* The calculations use average data for Russia

To open a kindergarten under a franchise, an entrepreneur will need on average an amount of 2.5 million rubles. Due to the situation in the country, more and more new formats of private preschool institutions are beginning to appear on the domestic market. Thus, one of the anti-crisis proposals is the opening of a kindergarten at home for children from 1 year old. Investments in such a project will amount to only 250-300 thousand rubles.

Private kindergartens are gradually becoming more attractive looking business. Firstly, in Russia the task of fully providing children with preschool education has not yet been solved. According to the Ministry of Health, the birth rate in the country in 2013 exceeded the death rate for the first time in 20 years. Because of demographic hole Many kindergartens have closed, but no new preschool institutions have opened to replace them. Because of this, regions began to experience difficulties with queues, and many parents began to choose private institutions as an alternative to state kindergartens that cannot meet demand. Secondly, an entrepreneur who decides to open a private kindergarten has the right to count on state support. To open a kindergarten, you can get subsidies; in addition, since 2015, private kindergartens have been exempt from income tax. According to the new law, now they will not give the state 20% of their profits, which they paid previously. In this regard, forecasts for the development of private kindergartens are more than favorable. It is expected that their share compared to government ones will gradually increase. According to rough estimates, it is now about 3%. Thirdly, the psychology of parents is gradually changing, who increasingly give preference to individual methods of raising a child, which are almost impossible to obtain in traditional kindergartens. Often private kindergartens offer training in special programs educational institutions that have proven their effectiveness abroad, have the opportunity to teach a second language, and are increasingly offering services to parents nursery groups for children from 1.5 to 3 years. Many families do not want to save on children and their education, even in times of crisis.

Opening your own kindergarten may seem like a simple matter at first glance. It would seem that all you have to do is find and rent premises, hire staff and purchase furniture, and you can start working. The business attracts with its stability: once a month the entrepreneur receives a guaranteed monthly payment from his parents and is confident in the receipt of money for the long term. However, in practice, a passive approach to doing business does not work. Success requires serious knowledge in the field of pedagogy and marketing. A profit-making mindset alone is not enough. The business owner will also need a good educational program and experience interacting with children and their parents. Moreover, to begin with, you will also need a rich set of theoretical knowledge, including knowledge of regulations, the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and Rospozhnadzor, as well as algorithms for licensing actions. All this can be obtained by collaborating with experienced partners who develop their brand through a franchising system.

Kindergarten franchise. What does the franchisor provide and what does it require?

What needs to be done before choosing a particular franchise? Firstly, it is necessary to analyze the local market and study the private players available in it, as well as find out what is the solvency of the population and the need for free places generally. Before reading commercial offer The company can also find out whether the sale of a particular franchise applies to the desired region. Studying reviews will help you significantly narrow down your choice. It is best if comments about the brand owner and the pitfalls of cooperation are received from several existing franchisees. It should be borne in mind that sometimes partners’ contacts cannot be found even on official websites, and the head office may not want to share them.

What benefits does franchising provide? A business owner can help a newcomer at all stages of development, starting with starting a kindergarten and drawing up a business plan. Firstly, the entrepreneur will be able to receive an assessment of the premises he has selected, assistance in drawing up the layout and style of the kindergarten, choosing materials, equipment and software. Franchisors do not hide the fact that equipping a kindergarten with everything necessary is the most impressive part of the costs. The premises must be equipped with a security alarm, panic button, fire protection system, and extinguishing equipment. In most cases, partners are required to have a video surveillance system, intercom, first aid kits, and sometimes bactericidal lamps, which are responsible for destroying viruses. There are requirements for both repair work, and to furniture. For example, one of the most common mistakes beginners make is using too much bright colors, which can aggressively affect the child’s psyche. Furniture items should have smooth corners and not pose a danger to the child. As for the premises itself, usually a private kindergarten requires a rather large area (from 100-150 square meters), located either in a non-residential or residential premises on the 1st floor, or in a non-residential separate building. Basement and semi-basement floors are completely excluded, as well as placement above an underground parking lot or in the attic. The kindergarten must be equipped with hot and cold water, central heating and ventilation.

Secondly, the franchisee will receive the educational program that the company uses, as well as methodological plans for academic year. From the intellectual part of the franchise, he will be provided with basic knowledge of opening (preparation for licensing, Rospotrebnadzor requirements, fire safety, features of FGOST DO), as well as knowledge of applied issues, which he will need in the process of work. These could be courses in management and marketing, pedagogy, psychology, business planning, etc. Many companies, for example, Baby Way, promise franchisees a personal curator and business coach. Help can also be provided in personnel matters. For example, the franchisor can provide interview scripts or organize at its base or probation for a new employee, or refresher courses. Sometimes the copyright holder of the brand also remains in charge of accounting services. Many networks strictly monitor compliance with internal regulations and conduct quality control. For example, the call center of the Sun School company calls its customers every month and inquires about the quality of service in the branches of its franchisees.

In some cases, franchisors take almost entirely upon themselves the marketing promotion of their franchisees. For example, the same Sun School network has a multi-level sales department. Experts from the parent company talk with 70% of parents and transfer “hot” clients to branches, with whom the franchisee can only conclude an agreement. Sometimes an individual one is created for each partner marketing plan taking into account local business peculiarities. All kinds of advertising layouts or your own designer can also be provided to help. As a rule, the main goal of marketing policy at the initial stage is to ensure maximum occupancy by the time the kindergarten opens. Among other things, the franchisor can help its partner partially compensate for start-up costs by assisting in obtaining subsidies from the municipality. Depending on the region, an entrepreneur has the right to count on about 300 thousand rubles to open a kindergarten.

Formats and programs

Among networkers, the most common franchises are bilingual kindergartens with instruction in English and Russian. As a rule, such kindergartens use modern approaches edutainment technologies, that is, language learning in the form of a game. The purpose of this technology is not to teach the child, but to awaken interest in the learning process. As an example, we can highlight the largest federal network of kindergartens, Sun School, which has more than 50 representative offices in 38 cities. The network operates under the ABC program, focusing on the development of intelligence, physical health and socialization of the child. The work of employees is aimed at nurturing children’s cognitive activity, independence and the disclosure of individual creativity, as well as fostering a culture of communication and responsiveness. Children are taught English by native speakers based on the basic British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) program. Among other companies developing the format of English kindergartens, one can highlight the “Little Country” network, which is popular mainly in Moscow and the Moscow region. Franchisors offer to open kindergarten, in which children will be taught using the author’s “Learn by Play” methodology, which in essence can also be classified as an edutainment technology.

Other private kindergartens may not be bilingual, but also distinguish themselves with some kind of training programs. As you might guess, all programs can, with a bit of irony, be divided into two types: “recognized by the whole world” and “unique author’s”. Of course, you shouldn’t rely on definitions alone. It is better, as they say, to see once than to hear a hundred times. Recently, for example, the well-known international company Baby Way entered Russia. Kindergartens under this brand use the Western Smart Way education system, which, according to the franchisor, has already been adapted to the Russian mentality. The Baby Way Association was created by American psychologist John Wilton in 1989. The network has about 390 branches in 35 countries. As in most cases, in these kindergartens they try to educate open to the world children who strive for development and new knowledge, while respecting each other and knowing how to behave in society. Other networks, as if in opposition to Western programs, are trying to emphasize their commitment to Russian ideals. For example, the Art Family network of developmental gardens, which emerged in 2014, uses proprietary teaching methods based, according to the founders, on Russian traditions and culture. Quite often, private kindergartens use or “partially exploit” the Maria Montessori child development system, which is considered one of the most successful in world practice. For example, we can name the network of specialized Montessori kindergartens and children's centers "Magic School "Rainbow". The teachers of this organization have accreditations from Russian and foreign Montessori Institutes and experience in education abroad, and the franchisee, among other things, by joining the network, becomes a member of the First International Association Montessori and develops into a qualified Montessori teacher. Some private kindergartens do not focus on educational programs, but to your health. In particular, the head of kindergartens “Komarik”, famous pediatrician and TV presenter Evgeny Komarovsky, laid the principle “ Happy child“This is, first of all, a healthy child and only then able to read and play the violin...” The main advantages of the network include proper nutrition, a clear daily routine with active physical activity and low morbidity among pupils.

Another interesting franchise format that has appeared quite recently is kindergarten at home. It can be called an anti-crisis offer from networks for parents and their children. Its essence is that franchisors offer those who wish (usually young mothers) to create their own kindergartens and nurseries at home for children from one year old. It is not difficult to guess that the prices for such gardens are several times lower than for private institutions, and the need for investment is 10-15 times lower. Among the current offers we can highlight the “Kindergarten.rf” franchise from the “Baby Club” company. Other large companies are also announcing the launch of a similar project. For example, the “Little Country” network announced the upcoming format of the “Childhood Town” franchise, which will be a small home kindergarten that will not be inferior in quality to full-sized gardens.

Offers and prices

In order to open a kindergarten under a franchise, on average you will need an amount of at least 2.5 million rubles. If we're talking about about opening a kindergarten at home, then you can meet 250-300 thousand rubles. The potential partner will be required to pay a certain portion of the investment to the company. The mandatory payment is usually referred to as the lump sum fee or franchise cost that is charged for leasing the brand. The contribution amount can vary from 100 thousand rubles and reach 800 thousand rubles or more.

Typically, franchisors have multiple franchise packages, which may require different investments. For example, the “Little Country” network has 3 types of affiliate programs: a nursery-kindergarten, an English kindergarten and an English kindergarten with a turnkey launch. The Sun School network has “Standard” and “Premium” formats, the difference between which is that in the second case the kindergarten is opened directly by the manager management company and within a month of operation transfers the business to the franchisee.

*data current as of November 19, 2015
**franchise price includes the Baby Club format
***number of points in the world and in Russia

Ready ideas for your business

You can find offers on the market when it is proposed to open a children’s club format as an addition to the kindergarten format (this scheme works for Sun School), or vice versa, when a kindergarten is opened as an addition to the children’s club. The latter option, in particular, is practiced by the Baby Club network. The kindergarten franchise called "Baby Garden" is sold only together with the club franchise. Opening a double-format establishment will require 4 million rubles in initial investment. Such schemes are gaining popularity due to the fact that these two types of businesses complement each other. The average check in a kindergarten is several times higher than in a club, but on the other hand, there are tens of times fewer clients (as a rule, private kindergartens have small groups). Kindergartens can operate year-round, and kids club- business is seasonal. According to franchisors’ calculations, income from combining these two formats can increase up to 60 percent, including due to poaching their own customers.

Upon signing the agreement, the franchisee will be required to pay monthly fees to the franchisor. This can be a percentage of monthly turnover (usually 4-5%), or a fixed amount. In rare cases, franchisors may impose marketing fees on their partners, but most often the matter is limited to royalties. The fact is that the financial burden on franchisees is already great. The fund will require major expenses wages, rent, taxes, as well as public utilities and food (most private gardens provide five meals a day). According to optimistic forecasts, a kindergarten can pay for itself in 6-12 months after the start of work; according to more realistic forecasts, no earlier than in 1.5-2 years. Record payback periods indicate in-home daycare franchises. Thanks to low initial investments, “Detsad.rf” will pay for itself after 3 months of operation. The “Little Country” project “Childhood Town” promises approximately similar deadlines. Opening such a kindergarten at home may take just a month, which is much less than opening a full-scale institution.

The network of kindergartens "Interesting Kindergarten" exists in the private market preschool education for almost 10 years now. The development of the project has always been organic and stemmed from customer requests. During this time, the company has taken a strong position in the market and earned a serious reputation. In addition to 4 gardens, a family-format restaurant and an event agency for organizing children's parties were created within the Holding.

Before entering the franchising market, the company spent 10 years gaining experience and reputation, this moment Not a single network of kindergartens can boast of this. Many companies launch a franchise with only one working project or none at all. The portfolio of Interesting Holding includes 4 kindergartens, years of experience and proven cases for all occasions.

Franchise conditions, both for a kindergarten and for a restaurant, require a lump sum fee and royalties. Potential franchisees are required to have relevant experience.

Advantages of the Interesting Kindergarten franchise

In addition to the right to use the “Interesting” brand, the company provides potential partners with:

  • clearly established and defined business processes,
  • consultations on construction and renovation,
  • special prices for contractor services,
  • checklist for choosing a site,
  • assistance in hiring personnel for top positions,
  • training staff to own standards,
  • manuals, materials and internship programs.

The Holding also connects to each project curators in areas for the entire period of preparation for the opening and further management. The curator will help partners on all issues and monitor quality and compliance with company standards.

Requirements for franchise buyers:
Availability of specialized experience

Business model of the “Interesting kindergarten” franchise

Kindergarten for 65 children

Investments required to open an Interesting Kindergarten franchise business

Starting investments: from 7,000,000 rubles

Payback period: from 24 months
Average turnover per month: 3,200,000 - 4,400,000 rubles
Royalty: 6%
Lump sum fee: 2,000,000 rubles
Other current payments: none

Send a request

Increasingly, among modern entrepreneurs there are those who choose the franchise method of doing business. This technique is largely justified in modern market conditions, especially for beginner businessmen.

Purchasing the right to operate under a well-known brand has many advantages. However, there are pitfalls here too, so before making such a decision, a number of important factors should be taken into account.

Advantages of opening a kindergarten as a franchise

Opening your own business is always a responsible step. Not all beginning businessmen manage to bring their planned ideas to life. Most of them leave the arena after a couple of years of unsuccessful activity, and after five years only 4-5 people out of a hundred remain in business.

These statistics clearly show that independent activity is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. To successfully promote your business, you need to be able to overcome many obstacles, pitfalls and difficulties that you didn’t even think about at the initial stage.

It is also worth following the reporting rules.

A private kindergarten today is a good and profitable business. Many parents cannot stay at home with their child until he is 3 years old, and it is at this age that the queue for public kindergartens is most often approached. In addition, there are a lot of other disadvantages of ordinary kindergartens: overcrowded groups, poor quality education, rude attitude towards children, inadequate care conditions, etc.

Opening a private kindergarten will not be an exception among other types of activities that require a lot of skills, a lot of experience and patience. Of course, you can stubbornly move blindly, hitting the next bumps.

But there is another option - purchasing a franchise. The features of such activities are described in this video:

A kindergarten franchise has a number of advantages:

  • saving time on developing your own project;
  • ready-made and proven methods of working with children;
  • constant support of the franchisor at all stages of development;
  • developing your business under an already well-known brand;
  • there is no need to thoroughly study the market - the franchise owner will help you choose the optimal location, premises, and equipment.

By purchasing a kindergarten franchise, you save your time, nerves and money, and gain invaluable experience and a quick start to your business.

Franchises of private kindergartens in Russia

If you have decided to take advantage of this option for doing business, then you should study what offers are available on this market. Today in Russia there is a fairly large base of copyright holders of business models of private kindergartens. Let's look at the most popular of them.


SunSchool is a network English kindergartens oriented towards the development of children’s physical health, their socialization and acquisition of all necessary developmental skills.

The range of services provided here includes: foster care of children from 1.5 to 7 years old for the whole day, short-stay groups, weekend groups, evening groups and special developmental classes in the game club format.

The franchise of this network guarantees the profitability of the opening and income from the first day of operation. Copyright holders undertake a full range of advertising and product promotion services. The network has a large franchising department, which is always ready to help in resolving any difficult issues.

Besides everything else SunSchool network specialists help in finding investments. Network partners receive the right to access special loan products. Assistance will also be provided in obtaining a subsidy to compensate for part of the costs of starting a business. The initial payment is from 300,000 rubles. Investments will require from 400,000 to 3,500,000 rubles. The project is planned to be repaid in 12–14 months.


This network of kindergartens is based on the educational methods of Dr. Komarovsky. The goal of a child care institution is to eliminate contradictions and unite like-minded parents who have the same idea of ​​what is good and what is bad.

By purchasing the right to use the Komarik trademark, you get the opportunity to collectively use the entire range of marketing tools.

The company's specialists will provide all necessary consultations by phone, Skype or email.

Your facility's medical staff will have the opportunity to receive consultations at the Clinic of Dr. Komarovsky. It is also possible to hold Skype conferences or special seminars for both employees and parents of students in your kindergarten.

The investment size will be from 25,000 US dollars. The payback period, depending on the size of the initial investment, is from 1 year.


A distinctive feature of the network is the training of children from 1.5 to 7 years old completely on English language. the main objective– overcoming the language barrier.

TO school age children speak English fluently. All literature used in the learning process is imported specifically from the UK. Throughout the day, children are immersed in a simulated “Little England” atmosphere.

When purchasing a Vzmakh brand franchise, you receive comprehensive support at all stages of business operation. The investment required to start will be approximately 1,850,000 rubles. Payback is planned for 6 months. These are just a few options for possible franchises for Russian market. Their number is much larger and new offers appear regularly.

In any case, before choosing a suitable option, you should carefully study all the features and optimal conditions that will best suit your capabilities and wishes.

Features of working under a franchise

Despite a number of significant advantages, this method doing business has a number of features that should be carefully analyzed before making a decision.

First of all, you should remember that to start in addition to all investments, you will need to pay the company a certain amount. This payment is considered the initial payment.

This is followed by a monthly division of profits. If, when running a business alone, the owner receives all the profit, then when concluding a franchise agreement, a regular deduction of about 10% of the income should be made to the account of the senior partner.

And ordinary.

You need to be prepared for such circumstances as constant monitoring. Often, a well-promoted company, caring about its brand, assigns a “supervisor” to junior partners, who reports on all the results of activities and violations of the contract. If you fail to comply with the conditions, you may be subject to a fine. This nuance is completely excludes the possibility of introducing your own innovations into the project.

It is also important to know how long the chosen company has existed in its niche, how many partnership agreements it has, and how well its brand has been promoted. It would be a good idea to communicate with existing assignees and get their feedback about the mentor.

In this material:

Private business attracts many practical minds. Many people prefer to open their own stores, while others are looking for their calling in something else.

There are women who love children very much and are interested in raising them; they open private kindergartens. This one seems light and profitable business Not everyone is able to lead, and all because this business has many of its own nuances, not all of which are visible when opened. It is in such cases that a kindergarten franchise becomes especially useful, thanks to which you will not only be able to open your business on time, but also withstand the competition.

Franchisor's help

Franchising a business such as a private kindergarten is a lot of privileges for the franchisee, because you receive a full package of assistance when organizing a business.

  • The franchisor will analyze your premises and assess how profitable the new business will be.
  • They will draw up a zonal layout of the room for you and correctly set priorities.
  • They will help you correctly arrange the most functional rooms and get the most out of the available square meters.
  • The franchisor will draw up an individual business plan for you, according to which you will open a private kindergarten.
  • They will help you prepare a complete package of documents for the legal registration of your business.
  • The franchisor is also directly involved in personnel selection, because the number of your clients depends on these people and the correctness of their work.
  • They will help you draw up a schedule for the kindergarten, taking into account all the requirements from the state.
  • From the franchisor you will also receive ready-made programs for working with children of different ages.
  • You and your staff will be taught how to properly communicate with customers and present the services of your establishment at the proper level.
  • You will be provided with a ready-made sample agreement that the parents must sign.
  • In addition, you receive strong design support from the franchisor. This means that your kindergarten will be very colorful and beautiful. Children will be happy to play in such a harmonious and fabulous room.
  • The franchisor, as a rule, takes full advertising support upon himself. They will write about you not only on the main website big company, but will also inform the public in every possible way.
  • They will help you equip the room and help you choose furniture.

As a result, you get a ready-made private kindergarten and at the same time make a minimum of effort. A franchise definitely saves you a lot of time and effort; in addition, you will not do any unnecessary actions, and the development of your business will go according to a clear plan.

Financial issue

Of course, a franchise is not a free product and, like other goods and services that we purchase in life, you will also have to pay here.

Each franchisor that has its own network of private kindergartens will definitely require a lump sum contribution from you. Therefore, get ready to shell out at least eight hundred thousand Russian rubles, and this is just to start a business. With such investments, you can open a kindergarten with a capacity of thirty children.

In general, you will need to invest from two and a half to five million Russian rubles in your own kindergarten project. No self-respecting franchisor will allow you less, because all this money will be used to improve the children's life in the garden. If you invest less money, then the kindergarten will not be much different from the state one, and then there will be no one willing to pay more for such conditions.

The royalty to the franchisor in this business is usually five percent of the monthly turnover.

It takes quite a long time for a private kindergarten to pay for itself. This usually takes from sixteen to twenty months.

What does royalty include?

Often many entrepreneurs ask this very question, because they see no point in paying the franchisor after launching the business. Naturally, they are mistaken in that they will no longer need help.

When paying royalties, you can count on a whole list of the following services.

  1. Consulting support twenty-four hours a day.
  2. You will receive your own page on the corporate website, which, as a rule, is promoted and is on the first pages of the search engine. There you can post all the information you need, a photo and contact details of your establishment.
  3. The franchisor will actively advertise you as an outlet that is open under his brand name.
  4. They will help you set up all the necessary business processes after the opening of your establishment.
  5. If you have such a need, you can ask the franchisor to also handle your accounting.
  6. The franchisor, being a large company under whose leadership many kindergartens have already opened, always actively monitors new products. You will be periodically informed about new developments in the field of child psychology and educational processes so that you raise your children using the newest world methods.
  7. Seminars and trainings will be periodically held for you and your staff. Thus, you will improve the qualifications of your employees and, accordingly, provide your clients with services of the highest level.
  8. You will be provided with special software that will help you keep a sort of electronic diary and track the progress of your students.

In general, it is very difficult to overestimate the help of a franchisor, since without it many people have a hard time. Questions of all kinds arise constantly, but, as a rule, there is no one to answer them. Therefore, many novice entrepreneurs begin to solve them by trial and error, which often leads to a damaged reputation and bankruptcy.

Franchise catalog

Investments: from 210,000 rub.

The educational institution "Bilingual Kindergarten" under the MILC (Moscow Innovative Language Center) brand is one of the structures of the Moscow Innovative Linguistic Center. The premium kindergarten is a site of the Research Center, which is engaged in the development and improvement of educational and developmental programs for children. The bilingual kindergarten works with children on the basis of a unique educational program aimed not only at conveying...

Investments: Investments 650,000 - 1,500,000 rubles.

Bambini-Club is one of the best private premium kindergartens. In our work, we clearly set priorities and focus on those points that interest parents most. COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT The kindergarten hosts up to 33 developmental classes per week in a variety of subjects: mathematics and logic, the environment and space, reading and speech development,…

Investments: Investments 600,000 - 3,000,000 rubles.

We opened our first garden for our own children. That's why everything in our gardens is thought out to the smallest detail. Large, bright rooms on the ground floor, a beautiful children's room, safe furniture for our kids, high-quality toys. All premises meet the requirements of Sanpin and have conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor. SAFETY We are very concerned about the safety of children. Therefore, all gardens are equipped with a security alarm, panic button,…

Investments: 2,500,000 - 8,000,000 rubles.

Baby club is a play space where children develop intellectually and prepare to enter adult life saturated with a lot of information. Kids preschool age take an active part in interactive games and increase their ability to assimilate various types of knowledge, develop logical thinking, speech and creative skills. The Baby Club network includes more than one hundred children's centers early development. Representatives of franchises are adherents…

Investments: 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 rubles.

"Wonderland" is the center child development and leisure. Here the child can spend almost the entire day fully and interestingly. And at the same time receive a harmonious and high-quality education! Over the 8 years of existence, we have collected and accumulated all the best and today we are ready to invite our first partners in the franchising system! The Wonderland franchise is: Guaranteed profitable...

Investments: from RUB 169,000.

In 2011, the foundation of our company was laid. The idea was that every person, even the smallest, wants to feel and feel special. Our babies are unique and individual. The task of adults is to support the child’s individuality under the influence of mass and herd culture. This will help them grow into harmonious and self-confident individuals. Every child should undeniably...

Investments: 1,000,000 - 1,300,000 rubles.

Magic school "Rainbow" is a network of Specialized Montessori kindergartens and children's centers. This is Maria Montessori's Cozy House for children and their parents! Magic school "Rainbow" is a specialized professional team of Montessori teachers accredited by leading Russian and foreign Montessori Institutes, a team with extensive experience in the field of Montessori education in Russia and abroad, part of the First International…

Investments: 780,000 - 2,800,000 rubles.

Baby Way is an association of private kindergartens created by American psychologist John Wiltonos, which has been successfully developing around the world for more than 25 years. Over the years, more than 380 branches have been opened under the Baby Way brand in 35 countries. The Baby Way integrated approach is based on the Smart way program for working with children, fully adapted to the Russian mentality, climate,…

Investments: from RUB 4,000,000.

The SunSchool network of private kindergartens has been operating since 2014. We open modern private kindergartens with a capacity of 30 children. This requires small investments, the business reaches operating profit and reaches the monthly profit rate in 5-6 months. We are now actively developing our own network in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as a franchise network in the regions and…

Investments: Investments 190,000 - 250,000 ₽

LilyFoot is an all-Russian network of children's football schools. Lilyfoot not only teaches children the magnificent sports game, but also develops in them such important qualities as endurance, determination, and the ability to act in a team. With us, your child will be able to join sports much earlier than in any other sections or specialized structures: already at 3-4 years old he can...

Investments: Investments 1,200,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

The art studio and cafe "Beds-Hide and Seek" is an unconventional platform for creative experiments, where you can attend interesting courses, seminars and master classes. You can celebrate your child's birthday in our studio. We will help organize your holiday on top level: we will develop an idea and write a script, create a menu and make decorations, and also prepare entertainment program for children and parents...


The International Lyceum "Renaissance" carries out educational activities since 1993. International level education – teaching children fine arts and design. Author's programs, textbooks, methodological developments, recommendations for parents - everything is thought out in detail for 13 years of study. We are unique! Our distinctive feature is a development both in the field of organizing business processes and a unique educational and methodological complex, including...

If you value your time and finances, then it is still worth purchasing a franchise, because it is the key to the profitability of your private kindergarten. You should not deny yourself the help of a skilled ally, especially in these difficult times.

To independently select and compare businesses, we suggest using a simple search form: you can enter any name or amount of money that you are willing to invest in your own business.

The problem of child care institutions is acute in our country. And modern parents increasingly prefer private institutions to public ones. They can be understood: the private kindergarten has smaller groups and practices for children individual approach, and the time of child support can be more convenient than in a municipal one. This means that private fans preschool institutions will become more and more.

If you have enough experience and education, you can try to open your own private kindergarten or children's room format. To start, you will need a lot of money and come up with your own concept for running your business.

Sometimes it’s difficult, but mothers believe more now famous brands. Therefore, kindergartens that operate as a network have more advantages when opening. The kindergarten franchise for beginners in this case will become a great option purchases.

Why is a franchise more profitable?

Most main problem when organizing the work of a kindergarten, it remains, as well as its training. When choosing a private kindergarten, most parents pay attention to the level of professionalism of the teachers. This is especially true for gardens with the provision additional services in the form of language clubs and other training programs. The more there are, the more diverse the staff.

Good and highly qualified teachers are difficult to find; they are not waiting for you on the road. And training inexperienced people is difficult and expensive. Conducting training and organizing work will require large investments, which may not pay off as a result, and it is mandatory to have a license.

In this case, the franchise of a private institution is the best option. When opening a kindergarten yourself, you will need to spend a huge amount of time on organization, as well as developing your own methodology. It should be understood that only 10% of independently opened gardens continue to function for a long time. Most of them close in the first years of operation.

The reputation of an institution is an important factor that parents pay attention to when choosing a child care institution. When you start a business from scratch, it will take you a long time to recruit clients. A well-known brand purchased through a franchise provides you with work, which means you will definitely have clients.

It is important to carefully select a future partner before signing franchise documents. It is necessary to analyze the proposals, find out the quantity open points under the franchise agreement and how long they have been in this market.

Popular child care franchises

Online catalogs present dozens of offers for opening. Many of them are budget options and require a small amount of time and money to open. There are larger, more expensive options, but from more popular brands. You can buy a franchise for any level of material income and experience.

  1. Mosquito. This is a well-known brand of a network of kindergartens. These kindergartens are focused on the health of the child, and work according to the system of Dr. Komarovsky. The first kindergarten opened in 2010. At the moment, branches opened through franchising are available in many cities of Russia, and 4 kindergartens are open in the CIS countries. There are requirements for the premises. Ideally, this should be a separate cottage on a plot of at least 6 acres. You can also open it in the premises of a former kindergarten.