A sword with an outwardly curved blade more than 60 cm long (daito) with a long and straight handle, which makes it possible to use a two-handed grip. The slight bend of the blade and the pointed end also allow the use of piercing blows. Fighting with one hand is greatly complicated by the fact that

The katana has no pommel. Weight Japanese katana traditional for swords of this type (approximately 1 - 1.5 kg).

Samurai sword katana photo

History and characteristics of the katana

The era of the samurai katana sword began in the 15th century as a result of the improvement of the tachi. The katana was used as the standard weapon of the samurai, mainly in pairs (the so-called daisho set - long and short) with a small wakizashi sword, which was used in close combat or hara-kiri. Only samurai were allowed to wear a katana. Katana is the most durable sword in the world, which made it possible to cut almost all materials - meat, bones and even iron. Professional katana wielders in a battle with a fighter using a European sword could cut this sword (the hardness of a katana blade is 60-65 HRC versus 50-58 HRC for the hardness of European swords).

Katana techniques

The long handle made it possible to effectively maneuver the katana. How to hold a katana correctly? The grip used was predominantly in which the end of the handle lies in the middle of the left palm, and the right hand squeezes the handle near the guard. The synchronized movement of both hands makes it possible to create a wide amplitude of the swing without large expenditures of force. Most blows are struck vertically. The division into “block-strike”, widespread in Europe, is practically not used. Instead, strikes are made to the opponent's sword or arms, removing his weapon from the trajectory of the attack and allowing a further swing to hit the opponent.

Katana grip

A real Japanese samurai katana sword can be distinguished by the characteristic hamon hardening line, which is formed as a result of the use of special forging and hardening methods, and by the tsuka hilt, which is wrapped in stingray skin and wrapped in a strip of silk. Plain leather could be used as a covering. Only souvenir and ceremonial katanas have wooden or ivory handles.

photo jamon hardening line

The blade is made from at least two different types of steel: tough at the core and tough at the cutting edge. Before forging, these components were cleaned by multiple folding and welding.

The sheath of the samurai katana sword is called saya; they are made of wood and have a varnish applied to their surface.

Photo sheath of katana saya

Carrying a katana

Japanese samurai swords, katana and wakizashi, are worn with the blade up on the left side in a sheath that is placed behind the belt. When the samurai entered the house, he pulled out a katana from his belt. When threatened, he held the sword in his left hand, ready to fight, or, if he wanted to show trust, in his right. Sitting down, he put the sword on the floor within reach, while the wakizashi remained behind his belt. If there was no need to use the katana frequently, it was left at home in an undecorated shirasaya frame made of magnolia, which protected the sword from corrosion.

Carrying a katana

Katana video

A video demonstrating the basic techniques of wielding a katana and the technique of performing strikes.

Other interesting articles

A katana is a samurai sword with a curved blade, sharpened on one side, and a straight wooden handle. It was worn and stored in a magnolia sheath.

The size of the weapon is 95-105 cm, the blade is 60.6-75.7 cm, so it is classified as a cold weapon. The cutting part is made of several types of steel, it is both strong and sharp, and holds an edge for a long time. The katana was used in honor fights, held with both hands, but a grip with one hand is also possible.

The cost of an ancient weapon now reaches several thousand dollars; replicas from Japan can be bought for 2.5-60 thousand rubles.

Read in this article

Main characteristics of the katana

The katana has the characteristics indicated in the table.

Options Their meanings and features
total length 95-105 cm
Blade length 60.6-75.7 cm
Blade width Up to 3 cm
Butt thickness Up to 0.5 cm
Blade sharpening One-sided
Sharpening angle Up to 40-45 degrees in the middle part, up to 39 degrees at the tip
Handle Straight, wooden, covered with shark skin, wrapped with silk cord
Handle length 3.5 fists of the owner, that is, 25-30 cm
Blade steel Combination of high carbon hardness 60-62 HCR with medium and low hardness material
Garda Available, diameter – 7.5-8 cm
Presence of a scabbard Necessarily
Is it a bladed weapon? In most cases it is, but there are exceptions

What is a katana

Katana is a Japanese edged weapon that belongs to the category of swords, although it is similar to a saber or checker. It has been known since the 15th century, it was owned by samurai. The weapon has a long, slightly curved blade, consisting of several layers of steel of different hardness, and a short handle in comparison with it. The katana was intended for delivering cutting blows, but with skillful use it could also stab the enemy.

Weapon length

The length of the katana together with the handle, that is, the full length, is 95-105 cm. The blade should be 60.6-75.7 cm, but on average this figure is 70-75 cm. That is, weapons of this type with shorter blades are much more common less often. This difference in the size of traditional weapons is due to the fact that they were personal and were made in accordance with the dimensions of the owner.


In addition to the length of the blade and the overall length, the following dimensions of the katana are important:

  • the width of the working part is approximately 3 cm;
  • butt thickness – from 0.5 cm.

These are the dimensions of the katana in centimeters, but in Japan the length of the sword was determined in its own units of measurement, and it had to be from 2 shaku.

There were no clearer criteria in manufacturing, especially when it came to the length of the handle. It was determined by the size of the weapon owner’s hand and was supposed to be 3.5 times his fist.

Katana weight

The weight of a katana varies from 1 kg to 1.9 kg. It depends, of course, on its size, but also on the forging method, features and quantity different types steel used. The nuances of the decor of the handle are also important. It should have cast decorations that increase the weight of the weapon. But it cannot fall out of the standard boundaries, otherwise it will be impossible to use the katana in the proper way.

What does it look like

The katana looks like a powerful sword with a slightly curved long blade and a straight hilt. The latter is separated from the chopping part by a hand guard - a guard.

The blade of the weapon is slightly beveled and rises up at the tip. In addition, the handle is decorated with decorative metal elements, covered with stingray or shark skin, and a silk ribbon is fixed over it in several turns. All this helps to hold a heavy weapon more securely in your hand.


The structure of a katana according to the regulations looks like this:

  • Ha – cutting edge of the blade;
  • Nakago – base of the cutting edge;
  • Mekugi – Nakago bamboo fastener in the handle;
  • Habaki - a fixing device for a blade so that it does not move;
  • Tsuka – handle;
  • Kasira – the head part of the handle;
  • Monouchi - the surface of a weapon that strikes when struck;
  • Mune - the unsharpened end of the blade;
  • Shinogi - edge of the blade;
  • Tsuba - guard.
  • Saya – scabbard;
  • Koi guchi is the place of entry into the sheath;
  • Sageo – rope.

These are the main parts of the katana. The sheath is also an integral part of the samurai weapon, since it was worn on the belt not naked, but hidden in it. Sai allowed not only to keep the sword sharp and not rusty, but also to disguise it after the ban on wearing it was introduced.

The secondary components of the katana are:

  • Ada – patterns formed during rolling;
  • Hamon – hardening boundary;
  • Dzi-ada – blade;
  • Ha mati - the edge of the cutting edge of the blade;
  • Kissaki - blade tip;
  • Ko-sinogi – edge at the edge;
  • Boti - the hardening boundary at the edge of the blade;
  • Yokote is the dividing line of the tip;
  • Mune mati - the edge of the blunt tip of the blade (Mune);
  • Shinogi-ji - flat surface of the blade;
  • Nakago-jiri – the final section of the cutting edge (Nakago);
  • Mei – inscriptions on the base of the cutting edge (Nakago);
  • Yasuri-me - notches on Nakago;
  • Nagaza – the size of the blade;
  • Sori - blade deflection;
  • Yaki-ha – hardened portion of the blade;
  • Menuki - ornament on the handle;
  • Same-hada – fish skin, covering the handle;
  • Kurikata – rope loop (Sageo);
  • Shitotome - a hole through which a loop for a rope (Kurikata) is threaded;
  • Footi – handle coupling;
  • Sepa - washers;
  • Tsuka-ito - silk cord wrapped around the handle;
  • Kojiri is the end point of the sheath.


The katana blade has a one-sided sharpening, its line has a smooth bend. It should be finished to a razor-like finish, tapering to a point or be uniform along its entire length.

In the first case, the masters achieved the following indicators:

  • the middle part (from 2 cm from the guard to the middle of the blade) was sharpened to 40-45 degrees;
  • the upper part (from the middle to the tip) was processed to 39 degrees.

And the maximum thickness of the blade spine is 5 mm. This combination of sizes of blunt and sharpened edges gives the sword special fighting qualities.

The required thickness of the katana blade was achieved, among other things, by polishing at the final stage of manufacturing. First, it was sharpened with rough stones of varying abrasiveness, then processed with more delicate material. The sharp edge of the blade should be smooth, without jagged edges.

Sword steel

Steel for a katana must have a high degree of carbon content, that is, be a hardness of at least 60-62 HRC. But the blade is always made multi-layered, that is, several varieties of it are used and different ways of combining them.

Mild steel or steel combined with medium steel gives the weapon elasticity, which means it does not break under heavy load. Hard provides the blade with high sharpness for a long time.

Combination methods different types became different. Sometimes the soft and middle layers are the central layers of the blade, and the hard lining is on the outside. In other cases, the high carbon steel is on the inside and the outer layers are made of lower carbon content material.

Blade designs according to the types of steel used are of the following types:

  • maru, in which there is only one type of material - high-carbon;
  • kobuse, where the rod is made of soft steel and the lining of harder steel;
  • khonsammai, in which the inner layer is soft, but the tip is high-carbon, and there are outer linings of a medium-hard material;
  • Shihozume, similar to the previous design, but with the back of the blade protected by a strip of medium-hard steel;
  • makuri, where the core is soft and the shell is completely hard;
  • warha tetsu, in which the tip is made of high-carbon material and the lining is made of soft material;
  • orikaeshi sammai, which is an improved form of honsammai;
  • gomai, where the thin inner rod is made of hard steel, it is covered with a layer of soft material and again hard material on the outside;
  • sosu kitae, which combines seven layers of different types of steel, which gives the highest possible quality.

Katana is a saber

A katana is a saber by European and Russian standards. It is classified as this type of weapon because of its curved blade and its one-sided sharpening.

But the Japanese are sure that the katana belongs to the category of swords for the following reasons:

  • it is used primarily for cutting and piercing blows, and for chopping with a saber;
  • the handle continues the line of the blade, and does not bend;
  • the weight corresponds to the same indicator of other swords, and the second type of weapon is much lighter;
  • You can use a katana by holding it to the left, right hand or holding both, which will not work with a saber.

Watch the video of an expert's opinion about the Japanese Katana sword:

Is it a bladed weapon?

If they are not there, the katana can be a historical property, a collectible, an antique, and in all cases it is required to have permission.

Longest katana

The longest katana is called "okatana". Belonging to this subtype of weapon is determined by the size of the blade; it must be larger than 2.5 shaku, that is, from 75.8 cm. The largest full size of a long sword is 105-130 cm. The shape of the blade and handle in all cases is the same as that of a traditional weapons of this type.


History of the Samurai Sword

The samurai sword dates back to the end of the 14th century. The predecessor of the katana was the tati sword; in fact, thanks to its improvement, it appeared. The weapon was carried and used in combination with a short wakizashi. The latter is also classified as a sword.

The katana was an indispensable attribute of samurai weapons until the 20th century. True, it was previously banned from using it. But the Japanese began to hide weapons in simple wooden sheaths to create the impression that there was the same wooden sword there. Then tools with thinner blades appeared, similar to European cane swords. They forced the katana out of use, as they were more convenient to camouflage.

Watch the video for the history and review of the samurai sword Katana:

Scope of application

The katana was the personal weapon of the samurai, confirmation of his status. But also a weapon of defense, often used in duels. When determining its purpose, we can draw an analogy with the European sword or rapier. But, unlike Western weapons, the katana is not capable of damaging the armor of a samurai, especially if it was created before the 17th century. Those swords have a too fragile blade due to the high sharpness of the blade. But this did not stop them from being used in close combat with an enemy without armor.

Now the katana is not only a collectible weapon. Swords are used in fencing. There are several schools in Japan that teach the art of wielding this weapon.

How to hold and wear a katana sword

You can hold a katana either with one hand or with a two-handed grip, but the latter is more convenient. In this case, the blade of the sword goes to the target not at a right angle, but obliquely, to deliver a cutting blow. This technique was previously used in combat, and now it is used in fencing.

They wore a katana in a sheath, where the sword lay with the tip up. They were held behind the belt on the left side. Upon entering someone else's house, the samurai removed the weapon from its sheath and placed it nearby so that it could be reached.

The katana sword, held by the hilt with the left hand, indicated the samurai’s readiness to engage in battle. If it was on the right, it meant the owner had a peaceful attitude.

Types of katanas and their varieties

There are the following types of katanas:

  • traditional;
  • wooden, used as a souvenir;
  • short - wakizashi;
  • straight – kokatana;
  • tactical - Tactical Katana Machete;
  • with a red blade, where the steel contains gold.

There are also ancient and modern varieties katan. But the latter can be of no worse quality than those that have existed for several centuries, since the secrets of their manufacture are preserved and used by Japanese craftsmen.

Wooden katana

A wooden katana is a souvenir weapon used for historical reconstructions or in games. The sword is made entirely of solid beech, including the hilt. Other types of wood can also be used. The handle of the product is trimmed with genuine leather. This katana resembles an ancient samurai weapon only in shape.

Short katana

The short katana is a wakizashi sword. Both were worn as a pair on the left side of the belt, and were called a "daise" set.

Wakizashi has:

  • length 50-70 cm,
  • handle the size of 1.5 fists of the owner,
  • blade 3 cm wide,
  • butt 0.5 cm.

Wakizashi Sword

But otherwise, it completely repeats the shape of a katana - a blade curved with a sharp edge and a straight handle. This weapon served as an auxiliary weapon in battle if the long sword broke or it was not possible to reach it.

The small katana was always with its owner if he found himself in someone else's house. And in this case the big one had to be removed from the belt and placed next to it.

Straight katana

The straight katana is called "kokatana". It could be included in a daiso instead of a wakizashi, that is, serve as a reserve weapon for a samurai. Kokatana has the following parameters:

  • full length 60-69 cm,
  • handle 15-17 cm,
  • less curved, but not absolutely straight blade up to 3 cm wide.

Kokatana Sword

And, unlike wakizashi, only aristocrats could wear kokatana.

Tactical katana

The tactical katana has almost no relation to the ancient Japanese weapons, since it is a modern knife from Cold Steel called the Tactical Katana Machete. It is similar to a samurai sword only in shape - a curved blade, pointed at the convex edge, and a straight hilt.

Tactical Katana Machete parameters:

  • total length – 92 cm,
  • blade length – 61 cm,
  • length of the sharpened blade segment – ​​57 cm,
  • blade width – 3.3-4.5 cm,
  • butt thickness – 2.2-2.4 cm,
  • guard diameter – 7.7 cm,
  • handle thickness – 2.1-2.8 cm.

Tactical Katana Machete

The metal part is made of carbon steel. The handle is made of polypropylene and features the finish pattern of a real katana. The set also includes a fabric case with plastic trim.

Dual katanas

Paired katanas are daisho, consisting of the katana itself and a shorter wakizashi. Another option for a samurai's weapon set is the first sword and straight kokatana, hung on the belt on the left side. But they never carried or fought with two katanas at once. The first is inconvenient, the second is unrealistic due to the size and weight of the weapon.

Paired Katanas

Katana with red blade

A katana with a red blade is one with a blade made of red steel, which contains gold and brass. This feature does not enhance the combat qualities of the weapon, but makes it very attractive in appearance and quite expensive. Usually the hilt and scabbard also have a red color to them.

Katana with red blade

Crossed katanas

Crossed katanas are nothing more than a symbol of readiness for battle. But in reality, it is impossible to see both weapons in the hands of the owner in exactly this position. Daise cannot be used at the same time. Crossed swords are marked only on graphic images, family coats of arms, and symbolize the military valor of the samurai family.

Reasons for popularity

The two-handed katana is in demand among collectors because this weapon is distinguished by its beauty and originality. Films in which valiant samurai wielded two swords at once (which is unlikely in reality), defeating everyone, contributed their share of popularization.

Another myth that adds interest is that weapons cannot be broken. This is due to information about the peculiarities of steel production and blade forging by the Japanese. Both processes are different from how it was done in Europe. And the very interest in Japan also contributes to the popularization of its ancient swords, even in the form of their modern replicas.

Why are so many ancient weapons preserved?

The Japanese were sensitive to weapons, passing them on to their descendants in each family. Samurai swords were of high quality and richly decorated, so they were the property of the family along with lands and monetary property. Accordingly, they were stored carefully; many weapons have survived to this day.

There are other reasons for the abundance of swords:

  • there are more than 300 forges in the country that make weapons using ancient technologies;
  • they are in great demand in Japan, thanks to interest in the art of swordplay and the schools where it is taught;
  • The ancient guns are a cultural and historical treasure of the country, protected by scientific societies, so they were not allowed to be destroyed after Japan's defeat in World War II.

How much does a katana cost?

How much a katana costs depends on the age of the weapon, the manufacturing method, the finishing features of the handle and sheath, but the modern “remake” good quality can cost 10-60 thousand rubles. A product of a worse level costs only 3-4 thousand rubles. A real katana from Japan will cost 300-500 thousand rubles, and sometimes even higher if it is a copy from a famous master with supporting documents. In 1995, one of these was sold for 600 thousand dollars.

Where to buy real one from Japan

You can buy a katana from Japan in gun stores. There are products made in this country at the present time, but in accordance with previous traditions. They can also be ordered online at international sites.

In Russia and other countries there are private collectors of weapons, who also sometimes part with some of their weapons. But you need to remember: if the sword has signs of chemical weapons, you will need permission to own it.

Making a Japanese katana sword

Traditional katana making is a labor-intensive and lengthy process that includes:

  1. cleaning steel from unnecessary impurities by immersing it in a solution of clay and ash;
  2. heating to high temperatures and folding with hammer flattening to obtain a multi-layer sheet of high-carbon material;
  3. forging, during which steels of different hardness are combined and the outline of the blade is formed;
  4. hardening of a workpiece coated with a layer of liquid clay so that martensite appears in some areas in the metal;
  5. release of material that already has the shape of a blade;
  6. sharpening and polishing, during which the modern Japanese katana sword acquires engraving on the working part;
  7. making steel guards and decorating them;
  8. making a handle, connecting it to the blade and guard using a bamboo fastening;
  9. making wooden scabbards.

Cheap modern samurai swords are made from simple stainless steel with a hardness of 56 HRC. And in this case, the process of creating them is not so complicated, it consists of cutting the blade, hardening, tempering, sharpening, making a handle and sheath, and assembling the product.

How a katana is made in Japan

Katana in Japan is made as follows:

  1. Pieces of special grade steel are placed in ash and clay solution to remove slag. Then they are removed and heated to join into a single whole, hammered, folded, and the previous step repeated until a sheet of high-carbon steel is obtained.
  2. A softer material is added to it to impart viscosity, which protects the blade from breakage. Forging takes several days, strips of steel of different hardnesses are combined in the way they will be arranged in the finished product. When the initial form is ready, a layer of liquid clay is applied to it.
  3. Next, in the process of hardening (heating the workpiece and cooling in warm water), a hamon is formed, that is, a pattern in the area between the blade and the transition to the butt. It will become final after polishing the blade, but first the latter is given a traditional shape - slightly curved.
  4. The next stage is product release. It is heated in an oven and cooled slowly in air. This is how the blade gains hardness without losing its viscosity.
  5. The finished metal part of the weapon is sharpened. To do this, use up to 9 special stones of different abrasiveness, and at the end - thin plates or wooden planks. At the same stage, some modern craftsmen apply engraving to the unhardened areas of the blade.
  6. All that remains is to polish the product. The master also works with different tools, thanks to which he highlights sections of the blade (hamon, hada, etc.). Along with sharpening, the process can last several days.
  7. Then a handle is made from magnolia or cherry, covered with stingray or shark skin, wrapped with silk, sometimes woolen ribbon. It is attached to the shank using a bamboo pin threaded through a hole on it. Between the handle and the working part of the blade there should be a guard (tsuba), attached using washers (sep). A coupling (futi) should separate the hand protection from the handle.
  8. The scabbard is made from wood. They are framed with decorations made of animal horn or bone and coated with varnish.

Watch the video about how samurai Katana swords are made:

Common defects of the samurai katana

The samurai katana is obtained as a result of a complex technological process, errors in which can lead to defects, having specific names:

  • Karasunokuchi– damage to the blade. If a crack penetrates the hardened and unhardened parts, the sword cannot be repaired; it is unusable.
  • Sinae– transverse cracks in bend areas. They arise due to “fatigue” of the material and do not interfere with the use of the tool.
  • Fukure– pieces of scale or coal preserved during the process of folding steel. The flaw spoils the appearance, as it is exposed after polishing. In addition, it reduces the strength of the sword.
  • Kirikome– unevenness on the rear of the implement. They form as a result of using a sword, but the problem is dealt with by polishing or not dealt with at all, since it is not considered serious.
  • Umegane- a patch that hides another defect. It is placed by a blacksmith, wanting to correct mistakes in his work or make the visible inner layer of steel invisible.
  • Hagire– crack on the hardening line (jamon). If it was formed due to a notch, then it is not dangerous. And when the cause is too much bending of the blade, it is unsuitable for use.
  • Hakobore– a large notch on the blade and hamon. May contribute to further deterioration of steel.
  • Hajimi– dull areas on the blade that form during frequent sharpening. May mean the sword is old. But there is also evidence that it is made of poor steel, which quickly becomes dull.
  • Nioi gire– absence of a boundary between areas of hardened and unhardened steel where it should pass. It may mean that the hardening stage was carried out incorrectly, that is, the sword is unusable. But the same thing happens if the boundary between the mentioned areas is unclear, then this can be corrected by grinding.
  • Mizukage– a dark spot on the cutting part of the blade. May form as a result of repeated quenching or cooling.
  • Shintetsu– penetration of the lower layers of steel to the surface. Occurs when polishing too hard or due to the age of the tool.
  • Tsukare– thinning of weapons. The reason may be its age, that is, regular sharpening and polishing.

Defects of the katana

The sheath of a katana, or saya, is made from magnolia to fit the blade. In cross section they can be oval, in the form of an ellipse or octagon with sharp or rounded edges. The saya is varnished, sometimes it is decorated with ornaments, like on the handle and guard, or covered with fish skin.

The entrance to the scabbard is decorated with horn and bone decor. But if you leave them without any decorations, it will not be a mistake. This is exactly what the saya became during the period when the wearing of a katana was banned by the emperor of the country. Currently, sheaths are also made of metal, but the inner layer must consist of wood.

Which sword is longer than a katana

A sword longer than a katana is:

  • Tati. It has a length of 75.7-90.9 cm, a more curved blade. And the handle of the weapon is not straight, unlike a katana. Tati is its predecessor and the basis for its creation.
  • Nodachi. Its length is 1-1.5 m, and the longest sword of this type reached 2.5 m. It was created for battles with an enemy clad in armor. But to use nodachi, the samurai himself had to be physically very strong.

It’s not for nothing that the katana is so popular among bladed weapon lovers. The sword is quite elegant, but durable, sharp, and affordable to own, as there are decent examples with a reasonable price. It will be a good addition to the collection, but will look no less impressive alone.

Katana- long Japanese sword (daito). The current Russian standard GOST R 51215-98 characterizes the katana as a “Japanese large two-handed saber with a blade more than 60 cm long.” In modern Japanese, the word katana also means any sword. Katana - Japanese reading (kun'yomi) Chinese character刀; Sino-Japanese reading (on'yomi) - then:. The word means "a curved sword with a single-sided blade." The shape of the blade of the katana resembles a saber, but its handle is straight and long, which allows the use of a two-handed grip. The pommel is missing. The slight bend of the blade and the sharp end also allow piercing blows. The absence of a pommel makes fencing with one hand extremely difficult, despite the standard weight (about one and a half kilograms) for a bladed hand weapon. Perhaps this is explained by the anthropometric data of Japanese warriors (there is another explanation - Japanese blacksmiths at the time of the development of edged weapons did not know how to produce high-quality steel; the blades quickly dulled, and the weapon was effective only with slashing blows, which initially predetermined a two-handed grip. More later, when high-quality steel was discovered, the long handle was already established as a tradition). Unlike tachi, the katana is also a civilian weapon of the samurai, like the sword of European nobles of the 14th-19th centuries.

History of development.
The katana appeared in the 15th century as a consequence of the evolution of tachi and was used from the end of the 14th century (early Muromachi period) as traditional weapons samurai, primarily in combination (daisho, lit. “big-small”) with a short wakizashi (shoto, lit. “small sword”). Katana is similar in many ways to the earlier one chinese sword miao dao. A genuine Japanese katana can be easily recognized by its hardening line (jamon), which is explained by the use of special forging and hardening techniques, as well as the handle (tsuka), covered with stingray skin and entwined with a silk ribbon. Ordinary leather was also used for covering. Carved hardwood or ivory hilts are found only on decorative and ceremonial swords. The blade of a katana consists of at least two different types of steel: tough for the base (core) and hard for the cutting part. Both components were first refined by repeated folding and welding before being forged into a blade.
IN in the narrow sense katana - curved (cutting part outward) bastard sword with a blade two or more shaku long (2 shaku is approximately equal to 60.6 cm) and a handle of varying lengths. Weight 750-1000g. If the length of the blade is less than two shaku, then it is a wakizashi, if less than one shaku, it is a dagger (tanto, aikuti, hamidashi). The scabbard for all three types of swords is called saya; they are made of wood and varnished. Only mass-produced swords of the 20th century have a metal scabbard, however, they are also equipped with a wooden lining...

Katana and wakizashi are always worn on the left side of the body in a sheath, tucked into the belt (obi), with the blade facing up. This is an accepted way of carrying in society, formed after the end of the wars of the Sengoku period at the beginning of the 17th century, when carrying weapons became more of a tradition than a military necessity. When the samurai entered the house, he took out a katana from his belt. In case of possible conflicts, he held the sword in his left hand in a state of combat readiness or, as a sign of trust, in his right. When sitting down, he placed the katana on the floor within reach, and the wakizashi was not removed (the samurai wore it in a sheath in his belt). Mounting the sword for outdoor use is called koshirae and includes the lacquered sheath of the sai. If there was no frequent need to use the sword, it was stored at home in a shirasai mount made of untreated magnolia wood, which protected the steel from corrosion. Some modern katanas are initially produced in this version, in which the scabbard is not varnished or decorated. This type of installation, which lacked tsuba and other decorative elements, did not attract attention and became widespread at the end of the 19th century after the imperial ban on wearing a sword. It seemed that the sheath was not a katana, but a bokuto - a wooden sword. In the 20th century, camouflaged swords appeared, similar in design to Western cane swords: the blade of the sword rested in a sheath imitating a staff made of bamboo or wood.
Until the early Muromachi period, the weapon was a tachi - a long sword worn on a belt with the blade down. However, starting from the end of the 14th century, it was increasingly replaced by the katana. It was worn in a sheath secured to the belt with a ribbon of silk or other fabric (sageo). A tanto dagger was usually worn along with a tachi, and a wakizashi was usually worn together with a katana.

A blacksmith making a sword has long been faced with the task of creating a weapon that is sharp and at the same time retains fighting qualities for a long time, does not lose its sharpness, does not rust or break. Depending on the carbon content of the steel and the hardening, it could produce a sword with a high martensite index, therefore very hard and retaining its sharpness for a long time, but brittle and brittle. Conversely, a blade made of softer steel becomes dull faster.
This difficulty is overcome by using a multilayer structure. In traditional technique, the inner layer is made of low carbon steel and covered with hard high carbon steel, which forms upper layer: A blacksmith folds a long, narrow piece of hard steel into a U-shape and welds a piece of soft steel into it. From the resulting combined whetstone, a sword blank is forged, with the closed side of the “U” subsequently becoming the blade. This combined workpiece is no longer folded.
Other designs feature different combinations, such as placing hard steel in a U-shaped piece of soft steel, or combining hard steel on the blade with soft steel on the back and medium-hard steel making up two additional side inserts. There are numerous complicated techniques, which, however, do not guarantee higher quality. They are practiced mostly by low-class blacksmiths, who thus seek to bypass the difficult hardening process. Very short blades are sometimes made from one type of steel (mono-material)

Larger samples require a more complex design.

  • Maru- the cheapest of all designs, also used for tanto or ko-wakizashi; Such single blades are not subject to differential hardening and consist of one single type of steel.
  • Kobuse- a simplified design of the sword, which, due to its low cost, was widely used in military conflicts that required large volumes of weapons until the Second World War
  • Khonsammai- the most common design. The side parts are reinforced with additional plates made of medium-hard steel. The sword is highly durable and has the advantage that the back side of the blade (butt) is not hardened and does not allow it to break. Some old swords show similar impact marks.
  • Shihozume- a design similar to the honsanmai, in which the back of the blade is protected by a rigid iron strip.
  • Makuri- a simplified design in which the soft iron core is entirely hidden in a hard steel shell.
  • Wariha tetsu- simple but very flexible design.
  • Orikaeshi sammai- a slightly improved form of honsanmai
  • Gomai- a slightly unusual option with a core of hard iron, which is surrounded by a middle soft layer, in turn covered with a layer of hard steel
  • Soshu kitae- one of the most complex structures, having seven layers of steel. Practiced by the blacksmith Masamune, it is considered an exemplary work.

The katana was used primarily as cutting weapon, sometimes as a piercing weapon, allowing both two-handed and one-handed grips. The oldest schools of katana art date back to the 15th and 16th centuries.
The main idea of ​​the Japanese art of swordsmanship (kenjutsu) and the techniques based on it (such as iaido) is that the longitudinal axis of the sword during an attack should not go to the target at a right angle, but along its plane, delivering cutting blows. Therefore, it is more appropriate to talk here not about blows - in the form in which they are characteristic of Western sword techniques, but about cuts. This is why the blades have a curved shape. Japanese swordsman Miyamoto Musashi wrote the book “Gorin no sho” (“Book of Five Rings”), in which he reveals his two-sword technique (niten-ryu) and substantiates it from an esoteric perspective. Working with katana and wakizashi is similar to eskrima techniques (modern name - Arnis de mano). Kenjutsu, the practical art of fencing with a sword, evolved into modern look- gendai budo. The art of surprise attack and counterattack is called iaido and is a meditative type of combat fought with an imaginary opponent. Kendo is the art of fencing with a bamboo sword (shinai), in which it is mandatory to wear a set of protection, similar to European fencing and consisting of a helmet with a lattice covering the face, and armor. This type of sword fencing, depending on the specific style (ryu), can be practiced as a sports discipline. In Japan, there are still numerous traditional fencing schools that managed to survive after Emperor Meiji's general ban on wearing swords. The most famous are Kashima Shinto Ryu, Kashima Shin Ryu and Katori Shinto Ryu.

Main parts:

  • Ha- cutting edge
  • Habaki- fastening sleeve (so that the blade is fixed in one position and does not move)
  • Kasira- handle head
  • Koi gucci- entrance to the scabbard
  • Monouchi- hitting surface
  • Mune- blunt end of the blade
  • Mekugi- a bamboo pin that secures Nakago in the handle of the blade
  • Nakago- blade base
  • Sageo- rope
  • Saya- scabbard
  • Tsuba- guard
  • Tsuka- handle
  • Shinogi- edge of the blade

Minor parts:

  • Ada patterns (concentric, wavy and linear patterns created during rolling)
  • Ha mother- edge of Ha
  • Jamon- hardening line
  • Boti- hardening line on the tip
  • Yokote- dividing line of the tip
  • Dzi-ada- blade
  • Itsu- groove for Kozuka (knife)
  • Kogai- (multi-profile pin), or Uvari-Masi (shelves)
  • Kissaki- point
  • Kojiri- tip of the scabbard
  • Ko-shinogi- edge of the blade at the tip
  • Kurikata- loop for Sageo
  • Mune machi- region of Mune
  • Mai- inscriptions on Nakago (name of the blacksmith, year, testing on those sentenced to death or corpses, etc.)
  • Mekugi-ana- hole for pin
  • Manuki- handle ornament
  • Nagaza- blade length
  • Nakago-jiri- tip of Nakago
  • Nioi or Nie- martensite particles (large ones are called Nie, small ones - Nio)
  • Same-hada- the skin of a huge stingray covering the handle
  • Shitotome- hole for Kurikata
  • Sorry- deflection
  • Sepa- washers
  • Footy- handle coupling
  • Tsuka-ito- cord wrapping around the handle
  • Shinogi-ji- flat part of the blade
  • Yaki-a (or Yaki-ha)- hardened part of the blade
  • Yasuri-me- file notch on Nakago

Katana. Even the word itself cuts the air, flying from the lips, like its sharp blade, which cuts the hair lengthwise without any effort.

How many times in a wide variety of films have we seen stern men (and sometimes women) who bravely shred enemies of all stripes and types into small rags. This type of two-handed sword appears in books, art, sculpture, video games and movies. Any more or less pretentious hero, who may not have anything to do with the East, stands in a flowing cloak and shreds his adversaries with a constant grin. Blood flows like a river, pathos is maintained, the viewer is satisfied.

To have a more complete idea of ​​what this type of blade is, we should turn to the concept of what this type of weapon is:

If you are a collector and do not want to stumble upon a fake, then you should pay attention to the jamon (it has a certain shape due to forging and hardening techniques). Particular attention should be paid to the handle, which is necessarily covered with stingray skin and entwined with a silk ribbon.

If you have a combat katana in front of you, then it is covered with either stingray or plain leather. But if the handle is wooden, or even ivory, then this is a ceremonial or decorative katana.


To understand how valuable the katana is, and why even today it costs cosmic money, it is worth turning to the process of its manufacture. Incredibly painstaking, complex and multifaceted, it can take up to six weeks.

To make such a sword, a special type of steel is used, which is called “tamahagane”. Pieces of this iron are placed together, filled with clay mass, sprinkled with ash and wait until all the slag has come off. When melted, all unnecessary impurities come out along with the clay, and the resulting block is turned into a cake. Then this metal sheet is folded again and flattened again. After some time, there are almost 12 times more such layers; By the way, it is somewhat reminiscent of pasta dough, which is rolled many times, thereby distributing its thickness evenly along the entire length.

As a result, there are about 4,000 such layers (more precisely, 2¹²), and all of this is handmade.

It is worth remembering that even in the classic form of forging, pure steel is not used, and softer material is necessarily added to it, thereby protecting the sword from breaking at the most inopportune moment.

When the workpiece is completely ready for use, the blade is pulled out to its usual shape, and then a layer of special liquefied clay is applied, thereby making a recognizable pattern on the blade - hamon.

Then the blade is hardened in water and fire, as well as in solutions that will be specific only to a certain blacksmith shop.

This diagram shows a cross-section of the katana:

Now let's take a walk based on the design of the legendary sword.

But before we get into the specification, we should take a look at general diagram of the structure of the sword:

There are about 12 variations of the tip (depending on the metal) and their cost:

  • Maru- the most budget design of all. It is used in tanto and ko-wakizashi. All the cheapness lies in the ordinaryness of the layers, and also in the fact that the grade of steel is the same (without impurities).
  • Kobuse- an equally budget version from World War II, which, due to its cheapness, was in great demand among the army.
  • Khonsammai- the most popular design. Here both side parts are reinforced with steel plates of more average hardness. This sword is durable and also has an unhardened butt, which prevents the sword from breaking. Take a closer look at old swords: it is in this place that traces of blows are visible.
  • Shihozume- a type that looks like a honsanmai, which has an iron strip of increased rigidity at the back.
  • Makuri- the design is simple to the point of disgrace: inside is a soft heart, and outside is hard steel.
  • Wariha tetsu- lightweight and simple design with increased flexibility.
  • Orikaeshi sammai-a more advanced form of honsanmai.
  • Gomai- the option is absolutely strange and unusual, as it resembles a sandwich: hard iron in the middle, a soft middle layer and a hard steel shell.
  • Soshu kitae- the most complex design that combines 7 layers of steel. Invented by master blacksmith Masamune, it is a reference work.

Next comes polishing to a mirror shine, and then they make a handle (here the scope for imagination is limitless), which is cut out in a couple of days.

For a more detailed idea of ​​the structure of this amazing sword, I present to your attention this photograph, however, there are no tassels on the hilt:

In addition to its aesthetics, the katana has proven to be an excellent weapon. But before we move on to a more detailed analysis of it, it is worth answering some questions

    How to wear a katana correctly?

    Is it true that a katana is a cutting weapon and not a chopping weapon?

To answer first question, we should look into history and go to a time when Japan ceased to be a state fragmented by wars and wearing a katana became more of a tradition than a combat necessity.

Let's go back to the Sengoku era, during which the basic rules for wearing a katana were developed.

Swords (a katana is paired with a wakizashi) are always worn on the left, with the sheath tucked behind the upper belt of the kimono (obi), with the blade pointing to the sky. As for the wearing traditions in civilized times, the samurai, before entering the house, took out the sword and then took it in accordance with the situation: if problems are possible, then in the left hand, if as a sign of trust, then in the right. If it was necessary to sit down, the katana was placed nearby so that it could be reached by hand, while the wakizashi was not removed (the samurai kept it in a sheath that was tucked into the belt).

An interesting fact regarding the high value of the katana itself for Japanese warrior The history of World War II illustrates this to us. At all times, it was considered the highest valor to die during battle, clutching the hilt of your sword in your hand. In 1943, the plane of Ishiroku Yamamoto, an admiral, was shot down, whose charred body was found in the wreckage of the plane. In the hands of the dead man his katana was clenched, which was with the owner until the very end: on the ground and in the air.

Another eerie tradition associated with the accompanying sword is the ritual of seppuku, also known as hara-kiri.

By the way, the rules for wearing and storing are called mounting (kosirae), this design also includes a sheath.

When the sword does not have to be used often, it is stored in a special scabbard made of rough wood, often magnolia. This type of wood has the properties of protecting steel from corrosion and other damage.

In some modern versions, the sword is produced with an unfinished scabbard, without varnish or decoration; By the way, this type of unattractive box gained popularity in the 19th century, after the emperor banned wearing a sword in public.

It was during this period that a new one appeared. Why not spy games?

Installation (koshirae) in detail:

It is worth noting that a complete installation consists of the following parts (be careful when purchasing supposedly original swords; if some parts are missing, this is a reason to bargain):

  • habaki(a coupling that is attached to the tail section under the guard, which serves to securely fix the sword in the sheath).
  • tsuba(guard)
  • seppa(washer under and above the tsuba)
  • footy(coupling between tsuba and handle)
  • Samegawa(handle cover made of regular leather or stingray)
  • tsuka-ito(silk or leather ribbon for braiding the handle)
  • Menuki(handle decor under the braid)
  • kashira or tsuka-gashira(cap at the end of the handle)

The decorations are futi, menuki and kashira, which are the same in theme and patterns.

By the way, this photo shows a tsuba from the Edo period:

Now let's answer second question: Is it true that a katana is a cutting weapon? Yes, despite the common misconception, as well as the incorrect presentation in films and games, a katana is primarily a cutting weapon, and only then a piercing weapon. But in no case is it slashing (unless you want to chop bamboo with it), since the fighting style is not conducive to slashing movements. Moreover, because of this manner of fighting, the katana was created with the expectation of a cutting blow (one-sided blade and cut tip):

Masters and schools:

And then great masters and schools appear on the horizon. Since we have found out that this is a cutting weapon, then perhaps it is worth figuring out who was the most skillful and deadly legislator of the eastern school of sword making:

The oldest schools of katana fighting date back to the 15th-16th centuries.

The main idea of ​​Japanese fencing (kendyutsu) and its techniques (for example, iaido) is that, due to the design of the sword, blows should not be struck in the Western manner (that is, chopping), but along the plane of the blade, delivering cutting blows. Therefore, when they talk about the Japanese school of fencing, the specifics of the weapon itself stand out: length and curvature.

There are several variations of schools and training, which were perfectly described in his book by the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi (“The Book of Five Rings”).

He himself pays special attention to his own two-sword technique (niten-ryu), and also justifies it from an esoteric perspective. The master says that working with a katana and the accompanying sword is similar to escrima (in modern concept: Arnis de mano)

The art of Japanese fencing has undergone many changes and evolutionary processes, for example:

Kenjutsu turned into gendai budo.

Iaido(surprise attack and counterattack) has a more meditative form and fights an imaginary enemy.

Kendo(fighting) instead of a combat discipline turned into a sports one. As in the Western style of rapier fencing, there is also a set of face protection and armor. How athletic or military training varies depending on the style (ryu).

To this day, Japan abounds in a wide variety of schools of traditional fencing that have survived the imperial ban (Meiji era) on wearing katana and other types of swords. The most famous schools: Kashima Shinto Ryu, Kashima Shin Ryu and Katori Shinto Ryu

12 Defects that can be found when examining a katana:

As mentioned at the beginning, a katana costs exorbitant amounts of money, and the older it is, the more valuable it is. When choosing similar weapons it is worth paying attention to possible defects. They are critical, there are fixable ones, and there are those that make the sword completely damaged and unsuitable for battle. How to recognize them, as well as their names (and a picture with a visual example), will be given below:

Karasunokuchi (1). Crack inside the blade. Such a crack, when passing through a parallel plane, divides parts with and without hardening in half. May be reflected in the shape of the sword. If it affects the shape, then the sword is defective.

Shinae (2). A small defect at the bend appears as a result of metal fatigue. It runs along the perpendicular part of the blade, most often in the area with unhardened steel. Not a critical defect.

Fukure(3). Jambs from the welding process. Mostly leftovers. They appear after polishing, spoil the aesthetics and reduce the strength of the sword.

Kirikomi (4). Defect on the back of the blade due to the beating guard. Easily erased when polished. An indicator of the use of a sword in battle. Not a serious defect.

Umegane (5). Kuznetsk patch that covers some kind of jamb. This thing is made to seal the inner layer of steel, which bleeds through frequent polishing.

Hagire (6). A notch on the jamon, or a strong bend that provokes a very small crack - hagire. The notch is often visible, but the crack is not, and it is this that is the most dangerous jamb.

Hakobore (7). It's just a very noticeable cylindrical notch, which is often the cause of cracks.

Hajimi (8) A matte area that often occurs after multiple sharpenings. The sword may lose its shine. Not dangerous.

Nioi gire (9). The reason is poor hardening.

Such a defect can be well masked by grinding, but not in all cases.

Mizukage (10). Dark area on the cutting part. The reason is several hardenings or coolings.

Shintetsu (11) Multiple polishing defect. An erased area of ​​the top layer of steel, under which the core of the sword appears. This is also metal fatigue.

Tsukare (12)(it's not in the picture). A sharpened sword from constant grinding and sharpening. Tired and old sword.

Rules for caring for a katana:

Like any expensive item, a katana needs care. There are several rules for its care, cleaning and polishing:

Notches remove with a polishing stone.

From old oil (camellias or carnations) and dirt clean with rice paper. Before cleaning, the paper is crumpled so as not to scratch the sword with small particles. If you don’t have rice paper on hand, you can clean the sword with a regular napkin without impurities or odors.

A dirty sword can be cleaned with lime. It has cleaning and polishing properties, and does not scratch the surface. Using a sheet of rice paper and chalk powder, you can scrub away any remaining oil and dirt.

After cleansing the blade is again opened with oils. You need to take a fresh sheet of paper or napkin. You cannot take essential oils (they are the most common in our open spaces). It must be applied in microscopic doses so that a thin film appears. In theory, two drops will be enough. Before returning the blade to its sheath, make sure that there is no excess oil left, otherwise dirt, dust and microcracks are guaranteed.

Frequency of repetition of procedures: once every 3 months, depending on the level of humidity in the air.

By the way, each sword can be safely break down into components:

  1. A wedge made of bamboo or horn that secures the blade in the handle. It is pulled out using a mekuginuki, which is somewhat reminiscent of a hammer.
  2. The blade itself, which can be seen in the picture below.

For those who like to do everything themselves: There is no need to disassemble the sword yourself; in the same way, you should remove rust yourself or polish the tang of old swords. This should be done by a specialist who can not only determine the age of the sword and its price, but also do everything correctly, without risk to the blade and your wallet.

This is what the sword looks like disassembled condition:

Legends and popular culture:

But where are we without legends? Everyone loves a good story. In mythology, there are a lot of mythical weapons, but just like our guests, the legends will be associated with it.

One of the ancient legends is the Kusanagi sword - a holy sword that was presented to the great Amaterasu by the god Susanoo, and also has its place among the Three Great Treasures of the Emperor. According to legend, the sword was obtained from the tail of an eight-headed dragon. It is believed that the sword controlled the element of wind and had destructive power.

Another notable sword was the Muramasa sword, a sword that "awakens bloodlust" which, according to legend, survived the ordeal of the lotus river by cutting the flowers into strips.

There are also many historically oriented legends, I will give a few of them below:

It was believed that the blades of the blacksmith Monju from Chikuzen (Heian period) had a distinctive feature: they were incredibly sharp. His hand belonged to the legendary sword Higegiri, which translates as Beard Carver. They called it that because when cutting off an enemy’s head, the samurai also cut off his beard (which only added to the coolness of the blade).

Another eerie blade is Hizamaru (“Lord of the Knees”), which, when cutting off the head of a condemned man, in addition to the head itself, also cut off the kneecaps.

Another super-sharp blade was called Azuki (“bean”), which cut bean grains on the fly. The sword belonged to the forge of master Nagamitsu from the Kamakura period.

During World War II, soldiers of the Japanese army were shown a pretentious and patriotic film designed to massively promote the country's military might. The film showed a master swordsman cutting the barrel of a machine gun in half.

In fact, it is still not known how true this film was, since its legend has not been refuted.

But it is worth indicating the source of this idea. And the idea of ​​cutting a weapon with a blade appeared back in the 17th century, when Ono Hankei cut a gun in half.

Of course, even an uninitiated person understands that the barrel of a machine gun is designed to withstand higher loads than the gun from the old legend. But nevertheless, it's still a beautiful wartime bike that you don't want to destroy.

However, if you suddenly want to see how “MythBusters” are trying to destroy this myth, then this video can be found somewhere in the depths of YouTube.

In 1662, the blade tester Yamano cut two corpses with his Shinto brainchild, which were stacked one on top of the other. But, no matter how cool it may sound, Yamano's achievement was not at all unique, because for complete success it was necessary to cut up four corpses. This was due to the ongoing military conflicts, which gave rise to a lot of rumors among the samurai specifically about the cutting of four corpses.

Another legend not only among swords, but also among masters. There was a maestro of knife and sword fighting, Kajiwara Nagato, who was so skilled that he cut a swallow in mid-flight in a jump. This was due not only to the great man’s colossal skills, but also to his incredibly sharp sword.

Pop culture and video games also like to speculate on “legendary” swords.

For example, manga and anime very often feature various forms of katana, knives and other pseudo-mythical blades.

In the One Piece anime, there are as many as five types of katanas, from cursed to enchanted, with a variety of big names. For example: Wado Ichimonji, Yubashiri, Black Sword and similar shiny pathos.

Also, comrades from Hollywood did not miss the Japanese theme, having recently shot the not-so-bad film “47 Ronin,” which is based on the legend of the same name. The number of legendary, fictional and simply beautiful katanas in one frame is off the charts. For lovers of beautifully choreographed battles, this is a must-see.

The Japanese, as befits people who are proud of their country, use many legends and myths in their mass culture, so if you suddenly want to see a heroic picture, go to the Japanese branch of the tracker.

In video games, they also don’t shy away from using swords left and right. For example, in the legendary series of games and anime Devil May Cry, there is an equally extensive arsenal of bladed weapons, of which we are interested in Yamato - the demonic katana that belonged to Dante's brother Virgil. She, like Dante's Rebel, is the legacy of Sparda, their demon father. According to the history of the Devil May Cry Universe, it is capable of opening and closing gates between the worlds of demons and humans.

In general, as you can see, the katana is not only a beautiful weapon, but also a very widespread mass cultural phenomenon, which with its brilliance and cold sophistication will not leave even the most hardened pacifist indifferent.

This article contains the history of this truly amazing weapon, its manufacturing intricacies, as well as advice to potential buyers.

But, first of all, as an author and adviser, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that each sword has its own soul. If you buy such an authentic type of weapon, then take the trouble to give it a name. By the way, this belief arose on the basis of samurai superstitions, dating back to the times of Ako and other districts. It was believed that the better the name for the blade, the more faithful the weapon will be to its owner. Therefore you will never see a bad name. In addition to Japan, the tradition of naming weapons was also widespread in Europe, in particular in the northern countries (Scandinavia, Germany, Finland, Norway). The local inhabitants, stern and cruel warriors, gave their swords, hammers, axes and halberds fearsome names. The most famous hammer from Scandinavia was Thor's hammer, and it had a slightly funny name - Mionmil.

As for where to buy, if you have enough money for a truly Japanese katana, then the Land of the Rising Sun is always happy to meet admirers of its culture. But, if you are just an admirer of the East, and do not have fabulous funds in stock, then our online store provides a wide selection of a wide variety of swords, including katanas.

And that is all. Thank you for your attention and time. May your blade be forever sharp.