Sea crucian carp, belonging to the genus Sparus, has many names: golden spar, sea bream, aurata. Almost all names mention one of the main features of this fish - the presence of a golden stripe, which is located between the eyes. The habitat of the golden spar includes the entire Mediterranean Sea, the eastern part of the Atlantic, and in some cases it is found in the Black Sea, but such cases cannot be called frequent. Adults prefer deep waters, while young animals prefer shallow coastal waters.

Appearance of Dorado fish

Sea bass is a fairly large fish. The length of its body can reach seventy centimeters and its weight seventeen kilograms.
The body of the sea bream has an oval shape and a steep head profile. Above the eyes you can see a sharp protrusion of jagged scales. There are no spines on the gill cover; its edge is smooth. This fish has a lower mouth, which indicates that it feeds on bottom-dwelling organisms. The jaws move forward slightly, with the upper one slightly longer than the lower one.

The dorsal fin is long and undivided. The caudal fin has a dark border and light ends. The general body color of the spar is silver, and the fins have a pinkish tint.

Features of life

Dorada feeds on fish, mollusks and crustaceans, seaweed. In captivity, she is fed with special granulated food.
Golden spars breed from October to November, when they spawn. Sexual distribution is typical for species with protandric hermaphroditism. Juveniles are males in the first two years of life, then become females as they mature.

Sea breams are objects of farm breeding. This fish was familiar to people already in Ancient world. The ancient Romans valued the meat of sea bream and fattened it in special pools. Breeding and husbandry techniques developed in the Middle Ages and later. The method of growing in captivity is still actively used today.

Properties of Dorada meat and its preparation

For the maintenance of sea bream they use especially clean water. They feed her special food. All tricks allow you to get meat white, dense and with a subtle aroma. All these aspects do not make the cost lower, but the popularity of sea bream meat is increasing.
Sea bream meat is low-calorie - the calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is only ninety-six kilocalories. The same amount of meat contains less than two grams of fat.

This fish is prepared in the most different ways. The most commonly used methods are baking or grilling. If you cook this fish on the stove, you should use sauce to make the meat juicier. Low fat content leads to excessive drying. Classic sauce consists of dry white wine, olive oil and garlic.

Sea bream meat goes well with vegetables. It can be baked in a potato crust or served separately as baked, fried, or stewed vegetables.

Cutting Dorado fish - Video

Golden Dorado

Despite the name, it has nothing to do with the sea fish of the same name. It belongs to the characins and is rather a relative of the African tiger fish. And it got its name from the legendary El Dorado, by association with its gold.

Origin of the species and description

The closest ancestor of fish is more than 500 million years old. This is a pikaya - several centimeters long, it did not have fins, so it had to bend its body to swim. The oldest fish were also similar to it: only 100 million years later did ray-finned fish appear, including the dorado. Since their appearance, these fish have changed very much, and the oldest species have long since died out; moreover, their immediate descendants have already become extinct. The first bony fish arose 200 million years ago, but the species inhabiting the Earth now appeared much later, most of them after the Cretaceous period.

Video: Dorado

It was then that the evolution of fish went much faster than before, and speciation intensified. The fish became the masters and... Although a significant part of them also died out - mostly species living in the water column survived, and when conditions improved, they began expanding back to the surface. Dorado was one of the first to appear in the Sparaceae family - perhaps even the very first. But this happened by the standards of fish not so long ago, at the very beginning of the Eocene, that is, a little more than 55 million years ago - the family as a whole is relatively young, and new species in it continued to form until the Quaternary period.

The scientific description of the dorado species was made by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, the name in Latin is Sparus aurata. It is from him that two other names come from which this fish is known: golden spar - nothing more than a translation from Latin, and aurata.

Appearance and features

The appearance of the fish is memorable: it has a flat body, and its length is three times its height - that is, the proportions are similar to crucian carp. The head has a sharply sloping profile with eyes in the middle and a mouth with a downward slit. Because of this, the fish always looks as if dissatisfied with something. It grows in length up to 60-70 cm, and weight can reach 14-17 kg. But this rarely happens, only in cases where the dorado lives to be 8-11 years old. The usual weight of an adult fish is 1.5-3 kg.

The color of the dorado is light gray, the scales are shiny. The back is darker than the rest of the body. The belly, on the contrary, is lighter, almost white. There is a thin lateral line, it is clearly visible near the head, but then gradually it becomes less and less visible, and is barely visible towards the tail. Sometimes you can see other dark lines running along the fish's body. On the dark head there is a golden spot located between the eyes. In juveniles it may be poorly visible, or even not visible at all, but with age it appears clearly.

Dorado has several rows of teeth; in front it has quite powerful fangs, indicating a predatory lifestyle. The teeth at the back are smaller than the front teeth. The jaws protrude slightly, the lower one being shorter than the upper one. The caudal fin is forked, with dark lobes; in the middle there is an even darker border. A noticeable pink tint to the color is noteworthy.

Where does the dorado live?

This fish inhabits:

  • the area adjacent to it;
  • Bay of Biscay;
  • Irish sea;

Dorado lives most of all in the Mediterranean Sea - they can be found in almost any part of it from the very west to the eastern shore. The waters of this sea are ideal for golden steam. The waters on the other side of the Iberian Peninsula are less suitable for it - they are colder, but they also contain significant population. The same applies to the rest of the listed seas and bays - the waters of the North or Irish Sea are not as favorable for the life of dorado as in the Mediterranean, therefore they are inhabited by far different animals. large populations. Previously, dorado was not found in last decades they are met off the Crimean coast.

Most often they live sedentary, but there are exceptions: some dorado gather in flocks and make seasonal migrations from the depths of the sea to the shores and, and then back. Young fish prefer to live in river mouths or shallow and low-salt lagoons, adults move to the open sea. The same is true with depth: young dorado swim close to the surface, and after growing up they prefer to live at a depth of 20-30 meters. During the breeding season, they dive much deeper, to 80-150 meters. In addition to those living in natural conditions There are also dorado bred in captivity, and their number is increasing.

This fish was bred back in the Roman Empire, for which ponds were specially built, but real industrial breeding began in the 1980s. Now dorado is bred in all Mediterranean countries, and is the leader in production volumes. Fish can be grown in lagoons, floating cages and pools, and fish farms are becoming more numerous every year.

Now you know where is the dorado fish found?. Let's see what she eats.

What does the dorado eat?

Most often, the following enter the dorado’s stomach:

  • shellfish;
  • crustaceans;
  • other fish;
  • caviar;
  • insects;
  • seaweed.

Aurata is a predator that hunts other animals. Thanks to a large set of specialized teeth for different occasions, it can grab and hold prey, cut its meat, and crush its durable shells. With pleasure adult fish It also eats caviar - both other fish and relatives. It can swallow insects and various small crustaceans and fry that fall into the water. The diet of young dorado is similar to adults, the only difference is that they are not yet able to fully hunt serious prey, as well as split shells, and therefore eat more insects, caviar, small crustaceans and fry.

The dorado has to feed on algae if it is not possible to catch anyone - animal food is still preferable for it. You need to eat a lot of algae, so it is often easier to hunt and eat for a long time than to constantly eat algae. Still, they are a source of important vitamins and microelements for fish. When artificially rearing dorado, they are given granulated food. It includes meat waste, fishmeal and soy. They grow very quickly on this food.

Interesting fact: If there is another fish, also called dorado, which sometimes causes confusion. Moreover, it even belongs to another family (Characinaceae). This is the species Salminus brasiliensis, and it lives in the rivers of South America.

Features of character and lifestyle

Aurat differ from coryphaenas in that they usually live alone. They spend most of their time hunting: lying in wait for a careless fish and then suddenly grabbing it, or swimming to the surface and collecting insects that have fallen into the water. But most often they carefully examine the bottom of the sea, looking for edible and. As fish hunters, golden spars are not so successful, and therefore the main source of their food is the bottom fauna, which cannot escape from them.

Often it has another defense - strong shells, but the dorado rarely manages to resist the teeth. That is why they live mainly in areas of the sea with shallow depths - so where they can explore the bottom. They move to deeper waters if there are large schools of fish there, which are easier to hunt. Dorado love calm, sunny weather - this is when they hunt and are caught most often. If the weather changes suddenly or it starts to rain, it is unlikely that you will be able to catch them. They are also much less active and if the summer is cold, they can even swim to another place where the weather is better, because they really love warm water.

Interesting fact: When purchasing dorado, you should check for freshness. The eyes of the fish should be transparent, and after light pressure on the abdomen there should be no dent left. If the eyes are cloudy or there is a dent, it means it was caught too long ago or was stored in improper conditions.

Social structure and reproduction

If young fish usually live in schools near the shore, then after growing up they spread out, after which they already live alone. The exception is sometimes those dorado that live in areas of seasonal migration - they swim from place to place in flocks. Aurata is extremely remarkable in that she is a protandric hermaphrodite. The fish are still young, usually no older than two years – all of them are males. As they grow up, they all become females: if previously their sex gland was a testis, then after this degeneration it begins to work as an ovary.

Changing sex is useful for dorado: the fact is that the larger the female, the more eggs she will be able to lay, and the eggs themselves will be larger - which means that the offspring will have a higher chance of survival. But nothing depends on the size of the male. It spawns for the last three months of the year, and practically stops sleeping during this time. In total, a female can lay from 20 to 80 thousand eggs. They are very small, less than 1 mm, and therefore few survive - especially since many other fish want to feast on dorado eggs, and they take a long time to develop: 50-55 days.

If the eggs managed to remain intact for such a long time, fry are born. When hatching, they are very small - about 7 mm, at first they do not look like adult fish and are practically helpless. Nobody protects them, so most of them die in the jaws of predators, mainly fish. After the fry grow a little and take on a dorado-like appearance, they swim to the coast, where they spend the first months of their lives. Young but grown fish can already fend for themselves and become predators themselves.

In artificial breeding, there are two approaches to raising fry: they are reared either in small tanks or in large swimming pools. The first method is more productive - for every liter of water, one and a half to two hundred fry hatch, because its quality can be very precisely controlled and made ideal for breeding them. In large pools, productivity is an order of magnitude lower - there are 8-15 fry per liter of water, but the process itself is similar to what happens in natural environment, and a resistant fish appears, which can later be released into the reservoir.

For the first few days, the fry feed on reserves, and on the fourth or fifth day they begin to be fed with rotifers. After ten days, their diet can be diversified with artemia, then vitamins and fatty acids are gradually introduced into it, microalgae are added to the water, and they begin to feed crustaceans. By one and a half months they have grown enough to be transferred to another body of water and fed with granulated food, or to be released into a creek or other environment close to natural.

Natural enemies of dorado

This fish is large enough to attract large aquatic predators such as sharks, but small enough to fight them. Therefore, they are the main threat to dorado. The Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic are home to many species of sharks: sandbar, tiger, blacktip, lemon and others. A shark of almost any species is not averse to snacking on a dorado - they are generally not particularly picky about food, but they are clearly attracted to dorado more than other prey and, if they see this fish, they strive to catch it first. Probably, dorado is the same delicacy for them as it is for people.

People themselves can also be counted among the dorado’s enemies - despite the fact that a large number of This fish is bred on fish farms, and fishing is also active. The only thing that hinders him is that dorado live alone, so it’s difficult to catch them purposefully, and usually this happens together with other species. But adult fish are large enough not to be afraid of most of the fish found in sea ​​waters predators. The eggs and fry are in much greater danger. The eggs are actively eaten by other fish, including small ones, the same applies to fry - they, moreover, can be caught predator birds. Especially large ones also hunt for young dorado weighing up to a kilogram - after all, birds of prey, in general, cannot cope with already adult, large individuals.

Interesting fact: Dorado can be gray or royal - the second type has a more delicate fillet, colored slightly pinkish.

Population and species status

Dorado is considered one of the species with the least number of threats. This is one of the most common fish of this size in the Mediterranean Sea, so its population is very large, and even active fishing has not undermined it. In other habitats there are fewer dorado, but still significant numbers. No reduction in range or decline in the number of golden spars has been noted; their population is wildlife stable, perhaps even growing. Thus, in recent decades, they have been increasingly spotted in waters adjacent to their usual habitat, but not previously visited. And in captivity, an increasing number of these fish are bred every year.

There are three main breeding methods:

  • intensive - in various above-ground containers;
  • semi-intensive - in cages and feeders installed near the shore;
  • extensive - almost free cultivation in lagoons and creeks.

The difference between these methods is important, since the latter of them is comparable to conventional fishing - although the fish are considered to be artificially bred, they actually live under normal conditions and form part of the natural environment. Fish kept in this way can even be counted as part of the normal population, in contrast to those bred in cramped cages. When kept freely, artificial feeding is often not even carried out. Sometimes juveniles are reared under supervision and then released - as a result, losses of fish due to predators are significantly reduced.

Dorado- inhabitant warm waters Atlantics are a weather-sensitive fish, but otherwise quite unpretentious. This allows it to be grown in special farms in large quantities. But dorado living in natural conditions have to be caught one at a time, since they almost never form schools.

Dorado fish is better known to our compatriots as sea ​​crucian carp, and many even call it a “goldfish”. This is easily explained: translated from Spanish, the word “dorado” means “golden”. In addition, there is a pronounced line near the fish’s eyes, which flickers with a golden glow in the water column. In addition, according to the description, the product has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, so it has an extremely beneficial effect on the human body. This is where the name “ gold fish” – that is, an expensive and extremely useful product.

What does the fish look like?

Distinctive feature The dorado family is a stripe between the eye sockets, which glows golden in the water. This is a very common member of the Sparidae family; schools are caught in the Mediterranean, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean and near the Black Sea coast. Dorado grows very quickly, its size reaches 70-80 cm, and the weight of an adult carcass is approximately 15-17 kg, with an average live weight commercial fish is 3-5 kg.

The body is oval in shape and slightly flattened on the sides. The profile of the head is quite steep, and just above the eyes there is a clearly defined pointed protrusion.

The scales are silver-gray, large and jagged, and the entire body of the fish, including the head, is covered with scales. The operculum is without spines, and the edges of the operculum are smooth. The lower mouth is small, the jaws are slightly pushed forward, while the upper one is much longer than the lower one. Both have 4-6 large teeth, immediately behind them crooked pointed teeth grow, and after that the chewing teeth are located in two rows. It is noteworthy that there are no teeth on the palatine bones and vomer.

The dorsal fin is quite long, undivided, includes 11 spiny rays and 12-15 soft ones. In the anal there are 3 pointed rays and 11-13 softer ones, but in the thoracic there is only one spiny ray, and the number of soft ones is 5-6. These fins have a red or pinkish tint, and the tail fins are distinguished by a darkened border in the center and white edges. Near the very base of the terminal dorsal ray there is a small brick-brown spot; it disappears after the death of the spar. Scales are colored gray shade with pronounced silver shimmer.

Dorado is a hermaphrodite - under the influence of hormonal or social factors, it can change its gender. Thus, in most cases, males are formed before 2 years of age, and starting from the fourth year of life, the sex often changes to the opposite.


Sea crucian carp - no River fish. Its main habitat is the waters of the Mediterranean and Atlantic, but there are cases when schools were found in the Black Sea, especially a lot of fish are found near the coast of Crimea. Initially, the number of individuals there was small, but over time the population increased and today this area is included in the list of places from which dorado are brought to Russia in significant numbers.

In many countries, dorado is grown artificially, this is especially common in Italy, Turkey, and Spain. In addition, it is brought from France and Greece - there this type of fish is bred in lagoons or pools; it does not live in natural reservoirs.

Sea crucian spends the main part of its life at great depths - up to 40 meters. Young individuals usually gather in schools and do not dive too deep - they do not swim below 20 m. But adult sea breams, in pursuit of food, can descend even 160 m. Dense scales easily allow them to withstand high pressure water.

Separately, we note that the dorado is not only a large, but also a very strong and powerful fish, which is why fishermen who catch it must have especially durable equipment - it is not enough to catch the fish, it is important to pull it on board, which not every fisherman can do.


As we have already noted, dorado is distinguished by its exceptionally rich vitamin and mineral composition, 100 g of product contains:

  • vitamin A (retinol) – 50-55 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 20-25 mcg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – 70-75 mcg;
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.7-1 mg;
  • vitamin B6 (adermine) – 0.4-0.5 mg;
  • vitamin B9 ( folic acid) – 5-6 mcg;
  • vitamin BB (nicotinic acid) – 6.0-6.5 mg.

In addition, the product contains quite a lot of micro- and macroelements, among them:

  • manganese – the content of this element in 100 g of fish is 20 mcg;
  • phosphorus – 140-145 mcg;
  • zinc – 6.5-7.0 mcg;
  • iodine – 65-70 mcg.

Fish is also rich in omega acids - compounds that are extremely beneficial for humans.

Calories and nutritional value

Golden spar is a dietary product, since the calorie content of the finished dish may vary depending on the preparation option, but in any case never exceeds 95-96 kilocalories per 100 grams. finished product. In terms of calorie content, dorado is comparable to such marine inhabitants as coho salmon, pollock, tilapia and pangasius.

As for BJU, the volume of protein components in 100 grams of the product is 19 grams, fats – 2 grams, and there are no carbohydrates in golden steam.


Dorado is exceptional healthy fish, which has earned its popularity not only for its exceptional tenderness of meat, but also nutritional value, which is explained by the unique chemical composition seafood.

Manganese, the concentration of which in this fish is exceptionally high, is an element whose importance is difficult to overestimate for humans, since it regulates protein-lipid metabolism in the body.

Everyone has known about the benefits of phosphorus since childhood - many probably remember how mothers forced them to eat fish, saying that it contained a lot of phosphorus. Fish is rich in this microelement, which, in its essence, is a necessary component of all enzymatic processes of physiological cell activation, since without phosphorylation the transmission of basic impulses and signals in tissues is simply impossible. Phosphorus also contributes to the normal development of the musculoskeletal system.

Zinc is important for the restoration and regeneration of cells and tissues of the body; with a lack of this element, it weakens the immune system, and the body ceases to resist infections. Zinc deficiency in the body of men is especially dangerous, since it leads to the loss of sperm motility. The result is infertility.

Iodine, which dorado is rich in, is important for people living in major cities and megacities. This microelement is responsible for energy production and is also involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which restore a person’s energy potential. If the body experiences a lack of iodine, the condition worsens sharply - people begin to experience drowsiness, weakness and an acute lack of strength. It is no secret that patients complaining of apathy and depression are first recommended to undergo examinations to determine the level of thyroid hormones in the blood.

Fatty acids are very important for children’s and adult bodies, which are not synthesized on their own, but are essential for maintaining normal activity of the brain, heart and blood vessels, healthy joints and cell rejuvenation.

Summarizing all of the above, we can say that if you introduce the product into a regular diet and consume it at least several times a week, you can note significant improvements in the general condition of the body:

  • normalization of weight - dorado contains the amount of substances required to maintain normal vitality, but the calorie content of the product is quite low, so you don’t have to be afraid of the appearance of extra pounds;

  • strengthening the immune system – fish includes big number components that are responsible for increasing resistance human body unfavorable external factors;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • cleansing the intestines and normalizing digestion;

  • prevention of age-related diseases;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • improving the quality of blood;
  • reducing the risk of cholesterol deposits and blood clots.


There are no direct contraindications to the consumption of golden crucian carp - it’s not just that they think so dietary product. However, in some cases, seafood causes allergies. In addition, the product should not be eaten by children - the fish is very bony and serious harm can be caused to children. Some categories of consumers should be careful when using steam.

Pregnant women

Fish is indicated for expectant mothers if there is no individual intolerance to the product. Fish contains a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals that allow the fetus to develop normally and maintain the health of the mother. It is noteworthy that the product does not contain elements dangerous to pregnant women, such as mercury, which often accumulates in mackerel and tuna. However, it is better to consume dorado in stewed, baked or boiled form, and from fried fish should be categorically refused.

Women breastfeeding

Neonatologists allow women to include dorado in their diet from the very first days of lactation, since fish contains little fat that can cause allergic reactions in babies. But still in the first months breastfeeding You should only consume dorado steamed or boiled with a minimum salt content. In addition, it is better to start using minimal portions to make sure that the baby’s body does not give a negative reaction in the form of colic, increased gas formation, rash or difficulty breathing. If within 24 hours you do not notice any of the listed symptoms, you can safely eat fish.

Patients with pancreatitis

People suffering from pancreatitis require large amounts of animal protein in a form that is easily digestible by the body. This requirement is perfectly met by dorado, which contains a lot of protein, amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins. For pancreatitis, it is recommended to include the product in the diet, but also, as in the cases described above, only in boiled or stewed form. Eating fried fish can often cause an exacerbation of the disease.

How to select and store?

Choosing fish is very easy. Firstly, you should make sure that it is a dorado on the counter - this fish has a dark spot under the gills, as well as a golden stripe between the eye sockets. Secondly, you should make sure that the product is fresh. To do this, pay attention to the following signs:

  • the eyes should be clean and transparent (without a cloudy film) - if you notice glazing, then you are being offered an expired product;
  • when pressing on the flesh of the belly or back, there should not be a dent, which is considered the first sign of spoilage of the product - such fish should under no circumstances be purchased;
  • the scales should be smooth, without any stains, smudges or defects - all these signs indicate a spoiled product that will do nothing but harm;
  • It is best to buy fresh fish; it is quite easy to verify its freshness - just pay attention to the elasticity of the carcass: if you put the fish in your hands, then its body should be held straight, and the head and tail should not hang down.

Experienced chefs advise giving preference to large fish whose weight more than a kilogram- such a fish was most likely caught in sea waters. However, small farmed dorado are not very different from their wild counterparts and are also considered quite tasty fish, although concentrations nutrients a little lower in them.

Store the fish in the freezer, carefully gut and clean it in advance.

Subtleties of use

Golden crucian carp is widely used in the national cuisine of the most different nations peace. Seafood can be exposed in various ways culinary processing. According to reviews, with each recipe the fish comes out tasty and healthy.

The most popular cooking methods are:

  • stuffed fish cooked with various vegetables, spices and olives;
  • golden crucian carp cooked in coals or on the grill;
  • oven-baked dorado;
  • fried spar.

When preparing golden crucian carp, you should keep in mind certain recommendations experienced chefs, following which will allow you to get a more appetizing and nutritious dish.

  • Dorado should be cooked together with the head and tail, as this makes it more juicy, and all vitamins and microelements are preserved in greater volume during heat treatment.
  • The universal length of the carcass is 50-60 cm; longer representatives of dorado can only be used for stewing or roasting over an open flame.
  • If the fish is cooked on the stove, then you must use sauce, otherwise the product will turn out too dry. It is best to use meat or fish broth, seasoned with vegetables and sunflower oil.
  • Instead of a flavor enhancer, you need to add garlic to the goldfish, passed through a crush and mashed with olive or sunflower oil.
  • It is better to serve artichokes, olives or capers as a side dish for dorado. If you plan to serve a dish with potatoes, then it is better to cook it together with fish, only then will both products combine appetizingly and complement each other.
  • You can make fish soup from fish fillets, or you can fry the product in a frying pan, although in this case its taste characteristics will not be fully revealed.

When preparing dorado, you should not experiment with the cooking recipe; it is best to stick to the classic technology. If you want to achieve a more savory flavor of the dish, just try different sauces, seasonings and spices for side dishes.

Bon appetit.

To learn how to cook dorado, watch the following video.

" The basis of this diet is olive oil and fish.

If you ask yourself what fish is considered “the most Spanish,” the first thing that comes to mind is the sea bream. In this article we will talk about what kind of fish this is and how it is connected with Spain.

Dorado. History and geography.

"Dorado" means "gold". In modern Spanish, the word "oro" is used more often, which causes confusion in determining the meaning of this word. At the beginning of the colonial era, symbolizing the historical greatness of Spain, conquerors from the Iberian Peninsula were looking for the mythical land of Eldorado. According to legend, this country was in South America and was rich in gold. This is where the name “El Dorado” came from.

On the map of modern Spain we can also see the toponym “dorado”. The world famous and most popular Spanish resort is called “Costa Dorado”, i.e. "Dorado Coast" Some tourists, when they are served bream fish dishes at a resort, think that the coast is so named because bream fish are found near it. For this reason, many associate this breed of fish with Spain.

In fact, there is another version of the name of the coast: the Gold Coast. Those who have been to this Spanish resort know that it impresses with its golden sand beaches.

The name of the fish “dorada” also comes down to the word “gold”. Scientifically, the fish is called sparus aurata (from the Latin aurum - gold), and in Russian - golden spar. This fish can be caught off the coast of Spain, including not far from the coast of the same name.

There is another fish called the dorado, which, oddly enough, is also associated with the Spanish-speaking world. Found in the Amazon basin off the coast Latin America, A best place Argentina is considered the best place to catch it, where the Dorado Festival is held annually. This fish has a bright golden color, in Russian it is called “golden dorado” to avoid confusion with other sea inhabitants of the same name. “Latin American” has nothing in common with the Mediterranean golden spar except the name.

It is also worth noting that the rules for writing and declension of the name of this fish in the Russian language have not yet been established, however, the Mediterranean fish is most often called in the feminine gender “dorada” and is declined accordingly. And Latin American fish are usually called “dorado” in the masculine gender and not declined, although you can find the name “dorado” in relation to golden sparr.

Golden spar

The Sparidae family belongs to the order Perciformes; they are also called sea crucians. Therefore, in a sense, sea bream is a Spanish perch or crucian carp, but it would be more correct to say not Spanish, but Mediterranean. It is still not entirely correct to associate sea bream fish exclusively with Spain. This fish is found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, mainly in its eastern part. In rare cases, if you are very lucky, fish can be found in the Black Sea.

Dorado fish is well known in all Mediterranean countries. It has been used as food since ancient times, in Ancient Rome And Ancient Greece. The Greeks dedicated this fish to the goddess Aphrodite. And the Romans fattened her up in salt pools. Artificial breeding of this fish is still common today in many countries of Southern Europe.

The Mediterranean sea bream, also known as the golden spar or aurata, is a silvery, oval-shaped fish, somewhat similar to the crucian carp and roach we are used to; it is similar to the perch in having a solid and spiny dorsal fin. The fish has a fairly massive head, and distinctive feature is a golden spot between the eyes.

Dorada is considered not a very large fish, but its length can reach more than half a meter, the weight of a large individual reaches 17–18 kg. There are also giants weighing up to 50 kg. Fishermen and cooks hold medium and small fish in high esteem; they usually use fish weighing about a kilogram for cooking, and the most delicious meat is considered to be the meat of a small fish, which weighs about 0.5 kg.

Dorada can be considered a conditionally predatory fish; it feeds on small sea creatures: plankton, mussels, worms, shrimp, but also does not disdain plant foods. The fish lives mainly in shallow waters, along ports and rocky ridges, as well as in river mouths. Its diet and habitat make fishing easier for amateur fishermen; the fish can be caught with gear that resembles a fishing rod with a float and sinker, familiar to many from childhood.

Culinary properties

Dorada – white fish, with aromatic slightly pinkish meat. This fish has very few bones, which makes it easier to use in cooking and increases its popularity among chefs and gourmets. In addition, sea bream is one of the most delicious fish family Sparaceae. It is very useful because it contains many trace elements: iodine, manganese, boron, fluorine, copper, zinc and others, and is also low in calories, which makes it suitable for dietary nutrition.


You can cook fish in different ways. The most common recipe is baking in foil with vegetables. Even a novice housewife can handle this recipe. Simple and fast!

  1. Clean the fish from entrails and scales. Wash and place on foil.
  2. Prepare vegetables: peel and cut potatoes into large slices, chop asparagus, peel and cut onions into rings, prepare olives. Wash and cut the lemon into slices.
  3. Place the vegetables next to the fish if the fish is small, or place them inside the fish if the carcass is large.
  4. Salt lightly.
  5. Wrap the foil, leaving a small hole for steam.
  6. Bake in the oven for 20–30 minutes. Very big fish may take a little longer.
  7. After cooking, unwrap the foil and place the vegetables and fish on a plate. Can be served with tomato salad.

This is just one of many options for preparing fish with vegetables. Fish is also baked on a bed of vegetables or with potatoes. A similar recipe for cooking fish in the oven is called “Spanish Dorada”. The main difference with the above recipe is that for fish and vegetables, a sauce is first prepared - a marinade of parsley and olive oil, with which the fish is lubricated outside and inside. To make the fish better fried, cuts are made in it. Spanish dorada is usually baked without foil and with potatoes.

Costa Dorada - coast Mediterranean Sea in Catalonia. Therefore, it is natural that sea bream is prepared in Catalonia.

Recipe for sea bream in Catalan style

  1. Clean the fish, gut it, make cuts on large carcasses.
  2. Peel the tomatoes; To do this easily, you need to dip the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds.
  3. Chop tomatoes and garlic.
  4. Pour olive oil into a baking dish and place fish and vegetables there, pour over white wine and add salt.
  5. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Bake for 20–40 minutes depending on the size of the fish.
  7. Serve with boiled potatoes or rice.

There are also more exotic recipes, for example, sea bream with fennel and nectarines or sea bream with mango sauce. The essence of these recipes is the same almost everywhere - the fish is baked, sometimes fried in oil until golden crust and served with various vegetables and even

Often, fish used in cooking, in addition to its high taste, also has beneficial properties. This type of product is the dorado fish (sometimes pronounced “dorada”), which has been eaten by the peoples of the Mediterranean for centuries. The benefits of this seafood and how to prepare it will be discussed in this publication.

What it looks like and where it is found

Dorado (Sparus aurata) also has other names - golden spar and sea bream. It belongs to the Sparov family and the Spara clan.

The maximum officially registered size of an individual is 70 cm in length with a weight of 17 kg, but specimens of much smaller size and weight, on average 400–500 grams, are usually available for sale.

The body of this fish is oval, flattened laterally, the jaws are slightly pushed forward and are equipped with strong teeth. The dorsal fin has spiny rays.

The color of the scales is silver, the fins have a pinkish tint, and there is a golden stripe between the eyes. There is a brown spot on the tail that disappears after the fish dies. Life expectancy reaches 11 years.

Did you know? The name of this fish comes from the Spanish word dorado, which can be translated as “golden” or “gilded.” It received this name because of the characteristic golden marking between the eyes. The ancient Greeks believed that this mark was left by the goddess of love Aphrodite. In this regard, there is a belief that if a person in love touches this mark three times, then his chosen one or chosen one will definitely reciprocate.

This species lives in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in the eastern part Atlantic Ocean- off the coast of North Africa, Spain, France, and the British Isles. Since the late 90s of the last century, small flocks and single individuals have appeared off the coast of Crimea, mainly in the Balaklava area.

Composition and calorie content

This fish is a low calorie product. This figure may fluctuate somewhat, but usually it does not exceed 96 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The same amount of fish fillet contains:

  • proteins - 19.0 g;
  • fat - 2.0 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

The composition of vitamins in dorado fillet is as follows (per 100 g of product):

  • retinol (vitamin A) - 53 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 20 mcg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 70 mcg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.76 mg;
  • adermin (B6) - 0.4 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 6 mcg;
  • nicotinic acid (PP or B3) - 6.1 mg.

In addition, the product contains various microelements in abundance, namely (per 100 g of fillet):

  • potassium - 417 mg;
  • phosphorus - 144 mg;
  • sodium - 88 mg;
  • magnesium - 31 mg;
  • calcium - 16 mg;
  • iron - 0.9 mg;
  • iodine - 65 mcg.

Benefits and harms

Like any food product, dorado meat has both beneficial and harmful properties. Let's take a closer look at the positive and negative qualities of this fish.

Important! Low fat and no carbohydrates, and high taste qualities determined the popularity of dorado as a light and healthy dietary food. It is especially appreciated by lovers of various diets for weight loss or weight control.

Beneficial features

Beneficial features The benefits of this seafood can be fully realized if it is fresh and consumed regularly, approximately two to three times a week.

In this case, the following positive effects may be observed:

  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improvement of the digestion process;
  • normalization of blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • stimulating brain function and improving the functioning of the nervous system.

Harmful properties

There are very few contraindications to consuming dorado; it is not without reason that it is classified as a dietary product.

The following can be noted:

  • individual intolerance sea ​​fish, which manifests itself in the form of various allergic reactions;
  • the presence of small bones - this can harm small children.

Is it possible for dorado

As mentioned above, dorado meat is dietary. However, there are situations when even dietary foods need to be consumed with caution. Let us take a closer look at the possibility or impossibility of consuming this seafood in some specific situations.

During pregnancy

During this period, this product is recommended to be consumed, unless, of course, there is individual intolerance. A set of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances contributes to both the normal development of the fetus and the support of the mother’s body.
It is important that it does not contain certain substances that can be dangerous during pregnancy, for example, mercury, which accumulates in tuna or mackerel. Dishes from steamed, stewed, baked fish are allowed. It is recommended to exclude fried or grilled fish from the diet.

When breastfeeding

After the birth of the baby, in the first month of his life, it is advisable for the mother to eat it only steamed, with a small amount of salt. It is recommended to start with small portions and also take a closer look at the child’s reaction.

If within 24 hours after consumption he does not experience bloating, colic, allergic reaction, then this product can be safely introduced into the diet.

For pancreatitis

People suffering from this disease need a source of animal protein that is easily absorbed by the body and contains a large amount of amino acids. The dorado has all these qualities.

The meat of this fish contains a lot of macro- and microelements (potassium, phosphorus, iodine, etc.), as well as the necessary fat soluble vitamins, which are often deficient in other dietary foods. In addition, it belongs to the category of seafood with minimal fat content (less than 1%).

If you have pancreatitis, this product should be taken regularly, preferably at least twice a week, to enrich the body with the necessary protein. In addition, it qualitatively diversifies the patient’s menu, which has a positive effect on his psychological mood.

When losing weight

Dorado can be safely included in a weight loss diet.

The minimum amount of fat, the absence of carbohydrates in meat with maximum saturation of proteins and microelements, as well as excellent taste - all this makes it easier for an overweight person to tolerate dietary restrictions, which is very important for overall health.
In addition, this seafood goes well with vegetables, and when preparing it you can do without spices, which is important for diets.

How to cook dorado in the oven: the simplest recipe

This fish can be baked, fried, stewed, grilled, combined with various sauces and vegetables - there are a lot of recipes. Signs of freshness include clean red gills and moist fins and tail.

Most often, carcasses weighing 400–500 grams are used; they are usually cooked whole, along with heads, tails and fins. For example, let's look at one simple recipe cooking dorado in the oven.

Important! The taste of dorado is similar to the taste of sea bass (also known as sea bass or sea pike perch), so sea bass recipes are suitable for this fish and vice versa. As for alcoholic drinks, only dry white wine is served with the prepared dish.

Required Ingredients

The following ingredients are used to prepare this dish:

  • whole dorado carcasses - 4 pcs.;
  • salt, ground black pepper, fish seasoning - to taste (you can get by with just salt);
  • olive oil - one tablespoon.

For ease of cooking, it is advisable to have a special silicone brush that can be used to grease baking sheets and fish carcasses with oil.

Step-by-step recipe with photos

The sequence of actions when preparing a dish is as follows:

  1. We clean and gut the fish carcasses.
  2. Rub their sides, as well as the inside, with a mixture of salt, pepper and seasoning. We prepare the mixture directly on the carcass - first we salt it, then we pepper it, then we add seasoning and lightly rub the resulting mixture with our hands.
  3. Leave the prepared carcasses for an hour.
  4. Add olive oil to the bottom of a baking sheet or suitable container and spread it evenly over the bottom.
  5. We also put fish carcasses there.
  6. Place the container with the fish in an oven preheated to approximately +180 °C and keep it there for about 40 minutes.
  7. Remove the container with fish carcasses from the oven and, using a silicone brush, grease the carcasses on one side with the mixture of fish juice and olive oil that has accumulated in the container.
  8. The container with the carcasses is placed in the oven again, this time for 5 minutes.
  9. Serve the prepared dish on the table with tomatoes and herbs.

As you can see, dorado is a dietary product with a lot of beneficial properties and great taste.

Did you know? On the island of Malta, local artisans insert dorado teeth into rings, bracelets and other jewelry and amulets. It is believed that the fang-like teeth of this fish have magical properties and protect people from evil spirits. Sometimes dealers in esoteric products pass off these teeth as snake teeth.

There are practically no contraindications to its use, except perhaps individual intolerance. This seafood can be recommended to everyone, including children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.