His attention and sensitivity, fairness and reliability, kindness and generosity work wonders with you... It was he who made you realize that life is beautiful, only next to him you shine from the inside, and for this you want to reward him with tenderness, calling him the most affectionate (in your opinion) names.

So, today I would like to talk about how you can affectionately call your loved one without going too far.


Very often we resort to diminutive forms of the real name of the chosen one. Sashulka, Kolyushok, Serzhik, Dimochka. Isaac, Aristarhunya, Svyatogorchik, Illarionushka... All these are the most innocent and harmless ways to break your tongue, oh, that is, to turn kindly to your beloved. Any reasonable person enjoys the sound of his name, men are no exception. And if it (the name) is pronounced so melodiously tenderly, and even from the lips of a beloved woman, then it is three times pleasant.

But no less often we give affectionate nicknames, relying on our own imagination, or completely abstracting from any hint of common sense. This is how Karabasyans, Meteorchiks, Little Stars, Bullets, Tyupochki, Tsyuripopochki and Elephants are born, who personify God knows what.

For example, you call him Little Baby, or My Little Sparrow, while a big sledgehammer and a key for 12 are his best friends. And he also has slanting fathoms in his shoulders and a schedule - day after day in the bitter cold, and every one of your Pupsik is like an electric shock for his brain, frostbitten in the harsh winter. Cast Iron Brother is a name that would sound like a song to such a creature. The Great Hammer is also an option. Well, or a hammer, if tenderness is completely overflowing.

Have you got your own Little Devil or Apollo, who in reality is a round, soft, chubby guy with glasses, with off-the-scale kilograms and diopters? Yes, in this case the name Kolobok would be much better suited. What could be wrong with telling the truth? The main thing is that it does not sound like a mockery.

Or, for example, your beloved has been called Rogalik since childhood. Where this came from is not known for certain, but even if all his friends call him that, from your lips it will sound with a hint of prophecy. Don’t tempt fate, come up with something of your own, less symbolic.


Pet nicknames can be very funny. A couple of years ago, talking on the phone with a friend whose boyfriends I had lost count of since college, I heard the following phrase: “You know, Coal and I are going to Thailand for the New Year holidays!”

My ignorant imagination then immediately drew the image of a young athlete with absolutely black skin, who carefully holds Irka by the waist with his huge paw and sparkles with a white-toothed smile.

But Irka continued: “He took a week off at the plant, then in the summer he will take the rap.” “Who does your Coal work for?” - I did not miss the opportunity to satisfy my curiosity. “Yes, to the forges at the blast furnace. Notice how they make good money there! He was ready to take me to the Caribbean, but Tai is my old dream!” And she added: “Coal - it’s great, tell me? And, most importantly, he is delighted!”

Such is the picturesque dual-contradictory reality.

Where and when?

Whatever you call each other, remember the saying that there is a time and place for everything.

A friend said that she once happened to see such a picture in one of the restaurants. Four respectable men were sitting at the table. They drank coffee and made smart speeches about opening some company in our region. And in the midst of a lively conversation, a lady in a crimson coat fluttered into the hall. Throwing the clutch into the lap of one of them, she exclaimed: “Cockerel, you let me down so much today! Why did you take my car keys?” There was a silent pause. Then the fat bellies perked up: “Bah, Pyotr Borisovich! Cockerel! Yes, but it would be interesting to work under your leadership!” - and there was a friendly Homeric laugh. And he sat, so self-sufficient, wearing a tie that cost twice the cost of living in our modest town, and blushed. At the same time, his eyes promised the lady in the crimson coat the imminent approach of a personal apocalypse.

Thus, before you dump the neatly laid out affectionate skeletons out of the closet of your relationship, think a hundred times whether it’s worth making public something that would be much wiser to keep only for the two of you.

Well, as a result - embellish here, add a couple of piquant details here, generously flavor it with love and say it in a sensual voice overflowing with tenderness - and here it is, ready-made recipe“how to affectionately call your loved one.” The main thing is not to move too far away from reality and do not confuse concepts. And it’s even better to express your love with the capacious “Most Wonderful”, “My Ideal”, “Desired”, “Sweet”, “My Happiness”, “My Life”. There won't be anyone indifferent, I'm sure.

What do you call your Men?

Sorry if this post seemed very long!

Americans, known for their hypertrophied political correctness, have come up with a special euphemism to describe a bald person: “hair disadvantaged” they call him, which can be translated as “having difficulty with hair.”

So they (in their opinion) tactfully hide pity for these unfortunate people, because baldness is a kind of disease that affects more than 30% of men. But do they really suffer?

You may not believe the rumors, but statistics are an exact science: according to various sources, about 40% of women consider bald men attractive.

Experts say that the culprit behind baldness is a special gene, as well as a hormone. Moreover, the hormone is not a simple one, but a sex hormone (testosterone), and the more of it, the more bald.

Everyone knows and remembers about testosterone, but in a slightly different connection: the more testosterone a man has, the more of a man he is, the sexier he is, that is, sexier.

Perhaps the concept of a simple categorical syllogism is alien to a woman, but she is able to draw a conclusion based on these two premises:

If you're bald, that means you have a lot of testosterone, which means you're a good lover.

It doesn’t matter how true this conclusion is, but it clearly appeals to women.

A real man doesn’t need a complicated hairstyle, it seems to distract from something important; but the shorter the hair on the head, the fewer there are, the clearer and more courageous the image. Perhaps this is too subjective a perception, but the fact that a huge number of women are simply crazy about Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel And Goshe Kutsenko- quite objectively.

And representatives of the fairer sex also like Ed Harris, Jason Statham, Andre Agassi, Maxim Sukhanov And Alexander Rosenbaum. One thing these celebrities have in common is not baldness, but masculinity. Of course, it’s not just about the hair, but its absence adds some unprecedented strength to the image. Yes, exactly, force!

In the eyes of many women, a bald man is a person devoid of fears and complexes.

After all, having noticed signs of baldness in himself, he did not run to a hair transplant clinic and did not rush to buy himself a hairpiece.

He either proudly and boldly “wears” this bald spot on himself, or completely removes the remaining hair, thereby demonstrating his determination and will. He does not grieve over his hair gone forever, he is not afraid to show everyone his smooth shiny bald head...

There are women who associate the rarity of hair on a man’s head with the rare talent and intelligence of its owner: they say, he thinks a lot - that’s why the hair fell out.

But this is not the biggest misconception - add glasses here, and you get Moby - a talented musician and, moreover, a candidate of science... If some associate baldness with intelligence, then others associate it with money. And some - with both (again a syllogism): If he's bald, that means he thinks, which means he knows how to make money.

By the way, researchers also talk about the relationship between baldness and income, counting the largest number of bald people among financiers, bankers and lawyers...

Finally, a bald head is very stylish. To be convinced of this, it is enough to remember what it looks like Fedor Bondarchuk or Egor Druzhinin.

By the way, men themselves also began to realize that baldness gives their appearance some sophistication. It turns out that today, indeed, a “zero” haircut is in fashion. True, it is still chosen by men with already emerging bald patches. Indeed, nothing is better than a pitiful bald spot surrounded by tufts of hair that have not yet fallen out.

It would hardly occur to a person with hair a la N. Tsiskaridze to voluntarily shave this very head. Although who knows what awaits us (or rather, men) in the future - humanity is progressing, moving towards maximum comfort.

And a bald head is so convenient: no dandruff, no lice, no need to wash or cut; shave yourself every three days and wipe off dust with a cloth. It’s not for nothing that futurist science fiction writers describe the man of the future as a bald accelerator...

Modern fashion is good for its democracy and diversity - from a number of trends, choose those that suit you. But a shaved head does not suit every man. Of course, if he is an artist, then the hairstyle “to zero” can be dictated by a creative idea. Like, for example, the Irish actor Colin Farrell or vocalist Rammstein by Till Lindemann, who were completely bald for some time.

And, I must admit, these two didn’t look their best without hair. Therefore, it is better not to make such radical experiments with your hairstyle just like that, but to wear your bald head wisely: do not throw, for example, thin strands of hair over it from one side of your head to the other.

And also make sure that the shaved head remains smooth and shiny, and not covered with creepy-looking stubble - turning into a hairstyle popularly known as “three days of freedom”...

In fact, the reasons why the fair sex has a weakness for bald men are not limited to those mentioned. There are as many reasons as there are women.

In general, in the ranking of what women pay attention to in a man, hair is in last place.

Basically, all women boil down the topic of male appearance to one thing - the main thing is that the man is good. It’s banal, of course, but let someone try to argue with this.

"BARHAT" conceptual beauty salon

When we start talking about cats, we immediately imagine a fluffy and soft, affectionate and gentle creature. Therefore, for many animal lovers, hairless cats cause bewilderment and sometimes even rejection.

From the history of the breed

Surprisingly, these animals are not the work of human hands. How hairless cats appeared, neither history nor science can give an exact answer. Scientists are inclined to believe that such unusual kittens are very rarely born to ordinary cats. This is due to a mutation in the gene that is responsible for fur.

The first information about these unusual animals came from Mexico in 1903. Later, mentions of them appeared in one or the other part of the world. Some animal lovers liked these affectionate and kind creatures. Therefore, experiments began to be carried out on crossing to obtain similar offspring. It cannot be said that all attempts were successful, but nature made sure that hairless cats survived as a breed. It continues to evolve, and perhaps soon we will see changed animals. Nowadays, hairless cats (the Sphynx breed) are divided into several types.

Breed and its varieties

These animals still lived in palaces Ancient Egypt. Then very for a long time people seemed to have forgotten about them, but the most amazing thing is that they did not disappear, but spread across all continents. By the beginning of the twentieth century, hairless cats had already taken part in exhibitions. Particularly popular today the following types these cats:

  • Don Sphynx.
  • Canadian Sphynx.
  • Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx).
  • Elf.
  • Ukrainian Levkoy.
  • Kohona (Hawaiian hairless).
  • Bambino.

What are the differences between these animals and do they exist? Let's get to know each other better.

Don Sphynx

This is one of the most common hairless cats. The breed did not receive its current name immediately. At first it was simply called the “Don cat”, then the name “Russian hairless” appeared. They even tried to call her “Russian trotter”, but, fortunately, this “name” did not stick.

Don Sphynxes, in turn, are divided into three types - bare-born, flock and brush. Cats are covered deep wrinkles, and their skin is warm and soft to the touch. Most folds are concentrated in the head area, neck and groin. It is curious that newborn babies have curled whiskers. The breed standard allows for any color, but it is noteworthy that in this variety more often than in others, a black hairless cat is found.

Canadian Sphynxes

The appearance of these cats is very attractive and unusual. The hairless cat, whose photo can be seen in all publications about these animals, has rounded and very smooth body lines. The body is completely hairless; it is covered only by numerous folds. This is especially noticeable in newborn kittens, and with age, the folds decrease slightly.

The Canadian Sphynx is distinguished by its large beautiful eyes. Because of their extraordinary brilliance, this type of sphinx is sometimes called the “moon cat.” Canadian Sphynxes are recognized as one of the the most beautiful cats in his own breed.


The hairless Peterbald Sphynx cat is very similar in appearance to an ordinary Oriental cat, but without hair. And in this case, appearances are not deceiving. Peterbalds were bred by crossing the Don Sphynx with oriental cat. They have a narrow and elongated head, large almond shaped eyes, a rather slender and slightly elongated body, long limbs and very neat paws.

For the most part, Peterbalds are friendly. They are smart, playful and very inquisitive. They do not strive for independence, and often even avoid it. Peterbalds get along well with children and quickly make friends among other pets. Thanks to this, these cats are very popular.

Breed of hairless fold cats - Ukrainian Levkoy

This hairless cat, whose photo is often shown by breeders, was bred in Kyiv 10 years ago. They are the result of mating a Scottish Fold and a Don Sphynx. It must be said that these animals combine the characteristics of these two breeds. Levkoi are hairless, although the presence of a brush (small fluff) on the body is allowed.

The head, neck, groin and abdomen are covered with folds. They are not as pronounced as those of the Don Sphynx. They got their folded ears from the Scottish Fold. This gives the animals a very unusual appearance.


If left-handed cats have ears that droop, like Scottish Folds, then the bald Sphynx cat of the elf variety has ears, the tips of which bend towards the back of the head. Thanks to them, the animals got their name.

Elves don't have hairline and are completely justified in their attitude towards hairless cats. They got this unusual appearance as a result of mating American Curls with Sphynxes. Work on this type of cat began at the beginning of the 20th century, however, these animals are not yet officially recognized.


Bambino cats look like small and funny dachshunds. This cat has a muscular and round body, a pointed muzzle, large pointed ears and large almond-shaped eyes.

These features and folds on the bambino’s body were awarded to the bald Sphynx cat (you see the photo in our article), and he received the shortened limbs from the munchkin. In this animal, the folds on the body are not so clearly expressed.

Despite their short legs, these cats are very agile, although it is quite difficult for them to climb onto high furniture. These are playful and sociable animals. Bambinos are distinguished by their original exterior, which will allow them to win the hearts of millions of cat lovers around the world in the near future.


This cat is very similar to the Sphynx, although there are no family ties between them. Kohona arose naturally; man did not take part in its creation. She lives in Hawaii. Its name is translated from the local dialect as “bald”.

If Sphynxes have skin that feels like velvet to the touch, then Hawaiian hairless cats have more like melted wax. This is explained by the fact that representatives of this breed do not have hair follicles, which means that hair growth is impossible. Scientists have not yet established why and how this mutation arose.

So, we have introduced you to the common types of hairless cats. Agree, animals are unusual, and therefore their care should be special. Sphinxes are very hot to the touch. Their body temperature is 39-40 degrees. Kittens generally resemble a heating pad - their body temperature in some cases reaches 42 degrees.

For these animals, the temperature regime (20-25°C) is important and complete absence drafts. They love the sun very much, but it can be dangerous for them, as unprotected skin can get severely burned.

How to wash a hairless cat?

This issue should be given attention Special attention. Sphynx cats need to be bathed at least once every two weeks because these cats sweat. For this purpose, you should use special shampoos for hairless cats or baby soap. Don't worry that bathing will be unpleasant for your Scythe as it is for other breeds. Hairless cats love water activities, and many of them are first-class swimmers.

Hygiene procedures and nutrition

Do not forget that the Sphynx needs to clean its ears and trim its claws so that it does not scratch itself. A naked cat needs an increased level of heat exchange, so it eats much more food than its “clothed” counterparts. And in winter time increase the caloric content of food.

The Sphinx's diet should include vegetables - carrots, cauliflower, beets, zucchini. The kitten must be accustomed to them from the very beginning. early age. Dairy products include cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir, a little cheese, which is added to porridge or vegetables, boiled meat and fish, and egg yolk.


Anyone who wants to have one pet, you should know that the character of these animals is significantly different from ordinary cats. They are more like dogs in character. They prefer to choose their owner themselves and become boundlessly attached to him. Sphinxes do not tolerate loneliness; only those people who spend more time at home than outside should get them. If you give a bald cat even for a short time other people, he may get sick from melancholy.

Hairless cats love children very much. Despite their somewhat frightening appearance, they are very affectionate and gentle creatures. They love to be petted, and sometimes it seems that they perfectly understand the owner’s speech.


If you have a Sphynx, then you are probably wondering what to name a hairless cat. Names for purebred sphinxes should be selected taking into account some of their characteristics. If you bought a kitten from a cattery, look at its documents. Some breeders name the newborns themselves, while others indicate in the documents only the letter with which the cat’s name should begin. For example, if the letter K is indicated in the metric, then names such as Cassiopeia, Clarissa, Cassandra, etc. are suitable for your cat.

The cat can be called by a name from Egyptian history or mythology. Most suitable nicknames- Osiris, Set, Jachnus. And the royal cat name would be suitable Cleopatra or Nefertiti, Isis or Bastet, etc.

Remember that cats remember best nicknames that contain the sound K and hissing sounds. That’s why they react this way to the traditional “kiss-kitty.” If such sounds are present in the name, and it is no longer than two syllables, the baby will instantly learn it.


Sphinxes are easy to train. Their memory and developed sense of simple logic are very similar to dogs. They can bring small objects to their owner in their teeth, perform quite complex tricks, can open doors, etc. The sphinx is easy to train. They are not at all annoyed by walks on a leash. They are very sociable and curious by nature, and therefore socialize easily.

Their habits and character bring pleasure to the owners - the sphinx will watch TV with you and follow you around the apartment, wanting to be the center of attention.

Physical activity and walks

We think that from our article it has already become clear to you that sphinxes are not created for life on the street, so they do not require daily walks. This can be done occasionally and only in good, warm and sunny weather. Two such walks a month are enough.

The best exercise stress for the sphinx it is a game. Buy labyrinths, exercise equipment, and toys so that your pet can have fun even when left alone.