Sunday special project of Realnoe Vremya - amazing stories global brands

The Lego Group is a completely atypical European brand. Along with L "Oreal, Zara, Ritter Sport and literally a dozen more famous brands, he is part of a small group of European companies that have not been sold by the descendants of the great founders and remain in the hands of their family members. Children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren of Ole Kirk Christiansen The Lego Group has been employing hired managers for operational management since 2004. Thanks to brilliant marketing decisions and tough management, the Lego Group, having survived several crises, in 2018 again declared a profit growth of 10.8 billion Danish crowns. How a modest carpenter from a small Danish village created a company that occupies almost 10% of the world toy market - in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Ole Kirk Christiansen - excellent carpenter and widowed father of four sons

Ole Kirk Christiansen was born on April 7, 1891 in the small village of Filskove, north of the Danish city of Billund, in the west of the country, and became the tenth child in a family of ordinary farmers - Jens Niels Christiansen and Kirstin Andersen. He was educated before high school, and at the age of 14 he went to work in a factory, where he mastered joinery and carpentry. It is known that for several years Ole Christiansen lived abroad in search of a better life. He worked as a carpenter in Germany and Norway, where he met future spouse Kirstina Sorensen. In early 1917, they returned together to their native Denmark.

In 1932, at the height Great Depression, Ole Christiansen loses his job and moves his family to Billund, a rather large trading city. There he opens a small carpentry workshop. He received his main income from the sale of wooden stairs and ironing boards, for which demand plummeted during the global financial crisis. Soon, Ole Christiansen's wife, Kirstin, dies, leaving him to raise four sons: Johannes, Karl Georg, Gottfried and Gerhard. Ole Christiansen himself will never marry again.

Left without a stable source of income with young sons, Ole Christiansen had to urgently look for a new niche in order to save his small business. And he quickly found it - in the production of wooden toys, the demand for which, oddly enough, continued to remain consistently high even in difficult economic times for all of Europe and the world. Ole's main assistant was his third son, Gottfried Kirk Christiansen, who immediately after the death of his mother, at the age of 12, began working with his father.

Christiansen house and carpentry workshop

Having launched the production of toys, the Christiansens began to look for a name for their company: all the employees of the mini-workshop (there were only six of them at that time) were instructed to propose their options. According to official legend, the award for the most successful variant was to be a bottle of excellent house wine, and Ole himself won it, having made the abbreviation "Lego" from the Danish words "leg" and "godt", together meaning "play well" or "play well" (information varies in sources).

Denmark's largest plastic injection machine

By 1936, the company had a good customer base, an assortment of 42 different wooden toys, and began to expand its staff. The 40s were a time of fundamental changes for the company, which affected its entire further history. In 1942, the only Christiansen factory and warehouse burned down, but the workshop was quickly restored. The American writer Ransom Riggs in his book Mental Thread wrote that by 1943 the number of employees of the enterprise had reached 40 people. A year later, in 1944, Ole Kirk Christiansen officially registered the company, calling it "LegetOjsfabrikken Lego Billund A/S".

In 1947, Ole came across prototypes of a British toy called "Kiddicraft Building Blocks", which were designed and patented in the UK by Kiddicraft founder Hilary Fisher Page. The pieces had pegs at the top and hollow bottoms, allowing children to put them together to create intricate designs. Christiansen liked the idea of ​​a "constructor", and a few years later he began to try to make his own toy building blocks. True, the first Lego "constructors" were not at all like modern sets: firstly, they were made of wood, and secondly, the parts lacked special tubes inside, which significantly improve the stability of the structures built from them.

In addition, it seemed that the world was not yet ready for plastic toys: as Ransom Riggs wrote, their sales in the early 50s were mediocre at best. Nevertheless, Lego gradually began to move away from wooden products, switching to bright plastics. In 1947, the Christiansen family purchased the largest injection molding machine in Denmark, enabling them to begin mass production of plastic toys. Ole Kirk Christiansen did not catch the heyday of his company, biographers attribute most of the merits for creating the global Lego brand, brilliant and breakthrough marketing strategies for their time to Ole's son, Gottfried Kirk Christiansen.

The Lego Brick Patent and the Creation of the "Lego Universe"

Ole's son, Gottfried, has been involved in his father's business since childhood. In 1950, he was promoted to junior vice president of what was then a well-established company. It was Gottfried who came up with the idea of ​​turning Lego blocks into a single “game system”. In 1953, Lego began selling complete sets, and in 1954 the company received a trademark for its product, Lego Mursten. The company officially launched the Lego System of Play in 1955, the Lego toy world consisted of 28 different sets and eight toy cars.

The modern Lego brick with the stud and tube connection system was patented at 13.58 on January 28, 1958. It was completely new technology, which made it possible to connect the details of the designer much stronger. By the way, the technology has not changed since then, therefore, theoretically, the Lego designers of the 58th year and its modern incarnations are fully compatible.

On March 11, 1958, Lego founder Ole Kirk Christiansen dies at the age of 66, Gottfried immediately takes over the family business, who in recent years has already taken over most of the operational management of the company. At the same time, the Lego company decides to market all "non-brick" Lego products under the Bilo fix brand name.

Lightning strike: the second fire and the final break with the tree

On February 4, 1960, lightning struck the building that housed the Lego wooden workshop, and the production burned to the ground. But by that time plastic toys Lego was already sold throughout Denmark and many European countries, agreements were being prepared to import designers to America, plastic provided almost all of the company's profits, so it was decided not to resume the production of wooden toys and focus exclusively on plastic ones.

In 1962, Lego began importing its toys to the US. Access to a new lucrative market was a very important milestone for the Danish company, which was looking to increase sales worldwide. After 2 years, Lego began to apply brief step by step instructions for assembling the models shown on the packaging to their designers. Each time, acquiring a new package of Lego bricks, young "builders" could assemble completely different models from the same parts, which significantly boosted sales. Building instructions soon became an integral part of every Lego building set.

In 1963, cellulose acetate, a material previously used to make Lego building blocks, was replaced by ABS plastic, which is still used today. ABS plastic is non-toxic, less prone to discoloration and deformation of the material, it has proven to be more resistant to aggressive environments and heat than cellulose acetate. Made from ABS plastic in 1963, Lego bricks still retain their shape. The quality of Christiansen toys, a huge palette of bright colors and original variations of designers soon made the brand very popular.

By the mid-1960s, Lego's main factory employed more than 500 people, according to the official website, and the company continued to grow. The first Lego sets were sold in the US in 1961. By 1966, the production of sets was launched, with the help of which children could build many types of buildings and vehicles, reproduce city streets or race tracks in miniature. An enlarged version of the construction set, Duplo, designed for toddlers, was added to the range in 1967. A year later, Lego introduced the Technic project for older children and teenagers.

For all the years at the helm family business, Gottfried Christiansen diligently developed his idea of ​​a "play system", combining all his toys into a small "universe". Already under him, Lego began to conduct surveys of its target audience, identifying the key advantages and disadvantages of their sets. In the late 60s, Gottfried decided that it was time for Lego to move out of the toy into the real world. On June 7, 1968, Lego opened its first amusement park, Legoland, which was built on 59 hectares in Billund and immediately became a center of attraction for children throughout Denmark. By the way, in the 1990s and 2000s, Lego will continue to build a network of such parks throughout Europe and America.

The famous Lego logo - white lettering with black and yellow strokes on a red background - was designed in 1973. In 1974, the opening of the first Lego factory outside of Denmark took place - in the Swiss Baar.

Kjell Kirk Christiansen, former CEO of Lego. Photo

Grandson Ole at the helm - the third generation of Christiansen in Lego

In 1979, Gottfried Christiansen hands over the reins of Lego to his son Kjeld Kirk Christiansen, who will run the company until October 2004. He also has several innovations to his credit that have definitely brought Lego a share of the revenue and the loyalty of small buyers. In the same 79th, the company releases its first truly themed set - Legoland Space. The success of the space set will push Lego designers to create many hundreds of different themed collections. By the way, in 2008 the company will even launch a special Internet resource Lego Ideas, whose users will be able to offer new ideas for thematic sets of the designer. The company pays 1% royalties to the authors of embodied ideas.

Another of Kjeld's credits as a leader of Lego was the introduction of the Lego Minifigure, the miniature plastic figurines of characters that populated Lego worlds shortly after their release in 1978. At the same time, the company opens new line Lego Technic toys. True, these sets can be called toys with a stretch: in addition to the usual design parts, Lego Technic included gears, bolts and pins, thanks to which it became possible to create more advanced models with more complex technical functions. In some sets of the series, even small electric motors were later included. Closer to the 90s, Lego began releasing robot building kits with its own Lego Mindstorms software platform.

Under Kjeld Christiansen, Lego also took its first steps into the world of online entertainment. In 1997, the first Lego video game was presented. Since the late 90s, the company has been actively releasing themed collections dedicated to the characters of famous films: Lego Star Wars, Harry Potter Lego, SpongeBob SquarePants and dozens of others appear.

Crisis waves against strong brickwork. Recent Lego history

In 2003, the company experienced its first protracted financial crisis. Construction kits have lost some of their appeal to children due to their explosive popularity. computer games, the overgrown Lego Group was under pressure from numerous real estate in different countries unprofitable world. A huge number of new projects did not allow the company to properly plan marketing and debug logistics. The loss of the company, according to the official reports of the Lego Group, by the end of the year amounted to $ 220 million. Despite anti-crisis measures and massive cuts, next year the loss increased by another 20%.

At the same time, realizing the seriousness of the company's situation, CEO The Lego Group leaves Kjeld Kirk Christiansen, grandson of the founder of the Danish toy empire. For the first time in the company's 72 years of existence, the company is led by a hired manager from outside the Christiansen family, Jørgen Vig Knudstorp. According to Marketing Journal columnist Todd Weir, the new CEO has completely refocused the company's strategy.

Jorgen Knudstorp. Photo

First of all, he moved some production from Europe to countries with lower costs, the large Lego factory in Switzerland was closed. At present, Lego sets are mainly produced in Denmark, Hungary and the Czech Republic, but there are also production facilities in Mexico. Knudstorp sold off money-losing overseas real estate and other assets, licensed Legoland parks, streamlined operations and cut costs. He also insisted on launching a manufacturing industry software, interactive games and digital design within the group of companies. The result of this transformation was the huge success of the Lego films and the company's new product lines based on Star Wars and Disney products.

By 2005, the company was in the black again, with annual revenues of about $100 million. Over the next 12 years, the Lego Group continued to grow, expanding production facilities in Mexico and Hungary, and growing profits. In 2011, according to the official website of the company, the Lego Group already occupied 7.1% of the global toy market share, the company employed almost 10 thousand people around the world. By 2015, the company had become the world's largest toy maker with sales of $2.1 billion. According to CNN, this figure reached $6 billion in 2016, and the company employs nearly 19,000 people.

September 4, 2017 winning streak last decade Lego has been broken. The Lego company announced a drop in profits and a reduction in sales, as well as layoffs of 1,400 employees. In October of the same year, the former CEO of Danfoss Niels Christiansen (namesake, not related to the family of the founders of the company) was hired as CEO of the Lego Group. Then in an official release, the company said that the loss of income is associated with a more competitive environment that has created, in which Lego has to compete not only with traditional competitors - Mattel and Hasbro, but also with technology giants.

In 2018, the company managed to return to growth again, according to the BBC. Profit increased by 4% to DKK 10.8 billion and sales rose by 4% to DKK 36.4 billion. The Lego Group is still controlled by the Christiansen family and its foundations.

The material is written on the basis of data from the official Lego Group website.

Internet newspaper Realnoe Vremya

Today we will travel to Billund in Denmark to visit the factory that produces the world-famous LEGO set. Let's look at the production process from the inside, and follow the processing and packaging of the famous designer.

These bricks lie in front of the headquarters of the Lego Group in Billund.

The company was founded in 1932. Its founder was the Dane Ole Kirk Christiansen, who was the foreman of a team of carpenters and joiners. In 1947, the company expanded production and began producing plastic toys. Since its inception in 1949, LEGO elements in all their variants have remained compatible with each other. So, for example, elements created in 1958 are still paired with elements released in 2010, despite the radical changes in the design and shape of the elements over the years.

All LEGO bricks are manufactured to a specific standard with a high degree of precision that allows them to be assembled with little effort. In addition, after connection, the parts must be securely attached to each other. To ensure these conditions, the elements of the designer are produced with an accuracy of 2 micrometers.

Since 1991, with the beginning of the era of computer video games, the Lego company has suffered losses for 11 years, correcting this situation only with the release of new robotic sets.

The process of creating Lego bricks is actually not that complicated. The production of building blocks consists of pouring liquid plastic into a mold and placing it under a press. The form cools, opens - and in your hands you have a ready-made Lego brick. This is followed by the second, more complex part of the process - processing, adding artistic details such as suits, ties, etc.

This is the reception area at Lego headquarters. Pay attention to the ceiling and chairs - they seem to be made of building blocks.

All Lego sets are made from the same plastic based on acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene. It comes to Lego directly from suppliers and then stored in giant bins. It is usually either red or clear, and the paint for specific pieces is added to the molding machines. This is a container filled with liquid plastic based on acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene, with the addition of individual dyes.

This is a molding machine. First, very hot plastic is poured into molds on right side. It then spreads through small channels and enters the pressing area through very small incisions. When cold water poured into the molding machine, it helps to cool the plastic, and the mold opens, allowing the bricks to fall unhindered onto the conveyor belt.

Currently, there are about 7 thousand active forms that are used in the production of Lego. However, in general, the company has more than 9 thousand such forms at its disposal, many of which are waiting in the wings on the shelves, such as this one. The average form costs about 72 thousand dollars, the cost of the most complex and expensive one is 360 thousand dollars.

Here you can see how the plastic is poured into the pressing area of ​​the molding machine.

In this photo, we see two parts of an ellipsoid shape that have just been in the mold. After a few seconds, they will fall onto the conveyor belt.

In this photo, a mold for making parts of an ellipsoidal shape from the top photo.

Produced bricks and other elements can be subsequently used in different ways. These blue pieces can be used as heads for tiny figurines or as decorations for other elements.

Thousands of purple Lego bricks that were under pressure a few minutes ago.

It is one of twelve molding units located in Billund. In each module, or special production room, there are up to 64 working molding machines, divided into two blocks of 32 machines each.

A robotic arm that removes waste from the melting process and the production of parts from a molding machine. The plastic will be re-smelted and will be used very soon.

Waste basket.

Production at the Lego factory is virtually waste-free as plastics are used. However, some of the waste generated during the production process is still sent to the wastebasket.

Pipes through which plastic granules enter molding machines. The noise it creates is reminiscent of the noise that billions of grains of rice would make moving through plastic pipes.

The molding machines are used for four weeks, and then they are taken out and thoroughly cleaned. In the photo we see a company worker behind this procedure.

At this stage of the production of figures, arms, legs, heads and other additional details and elements will be attached to them.

The robot attaches hands to the figurine.

Here you can see how the machine stamps faces and shirts on the figurines.

This display shows the weight of a small bag of Lego pieces, known as pre-tare. Weight should be between 94.9 and 95.7 grams. This provisional tare weighs 94.94 grams, so it passes the test. However, as the display shows, five bags were too light and one was too heavy.

Lego fragments are pre-packed on a conveyor, at the end of which they are weighed.

This is the packaging department, most of the details are in bags that fall into the container automatically. But some bags are too big and have to be shaken by hand to distribute the parts evenly and make the bags flatter and thinner.

Hundreds of cardboard blanks to make boxes for Star Wars-themed Lego sets.

This machine controls the height of the boxes so that they can close tightly so that the fragments do not fall out during transportation.

Boxes of Star Wars-themed Lego sets on the assembly line.

This machine automatically closes the boxes and seals them.

Boxes of Star Wars-themed Lego sets are fully packed and ready to ship.

This machine takes two ready-made boxes of Star Wars sets and places them in boxes of six.

A worker picks up two boxes that have accidentally fallen off the assembly line.

Each of these boxes contains six boxes of Star Wars-themed Lego sets.

Now these boxes will go to the Czech Republic, where they will get to the official Lego distribution center, to the warehouse of the factory in the city of Kladno, which, by the way, produces 35-40% (over a million parts) of all the company's products. There is a giant robotic warehouse, one of the largest in Europe, where orders are processed and products are sent to outlets worldwide.

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Produced private company Lego Group located in Denmark.
The LEGO Group is committed to developing creative thinking in children through play and learning. Based on the world-famous LEGO bricks, today the company offers toys, games and educational materials for children in more than 130 countries around the world. The LEGO Group has approximately 8,000 employees and is the world's fifth largest toy manufacturer.

The main products of the company, commonly referred to as "bricks" Lego, includes colorful, easy to connect plastic modules and accessories, minifigures (also called fans Lego like minifigs) and other designer details. There are other parts Lego that can be assembled and connected different ways. For example, toy cars, trucks, airplanes, trains, buildings, castles, sculptures, ships, spaceships and even robots.

But, first of all, the details of the designer in its various versions are parts of a universal system. Despite the radical changes that have taken place over the years in the design and purpose of the individual parts of the kit, each of them remains compatible in a certain way with other parts. bricks Lego made in 1963 are still compatible with items made in 2007, and sets for young children are compatible with sets for teenagers.

Bricks, bars, axes, minifigures and other elements of the designer Lego manufactured with a given degree of accuracy. After connection, the parts must be securely attached to each other. They cannot be too easy to separate or unreliable when assembled. But neither can they be too difficult to separate, since there should be no difficulty in taking apart one image and creating another. To ensure these conditions, the elements of the designer are produced with an accuracy of 2 microns.

Since 1963, Lego pieces have been made from a strong, resilient plastic known as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). In the manufacture of elements of the designer, there is precision processing along with small molds for casting, strict quality control of the products, which eliminates significant deviations in the color or thickness of the elements. The finished molds are securely hidden to prevent them from falling into the hands of competitors. According to the Lego Group, about 18 bricks out of every million do not meet the required standards.

Lego bricks are produced in many parts of the world. Plastic injection molding is carried out in one of two factories in Denmark and the Czech Republic. Brick finishing and packaging are produced in factories in Denmark, USA, Mexico and the Czech Republic. The annual production of Lego bricks averages about 20 billion (2 × 10 10) pieces or 6,000 pieces per second.

In 2006, the Lego Group announced a restructuring of its current manufacturing organization, including outsourcing certain manufacturing to Singapore-based Flextronics. The Lego Group plans to close its Enfield, Connecticut manufacturing facility and outsource the work to a Flextronics plant in Mexico. Flextronics will also oversee production at the Kladno plant, Czech Republic. In addition, the Czech production capacity will be expanded due to the planned closure of the Swiss plant in Baar, which was the main manufacturer of TECHNIC parts.

Operating profit

▲ DKK 7.788 billion (2009)

Net profit

▲ $1.291 billion DKK

Number of employees Site

LEGO sets are produced by the Lego Group, headquartered in Denmark. Here, in Denmark, on the Jutland peninsula, in the small town of Billund, there is also the largest Legoland in the world - a city completely built from the LEGO constructor.

Lego bricks

Basic height ratio of Lego bricks

The basic principle of attaching Lego bricks from the sides


One of the new popular hobbies is making cartoons or recreating clips from existing films, using Lego bricks for furnishings and Lego figures as characters (LEGO animation). Typically, such films use the stop-motion animation method. Since 2000, this hobby has spread throughout the world, in particular in Russia.


LEGO Brick Workshop

All LEGO bricks are built to a specific standard with a high degree of precision (bricks made in 2011 can be matched with bricks made in 1958) that allows them to be put together without much effort. In addition, after connection, the parts must be securely attached to each other. To ensure these conditions, the elements of the designer are produced with an accuracy of 2 micrometers.

  • The main plant in Billund (Denmark), where rows of machines stand in workshops up to half a kilometer long, churns out about 21 billion cubes a year. It takes about 60 tons of plastic per day.
  • The plant in Kladno (Czech Republic) produces 35-40% (over a million parts) of all the company's products, there is also a giant robotic warehouse, one of the largest in Europe, where orders are placed and products are sent to retail outlets around the world).

Set Series

  • Alien Conquest (2011) - a series about the war of earthlings against aliens who want to take over the Earth. Out of production.
  • Toy Story (2010) - A series based on the cartoon Toy story. Out of production.
  • Ninjago (2011-2013) - a series about the confrontation of four ninjas and their sensei against evil skeletons and the mysterious Lord Garmadon. Since 2012, the skeletons have been replaced by 4 snake clans and Lord Garmadon's son, Lloyd.
  • BABY (2001-2005) - for babies from a few months. Out of production.
  • lego ninja (1998-2000) - this series was similar to ninjago. Among the figurines are samurai, ninja and barbarians. Out of production
  • Creator (constant) - standard cubes, models of houses, cars. Feature - several assembly options in one set.
  • Exclusives (permanent) - various exclusive, realistic models of 2-5 thousand parts, mostly from 12-16 years old.
  • DUPLO (permanent) - from simple blocks that are twice the size of ordinary, standard LEGO blocks and are intended for young children. There are also various themes here (DUPLO Castle, DUPLO Fire, etc.)
  • Power Miners (2009-2011) - a series about tunneling miners who are at war with underground monsters that threaten to destroy our planet. Out of production.
  • AquaZone (1995-2007) - a series about the confrontation between aquanauts and underwater pirates. Out of production.
  • Agents (2008-2009) - a series about secret agents and their missions. Various devices of special agents and their opponents, usually high-tech and fantastic. Out of production.
  • Alpha Team (2001-2005) - a series, the predecessor of agents. Out of production
  • Belville (1994-2010) - a series of models for girls. Infused with pink hues, uses large dress-up figures. Discontinued and replaced by the new Friends series.
  • Bionicle (2001-2010) - a series of prefabricated heroes of a fantastic story that lasted for 10 years. Out of production.
  • Hero Factory (2010-?) - Bionicle replacement series, noticeably simplified in assembly complexity.
  • Batman (2005-2008) - A series based on the Batman comics and films. Discontinued, but some have been re-released as the Super heroes series.
  • Space Police (2009) - A series about future cops catching space criminals. Out of production.
  • Racers (permanent) - a fascinating topic about racing and different jumps.
  • City (permanent) is one of the most popular themes. Models of modern urban structures, machines. There are game directions "Firemen", "Police".
    • Trains - a division of the "City" series - large models of trains and stations.
    • The Farm is a subdivision of the "City" series
  • Harry Potter (2001-2012) - discontinued in 2007 due to the violence in the later books. In 2010, it was re-produced in connection with the release of the last film. The new ones also came out in 2011. Out of production.
  • Castle (1978-2012) - a series about the medieval world, the penultimate generation is based on legends and fairy tales about knights and fantastic creatures - trolls, dragons, goblins, skeletons, etc. The current generation is kingdoms. Out of production.
  • Lego Star Wars (1999-2016(?)) - a series released based on the Star Wars saga. First Lego set Star Wars was released in 1999. Star Wars was the first intellectual property acquired by the Lego Group. The original sets, which were based on the original trilogy, were released in 1999 to coincide with the release of Star Wars. Episode I. The Phantom Menace / Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace. The license has been extended until 2016.
  • Indiana Jones (2008-2009) - a series of films about the famous archaeologist Indiana Jones. Previously, it was not delivered to Russia because of the last film, where Soviet soldiers were negative characters. Out of production.
  • Mindstorms (constant) - programmable robots.
  • Pirates (1989-2009) - a series about pirates opposing imperial soldiers. First released back in the 1980s, re-released in 2008. Out of production.
  • Sponge Bob Square Pants (animated series) (2009-2012) - a series based on the animated series about Sponge Bob. New sets came out in 2011-2012.
  • Avatar (2006) - a series based on the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Out of production.
  • Technician (permanent) - complex designs for children and teenagers from 10 years old. Models are copies of aerial or automotive equipment, often they contain the simplest functions inherent in prototypes (rising excavator bucket, etc.)
  • Atlantis (LEGO series) (2010-2011) - a series about submariners who found the legendary Atlantis. Out of production in 2013.
  • Ben 10 (2010) - about the animated series Ben 10: Alien Force. Out of production.
  • Exo-Force (2006-2008) - Giant humanoid robots in Anime style. Out of production.
  • Education(Dacta) (permanent) - educational for schools, usually using the latest technology
  • Prince of Persia (2010) - based on the film Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, in turn based on the famous game. Out of production.
  • LEGO Minifigures (2010-…) - a series of minifigures, 16 different in each issue. At the same time, it is not known which of the 16 is in one bag of each series. There are eight episodes in total, three are currently being produced.
  • Lamborghini is a series of 1:17 scale model cars.
  • Pharaoh's Quest (2011) - a series about 4 researchers who travel around Egypt and look for the rare treasures of the pharaoh. An analogue of the Atlantis series. It was not officially delivered to Russia. Out of production.
  • Cars (2011-2012) - a series of sets based on the animated film "Cars". Out of production.
  • LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean (2011) - a series based on the films of the same name, was released in 2011. Out of production.
  • Super Heroes (2012-?) - a series that uses minifigures of DC Comics and Marvel comic book characters. The series has been produced since 2012. However, there are no official deliveries to Russia.
  • Dino (2012) - a new series about people who fight dinosaurs.
  • The Lord of the Rings (2012-?) - A series based on the Lord of the Rings films and books.
  • Friends (2012) is a new series for girls, replacing Belville since 2012. By the end of 2012, the sales plan exceeded the expected result by 83%. In this regard, the series will continue. New characters will appear.
  • Monster Fighters (2012-?) - a new series in the summer of 2012, which tells about the struggle of people with monsters.
  • Minecraft (2012) - a new series in the summer of 2012, which was released based on minecraft games. It is the third set of the Lego CUUSO project. Further development of the series is not expected.
  • Legends of chima (2013-?) is a series that will replace Lego NINJAGO.

Computer games


  • Lego Island (1997)
  • LEGO Creator (1998)
  • LEGO Loco (1998)
  • LEGO Chees (1998)
  • LEGO Racers (1999)
  • LEGOLAND (1999)
  • LEGO Friends (1999)
  • LEGO Stunt Rally (2000)
  • LEGO Alpha Team (2000)
  • LEGO My Style: Preschool (2000)
  • LEGO My Style: Kindergarden (2000)
  • LEGO Creator: Knights" Kingdom (2000)
  • LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (2001)
  • LEGO Racers 2 (2001)
  • BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa (2001)
  • LEGO Soccer Mania (2002)
  • BIONICLE: Matoran Adventures (2002)
  • LEGO Island Xtreme Stunts (2002)
  • LEGO Drome Racers (2002)
  • LEGO Knights Kingdom (2004)
  • BIONICLE: Maze of Shadows (2005)
  • LEGO Batman: The Videogame (2008)
  • LEGO Battles (2009)
  • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5–7 (2011)
  • LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes (2012)
  • LEGO Lord of the Rings (2012)

In developing


LEGO Star Wars

  • LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace
  • LEGO Star Wars Bombade Bounty
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Quest R2-D2
  • lego star Wars: The Empire Strikes


  • Bionicle: Mask of Light
  • Bionicle 2: Legend of Metru Nui
  • Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows
  • Bionicle 4: The Legend Reborn

Hero Factory

  • Hero Factory
  • Hero Factory: Savage Planet

LEGO Ninjago

Full name: Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu Season 1 - 4 episodes Season 2 - 13 episodes Season 3 - 13 episodes

LEGO and lawsuits

The LEGO Gruppen name has become so synonymous with their core line of toys that many people now use the word lego mean by this only the plastic bricks themselves, or even more than that - any plastic constructors similar to LEGO constructors. However, the company itself does not approve of such a generalization, and the LEGO catalogs released in the 1970s and 1980s even contained a warning to that effect.

The Lego Company has repeatedly filed lawsuits against competing companies. Lego's claims were based on the fact that competitors' use of the spikes and joints that form the Lego brick system is an infringement of the company's trademarks. In most cases, such claims were not satisfied. Predominantly because the functional design of the main brick is considered an invention patent issue, not a trademark issue, and all relevant Lego patents have expired. In one decision, on November 17, 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld the right of one of the competing companies to continue selling the product in Canada.

see also


  1. Lego Group Annual Report 2009
  2. Lego Specifications
  3. Dimensions of a Standard Lego Brick
  4. The LEGO Book. - London: Dorling Kindersley, 2009. - ISBN 978-1-405304169-1
  5. Willy Horn Hansen. 50 years of play. The Lego Group, 1982, p. 25.
  6. Frances Corbet (September 2008). "Child's Play". Develop 3D(X3DMedia): 25–27.

The Lego Group was founded by Ole Kirk Christiansen (April 7, 1891 - March 11, 1958). He was born into a poor farming family in Jutland, Denmark. After learning the craft of a carpenter, in 1932 he founded a company for the production of items for everyday use, such as ironing boards and ladders. The company did not bring much profit, and then, together with his son, Gottfried Kirk Christiansen, he started manufacturing wooden cubes. I must say that this idea not only helped them stay afloat, but also completely changed their lives. Christiansen named the new toy companylegoby combining two Danish words -leg and godt (play and Good).

Lego expanded into plastic toys in 1947. The bricks became plastic with identical pins, making it possible to connect them to each other. I must say that the idea of ​​such bricks was no longer new and was popular with British kids. After studying samples from a British foundry company, Ole changed the design of the brick and began stamping completely new samples. They were not as strong as wooden ones, but they connected effortlessly and fit snugly together.

Thus, the first LEGO constructors. After the death of Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1958, the company was headed by his son Gottfried, who continued his father's work with great diligence and brought the company to an international level. But in order to interest buyers in the foreign market, Gottfried decides to create a whole toy system. But the bricks still had some problems from a technical standpoint: their gripping ability was limited and they weren't very versatile. In 1958 the brick design was approved, but it took another five years to find right stuff for him. The final version of the Lego brick was patented at 13:58 on January 28, 1958. The bricks from that year are still compatible with today's bricks.

The motto of the Lego Group is "det bedste er ikke for godt" which means "the best is never too good". This motto was created by Ole Kirk to encourage employees. The most important thing for the company is the quality of its products, which has never been skimped on. The motto is used within the company today, which allows employees to be proud of their work. The quality of plastic for toy production is under strict control and is appreciated by buyers all over the world.

Since its inception, the Lego Group has produced thousands of themed sets, including well-known ones such as , . New items are often released alongside new sets. There are also Lego sets designed specifically for girls, such as the new Lego series. They are made up of small interconnected pieces that are designed to encourage creativity and applied skills.

At the same time, there are sets with military themes such as: , German and Russian soldiers in the series, green soldiers from and jousting tournaments from the series, but in no line there are sets directly on military theme. Ole Kirk never wanted to see violence and war in toys.

Over the years, the Lego range has expanded. Additional engines, mechanisms, lights, sensors and cameras, which are widely represented in the and series, began to be used.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the series and. These sets are for ages 7-16. The details of the heroes had characteristic hinges that helped them perform all the movements characteristic of humans and animals.

One of the largest Lego sets ever on sale is from the Large Scale Models series. The number of parts in the set exceeds 5900, and the dimensions of the structure itself are 51x41 cm. In second place in terms of the number of parts is . It has 4287 bricks and is 102 cm long.

In May 2011, the Endevoro shuttle delivered 13 Lego sets aboard the International space station so that astronauts can build models and study how they react in the microgravity of space. The results of the experiments were shared with schools as part of an educational project.