Traditionally, Police Day in Russia is celebrated on November 10 with festive concerts, parades and other official events. Congratulations from loved ones in poetry, prose, pictures and postcards are also obligatory on this day. They are sent by mail and announced personally to all men and women who have dedicated themselves to service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The following article contains the most beautiful and funny pictures and cards for Police Day. Among them you will find both options with serious wishes and inscriptions, and comic examples.

Beautiful pictures of Happy Police Day with official congratulations - the best selection

Beautiful pictures of Happy Police Day are most often used for official congratulations to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For example, such beautiful pictures with official congratulations on Police Day can be sent by email. See options for such postcards below.

A selection of beautiful pictures for official congratulations on Police Day

Funny Police Day cards with poems and funny inscriptions - pictures with photos

Funny cards with funny poems and inscriptions are great for congratulating friends, acquaintances and close colleagues on Police Day. The following selection contains the best options for funny postcards for Police Day with funny inscriptions.

A selection of funny pictures and cards with poems and funny inscriptions for Police Day

The most beautiful pictures with poems for girls and women on Police Day - a selection of options

For girls and women working in the police, it is worth choosing the most beautiful pictures with poems for congratulations. Such cards with wishes always lift your spirits. lovely ladies. Examples of beautiful pictures of Happy Police Day for girls and women with verses below.

Options for the most beautiful pictures for girls and women on Police Day with poems

Funny pictures with humor for a man to congratulate on Police Day - the best examples

You can cheer up and congratulate a man on Police Day with the help of cool pictures with humor. Usually such postcards are sent to close friends and comrades. Examples of cool pictures with humor for congratulating men on Police Day are below.

Examples of funny pictures to congratulate a man on Police Day with humor

The best pictures with congratulations on Police Day to your husband - a selection of photos

For your beloved husband, who serves in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, congratulations should be only the best pictures on Police Day. Best options pictures for congratulating your husband on Police Day in the following selection.

A selection of the best pictures for Police Day to congratulate your husband

On November 10, all police officers in our country celebrate their professional holiday, Russian Police Day, receive gratitude and bonuses from their superiors and city administrations, and accept congratulations and funny congratulatory pictures on Police Day with poems from friends and family members. Ordinary citizens who value the work of police officers and understand that it is thanks to people in uniform that safety and order reign on city streets also join in the congratulations by posting in in social networks beautiful cards Happy Police Day with serious official congratulations. You can download the best cards and pictures for Police Day with congratulations to men, girls and women from our website. There is also a selection of pictures with congratulations to the closest people who serve in the police - husband, father and best friend.

Funny pictures of Happy Police Day with congratulations to the man

November 10 was not chosen as the date for celebrating Police Day - it was on this day in 1917 that the people's militia was created, which brought order to the cities and towns of the young union state. And although today the crime situation is much calmer than in the troubled post-war and post-revolutionary years, there is still work for police officers every day.

Maintain public order, calm down rowdy people and catch citizens violating the laws of the Russian Federation - for such work, people serving in the internal affairs bodies need to have courage, strong character and a sense of humor. Therefore, valiant officers will certainly appreciate funny and cool pictures on Police Day with congratulations to the man on their professional holiday.

A selection of funny pictures for Police Day with congratulations for men

Beautiful pictures for girls and women on Police Day

The fair sex and men protect law and order in the country and catch criminals. Therefore, on November 10, friends, relatives and colleagues of ladies who have chosen service in law enforcement agencies as their life’s work cordially congratulate them or send beautiful pictures on Police Day to the girl and woman with good wishes in prose and poetry.

The best pictures for Police Day for girls and women

Official pictures on Police Day with serious congratulations to superiors and colleagues

On November 10, the police sent their superiors and colleagues from other departments to email“serious” official pictures on Police Day with sincere congratulations. Such pictures, as a rule, contain official congratulations and wishes for success in the service and happiness in your personal life.

Collection of official cards with congratulations on Police Day

Cool animated and photo postcards with poems for Police Day

Many modern children, like boys from our generation, dream of becoming police officers, wearing a nice, strict uniform, being able to shoot service weapons and catching insidious bandits. The profession of a police officer is covered with an aura of romanticism and heroism, so it is not surprising that both children and adults compose poems about valiant employees law enforcement. Therefore, you can easily find it online funny cards Happy Police Day with poems.

A selection of postcards with congratulatory poems for police officers on their Day

The most beautiful pictures for Police Day for my husband

The wife of a policeman is also a kind of profession, because she has to wait for her husband from assignments, arrests and unscheduled trips to the crime scene, worry about him and always believe in the best. Therefore, on their professional holiday, the spouses of law enforcement officers send the most beautiful pictures on Police Day to their husband with sincere wishes for success at work and good luck in the service and in life.

Collection of greeting cards for Police Day for husband

At the end of autumn, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are preparing to accept congratulations on their professional holiday Police Day. According to tradition, every year on November 10, sincere words of congratulations are addressed to the brave “heroes” of the occasion, many are awarded certificates and orders, and are awarded titles. We offer the most beautiful pictures and postcards for women and men on Police Day - with inscriptions in poetry and prose, funny and official for Police Day.

Funny pictures of Happy Police Day for a man

The tradition of celebrating Police Day in Russia dates back to 1980 - after the collapse of Soviet Union Only the name of the holiday has changed. Today, our valiant police officers are happy to accept congratulations, pictures and postcards on Police Day from family and friends. Your beloved man or relative can download any cool picture for free from our holiday collection.

A collection of funny pictures with congratulations to a man on Police Day

Beautiful pictures for girls and women on Police Day

Police service requires excellent physical fitness and tenacity of character - qualities that are more characteristic of the male sex. However, in last years All more women decide to join the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, devoting their lives to serving the Law. Beautiful pictures of Happy Police Day will appeal to a girl or woman working in the structural divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - a clerk, a lawyer, an inspector, an investigator.

How to beautifully congratulate a girl or woman with a picture on Police Day

Official pictures of Happy Police Day with congratulations in prose

Congratulations on Police Day from the authorities and dignitaries They are of an official nature - they are pronounced at ceremonial events, in the presence of all personnel. In addition, greeting cards and pictures of Happy Police Day with inscriptions in prose will emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday if you add a few lines with “personal” wishes to the official “serious” wishes.

A selection of pictures for official congratulations in prose on Police Day

Funny Police Day cards with inscriptions and poems

On the eve of Police Day, many employees prepare funny congratulations and wishes for their colleagues in poetry and prose. We have selected funny pictures for Police Day - with inscriptions, poems, and humorous words of congratulations to everyone involved in this difficult and important profession.

Options for greeting cards with funny poems for Police Day

Pictures for congratulations on Police Day to your beloved husband

The upcoming Police Day is an excellent occasion to congratulate your beloved husband, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on his professional holiday. We offer a choice of beautiful Police Day pictures and postcards to download and send by email for free.

Choosing a beautiful Happy Police Day picture for your husband

Ecuadorian authorities have denied Julian Assange asylum at the London embassy. The founder of WikiLeaks was detained by British police, and this has already been called the biggest betrayal in the history of Ecuador. Why are they taking revenge on Assange and what awaits him?

Australian programmer and journalist Julian Assange became widely known after the website WikiLeaks, which he founded, published secret documents from the US State Department in 2010, as well as materials related to military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But it was quite difficult to find out who the police, supporting by the arms, were leading out of the building. Assange had grown a beard and looked nothing like the energetic man he had previously appeared in photographs.

According to Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno, Assange was denied asylum due to his repeated violations of international conventions.

He is expected to remain in custody at a central London police station until he appears at Westminster Magistrates' Court.

Why is the President of Ecuador accused of treason?

Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa called the current government's decision the biggest betrayal in the country's history. “What he (Moreno - editor’s note) did is a crime that humanity will never forget,” Correa said.

London, on the contrary, thanked Moreno. The British Foreign Office believes that justice has triumphed. The representative of the Russian diplomatic department, Maria Zakharova, has a different opinion. “The hand of “democracy” is squeezing the throat of freedom,” she noted. The Kremlin expressed hope that the rights of the arrested person will be respected.

Ecuador sheltered Assange because ex-president He held center-left views, criticized US policy and welcomed the publication by WikiLeaks of secret documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even before the Internet activist needed asylum, he managed to personally meet Correa: he interviewed him for the Russia Today channel.

However, in 2017, the government in Ecuador changed, and the country set a course for rapprochement with the United States. New President called Assange “a stone in his shoe” and immediately made it clear that his stay on the embassy premises would not be prolonged.

According to Correa, the moment of truth came at the end of June last year, when US Vice President Michael Pence arrived in Ecuador for a visit. Then everything was decided. “You have no doubt: Lenin is simply a hypocrite. He has already agreed with the Americans on the fate of Assange. And now he is trying to make us swallow the pill, saying that Ecuador is supposedly continuing the dialogue,” Correa said in an interview with the Russia Today channel.

How Assange made new enemies

The day before the arrest Chief Editor WikiLeaks Kristin Hrafnsson said that Assange was under total surveillance. “WikiLeaks uncovered a large-scale spy operation against Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy,” he noted. According to him, cameras and voice recorders were placed around Assange, and the information received was transferred to the Donald Trump administration.

Hrafnsson clarified that Assange was going to be expelled from the embassy a week earlier. This did not happen only because WikiLeaks released this information. A high-ranking source told the portal about the plans of the Ecuadorian authorities, but the head of the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, Jose Valencia, denied the rumors.

Assange's expulsion was preceded by the corruption scandal surrounding Moreno. In February, WikiLeaks published a package of INA Papers, which traced the operations of the offshore company INA Investment, founded by the brother of the Ecuadorian leader. Quito said it was a conspiracy between Assange and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and former Ecuadorian leader Rafael Correa to overthrow Moreno.

In early April, Moreno complained about Assange's behavior at Ecuador's London mission. “We must protect the life of Mr. Assange, but he has already crossed all boundaries in terms of violating the agreement that we came to with him,” the president said. “This does not mean that he cannot speak freely, but he cannot lie and hack.” ". At the same time, back in February last year it became known that Assange at the embassy was deprived of the opportunity to interact with outside world, in particular, his Internet access was cut off.

Why Sweden stopped its prosecution of Assange

At the end of last year Western media citing sources, they reported that Assange would be charged in the United States. This was never officially confirmed, but it was because of Washington’s position that Assange had to take refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy six years ago.

In May 2017, Sweden stopped investigating two rape cases in which the portal’s founder was accused. Assange demanded compensation from the country's government for legal costs in the amount of 900 thousand euros.

Earlier, in 2015, Swedish prosecutors also dropped three charges against him due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Where did the investigation into the rape case lead?

Assange arrived in Sweden in the summer of 2010, hoping to receive protection from American authorities. But he was investigated for rape. In November 2010, a warrant was issued for his arrest in Stockholm, and Assange was put on the international wanted list. He was detained in London, but was soon released on bail of 240 thousand pounds.

In February 2011, a British court decided to extradite Assange to Sweden, after which a number of successful appeals followed for the WikiLeaks founder.

British authorities placed him under house arrest before deciding whether to extradite him to Sweden. By violating given to the authorities promise, Assange asked for asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy, ​​which was granted to him. Since then, the UK has had its own claims against the WikiLeaks founder.

What awaits Assange now?

The man was re-arrested on a US extradition request for publishing classified documents, police said. At the same time, Deputy Head of the British Foreign Ministry Alan Duncan said that Assange would not be sent to the United States if he faced the death penalty there.

In the UK, Assange is likely to appear in court on the afternoon of April 11. This is stated on the WikiLeaks Twitter page. It is likely that the British authorities will seek maximum term imprisonment of 12 months, the man’s mother said, citing his lawyer.

At the same time, Swedish prosecutors are considering reopening the rape investigation. Attorney Elizabeth Massey Fritz, who represented the victim, will seek this.