As usual - everything is strawberry!!!

The best decoration in life is a great mood.

Carefully! Radiating positive vibes!

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Give yourself a beautiful compliment and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let's leave the past behind in winter, let spring bloom in the soul, and let summer be in the mood!

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish you positivity, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good everything is, I manage to make it even better!

If life doesn’t make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want changes in your destiny? So, start from the inside.

We look for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

It is impossible to get away from the sun if it is inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves; by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself - a good person will not wish for bad things!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lurks a trembling spring, and behind the veil of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

Nothing happens in vain in this world! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, and not the obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you are simply denying yourself too much?..

Becoming happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Hurry up, accept a ray of sunny happiness as a gift!

You noticed that you can change the world: you are sad and the world is gloomy; you smile and the world shines.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is great, even off the charts!

The mood is excellent - usual for spring!

I love spring for its excellent mood, charge of emotions, new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring is always new life, revival, youth and good mood.

In spring there is a lot of energy, you want something big and bright, so why not start today?..5

Rating 5.00 (4 Votes)

The best decoration in life is a great mood.

Carefully! Radiating positive vibes!

Optimism is like electricity: all the negatives are in the past, the positives are in the future, and in the present there is joyful tension.

The mood is excellent, the joy is boundless! I charge everyone with my positivity!

A great mood is when the phrase “Life is beautiful” comes to mind!

And those who don’t see that Life is Beautiful just need to jump higher!

Those who supported me when I fell, now hold on - we are taking off!

The mood is great. The flight is normal. No precipitation is expected.

The weather forecast for tomorrow - they promise wind from the side of luck, and precipitation in the form of happiness!

It’s so nice to wake up in the morning and hear the birds singing outside the window. And smile through the spring window, filling your home with happiness.

If the sun has not risen in the morning, then the sun today is you! Come and shine!

Everything will be fine! Forgive and don't be sad! Grievances are evil, they are hard to bear! Everything will be fine!

Don't be afraid, I'm with you! (Signed: God)

A smile will awaken your soul, and more often Happiness will reside in your heart.

And success came to me, the mood was the best! And I will get everything I want from life!

Always, everywhere and everywhere - I want, I can and I will!

I’ll put on a cheerful T-shirt and good luck shorts, I’ll go have fun - good luck greets me!

Everything is fine. The earth is spinning. Friends are calling. And there is someone you want to think about!

Great mood, belief in yourself and your success, smile, friendship, love - what you need now!

Nobody owes you anything. Do you want a holiday? Come up with it!

Think only about the best, work only for the best and expect only the best!

And happy is the one who, at dawn, once managed to realize that he is alive, healthy, that the sun is shining!

Be a woman: delightfully wrong for others and confidently happy for yourself!

When life gives you hundreds of reasons to cry. Show her that you have thousands of reasons to smile.

We don't chase glory - we wait for it in ambush.

Give every day a chance to become the most beautiful day of your life!

I have no excess weight. These are additional places for kissing and cuddling!

And the hair orange color, I look forward to happiness with them at the beginning of summer!

There is light in my eyes. In my mind there is abundance. My life is a holiday. My heart is love!

Wish! And everything will work out. Dream! And it will come true.

When you wake up in the morning, don't be lazy! Give yourself a beautiful compliment and you will blossom in an instant!

Let sorrows be forgotten in autumn, let's leave the past behind in winter, let spring bloom in the soul, and let summer be in the mood!

Happiness is the ability not to spoil your mood and not let others do it.

I wish you positivity, meetings, communication, creativity! In general, they understood me. Have a wonderful day!

I have a unique talent - no matter how good everything is, I manage to make it even better!

If life doesn’t make you happy, then make it happy. Do you want changes in your destiny? So, start from the inside.

We look for magic and beauty in things, while magic and beauty are in ourselves!

It is impossible to get away from the sun if it is inside.

Our destinies depend on ourselves; by changes in ourselves we change others.

Always listen to yourself - a good person will not wish for bad things!

Look into your hearts! What beautiful flowers of Love, Light and Harmony bloom in them!

In every winter heart lurks a trembling spring, and behind the veil of every night is a smiling dawn.

Believe me, all troubles will go away! Misfortunes also get tired, and tomorrow will be a happy day!

Nothing happens in vain in this world! There is room for the best!

Seeing the goal, and not the obstacles, we will get where we need to go!

I don't allow myself too much. Maybe you are simply denying yourself too much?..

Becoming happy is the most important decision I have made in my life!

Yes, I have many shortcomings. Forgive me, perfect people!

Hurry up, accept a ray of sunny happiness as a gift!

You noticed that you can change the world: you are sad and the world is gloomy; you smile and the world shines.

Since the mood is always different, let it alternate - good with beautiful!

The mood is great, even off the charts!

The mood is excellent - usual for spring!

I love spring for its excellent mood, charge of emotions, new love, tenderness, flowers, bright colors.

Spring always means new life, rebirth, youth and a great mood.

In spring there is a lot of energy, you want something big and bright, so why not start today?..

Everyone is doing well today! And everything works for everyone: it works, it’s found, it fits, it sticks!

It is for good man! For you! I know, you read, you understand that it’s about you and you smile!

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

The colors of life are in your hands - choose positive tones!

Live, love, openly and passionately. Don’t rush to be sad - life is so beautiful!

Let words of love, attention, kindness fly from your lips like flowers!

Let your gaze, like the distant shine of the planets, carry an unquenchable light!

Let your hands be like two wings, open for affection and warmth!

Perhaps the funniest statuses on the website! When you want to amuse your friends, look at Statuses-Here and you will find funny statuses for classmates, in contact or for others social networks. The main thing is not to be discouraged, because you can always find positive statuses, thanks to which you will cheer up those around you, and gray everyday life suddenly they will sparkle with new colors. Our most funny statuses will help make any princess Nesmeyana laugh, and now she is already laughing with you, and together you read laughing statuses for classmates on! This is not surprising, because laughter, jokes, a positive and cheerful attitude prolong life, help maintain good relationships and make it easier to look at the world. Our funniest statuses about everything and everyone will give you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd of gloomy and dissatisfied Internet users. Funny quotes and sayings will definitely cheer up everyone who is lucky enough to see them. The funniest statuses are here! Let's choose a status together!

Selected funny statuses!

For us, funny statuses do not imply a frivolous approach, since we monitor the quality of our content extremely carefully. Funny statuses will surely please your friends and cheer you up. Positive quotes as a status will reflect your positive attitude in life and will delight everyone who sees them. In any situation, the main thing is to always think positively, and even if your day is not going well in the morning, come to us and read our crazy statuses and you yourself will not notice how the situation will change in your favor. Everyone knows that life is like a zebra - today the stripe is white, and tomorrow it is black. Let the pessimists think so, but you and I are optimists, because on our Odnoklassniki and VKontakte pages we have our very funny statuses!

The funniest statuses!

Your soulmate dreams of meeting New Year on the seashore, and the heat is +30? Our humorous statuses will help you take your companion's thoughts in a different direction. Are your parents tormented by conversations about a summer cottage and are already purchasing seeds in December? Our funny statuses about spring will help you, make them laugh. You can judge a person by his sense of humor. You don't want your friends to think you're a fan of Petrosyan or the Ponomarenko brothers? Then our statuses with humor will help you. And let them just say that Ivan Urgan is simply handsome, now he has serious competition in you.

Funny statuses here!

Therefore, it’s a small matter: go to the appropriate section of the site, find carbon dioxide statuses and post them on your site. Just a few minutes of pleasant work, and a witty quote will appear on your page. And the fact that the work of finding funny statuses is really pleasant cannot even be disputed. After all, along the way you will definitely look at more than a dozen funny quotes, which will certainly delight you with excellent humor and charge you with an excellent mood. Positive people really love funny statuses. Because funny statuses are very simple, but incredible effective remedy to lift the spirits of everyone around you. It’s so easy to pick up a funny quote and post it as a status on your page. Everyone who visits your page will certainly pay attention to your status and, at a minimum, smile. But this is already a lot! That's why funny statuses are so popular. It would seem that just one or two lines of text, and the mood is already in the positive. This is the whole essence and meaning of funny sayings and sayings.

So that all your affairs succeed, and life always sparkles with positivity, establish positive status in the morning: I AM HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!

Look around! Open your eyes wider! Well, not everything is bad in this world!

If it's a disaster, don't be sad about anything! You know, such is your destiny - become... a trumpet player!

Don't worry, smile and everything will be fine!

Our motto is just three words: smile is cool.

How is your mood, pulse, blood pressure? Blood circulation, urination, temperature and vision? Hearing, position, reproductive system? In short, how are you?

Do you think a shitty life and a shitty life are the same thing? Compare fig compote and horseradish compote!

How am I doing, you ask? I will answer you that... as usual. I live like in a fairy tale, gentlemen: It’s good, then everything is great!

Don’t say that the world is sad, don’t say that it’s difficult to live, know how to LAUGH, BELIEVE AND LOVE amidst the ruins of life!

Let's just enjoy Life! And greet every day with a smile! Be able to remain optimistic... Love, pray, believe and dare.

Love won! Let's make money! We will achieve success... and we will give birth to HAPPINESS!)

Do not give up! And you will see how others give up!

Extend your palms to the sun, collect the rays in your pocket, and then, with love, give a little bit to your loved ones and friends!

When a woman enters the house, it becomes light, when a man enters, it becomes warm, and when a child enters, it becomes joyful. So let there always be Light, Warmth and Joy in our homes...

She beats us until we become wiser... Pushes us in the back if we are broke... But life for us is not what we have... Rather, what we have acquired..

If in the morning you hug something other than your pillow. And everyone can wish for pleasant dreams at night. And coffee... you brew two mugs in the morning - You have found everything in life, all you have to do is not lose it.

There will be a new dawn, there will be many victories! And never believe that there is no way out!

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

You just have to BELIEVE, you just have to LIVE, MEASURE a hundred times and Chop once, don’t harbor grudges, don’t keep SADNESS, throw out EVERYTHING from LIFE that is a VERY PITY... ONLY THEN WILL YOU VICTORY!!! Only then PUSH!!! A completely NEW SPIRAL OF LIFE!!!

Look for the positive in life, learn to rejoice in happiness, then all bets will be covered by the cards of the desired suit!

Enjoy life... Laugh with happiness... Don't hide your smiles... in spite of all misfortunes... Live, love, madly and passionately... Don't rush to be sad... because life is so beautiful!!!

Life must be lived in such a way that the pigeons flying over your monument are tolerated out of respect.

If you are not loved, do not beg for love. If they don’t believe you, don’t make excuses. If they don't appreciate it, don't prove it. Better make yourself some tea and cookies.

Sometimes you have to allow yourself little pranks... So as not to be drawn to big nonsense...

No the best way cheer yourself and your friends up than positive statuses to lift your spirits. These short, funny and beautiful sayings will charge even the most gloomy and depressed people with positive energy. You can find all the most positive, fresh and new statuses on our website. They are guaranteed to cheer you and your friends on social networks up, even if the day turned out to be very difficult.

Don’t say that the world is sad, don’t say that it’s difficult to live, know how to LAUGH, BELIEVE AND LOVE amidst the ruins of life!

Having bitten into an apple, it is always more pleasant to see a whole worm in it, rather than half.

There will be a new dawn, there will be many victories! And never believe that there is no way out!

First of all, you need to protect your nerves from yourself.

There are no dead ends. There are unbroken tunnels.

How am I doing, you ask? I will answer you that... as usual. I live like in a fairy tale, gentlemen: It’s good, then everything is great!

Do not give up! And you will see how others give up!

Love won! Let's make money! We will achieve success... and we will give birth to HAPPINESS!)

You are the master designer of your life, whether you realize it or not.

Let's just enjoy Life! And greet every day with a smile! Be able to remain optimistic... Love, pray, believe and dare.

The stars can be seen better through the slid down roof.

A proven recipe for youth: enjoy every little thing and don’t worry about every bastard.

Refuse everything except the best!

Do you think a shitty life and a shitty life are the same thing? Compare fig compote and horseradish compote!

How is your mood, pulse, blood pressure? Blood circulation, urination, temperature and vision? Hearing, position, reproductive system? In short, how are you?

If it's a disaster, don't be sad about anything! You know, such is your destiny - become... a trumpet player!

So that all your affairs succeed, and life always sparkles with positivity, set a positive status in the morning: I AM HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!!

The less you know, you sleep better; the more you know, the better you eat.

Life is too serious a thing to talk about seriously

If you get up on your left foot in the morning, then the day will go well. If it's on the right, it's even better. And if you can’t get up at all, then it was good yesterday.

Politeness is not only about sending, but also about conducting.

What do you allow yourself? Immediately start allowing yourself more and more!

Some mistakes in life are too great to make just once!

Know how to ignore the weaknesses of others, Don’t shout about your own problems, Having identified a goal, move forward! Success will definitely come to you!

Sometimes a smile makes us forget about our problems, sometimes a smile works wonders, it decorates our world. Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, because someone might fall in love with your smile!

Believe in yourself! Then the whole world will believe you!

A condom does not guarantee absolute safety. One of my friends was wearing it but still got hit by a car

Is there anything you can't handle, can't afford, or can't handle? Let it be then.

Let's go through life together, because our cockroaches follow the same path!

Are you free tomorrow? - Yes, why? -I need you. -For how long? -Forever!

And the black streaks in my life are only from my favorite chocolate...

In moments when fear knocks on your temple, do not repeat the mistakes of a fool. The deeper you bury your head in the sand, the more defenseless your upturned ass.

The best guarantee of a good and quiet life is horseradish carefully placed on the opinions of others

A good mood is the best decoration of your life!

Any problem will become a stepping stone on the path to resounding success when you approach it with humor!

When the cats have reached the soul and are scratching, sprinkle some valerian. And they will stop scratching and begin to rub affectionately.

No matter how much you raise a person with noble examples, he still wants to live well

For every good source of income, there is always a bad article in the Criminal Code!

Don't think that everything is bad, because it will be even worse. Think that everything is good, and it will be even better.

If life begins to shower you from head to toe with rose petals, look carefully upward to see if a flower pot is flying from the windowsill following the petals)))

What is the meaning of our life? Probably, it is to give happiness to those who live nearby, and to give children a chance to see this world in bright colors.

Give yours to the world best qualities, and he will reciprocate your feelings.

Those who have nothing to lose smile the most cheerfully and carefreely...

The deepest marks in a man's heart are left by those women whom he did not fuck...

Even a donkey understands: if he feeds him, he will harness him.

The bright future called and said: “I’m waiting!”

If there are not enough vitamins in the body, this is bad, but fixable. And if you have brains, then you won’t get away with apples and tangerines.

How much unnecessary words we throw it to the wind. Where we need to remain silent, we immediately speak out. Where an eagle's eye is needed, We begin to listen. In moments of sadness, we induce panic, trying to destroy it with causeless happiness. By remaining in silence, we disturb the peace. And time to think about how we are losing Personality...

If you go to heaven, you will be surprised to meet people you didn't expect to meet there. Many of them will be even more surprised to meet you there.

Don't argue with someone who can kick you out of your home and cut you out of their will.

Catch good mood- it visits us so rarely.

Communicate with someone who is positive, Who sees the world in bright colors, After all, the one who is disgusted with himself will drag you to the bottom - into his toilet.

Smile is my face! Laughter is my character! Joy is my life!

Take a fasting day. Don't burden yourself.

Sometimes dreams come true not the way we wanted, but even better.