Modern requirements for the organization of the educational process require, among other things, recording the student’s successes. A portfolio is created for each student. In elementary grades, its presence is not mandatory, but starting from the middle school, parents, schoolchildren and the students themselves begin to pay great attention to this innovation.

The concept of portfolio comes from the English “portfolio”, which means a folder of documents or a briefcase. Today, portfolios have begun to be called somewhat differently, for example, a list of a specialist’s works that can demonstrate his talents in theory, as well as show his knowledge, skills, and abilities from the very the best side. In a word, a portfolio is a kind of dossier that has a list of samples best works, achievements that will represent a kind of calling card. This business card will accordingly represent his skills and abilities.

1. Each school, especially if it has the status of a gymnasium or lyceum, tries to distinguish its graduates from others, thereby presenting itself. To do this, the appearance of the portfolio is brought to uniformity: the emblem or logo of the school is placed on the title page, uniform colors and tones, a certain font, etc. are used when designing.

3. The third sheet required by the standard is an autobiography.

The student is given the opportunity to demonstrate the skill of independently structuring events, their selection and description, and determining the degree of significance.
For the reviewer in this section, what will be important is the child’s analytical abilities, as well as the ability to competently and consistently express thoughts, build cause-and-effect relationships, and evaluate events and oneself in them.

With this approach, an autobiography somewhat corresponds to a resume. Not only the plot is presented in the form: “born-studied”, but those significant skills and abilities that the child has mastered at one stage or another (for example, if a student is simultaneously studying at a music school, it is necessary to reflect that he has an ear for music and knows musical literacy , knows how to play an instrument. Among the achievements, it is necessary to indicate participation in shows, competitions, etc.)

4. The main set of portfolios is the results of participation in olympiads (all-Russian, regional, municipal, school), competitions and events; student’s sporting achievements; participation in sections and clubs, as well as attending additional courses. Description of the skills and abilities that the student has additionally mastered.

7. For convenience, you can download a blank form to fill out.

Knowledge Day - the first of September - is an exciting holiday for both students and their parents. It is especially exciting for those who cross the threshold of school for the first time, and even more so for parents of students primary classes, because the child finds himself in an unknown, new environment for him, where many new demands and changes await him: daily routine, interaction with the team, evaluation of his actions - all this is ahead, but let the difficulties not frighten children and parents.

First-grader portfolio

Most people know what a portfolio is, but not everyone is aware that today a portfolio is used and for primary school students, which indicates information about the child, his abilities, interests and hobbies, and the student’s family. In the future, all this data will help reveal the child’s abilities in one area or another, and outline an approximate vector of development in one area or another.

Being prepared to study is very important for everyone. But unfortunately, not everyone succeeds at it right away. Of course, there are many methods with which teachers try to raise a child’s interest in learning. These methods include learning in the form of a game, followed by a transition to a full-fledged curriculum, and various options for assessing the work of a primary school student. At this stage, the active participation of the family in the life of the student, the interaction of parents with the teacher, and the implementation of the teacher’s recommendations are very important. One of these recommendations includes compiling a first-grader’s portfolio.

The portfolio of a primary school student was conceived primarily to identify his interests, abilities, and as a result, all this data forms the basis for successful choosing a narrower profile education in high school. This, in turn, will allow you to avoid difficulties in learning, because everyone knows the situation with “humanities and technologists”, when some fall asleep in literature and history lessons, while others try in vain to comprehend the exact sciences. In addition, filling out and all kinds of decoration of a portfolio has positive psychological effect for the child.

By filling out this document, the child clearly sees all his successes, so to speak, records them. It has great importance to develop a child’s self-esteem, he sees what he is strong in, and what can be improved, and what needs to be “pulled up.” All this develops discipline and the desire to increase one’s successes. This will help avoid future unpleasant situations involving the child and teachers.

There are no specific frameworks that must be strictly adhered to when compiling a portfolio. All you have to do is teach your child analyze your victories, and moments that still require work. He must fill out a portfolio, and see his successes and current tasks that are worth working on, objectively evaluate himself, and not “become a star.”

Portfolio design. How it's done

Completing a portfolio is not difficult, although it does require some perseverance. First of all, you need to fill it out together; this process will be quite exciting for him with your help.

And it should start with the purchase of stationery: give your child free rein to choose what he likes, let it be the most beautiful folder with files that is there. You will also need markers, pens, ruler, pencils, a variety of stickers and decals that the child can choose at his own discretion.

Portfolio sections

Portfolio sections can be different, but in general they can be described as follows:

  • Student personal data
  • List of achievements
  • Participation in school life
  • Wishes and feedback

Student personal data

This section begins with the child’s full name, his photograph, and residential address. Further, You can provide family information, a story that a child will write. He can also draw a picture, talk about his favorite animal, his hobbies and friends. Additionally, you can draw a picture with the optimal route home; it is important that the child draws it himself, with possible adjustments from the parents. At the same time, you need to explain to him the basic rules that will protect him on the way to school or at home:

  • Do not talk to strangers on the street, and especially do not get into their car under any pretext.
  • do not take any things from strangers, especially nothing edible
  • Do not open the door to anyone when you are alone at home, and if you do open it (to brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, be sure to look through the peephole)

It will be good if the child draws a picture for each of these rules.


With the beginning of education, a first-grader noticeably increases in troubles and concerns: he must learn to read quickly, sometimes independently, outside of class, acquire the skills of simple calculations, master the multiplication table.

Parents should help the student fill out, you can draw pictures based on the plot of the books you read, you can also write about the difficulties you overcome, and illustrate the text. This section reflects the entire dynamics of the child’s success, and not only in school. It may also contain information about achievements in sports or creativity; various awards in the form of certificates, photographs from competitions, or competitions can take their place in this section.

The achievements section can be divided into chapters, for example, in the chapter “Mathematics” and “Russian Language” - works on this subject may also contain certificates for participation in various specialized Olympiads.

In the chapter “Literature” there is data on the progress of speed reading, brief thoughts on the works read. In a separate chapter it is worth placing the best works of the child, which are recognized by the teacher during a conversation with the student. The “Creativity” chapter will be filled with a variety of poems, drawings, and handicrafts of the child. In the “My Interests” chapter, the child will be able to talk about his interests, hobbies and skills, both in the form of a story and in the form of drawings and photographs. “Sports achievements” - these can contain all the certificates, photographs of performances and awards, photographs of the child’s sports team.

An important moment for any of us is being welcomed into a new team, and interaction with other people. A variety of activities outside the classroom, be it a trip to the cinema, or to nature, holidays, excursions, and trips, of course, should be encouraged by parents, and all information about these events, in the form of photographs, drawings, stories about impressions, will fill this section.

But this section is intended for parents and teachers. It is worth leaving positive reviews in it, and not abstract and general phrases, but a detailed text of praise for specific success in something. This will help motivate the child to new achievements. It would also not be superfluous to sum up the results of the year in this chapter, with the teacher’s comments, wishes and additions. The child will be able to look at his victories, and at those moments that should be improved.

Filling out a portfolio

Below is a sample, which you can use to fill out your portfolio

"Personal data"

  • My name is……………
  • I was born…………….(Indicate the date)
  • I live in……………….., at the address:………………

List of achievements

  • My achievements in the Russian language (mathematics, natural history...)
  • My books
    • Dynamics of speed reading
    • List of completed works
  • My works
    • In this assignment I learned...
    • In completing this assignment I learned...
  • Creation
    • My drawings
    • My poems
    • My crafts
  • My interests
    • I am an artist (poet, musician, athlete...)
    • I like…
    • I can…
  • Photos of awards, diplomas and certificates, photos of sports and creative teams
  • Over the past year I have learned...
  • Over the past year I have learned...
    • Story, drawing, photographs

Participation in school life

The word “portfolio,” which is still unclear to many, is firmly entrenched in our lives. Now it accompanies a person from the very early childhood. We will try to tell you what it is and why a student needs it. The term “portfolio” itself came to us from Italian language: portfolio in translation means “folder with documents”, “specialist’s folder”.

When to start creating a portfolio?

IN last years The practice of preparing a student’s portfolio has become widespread. Today it is compulsory in many educational institutions. Even preschool institutions introduce into their work activities to collect the child’s successes. The first grader now needs to start organizing his folder of achievements. Of course, it is very difficult for a child who is in elementary school to do this on their own, so parents often prepare this folder. Parents' questions and surprises are quite natural, because at one time they did not encounter such a requirement. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to make a portfolio for a schoolchild.

Why does a schoolchild need a “folder with documents”, and what should be in it?

Tracking all the successes and results of any child’s activity is a good practice, because it helps adults reveal the versatility of the child’s personality. And it is important for a little person to be aware of his first achievements in order to develop further. Information about the child, his family, environment, academic success at school, certificates and diplomas received for participation in various school and extracurricular activities, photographs, creative works showing the child’s knowledge, abilities, skills - all this is a kind of presentation of skills, interests, the child's hobbies and abilities. The collected information will be useful when moving to another school or when further choosing specialized classes and when entering a higher education institution. The main goal of a primary school student’s portfolio is to identify all the child’s strengths and reveal his inner potential through a structural collection of his work, grades and achievements. This helps to form a child’s motivation for activity, teach him to set goals and achieve success.

Portfolio is a creative product

Having decided to start creating a portfolio for a 1st grade student, you must first think through its components, decide which sections or chapters will be included in it, and what they will be called. Very often, primary school teachers prefer a uniform structure for all students, and therefore, when informing you that you need to prepare a portfolio, they will also offer it rough plan. In this case, parents will not have to rack their brains over the components themselves. By and large, a student’s portfolio is a creative document, and not a single regulatory act contains clear requirements for it prescribed by the state.

Every parent understands that first grade is an important period in a child’s life: getting to know teachers and classmates, gradually growing up and increasing independence. Moving from conditions kindergarten going to school, where everything is new and unusual, the child experiences a little stress; the student’s portfolio helps him get used to the new place faster. The sample for compiling it may vary depending on the class and school, but it must contain information about the child and his parents (legal representatives), about his interests and hobbies. All this data will help children quickly find new friends and common interests with classmates, and it will be easier for the teacher to organize the learning process and conversations with children.

General form - individual filling

Each school or even each class can develop its own student portfolio, a sample of which will be offered by the teacher to children and parents, but still this folder is something like “ business card” of the child, and therefore it should reflect his individuality.

Select a template

Children will not be interested in simple sheets, notes, photographs; they will be much more attracted to a cheerful colorful design. Therefore, first, select templates for your student’s portfolio that can be easily found today. And then, together with your child, choose the appropriate one. If you couldn’t find anything you needed, then you can create a template yourself that will best suit what you had in mind. Not every parent can create a template on their own, and even if they cope with this task, they will have to spend a lot of time. This is why ready-made templates for student portfolios, which can be edited quickly and easily, are so popular.

Characters adored by children can be used in the design. Boys, for example, love cars. Portfolio with racing cars perfect for those who love racing and speed. Girls prefer princesses or fairies as a design element. You need to remember that pictures with your favorite characters should not distract from the content; their role is to set you in a positive mood when opening a folder.

What to tell about yourself

The first section of a primary school student’s portfolio, as a rule, includes personal data. This is the title page, where the first and last name are indicated, and also a photograph of the child is placed, which he must choose himself. This section may also include an autobiography, a story about yourself, a list of long-term and short-term study plans. The child must be involved in filling it out, encouraging his initiative. Let him write about the character qualities that he has, about his favorite activities and hobbies, talk about the city in which he lives, about his family and friends, about those with whom he is friends, about his first or last name, about school and class . You can also write a dream about what the student wants to become when he grows up. The student can even post the daily routine he follows. He must describe everything that interests him and what he considers important.

A child, filling out a folder, can do small discoveries- for example, reading for the first time about the origin of the first and last name.

It's not easy to describe your world

The first part may have its own subsections. Perhaps they will be included in the student’s finished portfolio, which you will create yourself, taking into account the child’s individuality. If your child is passionate about reading, create a “My Favorite Books” section. A passion for nature can be reflected in the “My Pets” section.

The portfolio is not filled forever; it will be replenished and changed over time. If a child writes answers to the question “What can I do and love to do,” then by the fourth grade the information entered by the first-grader will definitely lose its relevance. Therefore, regular filling work at least several times a year will bring more benefit.

Success and achievements section

If a child has already accumulated certificates and diplomas received for participating in various school competitions, then parents have no choice but to make a portfolio for the student. You can place them in chronological order or divide them into sections, for example, “Achievements in studies” and “Merits in sports,” although for junior school student all his accomplishments are important. This part will contain information related mainly to studies and creative activities. This data will be gradually updated over the years of study at school.

You can add your first copybook, successful drawing or applique to your first-grader's achievements.

If the event in which the child took part was covered in the media, you can make newspaper clippings or print online pages with the message for the student’s portfolio.

Children choose their own activities and attend classes in clubs, sections and clubs. Information about them can also be included in a special section. There may be information about the institution the student attends.

How do I study?

Educational activity as the main one in the life of a younger child school age, there should be a separate section. There can be not only a table like a school report card, but also successfully completed tests, first notebooks, a sheet with the first five. You can also include indicators of reading technique here.

The word “portfolio,” which is still unclear to many, is firmly entrenched in our lives. Now it accompanies a person from early childhood. We will try to tell you what it is and why a student needs it. The term “portfolio” itself comes to us from the Italian language: portfolio in translation means “folder with documents”, “specialist’s folder”.

When to start creating a portfolio?

In recent years, the practice of creating a student’s portfolio has become widespread. Today it is compulsory in many educational institutions. Even preschool institutions include in their work activities to collect the child’s successes. The first grader now needs to start organizing his folder of achievements. Of course, it is very difficult for a child who is in elementary school to do this on their own, so parents often prepare this folder. Parents' questions and surprises are quite natural, because at one time they did not encounter such a requirement. In our article we will try to answer the question of how to make a portfolio for a schoolchild.

Why does a schoolchild need a “folder with documents”, and what should be in it?

Tracking all the successes and results of any child’s activity is a good practice, because it helps adults reveal the versatility of the child’s personality. And it is important for a little person to be aware of his first achievements in order to develop further. Information about the child, his family, environment, academic success at school, certificates and diplomas received for participation in various school and extracurricular activities, photographs, creative works showing the child’s knowledge, abilities, skills - all this is a kind of presentation of skills, interests, the child's hobbies and abilities. The collected information will be useful when moving to another school or when further choosing specialized classes and when entering a higher education institution. The main goal of a primary school student’s portfolio is to identify all the child’s strengths and reveal his inner potential through a structural collection of his work, grades and achievements. This helps to form a child’s motivation for activity, teach him to set goals and achieve success.

Portfolio is a creative product

Having decided to start creating a portfolio for a 1st grade student, you must first think through its components, decide which sections or chapters will be included in it, and what they will be called. Very often, primary school teachers prefer a uniform structure for all students, and therefore, when informing you that you need to create a portfolio, they will also offer a rough plan for it. In this case, parents will not have to rack their brains over the components themselves. By and large, a student’s portfolio is a creative document, and not a single regulatory act contains clear requirements for it prescribed by the state.

Every parent understands that first grade is an important period in a child’s life: getting to know teachers and classmates, gradually growing up and increasing independence. When moving from the conditions of kindergarten to school, where everything is new and unusual, the child experiences a little stress; the student’s portfolio helps him get used to the new place faster. The sample for compiling it may vary depending on the class and school, but it must contain information about the child and his parents (legal representatives), about his interests and hobbies. All this data will help children quickly find new friends and common interests with classmates, and it will be easier for the teacher to organize the learning process and conversations with children.

General form - individual filling

Each school or even each class can develop its own student portfolio, a sample of which will be offered by the teacher to children and parents, but still this folder is something like a “business card” of the child, and therefore it should reflect his individuality.

Select a template

Children will not be interested in simple sheets, notes, photographs; they will be much more attracted to a cheerful colorful design. Therefore, first, select templates for your student’s portfolio that can be easily found today. And then, together with your child, choose the appropriate one. If you couldn’t find anything you needed, then you can create a template yourself that will best suit what you had in mind. Not every parent can create a template on their own, and even if they cope with this task, they will have to spend a lot of time. This is why ready-made templates for student portfolios, which can be edited quickly and easily, are so popular.

Characters adored by children can be used in the design. Boys, for example, love cars. Portfolios with racing cars are perfect for those who love racing and speed. Girls prefer princesses or fairies as a design element. You need to remember that pictures with your favorite characters should not distract from the content; their role is to set you in a positive mood when opening a folder.

What to tell about yourself

The first section of a primary school student’s portfolio, as a rule, includes personal data. This is the title page, where the first and last name are indicated, and also a photograph of the child is placed, which he must choose himself. This section may also include an autobiography, a story about yourself, a list of long-term and short-term study plans. The child must be involved in filling it out, encouraging his initiative. Let him write about the character qualities that he has, about his favorite activities and hobbies, talk about the city in which he lives, about his family and friends, about those with whom he is friends, about his first or last name, about school and class . You can also write a dream about what the student wants to become when he grows up. The student can even post the daily routine he follows. He must describe everything that interests him and what he considers important.

A child, while filling out a folder, can make small discoveries - for example, read for the first time about the origin of the first and last name.

It's not easy to describe your world

The first part may have its own subsections. Perhaps they will be included in the student’s finished portfolio, which you will create yourself, taking into account the child’s individuality. If your child is passionate about reading, create a “My Favorite Books” section. A passion for nature can be reflected in the “My Pets” section.

The portfolio is not filled forever; it will be replenished and changed over time. If a child writes answers to the question “What can I do and love to do,” then by the fourth grade the information entered by the first-grader will definitely lose its relevance. Therefore, regular filling work at least several times a year will bring more benefit.

Success and achievements section

If a child has already accumulated certificates and diplomas received for participating in various school competitions, then parents have no choice but to make a portfolio for the student. You can place them in chronological order or divide them into sections, for example, “Achievements in studies” and “Merits in sports,” although for a primary school student all his achievements are important. This part will contain information related mainly to studies and creative activities. This data will be gradually updated over the years of study at school.

You can add your first copybook, successful drawing or applique to your first-grader's achievements.

If the event in which the child took part was covered in the media, you can make newspaper clippings or print online pages with the message for the student’s portfolio.

Children choose their own activities and attend classes in clubs, sections and clubs. Information about them can also be included in a special section. There may be information about the institution the student attends.

How do I study?

Educational activities, as the main activity in the life of a child of primary school age, should be given a separate section. There can be not only a table like a school report card, but also successfully completed tests, first notebooks, a sheet with the first five. You can also include indicators of reading technique here.


Upon registration title page portfolio, mark your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth. Next you need to describe the following:

What educational institution and when did you graduate?

Total work experience;

Work experience in the specialty;

Awards and promotions.

If you are creating a portfolio, then know that the title page is drawn up in accordance with the following requirements. Write the name of your educational institution above. For example:

Municipal secondary education comprehensive school 145 g.o. Samara.
Next, write down “portfolio” in the center of the sheet.
Indicate the purpose for which the portfolio is being compiled. For example: to conduct an expert assessment of professional competence and performance. After that, indicate who compiled the portfolio.
Write your last name, first name, patronymic and your position. Please indicate which category is claimed (first or highest). Write down the date of the examination.

If you are compiling a child’s portfolio, it will be different. In this case, you can approach the design of the title page creatively.
But you need to start with a description of the child’s data. Write your last name, first name, patronymic, and date of birth. Paste a photo onto the title page. The child can draw something at his own discretion.
Apply paint to your child's hand and let him apply it to the sheet. When he grows up, another print can be made. This is a game for a child. You will get a kind of growth scale. A portfolio helps a child increase self-esteem.

Many specialists and companies have effective experience working with large companies or complex projects, but experience difficulties in properly documenting them in portfolio. And well composed portfolio is the key to development and achievement of set goals, since it forms the image of a specialist or company.

You will need

  • Computer, photographs, reports on previous work.


Make a sign. In the first column, write down all the companies you worked for and the projects in which you took part. In the next one, describe the tasks you solved and the functions you performed. In the third, the results/results achieved by you. And in the latter, those persons with whom they worked as potential recommenders (this could be the director of the company in which they worked, the manager and others) or them. In the case of reviews, it is advisable to accurately indicate the full name and position of its author.

Select several options from the table that most fully reveal your professional level required for the desired position or status (for example, the main manufacturer of souvenirs for a specific company). Alternatively, this could be a leader in one period, a designer in another and a third. So you can be an effective journalist, technical editor or executive creative project.

Using the capabilities of various graphic programs (if necessary or if it is possible to use them) or a simple text document, format your achievements according to the following logic (from past to present):
1. Name of the project or company, position held,
2. Years of work,
3. Performed duties, functions,
4. Results of the work,
5. Reviews or contacts of those who can give recommendations. In the case of creative professions, for example, photographer, and the like, provide works.

Video on the topic

Portfolio teachers- these are the pedagogical qualities and achievements of the teacher, described in facts, supported by a range of documents, on the basis of which it is possible to form a concept of the method of approach to educational process and vocational training teachers.


In the last paragraph, be sure to state your goal in terms of professional and career development. Describe what you want to achieve and what position interests you in the long term.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Be sure to document all information stated in the portfolio.

As one famous Russian proverb says, “They meet you by their clothes, but they send you away by their minds.” This statement can be attributed not only to appearance a person, but also to the design of any written work, for example, an essay.


Initially, students wrote and formatted essays by hand, carefully measuring indents, margins, and spacing using a ruler. Now, in the age of computerization, all work is performed and processed on a computer.

Before you start designing the title page of your essay, run on your computer text editor“Microsoft Office Word” and it contains the following parameters:

Paper size A4. To do this, in the main panel of the window that opens, you need to go to the “File” menu item, and in it – “Page Options”. In the dialog box that appears, go to the “Paper Size” tab, find the required A4 size in the list that opens and select it. To save the changes made, click on the “Ok” button. This way, all pages of your document will be in A4 format.

Page orientation – “Portrait”, margins: top – 2 cm, bottom – 2 cm, right – 2 cm and left – 2.5 cm. Initially, do the same thing, only now in the “Page Settings” item you should open the tab “ Fields." In the “Field” sub-item, you must set the above values. In the “Orientation” sub-item, select the page icon labeled “Portrait”.

The interval is one and a half. To set the interval value, right-click on the page. In the context menu that appears, select “Paragraph”. A window will appear on the screen with parameters for indents and line spacing. In the field under the inscription “line spacing”, indicate the option “1.5 lines”.

Font “Times New Roman” (“regular”). You can select the required font in the formatting panel located above the text field.

Now go directly to the design. In the center of the page, starting from the first line, you must indicate the name of the body exercising powers in the field of education (Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation– it will be the same for all works), the name of the educational institution, faculty and department. Just below, approximately in the center of the page, is the name of the discipline for which the essay was prepared and its title. Three spaces from the last entry on the right indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, group or class number. At the bottom of the page, strictly in the center, the city and the year the essay was written are written.

A portfolio is necessary for people in creative professions. It is with its help that you can interest a potential employer, show your level of skill and get a decent job.


Choose not only the best, but also the average in terms of quality of work. Of course, you shouldn’t include bad examples in your portfolio, but it shouldn’t consist of complete masterpieces either. Show your potential employer some work that is typical for you so that he does not make excessive demands. Otherwise, you may be required to do overly complex work for standard pay.

Never use someone else's work when compiling your portfolio. It's illegal, unethical, and will get you nothing but trouble. Even if you pass off other people’s work as being of very high quality, and as a result you find several profitable orders, you will still not be able to complete them at the proper level.

Organize your portfolio. Select categories and then divide all the work into those categories so that potential employer could easily find and evaluate works that interested him. Let each category include several representative examples. However, do not get carried away and do not include too many works in your portfolio - it is unlikely that anyone will want to look through each of them to assess the level of your skill.

If you decide to get a tourist, visitor, work or educational visa in Samara, then you can apply for it at one of the consulates, at a visa center or through a travel agency.


Prepare everything Required documents to obtain a visa. Usually this is: - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (and a photocopy); - international passport; - 2 photos 3.5 × 4.5 (on a white background); - documents confirming your financial solvency (certificates from the bank, sponsorship letter, income certificate, pensioner's ID etc.); - policy health insurance(worth at least €30,000); - birth certificates (if they are traveling with you).