We meet the hero of the occasion - confetti, red carpet, fresh flowers, or a crown and throne. We meet at the door, he (she) appears. Meeting with colorful fabrics or ribbons (7 pieces)

We will greet ___________________ with colorful flowers,
After all, there were different stages in life.
We want to repeat these steps,
After all, you probably haven’t forgotten them. _____________________ (mth), _____________ (date), year ____ - th -
A good boy was born, such a good girl...

He's just a baby, and that's why
Everything was PURPLE to him
Childhood then is the golden time,
Life is carefree, like a game.
Even though the guy (girl) was smart,
But in childhood there was still
GREEN youth... it's a pity, it won't be like this anymore...

This is, of course, the color BLUE.
In my youth I met
He (s) his love,
______________ and I started a family together.
They were young, beautiful...
The color we choose is BLUE.

The children were born - there is no one more beloved!
Let it be ORANGE (WHITE) color...
I was always loaded with difficult work.
The light is YELLOW.

And now - your holiday - solid, wonderful,
Let it be bright, walk under RED!

For all the heroes of the occasion at such moments, we are all ready to give endlessly, together... APPLAUSE!!!

_______________ (name) ours is amazing! We want you to invite all the guests to the table now!

Good evening dear friends, relatives, colleagues! Today, on this beautiful day, in such a solemn and warm atmosphere, we have gathered in this cozy hall in order to congratulate everyone’s beloved and respected ____________________. Let's try today to make sure that the smile does not leave our (his) ________ face, and her (his) eyes shine with happiness... I sincerely welcome all the guests gathered here and gladly open this holiday!

This day brought us together and united us, ______________ eclipsed everyone in a place of honor, because it’s not for nothing that he (s) was awarded today by fate - this date, which is popularly called dear! Even if it’s the beginning of the century outside, we won’t change traditions; let’s sip a glass of wine for a dear person. May this day go down in history forever, and may ___________________ bring only happiness! And let the guests have fun carelessly, I hope no one leaves the holiday sad! To start the celebration as it should be, everyone is invited to fill their glasses!!!

Before the spouse's toast: Dear guests! You are all witnesses that the light of one star does not fade in our horizon. And by the way, there is a fan among us who has been studying this for many years... One day they met and fell in love with each other, and live together to this day... Of course you guessed it - I’m talking about the precious 2nd half, this...

1st toast ________________

Guest introduction

Wonderful charm, tenderness, grace for the hero of the occasion, for the charming one, your ovation!!

Let's prolong the wonderful moments
For the husband (wife) your applause!

This evening, the pleasant excitement of the guests of honor is the performance. We have a lady present here.
Native sister __________________!
Cousins ​​()
Are located here
Now there will be a storm of applause in the hall!

There is always peace in my soul,
When your sons (daughters) are next to you.
Mom (Dad) has them very good, let’s clap our hands for that

And now I’ll tell you more simply:
Happy holiday to you
Favorite daughters-in-law.
They are all here and waiting for applause too!

And for his grandmother (grandfather), on such a beautiful day, the grandchildren are here, now gathered.
They were waiting for applause
And now we greet the matchmakers together!
We really need their presence.

I would like to introduce you soon
Wonderful, loyal friends!!!
They are also waiting for applause
Show yourself where you are!

Now let's clap our hands. and to all the guests, good luck to you!

Meeting the guests

2 toast ___________________________

Thoughts on who arrived on what

We ______________________ present a retirement apron.

He is an indicator of the start of a new life.
They sewed special pockets on it.
And they decided to explain their meaning:

1. Pocket one, gets on your nerves:
Pension pocket.
A pension for work is a reward, and a big pocket is a joy.
The pension is hanging out in him, and it’s hard to believe that it doesn’t end!

2. The second pocket is not so big.
Pocket for gifts for grandchildren.
Don't put gifts in the chest.
To treat your grandchildren, keep them in your pocket at the ready.

3. The third pocket is like a trap for a stash.
Hide it far, hide it deep,
So that no one finds, so that no one takes away!

4. Pocket fourth, the most worn.
Pocket for glasses.
Put your glasses in your pocket and don’t try to use them often,
Resist vision loss.

5. Fifth pocket, for seed bags.
Pocket for individual labor activity.
Sow your garden. Harvest the harvest.
Without pickles and preserves, retirement will not be paradise.

6. Pocket six - time to rest.
Pocket for seeds.
Sitting on a bench, click the seeds.
You retired, you found extra time.
Wear ______________ apron and don’t take it off, treat your friends to tea!
Now you have a free life:
Ahead - “free program”:

If you want, sleep, but if you want, have fun.
If you want, starve, but if you want, get better
(But this task is difficult to complete:
Eating a lot of fat is impossible today!)
If you want, open a cooperative,
If you want, travel with a letter of credit.

Both Monaco and Valencia are waiting for you
(If you have income other than a pension!)
If you want, watch a movie in the morning,
Or open the window wide
And hula-hoop for hours.

If you don’t want to “twist”, lie down.
Now you can rest easy,
Love, be friends, walk at night
(after all, you can sleep in the morning!)
And see friends more often,
And read different books!

3 toast ________________________________

Competition by choice

PENSION CERTIFICATES with the following comment. You must make this certification yourself. On the front side write who it was given to, and on the other side the following wish:

How will you receive the book?
Take care of her - They won’t give you money
Without a book, oh my!
Be a girl at heart
Jump like a goat
But this little book
Respect for
That you can drive
Without taking a ticket.

If you want, fold your hands,
Since there is no hunting
Commute to work
And break the spine
That's just what you're looking for
Will you buy me a bite?

How will you receive your pension?
You will live for five days
And you will rush with a song
Work hard again!
Such a pension
It’s not in vain that they give us -
So that we don't grow old
Never, friends!

For this concern
Dear authorities
Let's not leave work
Until the last days!!!

Sand ceremony

Dear ___________________________!

Now we will create a festive cocktail together with you! So,

1. White color- you were born!
Making mom and dad happy!
They gave you the name.
For joy, love and happiness!

2. Blue - you are 18!
Dancing, love and flowers!
Youth, romance!
Do you have something to remember?
Your hopes and dreams!

3. Red is your holiday!
And again you are good!
Wisdom has arrived, your life is arranged!
Children dote on souls!

4. Orange is the color of success.

5. Yellow is the color of sun, comfort, warmth,
Always have good weather at home!

6. Green is the color of wealth
Let him bring happiness with gold!

And to avoid boredom, these sparkles are your grandchildren! Dilute your cocktail with them, and life will become more fun!

I worked a lot, and my work was not in vain!
This is why, my dear, you have been given a pension!
You have become more prosperous, poverty will not return.
Thank you very much to the President, he takes care of everyone!
Don't be sad, don't be sad, there's no going back to those past days!
Smile always and everywhere, and don’t go to the doctor!
God grant that everything goes well.
Always behave decently!
Don't get sick, don't be sad,
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,
Never grow old
All men like it!
Enough talking about fairy tales!
Now is the time to drink vodka.

Competition by choice

Pension is a word that flows gently like a stream.
Just ask anyone
Who doesn't think about her?
Everyone goes out of their way,
To live until retirement.

Only in retirement can you
Live calmly, don't bother.
No need from the director
No need to ask for time off.
The money will be sent directly to your home
Postmen bring.

Take care of your health,
Take a cold shower
And all the colds and illnesses
Don't let him on the threshold.
On the estate plot
Sow cabbage, radish, horseradish,
So that your ship is a family one
Didn't give the slightest tilt.

And we wish you the most
(God is my witness - that’s the cross)
So that you can see (see) during your lifetime
Your great-grandchildren's brides.

If you occasionally feel sad,
If the light becomes not nice,
Let it remind you of us
This modest souvenir.

(A gift is given.)

Raffle box or by name

Line up 11 people with the letters PENSIONER

Attention! Attention! Yours is coming finest hour! Answer quickly and correctly! The presenter asks the hero of the day questions, to which she answers: “Yes.”

Do you have the title of an ideal wife?

Blow a kiss to your other half.

Title “ loving mother" There is?

Name the children.

Has the respectable title of “mother-in-law” been awarded?

Give your son-in-law a compliment.

Has the high title of “grandmother” already been earned?

How does the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” end?

The answer to all questions was “yes”, the test was passed with honor. This means that the time has come to add the noble title “Pensioner” to the titles already mentioned.

Readiness No. 1. Eleven guests line up in one line, each with a piece of paper with a letter in their hands, and together they form the word “pensioner.” While the host reads the poem, after each line, the guests turn over one letter in order.

So many years have flown by...
We barely had time to count...
But it’s not worth it, we know, no...
Suffer and be sad...
And there is still a large supply,
Let's reveal a secret:
...Our hero does not lose heart...
We will cope with it for a hundred years...
Blush, joyful,...
Beautiful, sweet,...
Active as a pioneer...
Worthy of the title...
All. Pensioner.

To the applause and fireworks of sparklers, the hero of the day is tied with a “Mrs. Liberty” ribbon over her shoulder.

Oath of a young pensioner

Leading: Today we accept our ……….. into the pensioners society ( name of state) and take an oath from her:

I, a young pensioner of _________ (name of country), joining the honorary society of pensioners, working and non-working, moderate drinkers and non-drinkers, poking my nose everywhere, solemnly swear: To be a worthy member of society, that is, to constantly be of sound spirit and sound body Don’t let yourself be knocked down by the wind, illness, or drunkenness.

She): I swear!


Work tirelessly, without stretching your legs.
Walk confidently along any road!
I swear!


Be sharp on the tongue, eyes and ears.
Don’t give in to sadness, illness, or cold!
I swear!


Drink only with friends, and then little by little.
Always find a path to the house.
I swear!

Leading: Dear ___________________! We accept you into the ranks so that you will not know trouble.
Don’t get sick, don’t be discouraged, eat more, sleep better.
Be cheerful and don’t swear, never worry.
Young so that a pensioner can do everything and manage to do everything.
To live, when everything is in moderation, to the title of honorary pensioner.
And when you are a hundred, we will set this table again!

Competitions, costume show

Competition by choice


We hand over the document to you.

You deserve it - get it.

You will lie on the stove,

There is pie and rolls!

(A pie is presented.)

For the mind you want food -

We'll tell you this:

Useful in education

Dostoevsky or Balzac.

(A work by Dostoevsky or Balzac is presented.)

If the soul asks for love,

The output is flawless:

Serial stories -

Like a balm for the heart.

(A disc with your favorite TV series is presented.)

If you are drawn to the garden

Or you need to warm up,

Take yourself to help

Garden equipment.

(A watering can, garden shears, etc. are handed over)

.Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. Based on all of the above, the pensioners’ council allows you, Rimma Mikhailovna, to join the pensioners’ party. To do this you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, children and husband, solemnly swear: with the fervor of my heart, to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children, to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with her responsibilities and rights.
Responsibilities: (on the screen)

Get up, wash. Sit down and eat.
Receive guests
Don't forget your friends.
Put the mash to distill.
Play sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Don't get sick, don't be sad,
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,
Never grow old
All men like it.

Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie there.
If I want to, I’ll start drinking.
I'll go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
I love whoever I want.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!

Ved. Not gilded in a festive way,
And in an everyday preoccupied way,
Unable to sit with folded arms,
He looks older,
She didn’t count wrinkles or gray hairs,
Has not lost its modest charm,
Preserving the glow of the eye,
Forgave him all his sorrows,
Best dreams who has not forgotten hers,
Taught him constancy, -
Like this, simple and proud,
He loves more than ever!
Here's the one best wife, loves you, Rimma Mikhailovna, and your husband is Sergei Ivanovich. And we give him the floor to congratulate him.

VED.: Our dear Rimma, we all know you as a wonderful, cheerful friend, a hospitable hostess, a loving wife. And also, you are a wonderful mother of two sons. Today is a special day for them, so I want to give them the floor.

The presenters invite their sons to the center of the hall

HOST: Rimma, do you remember how small your sons were, how they loved to sit in your arms? Come on, let's remember.
The presenters invite the hero of the day to sit on a chair and, to the applause of the guests, place their now adult children on their laps.
HOST: Are you comfortable in your mother’s arms? Now, take your mommy in your arms and kiss her quickly.

A song about mom plays, the sons take mom in their arms, kiss her, carry her to the table, and say a toast.

On this glorious day all the relatives
I wish you a lot of happiness here,
don't live a day without joy
And drive away all misfortunes!
So that there is peace and harmony in the soul,
May you have good health
And so that the years go back,
And may the sun always shine!
To hear congratulations,
I want to give my word to my relatives!

Ved.: Words of congratulations now
Sounded from dear friends.
On an anniversary like yours,
Should be even more fun!
Our hero is worthy of honor,
Now we will arrange something for you.

Program Guide.

TV, there is a presenter, a group of guests to perform songs.

Ved.: Good afternoon! Our audience is different
We send you greetings on screen.
To everyone who is watching us today
We will tell you without embellishment
News from one outback,
Our story is about a fellow countrywoman.
From the village of Reid
A message has arrived -
To everyone's surprise.
There is one beauty
And she is the cutest of all,
She is called Rimma,
Her heart is like the sun.
If there is a holiday in the clubhouse,
She's the first to tell jokes
The ringleader, the actor,
That's how a woman is! Believe me!
And I used to be a kolobok,
And dived like a fish,
If necessary, as a cop
It will become very nimble.
You can’t count all the roles,
After all, Rimma has talent!
And slender, but majestic!
Stands out like a peahen
Well, he speaks speeches,
It's like a river is babbling.
But she's a coward, that's it
When the mouse sees it, it screams!
And for the rest:
Wonderful country woman
This citizen!
All animals will confirm this,
Even a shepherd puppy.
That woman - premium!
Reid lives in the village!
And now the vocal and instrumental group “Slender Waist”, no, excuse me, the group “Saggy Belly” will tell us about this woman.
A group of guests comes out, stepping heavily, stroking their bellies, and sings to the tune of the song “ New turn».
We promised ourselves
Don't stray from the straight path,
But it got to Rimma... m..m..m
And it will cook and fry,
The curtains are starched,
Hey, come quickly...m..m..m

Chorus: Here, a nice damn compote,
It doesn't fit in my mouth anymore
And I'm so excited
And she carries:
Olivier salad,
Sauce, marmalade.
Ahead, believe me,
Meat from geese
Have pity on me.

There's a plate of cucumbers,
And potatoes with jellied meat.
Here he is carrying baked goods...m..m..m
And salads are carbonates!
Oh, my belly is growing, guys!
But I put everything in my mouth...m..m..m

Ved.: We complete the transmission,
In conclusion we wish
Live without old age
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings,
We know: You are worthy of them!

Ved.Now I will ask our hero of the day to go to the middle of the hall.
Look, she's just beautiful real woman.
And if anyone doubts this, that she is just a real woman, then I will now prove it to you.
1. A real woman simply needs to smell sweet.
Perfume to the exit. (to a man)
Let's create a halo of fragrance around our beauty...
2. It would be nice for our hero of the day to have beautiful beads(to the man)
–Be like beads – hang elegantly around your neck.
3. The portrait is good. But the gold bracelet is missing.
Gold bracelet for going out.
4. What else does a real woman need? Handbag
She will hang on your hand
5. And at the end of the portrait! Foreign car!
Stand next to me. Let her lean on you like a master.

Now look: here is a real woman!
There's so much hovering around her courageous men, one does not let go of her hand (watch), the other bewitches her with his charms (perfume), and the rest simply hang on her. Isn’t this proof that our hero of the day is a real woman?

Ved.: Dear guests!
Today is not an easy day for all of us,
Today the doors of the heart have been opened.
So that wishes flow like a river,
To do this, pour wine into a glass.
It's time for us to congratulate
Here, at the table, is a beautiful maiden.
Yes, yes, the hero of the great celebration,
We will give congratulations like the Firebird!
Let's fill the glasses to the brim,
And let's say congratulations
To the most wonderful hero of the day.
And then we’ll drink it all down!

Ved.: And now I invite several people to participate in the game. I will read the text, and you show everything that I read.
– You are walking through a hot desert. You are terribly thirsty. Your throat is dry and you can barely move your legs. And the sun burns mercilessly. Suddenly, on the horizon you see an oasis. With all your strength you go to him. Seeing the stream, you are incredibly happy, raise your hands to the heavens and drop to your knees. Leaning on your hands, you tilt your head towards the water.
Everyone gets down on all fours. The presenter salutes the birthday girl and addresses her.
– Dear Rimma, in honor of your anniversary, a platoon of service dogs has been built!

Second toast.

Host: And we continue to congratulate... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day). As the proverb says, tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. And about female friendship In general, there are a lot of fables. It’s as if it doesn’t happen at all... It happens, just like it happens! There is not a single woman in the world who does not have girlfriends. So, our hero of the occasion is congratulated by her friends!

to the tune of a song from the film “Wedding with a Dowry” (“I won’t praise myself in vain...”)
A song about you, friend
We composed it in the morning,
You and I are so wonderful,
So much light and goodness!
All people will say about you:
Both beautiful and smart
Our women's shortcomings
Completely deprived!
You, girlfriend-girlfriend,
Don't waste your time:
Get out the “check” quickly
And pour some for your friends!
Life will seem more and more beautiful
We'll sing and dance,
All men will be ours,
I won't run away from anyone

Ved. There are only two numbers five and five.
But how much do they mean?
and how different everything looks.
It just depends on how to present them...
Add them up - there are only ten
And childhood is seen again...
You still can’t weigh everything in life.
But I want to hug the whole world.
Multiply them - it will be twenty-five
Diseases are still unknown.
Ready to hug my friends
And you want to live and be useful.
Two numbers next to each other five and five
You know how to weigh and argue
I don't want to hug many people.
But you know life
and you can build
and rebuild again.

Dear birthday girl, may today’s holiday always remind you that retirement is not a reason to fold your arms. It's time to experiment! You can change your hair color, you can sew a breathtaking dress, grow roses in pots, learn something you never had time for... The main thing is to be sure: life is just beginning! We wish you this good health so that it is enough for all your experiments and for many, many years happy life!

In a woman's life there are several important stages:

girlhood- when you want everything, but your parents don’t let you;

marriage- when you want everything, but your husband won’t let you;

parenting- when you want even more, but the children don’t let you; And,

finally , retirement- when everything is possible and no one will forbid you!

Let's drink to this wonderful age when a woman can finally devote her time to herself!
Presenter. As if it didn't happen to us,
Eighteen, twenty, twenty-five.
And where did the strength come from?
That we could fly like birds.

Eighteen rushed by like a dream,
Bright carefree years.
First love in less than twenty,
And a family with a child at twenty-two.

At twenty-five, life was seething like the sea,
Then suddenly it lifted to the heavens,
It threw us into the abyss of grief,
And sometimes it burst at all the seams.

Time passed and the children grew up,
We are now raising our grandchildren,
Our songs are at the cradle again,
As before, they sound with tenderness.

The youths say after us: “old women”
They, the beardless ones, simply don’t understand:
That we are getting younger, like science,
It will be a hundred, but in the heart - twenty-five

Competition for the best fairy tale expert

1A tale about a hostel that collapsed due to overcrowding. Teremok
2. A tale about the benefits of collective work in agriculture. turnip
3. A tale about the unsafety of casual dating. Little Red Riding Hood
4. A fairy tale about how you can work in a hostel and get married somewhere else. Snow White
5. A tale with three assassination attempts and one murder . Kolobok
6. A fairy tale that, being an absolute log, you can provide well for your parents’ old age. Pinocchio
7. A folk action film in which two people, brought up in old traditions, were unable to achieve the required result, and the little sneaky one carried out what those two had planned. Ryaba hen
8. This fairy tale is a vivid advertisement for home fire insurance . cat house
9. Fairy tale - tutorial for fathers-in-law to check their daughters-in-law. Princess Frog
10. A fairy tale in which the fox stays in civil marriage with a cat . Kotofey Ivanovich
11. A fairy tale with four proposals and only one wedding . Thumbelina
12. People's detective story about the kidnapping of seven minors . Wolf and 7 kids
13. A fairy tale in which one pet suits the owner’s personal life. Puss in Boots
14. A fairy tale that it is easier for a man to change his chosen one than his habits. Blue Beard

Ved. And now I suggest you go back a little to your childhood. And remember all the good things that once happened to us... in the USSR (PIONEERS)
(The presenter suggests singing the song “Let the blue nights flutter with fires.” Three guests enter the hall, dressed as pioneers or schoolchildren. The presenter must distribute the text to them in advance).

Ved. As you know, in wine there is wisdom, in cognac there is strength, in vodka there is joy, in beer there is strength, and only in water there are microbes. Therefore, I suggest once again filling the glasses, and how can one not remember the words of the poet:
What else do we need in life?
To forget about troubles instantly?
Nip, pull, tease,
Put it in the collar.
Life is like a zebra - all striped.
Celebrate fate's whim
All the way, to the insole, to the board
And to the prostrate position.
It's easy to knock us out of the saddle,
And more reliable than lead,
Drink, drink, drink,
Snitch at the end!

Presenter. Has all its meaning -
And the course of times, and the course of things.
Great anniversary!
Let's raise our glasses full,
May your finest hour come,
So that love doesn't cool down,
Hope inspired you.
You look amazing to everyone
A wise, clear look is beautiful.
We wish you a beautiful life,
Easy second fifty!
(The guests drink).
Presenter: Every age of a woman is beautiful!
Freshness, youth, wisdom, maturity...
And for those to whom the question is not clear -
I want to give an answer to that question.

Youth, well, it’s always beautiful -
Who doesn't look back on youth?
A woman in her prime is not in vain
A fiery poet sings.

Wisdom comes in middle age,
Experience - at least share some advice!
The grandchildren call grandma, they come in,
Second youth! Move

A woman is always beautiful!
Body, deed, thought, soul,
Life is not in vain,
And she will be forever young

Ved.: And we continue our news program. And in honor of the beautiful woman Rimma, the folk group “Lapti - Give” will perform ditties.

TALE (Instant performance)
King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken
In a certain kingdom-state there lived a positive optimist king. One day the king was walking along a forest path, and not just walking, but jumping. He waved his arms and generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a colorful butterfly, but I still couldn’t catch it. And the butterfly will stick out its tongue to him. Then he makes a face. In general, an indecent word will be shouted. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and it flew away into the thicket of the forest.

And the king laughed and rode on. Suddenly a little bunny jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the ostrich pose, head down, that is. The bunny was surprised by such a royal pose. Trembling with fear. The bunny's legs began to shake. And the bunny screamed in an inhuman voice.

And just then the fox was returning from a night shift at the poultry farm. I took the chicken home. The fox saw what was happening on the path, and in surprise he let go of the chicken. And the chicken turned out to be impudent. She cackled with delight and slapped the fox so hard that she grabbed her head in pain.

And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked him in a soft place. The king jumped in surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, out of such fear, jumped onto the fox’s paws and grabbed her by the ears. The fox then abruptly took a course into the forest thicket.

And the king and the brave chicken still jumped along the path cheerfully and positively. And then. Holding hands. They galloped off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know that, but I think he’ll definitely pour it for her. As do all the guests present.

Leading: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened... he pours!!!
Musical pause


Details, attributes: a box of chocolates, a pack of tea, clothes for “girls”: scarves, bows, headbands, etc., short skirts, stockings, flip-flops with bows.

The congratulations are attended by guys or men, big, with bellies.

Having prepared in advance, the “girls with three girths” enter the hall.

(The scene involves guys and men in disguise, headscarves or bows on their heads, pre-sewn tutu skirts, stockings, and boxes in their hands - gifts with a surprise inside)

We are girls with three girths
We have come to your holiday
And congratulate the recipient
Better time not found

Brought greetings with them
And smiles ringing laughter
And in a box of chocolates
So that success accompanies

And we also wish
Never be bored
And invite us more often
Oh! For strong delicious tea

Also follow the instructions
Never be discouraged
And in a good mood
you always welcome guests
(Balloons are given)

In this OH! cozy home
We sang nonsense
Pour some glasses quickly
The grooms are waiting for us

We will hold this competition between the two sides of the tables. The first people sitting at the tables are given one piece of paper and a pen. At the leader's command, they must start making a paper airplane. As soon as someone has made his airplane, he passes it to the second guest and gives him the pen. The second guest at the table must write one word as a wish on the airplane. For example, happiness, love or health. And then he passes both the pen and the airplane to the third. The third guest also writes one word wish and passes it on. And so on. The main condition is that you cannot repeat words that are already written on the airplane! And in the end, whichever side of the table is the first to deliver its airplane with wishes to the hero of the day, wins

The host offers a drink to all the congratulations that were addressed to the hero of the day.
Ved.: Dear guests! We got so carried away with congratulations and forgot that today is not an easy day. anniversary. 55 years for a woman- this is a boundary, having crossed which, she begins to live in a new quality. As a pensioner, in our case as a working pensioner.
The gray hairs hid, the fire burns in their eyes,
Today, on a holiday, you are among friends.
We are now in a hurry to congratulate you with all our hearts
All the guests at the table on your anniversary.
Today you have attention here, love,
We all hasten to wish you success.
You remember your former youth again,
You keep dreaming about your pension!
And on a bright day for us, in a night eclipse,
The path is paved for you by a bright star,
Let everything always be, only according to desire -
Longing and sadness will leave the heart.
Today is such a special day for you,
We are ready to confirm all this -
And this choice is yours quite consciously,
To be a working pensioner!

for birthdays, anniversaries and just for holidays

The best impromptu requires careful preparation - organizers of birthdays and anniversaries know this better than anyone. the main task festive scenario is to unobtrusively captivate guests and put them in a good mood. This can be done through fun games that look impromptu, or a serious scenario with a flexible approach.

It is important to understand that a holiday is an unpredictable phenomenon, in which there is always room for retreats or changes in mood. Therefore, the organizer of the holiday is like a good conductor, who is also a psychologist. Noticing in time that the mood of the guests has gone in the wrong direction, stopping a tense situation, diverting attention from a problem that has arisen by chance - that’s what a real organizer is.

The script for a birthday or any other holiday has a modular structure that allows you to change places in the program, closing random breaks. Even if at first glance everything in the script is subject to linear logic, there is always the opportunity to rearrange it on the fly, literally between toasts. Guests won’t notice anything, and the holiday will only gain momentum!

Scenarios for anniversary birthdays for women and men

Festive anniversary in nature

If the weather permits, you can spend it in a very original and undoubtedly fun way. Nature encourages a friendly attitude towards everything around you, so games and pranks involving dousing with water, sprinkling with flour, and the like go off with a bang.

You can start your anniversary celebration with a comic congratulation.

I want to conduct a test on the mental abilities of the hero of the day. To do this, take an ordinary matchbox. We stick one match into the box and give the other to the hero of the occasion. I will ask questions. If the birthday person finds it difficult to answer, he must light the match on the box with his match.

After a few simple questions, the host asks: “When is the donkey’s birthday?” The subject naturally lights a match. The moment has come to solemnly hand him this box with a burning match and sing in chorus “Happy Birthday to you”

(in the voice of Owl from the cartoon “The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”). Expensive …. ! Happy Birthday to You! At this joyful moment, let me present you with this wonderful cord (brings a bucket from which the cord hangs).

The culprit solemnly pulls the cord and pulls out a bottle of champagne or vodka.

And now I invite everyone present to take part in the competition “Do you know the hero of the day?” The first guest to answer the question correctly receives candy. At the end of the quiz, the owner of the most candies will receive a prize from the birthday boy - a photograph with a personal autograph and the right to drink with him at the Brotherhood.

Sample list of questions.
1. Name the day of the week when the birthday boy was born.
2. His height, weight at birth.
3. Where did this event take place?
4. What time of day was it.
5. What was the name of the kindergarten teacher.
6. Favorite toy.
7. The birthday boy’s best school friend
8. What kind of education did he receive?
9. Where was the first day of work?
10. When I bought my first car.
11. Where did you spend your last vacation?
12. Where did you meet your other half?
13. When was the wedding day.
14. What was the weather like that day.
15. State the exact age of the children.
16. Favorite dish.
17. Favorite drink.
18. Favorite activity.
19. Favorite books/movies.
20. Foot size.
21. How many acres does the dacha plot occupy?
22. Favorite alcoholic drink.
23. Car brand.
24. Name best friend(girlfriends).
25. Favorite song.

It is advisable to ask simple questions, such that you can find out the answers in advance, although everything depends on the company and it is not always necessary to know the answer to the question; in this case, they are purely symbolic.

This is where we can finish the official part and move on to the wild entertainment part.
For the birthday boy, you can arrange an impromptu concert and at the same time demonstrate your many talents.

Joke-raffle “Fun fortune-telling”

Good people, I’ll try to surprise you
And I am surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will guess the riddle?
He will find out his fate.
So, my 1st riddle:
Is there a heel behind his nose? (shoe)

We continue fortune telling - gild the handle...
I wish my predictions come true!

Surprises await you in life
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
A huge house, a blooming garden,
The husband is rich and doesn't drink
And there are plenty of other miracles!

When you wake up one day, you see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle he will pick up, lovingly,
And he will take you to distant lands.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied meat from offal
And dried fruit compote.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret.
So you'll become a cook!

You will be fat and ruddy,
You will raise geese and chickens.
The husband will drive up on a tractor and shout loudly:
“Smoke break, serve lunch, wife,
And a bottle of wine!”

You will be a noble knight,
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to stand up for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

Your house will be a full cup,
There is always an influx of guests there,
And your wife is the most beautiful of all,
There will be seven children.
And one day you come drunk:
An uneven step, a dull look...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white Volga
With a yacht flying in the azure waves.
With bronze tan on strong shoulders.

If it doesn't come out of you
Sissies and crybabies,
Then life will give you
Brand new bucks!

There are many miracles in life,
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

There are many ways and things to do in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then the road is wide
It will not become a narrow path!

My husband will buy earrings, fashionable boots,
He will carry it in his arms
and don’t ask for half a liter!

This is the news you received:
No salty food today!
And then, lo and behold, you’ll give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Salty foods make babies!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known throughout the area as a millionaire!
Because Uncle will be found in America
He will leave you an inheritance without looking!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
That's what you'll gain from the shoes' laces!

So as not to get bored
We need to sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people
If people are happy
You will become a pop star!

If you want to be happy,
So here's some advice for you:
Eat 3 kilograms of salt
And a big bag of sweets.,
Then drink some vodka...
You'll be happy for the life of you!
I was chatting here, joking...
Still didn’t please someone
I see someone's sad eyes...
Well, there will be dancing for you too...

Scenario for the 55th anniversary (for woman)

Script Lead: Dear Colleagues! Dear birthday girl!

Today we are in friendly fun company, in our so-called “banquet hall” we decided to congratulate the hero of the day.
Let this day go down in history forever,
And it will only bring joy to the birthday girl,
And let the guests have fun carelessly,
I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.

Why are there so many people?
All my friends have gathered here,
For a well-deserved rest,
They came to congratulate you.

Well, here's two A's for you,
How quickly the years fly by
But for a reason like this
Don't be upset!

Of course it's not 16
And far from 25,
But, to be honest,
There is no reason to be sad!

After all, a string of difficult years
Didn't ruin the portrait.
Let's look honestly, from above:
What were you like before?
I walked - my ribs rang,
And now - what a body!
The bones are overgrown with meat,
Features are rounded:
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is something to take, something to look at,
There is something to cling to with your bones.
And those eyes with a sparkle
They'll drive anyone crazy!
And therefore, without further ado, I want to raise the first glass to our hero of the occasion.

Leading: And now I want to give the floor for congratulations to the director of our team.

Director: Dear _______________!

From the bottom of my heart with great respect
Today please accept our congratulations
We are pleased to congratulate you and wish you
Still work, still dare.
Do not grow old in soul and appearance
Be blooming as before.
Keep the flame of the soul and continue to love.
Be as beautiful as always for you for many years to come.

(A gift is given)

The team sings congratulations to the tune of the song “I'm Standing at a Stop Station” and gives gifts.

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way left behind.
The words are welcoming.
Where are your cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned.

As a sign of our attention
Please accept my wishes,
Live many years to the joy of everyone.
May the years be like a blizzard
Everything is turning gray,
And the light warms youth!

Inconspicuous happiness for you,
Unchanged success,
We wish you great luck many times over.
I wish you excellent health, hope and personal happiness,
May youth never leave you!

Let adversity be forgotten
And all your wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love.
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful!

Host: This holiday is a birthday.
Just a glorious anniversary.
So that the fun continues,
I’ll tell everyone: “Pour it!”

I suggest you drink to these wonderful wishes!

Host: You cried when you were born,
And everyone around laughed...
But we really did have a little pensioner.

Leading: A word of congratulations is presented to our pensioners.

1. The hour has come for retirement!
It happens to us once in a lifetime!

2.We came here today
I wish you many years to come,
Please accept Lyubasha from us
Hello pensioners.

3. I worked a lot,
You didn't work in vain,
This is why, dear,
You have been given a pension.

4.Will you stay at home?
You will be bored, grow old,
If you sing in the choir,
You will immediately look younger.

5. There is no reason for sadness and tears -
The autumn of life is like frost in winter;
Let's tell everyone without hiding anything:
Every age has its own charm!

6. Our age only brings experience
He doesn't age you at all:
After all, 55 is not autumn for us yet,
But only the velvet season.

7. Don’t be sad and don’t be sad,
There's no going back to those days of old
Smile always and everywhere
And don't go to doctors.

8. On this anniversary day, beautiful,
We would like to sincerely wish:
Only joy, long life,
Do not know sorrows and grief.

9.And we wish you continued
Not getting old, but getting younger.
Multiply series of fives
Yes, live in abundance
Without despondency and problems,
To be needed always and by everyone.

Leading: And now comes the solemn moment. Based on all of the above, the Council of Pensioners allows you, Lyubov Vladimirovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues and husband, solemnly swear: with the fervor of my heart, to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children, to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with her responsibilities and rights.
Responsibilities: (on the screen)

Get up, wash. Sit down and eat.
Receive guests
Don't forget your friends.
Put the mash to distill.
Play sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Don't get sick, don't be sad,
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,
Never grow old
All men like it.

Rights of a young pensioner: (read by the hero of the day herself)

When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie there.
If I want to, I’ll start drinking.
I'll go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
I love whoever I want.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot of things to do!

Presenter: Today, each of the guests, as a sign of respect for you, would like to say special words and give a special gift.
- We would give you a miracle,
A wonderful moment of magic
Only a miracle was created before,
The people who gave you life, birth!

Please raise your glasses and drink to the parents of the hero of the day __________________!

Be healthy, beloved wife,
So that your wallet is always tight
Optimism and creativity!
Every day to give joy.
Since we're talking about men,
I want to remind you of a man
who many years ago fell in love with our (name)
and is still a support and shoulder
V family life for her. AND
So, word from the wife of the hero of the day.

How much beauty is there in the world:
Sun, blue sky,
And spring flowers
They can't compare with you.
For many years we walked side by side,
There was everything: sadness and joy
Now the grandchildren have grown up,
Old age is already knocking on our door.
We won't let her into the house
Let him walk longer
When he comes again later,
Let him not find us at home.
You are my good one
I always feel at ease with you
I give you flowers
And a surprise with a lot of love.

I give you this song. “I love you to tears” or others.

Thank you for finding words that please and comfort you at the right moment.

I want to drink to the fact that you exist!

Leading: Today telegrams were sent to the hero of the day. Let me read them

Granny, hello, don't be sad,
The candy is out, mind you.
Your grandson _______-.

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents.
For those who gave the joy of life,
And he opened the doors to a beautiful world.
For those who taught him kindness,
Endowed him with a considerable amount of intelligence.
For those thanks to whom now
Vanya is sitting among us as a birthday boy.

So, let's fill our glasses and drink to the parents of our hero of the day, let them have fun and enjoyment today.
Dear guests! We learned a lot today about the hero of the day, there were a lot of congratulations and wishes addressed to him. But not everyone present congratulated him yet. The floor is given to the sister and brother of the hero of the day.

Dear friends, we continue our evening dedicated to the 30th anniversary

Happy thirty year anniversary
All friends rush to congratulate
And wherever fate takes them -
Everyone came here today.
We wish you health
And a long life without worries,
Good luck, happiness and luck!
The time has come for big victories!

Let's all fill our glasses and drink to the happiness and health of our birthday boy!

Wow, I see you moved something? Wait, I will introduce you to the Rules of our evening. Our charter states:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 20__ Ivan's anniversary is not cancelled.
3. Remember: it didn’t hurt for everyone to start having a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted around the clock for another month after this evening and cannot be returned.

And now the floor is given to the beloved wife of the hero of the day.

We congratulate you on this significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And many sincere friends.
We do not give to the birthday boy
No headsets, no rings,
You'll probably receive it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

I offer the floor to congratulate my friends. Dear guests, dear birthday boy, the children’s nursery group “Mouse” has come to your holiday!

Congratulates Uncle Vanya
Our favorite kindergarten,
Sends greetings to you, dear,
Junior nursery team.
We promise to listen to Vanya,
Always go to the potty
When everyone has eaten the porridge,
We'll take the cups away.
Be healthy Uncle Vanya!
Many many more days
We promise that we will come
To your hundredth anniversary!

Dear guests! I ask you to fill your glasses with white, and drop some red into your glasses.

Believe it if you want
Believe it or not if you want it,
There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.
Doesn't live in the dense forest,
In Russian the mighty language.
This animal is called “moose”
“It’s been like this for a long time.”
Let “ELK” be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
So that you would like and be able to
So that happiness does not end,
So that you DREAM about good things, so that things succeed
May everything always come true!

We want to congratulate you
With a wonderful date - thirty years.
You have already achieved a lot,
But now all the strength has begun to blossom.
Let hope never
Your earthly one will not leave the path.
May he be full of success!
We don’t want to turn away from it!

On Canary Islands Of the 365 days a year, only 350 are sunny.
So we wish you, Vanya, that there will be a balance of joyful and sad days in your life.
But the natives of the Canary Islands are far from stupid. During those 15 days when there is no sun, they all gather together in their large huts and drink the fermented juice of tropical mangoes. And again in their souls good mood, the sun is shining in their souls again. And you, Vanya, on gloomy and stormy days, do not forget to take mango fruits. And if you don’t have juice on hand, use any substitute from 12 to 40 degrees

For your anniversary!
Thirty years is a special age.
Life leads us forward slowly,
We want to wish you that
The soul has not aged over the years.
So that creativity does not leave,
So that the table is wide with wine,
To make music sound in the house,
To make your wife love you more.
Birthday is a responsible step,
Thirty years in life means something.
Be happy and healthy, like Hercules.
May luck not leave you!

Listen, Ivan, this is the thing -
Vodka began to boil in the glasses,
So that she doesn't run out of steam,
We need to sip a little.
For a reason like this
Let's say a small toast.

Masha and Glasha meet.
- Masha, how is your husband Misha?
- As he drank, so he drinks, as he beat, so he hits.
- Well, thank God, if only he wasn’t sick!
For the health of everyone present!

Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is coming to an end. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

We had a great time on your holiday
Nowhere have we seen a more beautiful holiday
So be healthy, live richly,
And we are leaving for the house and the hut!
The evening ends with songs and dances.

If everything is ready,
The heart beats more and more strongly,
We will open together, together
The long-awaited anniversary!
Let the guests applaud
They sound jubilant now...
Valentina Viktorovna dear,
We look forward to seeing you!
Dear ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Valentina Viktorovna We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. Today everything is for you: flowers, music, songs, poems, and these fireworks today are also in your honor!
(Fanfare, guests pop balloons)
And each of us came to your holiday with the sole purpose of giving you many happy moments so that you remember this day as the most bright event in your life.
AND OUR FIRST SURPRISE IS A unique opportunity to walk under the RAINBOW OF HAPPINESS. Let each color give you hope, protect you from troubles and bring you good luck.

1. You step under red - the color of great and passionate love!
2. If you stand under orange, you will live with your husband for a long time!
3. Yellow always towards wealth - you will become closer to happiness
4. The color green is a symbol of happiness - let bad weather pass you by!
5. You stepped into the blue one - there will be peace and tranquility in the house!
6. Blue color shines for you and promises health!
7. Purple is now a symbol of loyal friends!
Let this day go down in history forever,
And it will only bring joy to the birthday girl,
And let the guests have fun carelessly,
I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.
Well, guests, stood up together,
They raised their glasses cheerfully.
Let's wish Valentina happiness,
And let’s shout in unison three times: “congratulations”! (fanfare)
Dear guests, please start your meal, but while you have a drink and a snack, we would like to announce the forecast for today's celebration.
(the soundtrack “Weather Forecast” plays)

Today is expected to be cloudy and an anniversary hurricane with champagne. The temperature above the table is 400, the air is filled with fun. There is fog in the head at night, but it may clear up in the morning.
Read out the rules of behavior at today's celebration.

1. We ask you to have fun, otherwise we won’t let you get hungover.
2. You must drink the first three glasses, the rest will go uninvited
3. After the 10th glass, it is advisable to start singing, but it is undesirable to put your elbow in your neighbor’s plate.
4. Please don’t be discouraged, dance until you drop, if you can’t dance standing, dance
5. Remember, drink to the bottom, but don’t lie down.
6.It is strictly forbidden to meet under a table or on the roof

If you are before leaving But we strictly prohibit
Found slightly to go home then,
Wearing other people's things When they are next to you This right is not a problem Someone else's husband or wife.

On this glorious birthday, sing songs, read poems,
I give the order: Dance and don’t get bored!
Don't fall asleep until the morning, Everyone's going to the fullest
Drink alcohol, celebrate birthday!

They say...that we all come from childhood. And childhood is our parents and our father’s house...
(A lyrical melody begins to sound quietly, on the screen there is a video sequence with photographs of the parents and children’s photographs of the hero of the day. In the background are the words:)

Parental home is a place from Paradise.
Where time froze on the hands of the clock.
And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart,
Will give you warmth and love.

Where dad will support both in word and deed
And he’ll tell a story, sitting down by the fire.
Parental home is a place under the sky,
Which is in your heart forever...

Today we have a great anniversary and our hero of the day is an excellent student, she has two straight A's, 5's and 5's.
Two fives stood side by side -
It turned out to be an anniversary.
We are happy to congratulate Valya
And we wish her soon:
May you be enchanted
Never leaves!
Your shine, smile, charm
They will always stay with you!
Let happiness, joy, radiance of the eyes,
Success will last for years!
And may all your wishes
Fate will answer: “Yes”!
Happy birthday!

Now I'll tell you about life path hero of the occasion. And I will involve the BIRTHDAY GIRL in this matter. Your task It is necessary to say, “Shouldn’t we have a drink?” This must be done after the words “And he says...”
Presenter In the Batyrevsky district, in the village of Bolshoye Chemenevo, on December 2, 1957, a girl named Valechka was born. So beautiful and pretty. All the relatives gathered for the viewing, and dad said...

Presenter No! He says: “Be my daughter happy.” Years go by, our little girl grew up and in 1965 she went to 1st grade. And she was so inquisitive, one day she came up to the teacher and said...

Birthday boy “Shouldn’t we have a drink?”

Presenter What are you talking about! She asked when I will be a pioneer like the other guys? Her teacher answered: Valechka is coming soon. She was an active pioneer, then a Komsomol member. So I finished school. I went to get a job. And the head of the personnel department says...
Birthday boy “Shouldn’t we have a drink?”

Presenter No, he says: “Start tomorrow.” And she started. Then she went to Kazakhstan, but she didn’t like it there, she returned. In January 1976, she got married, and on December 2, on her birthday, she gave herself and her husband a gift... Her first-born Andrei was born. One day, while conducting another round of the maternity hospital wards, the doctor approached Valentina and said...
Birthday boy “Shouldn’t we have a drink?”

Presenter What are you Valya, everything was not so, he says - What a wonderful baby you have, soon you will come to us for another one. And she came.. On January 11, 1980, Sasha was born, and then her daughter Masha was born on June 3, 1990.
Three children, a wonderful husband, loving relatives - isn’t this HAPPINESS And that’s why every year on December 2 our birthday girl says...
Birthday boy “Shouldn’t he have a drink?”

Dear guests, it’s time to congratulate the hero of the occasion,
Give gifts, hug and kiss.
First of all, he will take the floor,
The one who walks through life next to this woman.

The word is given to the HUSBAND.

Dear Valentina Viktorovna!
Today is your anniversary
Please accept congratulations
From your beloved children
Our hero of the day is glowing with happiness. Today is a special day, all those whom she loves and who love her have gathered in this hall. And everyone is in a wonderful mood, everyone is joyful and cheerful, as if the sun is illuminating everyone around. Orange sun, the sun of happiness and good luck. Meet the happy grandmother’s favorite sun with the dance “Orange Sun”
They danced together merrily
Isn't it time to eat?
Is it playful to drink wine?
Should I listen to a humorous toast?
Get to the table quickly
And fill your glasses!

And now let’s have such a chant after my words, the men say you have to drink for this, and the women, we don’t mind

HOST: Your anniversary is significant, But we don’t count the years.

HOST: And you are getting younger and younger - We notice this.
Men: “We need to drink for this!”
Women: “We don’t mind!”

LEADING: Happy days, health, we wish you more.
Men: “We need to drink for this!”
Women: “We don’t mind!”

HOST: We promise to come to the hundredth birthday!
Men: “We need to drink for this!”
Women: “We don’t mind!”

HOST: Now we all raise our glasses together! Men: “We need to drink for this!”
Women: “We don’t mind!”

Presenter: We congratulate everyone and we congratulate the hero of the day, and at this time her son-in-law, beloved and only son-in-law, is sitting modestly in this hall. And you know, dear guests, I’ll tell you a secret - today is his birthday. I suggest congratulating him and shouting three times CONGRATULATIONS. His beloved wife Masha, of course, wants to especially congratulate him. Over to you Masha...
You cried when you were born,
And everyone around laughed...
But we actually had a young pensioner born. You all know how capricious little ones can be, they are afraid of colds, and they are not overly smart, so to prevent his ears from swelling, his head from getting hot, and also to prevent different thoughts from creeping into his head, we decided to give him a cap.
(The presenter puts the cap on her)
And you all know that little ones are so inept and so clumsy that when they eat they get dirty themselves and dirty everything around them, so that this doesn’t happen we give him an apron. (The presenter puts on an apron)
And I also want to add to the above that young pensioners get upset about any reason, they always worry very loudly about everything, so their eyes are always wet. So that our pensioner would not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier.
(The presenter puts on a pacifier on a ribbon)
Host: And now comes the solemn moment. From all of the above, the Council of Pensioners allows you, Valentina Viktorovna, to join the party of pensioners. To do this you must take an oath.
Birthday girl: I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in the face of my relatives, friends, colleagues, husband and children, I solemnly swear: with the fervor of my heart, to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. To replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children, to our delight, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!
(The text of the oath must be printed in advance. You can also present a comic pass to the party of pensioners with a photo and seal here.)
Host: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with her responsibilities and rights.
Responsibilities: Get up, wash. Sit down and eat.
Receive guests
Don't forget your friends.
Put the mash to distill.
Play sports this year.
Be ready for defense and work.
Rights: When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want, I lie there.
If I want to, I’ll start drinking.
I'll go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
I love whoever I want.
We are pioneers, children of our country!
There is no one happier than us in the world.
To be with you again today,

His whole life serves as an example for children
And the Octobrists and the Pioneers.
We will continue to follow his example,
We came to congratulate Aunt Valya! (in unison)

We came to you to learn from our elders,
How should you drink so as not to get completely drunk?
How should you eat to keep your figure?
We came to congratulate Aunt Valya! (in unison)

We are the pioneers of the Soviet country,
Aunt Valya has been in love with you for a long time
We can't find a better friend -
We came to congratulate Aunt Valya! (in unison)

We say without despondency and laziness:
We don't know the generational conflict
You, Aunt Valya, are younger than us,
We must take your example in this too! (in unison)

Raise your bonfires, blue nights!
We, pioneers, ask for a glass,
It's time for adults to pour a drink,
We came to congratulate Aunt Valya!


Once upon a time on the Internet
Grandfather received a message:
“Lock your house quickly,
Hurry to our anniversary."
Below is the signature - I won’t lie,
Aunt Valya dot RU.

Thoughts began to drill into my brain:
What to give to the hero of the day?
He remembered about the miracle turnip,
Something that was ripening in a garden bed somewhere.
That nitrates were picking up,
In general, I tried to grow.
And as soon as I got into a frenzy
She shouted: “Both-on”

Grandfather, ready in the morning:
“You know, it’s time to pull it out”
She took the turnip and said: “Both-on”
And not out of the blue.

Grandfather is nervous, all on edge.
He and his grandmother have been divorced for a hundred years.
But I had to call her.
There was no better idea.

She flew from Siberia
And I was stunned with happiness.
Look, about forty years old
I had no affairs with a man.
“I gave him strength”
“You know, it’s time to pull it out”
Turnip again: “Both-on”
And not a damn thing.

Both are dragging, all in sweat.
They curse that turnip.
We decided to call our granddaughter.
She gathered her eyes into a bunch.
She barely said in a nasal voice:
"I'm always ready"
“I gave him strength”
“You know, it’s time to pull it out”
Turnip proudly: “Both-on”
Not a place again. That's the problem.

The granddaughter takes the cell phone,
Sends SMS to Zhuchka:
Help me out quickly, Bug.
There is no urine. Signature - granddaughter.
Bug still came to the rescue.
She took her granddaughter around the waist.
“Are you even sane, bro?”
"I'm always ready"
“I gave him strength”
“You know, it’s time to pull it out”
Turnip firmly: “Both-on”
The common cause is screwed.

The bug barks obscenities out of grief.
Here the thought knocks her down.
Borrowing a phone from my granddaughter
Murkin dials the number:
Listen, March daughter,
You must help us all.
This damn thing
We are here day and night.
Murka, rolling his eyes,
Answers the call.
“Get a turnip out of the ground -
Like two fingers on the asphalt"
“Are you even sane, bro?”
"I'm always ready"
“I gave him strength”
“You know, it’s time to pull it out”
Turnip modestly: “Both-on”
In general, it's time for everyone to pour.

Murka remembered about the mouse.
Let him run quickly and skip.
She did not respond immediately.
She was drunk and sick.
Holds a bottle in its paws.
Come on, quickly, grab it tightly.
“Let’s snort some vodka, pull a turnip”
“Get a turnip out of the ground -
Like two fingers on the asphalt"
“Are you even sane, bro?”
"I'm always ready"
“I gave him strength”
“You know, it’s time to pull it out”
Turnip sadly: “Both-on”
And luck came to them.

They groaned, everyone sweated,
They managed to pull out the turnip.
The turnip fell on its side.
Everyone said "BOTH-ON"

The moral of this tale is:
Don't waste your words.
To get things done clearly
I need to drink a glass of vodka!
So, come on, pour everyone a quick drink!

The siren sounds. Doctors practically burst into the room, saying, “Where is the newborn????” Everyone points to the birthday boy. The doctors make their way to him. They measure the temperature with a huge thermometer and listen to specialists. device heart, breathing. In general, they do an inspection. And they say: “Oh, good baby, healthy!!! But we need to examine the guests to make sure there are no infections.” They examine several people (5-7) and give them funny diagnoses (swine flu, bacillus, pregnant (for a man), strange infection... We wrote the diagnoses in capital letters on half album sheet regular marker). First, the diagnosis was shown to the guests, and then given to the “patient”. The doctors also have a bottle of vodka, but not an ordinary one, the label is sealed, it says MIXTURE... After the examination, everyone gets a drink. After the examination is completed, the hero of the day is placed on chairs, the doctors, pointing to her body parts, read out their conclusions and issue a medical book.
Ophthalmologist Podglazkina T.N.
Eyes: beautiful, clean and clear
They look great into the distance and see everything up close.
They are like a mirror of the soul, everyone sees problems

Narcologist Vodkin V.B.
Good wine taster
He can smell alcohol a mile away
IN drunk company stable.
But to amuse others
Maybe skip 2-3 stacks
For charging, for enthusiasm
Maybe drink some liquor

Not registered at the dispensary

Skin doctor (sex therapist) Shalunova I.F.
The patient is not old
Seductive, smart
Tall, visible, white
Sexually literate

Her sexual capabilities are enormous, both quality and quantity. All tests are in order, access to the body is allowed.

Physician therapist Pechenkin N.V.
The patient is of unknown age, both behind and in front. Prefers white, clean, snacks well. The buttocks are rounded and clearly defined. From them come legs with small feet, extremely fast with the gait of a queen. The chest is developed to envy.

The hero of the day has entered a time of femininity, flowering, patience, intoxication and a certain sexuality. In general, “Babenka” is what we need.
Allowed to work
Drinking wine is not prohibited.
Always be beautiful and carefree,
To hell with all household chores,

“Oh, what a woman passed!”
And don’t forget about makeup, of course.
Even if you're going home
So that every man he meets thinks:
“Oh, what a lady, my God!”
And one more well-known piece of advice:
Sometimes have a drink,
So that every man he meets thinks:
“Oh, what a woman, damn it!

Comic documents and awards

The importance and solemnity of such an event in a person’s life as an anniversary can be emphasized by documents and awards specially prepared for the occasion. They will allow all guests to see in a new way a long-time and seemingly well-known person who has reached a certain milestone in life.

Today, numerous ready-made certificates for the hero of the day are sold. For example, a diploma from a supergrandfather, a cool supergrandmother, etc. Using various technical means- computer, camera, etc., you can make an exclusive document that will demonstrate your deep respect for the hero of the day and tender feelings, as well as your artistic taste. Mandatory and main element design - the presence of numbers indicating the age of the hero of the day.

Comic documents will undoubtedly be a pleasant gift, and, most likely, a memorable gift, a gift-memory of good people and a glorious holiday.


As you know, a diploma is a certificate issued upon completion of a course of study in any educational institution. Everyone knows that going through the school of life is not going beyond the field.

This means that a person who has managed to cross a certain milestone in life is worthy of a diploma. In addition, this document may indicate the conferment of a title. On the day of his anniversary, a person is awarded the honorary title - ANNIVERSARY!

The text, beautifully written and included in the elegant diploma crusts, on which the numbers of the appropriate age should shine, may read:

This diploma confirms
That the hero of the day is the hero of the day.
The number of years shines like a marker,
Like the highest, best score.
And although it is often celebrated,
You deserve the most praise.
Your age is theory and experience,
Your age is both knowledge and strength.
No, the path has not been traveled and the century has not been lived,
The century that fate has determined for you!


Or perhaps you would like to present the hero of the day with a certificate - a document issued for success in any business.

A colorfully designed certificate can be awarded for real achievements or those that colleagues, family and friends only dream of (if you are sure that this will stimulate the hero of the day to new feats). Among the achievements noted in the certificate may be success in dacha, gardening, construction, repair, culinary, raising children and grandchildren, as well as in instructing subordinates or, conversely, superiors on the true path, sports records, or just bright thoughts on this matter. ..

Power of attorney

A power of attorney - a written authority that one person usually gives to another to perform legal actions - can be given to the hero of the day to dispose of property available at the anniversary celebration. These are drinks, snacks, tables, gifts, etc.

A power of attorney can also be issued to drive vehicles - bicycles, scooters, skis, sleds, simple and roller skates, garden wheelbarrows and carts, grandchildren's strollers... In addition, savvy organizers, in order to relieve themselves of any responsibility, can issue power of attorney to control the course of the holiday, tape recorder and music center (with the delivery of a remote control), etc.


A contract is an agreement between two or more persons to establish or change civil rights and obligations. In the solemn atmosphere of the anniversary celebration, you can sign an agreement that will set out the responsibilities of the parties to the anniversary and the invited guests. The hero of the day, for example, undertakes to pour everyone a drink on time, treat everyone generously, sing the loudest, dance the most, and also mandatory invite all guests to the next anniversary.

The guests take upon themselves the obligation to praise the hero of the day, flatter him beyond measure or without a drop of lies, carry him in their arms if possible, shower him with gifts that come to hand, etc.

Bill of sale

The bill of sale - the act of acquiring ownership of property - can be drawn up for “my years - my wealth...” belonging to the hero of the day. The owner of the document can be not only one hero of the day, but all those gathered for festive table. In this case, he will not be many years old, which will give reason for additional fun, new jokes and gags.


A license is, as you know, a permission. Permission to carry out any operations, conduct activities, use inventions or technical achievements.

What can the hero of the day get permission for? For example, for vacations, travel, excursions, fishing and hunting, for catching exotic animals and growing exotic fruits, for making alcoholic and other drinks with one’s own hands with the obligatory invitation to tastings of friends and relatives, finally, for memorizing poetry, telling fairy tales, and also to read moral teachings to children or grandchildren so that they can grow up to be the same glorious people as the hero of the day.


A memorandum is usually a diplomatic document setting out the factual or legal side of an issue.

The memorandum may set out the proposed course of the festive banquet, summary speeches, congratulations and toasts.


A register - a list, list, inventory of business documents or property - can be a solid list of gifts given, compiled in the best traditions of office work (with their detailed description). Something like this: the box is very large, without a bow - one piece, the boxes are just large, with ribbons - three pieces, etc. Or you can make separate lists for just good gifts and for gifts with jokes, comic ones.

When compiling them, it would be good to have a discussion among the guests present at the anniversary about which gifts should go where. This can lead to an interesting discussion: the true intention of the donor does not always lie on the surface.


The certificate presented at the anniversary is almost an official confirmation that the hero of the day has graduated, for example, from the “Grandfathers’ (Grandmothers’) Course,” “Big Boss Courses” or the “School of the Heroes of the Day,” or took classes at the “Godfathers’ School,” etc.


Everyone knows that a prescription is a written request from a doctor to a pharmacy worker, which indicates how to prepare a particular medicine, also instructs to sell the medicine to the patient and tells how to use the recommended medicine.

An important detail: whether to give advice is a delicate matter. You should always remember: won’t we remind a person of the shortcomings that already bother him? Is it appropriate to talk about problems on a holiday? After all, a holiday is a territory of happiness.
Therefore, so that no one doubts the merits of the hero of the day, he should be given this:


A certificate is a document certifying the quality of something. The certificate issued to the hero of the day will perpetuate the excellent qualities inherent in him at the time of the celebration. The certificate can be presented by a representative of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

In fact, this is a systematized body of information compiled through continuous observations of the corresponding object. The anniversary cadastre may contain a list of the best qualities of the hero of the day, and may also record the obligation of the hero of the day and all the guests gathered for the current holiday to preserve and increase what is listed, with subsequent reconciliation at the next anniversary.


The celebrant's credentials are a document with which he can confidently go through life, since his last name, first name and patronymic are not only written into it, but also a photograph is pasted into it. In addition, this serious document is certified by several seals.

Any mandate confers certain powers. The mandate awarded at the anniversary authorizes the hero of the day to celebrate all subsequent anniversaries.

All the humorous documents described above can be presented at a gala reception, at a banquet, and during a home feast. They are universal. And they can also be called congratulatory. But the documents can be part of the decoration of the festive hall, and part of the script written for the BANQUET.

CHARTER of the anniversary banquet

Everyone who came to the banquet should familiarize themselves with this wonderful document. Because it is designed to regulate the conduct of such a responsible event. The charter prescribes how the hero of the day and his distinguished guests should behave correctly.

The charter is written in large letters on a piece of Whatman paper and posted in a prominent place in the hall. If desired, the host of the banquet can read aloud all the articles of the charter or do it selectively, hoping that the conscientious citizens invited have already familiarized themselves with the remaining provisions. After reading, the host will ask you to approve the Charter by raising your glasses.

Article 1
The hero of the day has the right to invite his family, exemplary in all respects, to the anniversary.
Article 2
The family of the hero of the day is considered to be anyone who knows how to behave exemplarily, has genuine love for the hero of the day and respect for the rest of the family members.
Article 3
The hero of the day is the Supreme legislative body of the anniversary, his word is the law, his wish is the order, his whim is the guide to action.
Article 4
The guests of the hero of the day are the Supreme Executive Body, executing the will of the Supreme Legislative Body.
Article 5
The Supreme Executive Body ensures the good mood of the Supreme Legislative Body through the presentation of gifts and flowers, as well as timely toasts and various types of congratulations and wishes.
Article 6
The Supreme Legislative Body ensures undying shine in the eyes of the Supreme Executive Body through timely supply of strong and soft drinks, as well as an assortment of snacks.
Article 7
The maximum possible number of drinks consumed is not established by the anniversary regulations.
Article 8
The minimum duration of the anniversary established by the regulations is until the ability to read and re-read the Charter is lost. Maximum - not regulated.
Article 9
Memories of the celebrated anniversary are stored in the memory of all participants in the anniversary until the next similar celebration, at which the powers of the Supreme Legislative and Supreme Executive Bodies are restored to their previous extent.
Article 10
The jubilee charter comes into force from the moment the first glass is raised to the hero of the day.

Anniversary oath of guests

The text of this oath and the material placed behind it are distinguished by such solemnity, such a high intensity of feelings that, most likely, they can be performed in the middle of a banquet if a MIDDLE ANNIVERSARY is being held. Or at the beginning of the banquet, if it follows a gala reception.

It seems that in a youth group such an event during the holiday will be accepted with more enthusiasm than among people of respectable age, although who knows, you can’t guess everything in advance...

The text of the oath is copied using copying equipment and distributed to those gathered - for obvious reasons, there should be no unreached people. The oath is taken standing, placing the right hand on the heart. Each guest (or two guests together, or three...) reads out one or two lines of the oath with expression. It is better to say the last four lines of the heartfelt document all together, in chorus.

We swear by the gifts that from pure soul,
I will give you the beauty of all who are so good,
We swear by toasts that we will hear again,
We swear by the drinks that invigorate the blood,
We swear by a big flower bouquet,
What is there! We swear by the salad, pate,
We swear by hot stewed potatoes,
We swear by the plate, fork and spoon,
We swear by everything we see around us:
You, the hero of the day, are our best friend
(You, hero of the day, are a true friend)!
Just click and we will respond,
We swear, we swear, we swear!

On one of the copies of the oath, each guest signs next to the line he said. The document is placed in a beautiful folder or framed and solemnly presented to the hero of the day.

Oath of the hero of the day

The hero of the day’s response should be no less significant. Since the organization of the holiday lies on the shoulders of the friends and relatives of the hero of the day, the text of the reciprocal oath is theirs.

The hero of the day will only have to pronounce the word “I swear” in time when his confidant will read out the prepared text.

Wherein right hand The hero of the day should lie on the heart, or, in extreme cases, on a bottle of champagne, which can also be a symbol of the importance of the ongoing festive event.

My anniversary is for you!
Jubilee: I swear!
I'm glad to see you here!
Jubilee: I swear!
With you I am full of happiness!
Jubilee: I swear!
Eat to your heart's content - I can't count!
Jubilee: I swear!
I swear three times to stay young at heart!
Jubilee: I swear! I swear! I swear!

The oath of the hero of the day is confirmed by raising a glass to the guests and draining it to the bottom, and then - general shouts of jubilation.

Anniversary order

If the hero of the day is close to the army theme, if he values ​​commanding notes in his speech and prefers team music to all intimate conversations, you can organize the presentation of a special Order issued to him on the occasion of the anniversary. First, the host, in a well-trained voice, asks those present at the celebration to fill their glasses and stand up, then gives several commands, forcing everyone to quiet down, turn their heads towards him, make “special faces,” and suck in their stomachs.

A loud voice is heard:

Anniversary! Be equal! Attention!
To meet on the right!.. To Kara-ul!
Look up to the hero of the day!

After reading the text of the Order (see below), everyone raises and empties their glasses, and then a beautifully designed document in a folder is presented to the hero of the day. Along with it, the birthday person may be presented with a medal (see below), a badge, a ribbon or a certificate with the inscription “AGENT 055”. The serial number of the agent may be different - depending on the number of years lived by the hero of the day.

for the 55th separate Red Banner Jubilee District
No. 000 - 01 from...... date......... month

In connection with the achievement of "Agent 054" the FIFTY-FIFTH level of perfection, I ORDER:
Assign “Agent 054” a new code name:

"AGENT 055".,

Give “Agent 055” unlimited powers in organizing the anniversary, as well as in general in your personal and public life on the territory of the 55th separate Red Banner Jubilee District.
Prescribe to “Agent 055” a further increase in the level of excellence, with a gradual expansion of powers in the territory of the 60th, 75th, 125th and further up to the 150th Red Banner Jubilee District inclusive.
“Agent 003” and “Agent 004”, as well as agents whose numbers are from 017 to 052, from the 55th separate Red Banner Jubilee District, take an example from “Agent 055” and receive financial assistance from him.
Glasses with liquids with a strength of at least 55° (the figure must correspond to the age of the hero of the day) RAISE!

The order was signed by the commander-in-chief
All Jubilee districts of the Russian Federation
(first and last name are classified).

The reading of the Order ends with the commands:

At ease! Have some fun!!!

Commemorative medal

It is, of course, pleasant for the hero of the day to receive various kinds of humorous documents. He, of course, already had no doubts about his merits, and when they are recorded on paper... All that remains is to even out his breathing - his throat is constricted from the surging feelings. It's a good anniversary.

But the apotheosis of the holiday may be the awarding of a commemorative medal. The medal can be made from thick cardboard, wood, foil, tin, metal. Depending on the material used, the anniversary date and words being celebrated are applied to it (drawn, burned, minted, engraved, etc.). For example, “For Anniversary Merit.”

On the reverse side of the medal is the surname, first name and patronymic of the hero of the day, as well as the date of presentation and its number (most likely it is No. 0001).

Before the medal adorns the chest of the hero of the day (for this they use a beautiful bright ribbon or an equally elegant bow with a safety pin), the text of the “Award List” given below is solemnly read out, selectively or in full.

Award sheet for the medal “For Anniversary Merit”

For great services to the Fatherland, as well as Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, Maturity and Wisdom,

for his great contribution to improvement demographic situation, as well as for deposits in Sberbank, Teschabank and Detibank,

for personal courage shown on personal as well as on all other fronts,

for high achievements in increasing the productivity of vegetables, legumes, melons, citrus fruits and other useful crops,

for the endless desire to always be in the right place everywhere and in everything

Government of the Russian Federation
together with relatives, friends and colleagues



medal "For Anniversary Merit"

Prepare and present the award immediately.

Place the award certificate in a frame and hang it above your favorite sofa.

Wear the award in everyone in public places until the next anniversary.

Signature Date
Seal of government and family members

Instructions for handling the hero of the day

At the anniversary, most of the documents prepared for this occasion are presented to the hero of the day, and this is understandable. But the organizers must also take care of the documents intended for the guests. We have already talked about some of them, for example about the Banquet Charter, but the list of such documents may be wider.

So, for the personal safety of the hero of the day, his better safety, during medium and small anniversaries, the following instructions can be distributed to all guests invited to the holiday.

Attention! Before you start communicating with the hero of the day, check its integrity, make sure that it is not damaged, and is fully equipped in accordance with its age and the latest warranty inspection.
Please read this manual carefully, it contains important information on correct use and service to the hero of the day.
Persons dealing with the hero of the day are required to know the rules for safe handling and carefully study this manual.
The hero of the day is suitable for socializing with friends, sometimes only at home.
The hero of the day should be in a room with good ventilation, with room temperature and moderate humidity.
Sources of soft and strong drinks should be located near the hero of the day.
For the anniversary, uninterrupted delivery of the first, second, third, as well as other assorted dishes should be ensured.
The hero of the day must be provided with free access and escape routes from at least three sides.
It is not recommended to touch the hero of the day with unsterile hands and unpainted lips.
The hug pressure affecting the hero of the day should not exceed 2.5 atm.
The weight of gifts handed over to the hero of the day should not exceed 0.5 kg. Larger gifts must be transported on special carts.
The diameter of the bouquets presented to the hero of the day should not be less than 1 m, and the number of flowers in each individual bouquet should not be less than the numbers of the anniversary being celebrated.
Moving the hero of the day indoors is allowed only if support and insurance are provided on four sides.
Moving the hero of the day from one hall to another inside the building is allowed only in a reclining position, preferably on 12 pillows. And at least six porters must carry it. Special request: to be accompanied by a boy with a fan.
The movement of the hero of the day between buildings is allowed only in special cases, with the permission of Gokhran specialists, in an armored limousine, accompanied by three traffic police vehicles, five T-80 tanks and a crane with a lifting capacity of at least 16 tons.
It is recommended to reproduce this instruction and hand it to each participant in the anniversary celebrations against signature.
This instruction must be kept throughout the anniversary celebrations, as well as after them, since the hero of the day, having ceased to be the hero of the day, as a rule, wants to be one again and again.

If the participants of the anniversary celebrations exactly followed all the instructions in this instruction, then they can be calm about the safety of the hero of the day and have every right to raise their glasses to him with a foamy sparkling drink, the drink of great holidays.


A pass - the right to enter closed, often guarded objects - is issued to each guest at the end of the anniversary celebration. The pass guarantees that at the next anniversary he will be an invited guest with all the ensuing consequences.

Congratulatory address

Well, now jokes aside, because we will talk about the most serious moment in organizing a holiday - drawing up a congratulatory address. And this, as you know, is an official congratulation, that is, presented at a ceremonial reception by officials.

A congratulatory address cannot be given just like that, on the occasion of an ordinary birthday. A congratulatory address is awarded for special services to the country, native enterprise, etc.

It has been noticed that these are precisely the merits that the heroes of the day have, in whose honor ceremonial receptions are held. This means that the compilers of the congratulatory address are faced with the task of reflecting as fully as possible the best features of the person celebrating the anniversary.

If the usual congratulations for the hero of the day, which are simply written on a postcard or stated to the hero of the day at personal meeting, consists of two parts: words of congratulations and wishes (and they wish everyone happiness and decipher what it is: health, success, prosperity, luck, joy, etc.), then the congratulatory address, in addition to the two already mentioned parts, also contains three. It also includes:
characterization of the human qualities of the hero of the day (both as a member of a team and, possibly, as a family man);
assessment of the work activity of the hero of the day;
gratitude to the hero of the day (most often for the work done).

A beautifully printed congratulatory address is most often placed in a folder with golden numbers of the anniversary being celebrated, and in a solemn atmosphere, officials read it out and hand it over to the hero of the day. Along with this, they can also present awards, certificates, cash prizes (which for some reason warms the soul in a special way), etc.

In order to give the hero of the day a complete and correct description, in order to correctly evaluate his activities, and then thank him with all my heart, adjectives must be used.

There are parts of speech that help us formulate a thought, while adjectives make it more precise and colorful.

They help us convey our feelings. Therefore, in order to understand how to best write a congratulatory address, let’s first compose it for the conditional hero of the day, Ivan Ivanovich, without adjectives:

Ivan Ivanovich!

The team of Mechanical Plant JSC __________ congratulates you on your __________ anniversary! Over the __________ years that you devoted to the __________ enterprise, the plant management and team recognized you as a __________ and __________ person and friend, __________, _________ specialist, colleague and boss, _________ family man. The production site team, which you __________ and __________ led for many years, demonstrated __________ results in terms of increasing labor productivity and reducing production costs.

Thanks to your __________ and __________ mentoring work, a whole galaxy of __________, __________ specialists and masters of their craft has grown at the plant. It should __________ emphasize that you, Ivan Ivanovich, became the founder of the __________ labor dynasty; today your entire family works in different workshops of our plant.

The plant management and the team of Mechanical Plant JSC express your __________ gratitude and __________ appreciation for your __________ and __________ work, for the __________ and __________ shown in the workplace, for your __________ and __________!

Colleagues, students and leaders __________ congratulate you on your anniversary, __________ wish you __________ health, __________ happiness! May your life remain __________ and __________ for __________ years! Once again, please accept our congratulations on your anniversary!

On behalf of the plant management and labor collective CEO JSC "Mechanical Plant"

Full name ____________ date

Of course, already in this form the congratulatory address has a right to exist, but at the same time, frankly speaking, it is a bit dry, there is no soulfulness in it. What if you fill it with adjectives that are most appropriate to the occasion? Let us remind you that adjectives should talk about how the youth treats people, what kind of worker he is, as well as the qualities of his character that are revealed in his personal life. And they usually wish the hero of the day happiness with all its components.

Material for congratulations:

The best human qualities of the hero of the day
The listed qualities are not arranged in order of importance, but simply alphabetically. From adjectives, if necessary, you can form corresponding nouns or adverbs:

Artistic, Noble, Generous, Harmonious, Deep, Democratic, Kind, Spiritual, Soulful, Natural, Mysterious, Perky, Individual (approach, etc.), Intelligent, Sincere, Sociable, Sociable, Beautiful, Inquisitive, Dreamy, Wise, Extraordinary, Charming, Adored, Courteous, Sociable, Optimistic, Cautious, Witty, Open, Charming, Positive, Attractive, Attractive, Pleasant, Even, Romantic, Free, Committed, Passionate, Impetuous, Tactful, Lucky, Respectful, Sympathetic, Balanced, Emotional, etc.

Best qualities hero of the day as an employee:

Analytical (mindset, approach, etc.), Strong-willed, Brilliant, Flexible, Active, Dynamic, Significant, Mature, Initiative, Intelligent, Intuitive, Critical, Logical (mindset, etc.), Observant, Reliable, Persistent, Independent, Innovative (approach, etc.), Objective, Experienced, Original, Pedantic, Consistent, Pragmatic, Practical, Principled, Direct, Straightforward, Punctual, Versatile, Calculating, Self-Critical, (approach, etc.) , Humble, Meticulous, Smart, Focused, Fair, Creative, Hardworking, Convinced, Assiduous, Purposeful, Energetic, Neat, etc.

The best qualities of the hero of the day, manifested in his personal life:

Thrifty, Loyal, Attentive, Hospitable, Efficient, Virtuous, Homely, Caring, Thrifty, Affectionate, Reliable, Calm, Understanding, Practical, Loyal, Hospitable, Reasonable, Thrifty, Calm, Fair, Patient, Generous, etc.

Material for wishes:

As we have already said, all the variety of wishes comes down to one thing - the wish for happiness, which is very individual for each person. For some, happiness is in a quiet life, and for others - in the search for adventure, etc.

Therefore, the first list of words for making wishes is dedicated to such diverse concepts that can be included in the concept of happiness.

So, happiness is:

Excitement, Bliss, Inspiration, Delight, Friendship, Sophistication, Enjoyment, Mood, Nirvana, Charm, Fun, Anticipation, Pleasant chores, Joy, Relaxation, Self-affirmation, Sweet experiences, Calmness, Tenderness, Rapture, Joy, Ecstasy, etc.

And now about one of the components of happiness in more detail. Many in their youth passionately want to achieve success and what is associated with it, and therefore you can wish them:

Applause, Luck, Taking heights, Victory, Tasting the fruits, Implementation of ideas, Winnings, Achievements, Achieving goals, Conquests, Laurels, Jubilation, Awards, Ovations, Victories, Knowledge, Conquering peaks, Comprehension, Overcoming, Implementation, Multiplication, Addition , Approach, Recognition, Growth, Promotion, Prosperity, Development, Expansion, Realization of plans, Applause, Achievements, Formation, Triumphs, Success, Strengthening, etc.

But it happens that success in life loses its attractiveness; a person is in poor physical shape. As they say, money is copper, clothes are decay, and health is more valuable than anything else. And therefore they want:

Cheerfulness, Fighting mood, Be in good health, Be well done, Doctors would have nothing to do, Endurance, Longevity (active, endless, Caucasian), Hardening, Healthy optimism, Health (strong, Siberian), Hello, Body strength, On medications not to work, tirelessness, full health, gunpowder in the flasks, well-being (good, excellent, excellent, excellent), muscle tone, so that sores do not bother you, so that you are like blood and milk, so that no infection sticks, so that nothing takes you So that illnesses are avoided, etc.

And in fact, everything is great for a healthy person. And therefore it is important to remember: whoever is not afraid of the disease is the one who is afraid of it.

Friendly greeting address

And yet, what is a holiday without a joke?! Therefore, let’s think about how to compose a congratulatory address not from big important bosses, but from colleagues and friends.

When drawing up such a document, people with a sense of humor have room to roam. If congratulations from officials is characterized by communalism, everyone tries to say only good things, then comrades who have eaten more than a pound of salt together can allow themselves some liberties and jokes.

Therefore, in addition to the above sublime and beautiful words, in a friendly congratulatory address words that often have a negative connotation can also be used.

It's about not about insults, but about playing on words. For example, adventurism is a dubious virtue, but healthy adventurism is something that we probably cannot live without in our time. Entrepreneurship, initiative, as well as courage, if you don’t lose your head, take cities. Hopeless is, of course, very bad, it just couldn’t be worse, but hopeless optimism is already very good! You can move mountains with him if necessary.

In addition, when composing such a congratulatory address, you can creatively use the possibilities of the union but: hot-tempered, but easy-going; straightforward, but devoted and responsive, etc. In fact, do you ever have to tell a person what they think about him, even though he is the hero of the day?

These are these insidious words...

Adventurous, Aggressive, Ambitious, Hopeless, Stormy, Explosive, Hot-tempered, Arrogant, Proud, Hot, Hot-tempered, Rude, Dual, Arrogant, Capricious, Conservative, Slow, Dreamy, Dissatisfied, Incorrigible, Clumsy, Incompatible, Impatient, Restless, Close-minded, Dangerous, Controversial, Indifferent, Self-Confident, Sarcastic, Secretive, Standard, Spontaneous, Evasive, Stubborn, Cold, Ambitious, Noisy, etc.

In general, if you are connected with the hero of the day by good friendly relations, if you know how to observe moderation in criticism and God has not deprived you and the hero of the day of a sense of humor, then you can safely use the above words when composing a congratulatory address for the glorious anniversary of your friend.