.


The gaming platform was created by Vladislav Knyazev as a universal tool on the basis of which you can perform a wide range of exercises to stabilize interhemispheric interaction, to develop optical-spatial concepts, programming functions and activity regulation.

The set includes:

  • a playing field of 16 numbered squares in four colors;
  • set of cards with images various positions hands

The manual presents several options for games and exercises with Neurotwister - you can use them, or you can create your own modifications based on them. There are a great many ways to use the gaming platform and it depends on the tasks you set.

"My life path"(25 min).

Participants are asked to draw their own “life map”, which depicts the main, memorable events of their lives. The date of birth is placed at the beginning of the card; everything else can be depicted with symbols or signed.

After finishing drawing (about 15 minutes), participants choose partners, sit in pairs and tell each other about their life events.

"Level of Happiness"(5 minutes).

Group members are asked to rate the level of happiness in their lives in general on a 100-point scale. This should be said out loud to the whole group and noted on your chart. As the game progresses, questions may be asked of each other. Talk - alternating: the first one speaks about positive qualities, the second - about negative ones, the third - again about positive ones, etc.

"Mother and Child"(10 min).

The presenter explains the role of physical touch in communication between people. Then the participants are divided into pairs in which they play the role of mother and child. “Mom” must express her feelings towards the “child” by touching parts of his body (from head to toe) and accompanying her actions kind words. After three minutes, the participants change roles.

Discussion: Who did you prefer being a child or a mother? Why?

"We are similar?.."(25 min).

First, the participants walk randomly around the room and say 2 phrases to everyone they meet, starting with the words:

You are like me in that...

I'm different from you in that...

Another option: In pairs, talk for 4 minutes on the topic “How we are alike”; then 4 minutes - on the topic “How we are different.” At the end of the game, a discussion is held, attention is drawn to what was easy and what was difficult to do, what discoveries were made. As a result, the conclusion is drawn that we are all essentially similar and at the same time different, but we have the right to these differences, and no one can force us to be different.

"Stories on the theme "Joys of Life""(60-90 min).

This block of exercises brings the joys of life to the forefront. Participants are encouraged to think about what brings or could bring them joy in their lives. At the same time, it is necessary to teach them to work together in a group, feel each other and achieve results in joint group activities.

The group is divided into small groups of 2-3 people. The pictures are laid out according to the number of small groups (they should touch on as many areas of life as possible, such as love, friendship, sexuality, free time, work, family). The group members begin to write a story based on their picture; they have about 5 minutes to do this. After this, each group moves to the next picture and continues the story started by the previous group. This continues until the first group returns to their first picture (no more than 5 transitions). After this, the stories are read and discussed in a large group.

“Sentences that begin with the words “What would happen if...”(90 min).

This method can also be used to encourage teenagers to discuss their feelings. Participants should be encouraged to reflect on their own behavior as a result of certain emotional states, as well as to the search for possible alternatives of behavior.

Sheets with the beginning of sentences presented on them are laid out on the table or on the floor. Each participant chooses a theme and makes a collage based on it. You can also form small groups that will work together on one topic. The finished collages are presented to everyone and serve as a basis for conversation.

Option: another opportunity to work with proposals: invite participants to write a story on a given topic or show a pantomime. Another, simpler option is to give everyone an unfinished sentence and hear the continuation.

The sentence "What would happen if...".

Possible sentence starters:

If I'm angry then...

If I'm sad then...

If I'm afraid, then...

If I have no desire to do something, then...

If I can't stand someone, then...

If I'm proud of myself, then...

If I want to meet someone, then...

If I did something well, then...

If I have overcome something, then...

If such a misfortune happens to me that I can no longer live the way I am now...

If I realize that I am no longer doing well at school and, in fact, I should leave it...

If I ever get seriously ill...

If I suddenly get disappointed...

If I lose my best friend/ your best friend...

If I'm desperate...

If I'm stressed...

If I feel excluded from the group...

If I'm lonely...

If I'm jealous...

If I'm bored...

If I'm not confident...

If I'm jealous...

If someone admires me...

"Kingdom"(60 min).

Participants are asked to imagine themselves as residents of the kingdom. As in any kingdom, there is a king, a queen, their courtiers and subjects.

Then the roles are distributed: the one who wants to be the king is chosen to play the role of king. The king chooses his queen. After this, the king and queen each choose two courtiers or subjects, naming their functions at court.

They, in turn, also choose their assistants, one at a time, and so on until all members of the group receive their roles in the kingdom. As roles are distributed, spatial movements of the participants are also made. A throne is built for the king and queen, and the rest of the court is placed near the throne next to those who have chosen them.

At the next stage, the game itself begins, where all its participants take turns, starting with the king and further in order of subordination, making one change in the kingdom so that life in it is better. (Option: the king and queen, after 2-3 moves, other participants have the right to make additional changes.)

The game can be played in one or several circles. During the pauses, the question is discussed - what is happening in our kingdom?

Discussion ( sample topics): “I realized that today / now...”; “I was surprised...”; "I felt..."; "I guess, that..."; “Today I was annoyed...”; “I really liked/didn’t like...”

"Metaphors"(20 minutes).

One goes out the door, the rest make a wish for someone present. The person who returns must guess who the mystery is. To do this, he must ask 5 metaphor questions. For example, if it were a plant (flower, dish, color, etc.), then what kind of plant it would be.

The game is repeated alternately with all participants.

"Farewell Ritual"(10 min).

Leading. We need to preserve what happened in the group today: preserve this trust, sincerity, the feelings that we experienced today. Therefore, there is no need to discuss all this with other people outside the circle. What you want to say, what may not have been said today, you can say at our next meetings. And this will help us maintain the energy of the group, the mood of our life during these classes. The moment of farewell is always an exciting moment and therefore we will always say goodbye in a special way, in the form of a kind of ritual.

Everyone stands in a circle, and each one in turn says goodbye to the others with some gesture. They repeat everything, trying to fully convey the mood of the gesture.

Option: participants are invited to choose their own farewell ritual.

3. Leader's suitcase.

Among organizational skills, facial expressions, gestures, and speech techniques occupy an important place. The complex we have developed will help you master these skills.

Exercise 1. Read any text, at least the weather forecast: in a whisper; with maximum volume; as if you were frozen; as if there was hot porridge in the mouth.

Exercise 2. The same thing, in combination with all of the above, but as if it reads: alien; a person who has just learned to speak; robot; five year old child; as if all of humanity is listening to you, and with this text you must explain how important it is to strive to do good to each other, but you have no other words; as if with this text you are declaring your love, and there will be no other opportunity.

Exercise 3. Without leaving your chair, sit as the Chairman of the State Duma sits; bee on a flower; cashier at the workplace; punished Pinocchio; bride at a wedding; Hamlet; criminal in the dock. Improvise.

Exercise 4. Draw the following: how the baby walks; a lion; ballet dancer; French king; Indian chief.

Exercise 5. Smile like a very polite Japanese smiles; a dog to its owner; cat in the sun; a young man in love with his girlfriend; wolf to hare.

Exercise 6. Frown like: King Lear; a child whose toy was taken away; Napoleon; a person who wants to hide a smile; angry parrot.

Why these exercises? To “be all kinds of things,” to train, regulate your internal state, and learn to manage it. Attention and imagination will help create internal “piggy banks” of intonations, movements, gestures, ways of expressing feelings, demonstrating thoughts that are so necessary for a leader in the process of influencing people.

Exercises 7 and 8. We offer two special exercises that will help leaders correct some of the physical deficiencies that create certain obstacles in their work. For example, the guys vertically challenged There are small, inexpressive movements, while for tall ones, on the contrary, they are sweeping and clumsy.

For leaders with small movements. Individual training consists of a person playing a game at home while performing some physical activity. For example: all the furniture in the house is lead, that is, very heavy. “Heaviness” requires larger movements, larger, more significant.

For leaders with sweeping movements. A similar exercise with the only difference that all the furniture, all objects in the house are glass. Glass requires more careful, delicate handling.

One of the necessary skills of a leader is his ability to understand the psychological state of his partner, “high sensitivity,” and the ability to understand the motives of actions. The exercises proposed below contribute to the development of observation and attention - important qualities of a leader’s personality.

Exercise 9. Do you know well the appearance of your classmates or members of your organization (association)? Find in each of them something that you have not noticed until now. What kind of eyes, hair, chin shape? Describe it from memory, and then check it when you meet.

Exercise 10. “Like the back of our hand” - we say this about what is familiar to us. However, take a close look at your five fingers. Are they familiar to you? Look at your palms. Close your eyes, imagine them, then describe them.

Exercise 11. Individual training that develops visual memory and observation skills. When walking down the street, practice instantly “photographing” people you come across, houses, store windows, etc. The eye should instantly capture the image in all its details. Your eyes can do this, you just haven’t done it before, and therefore haven’t trained your eyes. To remember and be aware of captured images, you need to carefully train. The order is approximately the same as in photography: shoot - look; we manifest - we remember; we print - we remember; We look at the prints.

Exercise 12. Observation, visual memory, efficiency. In 30 seconds, find and remember all the objects in the room whose names begin with the letter C: table, chair, photograph, napkin, etc. The more, the better.

Exercise 13. What does it look like? (Exercise by Leonardo da Vinci). Looking at stains of ink and ink on paper, cracks on a wall or stone, you can see the similarity of images to different battles, animals, clothes, facial expressions, infinite set of things. Peering into the shadows on the ceiling, the folds in the curtains, you will see different pictures. This exercise develops fantasy, imagination, creative thinking, visual memory.

Exercise 14. What's new? Every day, when entering the classroom or headquarters of your organization, look for what changes have occurred here, what’s new in the clothes of your comrades, etc. And so on every day!

Exercise 15. Biography according to views. Look closely at people's eyes. Notice how many “ways to look” there are, so to speak. When classifying views, think each time: why one person looks at the same object, at the same event in one way, and another differently. When studying people’s views, you will have to think about the uniqueness of their characters, about how the particularities of a person’s connections with other people develop as a result of their life’s journey. The ability to quickly carry out this kind of analysis is necessary for a leader.

Exercise 15. Living things. In previous exercises to develop imagination, it was suggested to determine what a spot, shadow, crack looks like... Having mastered the inner vision, it is proposed to fantasize about what will happen if the chair comes to life. What would he do? How old is he? What is his character? What does he love and what does he dream about? The exercise develops the ability to connect observations with fantasy.

The effectiveness of any business largely depends on how skillfully the leader builds his communication with his comrades, whether he has the skills to build an individual conversation.

Exercise 17. Modeling a conversation, “probing the soul of an object.” (K. S. Stanislavsky.) One of the fairy tales by J. Rodari tells about three types of people: glass ones broke from a careless touch, wooden ones were deaf even to strong influences, the straw ones caught fire even in mild disturbances.

Situation. You want your friend to give up watching an interesting movie or going to a disco (which he is already in the mood for) and help you prepare a case for all members of the organization. Imagine a friend made of glass, wood, straw. Play out different options for a conversation with him. Having determined the type of one of your friends, have a real conversation with him. Compare the playback results with the real ones.

Exercise 18. Creation psychological compatibility at the initial stage of the conversation.

Situation: You need to find out your friend’s opinion on an issue that is important to you, but unpleasant to him. Imagine this situation. Keep in mind that in the dialogue, each partner can occupy one of 4 role positions.

We will call the first “position of non-participation”. You were not noticed or heard. More precisely, they pretended not to notice or hear.

The second position - “an extension from above” - is an independent, non-subordinate position, and even vice versa - subordinating, taking responsibility upon itself.

The third position is “an extension from below” - a dependent, subordinate position.

The fourth position - “an extension nearby” - expresses the ability and desire to take into account the situation, understand the interests of others and distribute responsibility between oneself and another person.

The position of one person in a dialogue is very informative for another, and the nature of the dialogue and its results largely depend on it. People's positions in dialogue are not always consistent.

Exercise. Play out conversation options using 4 role positions. Develop recommendations for behavior in each situation.

Exercise 19. Organization of direct conversation.

Depending on the circumstances, a person may be in one of the “weight categories” (meaning the state of mind):

. « a light weight“- lightness of soul, you want to do everything, everything works out;

. “the back of the English queen” - the very figure of a person means that now he will bring the truth to all questions;

. “all reluctantly” - this is exactly what you don’t want to do, your thoughts are occupied with other things;

. “heavy weight” - I’m very tired of everything, something hurts a lot, I have no strength to do anything.

Suggest 4 situations in which one of the proposed states would be appropriate. Play it and analyze it.

Exercise 20. Initiative management. Imagine that you are having a conversation with someone. Its initiator is your interlocutor. You are still a passive participant in the conversation - you assent, make remarks, etc. Try to seize the initiative, take leadership into your own hands. And, conversely, try to force your partner (interlocutor) to become the leader of the contact. Think about how to do this. Apply the method in a real situation.

Exercise 21. Managing the conversation.

Situation. Meeting acquaintances. Task: reduce the conversation to a given topic. The topic is communicated into the ear of any member of the audience so that the partner does not hear. Rude techniques are prohibited, for example: “Let’s talk about...”, “And I want to talk about...”. Analyze the course of the conversation: how the goal was realized, the internal state of the partners, mistakes.

Exercise 22. Analysis of individual conversation. Analyze one of the individual conversations. Analysis scheme: purpose of the conversation, structure, result, positions, state of partners. Your version of the conversation.