1. Specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow include specially protected natural areas federal, regional significance, the boundaries, categories and types of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas.

2. Natural territories in the city of Moscow include territories with environmental, natural-recreational, environmental protection and other natural qualities that are not classified in the established order as specially protected natural territories, the boundaries, categories and types of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection and use natural and green areas.

3. Green areas, the boundaries, categories and types of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas, include:

1) green areas for public use, including squares, boulevards, gardens, parks, and other areas;

2) green areas of limited use;

3) green areas for special purposes.

4. The composition of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas may include land plots that are reserved in accordance with the established procedure for state needs in order to recreate lost, restore degraded specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas or for the purpose of creating new green areas.

5. The composition of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas may include territories of cultural heritage sites, including monuments of landscape, garden and park architecture, estate architecture, the boundaries, regimes of protection and use of which are established in accordance with the legislation on the protection of cultural heritage sites .

6. Within the boundaries of the territories of cultural heritage sites, areas of the territory of valuable natural objects may be allocated, the boundaries and protection regimes of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

7. Within the boundaries of green areas, areas of the territory of valuable natural objects may be allocated, the boundaries and protection regimes of which are established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

Article 52. Planning the development and placement of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

1. Planning for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas in the city of Moscow is carried out in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas, this Code.

2. Planning for the development and location of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow is carried out on the basis of the General Plan of the city of Moscow by developing and approving in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of the city of Moscow of September 26, 2001 N 48 “On specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow” the procedure for development and placement of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow. Planning for the development and placement of natural and green areas in the city of Moscow is carried out on the basis of the General Plan of the City of Moscow and the scheme for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow as part of territorial and sectoral schemes.

3. Draft documents specified in part 1 of this article, containing provisions on the development and location of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, on the establishment or change of their categories, boundaries, on the use of such territories, on the reservation of lands for state needs for the purposes of development of such territories, on the construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects in such territories, are subject to mandatory approval by the executive authority of the city of Moscow, which carries out public administration in the field of environmental protection, which establishes the compliance or non-compliance of the project submitted for approval with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural territories, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

Article 53. Establishing and changing the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

1. The boundaries of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas are established and changed in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, protection and use of natural and green areas, environmental protection, environmental assessment, taking into account the documents specified in part 2 Article 52 of this Code, as well as taking into account the territory planning projects.

2. Establishing and changing the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas is carried out by the Moscow Government in the presence of a positive conclusion from the executive authority of the city of Moscow, which carries out public administration in the field of environmental protection.

Article 54. Ensuring a balance in the development of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas and other types of areas in the city of Moscow

1. For the purpose of sustainable development of the city of Moscow, protection of human rights to a favorable living environment, creation of conditions for the conservation and development of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas by the General Plan of the city of Moscow, the scheme for the development and placement of specially protected natural areas in the city of Moscow, territorial schemes and industry schemes, documentation on territory planning establish indicators for the balance of areas of specially protected natural territories, natural and green areas, on the one hand, and areas of other types of territories, on the other hand. The specified balance sheet indicators are established in relation to:

1) to the entire territory of the city of Moscow;

2) to the territories of administrative districts of the city of Moscow, districts of the city of Moscow;

3) to the territories of functional planning formations.

2. Changing the boundaries of specially protected natural areas, the boundaries of natural and green areas is allowed only under the conditions of compliance with the established indicators of the balance of these territories and other types of territories or increasing the share of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas in the balance of territories specified in paragraphs 1-3 Part 1 of this article.

Article 55. Features of regulation of urban planning activities in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

1. Regulation of urban planning activities in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas is carried out in accordance with the categories, types, protection regimes, modes of use and zoning of these territories, established in accordance with the legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas.

2. In accordance with the legislation specified in part 1 of this article, regimes for regulating urban planning activities are established in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, which determine:

1) functional purpose of the territory;

2) requirements and restrictions regarding landscaping of the territory;

3) requirements and restrictions regarding construction, reconstruction, use of capital construction facilities, including facilities:

a) necessary to ensure the protection and maintenance of the territory;

b) necessary for serving visitors;

c) other objects that do not contradict the protection regimes of specially protected natural areas, regimes for the protection and use of natural, green areas;

4) other requirements and restrictions on urban planning activities.

3. Regimes for regulating urban planning activities can be established in relation to the entire specially protected natural territory, natural and green areas or parts of the specified territory.

4. Parts of specially protected natural areas within which the placement of capital construction projects is allowed must be highlighted in the rules of land use and development as separate territorial zones for which town planning regulations are established.

5. In relation to zones, sections of the territory of specially protected natural areas, natural areas intended for recreational use, placement of objects specified in paragraph 3 of part 2 of this article, in relation to green areas for public use, regimes for regulating urban planning activities are established in accordance with the legislation specified in part 1 of this article, and in accordance with regional regulations.

6. In relation to green areas of limited use, green areas for special purposes, regimes for regulating urban planning activities are established in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection and use of natural and green areas, technical regulations, requirements for the use of territories in areas with special conditions use of territories, as well as in accordance with regional standards.

7. Regimes for regulating urban planning activities in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas are established as part of territorial, sectoral schemes, and territory planning projects.

Article 56. Features of the planning of specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

1. Drawings as part of planning projects for specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas must display the boundaries of zones, areas of territory with protection regimes established in accordance with legislation, regimes for the use of these territories, regimes for regulating urban planning activities.

2. Planning projects for specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, planning projects for other territories containing provisions on changing the boundaries, categories, use of natural and green areas are subject to mandatory approval by the executive authority of the city of Moscow, which carries out public administration in the field of environmental protection environment, which establishes the compliance or non-compliance of the project submitted for approval with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, protection and use of natural and green areas.

3. Lost power.

4. Development of an urban planning plan for an existing land plot, planned in a specially protected natural area, natural territory, green area of ​​a capital construction project is carried out only on the condition that protection regimes, use regimes, and regulation regimes for urban planning activities are established for this entire territory. The urban planning plan of the specified land plot must define restrictions on the use of the land plot, capital construction facility, necessary to comply with the established regimes for the protection and use of a specially protected natural area, natural, green area.

Article 57. Features of architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas

1. Development project documentation capital construction projects in specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas are carried out in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of protection of specially protected natural areas, protection and use of natural and green areas, protection of green spaces. The construction organization project section as part of the design documentation for capital construction projects must contain provisions and measures that ensure that preparatory work, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of a capital construction project, compliance with the established regime for the protection of a specially protected natural area, natural, green area. Conducting a state examination of the above design documentation is mandatory.

2. State examination of design documentation and state environmental examination of design documentation of objects, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of which are supposed to be carried out in specially protected natural areas, are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 1995 N 174-FZ “On Environmental Expertise” and Town Planning Code Russian Federation. Conducting a state examination of the design documentation of objects, construction, reconstruction, major repairs of which are supposed to be carried out in natural, green areas is mandatory.

3. During construction, reconstruction, major renovation capital construction projects:

1) the executive authority of the city of Moscow, authorized to carry out state construction supervision, checks the compliance of the work performed during the construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects with the requirements of technical regulations, including in terms of environmental protection requirements, specially protected natural areas, natural and green areas, as well as compliance of the specified works with project documentation, including the provisions of the construction organization project specified in part 1 of this article;

2) the executive authority of the city of Moscow, exercising public administration in the field of environmental protection, ensures state control over the condition of specially protected natural areas, natural, green areas in order to prevent violations of the protection regimes of these areas during construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of capital construction projects.

    • Chapter 1. (Articles 1-10)
      • Article 1.
      • Article 2.
      • Article 3.
      • Article 4.
      • Article 5.
      • Article 6.
      • Article 7.
      • Article 8.
      • Article 9.
      • Article 10.
    • Chapter 2. (Articles 11-18)
      • Article 11.
      • Article 12.
      • Article 13.
      • Article 14.
      • Article 15.
      • Article 16.
      • Article 17.
      • Article 18.
    • Chapter 3. (Articles 19-22)
      • Article 19.
      • Article 20.
      • Article 21.
      • Article 22.
    • Chapter 4. (Articles 23-27)
      • Article 23.
      • Article 24.
      • Article 25.
      • Article 26.
      • Article 27.
    • Chapter 5. (Articles 28-30)
      • Article 28.
      • Article 29.
      • Article 30.
    • Chapter 6. (Articles 31-33)
      • Article 31.
      • Article 32.
      • Article 33.
    • Chapter 7. (Articles 34-37)
      • Article 34.
      • Article 35.
      • Article 36.
      • Article 37. Repealed
    • Chapter 8. (Articles 38-44)
      • Article 38.
      • Article 39.
      • Article 40.
      • Article 41.
      • Article 42.
      • Article 43.
      • Article 44.
    • Chapter 9. (Articles 45-50)
      • Article 45.
      • Article 46.
      • Article 47.
      • Article 48.
      • Article 49.
      • Article 50.
    • Chapter 10. (Articles 51-57)
      • Article 51.
      • Article 52.
      • Article 53.
      • Article 54.
      • Article 55.
      • Article 56.
      • Article 57.
    • Chapter 11. (Articles 58-65)
      • Article 58
      • Article 59.
      • Article 60.
      • Article 61.
      • Article 62.
      • Article 63.
      • Article 64.
      • Article 65.
    • Chapter 12. (Articles 66-70)
      • Article 66.
      • Article 67.
      • Article 68.
      • Article 69.
      • Article 70.
    • Chapter 13. (Articles 71-74)
      • Article 71 (Articles 76-78)
        • Article 76.
        • Article 77.
        • Article 78.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, all natural lands are subject to protection, regardless of their purpose. But there are territories that are protected especially carefully.

These include:

  1. Land plots on which the cultural, natural or historical heritage of specially protected areas (SPAs) is located.
  2. Earth and animal world specially protected natural areas (SPNA).

What is the difference?

PAs are lands that have some value, be it historical, cultural or natural.

Lands of specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are, in fact, a type of protected area. These are mineral deposits that contain rich natural value.

Why allocate a ZOO

Due to the fact that there are natural areas, where many rare plants grow or unique animals are found, it was decided to take them under special control.

Due to the threat of mass destruction of vegetation or animals in such places, hunting, agricultural activities, and even more so deforestation and the construction of residential buildings are prohibited. The concept of specially protected natural areas includes not only land, but also water bodies and airspace.

Reserved natural land: description

A specially protected natural area is not only land, but also bodies of water, and even the air space above them, where there are unique natural objects that need protection.

Such areas are a national property and cannot be sold to a private person or rented out.

All activities on these lands, with the exception of the study, preservation and enhancement of specimens located there, are prohibited. For the normal functioning of life, a specially protected natural area presupposes the absence, even within reach, of harmful emissions, construction ban industrial plants. All activities that negatively affect the natural objects of protected areas are prohibited.

The boundaries of protected lands are necessarily marked with special signs.

Types of specially protected natural areas

WITH various features natural objects, their status and the presence of erected buildings on the territory, protected areas are divided into certain types and categories.

  1. Natural State Parks.
  2. Natural untouched reserves.
  3. Monuments of living nature.
  4. National parks.
  5. Arboretums and botanical gardens.
  6. Medical and health resorts.

In a certain area, local government decrees may establish other categories of specially protected natural areas - this is a kind of subtype of the basis of the territory, distinguished by certain characteristics.

Regardless of the status of the land (all-Russian or local), the rules for its use do not differ.

Specially protected natural areas of Russia are subject to preservation and enhancement. All activities carried out on these lands are permitted only subject to this requirement.

Pristine reserve

The reserve is a specially protected natural area, which is distinguished by its pristine nature. Everything here has not been touched by human hands and is in the same condition as Mother Nature created.

For land to become a nature reserve, it must meet a number of requirements:

  • To be as little affected by civilization as possible.
  • Have on your territory unique plants And rare species animals.
  • Earths are self-regulating and not subject to self-destruction.
  • They have a rare landscape.

It is the reserves that are a traditional species and are designated as specially protected natural areas of Russia as an example of pristineness and originality.

As of 2000, 99 protected areas were designated in the Russian Federation. Scientific research, educational and environmental work are carried out on their territory.

Natural monuments

These are unique natural objects that cannot be recreated through human efforts.

Such natural objects may be under federal or regional jurisdiction. It all depends on the value of the natural monument.

As a rule, such objects are classified as regional assets. They are essentially the pride of the region where they are located.

Today, such unique corners of nature federal significance There are 28, they occupy an area of ​​more than 19 thousand hectares.

There are much more regional unique natural areas, and they are divided into types:

  1. Biological, including interesting plants and animals.
  2. Hydrological are peculiar reservoirs and rare aquatic plants and animals.
  3. Geological - includes unique lands.
  4. Complex - corners of nature that combine two or more types of rare natural objects.

Nature reserves

Natural reserves are specially protected natural areas where endangered plants and animals are subject to preservation and restoration.

It happens that land is declared a natural reserve, but it is leased to a private person. In this case, the issue of withdrawal or abandonment of the lease is decided, taking into account what activities are carried out by the owner in the given territory.

Wildlife sanctuaries as specially protected natural areas have different meanings:

  1. Landscape - created for restoration
  2. Biological - in their territories, biologists are trying to preserve and increase endangered animals and plants.
  3. Paleontological - fossil objects are especially protected here.
  4. Hydrological - based on the conservation of reservoirs, lakes and water bodies.

National parks

This meaning includes the concept of lands with special natural, aesthetic or cultural value. used for scientific observations, and also organize cultural recreation for people.

The entire world community has recognized the enormous benefits of creating such protected lands.

There are three national parks in the Russian Federation included in the World Cultural Heritage. Two of them - Transbaikalsky and Pribaikalsky - are also included in the special protected zone of Lake Baikal.

Arboretums and botanical gardens

IN Lately Arboretums are actively increasing and expanding. This is due to the development of resort areas and the emergence of an increasing number of health institutions operating in environmentally friendly conditions.

Botanical gardens are dedicated to the conservation of rare and endangered plant species. In addition, various experiments are carried out there aimed at protecting endangered species.

Arboretums are used for educational purposes. On their territory they conduct educational excursions, telling and showing people all kinds of strange trees, shrubs and herbs.

In addition to educational tasks, arboretums have as their goal the cultivation and preservation of all the beauty of Russian nature that can only be captured in a given area.

As you can see, there are a lot of protected lands, all of them have different names, but the goals of specially protected natural areas are almost the same - preservation and enhancement of natural objects, observation of the natural course of events, scientific and educational activities.

Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are areas of land or water surface that, due to their environmental and other significance, are completely or partially withdrawn from economic use and for which a special protection regime has been established.

The Law on Protected Natural Areas was adopted by the State Duma on February 15, 1995. According to it, protected natural areas are intended to maintain ecological balance, preserve the genetic diversity of natural resources, most fully reflect the biogeocenotic diversity of the country's biomes, study the evolution of ecosystems and the influence of anthropogenic factors on them, as well as to solve various economic and social tasks.

According to this law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, the following main categories of these territories are distinguished:

a) state natural reserves, including biosphere reserves;

b) national parks;

c) natural parks;

d) state natural reserves;

e) natural monuments;

f) dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

Having briefly described each category of territories, I will give Full description first.

And so, national parks are relatively large natural territories and water areas, where the fulfillment of three main goals is ensured: environmental (maintaining ecological balance and preserving natural ecosystems), recreational (regulated tourism and recreation of people) and scientific (development and implementation of methods for preserving the natural complex in conditions of mass admission of visitors). The most famous national parks are “Losiny Ostrov” (district of St. Petersburg), “Sochi”, “Elbrus”, “Valdai”, “Russian North”.

Natural parks– territories of particular ecological and aesthetic value, with a relatively mild protection regime and used primarily for organized recreation of the population. The most famous are “Russian Forest” in the Moscow region; "Turgoyak" in the Chelyabinsk region, on the shore of Lake Turgoyak. It was to this lake that my friends and I went on vacation last summer and visited the natural park. Tent tourism, bicycle tourism, and excursions to the island of “St. Helena” are developed there. All around Pine forest, fresh air. I really liked it.

The next category - state natural reserves - are territories created for a certain period (in some cases permanently) to preserve or restore natural complexes or their components and maintain ecological balance. Preserve and restore the population density of one or more species of animals or plants, as well as natural landscapes, water bodies etc. Example: the Vienna Forest nature reserve in the Tikhvin district of the Leningrad region.

Natural monuments are unique, non-reproducible natural objects that have scientific, environmental, cultural and aesthetic value (caves, small tracts, ancient trees, rocks, waterfalls, etc.). An example is: the Kivach waterfall on the river. Sune (Karelia); rock "Brothers" (Altai Mountains); dark bark birch (in Lebyazhyevsky district); Rocky outcrops (Northern Urals).

Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are environmental institutions whose task is to create a collection of trees and shrubs in order to preserve biodiversity and enrich flora, as well as for scientific, educational and cultural-educational purposes.

And finally, State Nature Reserves are areas of territory that are completely withdrawn from normal economic use in order to preserve the natural complex in its natural state.

The basis of nature conservation work is based on the following basic principles:

Creation in reserves of conditions necessary for the conservation and development of all species of animals and plants;

Maintaining the ecological balance of landscapes by protecting natural ecosystems;

The opportunity to study the evolution of natural ecosystems, both regionally and in broader biogeographical terms; solve many autecological and synecological issues (i.e., individual individuals and communities of organisms);

Inclusion in the scope of activities of nature reserves of socio-economic issues related to meeting the recreational, local history and other needs of the population.

The foundations of conservation in Russia were laid by such scientists as I. P. Borodin, G. A. Kozhevnikov, A. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, D. K. Solovyov.

The reserves have become the basis for the conservation, reproduction and elimination of the threat of extinction of many rare species of plants and animals such as beaver, wild ass, bison, sika deer, tiger, leopard, sable, common eider, flamingo, etc.

Zoological and botanical research is carried out in the reserves; For operational analysis of air, water, and soil, mini-laboratories are being created, weather stations and weather posts are functioning.

In 2006, there were about 100 government agencies in Russia nature reserves with a total area of ​​33.7 million hectares, which is less than 2% of the entire territory of Russia.

To smooth out the influence of adjacent territories, especially in areas with well-developed infrastructure, protected zones are created around nature reserves where economic activity is limited.

Among Russian nature reserves, a special place is occupied by biosphere reserves, which are part of the global network of UNESCO biosphere reserves. Six of them have integrated background monitoring stations that provide data on chemical pollution of reference protected ecosystems. A number of reserves have nurseries in which the most valuable gene pool is preserved, rare species of animals are studied and bred.

The largest reserves are Taimyrsky and Ust-Lensky, the area of ​​each of them exceeds 1.5 million hectares. The Teberda, Altai, Kronotsky (Kamchatka), Voronezh reserves, as well as the Ilmensky reserve are unique in the diversity of flora and fauna.

More than 1,100 species of higher plants grow in the Teberda Nature Reserve, including 186 species endemic to the Caucasus. There are 137 species of vertebrates.

The Altai Nature Reserve is home to 1,500 species of vascular plants, 73 species of mammals, 310 species of birds, 10 species of amphibians and reptiles. In the alpine belt there are snow leopards - snow leopards (listed in the Red Book), Siberian mountain goats, and argali.

In the Kronotsky Nature Reserve there are 30 species of mammals and more than 130 species of birds. The most valuable inhabitant is the Kamchatka sable.

In the Voronezh Nature Reserve, river beaver stocks are being restored. Also protected are European deer, elk, roe deer, martens, etc.

Ilmensky Nature Reserve Southern Urals is unique. Ilmeny is a natural geological museum. More than 250 minerals have been discovered here, from common to rare ones. A wide variety of flora and fauna. This is not all that I was able to give as an example. In addition to these, there are many more reserves.

Do-it-yourself specially protected natural areas:
how to achieve protection status
for valuable natural areas and objects

Defend your right to favorable environment it is possible not only by defending against destructive business projects, but also by working “proactively” - seeking, for example, to give protected status to natural objects or even entire territories that represent valuable ecosystems and landscapes and are significant for local communities (for example, this can be unique natural objects that have become " business card» this or that area, etc.).
Let's try to figure it out how to initiate the creation of specially protected natural areas(SPNA), where to start, where and who to contact, and what should ultimately appear at the output.


There are significant discrepancies between popular ideas about specially protected natural areas and the provisions of the law. For example, not always popular natural areas that have high aesthetic qualities or are attractive from a recreational point of view have the status of specially protected areas, and on the other hand, not all protected areas have attractive qualities from the point of view of the average person. For example, “unaesthetic” swamps or steppe areas that may not seem worth any protection to non-specialists may fall under protection.

So, specially protected natural areas- these are areas of land, water surface and air space above them where they are located natural complexes and objects that have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and health valuee, which confiscated decisions of bodies state power fully or partially from economic use and for which it is installed special protection regime(Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” No. 33 Federal Law dated March 14, 1995).

The law establishes six categories of protected areas:

  • State natural reserves, including biosphere reserves
  • National parks
  • Natural parks
  • State nature reserves
  • Natural monuments
  • Dendrological parks and botanical gardens

Nature reserves and national parks are areas that can be only of federal significance, and natural parks, on the contrary, can be only of regional significance. As for the remaining categories, they can be of both federal and regional significance. In addition, the law allows that local governments can also create specially protected natural areas in their municipalities (in this case they are considered protected areas of local importance). But for this, the law of the subject of the Russian Federation must establish categories of local protected areas.
It's important to note that regional authorities by its own law has the right to establish and other categories of protected areas. For example, in the Moscow region there are seven categories of “our own” protected areas - for example, natural micro-reserves and specially protected water bodies. The same is true in the Krasnodar Territory, where, for example, local authorities have established such a category as “natural attraction” - specifically for the protection of natural objects and areas that are important for the development of tourism and have high aesthetic qualities.

PA management system in general outline is presented in the diagram and looks like this. The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia is responsible for protected areas of federal significance; the corresponding divisions of regional administrations (ministries, departments, administrations) are responsible for territories at the regional level. Territories of local significance are managed by municipal administrations.

Now let's look at the differences between protected areas of different categories from each other.

State nature reserves are environmental, research and environmental educational institutions aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems. The status of state natural biosphere reserves is given to state natural reserves that are included in international system biosphere reserves.
On the territory of state natural reserves completely withdrawn from economic use specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water bodies, subsoil, flora and fauna), having environmental, scientific, ecological educational value as examples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places where the genetic fund of flora and fauna is preserved.

Objectives of the reserves:

Carrying out the protection of natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in their natural state
- Organization and conduct scientific research, including maintaining the Chronicle of Nature
- Implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)
- Assistance in training scientific personnel and specialists in the field of environmental protection
- Environmental education and development of educational tourism

National parks are environmental, environmental, educational and scientific research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and are intended for use for environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

Features of national parks and their main difference from nature reserves is the presence of zoning of the territory. Included national park can distinguish the following zones (areas with different protection regimes):
- protected area (where a regime close to that of nature reserves operates)
- specially protected area (excursions and educational tourism are allowed)
- recreational area (intended for ecological and educational tourism)
- protection zone for cultural heritage sites
- zone for economic purposes
- zone of traditional extensive natural resource management.

The tasks of national parks include: preservation of natural complexes, unique and reference natural sites and objects; preservation of historical and cultural objects; environmental education of the population; creating conditions for regulated tourism and recreation; development and implementation of scientific methods of nature conservation and environmental education; implementation of state environmental monitoring; restoration of damaged natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects.

Natural parks- “younger brothers” of the national ones. Natural parks are specially protected natural areas of regional significance (only), within the boundaries of which zones with ecological, cultural or recreational purposes are identified, and accordingly, prohibitions and restrictions on economic and other activities are established.

State nature reserves are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the preservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance. State nature reserves can be of federal or regional significance.

Wildlife sanctuaries may be the following types:

Complex (landscape) designed for the preservation and restoration of natural complexes (natural landscapes);
- biological (botanical and zoological), intended for the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals, including valuable species in economic, scientific and cultural terms;
- paleontological, intended for the preservation of fossil objects;
- hydrological (marsh, lake, river, sea), intended for the preservation and restoration of valuable water bodies and ecological systems;
- geological, intended for the preservation of valuable objects and complexes inanimate nature.

The tasks and features of the regime of special protection of the territory of a specific state nature reserve are determined position about it, approved by the relevant government agency.

In the territories of state natural reserves, any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or limited if it contradicts the goals of creating state natural reserves or causes harm to natural complexes and their components.
For example, if a reserve was created to protect a certain species of animals, then hunting for this species may be limited, habitat conditions may deteriorate - forest cutting, soil disturbance, etc.
Owners, possessors and users of land plots located within the boundaries of state natural reserves are obliged to comply with the special protection regime established in state natural reserves and bear administrative, criminal and other liability established by law for its violation.

Natural monuments– these are unique, irreplaceable, ecologically, scientifically, culturally and aesthetically valuable natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. As a rule, these are relatively small objects or areas of natural territories (for example, a separate rocky outcrop, a gorge, an old-time tree, a unique area of ​​forest (for example, represented by species atypical for a particular region) and so on. But natural monuments are also The areas may be quite large in area (for example, it could be an entire mountain range or a river valley).
In the territories where natural monuments are formed and within the boundaries of their protection zones, any activity that entails a violation of the preservation of natural monuments is prohibited. Owners, possessors and users of land plots on which natural monuments are located are required to comply with the regime of special protection of natural monuments. A classic example: if a logging company leases an area of ​​the state forest fund on which there are natural monuments, then it will be obliged to comply with all those restrictions (including a ban on timber extraction) that are specified in the passports of natural monuments.

PAs of local importance

Concerning PAs of local importance, then local governments can create them only on land plots owned by the relevant municipality. If the created specially protected natural area will occupy more than five percent of the total area of ​​land plots owned by the municipality, the decision on the creation of a specially protected natural area is coordinated by the local government body with the state authority of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. (Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” No. 33 Federal Law dated March 14, 1995).

What documents should be studied when initiating the creation of protected areas?

You discovered that in the vicinity of your area there is, say, some interesting geological object that does not have a protective status and may, for example, eventually be used for the placement of a quarry for the extraction of inert materials.
The first thing you should look at is the Scheme for the placement and development of protected areas or the territorial planning scheme for your region (as a rule, this is a map with protected areas marked on it, as well as a list of existing and planned protected areas). You can search for such a scheme on the websites of regional departments of architecture and urban planning, bodies responsible for managing protected areas, or you can send a request to the relevant government authority to provide such a scheme in printed form.
They are also all published on the website fgis.economy.gov.ru.
If, based on the results of studying the diagram, it turns out that the one you are interested in natural object(territory) is already listed there, then this is already half the battle: in this case, all that remains is to encourage local officials to begin the process of creating protected areas: at least, you can force them to set specific deadlines.

Land reservation is a way to protect valuable territories before the status of protected areas is given.

Moreover, you can request to reserve land plot for a future protected area, using the norms of land legislation:
- Article 70.1 Land Code of the Russian Federation, which states that land reservation for state or municipal needs is carried out, including when creating specially protected natural areas;
- Article 95 Land Code of the Russian Federation, according to which “in order to create new and expand existing lands of specially protected natural territories, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to make decisions on the reservation of lands that are supposed to be declared lands of specially protected natural territories, with the subsequent withdrawal of such lands, and on restrictions on them economic activity».
At the same time, we must remember that for the creation of protected areas, only state or municipal lands that are not provided for ownership or lease can be reserved.

Expert support and work with local authorities

If the territory where you would like to create a protected area is not listed in the Scheme, the first step to take is to initiate its inclusion there. The fact is that the Schemes for the placement and development of protected areas (Territorial Planning Schemes) are periodically updated (usually every three to four years or more often) - the list of already created protected areas is replenished, and also territories in respect of which proposals have been received to give them protective status*.

*Formally, to create a protected area, its preliminary inclusion in the Territorial Planning Scheme is not necessary. However, in most regions the authorities require this.

In this case, the appeal must be sent to the authority authorized to initiate changes to the Scheme (for example, the regional Ministry of Natural Resources). At this stage, it is very important to enlist expert support - look for universities, specialized research institutes or scientists (in the end, you can even contact the local history museum) who are ready to write an expert opinion that the natural area in question has unique environmental characteristics, is a rare landscape or ecosystem, or is, for example, a habitat for species listed in the Red Book.
It is very useful to refer to both the federal law on protected areas and the corresponding regional legislation, which defines specially protected natural areas and lists their features and characteristics - you can indicate that the territory in question meets all or part of these criteria.
The more complete and convincing your arguments are, the higher the chances that your proposals will be accepted. When taking the initiative to create a protected area, it is advisable to immediately determine the most suitable category (see above), which best suits the goals of preserving the territory.
However, even if your efforts are crowned with success and the potential protected area is reflected in the Scheme for the placement and development of protected areas (Territorial Planning Scheme), it is not at all a fact that in the coming years the authorities will initiate design work. Here everything depends on your persistence, desire and ability to carry out the necessary lobbying work, using a set of tools suitable for a particular case - from armchair negotiations to a wide public campaign with petitions, mass actions, involvement of the media, and so on.
Since the authorities like to use the excuse that there is no money in the budget for the creation of new protected areas, an alternative is to try to find private funding for the preparation of a comprehensive environmental survey (IEC) of the territory in order to give it the status of a protected area. For example, the World Fund spends substantial money on the preparation of the IEA for the creation of protected areas in Russia. wildlife(WWF), there are also a number Russian funds, financing such projects.
You can also try to look for support among local businesses - it is possible that there are companies in your region that are ready to finance environmental initiatives to create their positive image.

The general scheme of the main stages of creating protected areas is as follows:

  • Preparation of materials for a comprehensive environmental survey (MCES) of the territory in order to give it the status of a protected area (including materials for assessing the impact of the creation of a protected area on the environment), preparation of a draft regulation (passport).
  • Coordination with the local administration (municipality).
  • Conducting public discussions organized by local governments.
  • Conducting a state environmental assessment of MKEO.
  • Making a decision on compulsory medical insurance (for local protected areas), sending materials to the Government of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for regional ones).
  • Coordination with the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, adoption of the governor’s resolution.

One of the most difficult stages– try to convince local authorities that the protected area being created will not harm economic development municipality and region and try to find a reasonable compromise with them. If possible, it is better not to enter into open confrontation, because the position of local authorities often plays into decisive role when the issue of creating protected areas is discussed. In addition, local authorities are also responsible for organizing public hearings on the materials of the IEA: it costs local officials nothing to turn the local population against the created protected area and thereby greatly complicate an already difficult process (in response to your public campaign for the creation of a protected area, campaign with opposite demands).
Again they can help authoritative experts: You can prepare and send to the municipal head a detailed letter with explanations and economic calculations if, for example, officials are unreasonably afraid of a fall in local budget revenues.

Procedure for holding public discussions

Carrying out public discussions EEO materials are regulated by the Regulations on the assessment of planned economic and other activities on the environment in the Russian Federation (Order of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia dated May 16, 2000 No. 372). So, clause 4.3. This Regulation states that informing the public and other participants in the environmental impact assessment (EIA) at the stage of notification, preliminary assessment and drawing up technical specifications for conducting an environmental impact assessment is carried out by the customer.
Information in in brief published in official publications of federal executive authorities (for objects of examination at the federal level), in official publications of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments on the territory of which the implementation of the object of state environmental assessment is planned, as well as on the territory of which economic and other activities are planned may have an impact.

Clause 4.8. The Regulations establish that information about the timing and place of availability of the preliminary version of materials on environmental impact assessment, the date and place of public hearings, other forms public participation published in the media no later than 30 days before the end of public discussions (public hearings).
The customer (in this case, the EEA) also communicates this information to the interested public, whose interests may be directly or indirectly affected in the event of the implementation of the planned activity or who have expressed their interest in the impact assessment process and other participants in the environmental impact assessment process, who may not have access to the specified media.
The customer ensures that public hearings are held on the planned activity with the drawing up of a protocol that clearly identifies the main issues of discussion, as well as the subject of disagreement between the public and the customer (if any has been identified). The protocol is signed by representatives of executive authorities and local self-government, citizens, public organizations(associations), customer. The minutes of the public hearings are included as one of the annexes in the final version of the materials on assessing the environmental impact of the planned economic and other activities.
Clause 4.10 The Regulations regulate that the presentation of a preliminary version of materials on environmental impact assessment to the public for review and comments is made within 30 days, but no later than 2 weeks before the end of public discussions (public hearings).
Acceptance of written comments and proposals from citizens and public organizations in the period before a decision is made on the implementation of the planned economic and other activities, documentation of these proposals in appendices to environmental impact assessment materials is ensured by the customer within 30 days after the end of the public discussion.
It is important, however, to understand that the creation of a specially protected natural area is not a panacea at all, and having achieved the desired result, one cannot wash one’s hands with a sense of accomplishment - in order for the protected area to be real and not “paper”, it is necessary to organize public control over compliance with its regime , it is necessary to monitor any actions of local authorities aimed at changing the boundaries, regime or zoning of the protected area. It is also important to achieve cadastral registration of the protected area - this will eliminate any discrepancies regarding its boundaries and configuration.

Author of the instructions- Dmitry Shevchenko, deputy coordinator of the “Environmental Watch in the North Caucasus” (instructions prepared based on the materials of the webinar “SPNA by the hands of citizens”, conducted by Mikhail Kreindlin, head of the SPNA program at Greenpeace Russia).