Russian folk tale “The Cockerel is the Golden Comb” read the text online:

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone.

If they leave, they are severely punished:

We will go far, but you stay housekeeper and don’t raise your voice; when the fox comes, don't look out the window.

The fox found out that the cat and thrush were not at home, ran to the hut, sat under the window and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Oil head,
Silk beard,
Look out the window
I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel put his head out the window. The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:

The fox is carrying me
Behind dark forests,
Behind fast rivers,
Behind high mountains
Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it, gave chase and took the cockerel from the fox.

Another time, the cat and the blackbird went into the forest to chop wood and again punished:

Well, now, rooster, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further, we won’t hear your voice.

They left, and the fox again ran to the hut and sang:

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Oil head,
Silk beard,
Look out the window
I'll give you some peas.

The guys were running
The wheat was scattered
The chickens are pecking
Roosters are not given...

Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:

The fox is carrying me
For the dark forests,
For fast rivers,
For the high mountains...
Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it and rushed in pursuit. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They caught up with the fox - the cat is fighting, the blackbird is pecking, and the cockerel is taken away.

Whether long or short, the cat and the blackbird gathered again in the forest to chop wood. When leaving, they strictly punish the cockerel:

Don’t listen to the fox, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further and won’t hear your voice.

And the cat and the blackbird went far into the forest to chop wood. And the fox is right there: he sat under the window and sings:

Cockerel, cockerel,
golden comb,
Oil head,
Silk beard,
Look out the window
I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel sits and says nothing. And the fox again:

The guys were running
The wheat was scattered
The chickens are pecking
Roosters are not given...
The cockerel keeps quiet. And the fox again:

People were running
Nuts were poured
The chickens are pecking
Roosters are not given...

The cockerel put his head out the window:

Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him tightly in her claws and carried him into her hole, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...

No matter how much the cockerel crowed or called, the cat and the blackbird did not hear him. And when we returned home, the cockerel was gone.

The cat and the blackbird ran along the fox's tracks. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They ran to the fox's hole. The cat set up the caterpillars and let’s practice:

Ringing, rattling, harpers,
Golden strings...
Is Lisafya-kuma still at home?
Are you in your warm nest?

The fox listened, listened and thought:

“Let me see who plays the harp so well and hums sweetly.”

She took it and crawled out of the hole. The cat and the blackbird grabbed her - and began to beat and beat her. They beat and beat her until she lost her legs.

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone.

If they leave, they are severely punished:

“We’ll go far, but you stay housekeeper and don’t raise your voice; when the fox comes, don't look out the window.

The fox found out that the cat and thrush were not at home, ran to the hut, sat under the window and sang:

- Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel put his head out the window. The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:

- The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains...

Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it, gave chase and took the cockerel from the fox.

Another time, the cat and the blackbird went into the forest to chop wood and again punished:

- Well, now, rooster, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further, we won’t hear your voice.

They left, and the fox again ran to the hut and sang:

- Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

- The guys ran

The wheat was scattered

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

- Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:

- The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains...

Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it and rushed in pursuit. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They caught up with the fox - the cat is fighting, the blackbird is pecking, and the cockerel is taken away.

Whether long or short, the cat and the blackbird gathered again in the forest to chop wood. When leaving, they strictly punish the cockerel:

“Don’t listen to the fox, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further and won’t hear your voice.”

And the cat and the blackbird went far into the forest to chop wood. And the fox is right there: he sat under the window and sings:

- Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel sits and says nothing. And the fox again:

- The guys ran

The wheat was scattered

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

The cockerel keeps quiet. And the fox again:

- People fled

Nuts were poured

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

The cockerel put his head out the window:

- Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him tightly in her claws and carried him into her hole, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...

No matter how much the cockerel crowed or called, the cat and the blackbird did not hear him. And when we returned home, the cockerel was gone.

The cat and the blackbird ran along the fox's tracks. The cat is running, the thrush is flying... They ran to the fox's hole. The cat set up the caterpillars and let’s practice:

- Rumble, rattle, harpers,

Golden strings...

Is Lisafya-kuma still at home?

Are you in your warm nest?

The fox listened, listened and thought:

“Let me see who plays the harp so well and hums sweetly.”

She took it and crawled out of the hole. The cat and the blackbird grabbed her - and began to beat and beat her. They beat and beat her until she lost her legs.

They took the cockerel, put it in a basket and brought it home. And from then on they began to live and be, and they still live.

A fairy tale about how a cunning fox stole a rooster from the house and took it to his hole. But faithful friends a cat and a blackbird saved a naive cockerel from the clutches of predators... (as retold by A.N. Tolstoy)

Cockerel golden comb read

Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut.

The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone.
If they leave, they are severely punished:

We will go far, but you stay housekeeper and don’t raise your voice; when the fox comes, don't look out the window.

The fox found out that the cat and thrush were not at home, ran to the hut, sat under the window and sang:
- Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel put his head out the window. The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:
- The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains...

Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it, gave chase and took the cockerel from the fox.

Another time, the cat and the blackbird went into the forest to chop wood and again punished:

Well, now, rooster, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further, we won’t hear your voice.

They left, and the fox again ran to the hut and sang:
- Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel sits and says nothing.

And the fox again:
- The guys ran

The wheat was scattered

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole.

The cockerel crowed:
- The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains...

Cat and blackbird, save me!..

The cat and the blackbird heard it and rushed in pursuit. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They caught up with the fox - the cat is fighting, the blackbird is pecking, and the cockerel is taken away.

Whether long or short, the cat and the blackbird gathered again in the forest to chop wood. When leaving, they strictly punish the cockerel:

Don’t listen to the fox, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further and won’t hear your voice.

And the cat and the blackbird went far into the forest to chop wood. And the fox is right there: he sat under the window and sings:
- Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

The cockerel sits and says nothing. And the fox again:
- The guys ran

The wheat was scattered

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

The cockerel keeps quiet. And the fox again:
- People fled

Nuts were poured

The chickens are pecking

Roosters are not given...

The cockerel put his head out the window:

Ko-ko-ko! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him tightly in her claws and carried him into her hole, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...

No matter how much the cockerel crowed or called, the cat and the blackbird did not hear him. And when we returned home, the cockerel was gone.

The cat and the blackbird ran along the fox's tracks. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They ran to the fox's hole.

The cat set up the caterpillars and let’s practice:
- Ring, rattle, harp,

Golden strings...

Is Lisafya-kuma still at home?

Are you in your warm nest?

The fox listened, listened and thought:

“Let me see who plays the harp so well and hums sweetly.”

She took it and crawled out of the hole. The cat and the blackbird grabbed her - and began to beat and beat her. They beat and beat her until she lost her legs.

They took the cockerel, put it in a basket and brought it home.

And from then on they began to live and be, and they still live.

(Illustrated by E. Racheva, published by Detgiz, 1954)

Published by: Mishka 26.10.2017 13:36 24.05.2019

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Once upon a time there was a cat, a thrush and a cockerel - a golden comb. They lived in the forest, in a hut. The cat and the blackbird go into the forest to chop wood, and leave the cockerel alone. If they leave, they are severely punished:

“We’ll go far, but you stay to be a housekeeper, and don’t raise your voice; when the fox comes, don’t look out the window.”

The fox found out that the cat and thrush were not at home, ran to the hut, sat under the window and sang: “Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butterhead, Silk beard, Look out the window, I’ll give you a pea.”

The cockerel put his head out the window. The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole. The cockerel cried: “The fox is carrying me, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains... Cat and blackbird, save me!..” The cat and blackbird heard, rushed in pursuit and took the cockerel from the fox. Another time, the cat and the blackbird went into the forest to chop wood and again punished:

- Well, now, rooster, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further, we won’t hear your voice. They left, and the fox again ran to the hut and sang: “Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard, Look out the window, I’ll give you a pea.” The cockerel sits and says nothing. And the fox - again: - The guys ran, They scattered the wheat, They pecked the chickens, They didn’t give it to the roosters... The cockerel put his head out the window: - Co-co-co! How can they not give it?! The fox grabbed him in her claws and carried him to her hole. The cockerel cried: “The fox is carrying me beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains... Cat and blackbird, save me!”

The cat and the blackbird heard it and rushed in pursuit. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They caught up with the fox - the cat is fighting, the blackbird is pecking, and the cockerel is taken away.

Whether long or short, the cat and the blackbird gathered again in the forest to chop wood. When leaving, they strictly punish the cockerel:

“Don’t listen to the fox, don’t look out the window, we’ll go even further and won’t hear your voice.”

And the cat and the blackbird went far into the forest to chop wood. And the fox was right there: she sat down under the window and sang: “Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butterhead, Silk beard, Look out the window.” I'll give you some peas. The cockerel sits and says nothing. And the fox - again: - The guys ran, They scattered the wheat, They pecked the chickens, They didn’t give it to the roosters... The cockerel kept silent. And the fox - again: - People ran, Nuts were poured, Chickens are pecking, Roosters are not given... The cockerel put his head out the window: - Co-co-co! How can they not give it?!

The fox grabbed him tightly in her claws and carried him into her hole, beyond the dark forests, beyond the fast rivers, beyond the high mountains...

No matter how much the cockerel crowed or called, the cat and the blackbird did not hear him. And when we returned home, the cockerel was gone.

The cat and the blackbird ran in the Fox's footsteps. The cat is running, the blackbird is flying... They ran to the fox's hole. The cat tuned the goselki and let's practice: - Tinkling, strumming, goseltsy, Golden strings... Is Lisafya-kuma still at home, In her warm nest? The fox listened and listened and thought: “Let me see who plays the harp so well and hums sweetly.”

She took it and crawled out of the hole. The cat and the blackbird grabbed her - and began to beat and beat her. They beat and beat her until she lost her legs. They took the cockerel, put it in a basket and brought it home. And from then on they began to live and be, and they still live.

Abstract educational activities By speech development in the second younger group. Retelling of the fairy tale “The Cat, the Blackbird and the Rooster”

Summary of educational activities on speech development in the second junior group

Program tasks:

1. Teach children to correctly answer the teacher’s questions and reproduce the content fairy tales based on mnemonics.

2. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech when reproducing individual words and songs of characters fairy tales, creative initiative.

3. Cultivate interest in oral folk art (fairy tale) .

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales"Cat, blackbird and rooster» . IN processing A. Tolstoy, listening to this fairy tales in audio format. Preparatory conversation(analysis of the work, explanation of unclear words and speech patterns ), examination of paintings, illustrations, objects that will be discussed in fairy tale;

Material: multimedia projector, tape recorder, puppet theater characters for this fairy tale, chicken character, painted box.

Methodical techniques: conversation on fairy tale, arranging in a logical sequence a series of plot pictures to fairy tale; hint words or phrases by the teacher. gaming techniques (retelling sitting at the media projector) .

Technologies used: mnemonics (mimetic tracks).

Progress of educational activities

A Russian folk melody sounds. The teacher takes out a painted box and takes out a toy - a chicken. Is reading saying.

I had a beautiful chicken

Oh, what a smart chicken she was!

She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots.

She baked sweet, rosy pies for me.

And when he manages, he sits at the gate -

Tells a fairy tale, will sing a song.

The teacher leads the children to the theater corner where the house and characters are located fairy tales"Cat, blackbird and rooster» .

Q. Guys, the heroes of a very kind story came to visit us fairy tales, just me and our guest chicken and I can’t remember which one. Can you help us with the chicken?

D. this tale about a cockerel, cat and blackbird.

V. That's right, guys. Well done. But our chicken doesn’t know her. What should we do to make her listen to her?

D. necessary tell the chicken a story.

B. Of course you will tell it to her. Let's go on a journey through fairy tale using our magic TV (multimedia projector) ?

D. let's go!

Q. So the fairy tale begins....

A picture appears on the screen with image house in a forest clearing, where fairy tale heroes are depicted.

V. Once upon a time there were... (The teacher shows with facial expressions and gestures that the children should continue the phrase)

D. cat, blackbird and cockerel

Q. Which one? the cockerel had a comb?

D. golden comb.

B. Correct. Golden cockerel....

D. scallop.

On the next slide there is a picture with image of a cockerel alone in the house

V. Oh guys, ah the cockerel was left at home alone.

V. Where is it? blackbird with cat?

D. thrush and the cat went into the forest to chop wood

Q. What did they punish? cockerel?

D. don’t look out the window.

V. Correct, otherwise the cockerel could have been stolen. Who could have done this?

D. the fox could steal cockerel.

Q. The fox is very smart and what kind?

D. cunning.

V. And that’s why she sang a nice song for the cockerel. Let's remember her

The teacher starts the phrase, but the child finishes

On the slide image looking out the window cockerel.

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden comb,

Oil head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you some peas.

Q. When the fox sang a song to him, what happened to cockerel?

D. the fox grabbed him and carried him into the forest.

On the slide image of a fox with a cockerel in his hands.

Q. Guys, I also know a song about chicken and grains. Let me sing it for you, and you repeat after me.

The teacher hums the foam and at the same time shows the movements of finger gymnastics

Finger gymnastics “The chicken went out for a walk”

The chicken went out for a walk (they walk with two fingers - the index and middle - of each hand,

Pinch fresh grass (pinching movements with all fingers of each hand,

And behind her are the guys - Yellow Chicks (run with all fingers of both hands).

“Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko (clap their hands,

Don't go far (they shake the finger of their leading hand,

Row with your paws (rowing movements with each finger of both hands at the same time, thumbs fixing palms at the edge of the table,

Look for grains" (children collect grains alternately with two fingers of each hand or both hands simultaneously: large - index, large - middle, etc.).

V. So naughty cockerel. Who did he call for help?

D. began to call blackbird and cat

B. Correct. Maybe we can remember what he said?

Reads the beginning of phrases, children continue.

The fox is carrying me

For the dark forests,

For fast rivers,

For the high mountains. cat and thrush, Help me!

B. Friends heard cockerel?

D. friends heard cockerel

The teacher seeks the most complete answers from children

V. They rushed to help. The cat is running thrush flies... maybe we can show the chicken how our friends chased the fox?


The blackbird is flying(children fly)

The cat is running (run)

And the fox with sneaks through the forest like a cockerel(sneak, pretending to be a fox)

One the cockerel is afraid(depict a cockerel)

V. The cat caught up with blackbird fox?

D. caught up

V. What about them? took the fox's cockerel? What did the cat do to save cockerel?

A picture of a cat with caterpillars appears on the slide.

D. the cat played on the caterpillars

Q. And what did the fox do when he heard the song?

D. she looked out of the hole

If children find it difficult to find the right words, the teacher, with the help of leading questions, leads them to the correct answer.

V. And what did the cat and rooster?

D. beat, beat, beat.

V. was afraid of their fox. And she ran away. What happened next?

D. cat, the blackbird and the cockerel went home

V. That’s right, they began to live long and….

D. Happily

V. Here it is fairy tale...

D....the end, well done to those who listened

On the slide cat image, blackbird and cockerel.

Q. What great guys you are. I think our chicken is yours I really liked the fairy tale. She was very sorry cockerel. And so that cockerel He no longer listened to the sly fox; the chicken brought him a treat. Which one do you think?

Children express different assumptions. The teacher chooses peas. If children do not have such an assumption You said remember a fragment fairy tales that the fox promised if he looks out the window.

The teacher takes peas in a plate from the box and, together with the children, places the plate near cockerel in the theater corner.

The teacher finishes words:

Here you go fairy tale, and I’ll have a bunch of bagels.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of directly organized educational training on speech development in the second junior group “Hello, sunshine” Abstract directly - organized educational activities on speech development in the second junior group “Hello Sunshine”.

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the second junior group “Favorite Tales” Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the second junior group “Favorite Fairy Tales” Goal: to develop in children.

Abstract of the NOD for the OO “Speech Development” “Retelling the fairy tale “Rooster and the Dog” Program content_ Learn to independently retell the fairy tale “The Rooster and the Dog”, expressively conveying the dialogue. Formation of a dictionary.

Abstract of the educational activity for speech development “Cat, Rooster and Fox” Objectives: Educational: consider the features of organizing educational work with children of senior preschool age.

Summary of educational activities on speech development in the first junior group “Journey through Fairy Tales” Objectives: Educational: Educational area“Speech development To develop the ability to recognize Russian folk tales from existing ones.