After the columns “Do I have bikini data?” (and) Zozhnik’s readers bombarded me with questions about how to train thin legs. I answer all slender-legged people in one fell swoop.

1. You most likely have a normal, rather than low, body fat percentage.

At my master classes, at the end I always measure the percentage of subcutaneous fat of the participants with a caliper; everyone is interested to know. Girls vary in build; those who come to “lose weight” most often have 33-36% body fat.

But “skinny fat”, oddly enough for those gathered, shows the norm at 23-25% (sometimes higher), and not the expected 15-18%. Thinness does not equal “low fat.”

2. Don't overeat to gain weight

If there is no critical “underfeeding,” you should not get carried away with the rule “I eat what I want and don’t gain weight.” Now you just don’t notice, but time is playing against you, and after 30 you suddenly wake up completely out of shape, with a flabby body that shows your age. There is little muscle mass, enough fat. And it only grows over time, replacing the muscle one. 50 kg at 18 years old and 50 kg at 40 years old are completely different kilograms. Thin does not equal emaciated.

3. There are no special programs for thin legs

They will certainly promise you “ individual program for only 1000 rubles,” however, in truth, your workouts will be no different from the workouts of those who have excess fat deposits on their hips. You need to deadlift and squat while trying to increase the weight on the bar. Often ectomorphs are very weak, they cannot sit down and stand up correctly even without any additional weight. Skinny guys, you'll have to get stronger if you want to look fit, healthy and toned.

4. Train the whole body, not just “problem areas”

No splits from the “chemists” from the eighties. Only full-length, only hardcore. “Full body” - translated as “whole body”. An example of such a program for beginners. And remember: you need to rest well, do not do more than 2-3 strength exercises per week. You need to become stronger and more resilient. Weakness is the most important step into old age.

5. You need to watch your diet

Many ectomorphs with whom I worked lost weight very quickly due to nervousness - this is their peculiarity. Forget about night parties and smoky clubs, office hunger strikes “because we didn’t have time to eat.” Buy a convenient 6-pack bag and carry all your food with you. And yes, be sure to check your gastrointestinal tract. Often there is already some kind of problem that threatens to become even bigger in the future if you don’t deal with it now.

5. Change the way you feel about your body

You are actually very lucky, because those whose legs are not thin, but tend to accumulate fat, have to plow a hundred times more than you. At the same time, it’s not a fact that without, say, powerful fat burners and you know what special medications, dense legs will look lean even with an ideal diet. And yours will be. Isn't that cool?

6. Fashion is still on your side

“Thin legs” is still popular in society. Where I come from, there are very few girls like me – tall and big. Since childhood, I was a stately “filly” against the backdrop of small women - I was teased as an ostrich precisely for my legs.

This is now Gina Carano with her sexually brutal, muscular thighs painfully hitting the men on the screen and handsome special agents in love are stacked in front of her. Only when I got to the USA and Germany I was suddenly surprised to discover how thin and graceful I seemed compared to the same German women, self-confident feminists with thick, pumped calves and developed shoulders.

7. Wear stockings

Girls with thin legs, what do you know about stockings, which are not always possible to pull on voluminous thighs? I don't wear stockings because they just roll off my quads. Or what do you know about dresses that fit on canes but don't fit on muscular girls? Enjoy your options.

8. And love your “giant quadriceps.”

I repeat – not squatting or deadlifting is not an option. You probably already know anatomy, which means you will understand that all the fairy tales about “disabling the quadriceps” in global exercises are just a “phytonishka” fantasy. The only way to “disable” a muscle is by cutting it off. Well-developed, convex buttocks are impossible without developed hips.

9. Belly

Now, regarding a voluminous belly in women who are slim at the same time, long legs and narrow hips. Indeed, this is one of the types of addition “by male type" (or "apple") when top part looks more massive and shorter than the lower one, due to the fact that fat accumulates in the upper part - arms, back, chest and abdomen.

Don’t listen to anything about “hormonal characteristics” from great experts. For you, the solution is the same - you squat and pull. Gradually, the distribution of fat becomes more uniform, and the bottom receives the desired volume and curves.

Life brings great joy when a woman lives in harmony with her body and appearance. But, alas, very often girls want what they don’t have. Imaginarily, girls can be divided into two groups: the first one sighs about thin legs, and the second one comes up with all sorts of solutions to get rid of such a scourge.

Excessively thin legs are very common "painting". It is especially difficult for girls who have thin legs and a fat belly. Large breasts and broad shoulders also do not go well with thin legs. Women with thin legs often wonder: “How to make thin legs thicker?”

Deciding this problem, many girls make one of the most common mistakes - they try to eat high-calorie foods. The result turns out to be disastrous. Once she starts consuming everything, a girl will quickly grow a voluminous tummy and weighty sides. But the problem of thin legs will not be solved. Situation, from consumption large number calories will only get worse, the girl will have thin legs and a fat belly. This arrangement will not please any representative of the fair sex.

How to make thin legs thicker?

Physical exercisemain method struggle with thin legs. At first glance, this approach may be surprising. After all, it is believed that any physical exercise is aimed at reducing volumes, and not at increasing them. But, girls with a thin body and thick legs, with the help of physical activity, will burn fat and increase muscle, which will give their plump legs a delightful shape. And for girls with thin legs, long-term training will build muscles, which will give their legs more volume.
The first rule of training is the mode of alternating the exercises themselves and rest.

When building up muscle mass We should not forget that muscles need rest to grow. That is, it is forbidden to practice every day. The break between physical activity should be at least one day.

The second rule of muscle building is weight training.

Moreover, in order to fulfill these conditions, it is not necessary to work out in the fitness room, exhausting yourself with training. For exercises to increase thin legs, the space of any room in the house is quite suitable. Some models and aspiring bodybuilders also use a set of training data.

Exercises for too thin legs

A mandatory start to any workout is a warm-up so that the joints and ligaments are properly warmed up. Warm-up is almost as important as the workout itself. It will allow you to avoid injuries and minimize discomfort during exercise. To do this, you can march for 2-3 minutes in place, walking on tiptoes and on your heels. Bends to the sides and swings will not be superfluous. The jump rope is also suitable for warm-up activities. After 7-10 minutes, you can complete the warm-up and begin the main workout.

You don't need to do many repetitions for each exercise. A large number of repetitions are used in the strategy - “How to make fat legs thin”. We need a load, but with a small number of approaches - otherwise there will be no use from the training. The benefits of exercise will increase if you use weights that can be attached to your ankles. When you get used to given weight and it seems easy to you, then you can increase it. But we leave the number of repetitions the same.

What to do if there is not enough equipment at home?

The easiest way to use weights is with dumbbells up to 1.5 kg. But not everyone may have dumbbells, then take an alternative plastic bottles filled with water. By changing the container volume it is easy to adjust the required load. You can also make fabric "dumbbells". To do this, sewn fabric bags must be filled with sand. The ankle weights are ready. At the beginning, the weight should be no more than 0.7-1.5 kg. When you get used to this weight, increase the weight of the bags.
A heavy barbell can be replaced by a backpack on your shoulders, stuffed with heavy books or other things.

How to pump up your buttocks without squats (video):

Let's look at the most popular techniques.

1. Squats with a load

The question arises - “how to correctly select the weight of the cargo?” To do this, perform ten squats and, if the last two of them are overcome with great effort, then the weight is selected correctly.

Let's look at how wide squats are performed.

We place our feet wider than our shoulders, with our toes pointed to the sides. Taking a deep breath, arching your back slightly, tense your abdominal muscles and slowly bend your knees. We perform this exercise 10 times.

2. "Pistol"

Squats to gain muscle mass are possible without weights. An example of this is the exercise: "pistol". It is necessary to lean your back against the wall, without bending your right leg at the knee, raise it parallel to the floor, and slowly squat down on your left leg. Next, change the position of your legs. Do ten squats.

3. Exercise on toes

This exercise must be performed with weights in your hands. We place our feet wider than our shoulders with our toes turned outward, and raise our body, standing on tiptoes. From this position, standing on your toes, we squat. Next, lower your heels and straighten your legs (8-10 times is enough).

4. Lunges

From a standing position (put your feet together), we perform a lunge with your right leg, while bending it at the knee, make springing movements and try to transfer all the weight to this working leg. We return to the original position. We repeat with the left leg. During this exercise, the hands hold dumbbells (weight 2-5 kg) and are lowered down. The number of lunges with each leg should not exceed 15.

How to pump up your legs without barbells and exercise machines! A set of exercises for legs (video):

5. Dropping your heels

For this exercise, you need a surface that is at least 5 cm above the floor level. We stand on this surface so that our heels are suspended. We alternate between slowly lowering the heels and raising them on the toes. Perform the exercise until the onset of fatigue in the calves.

6. Mahi

From a standing position, legs together, we make various swing movements (sideways, backwards, forwards). The exercise is performed with a weight on the legs. It is enough to perform 9-10 repetitions with each leg. The effect will be better if you perform the swings more slowly.

7. Swing

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, raise your legs up, and bend them at the knees. Next, with bent legs, we take turns bending (right/left).

8. Exercise for calves

Raise your left leg to waist level and bend it knee joint. We move a little to the right and swing our leg to the left. The movement comes from the heel. We do this exercise on each leg 10-15 times.

At the end of any training, we walk in place (3-4 minutes). After 1.5-2 months you will see progress. Also suitable for enlarging thin legs simple walking, climbing uphill or up steps. Lying on the sofa, you can also take care of your skinny legs. But you will need a helper to complete this exercise. To do this, lie on your stomach and straighten your legs, trying to bend them at the knees. But someone needs to hold your ankles at this time. Repeat up to 30 times.

How to pump up your legs (video):

It should also be noted that running while building leg muscles is contraindicated, since any aerobic exercise helps to lose weight. excess weight. And the weight is lost not from a specific area of ​​the body, but from everything, including those very thin legs. So you should return to running only after your hip volume reaches your desired level.

An integral component if you want to increase the volume of thin legs is nutrition. But the diet should not be high-calorie, but, at best, protein-rich, that is, based on high protein intake. After all, protein plays a role in building muscles. main role. Protein foods include: chicken eggs (only whites should be consumed, and yolks should be avoided as they are a source of cholesterol), dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, milk), meat in its various forms ( chicken breasts, turkey, lean beef), a number of fish (salmon and sturgeon varieties) are also suitable.

It is better to take protein-rich foods an hour before classes. And after classes, in addition to proteins, do not forget about the necessary carbohydrates, which will restore the energy spent in large quantities during training. Carbohydrates include: cereals (oatmeal and buckwheat are especially healthy), bread, salads and vegetable side dishes, fruits. Fruits and vegetables are especially valuable because, in addition to "correct" carbohydrates contain many vitamins, and also work to increase the body's endurance. Don't forget about olive oil and nuts. It is better to divide meals into 4-5 meals per day.

Love yourself in any form, but remember that there is no limit to perfection.

Too thin legs can be easily pumped up; you just need to start regularly doing a set of exercises that will help you gain muscle mass.

Warm-up: walking in place with legs raised high and knees bent; head tilts different sides; rotation of the arms, starting with the hands and ending with the shoulder joint; tilting the body in different directions; rotation of the feet clockwise and counterclockwise, then the same with the knees; You can complete your warm-up by jumping rope for a couple of minutes.

Exercises for thin legs:

  • Squats. It is recommended to perform it with additional weight. Squat with a straight back; you should not go down too deep.
  • "Pistol." Press your back to the surface, straighten one leg and begin to squat, trying not to touch the floor. Then do the same with the other. Ten repetitions are enough to get started. When the body gets used to the load, you can add weights.
  • Lunges. There is a dumbbell in each hand and your feet stand together. Maintaining the position of the hands, do alternate lunges, first on the right, then on the left leg. Do 15 times.
  • Swing your legs. To increase the load, you can wear special weights on your ankles. Performed standing, back straight. Try to raise your leg to the side as much as possible, without tilting it forward or backward. The pace is slow, 10 times for each leg.
  • From a position on all fours. You need to try to move your leg back and up as much as possible, this is done with a sharp movement. Performed 10 times for each.
  • Lie on your side, rest your hand on your elbow and place it next to your chest. Lift your foot upwards. Do 25 reps. Then turn over to the other side and repeat.

Exercises for calves:

  • Calf raise. Place your legs shoulder-width apart and turn your feet slightly outward. Rise on your toes, trying to stretch out as much as possible, the top of your head tends upward. Stay at the extreme point for a couple of seconds. Perform three sets of 30 reps.
  • Exercise on a hill - step or a thick book. It is necessary to rise to an elevation so that the heels hang down. As you inhale, you need to stretch up as much as possible, and as you exhale, lower down. In this case, you should try to touch your heels to the floor. Do 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
  • Sitting on a chair. Position yourself at the very edge, maintaining a straight posture. Place weights on your knees to increase the load. Start doing leg raises on your toes. Hold for a couple of seconds at the top point.
  • Squats on toes. Performed with weights, done with a straight back. When lowering, you need to rise on your toes. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.

Exercise on a hill - step or thick book

Exercises for thin legs and buttocks:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Arms are straightened along the body. Begin to lift your pelvis while tensing your buttock muscles. You can linger for a few seconds at the top point.

Read more in our article about all the exercises for thin legs, calves and buttocks, as well as tips for doing them.

Read in this article


Training at home begins with a warm-up. It is necessary to prepare the muscles for the loads, warm them up thoroughly. In this case, it is worth paying attention to various groups, and not just the legs. Warm-up may include the following exercises:

  • walking in place with legs raised high and knees bent;
  • tilting the head in different directions;
  • rotation of the arms, starting with the hands and ending with the shoulder joint;
  • tilting the body in different directions;
  • rotation of the feet clockwise and counterclockwise, then the same with the knees;
  • You can complete your warm-up by jumping rope for a couple of minutes.

Training complex

After the muscles are prepared for exercise, you can begin the actual exercises for thin legs. Among the most effective, which very well help build muscle, work out the calves, inner and outer thighs, are:

  • Squats. This familiar exercise is one of the most effective. But it is recommended to perform it with additional weight. You can take dumbbells or, if you don’t have them, bottles filled with water. You need to perform squats with a straight back; you should not go too deep.
  • The next exercise is called "pistol". These are also squats, but they are performed against a wall. You need to press your back to the surface. One leg should be straightened and squatted, trying not to touch the floor. Then do the same with the other. For beginner athletes, only ten repetitions will be enough. When the body gets used to the load, it will be possible to add weights.
  • The next exercise for thin legs is lunges.. There is a dumbbell in each hand and your feet stand together. Maintaining the position of the hands, do alternate lunges, first on the right, then on the left leg. In this case, you can rock a little on your supporting foot, slightly stretching the muscles. Do about 15 times in total.
  • Swing your legs. To increase the load, you can wear special weights on your ankles. Performed standing, back straight. Try to raise your leg to the side as much as possible, without tilting it forward or backward. There is no need to rush; the slower and more measured the pace, the greater the effect. Do 10 times for each leg.
  • Swing forward. From the same position as in the previous exercise, perform sharp leg kicks in front of you. The number of repetitions is ten for each.
  • The following exercise for thin legs in girls is performed from a position on all fours. You need to try to move your leg back and up as much as possible, this is done with a sharp movement. Performed ten times for each.
  • Lie on your side, rest your hand on your elbow and place it next to your chest. Lift your foot upwards. Do 25 reps. Then turn over to the other side and do the same for the other leg.
  • Stay in the same position. Now place the upper leg on the foot in front of the lower knee. Perform straightened limb lifts without touching the floor. In total, you need to repeat 25 times, then turn over and do the same for the second leg.

We recommend reading the article about. From it you will learn about the reasons for the appearance of “breeches”, methods of getting rid of problems with external and inside, as well as what to do in gym for legs without ears.

And more about the main ways to lengthen your legs.

How to enlarge calves at home

The proposed set of exercises is aimed at working all muscle groups of the legs. But there are girls who strive to gain muscle mass in certain areas. Often the biggest concern is the calves, which feel underdeveloped. To bring them appearance Once in order, you should perform exercises aimed at working out this particular zone:

  • Calf raise. You need to take a standing position, place your legs shoulder-width apart, and turn your feet slightly outward. Start to rise on your toes, trying to stretch out as much as possible, the top of your head tends upward. You should also linger at the extreme point for a couple of seconds. This exercise is very effective for thin calves and helps to pump them up. Perform three sets of 30 repetitions.
  • To complicate the previous exercise, you can use weights. Dumbbells or special ankle cuffs will do. To increase the load, you can also perform lifts alternately on one and then the other leg.
  • The following exercise for thin calves is performed at a slight elevation. The ideal option would be a step or a thick book that you don’t mind standing on. It is necessary to rise to an elevation so that the heels hang down. As you inhale, you need to stretch up as much as possible, and as you exhale, lower down. In this case, you should try to touch your heels to the floor. Do the same for 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
  • The next exercise is performed while sitting on a chair. You need to position yourself on the very edge, maintaining a straight posture. Place weights on your knees to increase the load. Start doing leg raises on your toes. In this case, just as in previous exercises, it is recommended to linger for a couple of seconds at the top point.
  • Squats on toes. Performed with weights, you need to take a couple of dumbbells or water bottles. Squats are done with a straight back. When lowering, you need to rise on your toes. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.
  • Jump squats. You must first lower yourself while maintaining a straight posture. Then jump from this position, while stretching your toes. Do it 30 times in total.

How to pump up calves at home

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

Any workout should end with stretching exercises. This will allow the muscles to rest a little and will also help avoid possible cramps.

Exercises for thin legs and buttocks in girls

It has already been said above what kind of loads should be done by those who want to build up the muscles in their calves and thighs. But there are still girls who are not satisfied with the volume of their buttocks. To enlarge your butt with exercises, you should pay attention to the following complex:

  • Of course, squats are used to give the buttocks a seductive shape. This is an effective type of exercise for pumping the butt.
  • The following exercise should be performed from a position on all fours. It is necessary to keep the abdominal muscles tense. One leg is extended back, but it does not need to be lifted, it should remain parallel to the surface. Stay in this position for several seconds. Return the leg to the starting position. Repeat for each 30 times.
  • Tilts. The feet should be placed at a distance greater than shoulder width. Perform bends to the right and left side, do not lean your body forward or backward. You should tense the muscles of your legs and buttocks.
  • Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor. Arms are straightened along the body. Begin to lift your pelvis while tensing your buttock muscles. You can linger for a few seconds at the top point. This exercise is very effective for thin legs and buttocks. To increase the load, you can use a weighting agent and place it on your stomach.
  • Retraction. You need to stand up, grab the back of the chair with your hands, and slightly tilt your torso forward. Begin to extend your leg back, keeping it straight. The posture also does not bend. The muscles of the buttocks should tense when performing the exercise.
  • Also suitable for pumping up your butt are the sideways and forward leg swings described above.

Exercises to pump up the muscles of the legs and buttocks

One set of exercises will not be enough to give your legs the desired shape. We will have to take a more serious approach to this issue and pay attention to a number of additional points:

  • Proper nutrition and physical exercise must go hand in hand. If you obsess over exercise and continue to eat high-calorie foods, you are unlikely to achieve muscle growth. The body must receive everything essential vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements that are needed to create beautiful and sculpted muscles.
  • You can achieve results only through regular training. Rare studies in a free half hour or in moments of inspiration will definitely turn out to be pointless. Only perseverance and adherence to the regime will bear fruit.
  • There is no need to try too hard when doing the exercises. It is better to perform them at a calm average pace, and also not to do too many approaches. Intense exercise until you break a sweat is suitable for those who want to lose fat deposits. But to build muscle, such grueling workouts are useless.
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that the result may not be the same as in your dreams. The fact is that exercises for thin legs will not help if the limbs are initially not satisfied with their appearance. No one has yet been able to correct genetics.
  • It is important to correctly understand the purpose of the classes. In accordance with which muscles you want to make prominent, you need to choose a set of exercises. There are loads separately for the calves, buttocks, thighs, as well as for the leg muscles in general.
  • In busy conditions, not everyone can find time to workout. But you need to start small. You can train your legs very simply: instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs, instead of using public transport, try to walk as much as possible.

We recommend reading the article about. From it you will learn about exercises for women and men to reduce buttocks, which will help after childbirth, buttock modeling cosmetics, as well as about salon and surgical options for buttock reduction.

Learn more about how to tighten the skin on your hands.

The problem of too thin calves, thighs and buttocks is easily solved with the help of specially selected exercises. To give the muscles the desired relief, it is enough to devote half an hour a day to physical activity. Then the legs will take on beautiful outlines, and the figure will look more harmonious.

Useful video

Watch the video about a set of exercises for thin legs:

The desire of young people to achieve world standards of beauty often ends disastrously for themselves. Girls are losing so much weight that their legs are barely able to support their bodies. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the beauty of such excessively thin legs. And in general, skinny legs- beautiful only in photographs. But in life, thin, skinny limbs look miserable. And a girl with matchstick legs is unlikely to attract a handsome, athletic guy. What to do? - just read this article and find out how to pump up a girl’s skinny legs at home, and this will free the young lady from worries, stress and the reason to seek help from a paid fitness trainer...

The set of proposed exercises must necessarily take place against the background of a balanced diet. Classes should be systematic and alternate between each other. To prevent physical activity from harming your health and causing general discomfort, exercises should be done every other day or two, allowing the muscles to rest. But more about this at the end of the article...

Answering the question: how to pump up a girl’s skinny legs at home, we will give an approximate set of simple exercises that can more than be done outside a fitness center or gym. By the way, this complex is often used by novice bodybuilders and fitness models.

Before directly performing the main list of exercises, it is recommended to stretch your muscles; this is especially important if your daytime work is mostly sedentary. Warm-up complex - no less important point in this program for training thin legs. First of all, we warm up all the ligaments and joints, this is the only way to avoid injuries. Walking on your heels, toes, and on the outer and inner edges of your feet is perfect for this. Also, in a sitting position, we twist our feet in different directions. We've warmed up a little - it's time to warm up. You can do this by jumping rope a little and doing simple exercises morning exercises. That's it, we are ready for the main work.

Since our main task is the fight against thinness, we need to gain volume by increasing muscle mass. That is why you need to do not many repetitions in the approaches, as in the case of losing excess weight and fighting subcutaneous fat, but not enough, but with an impressive load, so that there is at least some sense. But where can you get it at home? The gym is full of all sorts of barbells and dumbbells... But what about at home? We'll tell you a couple good recipes from personal experience:

  • Even if you don’t have collapsible dumbbells at home, pick up plastic bottles filled with water. By the way, the water level can also easily regulate the load.
  • The barbell can be replaced with a shoulder backpack filled to the top with something heavy.
  • Purchase Velcro weighted cuffs. They are cheap now, but there are so many benefits from them! They come in different weights, so choose one to suit your taste. They will be useful to us in our complex.

So, you need to work a little, but a lot with maximum weights, - then there will be a benefit in increasing the thickness of our legs. In this workout program, each individual exercise works a different muscle. Therefore, in order to pump up the volume, the complex must be worked out completely at each lesson.

Squats with a load.

First of all, squats help keep the muscles of the lower extremities in good shape. We all know how to do them, but in the case of working on gaining mass, we need to squat with additional load so that when performing 10 repetitions, the last 2 are barely given to us.


An interesting option is also possible: weight squats without any additional weights at all. They need to be performed as follows: leaning your back against the wall, stretch one leg forward, and begin to squat on the second - “pistol”. The starting position gives the movement its name due to its visual similarity to a weapon. On the first day of classes you should not do more than 10 squats. As you acquire skills and training, their number can be gradually increased. Having gotten used to such loads, to enhance the effectiveness of your workouts, you can take dumbbells in your hands; at home, any of the above-described weights will do: plastic bottles filled with water, heavy books, etc.

Lunges with a load.

Stand straight, feet together. We take dumbbells or bottles of water in our lowered hands. While holding the load, we do lunges with them. Lunge forward with your right leg, transferring weight to it, sway and spring in this position, then return to the original position. Same thing with the left. The number of repetitions is up to 15. The more additional weight, the more effective the exercise is for you.

All kinds of swings and abductions of the legs.

To pump up, we put weighted cuffs on the ankles and perform all kinds of swings and abductions while overcoming resistance:

  • Stand upright. We move our right leg to the side, lifting it as high as possible. Do 10 lifts and lowers, change to the left. To increase the tension in the target muscles, try to go slower.
  • The initial position is the same. Swing forward, alternately with each leg. Minimize the force of inertia and other elements of cheating.
  • Get on all fours with your palms and knees touching the floor. Do energetic back-and-up heel kicks. First 10 times with one, then the same number with the second. The exercise perfectly pumps the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Lie on your left side. Palm right hand rests on the floor in front of the chest. The right leg rises up to the maximum, then into an i.p. The same for the left. Up to 25 times;
  • We also lie on our left side, with our head on our left hand. We leave the left leg straight, and the right foot is placed in front of the left knee. In this starting position, raise your left leg as high as possible and lower it back. When lowering, we try not to touch the floor surface. Up to 25 repetitions each;

All of the above exercises are designed for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. And we pump up our calves using the following exercises – raising on your toes and walking on them. Low load? – pick up weights. Still not enough? – do it on one leg, bending the other at the knee and pressing it to your butt. Taking into account the fact that the calf muscles are one of the most “stubborn”, it is advisable to do the maximum number of repetitions. That is, for each approach - at least 30 times.

So, we looked at the basic strength exercises for gaining muscle mass in your legs at home. However, it is worth paying your attention to a number of important aspects:

  1. Nutrition,
  2. Recovery,

Each of these points can reduce all your attempts to zero, further about each of them in more detail...


The rapid growth of muscles, and, consequently, the volume of your skinny limbs, is simply not possible in principle without proper nutrition. However, not every food is healthy. A protein diet is necessary for muscle growth. The necessary proteins are found in eggs, and it is the egg whites that need to be consumed, and the yolks should be thrown away, there is too much bad cholesterol. Do not neglect dairy products, in particular cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, milk. True, all this should be low-fat. For meat, you can consume turkey, squid, chicken breasts, lean fish and beef.

To increase endurance, fruits and vegetables are necessary, in addition, they are an excellent source of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates can also be obtained by consuming cereals such as buckwheat and oatmeal.


Work with large scales by definition, it requires that the muscles receive complete rest after the tested load. Therefore, the regularity of training should be as follows - 2 times a week, no more often! Otherwise, your muscles simply won’t have time to recover, and there will be no results. By ignoring quality rest and overdoing it, you are more likely to take a step back than forward - be sure to keep this in mind!

Aerobic training.

You also need to be careful when running. It certainly trains your legs, but it also helps you lose weight. In general, in all its variations it is contraindicated for you, because it loses weight, and you need to gain it. Therefore, forget about running, cycling, active swimming, energetic dancing and working on all types of cardio equipment. Until you reach the desired volume of your thigh, it is better for you to give up all this...

Well, now we can safely say that on the question indicated at the beginning of the article, you know everything! Congratulations to you! Work out and improve your appearance. Well, how? – we will definitely advise!

IN Everyday life One way or another, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are involved. But such loads are small and not enough to gain muscle weight in the legs. In the gym there will definitely be equipment for bending and extending the legs. Exercises for the leg muscles can be performed lying down or sitting. Three times a week will be enough for your legs to acquire the desired shape in a month or a month and a half.

The flexion and extension of the legs in a lying position works great on the back of the thigh. The result will be noticeable much faster. The exercise is easy to perform. It is necessary to remember little secret: the legs do not need to be extended at the joints; a small amplitude contributes to a good load on the thigh muscles. You can conduct 2 classes per week, perform 4 sets of 12 repetitions of the exercise.

A machine called “butterfly” will be effective in combination with other exercises (lunges, swings, squats). You won't be able to pump up your legs using only this exercise machine. When choosing a weight, you need to sensibly assess your level of preparedness.

If the first approaches were performed without much effort, and the last ones, as they say, “gritting your teeth,” then the weight was chosen correctly, and such exercises will contribute to the growth of muscle mass.

If nature has not blessed you with beautiful legs, then you can fix everything. An experienced trainer certainly knows how to pump up his legs, but to achieve desired result, you won’t need to resort to his help and go to an equipped gym. A few exercises will help build up your calf muscles in a couple of months. Only in combination with daily exercises is it necessary balanced diet. So that the results do not keep you waiting, you need to create a schedule of classes.

They should be regular at a convenient time. If you pay attention to your legs, or rather the muscles of your legs, for 40 minutes every day, then after a month the effect will be noticeable. During the course of exercises, it is necessary to modernize them, add weights so that addiction does not occur. As before any other activity, first you need to warm up your body to avoid tingling in the left side and other ailments. The legs should be rubbed with massage movements.

Running is an excellent way to train muscles. IN Ancient Greece The popular motto was: “If you want to be healthy and strong, run.” Indeed, running affects all muscle groups and helps build muscle mass. What’s good about this exercise is that it can be performed both in the gym and in the fresh air. When running, a lot of stress is placed on the calf muscles.

You can start your first lesson with a fifteen-minute run, and over time increase its duration by five minutes. Short-term accelerations will be of great benefit; later they will help you run distances at greater speed.

Squats are great for targeting your calf muscles. But you won’t be able to achieve any results if you do the exercises incorrectly.

The feet should not lift off the floor, the back should be straight, and the thighs should be parallel to the floor. At first, 20 squats will be sufficient, then the load can be increased to 80-100 squats in one approach. Can be added to this exercise weights in the form of a dumbbell or barbell.

Kick-ups are also good for pumping up your leg muscles. It is necessary to lift your heels off the floor to the maximum height.

Ten sets of four lifts will be sufficient. A similar exercise can be performed by raising your toes instead of your heels. Many girls are afraid to start exercises to pump up their legs, because after squats or other exercises, their legs supposedly take on a masculine shape. But only moderate training and the right approach will help avoid such transformations.

A simple exercise - raising your legs to the side can be easily repeated at home. You need to find support; the back of a chair can serve as it. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lean on a chair, and your back should be parallel to the floor. In this position, lift your leg to the side, hold for a few seconds in a raised position, then slowly lower your leg. Repeat alternately for each leg 12 times. This exercise works on the inner and outer sides of the thigh.

How to pump up your legs? Exercises that combine jumping and squats work the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and legs. It is necessary to squat so that the angle at the knees is 90 degrees, then tilt your torso slightly forward and jump up as high as possible.

You should do 15-17 repetitions, and then move on to other exercises. The fitness ball is perfect for exercising physical exercise. You need to lie with your stomach on the ball, lean your hands on the floor to create support, bend your knees and at the same time connect your feet. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds, do 5-6 approaches.

You can purchase one useful jump rope equipment at a sports store. You should interrupt your daily activities with physical exercise breaks and jump rope at least 5 minutes a day. You can involve children in this activity; training in company is more fun.

If doing exercises or using machines is too exhausting, and the dream of beautiful legs does not leave, then you should buy a massager. There are devices that are worn on the desired part of the body, in this case on the area calf muscle, and the vibration makes the muscle work. The same load is created as when running or squats.

If all of the above methods of training leg muscles are combined with proper nutrition, don’t be lazy, spend time on your legs once a day, then even the most Short skirt. Stares from men on the street are guaranteed.