United United Arab Emirates have a dry sub tropical climate, which every tourist can dream of. Precipitation in this country occurs 7-10 days a year. winter time. The weather in the UAE is almost always ideal. The exception is roast summer time. In the shade here the air temperature can reach +45 +48°C. True, these values ​​can rather be called extreme. The average air temperature in summer is +41°C, and in winter +24°C.

Let's present a table below from which you can draw conclusions about the weather in the UAE by month.

Average daytime temperature, °C

Average temperature at night, °C

Average water temperature in the bay, °C


In summer, the weather in the Emirates is not only hot, but also humid, in winter it is dry and warm. In addition to the scorching sun, the weather can present an unpleasant surprise in the form of sandstorms. True, they do not last long, 2-3 days. As you can see, the best time to vacation in the United Arab Emirates is from November to April. During these months the weather is most comfortable. The air temperature does not exceed 35°C, and the nights are warm and calm.

And if on New Year If you want to go to the sea, then relax in the United Arab Emirates at this time correct solution. During the New Year period, the weather in the UAE is ideal. But no matter what time you choose, your vacation will remain unforgettable.

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With the arrival of autumn, the weather begins to slowly change. In September, thermometers in the UAE are still over thirty degrees, but local residents are already returning home from countries with cooler climates.

JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctbut IDec
Abu Dhabi19 18 23 27 27 27 29 32 27 27 25 24
Ajman19 18 23 27 27 27 29 32 27 27 25 24
Dibba18 19 21 21 23 25 26 25 24 24 23 20
Dubai19 18 23 27 27 27 29 32 27 27 25 24
Fujairah18 19 21 21 23 25 26 25 24 24 23 20
Sharjah19 18 23 26 27 27 30 32 27 26 25 24

UAE Climate

The climate of the United Arab Emirates is subtropical desert, very hot and dry. The region is characterized by frequent sandstorms. Precipitation falls irregularly, mainly between November and May; its annual volume averages 100 mm, in the mountains - 300-400 mm.

In the interior of the continent, the climate differs significantly from the climate of the UAE coast. The air temperature here is higher during the day, and there are greater daily differences - at night it is not just fresh, but even cold (up to +20 °C in summer, below 0 °C in winter).

In the UAE in summer it is too hot: during the day it is often +35...+43 °C, on some days the thermometer even rises to +50 °C. The air is dry, rain is excluded.

In winter, the weather in the United Arab Emirates is favorable for excursions, shopping trips, in short, ideal for those who, for whatever reason, avoid the heat. Resort destinations are also popular, although the water off the UAE coast in the middle of winter is cool - about +18...+19 °C, and a piercing wind blows from the sea, at times it's raining. For evening walks you will need warm autumn clothes.

The most comfortable weather for holidays in the Emirates is in spring and autumn. This is the high season, when the resorts are not yet so hot, and you can afford to combine a beach holiday with an excursion.

Climate and weather in the UAE by month

In January The weather in the Emirates is the coolest: outside during the day +23...+24 °C, at night +11...+17 °C depending on the region. The water temperature in the UAE resorts allows swimming, but not for long, reaching no more than +18...+19 °C. Monthly precipitation is from 0 to 60 mm. The highest chance of rain is in Fujairah.

In February temperature indicators are “rising” by one or two degrees in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and in the emirates-resorts, but the water still continues to cool. In general, February weather in the UAE is favorable for all types of recreation.

March- a transition period to the hot season, at this time there are fogs on the coast in the mornings. At the beginning of the month, it feels cool and there is still a chance of rain in Sharjah, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, while in Fujairah, on the contrary, not a drop of precipitation falls. During the day in resorts and cities it is +26…+28 °С, and the water off the coast warms up to +23 °С by the end of the month.

In April It gets noticeably warmer, especially at night. The temperature difference is no longer so high that you need to take warm clothes on a trip; an umbrella is also unlikely to be useful. Summer heat reigns everywhere: the air temperature in the Emirates during the day is +29...+33 °C, at night +19...+23 °C.

In the beginning of May the resorts are still comfortable, but from the middle of the month the impression of the trip can be spoiled by the impending summer heat with daily temperatures up to +38 °C in the absence of precipitation. The sea water is very warm, +27 °C.

In June, July and August extremely hot weather in the UAE makes you forget about excursion holidays, makes any travel exhausting, including business visits, even though all public areas are sure to have air conditioning. During the day, the street is consistently above +30 °C, and it is not uncommon for temperatures to reach +45…+50 °C. The most comfortable time at this time is in Fujairah: the air temperature is 7-8 degrees lower than in other coastal regions.

In September It’s hot in Abu Dhabi - about +37...+40 °C. The summer heat is in no hurry to recede in other regions, although, compared to August, the monthly average is a couple of degrees lower. The weather forecast in the UAE does not foretell any surprises. The water also cools down a little - to +24...+27 °C.

In October you no longer have to constantly hide in the shadows, but you still shouldn’t forget about sunscreen. It becomes comfortable on the beaches, and the water temperature has not yet dropped below +24 °C.

November- the peak of the holiday season, when the UAE climate is most attractive for tourists from different countries peace. This perfect time in order to diversify your vacation: sunbathing, swimming, walking in the evenings, wandering through oriental bazaars and traveling.

December favorable conditions are developing in the United Arab Emirates weather For family vacation: the day is no longer hot, +25 °C, water temperature +20…+24 °C.

The holiday season in the UAE begins in October and ends in April. Before your trip, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the weather in the UAE by month.

The United Arab Emirates is located in an arid tropical climate, which explains the presence of deserts throughout the country.

Climate features in the UAE:

  • Warm short winter.
  • Summer is long and hot.
  • Very high temperatures.
  • Low moisture coefficient.
  • Very little rainfall.

The rainy season is from December to March, but there is also little rainfall during this period. Distinctive feature climate is the Shamal wind blowing from the territory in summer Saudi Arabia to the region low pressure, formed in the UAE in warm time of the year. The wind lifts desert sands, forming sandstorms. Water temperature Persian Gulf in summer it reaches 33°C, in winter it drops to 16-24°C.

Weather by month

In winter, tourists are offered numerous heated swimming pools. This is the time most often chosen to get acquainted with the sights and cultural traditions of the UAE.

The winter period marks the beginning of discounts. At festivals you can find products with discounts of over 80%. Late autumn and winter are the rainy season. The season is characterized by short showers and thunderstorms.

During some months of the holiday season in the UAE, tourists can be caught off guard by sandstorms

Sandstorms become more frequent in spring and summer. Some storms can cover entire cities. At the same time, small grains of sand enter the respiratory tract, making breathing difficult and causing severe dry mouth.

Air temperature by month

The UAE (the holiday season by month with descriptions of the resorts are described below) is characterized by high temperatures throughout the year.

Month Daytime temperature, °C Temperature at night, °C
January 24 15
February 25 17
March 29 19
April 33 23
May 38 27
June 39 28
July 42 (sometimes 50) 30
August 41 30
September 39 28
October 35 25
November 30 20
December 26 17

In winter, it is recommended to wear warm clothes at night. The coldest temperature is reached in January, in February it becomes slightly warmer, and the most warm month winter - December. In January and February, most tourists prefer walks and excursions to significant places in the UAE, as well as visiting shops, since January is the coldest month.

In March, the temperature rises sharply - the difference between February and April is 8°C. The temperature at night is at least 20°C. The beginning of May is the most comfortable time of the year, as it is warm during the day and cool at night.

During the period from the end of May to the beginning of August there is a very heat, which affects all residents. The hottest month is July. People suffer from sunstroke and burns, the heat does not subside even at night. August is more favorable for tourism and business trips. The heat and stuffiness is diluted by the wind blowing from the desert. Throughout autumn there is a gradual decrease in temperature.

Water temperature by month

The UAE (the holiday season by month depends, among other things, on the water temperature in the bays) has very different climates in different parts of the country, which is reflected in the water temperature in the Persian and Ottoman Gulfs.

The table below shows the average water temperatures of the bays:

Month Average water temperature in the Persian Gulf, °C Average water temperature in the Ottoman Gulf, °C
January 17 12
February 18 10
March 22 15
April 24 16
May 27 20
June 29 25
July 31 26
August 33 26
September 31 24
October 27 23
November 24 22
December 18 16

In winter, swimming is not recommended, but at this time tourists and local residents prefer to sunbathe. Risk of receiving sunburn practically zero.

The Ottoman Gulf is warming up more slowly than the Persian Gulf. Already in March, the Persian Gulf is warm enough for swimming. At this time, the temperature of the Ottoman Gulf reaches only 15°C. In summer, the water in the Persian Gulf resembles fresh milk, while in the Ottoman Gulf the water is cool.

In autumn, the water in the Ottoman Gulf cools slowly, so by the end of autumn the water temperature of the two bays is approximately the same.

Average annual precipitation

The UAE is a very dry country. Humidity affects the fog and stuffiness, which in turn affects the holiday season. The table below shows the UAE's rainfall and humidity by month.

Month Precipitation amount, mm Humidity, %
January 11 45
February 35 45
March 34 55
April 10 60
May 3 50
June 1 70
July 2 80-90
August 3 90
September 1 72
October 2 63
November 4 50
December 10 50

Total annual precipitation generally does not exceed 800 mm, and humidity ranges from 45% to 90%.

February is the wettest month (about 1/3 of the annual precipitation falls).

In March, rains are rare and end quickly. April is a foggy month. Fog discourages many tourists as it interferes with sightseeing. There is little rain. In May, there is less fog and humidity decreases. In summer, tourists try to go to coastal areas, the coastal areas of the Ottoman Gulf are especially popular.

June is particularly dry, so tourists and locals find refuge in the cool pools and air-conditioned rooms. July is the “stuffiest” month; many note a lack of oxygen. In August, humidity remains at its highest level, but the stuffiness recedes.

At the beginning of autumn, fogs appear, but the humidity decreases. In November it starts to rain, but don't count on downpours. December is not much different from November - but the amount of precipitation continues to increase.

Authorities are concerned about droughts, so Swiss scientists are developing a way to create artificial rainfall for the UAE. In 2010, 52 artificial rains were caused.

When winter begins, summer

The UAE, the month-by-month holiday season in which was described earlier, is distinguished by a long summer, starting in mid-May and lasting until the end of September. This time of year is characterized by sweltering heat, high humidity and solar radiation. During the day, the weather forces residents to stay in air-conditioned rooms or cool pools.

The following people should not visit the UAE in summer:

  • With kids.
  • Having pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system.
  • Having pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

From mid-May to mid-June there are many pilgrims in the country, and there are also restrictions associated with Ramadan. Ramadan also affects transport. Winter occurs in January – February. The winter season is characterized by morning fogs. There is no snow, so the streets are decorated with foam snowmen. At the end of winter comes the rainy season.

The temperature in winter, as a rule, does not fall below 10°C, but in rare cases it can reach 0°C. As mentioned above, winter is a season of discounts, but in holidays prices are rising rapidly. There are practically no sandstorms in winter.

Tourist season

The UAE, whose holiday season varies greatly between months, is visited annually by more than 15 million tourists. Depending on the number of tourists and available entertainment, several periods are distinguished.

High season

The beach season takes place twice a year: March-April and October-November. This time is characterized by comfortable weather and warm water bays. At peak tourist season Sightseeing and shopping are popular. The streets are crowded and prices are inflated. In winter, the UAE is visited mainly on holidays - there are many festivals.

Low season

In the summer (from May to September) the streets are unbearably hot, it becomes difficult to breathe, so there are very few tourists. Among those who dare to visit the country in the summer, visiting aquariums, dolphinariums, water parks and indoor (under a roof) attractions is popular.

Average sunshine hours per day

In the UAE quantity sunny days is 350-360 days. The sun is very active, so the number of hours of sunshine is quite high, especially in the summer.

The table shows data on sunshine hours in UAE cities:

Months Average number of sunshine hours by city, h (indicators are rounded in accordance with the rules of mathematics)
Dubai Abu Dhabi Al Ain Ras Al Khaimah Fujairah
January 8 8 8 8 8
February 8 8 8 8 8
March 8 8 9 8 8
April 10 9 10 10 9
May 11 11 11 11 11
June 11 11 11 11 11
July 10 10 10 10 10
August 10 10 10 10 10
September 10 10 10 10 10
October 10 10 10 10 10
November 10 10 10 9 9
December 8 8 8 8 8

During summer day the sun warms with different strengths:

The number of hours of sunshine depends on the location of the city - the further north the city is, the fewer hours of sunshine.

Weather in cities and resorts by month

The weather of cities depends on the following natural factors:

  • Proximity or distance from the ocean and bays.
  • Proximity or distance from the desert.
  • Southern or northern location (relative to the general territory of the UAE).

Popular resort cities are discussed below.


Sharjah is a coastal city, the ocean brings some moisture and coolness. The air temperature during the day is 1-2 °C less than average temperature in the UAE, but at night it is 2-3 °C hotter than average.

Temperature by season:

The beach season in autumn is shifted by 1 month (November-December). Precipitation is extremely low, and the average daily number of sunshine hours per day is quite high. Maximum amount precipitation is reached in March (10.8 mm), and the minimum is in May and June (0.1 mm). Between October and April, precipitation exceeds 1 mm.


The weather in Ajman is similar to the weather in Sharjah. For example, the average air temperature varies by about 1°C between months. A significant difference between Ajaman and Sharjah is the amount of precipitation.

Temperatures in Ajman are above average:

  • Winter: 24-26°C during the day / 20-22°C at night.
  • Spring: 28-37°C during the day / 23-30°C at night.
  • Summer: 40-41°C during the day / 31-33°C at night.
  • In autumn: 31-39°C during the day / 24-38°C at night.

The hottest months are July and August, the wettest month is March (10.1 mm). There is no precipitation in September.

The average daily number of sunny hours is equal to or greater than 10 hours.

The water temperature is above average, so not all tourists decide to swim in October and November.

Ras al Khaimah

Ras al Khaimah, or Ras Al Khaimah, is located along the ocean. The weather in the city is almost no different from average. Daytime temperatures in Ras Al Khaimah are equal to those in Ajman. At night the temperature drops to 18°C ​​in winter and 32°C in summer.

The maximum precipitation is 6.9 mm (in March). During 6 months (from November to April) precipitation falls more than 1 mm. In September the amount of precipitation is 0 mm. The wind blows weakly, bringing very little precipitation and coolness. The temperature of coastal waters, on the contrary, is above average, so beach season falls on December-April.

Umm Al Quwain

Umm Al Quwain is the smallest emirate in terms of population. It is called differently: Umm al-Quwain and Umm al-Quwain - due to the difficulty of pronouncing the English name Umm Al Quwain. The city of Umm al-Quwain is the capital of the emirate of the same name, which is surrounded by water on almost all sides, as it is located on a peninsula.

Average temperatures:

  • In winter – 24-26°C during the day; 20-21°C at night.
  • In spring – 28-37°C during the day; 25-30°C at night.
  • In summer – 40-41°C during the day; 31-33°C at night.
  • In autumn – 31-39°C during the day; 24-31°C at night.

The water temperature from July to September exceeds 30°C. The amount of precipitation in March is 10.3 mm - this is the maximum value of this indicator. As in Ras al-Khaimah, the beach season in Umm al-Quwain is December-April.


Hatta is a mountain resort with no access to the sea. Bedouins have lived in this settlement since ancient times. Climate indicators are listed in the table below. Air temperatures are within normal limits.


  • Nvar – 4.5 mm.
  • February – 13.5 mm.
  • March – 18.2 mm.
  • April – 4.8 mm.
  • May – 1 mm.
  • June – 0.2 mm.
  • July – 1.7 mm.
  • August – 0.6 mm.
  • September – 0.1 mm.
  • October – 10.6 mm.
  • November – 8.4 mm.
  • December – 7.1 mm.

The number of hours of sunshine per day in Hatta exceeds those of most cities, and the wind speed, on the contrary, is below average.


The UAE, whose holiday season is different in months from that in Fujairah, is located between two bays. Fujairah is located on the cool Ottoman Gulf, which influences the city's climate. Fujairah is located in a cool area - the temperature during the day does not rise above 37°C. Minimal amount precipitation is reached in June, July and September (0.2 mm).

There is a lot of precipitation throughout the year:

  • January – 9.7 mm.
  • February – 23 mm.
  • March – 32.8 mm.
  • April – 6.3 mm.
  • May – 2 mm.
  • October – 42.6 mm.
  • November – 14.2 mm.
  • December – 14.8 mm.

Wind speed is low. Fujairah is one of the most popular resorts, as the city is cool, and the amount of precipitation exceeding the norm is not only one of the reasons for more low temperatures, but practically eliminates stuffiness. Swimming season lasts from November to mid-May.


Ghantoot is filled with vegetation that is rarely found in the rest of the UAE. The resort is located almost at the very shore of the Persian Gulf.

Average air and coastal water temperatures:

  • Winter: 24-26°C during the day / 20-21°C at night / 21-24°C – bay waters.
  • Spring: 29-38°C / 23-30°C / 23-29°C.
  • Summer: 40-42°C / 32-34°C / 32-34°C.
  • Autumn: 31-40°C / 24-31°C / 28-33°C.

There is no precipitation in June. The wind speed in Ghantut does not help cope with the heat, which does not subside even at night.

Abu Dhabi

The capital Abu Dhabi receives little rainfall, but temperatures remain within average ranges.

Day/night air temperature:

  • Winter – 24-26°C / 20-22°C.
  • Spring – 28-37°C / 23-30°C.
  • Summer – 39-41°C / 32-35°C.
  • Autumn – 30-39°C / 25-32°C.

In May, June, July, September and October, precipitation does not exceed 1 mm. The maximum precipitation is 9.1 mm (in March). Abu Dhabi includes islands, about 1/3 of the city is on the mainland, which explains the strong (relative to other cities) wind.

Al Ain

Al Ain has no access to the bays, so there is quite little rainfall. The wind blows weakly, which is also explained by the location of the city. The air temperature by month is equal to the average. There is little precipitation - only in March and April the amount of precipitation exceeds 5 mm. Wind speed ranges from 2.9 m/s (October) to 4.4 m/s (May).

The average daily number of sunny hours exceeds 10 hours throughout the year. Due to the continental climate, there is a large difference between daytime and nighttime air temperatures (up to 10.6°C).

Sir Bani Yas Island

Sir Bani Yas Island is part of the emirate of Abu Dhabi. There is very little precipitation (dry tropical climate). In winter there are short periods of rain. Unlike the main part of Abu Dhabi in winter Maximum temperature air temperature at night is 16°C. The island has a special ecology - the air is fresh and open national park filled with wild animals.

Dalma Island

The climate of Dalma Island is no different from the climate of Sir Bani Yas Island.
The wind blows lightly and the water temperature is suitable for diving. The UAE is popular among tourists (during the holiday season the streets are very crowded). The weather varies greatly between months, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with basic weather indicators before traveling.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

UAE weather video

What is the weather like in Dubai in July:

The weather by month is presented in the temperature table and in tourist reviews: in February in Dubai 24°C, Fujairah 26°C.

The United Arab Emirates is a federal state that consists of seven separate micro-states with an absolute monarchy. In total, the UAE consists of the following mini-states, which, among other things, are attractive to tourists who annually travel to the UAE: Umm al-Qaiwain, Abu Dhabi, Fujairah, Ajman, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah. Each of these states within the state has its own absolute monarch - the emir, who rules the country. The UAE is a Muslim country, so in public places Under no circumstances should you appear drunk or walk down the street in provocative and short outfits (especially for women).

The climate of the UAE is characterized as tropical and desert. The weather in the UAE is quite hot, dry, precipitation amounts to about 100 mm, and then only from November to May, since in the summer there is no precipitation at all. In addition, precipitation is not regular, so it is difficult to predict a certain season when it rains more and when it rains less.

It is not uncommon for the UAE to experience sandstorms, which are a significant weather phenomenon that can ruin a vacation. On average, the air temperature in summer is about +35+40°C, and in some areas the temperature can rise to a level of +50°C. In the winter months, the air temperature is about +22+23°C, at night the air temperature is much cooler, but such a phenomenon as frosts occurs extremely rarely in the UAE. Weather in the UAE in March: Dubai 27°C, Fujairah 26°C.

The United Arab Emirates, especially Dubai, is favorite place for the holidays of many tourists from all over the world.

The dry subtropical climate makes it quite easy to tolerate temperatures above 40 degrees, and the dunes, golden sands and oriental landscapes will immerse you headlong in the tales of Aladdin.

  • High season
  • Spring
  • Autumn

Climate features in the regions of the United Arab Emirates at different times

How long and how to fly to Dubai? Distance, types, flights and much more - here.

High season

The most favorable period October, November, March and April are considered for holidays in the Emirates. These months have the mildest and “average” climate - not as hot as in summer, and not as cool as in winter.

What is the weather “pattern” throughout the year?


Winter in the Emirates quite chilly, the sea cools down overnight, so many people prefer to spend this time in hotels rather than on the beach. Also, winter in the UAE is rainy season and cool winds.

  • December the air temperature is stable at 26 degrees during the day and 23 at night. The sea temperature at this time of year changes depending on precipitation and varies from 18 to 23 degrees.
  • In winter, the temperature in the Emirates is quite cool for swimming, but it is suitable for sunbathing and walking, as well as visiting all kinds of excursions and shops - in the winter months there are big discounts on all goods.

  • IN January the temperature is slightly lower than in the previous month - 23-25 ​​degrees during the day and 20-23 degrees at night. Sea temperature is from 17 to 21 degrees.
  • IN February During the day on the thermometer you can see the numbers 24-26, and at night 21-23. The sea still remains cool.


It's that time of year is the best time to visit resorts UAE – the summer heat has not yet come into its own, and the rainy season has already passed.

Spring in Dubai and other popular resorts perfect fit for walks and excursions around this eastern country and beach holiday, including beach volleyball and water skiing.


Summer months in the Emirates the hottest. The sea warms up to such a high degree of hotness that many people prefer to swim in the pools.

  • In the first month of summer During the day, the air temperature does not fall below 38 degrees, and at night - below 30. The sea temperature is almost equal to the air temperature - about 32 degrees.
  • In the heat, it is very difficult to stay under the scorching sun for a long time, so many tourists at this time of year prefer to stay in hotels and entertainment centers.

  • In July the situation remains virtually unchanged - the day is also hot (39-42 degrees), the night is not particularly cool (32-34 degrees). The sea this month is rough at a temperature of 29 - 32 degrees.
  • August almost identical to July - the same 40 - 42 degrees during the day and 32-33 degrees at night. The sea also does not have time to cool down, and its temperature is equal to the air temperature at night.


Like spring, autumn is a fertile period for a trip to the United Arab Emirates.

At this time in the Emirates you you can go anywhere: to travel around the area, to the beach, to a flea market or to stay in air-conditioned hotels. Also in autumn, flowers bloom everywhere - plants literally cover the state.

Don’t know how much money to take with you on vacation in the UAE? We'll tell you! The answer is here.

Before going to the Emirates, you need decide on a resort. Abu Dhabi has excellent service, beautiful, fabulous landscapes, beautiful fountains. Ajman famous for the free sale of alcohol, and the emirate itself is quite provincial.

Dubai– the most famous Emirate region in the world, the most “European”. There are a lot of different hotels, shops and entertainment here. Sharjah distinguished by its strict adherence to Sharia law, good area for divers and excellent for family holidays. Fujairah rich in truly oriental attractions from ancient ruins to underwater reefs.

Also, before visiting Muslim country, need to get acquainted with traditions and rules of conduct in the country.