Everyone who lives in apartment building, they know how important the cleanliness of the entrance and staircase is. Unfortunately, not all apartment buildings can be proud of a neat and clean flight of stairs. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation states that the responsibility for maintaining common property in order and cleaning entrances lies with the management company servicing the house. This means that residents should not wash windows, floors, steps and elevators in the entrance themselves. Rules, regulations, cleaning frequency and work procedure are regulated by the state standard GOST 51617-2000. This document is a kind job description cleaning staff, violation of which will result in serious liability.

Cleaning the entrance apartment building is regulated not only by state standards. In each region, certain standards are established by the city Housing Committee, based on national regulations. If you think that the cleaner is not doing her job properly, then you need to compare her activities with the parameters presented below:

  • the two lower floors (landings and flights of stairs) must be cleaned daily with a damp broom;
  • you need to sweep the entire entrance twice a week, and if there is an elevator in the building, the frequency of such an event is halved;
  • By law, the floors on all floors and stairs must be washed once a week, in a building with an elevator - twice a month;
  • The elevator must be cleaned daily, and wet cleaning of elevator equipment is carried out once every two weeks;
  • the grille in front of the entrance must be cleaned once every seven days.

Also, the management company must ensure that the person responsible for cleaning and maintaining order in the entrance of an apartment building organizes a general cleaning once a year.

If we talk about general cleaning, then the cleaning lady’s responsibilities include washing windows, lampshades, meter boxes, sweeping cobwebs, etc. However, it is important to understand that any cleaning lady will not do the cleaning as the homeowner is ready to do it. Despite the fact that the entrance is kept clean, citizens should also try not to litter and keep their floor clean. There are often cases when one neighbor constantly disregards the rules and throws garbage or cigarette butts just under your door. In such a situation, you need to protect your constitutional rights. Initially, talk to your neighbor and try to resolve the issue peacefully. Otherwise, you can complain about the negligent tenant to various authorities.

One of the most pressing questions today is who to complain to if the entrance is poorly cleaned or the last cleaning was carried out several years ago. Often in the entrances of apartment buildings you can see not only dirty floors, windows covered with cobwebs, black lampshades, but also painted walls, unpleasant smell, syringes, etc. If this is the situation in your home, you need to take action. The simplest and most reliable way to achieve cleaning is to file a complaint with the management company, housing office or organization that maintains the apartment building.

A statement that no one is cleaning the entrance, stairs or elevator or is doing their job improperly must be written to the head of the management company. The document does not have a strictly regulated form; it is drawn up in any form with the obligatory indication of such data as:

  • house address;
  • applicant's contact details;
  • list of claims;
  • citizens' demands;
  • date and signature.

The application to the chairman of the HOA or management company must be drawn up in two copies. One sample will remain in the organization, the second with the mark of an authorized person must be with the applicant. It is important to prepare the document correctly and thoughtfully, without errors, corrections or inaccuracies. All this may serve as a reason for refusing to accept the application and consider the problem. If managers ignore the application or delay the response time, you can complain about them to Rospotrebnadzor (the consumer rights protection service) or write a petition to the prosecutor's office.

We live in a five-story building, all apartments are privatized. We had a janitor, but his position was abolished. Are residents required to clean the staircases and local area themselves, or is this included in the concept of “maintenance and repair”, for which we already pay?

Indeed, according to general rule The concept of “maintenance of common property” includes cleaning the entrance and local area.

  • § Clause 11 of the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491

But each specific contract may establish its own set of services. Therefore, you need to carefully read your contract with the management company, which should contain a list of the services it provides.

  • § Clause 3 Art. 162 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation

Read in detail about how to force the management company to make repairs at the entrance in our other article. Samples of complaints and claims are attached. If you don’t find cleaning services there, then you yourself will have to decide the issue of cleanliness in the entrances and around the house. There is nothing illegal about this. If the service is not specified in the contract, then the management company is not obliged to provide it.
In order to include cleaning in the list of services, you need to carry out general meeting owners. If more than half vote for it, it will be considered that the decision has been made. Contact the management company with the minutes of the meeting, after which a cleaning clause should be included in the contract. Just keep in mind that you will have to pay extra for this work.
But if the contract with the management company stipulates cleaning, but in fact it falls entirely on the residents, then this is a violation. You need to write a claim in which you demand that cleaning begin immediately in accordance with the terms of the contract. Such a claim is made in free form. Several owners can sign up for it at once, or maybe just one, it makes no difference.
If there is no positive reaction, feel free to contact the housing inspectorate with a complaint against the management company. You can find out from the administration whether this unit exists in your area. If not, then contact the State Housing Inspectorate of your region or city.

Russian legislation does not guarantee cleaners at each specific entrance. But, if the housing complex does not assign employees to clean the entrances of multi-storey buildings, then the utility services are breaking the law. Management Company responsible for cleaning corridors, staircases, spaces in front of the entrance doors of apartments, bars, elevators and landings, correspondent boxes, in general, the entire space between front door into the house and through the personal doors of apartment residents. If the company has entered into obligations to the people living in this house, then it must fulfill them.

Important! Decree of the State Construction Committee No. 170 dated September 27, 2003 indicates that housing office workers must clean the entrances of multi-storey buildings. Management companies can not only recruit personal staff, but also use the services of cleaning companies and enter into contract agreements.

When carrying out their activities, companies must be guided by the rules specified in the following regulations:

  • Government Decree of 04/03/2013 No. 209
  • Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006
  • GOST R 51617-2000 “on housing and communal services and services”

It is important to remember that Article 36 of the Housing Code and comments to it indicate that housing complexes must monitor cleanliness in basements and attics, and not just in elevators, on stairs and the spaces between them. Accordingly, cleaners must service these facilities: carry out wet cleaning of all common areas in houses, cages, grates and elevators. Of course, the dirtiest place in homes is often the garbage disposal area, and special attention should be paid to it.

When residential companies enter into an agreement with residents of buildings, they must develop a cleaning schedule for the agreement, namely, what, when and how much should be washed, swept and cleaned. And residents of high-rise buildings, in turn, have the right to agree or express their proposals for improving the schedule. There is a standard template on the Internet that companies can use as an example. Everyone understands that different entrances require different cleaning, the space in front of the garbage chute gets dirty faster, more residents means more dirt, so it needs to be washed more often. If you are dissatisfied with the cleanliness and sanitary condition of the spaces starting after entering the house, then you should, first of all, familiarize yourself with the cleaning schedule that your residential complex has. If this document turns out that according to the plan, the residential complex should be cleaned once a month, then you should not be surprised at the disorder in the entrances. (Well, this is of course an extreme case, this does not happen).

Norms and regulations for cleaning entrances in apartment buildings

So, to understand what minimal amount Since the housing complex must send a cleaner, let’s look at our legislation. Government Decree No. 209 dated April 3, 2013 approves a list of work that must be carried out in apartment buildings by cleaners. Another document that regulates the rules for cleaning entrances is GOST 51617-2000.
There are rules established by law for cleaning the spaces between the front door and the doors to apartments:

When sweeping, the broom must be wet. And the floors in elevators, on the first and second floors, next to garbage disposal areas (if they are inside the house) should be swept. All those spaces between the garbage chute and the elevator should be cleaned regularly. Few people know about this, but in our houses we should wash radiators, railings, doors, window sills, walls and ceilings in the front rooms with a rag (I can’t imagine how it would be to wash the ceiling with a rag, especially if it’s whitewashed) Windows and shades/chandeliers too must be kept clean, the cleaning lady must clean them from dust and dirt.

To carry out the necessary labor functions on high level The management company must comply with the cleaning standards in the entrances of apartment buildings specified in guest 51617-2000. These standards include not only sweeping and washing floors and stairs, cleaning the entrance area, but also regularly ventilating entrances, cleaning ventilation, and sweeping ceilings. The elevator area, which includes the floor and walls, is first wiped with a wet broom and then washed with a clean rag with cleaning agents added to water. If there is a garbage chute in a residential area, the cleaner is obliged to remove waste from a special room and restore order there, not forgetting to disinfect the components of the garbage chute and hatches once a month. All structures in the entrance must be maintained in good conditions, this includes pipes and heating systems.

Housing standards or housing standards contain and approve the regulations for cleaning the territory, requirements for the maintenance of the entrance, what actions are necessary to maintain the responsible area, the organization of control over the condition of the entrance, the procedure for carrying out general cleaning and cleaning in accordance with the schedule.

Frequency of cleaning

When performing her duties, the cleaner must comply with the requirements and regulations of the sanitary regulations to maintain cleanliness in the premises. According to the standards, washing of entrances, staircases and flights should be carried out 2 times a month. Be sure to thoroughly sweep every day and wipe the floor on the first floor of the house and in the elevator with a wet rag. Every day, according to the standards, the cleaning lady is recommended to wipe the floors and staircases.

Important! According to GOST, the responsible person is required not only to comply with the necessary rules and state standards, but to perform his duties with specified frequency.

For high-quality maintenance of the entrances of apartment buildings, it is necessary to perform the following frequency, which is established by GOST and sanitation standards:

Daily thorough cleaning of the elevator

Daily elevator cleaning includes:

  • Use a damp broom 2 times during the week to clean up, starting from the third floor. Clean the first and second floors daily
  • once a year it is necessary to clean and arrange a wet wash for lampshades, windows, staircase grilles, cabinets for electric meters, correspondence boxes
  • Once a week, the cleaning lady must clean the area in front of the entrance, the porch, and brush the grate
  • twice a year, sanitary standards recommend washing window sills and heating appliances

Complaints about poor cleaning

If utility services do not take care of the entrances or do not regularly maintain order. If the cleaner does not follow the work schedule and does not wash the stairs, floors and elevators properly, and does not properly monitor the access area, then the residents need to go to the housing and communal services, where a specialist will advise them and answer all their questions. Explanations from management company employees do not always satisfy residents and often cause obvious disagreement. Then you can send a complaint about the state of cleaning to the management company, which will send a special commission to evaluate the cleaning of the premises and find out how many times and how often the cleaning was carried out. The claim must indicate the coordinates of the entrance, where it is located, and the essence of the claim. If the management company is inactive and cleans no more than once every six months, then the residents of the entrance have the right to send a complaint first to the district administration, and then to Rospotrebnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office. As a rule, claims are processed within 1 month, and if circumstances require it, the period can be reduced to 5 days.

When there are no positive results from the consideration of the complaint, it is necessary to prepare to file a claim in court. You can find a sample of such a statement on the World Wide Web. If it does not follow from the contract that the management company is obliged to carry out cleaning, then by law the company is obliged to carry out measures to clean the premises. This norm is specified in Government Decree No. 491 of August 13, 2006. In order to demand normal sanitary cleaning at the entrance in court, residents must fulfill all the conditions specified in the contract and other documents, for example, provide evidence of regular payment of utility bills.


Residents of the entrance should not dump themselves on the cleaning lady or on our own wash corridors or staircases. We must always remember that the Housing Code stipulates that cleaning the entrance is the responsibility of the management company, to which residents pay monthly money for its work. Some management companies ignore their responsibilities, and residents should not remain idle, because any property owner can file a complaint and hold the housing office accountable. And if the cleaner says, “I’m cleaning” the floors, but in fact does not follow the established schedule, then the residents of the house have every reason to contact special structures for clarification of the cleaner’s work.

In any multi-storey building, the entrance is a kind of hallway for all existing apartments. In some houses, such rooms are comfortable, spacious, and, most importantly, clean. Other residential buildings cannot boast of this. In practice, cleaning of entrances is one of the services of residential complex services. Therefore, this problem should be solved by a management company, whose employees know how to clean up the entrance. As a result, a dirty entrance can become exemplary, and residents are satisfied with the way it is cleaned and cleaned.

The existing law clearly regulates the frequency, deadlines, and requirements for how common areas and staircases should be cleaned. Special documents contain information about operational and technical conditions maintenance of such premises. Therefore, every employee of such services, knowing passed law about maintaining order in common areas, knows how many times a month he should clean the entrance.

According to the existing documentation, which is determined by the relevant law, residents are not required to clean and wash common areas, or hire a cleaner to restore order. Such work must be performed by employees of specialized organizations with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded, a sample of which can be obtained from the department.

This agreement contains information that is fully justified by the living conditions of people in residential buildings, as well as who is responsible for compliance with all provisions. The document contains several important points that detail the specifics of how to clean public areas, namely:

  • timing and frequency of work to restore order in such premises;
  • frequency of cleaning stairs;
  • frequency of cleaning the area near the garbage wire;
  • frequency of cleaning in the elevator room;
  • frequency of cleaning window sills, windows and lamps in the entrance;
  • deratization and disinfection work.

This agreement clearly states how often the floors of common areas in such homes should be cleaned and mopped. The person responsible for the quality of cleaning work in such premises is also indicated. A sample document can be found in the administration of the service company.

Features of maintenance and cleaning of premises

The basis for proper maintenance of common areas in residential buildings is compliance with the frequency
cleaning in such premises. The regulatory part of sanitization work, where a special product is used, is also clearly defined by the relevant law. Depending on the special equipment available at the entrances, cleaning schedules for such areas are drawn up. As installed equipment, which should also be washed, means the elevator and garbage chute.

The presence of elevator equipment in the entrance increases the load on the person responsible for cleaning, since he has to frequently wash the floor in this room and wipe the walls.

In entrances with an elevator on the middle floors, it is enough to clean and wash the floors once a week. The presence of a garbage disposal system in a household requires its regular maintenance. In practice, the cleaner has to wash the floors every day in front of the hatches where garbage is unloaded. This also includes a contract for cleaning entrances.

The employee who maintains such equipment must remove all garbage from the waste collection tank, as well as wash the floors in the waste collection area daily. In practice, he should wash the replacement containers. Once a week, the cleaner is obliged, as the contract stipulates, to clean and clean the garbage loading hatches. Once a month, you need to wash and disinfect, using a special product, all elements of the garbage chute system, as well as the waste receiving chambers.

How to maintain and clean entrances

Cleaning the hallways is determined by the corresponding agreement, which clearly states how many times these common areas should be cleaned. This agreement makes it clear how often the person responsible for cleaning is required to clean the floors and walls of areas that residents consider to be communal property for general use. The procedure is based on the quantity and quality of maintenance work in the places where the cleaner performs her duties. If the work is not performed as specified in the contract, then residents of the entrance have the right to file a complaint, having the appropriate writing sample. This is clearly defined by law, contract, and instructions.

As the adopted law determines, servicing such public places involves daily wet cleaning on the lower floors. To do this, use a wet broom, which is used to treat the floor and the lower part of the walls. The staircases and floors of the two lower floors, including the entrance area, are subjected to similar cleaning. Sweeping the upper floors with a damp broom should be done twice a week. If there is an elevator car, its base should be cleaned in this way at least once a week. Cleaning such places is a very important undertaking.

It is recommended to treat the area in front of the garbage chute, as regulated by the relevant law, using a wet broom daily. Cleaning the base on landings and flights of upper floors, if the elevator is operational, is usually done once a week. It is recommended to carry out wet treatment of the walls of the elevator car with the same frequency. Once a week it is necessary to clean the grates installed on the ground in front of the entrance to the entrance.

As the law defines, an important event is local general cleaning of surfaces, architectural elements and equipment in the entrance. Such work is usually carried out once a year. The responsible employee must clean windows, lamps, and remove dust from ceilings using suitable tools and equipment. This also means cleaning mailboxes and boxes where electric meters are located.

The entrance to an apartment building is considered a “common area”. Like any room, the entrance to the house requires cleaning: sweeping and washing floors, cleaning window sills, washing windows, keeping walls and ceilings clean. In many cases, this is done by the residents themselves. They distribute duties among apartments, chip in to pay the cleaning lady, or find other options to keep their front door clean.

Everything seems to be correct, we need to live in purity, everyone understands this. The problem here is that residents pay for this work, pay monthly for cleaning the entrance, and then do it themselves.

The author of these lines worked for several years in the housing and communal services department of the municipality, in management companies, and I also had to spend several years fighting with management companies and defending the rights of apartment owners. Let's look at the laws governing this process and how it works in real life. Or you will have to draw up a schedule for cleaning entrances in an apartment building, where the names of the residents will be written down. This is specified on.

Standards for cleaning entrances in an apartment building are described in three regulations of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 (02.27.2017) This resolution regulates the activities of HOAs and Management Companies.

Point 23 examines the work of organizations to keep entrances clean. It lists the areas to be cleaned:

  • vestibules;
  • halls;
  • corridors;
  • galleries;
  • elevators;
  • landings;
  • window sills;
  • window;
  • window;
  • stair railings;
  • mailboxes;
  • and much more.

Standards for cleaning the entrances of apartment buildings are not established by chance. Cleaning is divided into dry and wet. The resolution directly states - take awayOur entrances are the responsibility of the Management Company or Homeowners Association.

As you and I understand, it is not enough to say: we must do it. It is also necessary to regulate the timing and frequency of this work. The government decree does not establish this procedure, but clearly and clearly delegates this right to the owners of the premises themselves.

The resolution contains “Rules for the provision of services and performance of work.” They list methods and methods for determining the frequency and schedule of cleaning the entrance:

Resolution of the owners' meeting. Remember that the decision must be recorded in the minutes of the meeting, and each owner has the right to receive a certified copy of such minutes. The frequency and timing of cleaning of common areas may be reflected in the management agreement for your home.

It happens that the owners signed an agreement without knowing about their rights and entered into an agreement under which cleaning of the entrance to a residential building is not carried out. If you find yourself in this situation, don't worry. You can go to court and declare the contract invalid, on the basis that it does not comply with “Government Decree No. 290” (the decree clearly states that cleaning in entrances MUST be carried out, but your contract states the opposite), and does not comply with Russian GOST No. 51 617 and “Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of Housing Funds No. 170,” which we will discuss below.

“GOST of Russia No. 51 617 on housing and communal services” does not describe the rules and regulations for cleaning entrances. He only makes a reference in paragraph 4.10 to the order of the USSR State Architectural Committee of 1988 and Sanitary rules maintenance of the territory of populated areas of the USSR, also from 1988.

That is why, apparently, in most of the materials that I have come across on the Internet, the authors write terms and types of activities about the frequency of cleaning in entrances, adding the word “recommended” to them. I recommend closing such sites immediately and not wasting your time on them. A recommendation is not a legal requirement, but a good wish.

In this article we are considering clear, ACTUAL AND WORKING laws that will help us defend our rights in court.

Rules and regulations for technical operation of housing stock No. 170. This document, approved by the State Construction Committee on September 27, 2003, will also help us understand state regulation of cleaning common areas.

This document contains ChapterIII. « Maintenance of premises and local area" If you are preparing for a confrontation with the management company, be sure to find this document and study it very carefully. We are primarily interested in it clause 3.2.7. It spells out in black and white the terms and frequency of cleaning indoor premises:

Dry cleaning and washing of the floor of staircases and flights, as well as sweeping of the floor and walls, window sills, heating devices, etc. should be done at least every five days. Dry cleaning and washing of walls - at least twice a year. Wet cleaning of all surfaces must be done at least once a month.

Having analyzed several dozen articles about how to pay a management company for cleaning entrances (should this be a separate line or, on the contrary, is already included in the housing maintenance service), I fell into a stupor from the illiteracy of the answers and the pseudo-lawyers who are trying to confuse the population. Therefore, I will try to clarify the main point, which at first glance does not need clarification.

You live in YOUR house and YOU are the one who sets the RULES in this house. .

Of course, they should not contradict Russian legislation, but this house is YOURS, not the management company. Most often, in my experience, it is the management company that imposes the tariff on residents, often simply deceiving them. spring-cleaning entrances are generally carried out at inflated prices - this is wrong and dishonest!

How the Management Company fraudulently imposes tariffs on residents.

Once a year, deputies of the municipal Duma adopt a housing maintenance tariff. Management companies go to the population and, showing this document, declare: “Here is the tariff, officially adopted at the mayor’s office, stamp, signatures, etc. We have nothing to do with it, we will collect as much from you, let’s fix it at the meeting.”

But, deputies adopt a tariff not for your home, and for apartments owned by the municipality. Remember: THIS TARIFF DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU. It is for other apartments. If there are one or two municipal apartments in your house, then they will pay not according to the tariff adopted by the deputies, but according to the tariff established by YOU. Because your minutes of the meeting are a more important document than the decision of the deputies of your city council.

Now to the answer to the question of whether cleaning the entrance is included in the maintenance of housing. The answer to this question is given by the meeting of owners (that is, you yourself) and is made by a decision of 50% +1 sq. m. (when making decisions at meetings, they vote not by show of hands, but square meters owners). It will be the way you like it. Do you want it to go in a separate line, or not.

Perhaps you have a natural question:

Yes, you can, in the practice of my work, one house lowered the cost of maintenance to 3 rubles 70 kopecks (at a time when the tariff set by the municipality was 11 rubles 40 kopecks per square meter) and the management company accepted this tariff. There were also several cases when management companies refused to service houses at the rates set by residents and broke the contract with them.

You should not worry about whether this service is included in a separate line or not. The total cost of the service and the quality of its implementation should be important to you. You are the buyer of the service. There are several management companies in your city who simply dream of servicing your home and making money on it, perhaps making money in in a good way, without deceiving, for the benefit of everyone. Go to them with proposals and tell them in advance that price matters. Or arrange an auction between organizations. Or set the price yourself, the one you think is right.

Complaint about cleaning at the entrance - sample

Let’s say you’ve figured out the prices for services. Everything suits me. But suddenly it turned out that everything was fine on paper, money was being paid, but the floors were dirty. The cleaning lady is a mythical character for you, about whom you hear a lot, but never see, and everything is sad.

There are two ways to solve the problem:

  1. The first is to come to an agreement. The management company is interested in your home. Go to the director and honestly tell him that you will not break spears forcing his organization to do its job. Well, it's not your responsibility. give him probation and promise to change the management organization if it doesn’t improve. If in a month everything is just as bad, change the management company. Paying them money and then forcing them to work is masochism. You don’t regularly visit a bakery and force them to bake quality bread. We will tell you how to quickly change the management campaign in another material. If you just can’t get to the director, then there’s no need for any deadlines. Change it. This management company doesn't want to work, and you won't force it. Look for another company that will work in good faith.
  2. If you wanted to fight and win. Organizations to which you can complain for failure to fulfill the duties of the Management Company:
  • Management Company;
  • municipal housing and communal services department;
  • GZHI;
  • Court.

Sample application:

To the Director of the Management CompanyFull name of the directorFrom the owner of the premises, house No.__ apt. No.__Your last name, first name and patronymic
In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2013 N 290, at the meeting of owners, house No.__ st. _____ it was decided to clean the house by the management company servicing the house in accordance with contract No. ___. This decision not fulfilled (not fulfilled in full). Please explain the reason for the non-execution of the decision of the meeting of owners, inform about the timing of the start of execution of the decision, and also recalculate the payment for the period taking into account the work not completed by the management company.
Signatures. Ideally, the chairman of the house, but the signature of one or several owners of the premises is possible.

The management company will respond within 30 days. If there is no result, you can complain to two more organizations: GZHI (state housing inspection) and the housing and communal services department in the municipality. Most likely, this will not give results. If you don’t have CCTV cameras in your entrances, which can be used to prove the absence of a cleaning lady on time, then these organizations will immediately suggest that you go to court. It is almost impossible to prove the low quality of work performed.

Given my experience, I do not recommend doing this. In court, you will spend your money on lawyers, and the management company will spend your money on lawyers, suing you, and will even officially report to you for this.

There is no absolute guarantee that you will win the court, and if you win, it will oblige the Management Company to fulfill its duties. The management company, as has often happened in my practice, will not comply with them, and you will again go to court to waste your money and nerves.

It is possible and necessary to sue unscrupulous management companies, but not in order to force them to work, but so that they return the unearned money. And it’s easier to win and it hits them much harder.

What to do? I wrote about this above:

  1. Refuse from a management company that is unwilling to work.
  2. Sue her for money for uncompleted work.

Video “How entrances should be cleaned”