The liver of domestic (and some wild) animals, as well as birds, is very useful product, containing substances necessary for the human body, namely: vitamins A, C, B, B6, B12, compounds of iron, copper, calcium, zinc, sodium, as well as amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine), folic acid, etc.

You can cook delicious liver different ways: boil, fry and/or simmer in a frying pan. Of course, frying is not the best healthy way cooking, however, the liver cooks very quickly, so if you use certain fats, as well as the mode and methods of cooking, the amount of unhealthy substances formed during the cooking process will be minimal. For frying, it is better to use rendered pork or chicken fat, ghee, or olive, corn, sesame, or soybean oil, but you can also use sunflower oil, which is better frozen than refined.

We'll tell you how to cook liver in a frying pan correctly and tasty.

Chicken liver in a frying pan - recipe


  • – about 300 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • dry ground spices (black and allspice, coriander, etc.);
  • chicken fat or vegetable oil.


If the liver is frozen, it must be thawed, washed cold water and place in a colander; shake the colander several times to remove any remaining water. Cut the peeled onion into thin quarter rings or half rings. Heat the fat or oil well in a frying pan. Lightly fry the onion until golden brown. Place the liver in the pan and fry everything together until the color of the liver changes, stirring with a spatula. Reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer until tender for about 15 minutes – that’s enough. If you simmer longer, the liver will become tough and tasteless. Serve with any side dish (potatoes, young stewed beans, peas, rice, any porridge) and herbs. It is also good to serve fresh vegetables and table wine, or dark beer.

Pork liver in a frying pan - recipe


  • pork liver;
  • onion – 1 pc. (not required);
  • rendered pork fat;
  • dry ground spices (red and black pepper, coriander and others).


Cut the liver into chunks or slices. Heat the fat in a frying pan. If you are preparing small slices, it is better to fry the onion first (same as in the previous recipe, see above). Large chunks can be slightly beaten, you can marinate for 20-40 minutes in mustard with lemon juice and garlic, only then the liver should be rinsed with cold water and placed in a sieve to allow the water to drain.

Heat the fat and fry the liver slices on both sides, then reduce the heat and fry to the desired degree (rare is also very tasty), but no longer than 15 minutes. You can first roll the liver slices in wheat flour. Serve with any side dish and herbs; it’s also good to serve some hot sauce, for example, garlic-lemon.

Beef liver recipes in a frying pan

Beef liver has a specific taste, so before cooking it is better to cut it into slices and pre-soak it in milk for 1-2 hours with the addition of dry ground spices or marinate in a mixture of kefir or yogurt with curry and garlic. Then wash the liver and place it on a sieve.

After this, the beef liver can be fried, just like pork liver (see above), or you can fry it in batter.


  • or veal;
  • chicken egg;
  • light beer or milk;
  • wheat flour (or mixed with corn);
  • rendered pork fat or vegetable oil.


We prepare the batter from a mixture of eggs and flour with the addition of beer or milk. Mix thoroughly with a fork so that there are no lumps. (if that doesn’t work, strain through a strainer). The consistency of the batter should be like thick yogurt. Immerse the chunks beef liver in batter and fry in a frying pan with heated fat on both sides until golden brown. Reduce the heat and cook for a few more minutes under the lid. Serve with red table wine or dark beer and hot sauce Chile. It is also good to serve cucumbers in any form (fresh, salted, pickled), as well as other pickles.

In general, liver fried in a frying pan is tasty and, in some way, healthy.


Fried chicken liver with onions– it’s very tasty and delicate dish, which is a favorite delicacy of most people. Many people do not like the taste of beef or pork liver since childhood, but in comparison with them, chicken liver has a delicate taste and unobtrusive aroma. This is a very affordable food product that should be in every person’s diet at least several times a month.

Prepare fried chicken liver with onions is as easy as shelling pears, but you need to know some tricks that will help you make it as tasty as possible. It is very important to choose the right chicken liver. Always pay attention to her appearance. Its surface should be smooth and glossy, and the color of the chicken liver should be brown with a slight cherry tint. As for the smell, it should be pleasant and slightly sweet; there should be no other smells in it. When chicken liver falls apart in your hands, this indicates that it is stale and has been frozen several times. It should be elastic and solid.

Chicken liver is most often served fried; it goes well with any side dish and is often the main ingredient in many salads. However, chicken liver is no less tasty if cooked with fried onions and sour cream. This dish will help out any housewife if guests suddenly appear on the doorstep. Yes and after working day you can quickly fry chicken liver and dinner will be ready.

In today's recipe we will be preparing fried chicken liver with onions. You can prepare it in 25 minutes, and as a result you will get an incredibly tasty and healthy dish. However, despite the simplicity of preparation, it is important to know a few rules for frying liver. If you don't stick to them, you can ruin its delicate flavor and soft texture, leaving you with a tough piece of liver.

It is necessary to fry the chicken liver with onions only over medium heat with the addition of a small amount of salt so that the liver is thoroughly fried inside. If you cook the liver over high heat, it will immediately become crusty and not cooked through, so when cut, blood may flow out of it.

To prepare chicken liver with onions, you will need a minimum set of products: liver, onions, spices and vegetable oil for frying. Cook only as much liver as you can eat at a time, as refrigeration makes it less appetizing and less tender.

Now you know how to choose fresh liver and how to fry it correctly, but our friend will tell you how to quickly and tasty cook fried chicken liver with onions step by step recipe. Each stage is accompanied by a photo, so you won’t miss a single moment of its preparation.


  • (500 g)

  • (300 g (2 medium onions))

  • (4 tbsp.)

  • (2 tbsp.)

Beef liver is a difficult product to prepare. Need to use a lot culinary tricks to turn it into a delicious, tender dish. Surely every housewife will be interested in knowing how to cook beef liver that is tasty and soft. There are many such recipes.

Cooking beef liver tasty and soft in sour cream

The taste of the offal in question goes well with full-fat sour cream, especially homemade. In addition to sour cream (4 tablespoons), the following is used: 550-650 g of liver, salt, large white salad onion, flour. How to cook liver in sour cream is described below.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and fried in any hot fat until golden brown.
  2. The liver is freed from the film with a sharp knife, washed, dried and coarsely cut. If dense vessels come under the knife during the process, they need to be removed.
  3. Each piece is rolled in flour and salt and lightly fried.
  4. Next, the meat product is placed in a pan, sprinkled with sautéed vegetables, poured with sour cream sauce, flour and 400 ml of boiled water. The liquid is salted and flavored with any seasonings to taste.
  5. Simmer the contents of the pan over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

The resulting gravy is delicious when served with potatoes, buckwheat or pasta.

Stroganoff-style liver in a slow cooker

According to this recipe, the capricious offal takes a long time to prepare, but the taste will be delicate. To prepare the dish, take: 750 g of liver, 1 tsp. salt, 2 white onions, ground black pepper, 1.5 tbsp. water, tomato, 4 tbsp. fat sour cream, 2 tbsp. wheat flour.

  1. The liver is washed, cleaned of ducts and cut into miniature pieces.
  2. The onion is chopped into cubes, after which the products are cooked together in oil in the “Baking” mode for 12 minutes.
  3. After adding flour, the components are fried for another 6-7 minutes.
  4. The tomato, along with the skin, is cut into cubes and also placed in the bowl.
  5. After another 3-4 minutes, you can pour the products with a mixture of sour cream and warm water, pre-salted and peppered.
  6. In the “Stew” program, the appetizer is cooked for 35-40 minutes.

After the device signals, you can leave the dish with constant heating for some more time to soften the finished product as much as possible.

Beef Stroganoff with sour cream and onions

For this traditional treat, any meat products used are cut in a special way - into long thin bars. The ingredients you need to take are: 450 g of liver, salt, 1 tbsp. flour, white onion, 230 g fat sour cream, 2/3 tbsp. water.

  1. The liver is cut after clearing of veins and films.
  2. The pieces are fried in hot oil until lightly crusted, then sprinkled with onion half rings and simmered together over low heat for another 6-7 minutes.
  3. Dissolve the flour in cold water and cook in a separate container for a couple of minutes until thickened. Next, sour cream is added to the liquid and brought to a boil.
  4. The resulting sauce is poured over the offal with onions.
  5. Stew the treat under closed lid you need another 6-7 minutes.
  6. At this stage, add salt to taste.

Thin slices of liver soften perfectly.

Cooking option in milk

The simplest way to cook beef liver deliciously is to stew it in milk. In addition to the offal (430 g), will be used: 130 ml drinking water, salt, a couple of cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 3.5 tbsp. flour. One glass of milk will be enough.

  1. The liver is washed, cleaned of all excess, cut into pieces and beaten thoroughly with a special hammer.
  2. The slices are rolled in salted flour and fried in hot oil.
  3. First, the meat is filled with water and sprinkled with onion half rings.
  4. A few minutes after the liquid boils, warm milk is poured in. Once boiling begins, the mixture must be stirred frequently.
  5. The dish will simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

At the end of cooking, you need to place the garlic, passed through a press, into the dish.

How to deliciously fry beef liver in a frying pan?

Even in an ordinary frying pan you can make the liver tender and juicy, and with a minimum set of ingredients. In addition to the liver itself (670 g), you need to take: 2 onions, salt, 120 g of wheat flour.

  1. The offal is washed and cleared of films, after which it is cut small size steaks.
  2. Onions are cut into half rings.
  3. First, the steaks are rolled in salted flour, placed in a frying pan with hot oil, covered with vegetable slices and fried on one side for 5-6 minutes. Then turn them over, add additional salt if necessary and cook covered for another 8-9 minutes.

You can serve the resulting treat with any garlic sauce.

Tender liver cutlets

Children especially like liver cutlets. Sifted wheat flour with a volume of 90 grams will act as a thickener for minced by-product. Also taken: 470 g of liver, salt, onion, a small spoon of starch, 130 g of lard, egg, black pepper.

  1. The liver with vegetables and lard turns into homogeneous minced meat. To do this, you can use any device that is at hand.
  2. Flour, starch and a whisked egg are added to the resulting mass.
  3. Spoon the liver mixture into a small amount of hot oil. The cutlets do not fry for long - a couple of minutes on both sides. Otherwise they may lose their tenderness.

These cutlets are delicious served with any side dish.

How to boil beef liver so that it is soft?

Boiling is the easiest way to prepare the offal under discussion. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

  1. After the piece of liver has been washed and cleared of veins and films, it is filled with cold milk or ordinary drinking water. You need to leave it in the liquid for about an hour.
  2. Next, the liver is wrung out, filled with new water and placed on the stove at medium heat.
  3. The offal is prepared for 35-45 minutes. To speed up the process, you need to cut the liver into small pieces. Then it will cook in 15-17 minutes after boiling.
  4. The product is salted 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.

If you pierce a piece of liver with a fork and pinkish juice comes out, it means the meat is not ready yet.

Juicy recipe with vegetables

Beef liver is especially delicious fried with vegetables. In addition to the offal (450 g), take: tomato, carrot, 120 g green beans, 10 g salt, white onion, bell pepper, 2-3 garlic cloves, 400 ml milk, 3 tbsp. soy sauce without additives.

  1. The liver is cut in half and soaked in milk.
  2. Vegetables are coarsely chopped and fried for 3-4 minutes in fat (without tomatoes).
  3. The fried foods are moved to the edges of the frying pan, and the liver, chopped into pieces, is cooked in the middle. When it turns white, you can mix the ingredients and cook together until full readiness meat component.
  4. Lastly, the mass is salted, slices of tomatoes are laid out on it, and soy sauce and add chopped garlic cloves.
  5. After 2-3 minutes the dish is completely ready.

You can add oregano and other dry seasonings to the snack. This will saturate the beef liver with the piquant aromas of herbs.

Soft and tasty liver for children - pancakes

Such tender pancakes are prepared even for the youngest visitors kindergarten. They will help diversify your baby’s protein menu. In addition to the liver (180 g), take: half an onion, an egg, 1 tsp. salt, 60 g white flour.

  1. The liver is soaked in ice water, dried paper towel and coarsely chopped. In the process, large bile ducts, veins and films must be removed.
  2. Together with the peeled onion, the offal turns into homogeneous minced meat.
  3. Egg and wheat flour are added to the mixture. The base of the pancakes is salted and kneaded to dissolve the lumps.


Frying liver with various additives is the easiest way to prepare it, and one of the most successful; it is very difficult to cook poorly fried liver, unless you oversalt it or overheat it, which will make it tough. Well, companion products for the liver can be very different: garlic, herbs, onions, wine, tomato paste, sour cream, mustard, vegetables, ginger. Before you start cooking, you first need to choose the right one.


Following these rules will allow you to prepare truly royal liver, be it beef, pork or any other, it will become incomparably tender and taste very tasty.

1. First of all, it is imperative to remove all the film from the liver. If this is not done, the film will shrink during frying, and the liver will be rubbery and very hard in taste.

2. After the film is removed, the liver should be soaked, this will get rid of the bitterness. You can soak the liver not only in plain running water, but also in cold milk, this will give the dish a special piquancy, and the taste of the liver will be very tender. Another option is to mix milk and water fifty-fifty. The prepared liver should be soaked for at least thirty minutes.

3. It is recommended to always use breading. If you cook the liver breaded, it will turn out very juicy, since the crust formed from the breadcrumbs will retain all the juice and will not allow it to leak out.

And of course, cooking time is very important. The liver should not be overexposed under any circumstances. After all, it is precisely thanks to the correct frying time that it will be possible to not only achieve extraordinary taste, but also save all the useful and taste properties liver.


Required ingredients:

Beef liver 600 grams;

Mustard 40 grams;

Vegetable oil 40 grams;

Butter 40 grams;

Flour 60 grams;

Salt pepper.


The liver is thoroughly washed, dried and cut into one-centimeter cubes. Next, mix salt, flour, pepper, and bread the beef liver in the resulting flour mixture. In a frying pan on the stove, heat a mixture of butter and vegetable oil, and fry the liver over high heat until browned, then add mustard and mix everything thoroughly until the mustard is evenly distributed between the pieces of liver. Fry for fifteen to seventeen minutes, over medium heat until fully cooked. Also to this recipe You can add not only onions, but also other ingredients to your taste. There is a lot of pretty quick recipes cooking liver, the next option for its preparation will not take up too much of your time, and therefore it is simply irreplaceable for all occasions.

Recipe 2. Liver fried in tomato sauce

Required Products:

Beef liver 700 grams;

Tomato juice 300 mg;

Parsley 40 grams;

Vegetable oil 50 ml;

Dried onion 5 grams;

Lemon juice 30 ml;

Salt pepper.


the liver is thoroughly washed, dried and cut into pieces five centimeters long and one centimeter thick. parsley is finely chopped. Heat oil in a frying pan, add chopped liver and chopped parsley, pour lemon juice over everything, mix everything well and fry until golden brown. When the liver becomes golden brown, add the onion and pour in the tomato juice, stir until smooth and simmer for twenty minutes over low heat until fully cooked, then add salt, pepper and stir. The dish is served hot in tolu. Dried onions can easily be replaced with fresh ones. Then you immediately need to place it together with the liver in a frying pan and fry until browned.

Recipe 3. Fried tender liver Stroganoff style

Required ingredients:

Beef liver 600 grams;

Onions 3 onions;

Sour cream 500 grams;

Vegetable oil 50 ml;

Tomato paste 20 grams;

Flour 20 grams;

Sauce 20 grams;

Pepper, salt, herbs.


the liver is thoroughly washed and cleaned of films, cut into cubes one centimeter thick and four centimeters long. Place in a frying pan in hot oil, salt, pepper and fry well. In another dry frying pan, fry the flour until light brown, sprinkle it with the liver, mix thoroughly and add separately fried onions, tomato paste, sour cream, mix until smooth and bring to a boil. Simmer for fifteen minutes over low heat. Serve hot.

Recipe 4. Caramelized beef liver in tomato

Required Products:

Beef liver 500 grams

Water 100 ml;

Ketchup 50 grams;

Flour 50 grams;

Brown sugar 40 grams;

Vegetable oil 30 ml;

Soy sauce 30 ml;

Vinegar 30 ml;

Garlic powder 5 grams;


The liver is cut into thin cubes. The flour is mixed with salt and pepper, the liver is breaded in the resulting mixture. Water is mixed with the rest of the ingredients, leaving the oil untouched. It is heated in a frying pan, the liver is sent there and fried until browned, then the resulting mixture is poured over it and simmered for twenty minutes over low heat until fully cooked.

Recipe 5. Fried beef liver in white wine sauce

Required Products:

Beef liver 600 grams;

White wine 100 ml;

Garlic 4 cloves;

Red onion 2 pieces;

Parsley 1 bunch;

Butter 40 ml;

Cognac 50 ml;

Olive oil 10 ml;

Sea salt 10 grams;

Freshly ground black pepper 5 grams.


finely chop the parsley, cut the onion into thin half rings, fry it over high heat in half butter until transparent. The garlic is crushed or chopped and added to the onion, fried for four minutes, salted with pepper and carefully poured in the wine, evaporated almost completely, added half of the chopped parsley, mixed thoroughly and removed the sauce from the stove. The liver is washed and dried well, the films are removed, and it is cut into thin strips. Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan on the stove, add the remaining butter, pour in olive oil, add the liver, salt and pepper, and fry it for three minutes on both sides. Then pour all the cognac into the liver, mix everything well and simmer for one minute. Before serving the liver to the table, pour generously prepared sauce over it and sprinkle with the remains of chopped parsley.

Recipe 6. Oriental fried beef liver

Required Products:

Beef liver 700 grams;

Garlic 2 cloves;

Vegetable oil 40 ml;

Starch 7 grams;


Ground ginger 5 grams;


Sauce 40 ml;

Chicken broth 40 ml;

Soy sauce 20 ml;

Tomato paste 20 grams.


The beef liver is thoroughly washed and prepared, cut into thin slices, and then these slices are cut into strips of two and a half centimeters. Ginger is mixed with starch and salt, half the vegetable oil and water are added and brought to a homogeneous mass. The liver is breaded in the resulting starch mixture and left for twenty minutes. Heat the remaining vegetable oil in a frying pan and quickly fry the liver on all sides, add the herbs, stir and fry for another forty seconds. Next, mix the broth, tomato paste, sugar, soy sauce, pour the resulting mixture into the liver, bring to a boil and simmer for two minutes, remove from the heat. Before serving, pour the sauce over the finished liver.

Hello, my darlings! Do you love liver? I couldn't stand her as a child. I always picked this offal out of the plate and didn’t eat it. And in Lately I just loved the liver. Maybe I just learned how to cook it deliciously 😉 I recently wrote an article about... And today we’ll talk about how to fry beef liver in a frying pan. There are some differences which I will describe. And I will share my favorite recipe.

The taste of the prepared dish largely depends on the quality of the offal. An important point at the same time is the freshness of the liver. This product has a short lead time - no more than 3 days. Pay attention to the color of the liver: it can vary from red-brown to red-brown. And the tone should be even. If the color is very light, it means it was pre-soaked in water. And they clearly did not do this with a fresh product.

Take a closer look at the color of the blood flowing from the liver. It should be scarlet. If the blood is brownish, I do not recommend taking this liver.

Also, smell the product you are purchasing. Fresh liver has a sweetish odor. If it smells sour, don't buy it.

When buying frozen liver, the main thing is to look at the production date and the amount of ice. Pieces of ice in the packaging indicate the manufacturer’s dishonesty. The offal was well pumped with water and then frozen. Therefore, you will have to pay for water, which will then melt. Do you need this?

Also, when purchasing, try to purchase edge pieces rather than the middle part of the liver. There are many vessels and films in the thick centers: sometimes it is very difficult to remove them. And the liver itself does not turn out as soft and tender as from the outermost areas. It's already on own experience verified. While you clean it up large veins, the result is some kind of torn product. From which you no longer want to cook anything.

Preparing to cook

Remove all veins, vessels and films from the offal. It will be easier to do this if you pour boiling water over the liver and immediately lower it into cold water. Then dry the offal.

Decide how you want to cook the liver - in large pieces or small bars. After this, cut the product into pieces. And then cook it according to the recipe you like. If you have your own signature, write below in the comments. I love trying something new :)

How long to fry

If the liver is cut into thin slices, fry it for no more than 10 minutes. Do not overcook the product, otherwise it will turn out harsh.

The readiness of beef liver is easy to determine. Cut the slice. If it is the same color and uniform consistency, the product is ready.


Pieces with onions

You will need these products:

  • 0.5 kg of offal;
  • 2 tbsp each vegetable oils + butter;
  • 2.5 tbsp. mustard;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • a couple of tbsp. wheat flour;
  • large onion.

Mix flour with pepper. After this, bread the liver cut into cubes with the flour mixture. Peel and chop the onion: you can use half rings or cubes.

In a hot frying pan, heat the butter and vegetable oil. Sauté the onion. Then fry the liver over high heat until browned. Add the mustard and mix everything well (the mustard should be evenly distributed over all the pieces). Then, reducing the heat to medium, continue frying until done. About 5 minutes before turning off the stove, salt the dish.

My husband and I are delighted with this deliciousness. It turns out tender and appetizing with a stunning aroma. This is a great option for lunch or dinner. I usually serve this liver with potatoes. However, other side dishes will also work here. Be sure to describe the best option, in your opinion.

How to cook in sour cream

Grocery list:

  • 500 grams of beef liver;
  • 2 large or 3 medium-sized onions;
  • 4 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 tbsp. tomato paste or sauce;
  • 1.5 cups sour cream;
  • greenery.

Place the liver cut into cubes (length - 4 cm, thickness - 1 cm) in a frying pan with hot oil. Fry the offal and a couple of minutes before it’s ready, add salt and pepper and turn it off.

In a dry frying pan, fry the flour until creamy. Peel the onion, chop it and saute it (you will need a separate bowl for this). Then sprinkle the liver with flour, add onions, sour cream and tomato paste or sauce. Mix all these ingredients thoroughly and bring to a boil. Then, reducing the heat to low, simmer the dish for another 10-15 minutes. And before serving, sprinkle the liver stewed in sour cream with herbs. Oh, I can’t... My mouth is watering :)