Oh, yes, Maslenitsa, wide, stay for a week, And you, people, celebrate Maslenitsa! Yes, invite you to Maslenitsa!

By the first day of Maslenitsa, mountains, hanging swings, booths for buffoons,

tables with sweets. Not to ride from the mountains and on the swings, not to make fun of the buffoons meant in the old days - to live in bitter misfortune.

Maslenitsa in proverbs and sayings

  • Maslenitsa lasts for seven days.
  • It was Maslenitsa at the yard, but I didn’t go into the hut.
  • Maslyona is afraid of bitter radishes and steamed turnips.
  • A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your stomach.
  • It's not Maslenitsa without pancakes. It's not a birthday party without a cake.
  • Damn it's not bad for the belly.
  • Ride in the mountains, lie in pancakes.

Thursday – “Revelry” From Thursday, not without reason called « wide », Maslenitsa revelry unfolded in all its breadth. The whole world, as participants or active, interested spectators, came out to fist fights, the construction and capture of a snowy city, horse racing, and riding in the streets.

Friday - “Mother-in-law's party” If on Wednesday the sons-in-law visited their mothers-in-law, then on Friday the sons-in-law had « mother-in-law's evenings » - invited for pancakes.

Saturday - « Sister-in-law's get-togethers ». On the sixth day of Maslenitsa week, custom required the daughter-in-law to invite her sister-in-law, her husband’s sister, to visit, feed and give her gifts. As a rule, on this day the daughter-in-law received all her husband’s relatives and had a festive dinner.

Sunday - « forgiven day »

We organized a farewell to Maslenitsa. In the morning, the children collected wood for the fire to burn Maslenitsa. On the last day of Maslenitsa, everyone asked each other for forgiveness, the newlyweds visited their relatives, gave gifts to their father-in-law, matchmakers and boyfriends for wedding gifts.

Many people think that on the last day of Maslenitsa week they burn an effigy of Maslenitsa, but no, they don’t burn Maslenitsa, but say goodbye to Winter!

Goodbye, honest Maslenitsa! If you're alive, I'll see you. Wait at least a year, but know and know that Maslenitsa will come again...

In Russian life, Maslenitsa is one of the brightest spring holidays. Since recent times, the week before Lent has been called Cheese Week, or Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa seems to be a living being. The ancient Slavs believed: at the end of February, Morana, the pagan goddess of winter, runs away, grumbling and snarling. And the goddess of spring, the bright Lada, rides on a sleigh. The myth has been forgotten, but at the end of February people still cheerfully and noisily welcome spring and say goodbye to winter. Lada turned into Maslenitsa - wide, ruddy. FROM THE HISTORY

The children opened Maslenitsa. They asked everyone they met or came from the city: “Are you bringing Maslenitsa?” If the answer was negative, then they beat the oncoming person with their bast shoes. They also built snow mountains and sledded down them. They walked around the courtyards singing songs and saying sayings.

Summer is for trying – Winter is for partying. This is where the main fun begins: they carry a stuffed animal, ride around, sing ditties, and go caroling. Young people and children gathered, dressed up in masks and went from house to house, sang songs, and gave treats for this. Open the chests, take out the dimes! If you don’t have a nickel, serve some pie! If you don’t give me a pie, I’ll take the cow by the horns to Torzhok, where I’ll sell you for a pie. On Thursday it was obligatory to build and storm fortresses. The besieged defended themselves with brooms and brooms. The winners were bathed in an ice hole to “cool down.”

On this day, gluttony and fun end; a fire is lit on the icy mountains, trying to melt the ice. This is the day of purification before fasting, everyone goes to each other and asks for forgiveness: “Forgive me if I’m guilty” - “And you forgive me” - “God will forgive.” All this was accompanied by bows and kisses.

Signs for Maslenitsa Fortune telling on the betrothed-mummer At Maslenitsa they told fortunes: the girl takes one of the first pancakes and goes out into the street and treats the first person she meets and asks his name. Why? Because that’s what the betrothed will be called. To restore order In addition to the scarecrow of Maslenitsa on Sunday, it was customary to burn all unnecessary utensils, broken and unnecessary items. This is, of course, a very important sign that helps improve everyday life.

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Hello, Maslenitsa! Zamaenko Elena Vasilyevna, teacher-methodologist of Educational Institution No. 110, Zaporozhye Higher category

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This holiday comes to us in early spring, How many joys it always carries with it! The icy mountains are waiting, And the snow is sparkling, The sleds are running down the hills, The laughter does not stop. At home, the aroma of pancakes is wonderful, festive, we invite our friends for pancakes, we will eat them together. Maslenitsa is a farewell to winter and a welcome to spring.

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The history of the Maslenitsa holiday is a long-awaited farewell to winter (WINTER SEEING AWAY) and a cheerful welcome to spring, the warmth of the sun and the beginning of the awakening of nature and field work. From time immemorial, people considered spring to be the beginning of a new life and revered the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. In honor of the Sun, pancakes are baked on Maslenitsa.

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By the first day of Maslenitsa, public slides, swings, and tables with sweet dishes were built. Pancakes began to be baked in houses. The first pancake was given to the poor to commemorate the dead. Monday MEETING OF MASLENITSA Morning... MONDAY... The "MEETING" is coming. Bright sleds slide down the hills. All day fun. Evening comes... Having skated to their heart's content, they eat all the pancakes.

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Tuesday PLAY On the second day of Maslenitsa, various games were organized. People went sledding, skating, and ice-skating. They covered their faces with funny masks, believing that in a different guise a different life would begin - joyful and prosperous.

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On this day, people enjoyed pancakes. Pancakes were baked from different flours and with different fillings: wheat, oatmeal, buckwheat, unleavened and sour dough. Wednesday Gourmand Here WEDNESDAY fits - it's called "Gourmand". Every housewife casts a spell at the stove. Kulebyaki, cheesecakes - they succeed in everything. Pies and pancakes - everything is on the table! People joked and told various tales.

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Thursday “WALK THURSDAY” On this day they carried a stuffed animal of winter and held competitions in strength and dexterity. And on THURSDAY - the free “RAZGULAY” comes. Ice fortresses, snow fights... Troikas with bells enter the fields. Guys are looking for girls - their betrothed.

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Maslenitsa is also a family holiday. Spring has always been associated with the beginning of a new life, with procreation. Friday MOTHER-IN-LAW'S PARTY At mother-in-law's parties, sons-in-law treat their mothers-in-law to pancakes. In the old days, the son-in-law was obliged to personally invite his mother-in-law in the evening, and then in the morning he sent elegant invitees. The more people were invited, the more honors the mother-in-law received.

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Saturday SISTER-IN-LAW'S Gatherings The young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her sister-in-law's gatherings. Relatives gathered for tea with pancakes, sang songs, mischievous ditties, and danced.

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Sunday FORGIVEN SUNDAY The last day of Maslenitsa is the last and most important day of the entire Maslenitsa week. Everyone, young and old, asks each other for forgiveness in order to meet spring with a clear conscience. They gave martenichki, boy and girl dolls made from white and red threads, a symbol of friendship. They waved them and said: Forgive me, forgive me. Let go of all grudges. Resources used: http://www.078.com.ua/blogs/afisha/maslenica-na-ploshadi-svobody.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslenitsa http://pustunchik.ua/interesting /festival/Gulyannya-na-Maslyanu/ http://brusselki.ucoz.net/news/maslenica/2011-01-18-74 http://izmchldbibl.blogspot.com/2012/02/blog-post_20.html http ://koshkindom.com.ua/html/produkt/maslenisa.html http://www.gazeta.lv/story/17440.html

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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MASLENITSA Goal: To study and revive interest and respect for Russian culture, ritual folk holidays, traditions, and customs. Teacher of additional education of the highest category MBOU DOD RCVR Krasny Sulin Ryazhskikh Iraida Borisovna

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They kept in their peaceful life the Habits of dear old times: At Maslenitsa they had Russian pancakes... A.S. Pushkin

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Maslenitsa is the most joyful and bright holiday that came to us from pagan Rus', a real farewell to Winter. The name of the holiday “Maslenitsa” comes from the fact that on this day they ate a lot of oily foods.

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The history of Maslenitsa dates back to the era of pagan tribes in Rus'. Among the ancient Slavs, this holiday marked the end of winter, the welcome of spring and the beginning of field work. During Maslenitsa, our ancestors made sacrifices to the Gods, performed rituals, and held feasts. After the adoption of Christianity, the holiday was preserved in Rus'. All the rituals that were performed in pagan Rus' on Maslenitsa absolutely invariably transferred to Orthodox Rus'. The rituals dedicated to the Sun God have become the most popular for the holiday: rolling a set of wheels on fire through the streets, burning bonfires, cooking pancakes - all these are symbols of the supreme god Yarilo.

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Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent. Each day of Maslenitsa week has its own name and requires certain rituals. The first three days are Narrow Maslenitsa, the subsequent days are Broad Maslenitsa.

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But the most important thing is the pancakes! Damn is a symbol of the sun. Just as round and hot. They are served on the table piping hot. With butter, sour cream, caviar, mushrooms, sturgeon or stellate sturgeon - choose to suit every taste. And, having eaten your fill, go for a walk and have fun!

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Monday - Meeting By the first day of Maslenitsa, public slides, swings, and tables with sweet dishes were built. Pancakes began to be baked in houses. The first pancake was given to the poor to commemorate the dead. On this day, a scarecrow of Maslenitsa was made from straw. In the old days, children went outside in the morning to build snow mountains. The children started shouting: “Maslenitsa has arrived, Maslenitsa has arrived!” and held fist fights in honor of the arrival of their dear guest.

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Tuesday - Flirting This day was dedicated to the newlyweds. They rode down the mountain and invited their relatives and friends: “We have the mountains ready and the pancakes baked - please welcome.” These days, young people were looking for brides, and girls were secretly looking at their betrothed. After fun games, boys and girls gathered at a common table. In the old days, on Maslenitsa, people not only walked on this day, but also told fortunes.

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Wednesday - Lakomka On the third day, sumptuous tables were laid in all houses. Numerous stalls opened right on the street, selling hot pancakes, roasted nuts, honey gingerbread, sbitni (drinks made from water, honey and spices). On this day, the son-in-law (daughter’s husband) came to his “mother-in-law for pancakes.” Oh, you Gourmet Wednesday! Maclyan frying pan! It's been a custom since ancient times, We're going to my mother-in-law's for pancakes!

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Thursday - Razgulyay On this day it was customary to organize fist fights, capture specially built snow forts, roller coaster rides, and fun carnivals. According to an ancient custom, on this day in Rus' they baked larks, doves, and swallows from butter dough - the harbingers of Spring.

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Mother-in-law's suppers A good mother-in-law, we know, does not have a skinny son-in-law! They feed him pies and sour cream with pancakes, When the son-in-law comes to visit, The bones jingle in him, and when he goes home - He won’t pass through the doorway! He will eat a basket of pies and three boxes of pancakes! Shchi, borscht and kalachi - mother-in-law, swords are all on the table!

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Saturday - Sister-in-law's gatherings On Saturday, for sister-in-law's gatherings (her husband's sister), the young daughter-in-law invited her husband's relatives to visit her. If the sister-in-law was unmarried, then she also called her unmarried friends. If on the contrary, then only married relatives were invited. The newlywed daughter-in-law had to present her sisters-in-law with gifts.

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Come on Sunday - We will ask for forgiveness, To remove all sins from the soul, To meet Lent with a pure heart! Let's seal our friendship with a kiss, Even though we're not fighting. After all, on Maslenitsa you need to strengthen love and friendship!

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Maslenitsa. Summary of the conversation and presentation for children of senior preschool age (5-7 years).

Shishova Svetlana Gennadievna
Position, place of work, city (village): music director, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 197", Barnaul
Purpose of the material: I bring to your attention a summary of the conversation and presentation with children of senior preschool age “Maslenitsa”. This material may be useful for educators and additional education teachers.
Target: introduce children to national holidays and traditions of their celebration.
- instill in children an interest in the traditions of their people;
- expand children's vocabulary;
- introduce children to examples of artistic creativity.

Hello, Maslenitsa!
Give us butter!
We'll bake ourselves some hot pancakes -
We don't care about snowstorms and frosts!
If you have a frying pan,
We are not afraid of the cold,
Because damn it's hot-
This is the best food!
It's not the mouse that's squeaking,
It's not the frost that's cracking,
Pancake in a frying pan
Behind the pancake there is squeaking...
Yes with herring,
Yes with caviar,
Yes, along the edge with golden
That's how Maslenitsa
The butter gave us!
Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:
It's the damn sun and the damn moon next to it.
One damn hot one
The other one is cold...
Climb to the sky-
If anyone is hungry!
On the ground with wheels
The pancakes rolled...
Children under the birch trees
Pack your gifts!
The baptized world rejoices today,
Because today is Maslenitsa.
Come, people, and eat a pancake with us,
May spring come to the earth quickly!
Come on, eat a pancake
May spring come!
N. Gubskaya

progress of the conversation

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The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa dates back to ancient times. Since ancient times, our ancestors knew that towards the end of winter the days become longer and the nights become shorter. So short that the day becomes equal to the night. This day was called the winter equinox. In ancient Rus' it was believed that from the day of the winter equinox there was a turn towards spring. And so that spring would come quickly after a long, cold winter, they organized a farewell to winter - Maslenitsa week or Maslenitsa. During this week we said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring. For a long time in Rus', the New Year began in the spring, and it was celebrated during Maslenitsa week.
The symbol of spring is the sun, warm and generous. As you know, the sun has the shape of a circle, so the symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes, round, rosy, hot, like the sun.
Our ancestors represented winter in the form of a scarecrow, which was made from straw, old baskets, bast shoes and old things. It was certainly a female figure.
They spent the winter with songs, dances, treats, and games. We ate pancakes all Maslenitsa week. Pancakes were baked from buckwheat or wheat flour with butter, milk and eggs. The pancakes were served with caviar, sour cream, fish, sour cream, and butter. They baked mountains of pancakes, as an incredible amount of them was eaten. “A pancake is not a wedge, it won’t split your stomach,” people said.
Each day of the holiday week had its own name and purpose.

Monday: "meeting"
Housewives began baking pancakes, giving the first to homeless people.
At a pre-selected place for festivities, ice slides, booths, and snow forts were built.
And the youth made a symbol of the holiday from straw and old clothes, straw, and rags - a scarecrow of Maslenitsa. They placed him in a chosen place and had fun around him all week.

Tuesday: “flirt”
On Tuesday, for the “flirt”, girls and boys were invited to ride from the snowy mountains, eat pancakes: “We have built mountains and baked pancakes - welcome!”
Young people got to know each other at festivities, fun games and slides.

Wednesday: "gourmet"
On this day, especially generous tables were set in every house. In Rus', it was believed that it was on the Wednesday of Maslenitsa that the “gourmand” needed to eat as many pancakes as possible in order to have enough for the whole year.
One of the favorite pastimes on Maslenitsa was riding the carousel. The carousel has the shape of a circle, which means it symbolized the sun.

Thursday: "revelry"
The day when celebrations unfolded in full swing, all kinds of housework stopped and various competitions were organized.
Everywhere there were rich fairs with all kinds of delicacies, gingerbread, nuts, and tea drinking from samovars with bagels and pancakes. Children whistled into clay whistles, imitating the singing of birds - inviting spring. Set fire to cart wheels were launched from the ravines. Mummers walked around the squares and led a live trained bear on a chain, putting on performances.
Skiing down the mountain is one of the favorite pastimes during Maslenitsa week. Children, young people from the entire village and even residents of neighboring villages came to ride. The slides were made from wood and filled with water, or natural mountains were filled with water. They tried to decorate the slides - with flags, lanterns, and Christmas trees. Rides were always fun, with songs and jokes.
For skating they used sleds, matting, skins, skates, ice boats (flatten baskets frozen at the bottom), wooden troughs, and inverted benches.
Entertainment alternated with rich feasts, and the most important event was the assault on the snowy town.
The guys built a snow town - an ice fortress with gates, put guards there, and then on foot and on horseback they went on the attack, climbed the walls, and broke into the gates. The besieged defended themselves with snowballs, brooms and whips.
On Maslenitsa, customs gave boys and young men the opportunity to show their prowess in a fist fight.
Two villages, residents of opposite ends of a large village, could fight each other. They prepared seriously for battle: they steamed in baths, ate bread and meat, because they believed that they gave strength and courage.
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Climbing a pole, walking on stilts, tug of war - fun where the guys showed their brave prowess.

Friday: "mother-in-law's party"
The wife's relatives came to the house of the young family. The owner (husband) had to please the mother-in-law and show the guests his respect for her and her family.

Saturday: “Sister-in-Law Gatherings”
And on Saturday, the husband’s relatives came to the young family’s house.

Sunday: “seeing off”
The last day of Maslenitsa is popularly called “Forgiveness Sunday” or “The Day of Kissing”. On this day, they visit the graves of deceased relatives, ask for forgiveness for all the insults caused over the year, and kiss as a sign of reconciliation. This is where the name of this Maslenitsa day comes from.
We had a special time seeing off Maslenitsa. People put on their most elegant clothes and laid lavish tables.
Sleigh rides were very fun in the villages. The horses' harnesses were decorated, ribbons, bells, and bells were attached to the sleigh, musical instruments were taken and they rode around the village singing songs. A stuffed Maslenitsa was carried on a sleigh on a pole.
On Forgiveness Sunday, a sacred fire was lit. Young people and girls were jumping over it. It was believed that fire cleanses from all bad things.
Then an effigy of Maslenitsa was burned on a sacred bonfire, and the ashes were sprinkled on the fields. The belief was that a scarecrow of Maslenitsa burned to the ground would bring a good harvest. By evening, the house and the remains of the holiday food were cleaned.
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Maslenitsa is still celebrated today, but not on such a grand scale. In every city and village, folk festivals are held with fairs, performances, and the ritual of burning the Maslenitsa effigy. People ask each other for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. They rejoice at seeing off the bitter winter and look forward to the gentle spring.