Christmas is one of the greatest and most significant holidays for Christians around the world, which has many traditions.

They prepare for it in advance and very thoroughly. They decorate houses and prepare a rich table, while observing traditions. Which are passed on from generation to generation.

When is Christmas celebrated

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on the night of January 6-7. Catholics celebrate according to the old style - December 25th.

The ceremonial service begins exactly at midnight.

Before the revolution, Christmas holidays were accompanied by many traditions and folk rituals. Unfortunately, after this holiday was banned, many traditions were irretrievably lost.

Christmas - quiet, bright family celebration. After all, the event of the birth of Christ itself happened quietly and inconspicuously. Joseph and Mary, unable to find room in an inn, were forced to stay in a cave where they kept cattle. It was in it that the Savior was born.

The angels were the first to tell about this joyful event to simple shepherds. A bright star lit up in the sky, which showed the way to the worshipers who brought gifts to the Savior.

Nativity scenes are built in temples. This is a stationary structure made of cardboard and fir branches, depicting the cave in which Jesus Christ was born. Inside the makeshift cave they place figurines of the Holy Family, angels, sheep, wise men, etc., in other words, all participants in those events.

The period from Christmas to Epiphany is called Christmastide. These days it is customary to do good deeds and visit loved ones with congratulations.

Traditions of Christmas celebration

We owe many wonderful traditions to Christmas. The most popular symbol of the holiday is a Christmas tree decorated with toys. At first these were spruce branches woven into a wreath, which was decorated with flowers, fruits and sweets. By the way, not everyone knows that the star that is installed on top is the same Star of Bethlehem, which showed the way to the Magi, and not a symbol Communist Party.

On the evening of the sixth, Christmas Eve begins. The name comes from the dish that was traditionally eaten on this day - sochiva. All family members sat down at the table after the appearance of the first star; before that, eating food was prohibited. The table was set with lenten dishes, and at the top was always sochivo - boiled wheat with honey.

One of the main and brightest traditions of Christmas is caroling. Previously, this tradition was pagan: the carol was a symbol of sun worship. Gradually, almost all pagan symbols were supplanted under the influence of Christianity.

Costumed people gather in groups and go from house to house in the evening before Christmas, proclaiming the good news that the Savior was born and wishing the owners health and prosperity. In gratitude for the good news, they throw sweets, a loaf, sausage or some money into the bag.

On the evening of January 6th, godchildren bring kutya to their godparents and sing songs about the Nativity of Christ. Their godparents give them gifts for this.

Thus, Christmas is traditionally celebrated in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Another tradition that exists in all countries is to give gifts to family, friends and those who need attention and care. This tradition originates from the gifts that the Magi presented to Christ.

Christmas table - traditional dishes

Christmas is preceded by a six-week fast. That's why the owners cooked a lot for Christmas delicious dishes. The evening of the sixth of January is called Christmas Eve. On this day it is not customary to eat food until the first star, and even those Christians who did not fast try to adhere to this rule.

After common prayer, all family members sat down at the table and ate the so-called “hungry kutya” - millet porridge, which was cooked in water and flavored with honey and dried fruits.

Main courses were served only after the service. According to tradition, there should be 13 different dishes on the table. These include baked pigs, meat in pots, snacks, salads, pies, etc. In addition, traditional “rich kutia” is served, which is prepared with honey, nuts, cream and dried fruits.

The traditional drink on the Christmas table is a brew made from berries and dried fruits.

In the old days, there was a tradition of opening the doors wide and inviting any passerby to the table, even if it was a beggar. It was believed that Christ himself could come in the form of any person.

In which countries of the world and how is Christmas celebrated?


The French were the first to replace apples on the Christmas tree with glass balls. In this country, boots or boots are placed near the Christmas tree, where gifts for children are placed.

By the way, for the French, a Christmas tree is not a mandatory attribute of the holiday; many prefer to decorate their homes with flowers.

At the beginning of December, Christmas markets open all over the country, where you can buy everything you need to celebrate Christmas.

Traditional dishes on the Christmas table in France are roast goose and a log-shaped cake, which is served at the end of the meal.


In this country, in addition to the usual Christmas tree, they also put a tree on the street. Bird feeders are hung on it and seeds and crumbs are poured under the tree.


Christmas in Sweden, like in any Catholic country, is celebrated from December 24 to 25. Here it is customary to celebrate only with your family. Friends, even the closest ones, are not invited to the holiday.

The traditional dish for Swedes at Christmas is pork ham, but turkey is more often prepared. Herring, potatoes and salmon must be present on the table.

Christmas trees are not decorated with tinsel; here it is considered bad manners. Plain light bulbs and very few toys are used as decoration.


Germans begin to prepare for Christmas at the end of November. Every family has a tradition of weaving a wreath with four candles. Every Sunday of the next month, one candle is lit on the wreath. By Christmas, all four candles should be burning on it.

Before Christmas they prepare baked goods: stollen and gingerbread. Stollen - oblong sweet bread with nuts, spices and raisins, which symbolizes the swaddled Christ.


Christmas in this country is celebrated according to the new style - January 7th. They celebrate it for more than a month with their family. According to tradition, the father of the family must cut down an oak branch for hearth and home.


Since the beginning of the 20th century, the British have celebrated Christmas as a purely family holiday. Only a few traditions have survived to this day. One of them: exchanging gifts that are placed in a Christmas stocking.

Traditional dishes on the Christmas table are plum pudding and stuffed turkey. There is a tradition of hiding small silver coins"for luck".


Nativity scenes are installed in churches and homes. In addition, residents of this country decorate the Christmas tree and decorate their homes with flowers.

On Christmas Eve, fish or vegetable dishes are served on the table. A rich table is set for Christmas. Mandatory dishes are dumplings in broth, boiled meat, lentils, chocolate and cakes with dried fruits, sprinkled powdered sugar.


Christmas is celebrated in this country on December 25th. In Greece this is a national holiday. In the morning, matins and liturgy are served in churches. After the service everyone returns home and sits down at the table.

They bake traditional “Christ’s bread”, which is decorated with a cross and nuts on top. In addition to the main treat, the table must have dried fruits, honey, Christmas cookies, dried fruits and pomegranates.


Two weeks before Christmas, the holiday is celebrated with colleagues and friends, who are presented with so-called “Christmas baskets”. They contain food for the holiday, from champagne to cheeses, sweets or ham.

Entrance doors decorated with Christmas wreaths.

In any country, Christmas is a time when there is an opportunity to give a little warmth and care to the weak, orphans, lonely old people and those in prison.

After all, Christmas is a reminder to us all that love and goodness live in the soul of every person.

The Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of Christ will take place on the night of January 6-7. Catholic and Protestant Christmas falls on December 25th. On this day, Christian people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God. How the celebration takes place important event, not everyone knows.


Christians wait for the Christmas holiday all year and carefully prepare for it. Before the holiday, the house is cleaned, garbage is swept out, wet cleaning is carried out, and unnecessary things are disposed of. A festive meal is prepared, the rooms of the house and the Christmas tree are decorated. The vegetarian Nativity Fast continues until the first star appears in the sky at Christmas.

The day before the holiday is called Christmas Eve. During it, Christians eat abstinently. And only in the evening is it allowed to vegetable dishes and porridge fish, baked or steamed. The main dishes on the table on Christmas Eve are sochivo and kutya - porridge made from grain steamed in water.

On Christmas itself, the table is richly set with various Christmas dishes: baked goose or duck in apples, pies, cakes with butter cream, soaked fruits, fresh herbs and vegetable salads.

To maintain your overall health next year, celebrants place bundles of straw under the tablecloth on the Christmas table in memory of the manger in which Jesus Christ was born. And under the table you need to place a large iron box, which everyone present will touch with their feet in order to increase their strength and health. From time immemorial, iron has been considered in Rus' a symbol of strength and fortitude. After the festive dinner, guests congratulate each other and give gifts.

At Christmas, a group of walking young people sing carols under the windows and doors of residential buildings. Carolers dress up in a special way, carrying a bag decorated with their own hands in a festive way. In gratitude for the carols sung, calling success and prosperity to the home, the owners put pies and sweets into the bag.

The church calls on its parishioners to adhere to strict fasting until Christmas. On the eve of the holiday, it is advisable to attend the Christmas liturgy and pray for the health of yourself and your loved ones. Church ministers ask in their sermons addressed to believers to try not to abuse alcohol, fatty foods, smoking, or slander during Christmastide.

Hello dear readers. I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful holiday. After all, the day will soon come for all believers when they will celebrate the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Nativity of Christ). This will happen on January 7th. This holiday is one of the most important in the Christian world. It was established as a sign of great joy due to the birth of the savior of mankind Jesus Christ (the Infant of God, the Son of God) from the Virgin Mary. This event of world, even Ecumenical, scale took place in Bethlehem. It is accepted that Christmas is preceded by the Nativity Fast and is included in the number of twelve holidays. It is the final one in a long 40-day fast (Holy Pentecost). Strict fasting is necessarily observed before the holiday itself.

At night from the 6th to the 7th in all Orthodox churches Solemn Christmas services are held in churches.

This is followed by Christmastide, which lasts for twelve whole days. At this time, all believers celebrate and glorify Christ. Today I want to consider interesting traditions and customs for Christmas. In fact, everything is very interesting, both for children and adults.

The history of the holiday - Christmas for children

January 7 marked new life of all humanity. Now the worship of pagan idols is a thing of the past. There were no more human sacrifices to please these gods. To date, the only "sacrifice" made Orthodox Christian To the Lord is a candle and a sincere prayer.

The history of the holiday is covered in mysteries, since it is one of the oldest on earth. Meanwhile, there are facts that are definitely established modern science and are practically beyond doubt. Agree: it’s difficult to imagine that this day was never celebrated at all. And, meanwhile, there were such times. To understand how it was, you need to plunge into the fascinating and mysterious world of history.

1. This holiday was established to honor the birth of Jesus Christ in the ancient city of Bethlehem. This happened in 5508 from the day of the creation of the World.

2. In the 4th century, the principles of celebrating Christmas were just being established. They were not 100% similar to modern ones. And in terms of singing, too.

3. In the 5th century, the foundations of chants were just beginning to be laid. Patriarch Anatoly of Constantinople contributed to this. His work was continued in the 7th-8th centuries by Andrei and Soffonius of Jerusalem, as well as by Cosmas of Mayum, Patriarch Herman of Constantinople and others. It is the chants of that time that are widely practiced by modern clergy.

4. This great holiday was held in high esteem by believers from the very moment of the Savior’s birth. Over time, it gained popularity and more and more believers joined the celebrations. Already in those days, the custom was born to celebrate this day in a special way. However, all this was persecuted and not recognized by the official authorities of that time for a very long time.

5. The first who decided to congratulate Christ and all people were simple shepherds, to whom an angel appeared, informing them of the greatest joy: a savior has come to earth, and everyone who believes in him and adheres to his commandments will have a chance of salvation your soul and a blissful heavenly life for all ages. The shepherds presented gifts to the baby, and the wise men (magi) hurried after them. It was they who were entrusted with the honor of notifying people about the birth of the Child of God.

The history of the origin of the Christmas holiday is outlined briefly for children. After all, children should know and need to be told everything correctly and clearly.

This is how the foundations of this holiday were laid, which we still celebrate today. And not only at the religious, but also at the official - state level (in more than 100 countries of the modern world).

Some more interesting historical facts!

Christmas holiday in different countries the world is not celebrated in exactly the same way. This was influenced by the customs of those local peoples who lived on those lands when it was just founded.

It is celebrated and Catholic Church, and Protestant, and he is also honored by many related religious movements.

In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated only in the 10th century. And her baptism itself was, for the most part, forced. The pagan beliefs of the local peoples were too strong.

Closer to our time, in the villages, Christmastide was celebrated “with the whole world,” moving from one hut to another. This custom has survived to this day. Merchants in those days rode in troikas, and noble nobles loved to organize balls.

Holy Evening or Nativity of Christ - traditions and customs

In fact, long before Christmas, household chores began. And everyone had their own. So, the owner had to feed the meat, supply wine for maturation, prepare smoking, and so on. The hostess was busy with embroidery, cleaning, preparing new dishes, and preparing dishes. The children helped them with all this.

On January 2 (Ignat) the final cleaning was done, the houses were decorated with didukh and spruce branches.

On the fourth of January (on Anastasia) the preparation of food for the festive table was finally completed.

On the sixth, from dawn, the hostess collected water for kutya, uzvar, and stoked the fireplace, on which the dishes were then prepared. Until the evening of the sixth, strict fasting continued. But the first star heralded its relative “end.”

And to emphasize the idleness of this moment, they began to eat the much-awaited festive meal. But she, in mandatory, was fast. The table was incredibly rich. And there must have been 12 dishes on it.

It was not at all necessary to eat every dish completely. And it wasn’t very realistic after the strict fast. But little by little is a completely different matter. We started the meal with kutia - the central, main dish of the Christmas table.

Among other things, it is also a funeral dish, so a bowl filled with it, and an uzvar next to it, was also placed for deceased relatives, who were believed (and are still believed to this day) to visit the living at this magical time.

Kutya was also brought to those people who were not relatives or lived in other houses to wish them well-being, prosperity, good health, happiness and joy, as well as to wish them a Merry Christmas. The same wishes were conveyed to godfathers.

“Carrying the Supper” - that’s what it’s called this ritual. For her, adults give gifts to children from the heart.

Let's return to the festive home table. It was covered with fresh, fragrant hay, but food was placed in clean, beautiful dishes. Each dish has its own meaning. It is believed that dishes from all the fruits and vegetables available on the farm should be placed on the table, so that next year they will produce even more richly.

Why exactly 12 dishes must be prepared for Christmas?

This is justified by the fact that there are the same number of months in a year. And yet, it was the 12 apostles who took direct part in the famous Last Supper with Christ.

1. Kutia, as already mentioned, is the main dish of this table. This is a cereal porridge.

2. Uzvar (var). A special compote, the main ingredient of which is dried fruits.

3. Chilled fish.

4. Cabbage.

5. Boiled peas.

6. Lenten borscht.

7. Fried fish.

8. Lenten dumplings.

9. Lenten pies.

10. Pancakes or donuts (to go with borscht).

11. Millet or buckwheat porridge.

12. Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetables and cereals.

After the family meal was over, supper could be held. At this time, young people could sing carols, adults, and with them children, old people, young people (everyone who wanted) began to gather for church. The girls began to tell fortunes. However, they were officially prohibited by the church!

How to cook Christmas kutia

In ancient times, the whole family got to work to prepare this unique dish. Each of its members, young and old, sorted through the wheat for several evenings in a row in order to use only the best grains in the cooking process. Barley was used a little less often than wheat.

Modern kutia, as a rule, is prepared from rice, but recipes that use wheat and barley are gradually returning to us. The dish is served to the table, seasoned with poppy seeds and bee honey. Sometimes she was refueled and full. This is also honey, only diluted. It is not as sweet and much more liquid.

They began to gradually add poppy milk to kutya later. In fact, this is not milk in its pure form, but pre-steamed and thoroughly crushed poppy seeds.

If there is no honey, you can simply add sugar to the dish. Also, the trend of modern cooking is raisins and nuts in kutia. Previously, only those who had them could add nuts.

There are a great many recipes for preparing this dish. Here is one of the most popular, used by our ancestors.

It uses wheat or barley grains, previously pounded in a wooden mortar. But, they should not be fragmented. The main task is to remove the husk with which they are covered.

It would be ideal if the water did not need to be drained after this, that is, it was completely boiled down.

The finished grain was poured into: pears, apples, plums, and sometimes apricot fruits. The grain is placed in bowls separately, uzvar is added there, and you can put a spoonful of honey. The grain can be poured even when it is full.

In the modern interpretation of kutya, nuts, raisins, and sugar are added to it instead of honey (but not necessarily).

January 7 - Merry Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, the 7th, an early lunch was placed on the table. Meat dishes consumption was allowed in unlimited quantities.

However, everyone knew that it was impossible to abuse it, since gastrointestinal tract must adapt to a new diet after such a long fast. Blood and meat sausage, porridge with roast, lard with boiled pork, and so on were allowed. At lunchtime there should have been at least one (at least) dairy dish on the table. It could have been noodles with milk.

They served church services, fasted, and then went to visit the guests. Sleeping at night is an unaffordable luxury, and this applies specifically to Christmas night. Why? It was believed that whoever falls asleep can sleep through all his happiness and good luck. But I couldn’t get much sleep, even with all my desire: carols under the windows, the ringing of church bells, noise and din, talking about the Bright Holiday of people returning from service (from church)!

IN Merry Christmas it was necessary to have fun and rejoice, spend time in family circle, and then - away. And, what is extremely important, forgive any offenses, letting them go and not remembering them again. Only joy, because the Son of God was born.

By the way, all the customs and traditions mentioned above have been preserved, in one form or another, until today. And soon it will be time to remember them again. After all, the Christmas holidays are at stake.

Fortune telling on the night before Christmas

Fortune telling was happening everywhere at this time. And even though the church officially forbade this, this practice did not lose its popularity. And I haven’t lost it to this day.

The most common were fortune telling with onions in the name of your betrothed, fortune telling with a gold ring, with a comb, with glasses, fortune telling with a cat, with a rooster, and so on. And each of them is a whole ritual with a lot of features. Let's give an example of one of them.

Fortune telling for the betrothed using bulbs. Before Christmas Eve, a week before, the girl selected several bulbs, on each of which she made a mark with the initials of the “candidate”. She put them in water. And during fortune telling, at night, she whispered over the onion: “Onion, onion, whisper to me, who is my groom?” Then the size of the processes was measured. The longest one, with initials, pointed to the groom.

January is the month of holidays, following Christmas. But continuing the theme of Christmas, I cannot help but mention interesting signs for Christmas.

Christmas signs

The main signs that were believed then, and that continue to exist now:

It is forbidden to sew at Christmas, so that all family members have excellent eyesight.

Blizzard on this day - early spring and lush foliage on the trees.

Starry sky - big harvest peas

Kutia prepared by the main housewife - good health to the one who eats it.

On the eve of Christmas it is better not to take light and fire out of the hut.

Not a single plate should be left empty on the table.

And most importantly: as Christmas goes, so will the whole year! These, of course, are not the only signs. Several volumes are not enough to count them all. But here are the most interesting of them.

The Nativity of Christ is one of the most important Christian holidays; in its importance it ranks second after the bright holiday of Easter. The name of this holiday speaks for itself - Christmas means the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to our world to save human souls.

When and how is Christmas celebrated?

The celebration of the Nativity of Christ begins on the pre-Christmas evening on January 6, called Christmas Eve. Festive feast or as it is correctly called - the evening meal on Christmas Eve in Rus' has always been accompanied by special rituals and traditions. On January 6, you can only eat special food - boiled wheat or rice with fruits, nuts and honey, such food is called sochivom, which is why the name of the holiday comes from - Christmas Eve. You can eat food only after the liturgy, which turns into Vespers. On this holiday, many Christian believers, returning after the morning service from the temple, do not take food at all until the first star appears in the sky, which is considered a symbol of the star that appeared over Bethlehem at the birth of the Divine Infant and announced to the world his coming to earth savior The first to see the star, according to the Gospel, were the eastern sages, who came to Christ with rich gifts and low bows.

How is the church service on Christmas Eve?

The Christmas all-night vigil (evening church service) lasts approximately three hours. Then the liturgy is served, and after the service the celebration of Christmas begins. People greet each other with "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays." If Christmas Eve falls on Saturday or Sunday, then the festive all-night vigil is served on Friday. On Christmas Eve itself, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is served, and on Christmas Day, in this case, the Liturgy of Basil the Great is celebrated.

Festive feast

And today, the first star that appears in the sky on Christmas Eve is a signal that the holiday has begun. It is the Christmas Eve dinner that is considered the main culinary event on Christmas, for which they always prepared in advance and, according to tradition, there must be a bunch of fresh hay on the table, which would symbolize the place where the baby Jesus was born. The table should be covered with a snow-white tablecloth. And there should be 12 dishes on the table, according to the number of apostles, and all these dishes should be lean. Our ancestors prepared borscht, fish, cabbage, dumplings and pies with apples (cabbage), as well as other Lenten dishes on Christmas Eve. According to tradition, only when January 7 comes can meat dishes be put on the table. This is how they were served on the table homemade sausage, boiled pork, ham, stuffed goose, duck or pig, jelly, gingerbread, etc.

What is a nativity scene?

The Nativity scene (the original meaning is a cave, a hidden place) is a representation of the scene of the Nativity of Christ through the means of various arts (sculpture, theater, etc.). IN Russian Empire, especially in Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus, the “vertep theater” was widespread - a folk puppet theater presenting Christmas scenes, sometimes also with the participation of human actors. The main decoration of any nativity scene (large or small, with sculptures or actors) is a manger with the baby Jesus, and the main characters are righteous Joseph with a long beard, the Holy Virgin Mary and King Herod. In addition, the nativity scene may contain wise men, angels, shepherds with sheep and various animals (for example, an ox and a donkey, which, according to legend, warmed Jesus with their breath).

Christmas traditions

Traditionally, with the onset of the first day of the Christmas holidays, that is, January 7, it was not customary to go to visit. The exception was for married children, who were supposed to come to visit their parents in the afternoon, saying that they had brought “grandfather dinner.”

The remaining days of Christmastide (from the evening of the Nativity of Christ on January 6 to Epiphany Christmas Eve on the night of January 18-19) it was customary to take care of all people in need (sick, poor, hungry, etc.). Therefore, it was traditional to visit hospitals, shelters, orphanages, prisons, etc. In the old days, even kings dressed in Christmastide ordinary people and walked through the prisons, giving alms to the prisoners.

In each family, the housewives prepared the best dishes and treats, which were treated to all guests who came to the house. But not only caring for others was a tradition during Christmas time. These days were considered special, since the fragile, unbaptized world was inhabited by spirits ready to tell people about the future, about their fate. Therefore, since ancient times, Christmastide has been accompanied by fortune-telling, following omens and magical rituals.

How to decorate your home for Christmas

It is desirable that Christmas symbols be present in the apartments: the Star of Bethlehem, an angel and a nativity scene. You can make Christmas tree decorations in the shape of a star, and angels can be easily cut out of paper and covered with sparkles and decorated with ribbons. It’s more difficult with a nativity scene. In the old days, in families from different materials they made caves in which they placed figurines of the Holy Family and animals, and at the entrance - shepherds and wise men. Today you can use a simplified version. The basket is covered with fir branches, and an icon of the Nativity is placed inside it.

Spend Christmas with your loved ones

Exactly at midnight from January 6 to 7 in all Orthodox churches ceremonial services will begin. And it is customary to spend the entire day of January 7th with loved ones and give them gifts. Charity is considered a Christmas tradition. You can visit a sick person, treat an elderly neighbor or children from large family.

Give meaningful Christmas gifts

Are you wondering what to give for Christmas... Remember, Christmas is a holiday that reminds you of the most important things in a person’s life: God, faith, love. Gifts given to loved ones are usually chosen with spiritual meaning. This could be, for example, a book that will help a person find answers to important life questions. However, any gift can be supplemented by including good teaching from a spiritual book. Besides, a good gift There will be elegantly decorated sweets for Christmas. And for children - toys.


In Rus', caroling (in other words, glorification) was a special tradition during Christmas time. Children and young people dressed up, took a large homemade star in their hands and walked from house to house through the courtyards singing church songs, as well as spiritual carols dedicated to Christmas.

Caroling took place everywhere, but in different areas in Rus' it had its own characteristics. Some areas, instead of a homemade star, presented a kind of puppet theater called a “nativity scene”, in which scenes from the Nativity of Christ were played. The so-called Christmas stories were also generally accepted, that is, stories about wonderful, good events that happened to people on Christmas. For people, Christmas days were days of reconciliation, kindness and mercy.

In addition to the feast, fortune telling is usually practiced on this holiday. This is very interesting activity, in which even children can take part.

The two weeks of winter holidays coincide with Christmastide, which begins on January 6 and ends on January 19, when Orthodox world celebrates Epiphany. The ancestors were sure that Christmastide - best time in order to know the future. On any of these days, fortune telling is considered the most accurate and prophetic.

Here are examples of the most interesting fortune telling for children that will add variety to Christmas evenings. In addition, many fortune tellings are also useful for children - they develop imagination, as well as the ability to count and read.

Christmas fortune telling with rice grains

Fill the bowl with rice. Ask yourself a question or make a wish and place your palm in the dish. Count how many grains of rice stick to your palm. An even number is a negative answer, an odd number is a positive answer.

Christmas fortune telling with tangerines

For this fortune telling, you will need as many tangerines as people want to know the future. Each child makes a wish or asks a question that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.” After this, everyone peels their fruit and counts the number of slices. If there are any even number, it means that the wish will come true, an odd number indicates that the wish will come true after some time.

Christmas fortune telling using the Holy Book

For this fortune telling, you need to take a book and, without opening it, say out loud the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then you should open the page and read the text on the hidden line - it is the Christmas prophecy. If the line bears little resemblance to a mystical prediction, parents will have to come up with what it really means. After all, the baby should not remain upset.

Christmas fortune telling with shell walnut

Prepare a wide bowl and pour water into it. Attach the words written on pieces of paper to the edges of the bowl: “luck”, “happiness”, “wealth”, “unexpected acquaintance”, “travel”, “changes in life”, “pleasant surprise”, “winning”. Walnut shells are set afloat according to the number of participants. To differentiate between the shells, you can place different colored cake candles in them. After all the shells are on the water, the participants carefully begin to blow on them, trying not to knock them over. Turned over shells are eliminated from fortune telling. Which inscription the boat sticks to is what will happen to the child in the coming year.

Christmas fortune telling for the future using ice

You need to pour water into a bowl or saucer and put it out in the cold on Christmas night. When the morning comes, carefully study the ice with your child: if it has risen, the coming year will be good; if it has frozen evenly, the year will be calm; if it has moved in waves, there will be both happiness and minor troubles.

Fortune telling with wax for a brownie

This fortune telling is suitable for the little ones. First you need to show the children pictures of the brownie and tell about his character. Tell us about the traditions: they cajoled the brownie by putting out food for him at night, and when moving to another home, they lured him into an old shoe to take him with him, because this creature has long been considered the protector of the house.

For fortune telling, you need to take a small saucer, pour milk or water into it and place it near the threshold. Then you should melt a candle in a metal bowl, saying: “Brownie, dear master, come quickly, drink milk, talk about fate.” Melted wax needs to be poured into cold milk, and then determined what shape is obtained. Each figure can be attributed to some hidden meaning: stars - for interesting events and holidays, a cross - for sadness, a flower - for joy, an animal - for the appearance of a new friend, lines - for travel. Wax grapes mean good luck and happiness in the coming year, a mushroom predicts health and longevity, a dragon predicts the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of all goals. The silhouette of the month predicts profit, the bell - good news, the leaf warns of envious people and ill-wishers.

Like all over the world, Germans love to celebrate Christmas. This beautiful ancient tradition is of great importance for a believer. In different countries Holy holiday Christmas is celebrated in its own way, each nation brings its own national features to its celebration. And it is very important to know how Christmas goes in Germany if you decide to spend the Christmas holidays in this country.

Waiting for Christmas Eve

Preparations for Christmas in Germany begin long before the night falls on December 24-25. In cities and villages, the first preparations for the holiday begin at the end of October, but the main preparations still take place in the month of December. The holy evening of Heiligabend is celebrated on December 24th.

Advent time

Adventszeit is the period of anticipation of Christmas Eve and preparation for the celebration of Christmas.

There are four “Advents”, that is, four December Sundays that precede Christmas. The word "Advent" means "Waiting" or "Arrival". It is with the first “Advent” that the Catholic Church begins. church year. Previously, fasting was observed during Advent, but modern Germans no longer adhere to this long-standing tradition. Advent days are a happy time for everyone who sincerely believes in wonderful story Christmas.

To commemorate the beginning of Advent, most families in Germany handcraft an Adventskranz - an "Advent Wreath" - from twigs of evergreen trees. This wreath is lovingly decorated with elegant red and green ribbons collected from the forest. pine cones, and most importantly - four candles, which are symbols of each week of Advent. When preparing for Christmas, every detail plays an important role. For example, candles on a wreath should be of certain colors: three purple(they are lit during the first, second and fourth Advents) and one Pink colour(intended only for the third “Advent”). Every Sunday in December, German families traditionally light one candle on a wreath during Christmas carols and carols.

German children simply adore the Advent season. These days, in every family, parents give their children an Adventskalender (a special “Advent Calendar”) - a colorful cardboard box that looks like a fairly large book with 24 door slots (according to the number of days from December 1 to 24). Behind the doors of the calendar, in the recesses, there are delicious sweets, as a rule, it is delicate milk chocolate, which all children adore so much. During the 24 days of December, every German child, with bated breath, opens the next numbered door and takes out the desired treat. And in some calendars, to the delight of the children, there are also small toys next to the chocolate.

Christmas tree

Tannenbaum was first recorded in 1605 in Strasbourg, referring to people putting up Christmas trees in their homes. Christmas tree decorations included roses made from colored paper, foil, waffles, apples and even sugar. Since then, the Tannenbaum Christmas tree has become traditional. In some areas of Germany, there is an unusual Christmas custom: on December 26, it is customary to visit friends in order to praise their beautifully decorated Christmas trees. This tradition is called Christbaumloben, which translates to “Praise the Christmas Tree.” The owner of a hospitable house is always happy to pour a glass of brandy for a friend who praises his Christmas tree.

Christmas in Germany is a beautiful family holiday. It is on December 25 that most Germans gather for a friendly family table. Many people take time off during the Christmas holidays to visit parents or relatives. This is a good old tradition, when people, even if only for a short time, forget about the problems that arose in Everyday life disagreements, forgiving each other’s insults and heartily rejoicing that they can finally spend time calmly in a cozy family circle.