In traditional Chinese medicine, tongue diagnosis is one of the most important techniques when examining a patient. This technique is simple and convenient. It not only allows you to make a correct diagnosis, but also to a certain extent predict the course of the disease and select the most appropriate effective treatment. Therefore, it is no coincidence that when you come to see a doctor, he invites you to show your tongue.

Different diseases cause different unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, and according to changes general view tongue, a prognosis of the disease can be made.

When examining the tongue, the doctor determines its color, shape, swelling, thickness, moisture, teeth marks, the severity of the vessels under the tongue, the color and nature of plaque.

Language healthy person pink, clean and shiny; plaque indicates the presence of some disease. An equally important indicator is the violation of the relief of the tongue, the appearance of various grooves. This often indicates a violation of vitamin metabolism.

Anatomy of the tongue

The tongue is a muscular organ formed predominantly by striated muscle tissue, the fibers of which are collected in intertwined bundles located in three planes. This feature of the arrangement of the fibers allows movements in all directions and gives elasticity to the tongue.

The blood supply to the tongue comes from the lingual artery. Venous blood flows through the lingual vein, which flows into the internal jugular vein. Lymph flows from the tip of the tongue into the chin The lymph nodes, from the body - to the submandibular, from the root to the retropharyngeal. Innervation muscle mass and the mucous membrane of the tongue is carried out separately: the muscles are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve, the anterior two thirds of the mucosa are the lingual nerve (from the third branch of the trigeminal nerve) and the intermediate nerve, the posterior third from the glossopharyngeal nerve, the root section near the epiglottis is innervated by the vagus nerve (superior laryngeal nerve).

The upper surface of the tongue is covered with mucous membrane and is divided into three parts: the tip, the body (together they form the oral part of the tongue) and the root (pharyngeal part), separated from the oral part by a terminal groove in the shape of the letter V. The lower surface of the tongue is smooth and has two fringed folds converging anteriorly .

The mucous membrane covering the oral part of the tongue is rough, due to the presence of a large number of papillae. In total, there are 4 types of papillae.

Filiform papillae are located throughout the oral part of the tongue and give the mucous membrane a velvety feel. They are relatively tall, narrow, conical formations with cyst-like epithelial formations at the apices.

Fungiform papillae are located mainly closer to the edges and at the tip of the tongue. As the name suggests, they look like small mushrooms with a flattened pinkish cap, so they are quite clearly distinguishable (especially in children) against the background of the velvety surface of the tongue.

The circumvallate papillae are the largest and number from 7 to 11. They are located anterior to the terminal groove and repeat its V-shape. The papilla consists of a central eminence surrounded by a ring-shaped groove, around which there is a ridge of mucous membrane.

Leaf-shaped papillae are located in the lateral sections of the tongue and consist of 5-8 folds separated by grooves, running almost across the surface of the tongue. They are better expressed in the middle-posterior parts of the tongue.

The mucous membrane covering the root of the tongue does not form papillae, but is represented by an accumulation of lymphatic follicles in the lamina propria under the epithelium, forming the lingual tonsil

The filiform papillae contain specialized nerve endings that transmit the sensation of touch. Most of the fungiform papillae contain taste buds; the circumvallate papillae also contain taste receptors.

Rules for language examination

Language reflects state internal organs changing its shape, color and coating on the surface.

Even if you feel absolutely healthy, the tongue can indicate weakened organs and systems. In the morning, on an empty stomach, look at your tongue: about 3 cm from the tip of the tongue there is a projection of the heart; the root of the tongue is a projection of the intestines; at the root of the tongue, on the left side there is a projection of the left kidney, and on the right side - the right kidney. If a white coating appears on some part of the tongue, it means that the corresponding organ is sick. The yellow color of the tongue indicates liver disease, red - heart disease.

When conducting diagnostics, the doctor must adhere to simple rules:

  • It is advisable to carry out the inspection in diffuse daylight or under fluorescent lamps.
  • The patient should stick out his tongue as much as possible (without unnecessary tension in the muscles of the pharynx). If you still cannot examine the root of the tongue, you can use a spatula.
  • With nasal congestion and some other diseases, a person begins to breathe through the mouth, so the tongue will be dry (this is especially important to consider when examining the tongue in the morning, when saliva accumulates and condenses in the mouth overnight). In this case, the test must be repeated after rinsing the mouth.
  • It is better to carry out the examination in the morning, immediately after the patient wakes up. When dynamically monitoring the condition of the tongue, the examination is carried out at the same time.
  • It should be remembered that some foods (for example, blueberries, raspberries) change the color of the tongue and the coating on it. After significant physical exertion and during psycho-emotional stress, the humidity and color of the plaque changes, so in such cases it is better to postpone the study for a while.
  • The color of the tongue and the condition of its surface are changed by many medications, so you should first find out this side of the history.

Tongue sizes

The short tongue is one and a half to two times shorter than normal. Often the shortening of the tongue is accompanied by dryness and pallor of its surface. Short is found in sepsis and is a very dangerous symptom of internal heat.

If the long tongue is pale, dry, thin, clean or with a thin white coating at the root, then this indicates the presence of chronic diseases. If this state of the tongue is accompanied by an irregular empty pulse, then this indicates exhaustion of the nervous system.

If on long tongue There is slight swelling, which is determined only by the presence of teeth marks along the edges, this indicates diseases of the spleen and kidneys. If the swelling is large, so that the tongue does not fit in the mouth, the color of the tongue is red, then this indicates heart disease. A swollen cyanotic (often dry) tongue indicates acute poisoning, and if at the same time black spines are found on its surface or small ulcers on the tip, then the patient’s condition is critical and he needs emergency resuscitation measures.

Surface of the tongue

Normally, the tongue is smooth with barely noticeable filiform papillae, giving the surface of the tongue a velvety feel. Closer to the edges of the tongue, mushroom-shaped papillae are visible (in summer, they are normally more pronounced and better distinguishable). Between the body and the root of the tongue there are 7 to 11 circumvallate papillae.

In children, the papillae stand out more clearly and the surface of the tongue appears mottled (mainly as a result of hypertrophy of the fungiform papillae).

A persistently dry tongue may indicate dehydration due to an intestinal infection. This phenomenon is also observed in appendicitis, complicated peptic ulcers and internal bleeding, as well as in biliary dyskinesia and gastritis.

With diseases, cracks, spines, ulcers and spots appear on the surface of the tongue.

Cracks indicate loss of fluid and retention of the febrile pathogen in the body.

In some cases, there is a so-called geographic language, which is considered a variant of the norm. Therefore, you should definitely ask the patient whether there were cracks before, before the disease (i.e., whether he has a geographic tongue). If the cracks on the surface of the tongue are quite wide, deep, have a permanent localization and have appeared recently, then this indicates the patient’s predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases. If your tongue is covered with cracks and you are constantly thirsty, then you need to consult an endocrinologist.

The spines give the surface of the tongue a rough appearance and generally indicate the accumulation of pathogenic heat inside the body. A red or pale tongue with cyanotic spines at the tip indicates stagnation of food in the middle part of the body (zhong jiao).

Ulcers on the tongue are a manifestation of blood damage. With exogenous febrile diseases (mainly of an epidemic nature), small purple or slightly cyanotic ulcers more often appear on the tip of the tongue, which indicates damage to the blood level by the pathogen (heat in the blood syndromes, septic condition). In these same conditions, there are single round ulcers with a cyanotic ridge along the edges, the bottom of which is made of a whitish or dirty brown creamy mass. If the ulcer is non-active (i.e. there is no noticeable perifocal inflammation), then this indicates a critical state of depletion of the body’s defenses, requiring emergency treatment in specialized (usually hematological) clinics.

Spots on the tongue appear with prolonged exposure to the pathogen on the body.

A curvature of the fold at the root of the tongue indicates a curvature of the spine in the lumbar region.

A curvature of the fold in the center of the tongue indicates a curvature of the spine in the thoracic region.

A curvature of the line at the tip of the tongue is a sign of curvature of the spine in the cervical region.

Teeth imprints on the lateral surfaces of the tongue - chronic enterocolitis.

Multiple intertwining small folds of the tongue are a sign of a chronic disorder in the large intestine.

With Birmer's anemia, a smooth, as if scraped tongue, devoid of the papillary layer, is observed. Clinical patients experience burning and tingling in the tongue area.

In case of dysfunction of the cerebellum, cerebral circulation, hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, the tongue is bent or deviated to the side.

A tongue with deep transverse fissures indicates a predisposition to vascular disorders of the brain.

Flat ulcers on the tongue indicate tuberculosis.

Streaks of foam on both sides of the tongue indicate rheumatism.

Tongue mobility

In people with unstable mental health and in patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, muscle twitching is noticeable when protruding the tongue.

A rigid tongue moves with difficulty or does not move at all, there is little or no speech, and the tongue is deviated to the right or left, which indicates a stroke.

Trembling of the tongue indicates thyrotoxicosis, neurasthenic conditions, alcoholism, and anxiety.

Diagnosis of language in children

Children's tongue is normally pink, moist and very mobile. Breastfed infants may have a thin white coating on their tongue, which is not a sign of any disease. The papillae of the tongue are somewhat hypertrophied (especially the mushroom-shaped ones), so it may look spotty.

In general, the interpretation of the data obtained in children is the same as in adults, but the thickness of the plaque is somewhat less. With fevers, children often develop a kind of ragged tongue or a smooth tongue.

Geographic tongue appears in children with dysbacteriosis.

Tongue color

If the tongue is white, then the person may have anemia.

A red tongue indicates fever symptoms. If the tongue is red and clear, then this is a sign of the early stage of the introduction of a febrile pathogen into the body. If the red tongue is long, swollen and does not fit in the mouth, then this indicates heart disease. The extreme expression of red is crimson. Such language indicates endogenous diseases.

A purple tongue appears when febrile illnesses are not treated correctly with alcohol or alcohol-containing drugs. It indicates the penetration of the pathogen into the heart and is a reflection of severe peripheral circulatory disorders.

A purple tongue with a smooth white coating in the middle indicates damage to the body by alcohol, and a superficial white coating indicates an external syndrome with clinical manifestations such as headaches and stiffness in the back of the neck.

A purple tongue with a dry yellow coating appears when pathogenic heat penetrates the stomach and spleen against the background of their weakening by alcohol and depletion of body fluids.

A purple tongue with a moist yellow coating indicates damage to the lungs and spleen. Appears heat, accompanied by bloating and pain when pressing on the abdomen, flatulence, and palpitations, which are further aggravated by the use of alcohol.

Blue tongue appears in the terminal stages of fevers.

Black tongue with red islands: the tongue is covered with a black dry coating, on which red rounded areas of a clean tongue are visible, like ulcers. This symptom is very rare and reflects the extreme severity of the patient’s condition and requires the use of emergency resuscitation measures.

A black tongue may indicate cholera infection.

A gray, dry, prickly tongue indicates cardiovascular disease.

A red tongue with black specks indicates diseases of the stomach and spleen.

A red tongue with purple ulcers indicates lung disease, accompanied by a cough with copious phlegm, extreme thirst and restlessness. If such a symptom is detected, general resuscitation measures should be urgently carried out in a specialized pulmology hospital.

A red, long, slightly dry, swollen tongue indicates serious heart disease.

A pale red, rigid tongue that is deviated to one side indicates a cerebral hemorrhage. If such a tongue appears during febrile illnesses and fibrillary twitching is noticeable on its surface, then this is very dangerous symptom threat of stroke.

The tongue is red, pale, thin and long, it seems decrepit - this is a sign of exhaustion of the heart, which happens with long-term diseases of this organ, after myocardial infarction, with heart defects.

A bright red, dry tongue appears after profuse sweating during physical activity and (less commonly) during febrile illnesses.

A yellow tongue indicates problems with bile secretion or liver disease.

A bluish, cyanotic or purple color indicates defects in the functioning of the heart and congestion in the cardiovascular system.

The “varnished” tongue has a shiny, smooth, bright red surface due to atrophy of the taste buds. Occurs in stomach cancer, the body’s inability to absorb vitamin B2, and chronic colitis.

A type of “varnished” tongue includes the so-called “chess” tongue, covered with a difficult-to-remove coating of black-brown color, with cracks resembling chessboard. This happens with pellagra (deficiency of nicotinic acid and vitamin B). In the late stage of pellagra, the tongue acquires a red tint with a varnished surface - “cardinal tongue”.

With scarlet fever, the tongue resembles strawberries with sour cream - alternating white and red spots.

A white, dry, cracked tongue indicates pneumonia.

Coated tongue

A thin coating is considered to be such a coating through which it is possible to distinguish the outlines of the surface of the tongue; through a thick coating this is no longer possible.

In general, a thin coating reflects the penetration of a pathogen onto the surface of the body and appears in the early stages of exogenous diseases. In most cases, thick plaque indicates some kind of organ damage digestive system both functional and organic in nature.

In the early stages of febrile and some other diseases, there is a thin coating on the tongue. If it thickens as the disease progresses, this indicates an unfavorable symptom, indicating the gradual penetration of the pathogen deeper into the body. If, as the disease progresses, the initially thick plaque gradually becomes thinner, then this indicates the gradual elimination of the pathogen.

The consistency of plaque depends mainly on the processes of water metabolism, the state of body fluids and the conductivity of the kidneys. If the surface of the tongue is excessively wet and saliva flows out of the mouth, then such a tongue is called slippery or wet. This condition appears due to the accumulation of harmful water, phlegm and dampness in the body, as well as the inability of the lungs to lower water down.

The color of the plaque has the most important in a comprehensive assessment of the state of the language.

Plaque on the middle part of the tongue indicates poor functioning of the spleen, stomach or pancreas, and on the front part of the tongue indicates lung disease.

White plaque appears in the early stages of febrile illnesses. The patient experiences moderate fever, intolerance to cold or wind, chills, stiffness and soreness in the back of the neck, heaviness in the lower back and headaches.

A thick, white, moist plaque appears in diseases of the bladder and small intestine.

A thick, white, dry coating in febrile diseases appears on the 4-6th day of illness. It indicates lung diseases.

White, dry plaque with black spines indicates diseases of the stomach and gall bladder.

The white tip of the tongue and a yellow coating at the root indicate the development of lobar pneumonia and with the first rise in temperature the patient’s condition sharply worsens, requiring emergency hospitalization. Such language often occurs during exacerbations of chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

A white, thick, dry coating on the tongue (a feeling as if the mouth is full of white crumbs) occurs in epidemic diseases. Dry plaque indicates extreme depletion of body fluids.

A thin, yellow, dry coating indicates stomach diseases.

The tongue is red, with a thin, smooth yellow coating visible on its tip, indicating the initial stage of gastric ulcer.

A dry tongue, the base of which is covered with a gray coating, indicates ulcerative processes in the intestines.

A dirty brown coating on the tongue is very common in chronic diseases of the stomach and pancreas and in the vast majority of cases indicates an exacerbation of chronic gastritis with reduced secretion (up to achylia).

A dirty brown thick coating in the middle of the tongue indicates deep damage to the stomach and spleen; it also occurs in disorders of the biliary system. If the plaque is inhomogeneous (usually at the edge), then this is sufficiently informative evidence of the presence of a gastric ulcer and/or cicatricial deformation of the gastric outlet.

Language dirty color with a yellow coating in the middle speaks of chronic gastritis, indicating a pre-ulcerative condition.

Calcareous deposits at the root of a cyanotic tongue indicate blood diseases.

If the back of the tongue is covered with plaque, then the large intestine is clogged with waste and toxins.

Foamy plaque - chronic bronchitis.

Brown plaque indicates bilateral pneumonia.

If there is plaque on the middle part of the tongue and a light red coloration of its tip and edges, one can think of a violation of the acid-forming function of the stomach.

Rash on tongue

A rash may appear on the mucous membrane of the tongue, as well as on the skin, due to certain diseases. Papules by appearance resemble pimples - tall cone-shaped formations of pink-red, burgundy, brown or even bluish color. Such papules can appear on the tongue during syphilis.

Small, shiny, white Pimply papules on the sides of the tongue may be a sign of lichen planus. They often occur simultaneously with the appearance of a skin rash, but sometimes they can be the only manifestation of the disease. Usually there is quite a rash on the tongue a large number of papules, and together they form a pattern resembling a fine mesh or fern leaf.

White or yellowish pyramid-shaped growths on the tongue, usually small sizes(no more than 2 mm) may be a sign of a special form of pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx). Moreover, they appear not only on the tongue, but also on the tonsils and the back wall of the pharynx. These growths are dense and painless to the touch. There are no other signs of illness. This form of pharyngitis is not dangerous if there are not too many growths and they do not interfere with pronunciation

Ulcers on the surface of the tongue

An ulcer is a wound that long time doesn't heal. Ulcers on the surface of the tongue may be a sign of Crohn's disease. This disease affects most of the digestive system, starting with the intestines. In this case, ulcers appear on the mucous membrane. Ulcers can be different. Ulcers in Crohn's disease are usually small, appear several at a time and cause a lot of discomfort. If one ulcer appears on the surface of the tongue (most often on the back) (it can be of different sizes), round or oval, with clear boundaries, with a bright red, shiny, hard surface - this is a sign of the primary period of syphilis.

A syphilitic ulcer almost never hurts. Its edges rise only slightly above the surface of the tongue or are on the same level with it. Sometimes its bottom may be covered with a grayish-yellow film.

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You can do it yourself at home quick diagnostics health. All that is necessary for this is to examine the tongue with a mirror. A change in its color and shape will tell you a lot about the functioning of internal organs. This simple method should not be neglected. With its help, you can prevent the development of dangerous pathologies in time. Some of them are indicated by a rough tongue.

Tongue is an indicator of health

It is recommended to examine the tongue in the morning, on an empty stomach. In a healthy person, its color is pale pink, and the taste buds are easily distinguishable. Normally, it has a faint whitish coating that can be easily removed with a toothbrush or a special scraper. Complete absence Such cover should be no less alarming than its excessive amount.

Any changes that occur in the oral cavity should attract a person’s attention. They may indicate the formation of pathological processes in the body. A decrease in the amount or complete cessation of saliva production leads to the development of severe dry mouth. A rough tongue will immediately signal this to a person, since due to a lack of moisture on its surface, difficulties will arise when swallowing and chewing food.

Dry tongue can occur with severe nervous excitement or stress. From a physiological point of view, this is a normal situation. As soon as the person calms down, saliva production returns to normal. If there have been no emotional upheavals, and dryness has been observed for a long time, you should look for other causes of a rough tongue. An experienced doctor will help in this situation.

May be as follows:

  • dehydration and intoxication;
  • heart pathologies;
  • tongue burn;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • glossitis;
  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • liver pathologies;
  • stagnation of food;
  • blood diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • inflammation of the salivary glands, as well as their malignant and benign tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious lesions.

Despite the impressive list of pathologies that cause roughness and dryness of the tongue, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pulmonary system, and infections are most often diagnosed. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis after a thorough diagnosis. He will prescribe treatment that will help defeat the underlying disease. After this, the rough tongue will definitely return to normal.

Pathologies of the digestive tract

Reflexes that can influence the motor and secretory functions of the stomach and intestines are produced by tongue receptors. The opposite effect also occurs. That is, internal organs influence the appearance of pathological reflexes on the surface of the tongue. For example, its rough root and white coating will tell the doctor that the patient suffers from gastritis with low acidity. Pain and burning sensations in the esophagus, heartburn can complement the clinical picture.

A rough tongue covered with a gray coating may indicate the development of an intestinal ulcer. An additional factor indicating this pathology is heartburn and a burning sensation in the mouth.

Colitis, in addition to roughness, is characterized by an increase in the size of the tongue; teeth marks may even remain along its edges. With duodenitis and biliary dyskinesia, the thickness of the plaque increases significantly. A slight roughness of the tongue rarely causes discomfort. But a dense coating can negatively affect taste sensations, reducing the sensitivity of the papillae.

Diseases of the pulmonary system

A white, rough tongue occurs in patients at an early stage of the development of diseases of this organ. Inflammation in the bronchi is indicated by a thick and dry plaque located at its tip. If it begins to thicken and acquire a yellow tint, this will tell the doctor that the pathology is progressing. Additionally, the patient will experience other symptoms. For example, weakness, unpleasant odor and dry mouth.

Characteristic changes in the condition of the tongue are observed in pathologies such as scarlet fever. First, an extensive yellow or gray-white coating forms. It thickens every day. The fungiform papillae are clearly visible under the plaque. They are distinguished by a rich red color and are surrounded by a white border. After a week, the plaque disappears, and the tongue changes color to crimson.

Infectious and other diseases

There are many pathogenic fungi and bacteria in the oral cavity. Their growth is hampered the immune system body. As soon as its operation fails, the infection begins its attack.

In humans, a rough tongue and a white coating on the tonsils may indicate the development of follicular or catarrhal tonsillitis. The disease is accompanied by a sore throat and fever. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci and staphylococci.

The culprit of oral thrush is the fungus Candida. A very dense white coating appears on the surface of the tongue. If you try to remove it, the mucous membrane underneath will begin to bleed. The development of this chronic pathology is observed in patients with HIV infection.

Dry tongue is accompanied by disruption of the thyroid gland. Symptoms such as sweating, loss of appetite, diarrhea, irritability and anxiety are observed.

Diabetes mellitus is characterized by the development of thirst, the patient’s tongue becomes rough and dry.

If dense white plaque is concentrated on its sides and tip, this may indicate the development of hidden renal failure. This is a very serious problem that can cause death. Therefore, noticing on the tongue similar formations you must consult a doctor immediately.


Leukoplakia affects the mucous membranes. Often this is the reason why the tongue becomes rough. This pathology can be easily confused with thrush. A white coating also appears on the tongue, but it has clearly defined edges. Its surface is rough and dry. It is impossible to remove plaque with a spatula.

The reasons for the development of this pathology have not been fully identified. It is believed that the main role is played by provoking factors: thermal, physical and chemical irritation. Particularly dangerous is the influence of several agents at once. For example, irritation by galvanic current, which is formed as a result of the use of dissimilar metal prostheses. As well as mechanical damage to the mucous membrane from dental instruments. In smokers, leukoplakia can occur as a result of exposure to smoke and high temperatures.

Internal factors play an important role in the development of the disease. These are hormonal abnormalities, gastroenterological diseases, and lack of vitamin A. The danger of the disease is that it can gradually transform into cancer.

Diagnosis and treatment

The doctor can prescribe treatment only after he determines exactly why the tongue is rough. Sometimes the cause can be identified immediately and there is no need for numerous diagnostic procedures. But in some cases it may be necessary:

  • full analysis blood;
  • bacteriological study of oral microflora;
  • gastroscopy;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • acid reflux test.

Once the underlying disease is identified, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment for the patient. The tongue will return to normal as soon as the patient’s condition begins to improve. To eliminate dry mouth and reduce pain, the doctor additionally prescribes rinses with various antiseptics.

Treatment folk ways

There are several effective recipes traditional medicine helping to alleviate the patient's condition. It is recommended to rinse a rough tongue with infusions of the following medicinal plants:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • Oak bark;
  • mint;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.

To prepare the infusion, pour a teaspoon of the selected ingredient into a glass of boiling water and leave for several minutes. After the liquid has cooled, it is filtered and used for rinsing. You can add a drop of iodine, aloe juice or honey to the finished infusion.

In addition, you can put a cotton pad soaked in rosehip oil, propolis tincture or a mixture of carrot and potato juices on your tongue for a few minutes. This procedure will relieve pain, moisturize, soothe and disinfect the mucous membrane. After 3-5 minutes, the cotton pad should be removed and your mouth should be rinsed with warm water.

The tongue is the most important organ human body. It is responsible for taste perception and the speech apparatus. The appearance of plaque may indicate either the presence of any minor violations or the development of serious illnesses various systems and organs. Correct diagnosis and timely comprehensive treatment will help get rid of unpleasant manifestations.

Types of tongue diseases

In most cases, the factor in the development of tongue diseases is the presence of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, fungi. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders or allergies appear on the tongue. Independent lesions of this muscle organ are extremely rare. The cause can also be trauma in the form of a burn, biting, rubbing against a prosthesis, crown, or braces.

Tongue diseases are divided into dozens of varieties; each ailment is individual, accompanied by certain symptoms and requires diagnosis and treatment. Advanced forms of the disease can lead to irreversible consequences for the patient.

Description of the most common tongue diseases:

Symptoms of diseases with photos

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All tongue diseases have certain symptoms, indicating that they need urgent treatment. By detecting plaque and other external manifestations in time, you can eliminate the problem without serious consequences.

Symptoms of glossitis:

If one or more signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Glossitis is dangerous because it most often occurs simultaneously with other pathological processes, and sometimes indicates some serious disorder.

Geographic glossitis is characterized by uneven color and red spots that are surrounded by white stripes that resemble a pattern. contour map. Observed:

  • severe swelling of the middle part of the tongue;
  • peeling of white areas;
  • burning sensation;
  • difficulty swallowing food, sore throat.

Thrush is caused by Candida fungi. They multiply in the oral cavity very quickly and affect the mucous membrane. Distinctive features:

Leukoplakia is characterized by keratinization of one or more areas of mucous tissue. Previously it was believed that this disease was a sign of cancer, but modern medicine It has been found that with adequate treatment at the most advanced stages of the disease, cancer can be avoided in most cases. Symptoms:

  • light gray or white plaques;
  • the appearance of erosion along the edges of the plaques;
  • increased sensitivity to hot food;
  • Painful sensations are practically not observed, so the disease can progress for many years.

Lichen planus affects not only the oral cavity, but also the genitals and nails. Accompanied by numerous red rashes, not localized in certain areas. Symptoms of the disease are few:

  • incessant itching;
  • inflammation;
  • the appearance of an ulcer (with aphthous form);
  • sometimes - damage to the nail plates.

Diagnostic methods

Self-diagnosis of the tongue is best done in the morning in natural light, on an empty stomach and after rinsing the mouth. Great importance has the color of the tongue, the degree of coating (smooth or coated), shape (wavy or smooth edges). A high-quality examination can help in choosing a further course of action and answer all existing issues: which doctor should I contact, what medications should I use, should I worry about the severity of the pathology?

Tongue color

A healthy person’s tongue is pale pink, there is no plaque or other deposits on it, the fold is even, and the papillae are clearly visible. Changes in the color of the tongue may indicate pathological disorders in the body:

  • red: problems with the cardiovascular or pulmonary system, blood diseases and infectious processes;
  • raspberry: poisoning accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, pneumonia and other diseases;
  • dark red: presence of toxins, kidney failure;
  • blue: heart problems and poor circulation;
  • purple: serious diseases of the blood and respiratory system;
  • black: development of cholera;
  • very pale color: exhaustion, anemia;
  • yellow, brown: gastrointestinal diseases and liver failure.
Shape: Jagged or wavy edges

A healthy tongue has small bumps and bumps on the sides and root, and in most cases they do not pose any danger. If they are localized only on one (left or right) side of the organ, there is cause for concern.

  • A “hairy” tongue is a phenomenon in which the papillae stop falling off naturally, increase in size and trap food particles and epithelium. The organ takes on a dark (sometimes black) hue. It is typical for smokers and people who do not spend enough time on oral hygiene.
  • The folded tongue is common among ⅕ of the entire population of the planet. The grooves are found in both women and men. More often in older people. The phenomenon is usually hereditary in nature. This condition does not threaten health until pathogenic bacteria begin to actively multiply on the “cut” tongue, causing a bad odor.
  • Double tongue is not just a cosmetic problem. It can affect the development of the speech apparatus.
Smooth or lined?

Normally, the tongue should not be completely smooth, but slightly rough. A lacquered organ indicates a lack of certain things in the body. nutrients or vitamins: folic acid, B vitamins, iron. Sometimes smoothness indicates pernicious anemia.

It is believed that if any part of the tongue has acquired a pale or, conversely, red tint and has become absolutely smooth (lacquered), diamond-shaped glossitis occurs. Most often observed in men.

A small amount of plaque is considered normal. Natural deposits on the tongue include:

  • food debris, saliva, epithelium;
  • white blood cells that engulf bacteria;
  • microorganisms (bacteria, fungi) that feed on particles of epithelium and food.

Plaque after eating is normal and can be eliminated with proper cleaning. Some products can stain the mouth and tongue for a long time - this should also not cause concern. If the deposits cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush, then the problem is most likely not in your diet.

A coated tongue is typical for smokers, children and adults with thrush and respiratory pathologies. A thickening of the plaque layer may indicate serious destructive processes in the body, including oncology (cancer).


All tongue diseases have similar signs. This is its swelling and change in color (more often - redness), the appearance of plaque and ulcers (erosion), and change in shape. As a rule, such symptoms indicate the presence of some disease, so treatment must be comprehensive. Ointment, cream, and other healing agents are applied directly to the tongue. Rinsing with antiseptic solutions and herbal infusions is useful.

Stand in front of a mirror, open your mouth and stick out your tongue. If you have it Pink colour with a rough surface, then most likely you are young and absolutely healthy. With age, the human body ages and health becomes worse, which is reflected in the language. The tongue is an indicator of human health; the state of the tongue can determine the problems occurring in our body.

In a healthy person, the tongue is symmetrical and even, but if the tongue is deviated to one side and asymmetrical, then this is a consequence of damage to the hypoglossal nerve. Curvature of the tongue may also be associated with a malfunction of internal organs. For example, with pathology of the spleen, the tongue on the left half becomes dark red, and with liver diseases, a color change is observed with right side language. The tip of the tongue deviates in the appropriate direction. An increase in the thickness of the tongue indicates digestive disorders, decreased thyroid function and mental disorders. A slight tremor of the tongue is observed in people with Graves' disease and in heavy alcoholics.

A dry tongue indicates dehydration of the body, which can occur with dysentery, appendicitis, cholecystitis, gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system. If dry mouth is accompanied by a bitter taste, then this is a consequence of impaired bile secretion. A feeling of dry tongue may occur when diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases.

The state of health can also be judged by the coating on the tongue, which indicates a decrease in immunity. Moreover, the thicker the plaque, the more serious the health problem. A thin white plaque, which can be easily removed with a toothbrush, appears when the body weakens during colds and infectious diseases. A thick white coating characterizes the presence of a chronic disease or intoxication in the body. The presence of a pronounced white coating on the entire surface of the tongue may be a sign of dysbiosis, stomatitis, or an advanced stage of candidiasis.

If the color of the coating on the tongue is yellowish, then this indicates an excess of bile in the gallbladder or a problem with the liver. Therefore, by the yellow coating on the tongue, you can determine the beginning of the development of liver and gallbladder diseases. But yellow tongue on the lower side, which is visible when the tongue rises to the palate - this is a sign of the development of jaundice. Expressed grey colour surface of the tongue indicates the presence of peptic ulcer or gastritis. If problems with the stomach are more serious, then the tongue can be smooth, as if scraped off. Such a tongue may also indicate anemia, mainly with a deficiency of vitamin B12, riboflavin, folic and nicotinic acid.

The entire surface of the tongue is covered with papillae, the main purpose of which is to distinguish the taste of food. These papillae give the surface of the tongue its roughness. There are filiform, mushroom-shaped, leaf-shaped and grooved papillae on the tongue. Filiform papillae cover the entire surface of the tongue, they are very small, and in appearance they resemble carpet pile.

Fungiform papillae are larger in size and are located on the back of the tongue. The leaf-shaped papillae are shaped like fish gills and are located on the lateral surfaces of the tongue. The circumvallate papillae are the largest in size; they serve as the boundary between the root of the tongue and the body, located on the back of the dorsum of the tongue. Enlarged or reddened papillae indicate various diseases.

If the papillae of the tip of the tongue are red, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the pelvic organs; red papillae along the edges of the tongue and the middle of the tongue indicate diseased lungs. With increased acidity of the stomach, the size of the papillae on the tongue increases, they become rougher and warty. With low acidity, the tongue looks smooth, and the papillae are completely invisible.

If there are no papillae on some part of the tongue, this should not scare you. This picture is observed in the language of about 30% of the world's population. In medicine, such a language is called geographical. Areas without papillae are smooth in geographic language; they change their location from time to time. There is no need to worry about this phenomenon in the tongue if it does not cause you any inconvenience. Today there is an assumption that a person inherits a geographic language, but there is no exact proof of the reason for the development of this phenomenon.

Thickenings, cracks, grooves and ulcers on the tongue may appear due to its friction against the sharp surfaces of the teeth or due to wearing dentures. Purple, burgundy, green and bluish color of the tongue do not always indicate illness; sometimes they can be caused by excessive consumption of lollipop, chewing marmalade, beets and other products in the manufacture of which food coloring was added. Cracks on the tip of the tongue occur in people who accidentally bite it off, mainly with thyroid disorders or epilepsy.

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The structure of the human tongue suggests that food debris, pathological and natural microflora: bacteria, microbes and even viruses are concentrated in the papillary region. External factors, such as general systemic diseases, hypothermia, decreased immunity, diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems, metabolic disorders and allergies lead to damage to the tongue. Independent inflammation of this organ, as a rule, occurs in the case of mechanical trauma (blow, bruise, bite, jaw fracture, burn, frostbite, damage from a prosthesis or braces).

Let's look at what tongue diseases exist (photo below), their symptoms, and how to treat them.

Inflammatory diseases of the tongue

General inflammatory processes of this organ are combined into one well-known term - “glossitis”. This disease exists in acute forms listed below:

Chronic inflammatory diseases

Such specific ailments arise slowly, often asymptomatically, and often accompany other chronic diseases.

Infectious diseases

The main “culprits” of infectious muscle damage can be fungal microorganisms, rods and bacteria, viruses, microbes:

Tongue diseases: effective ways treatment

All diseases of the human tongue require timely treatment, as they may indicate much more complex systemic disorders and processes in the body.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the primary treatment methods:

  • Perform comprehensive treatment of the body and chronic diseases, the consequences of which are inflammation of the tongue. If the inflammation is a consequence of gingivitis or stomatitis, consult a dentist; if the entire oral cavity is “chosen” by a fungus, use antifungal drug therapy and ointments for external immunity, rinse with soda, clean the tongue of plaque. Also, do not forget to strengthen the immune system.

    You should clean your tongue from plaque using a special scraper.

  • Local damage due to frostbite, bruises, injuries, cracks, cuts, etc. should be treated with topical anesthetic creams and ointments. It is also necessary to prepare rinsing solutions that have antimicrobial, disinfecting and healing properties. Homemade recipes are ideal: a soda-salt solution with drops of iodine, a weak solution of manganese, a solution from a furatsilin tablet. You can also make lotions from essential oils (sea buckthorn, aloe vera, myrrh, tea tree etc.), herbal decoctions and infusions.
  • Viral lesions require both local and general treatment with antiviral drugs. Only a doctor can prescribe them.
  • Injuries caused by dental reasons (poorly polished filling, incorrectly installed prosthesis or plate, braces) can only be resolved in the dentist’s office and do not require independent intervention.
  • Most diseases require following a diet: exclude alcohol, coffee, smoking tobacco from the diet, limit the consumption of irritating foods (sour, spicy, vigorous), especially seasonings.
  • In case of any inflammatory processes, wipe the area with a swab soaked in chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate to prevent infection and increase inflammation.