The Japanese, who are famous for their longevity, start their day by drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach immediately after waking up. There is a very reasonable justification for this habit. Numerous studies confirm that drinking water on an empty stomach not only triggers metabolic processes in the body and has a strengthening effect on the body, but also helps in the treatment of many chronic diseases.

We have written more than once about the importance of maintaining water balance in the body throughout the day. Today we will talk about why it is important to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach - what it affects and what problems it helps to solve.

What problems can be solved by drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach?

Our body is 65% water. Is it any wonder that maintaining the correct drinking regime will allow us to solve many problems? Scientists believe that even a couple of glasses of water drunk on an empty stomach can help beneficial influence on our body:

  • Preparation gastrointestinal tract to work;
  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • mild laxative effect;
  • restoration of fluid balance in the body;
  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

However, according to research, in addition to its general strengthening effect, water also has a healing effect on our body. Here are just some of the diseases that can be treated by drinking water on an empty stomach: headache, body pain, tachycardia, epilepsy, increased blood cholesterol, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney and urinary tract diseases, gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, vision problems, menstrual irregularities.

How to drink water correctly for medicinal purposes?

  • You only need to drink clean, unboiled water. You cannot replace it with juices, coffee, tea, milk and other drinks, as this neutralizes the therapeutic effect. It is best to use filtered or mineral water without gas.
  • To achieve a therapeutic effect, water must be drunk on an empty stomach, which means on an empty stomach. At least 45 minutes should pass between drinking water and the first meal. There must be at least 2 hours between meals.
  • The water must be warm approximately 25-40 degrees, because cold water from the refrigerator irritates the stomach and does not have a healing effect.
  • You need to drink water in small sips. Drink 1 glass first, wait 5-10 minutes, and then drink another glass.

How long should you drink water on an empty stomach for medicinal purposes?

The duration of hydrotherapy usually differs depending on the disease. Regular drinking of water on an empty stomach helps get rid of:

  • from signs of dehydration - after 10–15 days;
  • from gastritis - after 10 days;
  • for diabetes - 30 days;
  • for frequent constipation - 10–15 days;
  • from high blood pressure- 30–45 days,
  • from tuberculosis - 90 days.

Attention! If you have any form of cancer or arthritis, you should consult your doctor.

What can be added to water to enhance the healing effect?

If the prospect of drinking fresh water in the morning does not appeal to you, then you can add a little taste to it with honey or lemon.

Honey. Have a glass clean water, and then eat it with a teaspoon of honey - this will help prevent colds and solve some skin problems, energize you and improve your mood. You can start breakfast in 25–30 minutes.

Lemon. Just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water or just throw a couple of rings directly into it.

Please note that if you have allergies or gastrointestinal problems, honey and lemon should be consumed with caution. Consult your doctor!

So that the water is tasty and healthy.

IN hot weather we're drinking greatest number water. If you usually have to force yourself to drink 2 liters a day, then in the summer we sometimes drink much more liquid.

We offer you several ideas on how to flavor your water using natural products: vegetables, fruits, herbs. What to add to water to quench your thirst with the most pleasant taste?


Of course, the most popular option is lemon. It is often added to water, cut into slices or small cubes. It’s good to add mint to the water along with lemon; it will add additional aroma and make the taste better.

Lemon water helps cleanse blood vessels and arteries. Lemon water also cleanses the blood itself. In addition, water with lemon cleanses the liver. Lemon juice stimulates the liver to release toxins, and water removes these toxins through the excretory system.

Lime and mint

Even though lemons and limes are always nearby, lime gives the water a completely different taste. Mint also goes well with it. Moreover, you can add it in large quantities.

Start your day with this drink. Lime juice will saturate the body with vitamins and microelements, and will also help remove toxins that have accumulated in the stomach and intestines overnight.

Morning is the time when the body awakens from sleep and begins to work actively. And in awakening he needs support, not extra burden. Therefore, you should definitely drink certain liquids on an empty stomach in the morning. This will awaken the body faster. But what is better to drink in the morning before breakfast? It's worth looking into.

What's better to drink in the morning?

Why is it important to drink before eating in the morning?

As you know, humans are mostly made of water. Therefore, it is important to replenish it on time. But why in the morning and before meals? Scientists answer:

  • the most important effect of such water is the activation of metabolic processes. That is, a direct aid to digestion;
  • a good metabolism also helps you lose weight;
  • also, some chronic diseases can be overcome faster if you do not neglect the advice to drink exactly a glass of cool water in the morning;
  • Overloaded with food in the morning, the intestines and stomach, which have not had time to properly wake up, will suffer. And water will allow them to become more active, after which they need to be fed with food after 45 minutes.

What is better to drink in the morning on an empty stomach?

There are many things you can drink in the morning. But only some liquids can help a person and bring real benefits. It's worth considering which ones.

First of all, it is water. She is the universal answer to the question of what is best to drink in the morning. You should not use boiled water - there is nothing useful in it. The best option would be raw. But if you don’t trust the local water supply, you should replace it with bottled water. Even something as simple as water can be taken in different ways:

  • cold. Extends human life and strengthens the body. Most the best option– pure spring water;
  • room It has an awakening effect on the stomach and reduces the chance of heartburn or cramps. In fact, it has no more effects. But it’s also the most comfortable to drink;
  • hot. Has a cleansing effect, eliminating mucus from the gastrointestinal tract. It has a positive effect on health, rejuvenating the body, and speeds up metabolism. The latter is useful for those losing weight.

Next is honey. It is recommended to eat at least a teaspoon in the morning, appealing to his beneficial properties. In addition to its healing and antibacterial properties, it can lift your spirits and charge your body with vigor and strength. By the way, you can add it to a glass of water - you get the perfect combination.

Not only girls should do the simplest morning exercises in order to achieve slim body, but also for men. The benefits of morning exercises are not only to pump up the body or lose weight, but to improve well-being and improve the health of the body. Morning exercises have a positive effect on potency, increase libido, improve well-being, make you healthier, allow you to wake up, and reduce your appetite throughout the day. the site suggests considering 6 reasons in favor of morning exercises and basic warm-up exercises.

6 reasons in favor of morning exercises

Reason 1. Unloading for the heart

To prolong life, the heart and brain are carefully protected. Morning exercises allow you to train your heart muscle. After sleep, the muscles cannot immediately get into rhythm and provide the body with energy. Morning exercises will help wake up all the other 639 muscles in the human body, including the heart. The load on the heart doubles if the muscles do not start working on time in the morning. As they say in the East: “The heart – the royal muscle – has 639 assistants.”

Follow the golden rule of athletes - 639/1: Help your heart (1 muscle) with the work of all other skeletal muscles (639)! Today cardiovascular diseases account for almost half of the reasons that claim the lives of people at a young age. Sedentary work and neglect of your diet, lifestyle and physical activity accelerate the development of heart pathologies. Help yourself. Constant morning exercise will saturate the blood with oxygen, and, accordingly, all the cells in the body, improve blood circulation and brain activity.

Reason 2. Make a plan for the day

After waking up, the body is filled with the strength and energy necessary to work for the whole day. If you do not allow the body to accumulate the necessary amount of energy in the muscles and all organs, you will feel weak, exhausted and drowsy all day.

Reason 3. Nourish the organs in the morning

Only ensuring the necessary flow of useful components to the organs, the amount of oxygen to the brain and all cells can save from rapid aging and wear and tear of all systems in the body.

Reason 4. Vessels and capillaries require nutrition

During morning exercises, each cell is saturated with oxygen, the blood delivers nutrients to the most remote and inaccessible places in the body, the saturation of which determines the efficiency of all systems. Capillaries, like other vessels, must have precise patency and be sufficiently elastic to prevent the formation of aneurysms. Daily morning physical activity will strengthen the arteries, capillaries and veins, facilitate blood flow and patency nutrients through the walls of blood vessels.

Reason 5. Thinning the blood

The benefit of morning exercises is blood thinning after a 15-minute workout. This is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis, the formation of blood clots and to prevent other problems associated with blood circulation and vascular function.

Reason 6. We are developing

The level of oxygen saturation of the brain directly affects memory stability and concentration. Also morning physical exercise help you achieve harmony with your body and thoughts.

A significant benefit of morning exercises when doing exercises in the fresh air is the supply of oxygen to the body. The mood improves if the movements are accompanied by the singing of birds and the shine of the sun, or the fall of the first spring drops of rain, the flight of the first snow.

Physical activity in the morning allows you to get rid of the blues and many health problems. For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, a morning warm-up will help keep your spirits up throughout the day. If you are often bothered by swelling in your legs, physical education can eliminate this ailment in as soon as possible, resuming normal water-salt metabolism.

Simple morning exercises

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart and raise your arms. Stand on your toes and reach up with your hands, stretching your spine and neck. The spinal muscles should straighten and stretch; it is better not to squeeze the neck.
  2. Bend forward to reach your toes with your fingers. Bend back with your hands on your waist. Each exercise 10 times.
  3. From the starting position, squat, straightening your arms forward – up to 10 times.
  4. Plank push-ups. First we do a plank - standing on your hands and toes, your heels should point up, your body forms one straight line. Then we do push-ups. Just 2-3 push-ups are enough to perk you up.
  5. Walk around the room in a circle, first on your heels, then on your toes, then on your back and inside soles.

Select a set of exercises taking into account individual preferences. Morning physical exercise should consist of stretching exercises and preparing muscles for daytime stress. It is better to perform exercises in good mood after 10-15 minutes after waking up, when you drink a glass of water on an empty stomach.

Benefits for bones.

The first thing that morning exercises are useful for is that it allows you to properly and evenly stretch your bones, making them stronger and better. But this should be done preferably before the age of 40-50. If you have not played sports before the age of 50, then most likely gymnastics is contraindicated for you, but this will not prevent you from simply doing exercises and walking in the fresh air.

Benefits for brain function and vigor.

It’s not for nothing that they say that sport makes a person more cheerful, smarter and faster. Morning exercises help with this very well. gymnastics. It will allow you to recharge positive emotions, energy and vigor for the whole day. This is useful not only for people with sedentary work, but also for people doing physical labor.

Benefit for health.

Undoubtedly, almost any kind of sport is useful; morning exercises are on the list of the most useful species Spotting takes 3-4th position, and walking is in first place. Therefore, do morning exercises or at least simple exercises and walk at least 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes in the fresh air, preferably in a park, near a forest or river.


As a rule, there are no contraindications for playing sports, morning exercises for normal healthy people. But if you perform complex gymnastic exercises on your own, without a trainer, then of course you can hurt yourself or break something. So just do it yourself simple exercises or ask someone to help you with difficult exercises.

Also, morning exercises are contraindicated for sick and elderly people who have weak bones and hearts. Therefore, if doctors forbid you to do morning exercises, listen to them, especially at the age of 50 or more. If you have not done gymnastics before this age, then there is no point in starting to do it in old age. Simple walks in the fresh air and simple morning exercises are better for you.

A set of exercises for morning hygienic gymnastics

Exercise name

Initial position

Description of the exercise



Circular rotation of the head

Circular rotation of the head to the right, left.

"1-2": right

"3-4": left

5 reps

The exercise must be performed slowly, without jerking.

Head tilts

Basic stance, hands at the waist

Head tilts left, right.

“1-2” - head tilt to the right, etc.

“3-4” - head tilt to the left, etc.

4-6 repetitions

Average pace of execution, maximum head tilt

Shoulder circles

Basic stance, hands on the ground

Circular rotations 4 counts forward, 4 counts backward

4 reps

Medium pace, it is necessary to make full circular movements to warm up the shoulder joint

Hand jerks

with turns right and left.

Basic stance, arms in front of the chest bent at the elbow joint

“1-2”: jerks in front of the chest, “3-4”: turn the body to the right, jerks with straight arms

“5-6” - jerks in front of the chest,

“7-8”: turn the body to the left, jerk with straight arms

4-5 reps

The arms should be raised 90 degrees from the axis of the body, the average pace of execution.

Rotation of the hands

Basic stance, hands locked in front of chest

4-5 reps

Fast pace of execution

Torso bends

Basic stance (feet shoulder-width apart), hands on waist

Tilts of the body to the left, to the right.

“1-2”: tilt to the right, I.P.

“3-4”: tilt to the left, I.P.

5 reps

Average pace of execution, maximum torso tilt.

Hip rotation

Basic stance, hands on waist

For 4 counts, spin in right side, for 4 counts rotation to the left

4 reps

Average execution rate

Rotation of the knee joint

Feet together, hands on knees

4 counts of rotation to the right, 4 counts of rotation to the left

4 reps

Average execution rate

Bend the torso forward

Basic stance, feet shoulder-width apart

  • 1 - tilt of the body towards the right leg,
  • 2- in the middle
  • 3- to the left leg
  • 4- Starting position

5-6 reps

When bending your torso, you need to touch the floor as much as possible

Lunges forward

Feet together, hands on waist

  • 1- Lunge forward with your right foot,
  • 2-I.P
  • 3- Left leg lunge forward
  • 4- I.P

7-8 reps

The back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. When lunging, your legs should be bent at the knees 90 degrees.

Circular rotations of the ankle joint of the right leg

Basic stance, hands on waist

For 4 counts of rotation to the right, for 4 counts of rotation to the left

6-8 reps

Full circular rotation of the ankle is necessary to prevent joint sprain

Circular rotations of the ankle joint of the left leg

Your ordinary morning is worse than any nightmare - the sound of the alarm clock acts like a shot, the warm blanket does not want to let go, and your eyes categorically refuse to open and look at the world. And even on the street and in public transport, you continue to desperately fight sleep, with your own lethargy and apathy, quietly hating this time of day and those who look more cheerful and fresh, so that in the end you will gradually dissolve in the monotony and routine of working days. Continue to feel the charm dawn hours, filling yourself with energy and strength, striving towards another new day full of events and surprises is not so difficult. Despite everything, get up 10-15 minutes early and... do some exercises!

Keep yourself in good health physical fitness Every day is much easier than once a month to exhaust yourself with training and diets. Exercise stress already in the morning it charges you with energy and vigor.

What happens in the body during morning exercises?

Firstly, the flow of impulses that come from the receptors of the motor, vestibular, visual, auditory and other analyzers significantly increases, and these impulses help to activate and mobilize the work of the cortical and subcortical parts of the central nervous system, that is, to quickly eliminate the state of inhibition that is common after sleep.

Secondly, if you exercise regularly, then under the influence of physical activity in the body, blood and lymph circulation improves, as well as blood supply to the heart muscle, venous blood flow accelerates, and all this again eliminates congestion after sleep. In addition, it has health benefits because the compensatory function of the cardiovascular system improves, the function of external respiration improves, gas exchange in the lungs increases, acid-reduction processes are activated, plus arterial blood is more quickly saturated with oxygen, muscles become more resilient, and joints become stronger. mobile.

A typical gymnastics complex consists of 10-15 exercises, selected to involve all muscle groups: flexion-extension of arms and legs, circular movements and turns, bending and rotation, walking, jumping and running from a variety of starting positions: standing, sitting, lying down - each exercise should become an element of your exercise.

Your assistants can be dumbbells, a ball or a stick, but, in principle, you can do without them. Remember that the pace of the exercises (as well as their number, complexity, number of repetitions, etc.) is an individual matter; focus on your breathing, which should be free and even. By the way, it’s good to include special breathing exercises for relaxation in your morning program and alternate them with intense exercise.

You need to do exercises before breakfast, in a well-ventilated room, and in the summer, ideally, exercise in the fresh air, which is also refreshing and invigorating. Moreover, you don’t need to exhaust yourself with some kind of strength exercises, from which you will immediately get tired; just a short jog, flexibility exercises and a few breathing exercises - and you will be in good shape.

For the stronger half, for example, they advise including strength exercises, actively using dumbbells, expanders, rubber bandages, but not getting carried away with static tension.

Gentle creatures must focus on developing flexibility and strengthening muscles. abdominals, pelvic floor.

For older people, it is better to avoid strength exercises, as well as fast pace, and give preference to breathing exercises and self-massage of the neck and head.

After the charging is completed, you should return to a normal state in 3-5 minutes, by the way, this is also an indicator that you did everything correctly. Mild muscle pain, if it appears, will certainly disappear in two days. But, believe me, this is a meager price to pay for the fact that every day will sparkle for you with the most amazing colors, and your harmony, freshness and composure will evoke respect and delight.